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In Europe, grid operators are divided into transmission system operator (TSO) and distribution system

operator (DSO).

A Transmission System Operator (TSO) is an organization responsible for the efficient and reliable
transmission of electricity from generation plants via the power grid to regional or local electricity
distribution operators.

Roles and responsibilities of TSOs

 Control and operate the transmission grid and transport electricity to regional or local distribution
 Connect networks with neighboring countries and regulate cross-border electricity flows
 Ensure safe, reliable, and efficient energy supply
 Provide non-discriminatory access to networks for all stakeholders (सरोकारवाला)
 Manage the networks autonomously, from electricity production to sales
 Supervise system operations, upkeep (भरणपोषण), and infrastructure expansion according to regulations
 Enact (पारित) balancing services after markets have closed to ensure the security of energy supply at the
least cost. They use balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves to ensure supply is equal to
demand and to reduce the need for back-up generation.
 Procure ancillary (सहायक) services to guarantee system security. These can include: black start
capability (restarting the grid after a blackout); frequency response (maintaining system frequency); fast
reserve (providing additional energy when needed); and so on.

What is Distribution System Operator?

A Distribution System Operator (DSO) operates, manages, and sometimes owns the local and regional
energy distribution networks, which transport electricity to end users. The distribution grid consists of low
voltage networks (250-400 V) and medium voltage networks (6-50 kV).

Roles and Responsibilities of DSOs

 Assist in real time: track grid conditions (congestion, transformer load, voltage, and overall grid health)
and promptly deploy (तैनात,क्रियापद,फै लिनु)local assets in real-time to meet distribution system
 Coordinate local resources: oversee (निरीक्षण) all aspects linked to distributed energy resources (DERs)
management and flexible loads within a power supply portfolio. This covers net load forecasting,
scheduling, and determining compensation for resource proprietors (मालिक) and aggregators
 Operate overhead and underground cables leading to residences or businesses
 Leverage(लाभ) DERs’ value: enable the integration of local assets into the broader market and monetize
them for distribution-level grid services, i.e. capital investments, voltage maintenance, distribution
feeder load balancing, peak load mitigation, and backflow control
 Oversee local grid conditions while facilitating intricate (जटिल) interactions among energy resources
interconnected with the grid.

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