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Part 1

Section 1. Grammar /26 points/

Read the following sentences and choose the correct word for each gap /12x1=12/

1. That man made me feel very uncomfortable. He was staring ___ me the whole time we were there.
A. on B. from C. in D. to E. at
2. During the past few months, she ________new methods of eco-friendly agriculture in South America.
A. has been studying B. will have studied C. has been studied D. has to study E. studies
3. He couldn’t _______ the train home, he didn’t have any money!
A. has taken B. took C. have been taken D. have taken E. to take
4. The present day use of coal is very inefficient, _____ we should develop more efficient ways to use it.
A. because B. should C. in order to D. might E. therefore
5. __________ a university that can give you the professional training you want is an important decision.
A. To choose B. To be choosing C. Choosing D. You must choose E. The choice
6. We’re ____________ a pool party next Saturday. Would you like ____________?
A. going to have / to come C. having / have had come E. going to have/ coming
B. having / coming D. having / if you came
7. Paul has been working for our company ____ 2013 and he really does a great job!
A. since B. from C. for D. just E. in
8. Temulen is the first Mongolian Olympic athlete _____ father and grandfather were also Olympic athletes.
A. who B. when C. where D. whose E. why
9. That is the hospital _____ I was born.
A. Who B. Why C. Whose D. Where E. Whose
10. The new housing project __________ before the contract deadline so the owners are very happy.
A. is completed B. was completed C. will complete D. have completed E. completed

11. The students __________ to use calculators during the Math exam.
A. must B. can C. supposed D. have got to E. are allowed
12. _____ Sarah _____ her best friend Gale will be studying at a university in Irkutsk next September .
A. Either / and B. Neither / or C. Both / or D. Both / and E. Either / nor

Read the sentences and select the correct answer for each blank. /4x2=8/

13. “I really don’t remember what the teacher taught yesterday!” He said that _________
A. he hadn’t remembered what the teacher taught the day before.
B. he didn’t remember what the teacher had taught yesterday.
C. he couldn’t remember what the teacher taught.
D. he didn’t remember what the teacher had taught the previous day.
E. he really remembered what the teacher taught the day before.
14. _____ Peter climbs Mt. Fugi, he _____ all the highest peaks in Japan.
A. Since /will climb C. So / has been climbing E. After /will have climbed
B. After / has been climbed D. When / will climb
15. The flight to Moscow couldn’t leave on time_____ the terrible snow storm.
A. due B. because of C. because D. therefore E. so that
16. If I __________ that you were sick, I_______ you some homemade chicken soup.
A. know/ will have brought C. had known / will bring E. knew / would bring
B. had known / would have brought D. have known / would bring
Identify the error that should be corrected in the sentences or choose ‘no error’. /3x2=6/

17. People are complaining about inflation because the price in petrol has almost doubled since last year.

18. During their military training, new soldiers are not permission to leave the military base at the weekends.

19. Some people think that there have been too many mining exploration permits issued in Mongolia.
A B C D E – no error

Section 2. Vocabulary /32 points/

Read the sentences and complete the gaps with the most appropriate words. /9x2=18/

20. People really ____ Dr. Dorjsuren because he has written seven books on Mongolian history.
A. admiration B. admit C. admire D. admission E. account
21. Peter is going to join the ___________ because he wants to make his mother a vase for her birthday.
A. chorus club B. debate club C. pottery club D. school orchestra E. origami club
22. _______ is really important for a company so that they can tell people about their products.
A. addiction B. adaptation C. accomplish D. adventure E. advertising
23. I saw the most _____ circus today! The acrobats were amazingly talented.
A. intensity B. independent C. incredible D. irreparable E. insurance
24. The Admon company is building a new ______ to store all their books in.
A. warehouse B. guarantee C. lighthouse D. routine E. assignment
25. Temujin’s family is quite ______. They have a large flat in the city and a summer home in the country.
A. reputation B. invite C. roll model D. enjoyed E. wealthy
26. In order to do well on the university exam, you will have to ______ well for eighty minutes.
A. concentrate B. control C. contract D. command E. compare
27. Last Thursday there was a big _______ at the intersection next to the town square, several cars were involved.
A. admission B. accident C. ambition D. attention E. application
28. A relative of yours who lived several generations before you can be called a/an __________.
A. ancestor B. nephew C. niece D. generation E. sibling

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. /4x2=8/

29. I’m wondering if you can help me. Do you know anything _____ how to clear a computer hard drive?
A. for B. of C. from D. about E. with
30. If you take any ______ the books off the shelf, make sure you put them back before you leave.
A. for B. of C. from D. about E. with
31. My grandparents rely ________ me to get water from the well for them twice a week.
A. to B. for C. with D. on E. off
32. To make a cake, first you combine flour and sugar _____ water and eggs.
A. to B. for C. with D. at E. of

Choose the correct word for each definition. /3x2=6/

33. Having many types of cultures living in one society is called _____________.
A. diversity B. social media C. cyber addiction D. criticize E. positive feedback
34. A negative effect of spending an excessive amount of time online is called _________ .

A. diversity B. social media C. cyber addiction D. criticize E. positive feedback

35. Comments that encourage and support people are called _____________.
A. Diversity B. social media C. cyber addiction D. criticize E. positive feedback
Section 3. Communication /10 points/

Choose the correct word to complete the text. /5x2=10/

There are many parts in a house and perhaps the most important one is the (36)_____ on
the top of the house because it protects the entire building from precipitation. Of course there are many
(37) _____ in the house which divide the space into separate rooms. Sometimes houses with two or more
stories may have a (38)_______ which you can walk out on and enjoy the view. Under some houses there
are rooms built into the ground that are called the (39) ______. If there is enough space on the property,
people may also build a (40) _______ where they can park their cars safely.

36. A balcony B. roof C. garage D. walls E. basement

37. A. balcony B. roof C. garage D. walls E. basement
38. A. balcony B. roof C. garage D. walls E. basement
39. A. balcony B. roof C. garage D. walls E. basement
40. A. balcony B. roof C. garage D. walls E. basement

Section 4. Reading /12 points/ 15 min

Read the text and choose the best answer. /6x2=12/

Amazing structures

Bridges are a natural part of our everyday life. They are used to cross a variety of obstacles such as a river, a
sea, a valley a road or a railway line. There are many different designs that each serve a particular purpose and apply
to different situations. Their design and construction vary depending on their function. For example, by their use
they can be pedestrian bridges, train bridges or car and truck bridges and they can be made of many materials such
as wood, concrete, steel or stone.

The most common types of bridges are the beam, the arch and the suspension bridge. These are all named
for the kind of engineering forms they have. The main difference between these types of bridges is the distances
between one vertical support and another. Some bridges can cross an obstacle in a single span, while others need
many spans to cover the same distance. They may also differ from each other by the type of material that is used to
build them and by different architectural features.

The beam bridge is basically a horizontal structure that rests on two supports, one at each end. The weight
of the beam pushes straight down on the piers. The further apart the piers, the weaker the beam becomes. They’re
usually made of concrete or steel. Beam bridges rarely span more than sixty meters.

The arch bridges use arches as the main structural component. An arch bridge doesn’t need any additional
supports or cables. There are many arch bridges built by the romans two thousand years ago, which are still standing
today. They are real proof of the effectiveness of an arch as a bridge structure. Modern arch bridges can span up to
three hundred meters.

The most elegant and beautiful of all bridges is the suspension bridge. Modern suspension bridges usually
have two tall towers joined by cables. The bridges hang from these cables. This means that the towers support the
majority of the bridge’s weight. These bridges can have the longest spans – up to two thousand meters.

41. In the article, which of the items below is not listed as one of the functions for bridges?
A. People walking across B. automobiles driving across C. transporting types of material

D. trains using them E. trucks driving across

42. The highlighted word span in the text is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. cross B. effectiveness C. component D. obstacle E. build
43. Which type of bridge has ancient examples of its effectiveness?
A. Beam B. Arch C. Common D. Pedestrian E. Suspension

44. Which type of bridge can cross the farthest distance?

A. Beam B. Arch C. Common D. Pedestrian E. Suspension

45. The names of the types of bridges tell us about ____________.

A. the location of the bridge B. the possible uses for the bridge C. who built the bridge
D. the way the bridge was built E. the obstacle the bridge crosses
46. Which item below might be the cause of a beam becoming weak?
A. The kind of material it is made of B. the height of the towers C. different architectural features
D. The weight pushing down on the piers E. The distance between the two piers


/20 points/

2.1. Fill in the blanks (a-e) with a suitable word from the list./5x1=5/

a. The Gobi desert is ____, and stretches nearly across the entire north of China.

b. When migrating gazelles reach a river or lake on their journey, they can ___ their thirst

c. Mongolia has several types of _______, some are desert, some mountainous and some forests.

d. We hiked along a _____, which is a long, narrow hilltop.

e. The Altai mountain range in western Mongolia is beautiful and impressive. It has been described by some

travelers as absolutely _______.

1. ridge 2. dominate 3. brook 4. vast 5. quench 6. splendid 7. ecosystem

2.2. Complete the (a-e) statements with the phrases (1-7). There are two extra items that you don’t need to
use. /5x2=10/

a. Please, go ahead and tell me all about your trip to Paris, ______________!

b. __________, the train station is situated right next the Transportation museum.

c. I’m so sorry, that was ______. I meant to return your dictionary to you yesterday.

d. Hey, ______ where does our friend Jack live now?

e. We would like to give you this national achievement award ____ all the people your discovery has helped.

1. my mistake

2. I couldn’t care less

3. Well, you never know

4. you have my full attention

5. If memory serves me right

6. out of curiosity

7. on behalf of

2.3. Match the emotions (a-e) with their descriptions (1-7). There are two extra items that you don’t need.


a. Confused
b. Depressed
c. In a good mood
d. Worried.
e. Excited.
1. Feeling sorry because of what you have done.
2. Nervous and unsure about what might happen.
3. Feeling very negative and sad.
4. Having strong feelings of emotion.
5. Feeling quite tired
6. Not sure what you should do because you don’t understand.
7. Feeling quite positive.

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