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Our mission is to reach out in worship, education, fellowship and service to all.

Fountain Hills, AZ
From Our Pastor HOME BY ANOTHER WAY Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly. . . saying, Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him bring me word, that I too may come and worship him. . . When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy; and going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way. (Mt. 2:7-12, RSV) The three wise men had been faithful . They had journeyed long under starlight. If legend is correct, they were kings in their own lands. And, if so, they had indeed paid a kings ransom to folContinued on page 3...

December 2011


Sunday Wednesdays Nov. 27th Nov. 30, Dec 7, 14, 21 Dec. 3rd 9:00 am Worship Service 1st Sunday of Advent Into the Light: Praise

5:45 pm

The Journey Walking the Road to Bethlehem (dinner & multi-media opportunity for spiritual growth) All-Church Christmas Decorating All-Church Chili Dump Meal in Fellowship Center Living Nativity at Lighting of the Avenue Worship Service 2nd Sunday of Advent Into the Light: Watch Worship Service 3rd Sunday of Advent Into the Light: Wait Worship Service 4th Sunday of Advent Choir Presentation: Welcome to Our Wondering Sight Receive Christmas Joy Offering (Special Offering) Progressive Caroling Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service


10:00 am 12:00 noon 5:00 pm 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Dec. 4th Dec. 11th Dec. 18th

Saturday Sunday

Dec. 24th Dec. 25th

TBA 7:00 pm

10:00 am

Special Christmas Day Worship Service

In Touch
Pastor/Head of Staff

page 2

Focus on Finance
Oct. Income Oct. Expense $ 30,150 $ 33,010 Budget Budget $ 31,412 $ 31,670

Rev. Stan Jones

Parish Associate

Debby DeBernardi
Director Christian Formation

Marta Ludwig
Administrative Coordinator

Yr to date Income

$ 300,966

Budget Budget

$ 280,582 $ 287,793

Debbie Fisher
Director of Music Ministry

Yr to date Expense $ 289,164 Difference $ 11,802

Dorothy Parris

Lynn Medley

CHURCH TREASURER Bud Fuls CHURCH SESSION Class of 2011 Norm Collins Peggy Linkin Letha Neely Helen Roesch Class of 2012 John Brockelman Susan Phillips Terri Schmidt John Wyman Class of 2013 Charlie Eberspacher Susan Owens Jim Roy Donna Yordy BOARD OF DEACONS Moderator: Ruby Pearson Class of 2011 Ralph Berry Bud Fuls Linda Maples Chandler Roesch Class of 2012 Ben Fast Ruby Pearson Bev Watters Chris Young Class of 2013 Yvonne Ellingson Sandy Heunisch John Schopbach Donna Sims ****** Rev. Glenn Atchinson
Pastor Emeritus

October income was slightly under budget, while expenses slightly exceeded budget, but both well within the overall financial control at this point in our operating budget year. Year to date figures continue to reflect a positive income/expense ratio which should carry throughout the remainder of the year. Respectfully, Bud Fuls, Treasurer

On the Inside:
From Our Pastor. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . Focus on Finance .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . Mission Ministry . . . . Rummage Sale: Needs Help . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . CLAF: A Night at the AZ Opry .. ... Church Picnic .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. . . Cookbook on Sale.. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . Not Yet a Member ? .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . Presbyterian Women .. . .. . . . .. . .. . Christian Formation Elder . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . Director of Christian Formation.. .. .. .. . . .. . . Concert 2012 Series .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . ... How Strong is your Faith?.. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . Music Ministry. . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Library Footnotes.. .. . .. . . . . . . .. Need Accurate Addresses .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. Necrology for 2011 .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . December Birthdays .. . . .. .. . Flag Dedication . .. .. . . . .. . .... . . . . ... .. .. . . ... .. .. . . 1 2 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 .

See if you can find the error!

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Continued from page 1 ...From

December 2011
Our Pastor

low the star, turning their backs on the life they had known and banking everything on the ancient promise that a star shall come out of Jacob (Num. 24:17). And now at long last, the payoff! Now under the brilliant clear light of that most unusual star they were finally ushered into the presence of the Great Majesty they had come all that way to honor. . . only to find him a newborn child. We might suppose they were stunned; but the text doesnt show it. Surely he was other than they expected; yet the story gives no evidence of it. It appears that simply and without hesitation, they fell down and worshiped him. The absence of disappointment speaks volumes. There must have been something profoundly compelling about the child. . . Something that would confirm their expectations even as it confounded their assumptions. . . Something that would so claim their hearts that it would demand their offerings. . . Something that would seismically transform the geography
Many churches invite their members to help prepare the church for Advent and Christmas. Some call the event the Hanging of the Greens. Pine or fir branches, holly, pine cones, candles, colorful cloths or ribbons and an Advent wreath are used for decorations. A tree with Chrismons hanging on it is often placed somewhere in the sanctuary. Some churches add a new decoration to the sanctuary each week during the season. The custom of displaying a Nativity scene in the chancel dates from the early 1600s. The tradition started in Ger-

of their world forever. . . From that moment on the star they followed would traverse the galaxy of their hearts, directing their journey through life ever and always by another way, a way heedless of the directives of the Herods of this world. If were faithful to the season, each Advent we reenact this pilgrimage of the Magi in our own lives. If were paying attention, we once again follow the star through the darkness that has suffused our hearts over the past year. In this sense, it is the same for us now as it was for them then. And in this sense, the truth now is as it was then. If we search diligently for the child we will be led to him. And once we have seen him in the starlight, the way home will ever and always be by another way. May God guide each of us as we follow the star through the Advent Season this year. Grace and Peace,

many. It is thought that the first live Nativity scenein church live animals and people representing shepherds and wise men gathered at an outdoor mangerbegan with St. Francis of Assisi around the year 1220.


We have created a new Facebook page that is better than our initial trial site. PLEASE LOOK FOR THIS PHOTO OF THE CROSS IN FRONT OF THE ATRIUM for the correct page. Please sign up again as a friend there. When you are there also click on the like it Hopefully you will like it. icon.

When you do that you will get news feeds directly from our site whenever anything new is added. It is just another way to stay connected.

In Touch

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Mission Ministry
Please make The Christmas Joy Offering is Sunday December 18th 2011 Good News of GREAT Joy We are blessed here at FHPC with Church Leaders who truly care about us. When the burdens of life become too heavy to bear alone, we know we can rely on our Church staff for support. With the CHRISTMAS JOY OFFERING we will be able to help provide families of active and retired Presbyterian church workers help by meeting unexpected needs through the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions. The enduring legacy of the CHRISTMAS JOY OFFERING also provides much needed scholarship assistance to Presbyterian students in 6 schools and colleges, one which is right in Tempe, Arizona. With the burden of their educational debt reduced, todays Presbyterian students and future church leaders are more freely able to discover and pursue their professional goals. Look for the annual CHRISTMAS JOY OFFERING envelope on December 18th and please give generously.

The FHPC Angel Tree A part of your Christmas Tradition. A ministry where YOU can help a child in need.
No child ever chooses to live in poverty. These are the innocents. They are not responsible for their familys reduced circumstances, yet they must live each day of their young lives in ways that most of us would find appalling and unbearable. The Angel Tree attempts to bring some sunshine into their dreary lives at Christmas time a time when every other good little boy or girl they know receives a visit from Santa Claus. The Angel Tree provides much needed clothing items, special needs gifts and other wished-for toys to Fountain Hills neediest children. These gifts in truth give poor children food for the soul the hope of a brighter future and the reassurance that someone does indeed care about them. The Angel Tree only accepts children submitted through local agencies in Maricopa County and a few select schools in Fountain Hills, We do not accept individual requests. If it is too late to participate with the agencies that we work with (they submit registrations to us in August), we suggest you contact The Empty Stocking Fund, Toys for Tots or The Salvation Army to see if they are still taking applications. Visit the Angel Tree in the Narthex to see a needy childs gift wish. The wishes, along with the childs first name and age, are printed on Angel wish cards hung from the tree. The wishes include a variety of toys and clothing-dolls, games, red wagons, trucks, radios, warm coats, underwear, socks and shoes. Shoppers choose a particular childs Angel wish card, purchase the gift requested, then return the gift to the tree. The due date will be on your card. The Angel Tree volunteers will process it and see that it gets packed on Santas sleigh for Christmas delivery to the child. If you are unable to shop for a gift yourself, but would like to contribute, donations are always gratefully accepted through the church office. Also if you are unable to wrap your gift our youth will be happy to do that for you. Perhaps you would like to have the same child as last year? If they are still on the list we can help you locate that child. The Angel Tree begins every year on the day after Thanksgiving. Many Blessings and Thanks in advance for making the Angel Tree a success for 2011! FHPC Mission Team.

Things to remember to bring to the Mission Table on Sunday mornings.....

Box Tops for Education Betty Crocker Coupons Campbell Soup Labels (UPC label only) Small toiletries

Just Coffee. Is now available for purchase in both regular and decaf coffee in whole bean or ground form in one pound packages. You will always be drinking this years crop, freshly roasted days before it is shipped to us. This coffee is USDA Certified Organic. The proceeds from 1 lb.$15 your pur3 lbs . $40 chase of Just Coffee will be designated for : CARE-FH and SUPPORT OUR TROOPS.

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December 2011

The Support Your Troops Project has been so well supported this year by the Church that I cannot thank one and all enough. By the end of this month, all 75 Holiday Boxes, the most I have ever sent, hopefully will be all packed and ready for pickup to be delivered to the local post office for shipping the first week of December. The Signed Christmas Cards Campaign was a huge success and I will let you know in next months newsletter just how many cards were placed in each box. Just imagine when these

boxes are opened and a whole bunch of signed Christmas cards are one of the first things that is seen and what a warm fuzzy feeling they will make for our Troops. All of the boxes will be sent to our deployed Troops in Afghanistan except for one to Iraq, one to Korea and one to Kuwait, and for the first time, nearly a dozen boxes will be sent to female troops. Please remember to keep all our Troops in your thoughts and prayers this holiday season. Current Needed Items batteries, small foot powders and small shower gels. - Donna Sims

A Christmas tapestry
Christmas reminds us we are not alone. We are not unrelated atoms, bouncing and ricocheting amid aliens, but are a part of something, which holds and sustains us. As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, comppounded by Decembers bad weather, it is good to be reminded that there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation, and people to whom we are worth the same. Christmas shows us the ties that bind us together, threads of love and caring, woven in the simplest and strongest way within the family. -Donald E. Westlake
The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

The first meeting for the members who are cochairing the departments at the rummage sale will be January 7th at 10:30 A.M. One person from each department will need to be present. This will be an important organizational meeting. Please mark this date on your calendars. More information will be in the January newsletter.

Congregational Life & Fellowship

Decorating our campus Saturday, December 3, 2011 at 10:00AM The Chili Dump Lunch
town The best in town
Bring a pot of chili todumpor a dessert Well supply condiments and more!
Join us please! All are invited to help decorate the church campus for Advent and Christmas. Please come to the Fellowship Center at 10:00 AM on Saturday, December 3. Plan to stay for the Chili Dump afterwards. Any questions, call the church office at 837-1763.

In Touch

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Congregational Life & Fellowship

A Night at The Arizona Opry - A New Congregational Life and Fellowship Event
CLAF is introducing a new form of social outing in April of 2012. The ad below describes what we have planned namely, an evening together at the Barleen Arizona Opry in Apache Junction. If you like it, we will arrange more such events at other entertainment venues in the future. For this trial outing, we have reserved seats for 40 people on the evening of April 12, 2012. Our group will be sitting together at tables with a very good view of the stage.. Norm Collins has volunteered to coordinate this event and will be selling tickets starting on December 4th, following worship services. Tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Once those forty seats are sold, Norm will take requests for additional tickets and do his best to fill them through the Opry ticket office. However, at this point we cannot promise these requests will be filled. The total cost of the evening will be $29 per person. Please plan to pay Norm for your tickets by check (made out to FH Presbyterian Church, with the words AZ Opry Night on the memo line). We would have preferred to use a bus for round trip transportation for everyone, but after contacting a few companies we found this would add $15-20 per person to the cost. The bus idea was then abandoned for this event. Instead, you must provide your own transportation. We would encourage carpooling in groups of 4, or more, so that people who do not drive at night can be included.. One final point: This is definitely a family rated outing and groups from many other churches attend. However, because most of the music will be golden oldies and because the total amount of time spent driving, dining and watching the show will be nearly six hours, this might not be a good choice for younger children.

***** Join the Fun!!! *****

April 10 2012
w Sho ety * s, ari ****** Twin V en an

A Night

Get your tickets:

December 4 following Worship Services

The Arizona Opry

Showroom in Apache Junction

$29 per person

Re ser ved T *** *** ables Ro * as

e c a rl usi & e B er M Th kel y ast taer pr M S aO ge on or Ge Ariz d n e Ba Th



tB Di e nn ef wi er th De sse rt

page 7

December 2011

Men's Fellowship
All men of Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church are welcome and invited to participate in the Mens Fellowship. Members, affiliate members, non-members and the curious are all accepted. The focus of the Mens Fellowship, besides the obvious that it is for men, is the emphasis on fellowship. This is an opportunity to get acquainted with other men in the Church and form lasting friendships. For those men who have become a part of FHPC in the last two years, we extend a special welcome and hope you will join us soon. Upcoming activities of the Mens Fellowship include decorating the Church for the Christmas and Advent season on December 3. We hope you read this before that date. A short meeting will begin at 9am, to be followed immediately with decoration. Upon completion of the decoration, a traditional chili dump will be served, to which all the Church family is invited provided you bring some chili to dump in the pot. And even if you dont, you will still be encouraged to eat. The next regular monthly meeting of the Mens Fellowship will occur on Saturday, January 14, 2012 at 9am in the Fellowship Hall. A breakfast will be served and a small donation will be requested. After breakfast, we expect to have a short period of discussion about prospective activities for the remainder of the calendar year. Then you can sip on your coffee cup and talk for as long as you can find someone to listen. The Mens Fellowship will be responsible for the Worship Service on Sunday, January 22. We need volunteers to participate in the various parts of the Service and additional voices in what will be, for that day only, a Mens Choir. If you are inspired and wish to present the message that morning, please let Art Spalding or Phil Katz know. Lastly for now, the Mens Fellowship will present a Valentines Brunch at 10am on Saturday, February 11, 2012. This traditional event, in honor and appreciation of all the lovely and forgiving ladies of the Church, will require some male volunteers, but the food will be catered. Entertainment is planned.

A time to share
Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to him as a love gift. ...Offer the blessing back to him in a deliberate act of worship. If you hoard a thing for yourself, it will turn into spiritual dry rot, as the manna did when it was hoarded. God will never let you hold a spiritual thing for yourself; it has to be given back to him that he may make it a blessing to the others. - Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest
The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

While they were sleeping

It was an evening like any other. Ordinary men were doing an ordinary job. Shepherds were keeping watch over their flock by night (Luke 2:8). Was it chilly? Were they tired? When angels appeared with news of a Savior, had the shepherds been talking about their troubles or sharing a good joke? How quickly, how mysteriously, how unexpectedly an ordinary night became the turning point of human history. How remarkable that God chose to set his great rescue plan in motion when only a young couple was paying attention and only a few shepherds were awake. Gods work is sometimes so secret we may wonder if Hes there or if he cares. The Christmas story tells us that God works out breathtaking plans for our lives in the dark, often while were sleeping or going about our ordinary routines.
-The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

Its Here! Its Here! FHPC Cookbook

The cost for the cookbook is a bargain at $15.00. There is also a limited number of cookbook stands which sell for $1. In addition to getting a cookbook for yourself, we encourage you to purchase books for others on your Christmas and birthday lists! Remember the profits will support our Sunday Fellowship. - CLAF Committee

Not Yet A Member?

If you are interested in joining our church family, please see or call Susan Phillips at 480-837-1225 or call the church office at 480-837-1763.

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In Touch

December 2011 page 8

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team for 2010-2011 Moderator: Ilene Berg Mission Coordinator: Mary Alice Bivens Vice-Moderator (Program): Jan Hoff Historian: Barbara Oakeson Secretary: Linda Warren Membership/Yearbook Coordinator: Maria Berry Treasurer: Maria Berry Bible Study Coordinator: Evelyn Hrunek Publicity: Letha Neely
Coordinating Team December 2nd meeting, at 9 A.M. held in the Adult Center. Meditation will be given by Jan Hoff. Morning Circle meets December 8th, 2011 at 9 A.M. in Adult Center. Bible study will be led by Pat Tuttle on Greatly Honored Are Those Who Are Famished & Parched for Justice. Meditation: Gerry Hull. Evening Circle meets on Tuesday, December 27th at 7 P.M. in the home of Donna Yordy. The Co-hostess will be Jeanene Schopbach.
Maria Berry has the Bible Study.

BIBLE STUDY HELP FOR 2012 Schedule for Bible Study Leaders meetings with Stan Jones in the Adult Center at 10:30 A.M. are: Lesson 6 January 26, 2012 Lesson 7February 23, 2012 Lesson 8 March 22, 2012 Lesson 9 April 26, 2012 High-lights of the trip to Winslow & Leupp. On October 21st, 59 Presbyterian women boarded a bus at the Valley Presbyterian Church and headed to Winslow & Leupp.

George Willie, Srone of the Code Talkers during World War II , and his wife Emma Jean. George Willie, drafted at the age of 18, in 1942, was 1 of 8 Marines in his group that was assigned to be a Code Talker. His daughter, Annabelle, spoke at length on his training, and of the various European locations he was stationed. George was discharged in 1946. Norma Mc Cade gave a very interesting talk of her earlier days in Christianity. Her family would walk several miles to a neighbors, where they would read, late into the night, from the Navajo Bible. They walked 6 miles to attend their Church.

Our first stop was in Winslow at the Quality Inn. After an excellent dinner we were bused to their church. Where we were given a short history of Winslow and the Church. A good share of the service was singing hymns lead by Rev. Linda Worsnopaccompanied by her playing the guitar. After Saturday mornings breakfast, we once again boarded the bus and traveled to Leupp, to attend their church which stands, alone, out in the country . We were greeted by

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In Touch

Decemberpage 8 2011

Once a year they held a Singing Inspiration. She finished her talk with a prayer given in her Native tongue. Come 2:00 on Saturday afternoon, we boarded the bus for home. For some unknown reason, our bus driver took the LONG way home (maybe it was a Trick or Treat??)thus a 3 hour trip turned into a 6 hour trip. Heard several interesting comments regarding the route taken home. Fun week-end!! FALL GATHERINGJan Hoff reported that there were many positive responses on the program, A Place Called Home. These pictures tell you the success of this evening with Sharon Morgan and the students that made the trip to El Salvador.


Letha Neely


Out to lunch will be on Wednesday, December 21st at 12:00 noon. It will be at Fire Rock Country Club which is always so pretty at the holiday time. Call Arlene Olsen at 837-4271 for reservations.

Mary Alice Bivens has reported that, Dorothy Rudack, a Rotary member is recruiting volunteers from several local groups to be Bell Ringers for the Salvation Army. Donations that are collected will be distributed by the Salvation Army to people in the Fountain Hills area who are in crisis. Pastor Iverson (Extended Hands Food Bank), oversees the disbursement of the funds by providing vouchers to Fountain Hills families who have been qualified.

Hooked on Books will meet on

Wed. Dec. 21st at the home of Elsie Hoffarber at 10 am.. All who attend are asked to bring a wrapped (new or gently used) book for an exchange. Be prepared to describe the book to the recipient. Also, any who desire may share a short Christmas reading with the group. If you have questions, call Barbara Wyman.

In Touch

page 10

Christian Formation
Christian Formation
As Advent Season is upon us Terri Schmidt, Elder there are many things to look forward to. Not only is it the season to count our blessings and show others of our love, we have many fun things planned for our Church family. Here are some of the things going on in our Christian Formation Programming department.

Mens Bible Study

Want to wake up studying the word and having fellowship with other men? Thursday mornings at 7:00am John Bivens leads the bible study for men. They are going to finish their study of Samuel, then after the first of the year the men will decide what new subject they want to study. Come and join the men at 7:00am on Thursday mornings in the Adult Center.

Christmas Eve
We will have the Living Nativity again on Christmas Eve. This year we have asked Josh Jablonsky to be our Joseph and Leah Carillo to be our Mary. This will be another memorable service. Be sure and come and join us. Well that is what I have to tell you about this month. I just want to leave you with this.We are a Christian Nation and I will be the first in line to defend our right to celebrate the birth of our Christ and the right to tell others of it. So join me this Christmas time in showing others of our love and compassion. ~Laugh Loudly~Laugh Long Laugh Wholly~ Terri Schmidt

It is that time of the year again when we ask those of you with Safeway cards to re-register them so the church gets a percentage of money back. This is something that needs to be done annually. You can go on line and do this yourself or Sandy Heunisch will be happy to help you sign up again. We also have rechargeable Fry cards for sale. These are regular gift cards that you can keep adding money to. For the money that is spent from your gift card, we get a percentage back. These also make great gift ideas for Christmas to those people you dont know what to give. The money that comes from registering these cards goes to help with different projects with the youth.

Pastor Bills Bible Study

We meet every Sunday morning at 10:30 in the Adult Classrooms. We are studying the book of Mark. It has been a most interesting study. We have followed Jesus journey and the many lessons and parables he told his disciples the last weeks of his life. If you are interested in joining in on these exciting and informational lessons, we meet after fellowship on Sunday mornings. We look forward to hearing everyones remarks on the gospel of Mark.

Kome To Koffee Klatch We are in the midst of gathering around William Wilberforces great book, Real Christianity. He describes the difference, which is from his own personal experience, between cultural Christianity and real Christianity. You will recall that he is the one who almost single-handedly brought about the end of the British slave trade. He was all his life, since age 21, a member of the British parliament. We are currently comparing cultural and real Christianity with cultural and real marriage. We do some real sharing, so it is not merely a conceptual, abstract trip. Come join us! We meet Tuesdays at 9:00 A.M. in the Adult Education Center. Rev. Stan Jones

Wednesday Evening Family Night

We begin our Wednesday evening Family Night at 5:45pm with dinner, then at 6:30 we split up and go to our classes. We have something for everyone from preschool through Adult. We will begin our Advent study on Wednesday November 30th and continue on through December 21st. Then we will begin our Wednesday evenings again after the first of the year. We are trying something new. We are having Phils Place cater our meals. We are charging $5.00 per person to cover the expenses. We are asking you to bring a dessert on occasion. So please come and join in on our Family nights. We have fun learning and the fellowship with the others from our Church family is very relaxing.

We are planning an afternoon/ evening of caroling on December 18th. This is open to all who want to go caroling with us. We are planning something fun to correspond with this; we are working out the details to do a Progressive Caroling. The time and details will be announced at a later date. We will announce this in the Bulletin and an email blast. Please save the date, we are going to have a good time. Come and join us.

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December 2011

From the Director of Christian Formation

Wired for Success Workshop What an experience to have 35 people sign up from various schools and churches to attend the workshop! The educators were especially thankful to have a
Debby DeBernardi, Director

workshop that they could receive continuing education hours without having to travel to Phoenix. So, I have already talked to a presenter about bringing two other opportunities in 2012 to FHPC for educators, parents and caregivers about gender differences and the teen-age brain. Our workshop presenter, Patti Phillips, will be trying to obtain a grant for these! Patti Phillips, presenter The latest neuroscience findings were translated into clear explanations and practical suggestions for

Live Nativity with Petting Stable and Carolers will add a touch of the real meaning of Christmas at the Lighting of the Avenue, Saturday, December 3rd from 5:00 7:30 pm. Thank you to every adult and youth who helped to offer this gift to our community. We are so blessed to have builders, artists, crafters, people willing to interact with families in character and costume, carolers and animals! Watch for pictures in the next newsletter!

healthy brain development . All showed how the way we care for our youngest has the power to shape and influence a child's life and future! As you can see from the pictures, we had a great time learning!

Youth are seeking service hours to gain scholarship money for attending a Week-end Winter Camp with the theme, Drawing Near to Christ, January 20-22. They will also be raising money for the 30 Famine in February and for a summer leadership mission trip.

What to give?
To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all men, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.
-The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

In Touch
Tickets for the Entertainment Concert Series 2012
The Entertainment Concert Series at the F.H. Presbyterian Church will start single ticket purchases for all shows on December 4th. Ticket sales kick off at 8:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Center on Sundays and again at 10:00 until 10:15 a.m.. You can also purchase tickets at the church office during the week 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 P.M. NO CREDIT CARDS Season tickets are also still available for all six shows. Church phone # 480-837-1763.

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Dear Rev Good,

Church Picnic

On Sunday, January 29th from 3:00 to 6:00 P.M., there will be a picnic in the afternoon at McDowell Park. The entire congregation is invited so mark that date on your calendars. More information will be in the January newsletter.


On behalf of the Church Women United in Arizona,, I thank you for providing the host church for this years World Community Day celebration. Your lovely Fellowship Hall, and women who served on the committee, those who served refreshments, contributed to a warm and spiritual experience for all of us. I hope this will be the catalyst for Fountain Hills women to continue this ecumenical connection. Peace be with you, Lorna Bennett

How Strong is your faith? 2025 The Guardian, an end times thriller, follows the life of eighteenyear-old Daniel Jordan and his family as America changes directions. (First in a trilogy.) What if Americans are required to join a world monetary system in which they receive an identity number to buy and sell? What if in the search for world peace a one-world religion based on mutual respect causes Christians to be persecuted, churches to be closed and the Bible to outlawed?

What if the government passes new health - care initiatives limiting end of life care in order to save the economy from an aging population? Families are challenged whether to be good citizens and follow the new laws or follow the teaching of Jesus Christ. One will put their souls in jeopardy. The other may cause them to be homeless, unable to work or buy food. Its 2025. What choices would you make? Fountain Hills author Sylvia Burke, a Bible student and teacher, presents 2025 to stir up our faith. Books are available from the author or

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December 2011

Music Ministry
I hope you are all having a healthy and happy season with love, friendship and family around you! There are so many blessings which do surround us, and so much room in our hearts to appreciate and celebrate God's gifts. I certainly appreciate the gift of hard work by our amazing choir and accompanists as we prepare to present a cantata with a most sophisticated setting. We'll present the Bradley Ellingboe work entitled "Welcome To Our Wondering Sight," with all the instrumental solo work featuring the most fabulous Larry Linkin on clarinet. Our soprano soloist will be Peggy Linkin. The narrations are compiled and written by our own Pastor, Bill Good. This is a complicated, yet transcending work which will have a harp voice accompaniment by Caryl Bates on the organ. This presentation will be on December 18, during our worship service, the last Sunday of the Advent season. Christmas Eve will bring a wonderful selection of Lessons and Carols, along with the beautiful Christmas selections by Dorothy Parris and Caryl Bates, and the choral anthem, "Sleep Holy Child" with Jackie Miles on violin. Christmas Day will bring the joy of harmony abounding on "Go Tell It On the Mountain" and "Mary's Boy Child" featuring the lovely voice of Joan Atchinson, including Letha Neely and myself in harmony, along with other wonderful Christmas Hymns declaring Jesus birth, the best gift of all. The Pearwood Recorders will present music in our advent season. We are excited to be adding Kris Peluso into the group. She is such a fine reader, as evident by her 4 in hand bell ringing with our Celebration Ringers for so many years. She and Mike McWethy ring 4 in hand with such skill. Mike is recovering from a slight puncture on the hand which led to surgery for a severed tendon, which is why he was in a cast up in the choir loft, unable to play saxophone in our worship service, or help put the bell tables away! He had 4 in hand for the Thanksgiving worship service, given permission by his Dr. as good therapy. Now that he's back in the swing of things we should be hearing him play sax and see him carrying bell tables. Good therapy! Here's hoping you all have a safe and joyous season, and a warm heart as you experience God's love and comfort. Deborah Fisher Director of Music Ministries For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Power, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9: 6

ATTENTION, SINGERS-(a message from Barb Wyman). We need carolers while our church presents the live nativity scene on Avenue of the Fountains Saturday night December 3rd. We'll be singing between 5 and 7:30 pm. Barb Wyman- will have words available for all but carolers must bring their own flashlights. This is your chance to share and create Christmas joy , so please come and sing for as long as you can spare the time or as long as your voice holds out!! See you on the avenue! Merry Christmas! Barb

"I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of the FHPC family for the prayers and lovely cards and phone calls during this past month. My heart has been fixed with a total of four stents in two different arteries and I am already feeling so much better. Thank you my dear friends. With love, Marilyn Chaddock"

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In Touch

August 2011 page 14

Library Footnotes
In October Gary and I traveled to Elkhart, Indiana to participate in the 50th year celebration of our former church, Hillcrest United Methodist. We were members during the 26 years we lived in that area and I worked on developing a church library there also. It had been 12 years since we had gone back to visit and shortly after walking in to the narthex, one of the church members greeted me. She thanked me for providing Michael Motts book about Thomas Merton from the church library for her over 15 years ago and went on to say how meaningful it had been. I was ecstatic over the fruits of my labors and still experience a warm glow when I think about what she shared with me. Parishioners are not storming the Library doors for books about or by Thomas Merton, so it is good news when someone is up to the challenge. Last month Stan Jones reviewed Real Christianity by William Wilberforce and it is one of those special books that can make a difference in your life. Following is a review by Stan of another really good book, What Good is God? by Philip Yancey. I challenge you to come to our Church Library and find the book that will speak to you and strengthen your faith. - Barbara Oakeson by Philip Yancey Another provocative and informative book has landed in our church library: What Good Is God?, by Philip Yancey. It is a book in search of a faith that matters. Yancey has devoted his life to going to events and people in our times that have evoked the deepest human perplexities, to see if God was there in any meaningful way. He begins with a chapter titled, Where Is God When It Hurts? He interviews students who where present at the tragedy at Virginia Tech, the massacre of 32 students and faculty by a disturbed Korean student. He interviews Matt Rogers, a campus pastor there. His next stop is China. He tells why he believes that China may become the next great Christian nation: there is a great spiritual hunger. He then interviews professional sex workers in Green Lake Wisconsin. Next is a chapter on C.S. Lewis at Cambridge, who was looked on with disdain by his fellow professors for his vital faith. Then he recalls what he calls his own student daze, attending a fundamentalist Bible college in the South, where they taught him legal minutiae, but not Gods grace. Then it is on to South Africa, racial injustice in Memphis, the current foreclosure and financial crisis, Christians at risk in the Middle East, Misfits in Chicago, and ending in Grace Under Fire in Mumbai. I highly recommend it! - Stan Jones

What Good Is God?

Information about flags

Only the President and Governors of the State can order flags on government buildings to be flown at half staff. When a flag is no longer serviceable or repairable, it should be destroyed in a dignified manner, such as burning.

It is acceptable to wash or dry clean an American flag when it is soiled or otherwise dirty. You do not have to destroy a flag that has touched the ground. If it becomes dirty, the flag should be cleaned. The Flag Code does not prohibit any individual from having the flag draped across a coffin. The deceased does not have to be a veteran to have the flag draped on their coffin.

Important information about addresses!

We are now mailing out the monthly newsletter to all members, affiliate members, friends and prospective members. It is very important that we have a correct address for you. It is especially important for those of us who have two addresses. Our computer program can maintain two addresses and if we know your months of residency here, the program knows which address to use for mailings. We mail out the newsletter in bulk mail. But if we have the wrong address, it gets returned to us and we are responsible for full postage for it and you miss out on the newsletter. Can you please help us and insure that we have the correct dates for your alternate address? Please call or email the church office with your information. 480-837-1763 or Thank you for your time and caring.

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December 2011

Hospitalized? Call the church! If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from illness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a congregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to assume, when we dont see someone, that they are simply vacationing away. The truth is that some of you are sick and we are not aware of it. You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of your situation. We have an excellent support system in place due to the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you by communicating your situation.

With deepest sympathy we list those members who have passed away in 2011 Jack Hrunek Dick Patterson Ruth Sherick Molly Pitcher Ron Behrends Thelma Blake Eric Blake Jim Rudack Paul Brisbane Maida Navis Walter Breidenbach Bob Hutchinson Dick Dresser Sheri Atchinson Rinfret Winifred Andrews Ted Sherick Bob Crawford Dean Versaw Frank Jones

Well done, Thou good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy Of thy Lord.
Matthew 25:21

Pastor Bill with two of his favorite girls, Emerson and Anabelle.


12/02 12/03 12/05 12/06 12/07 12/08 12/08 12/08 12/09 Nancy Wulfmeier Brooks Benjamin Roy Wulfmeier Tony Atchinson Earl Stavely Amanda Ernst Bud Fuls Marianne Winchester Carl Capron 12/09 12/12 12/12 12/13 12/18 12/19 12/21 12/21 12/22 Dorothy Christie Arlene Johnson Pauline Pollock Joyce Stott Brandon Czaplicki Kimberly Wall Gary Reynolds Emerson Uphoff Carl Hayungs 12/24 12/24 12/25 12/25 12/25 12/26 12/27 12/28 12/31 Linda Capron Phyllis Rapp Yvonne Ellingson Edee Grider Helen Schmidt Ilene Berg Sunniva Graves Lisa Kern Lillian Bowman

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church 13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard Fountain Hills, AZ 85268

Non Profit Organ. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit NO. 299 Scottsdale, AZ

Or Current Resident

If anyone is not getting our newsletter or Presb-E-News and would like to, please let the church office know at 480-837-1763.

In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication. News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to Editor, Marta Ludwig; Assistant Editor, Carol Hencz; Proof Reader, Helen Roesch; Staff Photographer: Gary Oakeson; Production and Circulation: Mary Wernecke, Bobbie Dangremond, Ruby Pearson, Arlene Olsen, Marilyn Humes, Barb Hegwood, Vivian Virden and Joyce Stott. Travel to Bulk Mail Post Office: Mary Martinson.

Flag Dedication November 13, 2011

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church 13001 Fountain Hills Blvd. - Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Phone - (480) 837-1763 Fax - (480) 837-1729 Office E-Mail Address: Office Hours: Monday Friday : 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Pastor/Head of Staff: Rev Bill Good email: cell phone: 480-329-8090

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