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ISTE Standards

ISTE Educator Standards:

2.1 – Learner (Improve by Exploring)
A – Set Professional Goals (Explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology)

B – Participate in PLNs (creating and actively participating)

C – Keep Current on Research (Stay current with research / student learning outcomes / learning sciences)

2.2 – Leader (Seek Leadership Opportunities)

A – Advance a Shared Vision (shared vision / empowered learning with technology / education stakeholders)

B – Advocate for Equitable Access (equitable access / educational technology, digital content / learning opportunites / diverse needs)

C – Model Digital Tool Use (Model / Identification, exploration, evaluation, curation / adoption / resources / tools)

2.3 – Citizen (Inspire Student Contribution)

A – Create Positive Experiences (Exhibit empathetic behavior / build relationships and community)

B – Evaluate Resource Credibility (Establish a learning culture / curiosity / resources / digital literacy / media fluency)

C – Teach Safe, Legal, Ethical Practices (Mentor / ethical practices / tools / protection of intellectual rights and property)

D – Model Digital Privacy (Model / Management of personal data / protect student data privacy)

2.4 – Collaborator (dedicate time for collaboration)

A – Collaborate with Colleagues (authentic learning experiences)

B – Learn Alongside Students (collaborate and co-learn / resources / diagnose and troubleshoot technology issues)

C – Use Collaborative Tools (Collaborative Tools / authentic, real world learning experiences)

D – Demonstrate Cultural Competency (cultural competency)

2.5 – Designer (Design Authentic Learner-Driven Activities & Environments)

A – Accommodate Learner Differences (personalize learning experiences / Independent learning / learning differences and needs)

B – Design Authentic Learning Activities (authentic learning activities / tools / resources / active, deep learning)

C – Create Innovative Learning Environments (Explore and apply instructional design principles / digital learning environments)

2.6 – Facilitator (Facilitate Learning with Technology)

A – Foster Student Ownership of Learning (foster a culture / independent and group settings)

B – Foster Classroom Management of Tech (Use of technology and student learning strategies)

C – Teach Computational and Design Thinking (Learning opportunities / design process / computational thinking)

D – Model and Nurture Creativity (Model)

2.7 – Analyst (Understand and Use Data to Drive Instruction and Support)
A – Offer Alternative Assessments (Reflect on their learning)

B – Use Tech to Create Assessments (summative assessments / accommodate learner needs / timely feedback / inform instruction)

C – Use Data to Guide Progress (Education Stakeholders / student self-direction)

ISTE Student Standards:
1.1 – Empowered Learner (Students leverage technology and take an active role)

A – Learning Goals (articulate and set personal learning goals / reflect on the learning process)

B – Customized Learning Environments (build networks / customize / learning environment)

C – Feedback to Improve Practice (use technology to seek feedback)

D – Technology Operations (fundamental concepts of technology operations / emerging technologies)

1.2 – Digital Citizen (Recognizes rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living and working in a digital world)

A – Digital Footprint (cultivate / digital identity and reputation / permanence of their actions)

B – Online Behavior (positive online social interactions)

C – Intellectual Property (rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property)

D – Digital Privacy (digital privacy and security)

1.3 – Knowledge Constructor (critically create resources using digital tools)

A – Effective Research Strategies (research strategies / resources)

B – Evaluate Information (accuracy, credibility, perspective, relevance / resources)

C – Curate Information (curate / resources / tools / collection of artifacts / meaningful connections or conclusions)

D – Explore Real-World Issues (build knowledge)

1.4 – Innovative Designer (Create solutions by Using Technology and a Design Process to Identify and Solve problems)

A – Design Process (design process / innovative artifacts / authentic problems)

B – Design Constraints (tools / design process / design constraints / calculated risk)

C – Prototypes (prototypes / design process)

D – Open-Ended Questions (tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance / open-ended problems)

1.5 – Computational Thinker (strategies for problem-solving using technological methods)

A – Problem Definitions (formulate problem definitions / technology-assisted methods / models / algorithmic thinking)

B – Data Sets (collect data / identify relevant data sets / tools / represent data)

C – Decompose Problems (Models)

D – Algorithmic Thinking (automation / algorithmic thinking / sequence of steps)

1.6 – Creative Communicator (Communicate Clearly and Express Themselves Creatively)

A – Choose Platforms or Tools (Tools)

B – Original and Remixed Works (Responsibly / Repurpose or remix / resources)

C – Models and Visualization (communicate complex ideas / digital objects / visualizations, models, simulations)

D – Customize the Message (Present customized content for intended audience)

1.7 – Global Collaborator (use of digital tools to broaden perspectives and enrich learning through collaboration)

A – Global Connections (tools / connect)

B – Multiple Viewpoints (collaborative technologies)

C – Project Teams (contribute constructively / assuming various roles and responsibilities)

D – Local and Global Issues (explore local and global issues / collaborative technologies / investigate solutions)

Noted similarities:

- Both wish for people to grow in the use of technology.

- Both provide various ways in which technology can be used.
- Learning.
- Designing.
- Collaboration.
- Citizen.
- School Setting.

Noted differences:

- More leadership opportunities for Educators.

- Educator = Facilitator and Analyst.
- Student standards were broken down and more specific.

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