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An application server is a critical component in modern computing systems, particularly in

the context of mobile edge computing (MEC) and cloud computing. Application servers play
a vital role in facilitating the execution of applications and services, especially in distributed
environments (Mao et al., 2017). These servers are responsible for managing the business
logic of applications, handling client requests, and ensuring seamless communication
between various components of a system (Rosenberg et al., 2002). In the realm of mobile
networks, application servers contribute to enhancing network capacity through load
balancing and cooperative signal processing from multiple base stations (Checko et al.,
2015). Moreover, the evolution of telecommunications ecosystems has led to the emergence
of innovative network paradigms that emphasize the importance of application servers in
delivering services efficiently to end-users. By leveraging nearby servers within the access
network, application servers can significantly enhance performance by reducing the need for
application traffic to traverse through extensive network layers (Vatalaro & Ciccarella, 2020).
This approach not only improves performance but also potentially reduces the investment
required to maintain quality of service levels. In the realm of cloud computing, the concept of
serverless computing has gained prominence, highlighting the abstraction of backend
infrastructure from application development. This abstraction allows companies to focus on
developing their applications without the need to manage underlying platform and hardware
considerations (Koschel et al., 2021). Application servers, in this context, play a critical role
in providing the necessary backend support for serverless applications, enabling seamless
execution and scalability. Furthermore, the integration of application servers within Internet
of Vehicles (IoV) platforms showcases their significance in enabling content integration and
data exchange between vehicles and backend systems. These systems rely on application
servers to manage content such as maps and databases, facilitating real-time information
exchange and enhancing the overall functionality of IoV platforms (Zhang et al., 2013). This
demonstrates the versatility of application servers in diverse technological landscapes. In the
context of session initiation and control protocols, such as the Session Initiation Protocol
(SIP), application servers are instrumental in establishing, modifying, and terminating
communication sessions among participants (Rosenberg et al., 2002). This underscores the
critical role of application servers in enabling seamless communication and interaction within
networked environments. Moreover, the coordination between cloud and edge processing
has led to the adoption of caching mechanisms at the network edge to enhance the delivery
of low-latency services, particularly for real-time applications like online gaming and ultra-
high-definition video streaming (He et al., 2019). Application servers play a key role in this
coordination, ensuring efficient multicasting transmission and content delivery to end-users.
Additionally, the adaptability of application servers in supporting Java 2 Platform, Enterprise
Edition (J2EE) applications underscores their capability in providing high-performance and
reliable software systems with varying levels of quality of service (Yan, 2006). This
adaptability makes application servers a suitable platform for developing robust server
applications that cater to diverse user requirements and performance metrics. In conclusion,
application servers serve as foundational components in modern computing architectures,
facilitating the execution of applications, managing communication between different system
elements, and enhancing the overall performance and scalability of distributed systems.
Their role spans across various domains, from mobile edge computing to cloud services,
highlighting their versatility and significance in enabling seamless and efficient application
deployment and execution.

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