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Introduction to Consecutive Interpretation (II)

 Time
Thursdays 13:20 ~ 15:10 @ 外教 201

 Course Objectives
Students are expected to acquire basic skills of consecutive
interpretation and learn about interpretation as a profession.
The course during the 2nd semester focuses on consecutive
interpretation into English. Through various exercises,
students will increase their vocabulary, learn to structure their
thoughts and speech clearly, enhance public speaking skills,
and develop an awareness of not just bilingual but bicultural

Consecutive Interpretation (II)
 Course Outline
The course this semester will begin with warm-up exercises
stressing recall, paraphrase, sight translation, and
consecutive interpretation into Chinese, followed by
consecutive interpretation practices into English.

 Grading Criteria
Attendance 15%
Performance 35%
Presentation 30%
Term Paper 20%

Consecutive Interpretation (II)
 Presentation
Each student will make one presentation in Chinese on a topic of
his/her own choice.
- The presentation should consist of at least 9 segments (each
segment should be approximately 350 characters long)
- Think “public speaking”
- NO script allowed on stage!
- Pick a subject that interests you, and KNOW your subject!
- Reference websites should be listed
- A copy of your slides/script and glossary [.doc/.docx file];
should be emailed to the instructor by 22:00 on Tuesday. Note
that a late submission automatically lowers the presenter’s grade
by one letter grade. Another copy of glossary shall be posted
separately on NTU COOL.
Consecutive Interpretation (II)
 Term Paper
The paper should focus on difficulties you have encountered
during practice and the coping strategies you have developed
over time.

- Language choice: Chinese or English
- Minimum length: 1,200 words / 1,800 characters.
- Collect examples whenever you can!
- Analyze your examples  define causes  develop
coping strategies  document progress
- The paper is due at the end of the semester (Week 16).

Consecutive Interpretation (II)
Tentative Syllabus

Week 1 Introduction

Week 2 Lecture

Weeks 3 ~ 4 Warm-up Exercises

Weeks 5 ~ 15 Presentations / C>E interpretation

Week 16 Paper Due; No Class

* Presentation dates and topics will be decided on Mar. 7.

Remember to come to class PREPARED!

Consecutive Interpretation (II)

 Assignment for Week 4:

 Find a short story (No More than 400 ~ 500 characters)

in Chinese
 a story ≠ any passage you select from a book/article
 Submit it (線上輸入) via NTU COOL (go to “Assignments”)

 Deadline: Mar. 12 (Tue.) 12:00 Noon

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