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Queen, is a famous brand designer and a real estate mogul in the country. Her reputation

precedes her, not only being a tycoon, but also being the fountain of beauty and gorgeousness.

Her success and beauty attracted many men, out of spotlight; Lenin and Levin wealthier twin

brothers, moguls in entertainment industry in the country, emerged as contenders for her hand in

marriage. Lenin and Levin own LL Records Label and LL Media. Folklore; tells that; on multiple

occasions Lenin and Levin separately approached Queen, trying their lucky, but their efforts

went in vain. As respected entertainment moguls in the country, Lenin and Levin were both not

pleased with multiple rejections from Queen. They were heard in numerals occasions to have

said that they will use any means within their powers to get Queen’s approval. On separate

occasions they invited Queen for dinner, but she turned down their offers or if she attended, then,

she had a company of her friends, so, boys’ purposes never materialized.

On Wednesday February 10th, 2024, Queen Friends flew a birthday party for her. The party took

place at Club De Paris, a club owned by twins’ friend one Martinez. On material day, Lenin and

Levin got information from their trusted sources, named Carlos, that Queen will be having a

birthday party at Club De Paris at around 21:00 hours. On exactly time, Lenin and Levin arrived

at the Club, where they received a gentleman reception from Natasha, a famous waitress and

striper. Soon, after reception they only asked if Queen arrived at the Club. They were told that

she has not yet arrived, so they continued with other matters, patiently waiting for her. At around,

21:30 the lady of the hour arrived, as always, glittering like diamond. Judged from her

appearance she got the attention of every person in the Club. At around 22:30 Lenin and Levin

spotted where Queen was seated with her friends.

They sent Natasha to call her, Queen responded by joining them on their VIP lounge, where she

ordered Sierra Tequila. In the mid of conversation, Queen had to use restroom, so, she informed

them that, she will be back in a minute. Twin brothers used that opportunity to pour some portion

of heroin in her tequila glass. After, five minutes, Queen returned and resumed drinking her

tequila while chatting with twins. Ten minutes later, Queen started to fill dizziness, where Lenin

and Levin grabbed her, took her into their expensive Ferrari and drove away. However, during

such incidence Queen’s friend one Nataliah, saw the whole drama. Twins took Queen to their

favorite place, Lacasa Motel, where they always receive a gentleman reception. They took Queen

to their favorite presidential suite while she was unconscious. Soon after they entered into their

room, they requested all camera and other surveillance in and around their presidential suite to

stand down. The request which was dully adhered.

At around 01:00 hours, Nataliah started to look for Queen, she had to ask the Natasha, who told

her that, she left with Lenin and Levin as she was feeling bad. So, Nataliah decided to inform her

crew about what happened, were they all went to Queen’s place, were they only found Rashida,

Queen’s house keeper, who told them that, Queen was not around, as she went out to celebrate

her birthday. So, they decided to wait for her, but until sun shines, there was no trace of or where

about of Queen. They decided to report the matter to the nearest Police Station, where they were

told that, Police will only start investigation of a missing person after the lapse of 24 hours.

However, before Nataliah and her friends left the Police Station, anonymous intel came in, about

a woman found in a Motel room appeared to be extremely unconscious and had blood on her

head. So, official investigation started under the leadership of Special Agent Roberto.

Roberto Task Force traced the intel, and discovered that it was from Lacasa Motel Manager.

Roberto and his team responded the intel, arrived at the scene together with Nataliah and her

friends, were they found Queen extremely unconsciously and took her to hospital. Queen was

admitted under the watch of Doctor Miguel, who conducted medical diagnosis. Medical report

revealed that, Queen had sexual intercourse, with more than one man, as semen found in her

genital, believed to belong to two different men. But, worse is that she had suffered brain

concussion as a result of head injury and drug she consumed. Moreover, medical report revealed

that, she was not only sexual abused, but also beaten up severely, which ultimately cause

concussion, but her drug history may also be another reason, though remotely. Doctor, Miguel

further revealed that, due to such abuse and concussion, Queen had a miscarriage of a one-

month-old pregnancy.

During interview, Queen revealed to SA Roberto, that, what she remembers is that, she was at

her birthday party with her friends, but she was called by Lenin and Levin, were she joined them

and the party continued. After sometimes she had to use restroom, she returned and poured a

single sip of her Seirra Tequila, there after she started to feel dizziness. Queen added that, she

saw Lenin and Levin take her out of the Club and entered into their car and the last thing is that,

she found herself in hospital. On the other hand, Nataliah had nothing to say to investigators, but

only responded with tears on her cheeks when interviewed by Police. She felt that it was her

fault, as she was the mastermind behind the birthday party. Jimmy, Queen’s business partner,

further revealed that, on multiple occasions he confronted the twin brothers about the treatment

of her business partner. He informed investigators that, his conversation did not end well, as twin

brothers promised to do something unspeakable to Queen due to rejections. Jimmy said, he is not

surprised by what happened, because that has been behavioral tendance of Lenin and Levin, to

abuse women who rejected them.

Roberto Team interviewed all waitresses and Lacasa Motel Manager, about what happened, all

waitresses, except Mahindra, said that, they only know Lenin and Levin as their loyal customers,

they all informed investigators that, on that day, twin brothers arrived at Motel with a woman,

who was later found extremely unconscious in their favorite presidential suite. But Mahindra

said that on such day, twin brothers were very drunk and the woman they had was unconscious to

a point she could not walk by herself, as they had to carry her upstairs. And that they requested

cameras to be switched off. She continued that she heard twins arguing who should start, where

later on, she heard noise of a woman crying asking for help, but such noise did not last long. She

took a trouble of knocking the door, but the door was not opened. She went to Pablo (in-charge

of control room), asked him to switch on surveillance camera of PS 057, camera captured Lenin

having sex with a woman, while Levin was seen peeping at the door. Pablo, then switched off the

camera because of privacy.

Security guide at Lacasa Motel, one Marcelo informed Roberto Task Force that, on that night

twin brothers did not sleep until morning as always, because they left the Motel at around 05:00

hours, but they were so worried and in a hurry, to a point they did not even want to greet him. He

further informed Roberto in a confidential conversation that, he had one hidden surveillance

camera on, while the rest were off, so he captured the whole incidence. But he is afraid, if this is

known to Management, then his job will be in jeopardy. However, he gave the footage to

Roberto. Manager of Lacasa Motel, one Franco said that, he knows twin brothers as their VIP

and loyal customers. He further added that, it was not their tendance to request switching off

cameras, until that day, whereby he had to comply with his customer’s demand and to maintain

customer’s privacy. However, CCTV footage at the front gate and at reception captured twin

brothers entering with a woman who appeared to be unconscious, but later they exit alone

without a woman. Moreover, forensic analysis report on hidden footage of surveillance camera

revealed only facial recognition of twin brothers and queen when entering into a room, but the

rest of footage shows all other incidences but does not show the twins faces but only their back

while commit their misdeeds.

SA Roberto interrogated Natasha, who revealed that she only attended and supplied heroin to

twin brothers as they demanded it. But when she delivered it to them, she saw them pour and

mixed it into Queen’s Seirra Tequila glass. When asked about where can they be found, she said

she had no idea, maybe Carlos may know something about their where about. Carlos got

information from Natasha that, Lenin and Levin are most wanted and arrest warrant has been

issued for their arrest. Carlos being an informant guy, informed twin brothers. As part of escape

plan, he gave them refuge at his mansion located in country-side, where no one knows the

location except him, while arranging for their escape, as he secured forged passports for them.

Roberto team, arrived at Carlos’s town mansion, where they asked Carlos about twin brothers,

but he replied that he had no idea. Police searched Carlos’s mansion but nothing was found.

Twin brothers were arrested immediately at the airport when tried to fled the country. Police

interrogated them, but they denied all alleged crimes. They agreed to know Queen and

approached her on several occasions. They also agreed to have attended Queen’s birthday party

at Club De Paris, but denied to the allegation that they left Club De Paris with Queen who was

unconscious. The fact which is also supported by their manager one Alexander, who during

investigation, informed Police that, he knew that, twin brothers attended Queen’s birthday party

at Club De Paris, after that, they spent their night at Lacasa Motel, but about what happened that

night, he said he had no idea. Lenin further revealed that, he survived a car crash, which had the

effect of incapacitated his erection, so there is no way he could have had sexual intercourse with

Queen, a claim which he did not prove. Levin claimed that, this was dirty play from their

business rivals, trying to injure their reputation and lowering their business goodwill, they have

established in the market for decades. They applied for bail, but their application was rejected on

grounds that, alleged crimes against them are non-bailable and is for their personal protection.

Lenin and Levin demanded for their right to an attorney and refused to speak anything until their

attorney, one Marvin arrives.


Read the given facts very carefully, then extract from them, the crime(s) alleged to have been

committed, material facts, list of witnesses, pieces of evidences and exhibits available for both

sides. Kindly, prepare;

1. Prosecution case

2. Defense case

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