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Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

PERT method of scheduling uses three durations for each

activity and fundamental statistics to determine probability of a
project finishing earlier or later than expected duration.
This method is not used extensively in engineering and
construction projects.
It is applicable in research and development projects where there is a
high degree of uncertainty.

Optimistic time (tO) is the shortest possible time in which activity could
possibly be completed, assuming that everything goes well.

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

 Pessimistic time (tP) is the longest time activity could ever require, assuming that
everything goes poorly. It is due to adverse working conditions.
 Most likely time (tM) is the time activity could be completed if it could be repeated more
often than any other time. It is due to medium working conditions.
Expected Time, Standard Deviation, and Variance
• Expected time, t E = (t O + 4 t m + t P) ÷ 6
• Standard deviation, S t = [(t P - t O) ÷ 6];
• Variance, V t = [(t P - t O) ÷ 6] 2
• t O = Optimistic time.
• t m = Most likely time.
• t P = Pessimistic time.
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
Let us take example of estimated time of completion of two jobs A and B
as below:

tO tm tP tE=(tO+4tm+tP)/6 St=[(tP –
Activity Vt=[(tP–tO)÷6] 2
(days) (days) (days) (days) tO)÷6]

Job A 3 5 7 5 0.66 0.44

Job B 6 10 14 10 1.33 1.77

Program Evaluation and Review Technique
Case 1: t O = 5 weeks, t m = 8 weeks, t P = 17 week
Then, t E = (t O + 4 t m + t P) ÷ 6
= (5 + 4*8 +17) ÷ 6
= 9 weeks.
Case 2: t O = 8, t m = 9, t P = 10
• Then, t E = (t O + 4 t m + t P) ÷ 6
= (8 + 4*9 +10) ÷ 6
= 9 week.
3.6 Introduction to Planning Software - MS Project

Microsoft Project(MS Project) is a project management software

program developed and sold by Microsoft.
It is designed to assist a project manager in developing a schedule,
assigning resources to tasks, tracking progress, managing the
budget, and analyzing workloads.
Resources are assigned to tasks and assignment work estimated, the
program calculates the cost, equal to the work times the rate, which
rolls up to the task level and then to any summary task, and finally to
the project level.
Each resource can have its own calendar, which defines what days
and shifts a resource is available.
MS Project

A project manager should also be able to answer project-related

questions. For example −
Why this project needs to be run by the organization?
What’s the best way to communicate project details to the
What is the risk management plan?
How the vendors are going to be managed?
How the project is tracked and monitored?
How the quality is measured and qualified?
MS Project

MS Project can help us to:

Visualize our project plan in standard defined formats
Schedule tasks and resources consistently and effectively
Track information about the work, duration, and resource
requirements for our project.
Generate reports to share in progress meetings.

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