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Show Card Images Light and Dark: Kyle Katarn's Tale, Mission 5 Mission 5: Endgame on Ruusan ‘Abel G. Pefia and Jason Fry In this article, we continue a series of connected scenarios forthe Star Wars Miniatures Game, To play these scenarios, you must have the Rebel Storm starter set, Utimate Missions: Rebel Storm, and possibly one of more Gone Strike booster packs. “These missions recreate incidents from Kyle Katarn's journey from Imperial cadet to Rebel roughneck to Jedi Knight poised between the light and dark sides ofthe Force, a wrenching personal drama that played out against the backdrop of the Galactic Civil War and its aftermath. In Mission 1, Kyle led stormtroopers on a raid on a Rebel comm center on asteroid AX-456, In Mission 2, kyle inftrated an Imperial research station to steal schematics for the Death Star. {In Mission 3, Kyle blew up the reactor of an Imperial mining facility on the Blood Moon — and had his fist en ‘counter with @ Derk Trooper, {In Mission 4, Kyle faced the murderous droid 8t88 and the Sith twins Gore and Pic as he tried to locate the Valley of the Jed Now, Mission 5 recreates the final climactic battle between Kyle and the Dark Jedi Jerec in the Valley ofthe Jedi (on the world of Ruusan. Mission 5: Endgame on Ruusan Having found the location of the Valley of the Jedi, Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors traveled to Ruusen, where Jerec and his Dark Side adepis had already arrived and bogun thoir efforts fo tap the vast power trapped on the planet. ‘A thousand years before, the Valley of the Jedi had been the site ofthe final, ‘cataclysmic battle between the Amy of Light, led by the Jedi Lord Hoth, and the Brothernood of Darkness, led by the Sith Lord Kaan. Trapped in Ruusan's ccaverne, Kaan and hie followers bent their wills to ereate a Thought Bomb, fiendish mental construct that dragged the spits of both armies into itself and trapped them there. Jerec believed that by gaining control ofthe spirits, he could create an empire that ‘would put Palpatine’s to shame. Kyle sought to stop him at any cost, and thereby fulfil an ancient prophecy: "And a knight shall come, a battle wil be fought, and the prisoners go free." “Endgame on Ruusan’ recreates the climactic batle between Kyle and Jetec, and by extension between the ‘Army of Light and the Brotherhood of Darkness. Use one-quarter ofthe blank side of the Star Wars Miniatures Game Starter Set map to represent the Valley of the Jedi on Ruusan, go Ho Rebel Setup ‘The Rebel force consists entirely of Kyle Katarn, Kyle begins on the leftmost edge of the map, in the middle square. kyle Katarn (Asajj Ventress) Total 34 28 Rebel Victory Conditions ‘The Rebel player wins by accomplishing the following goal. Empire Denied: If Jerec is defeated, the Rebel Player wins the scenario. Imperial Setup, ‘The Imperial force consists entirely of Jeree. Jereo begins on the rightmost edge of the map, in the middle square, Jerec (Count Dooku) 82 Total s2 Imperial Victory Conditions, ‘The Imperial player wins by accomplishing the folowing goal: Empire Achieved: If Kyle is defeated, the Imperial player wins the scenario, ‘Special Scenario Rules: ‘The following special rules are in effect for this mission. The notes below replace the normal Force Powers of ‘Asalj Ventress and Count Dooku. ‘Locus of the Force: The imprisoned Jedi and Sith spirits bathe the Valley of the Jed in eldritch energies that ‘can be tapped by Force-sensitive combatants, but i's dangerous to draw on such powers. The energies grant Kyle 5 Force Points to start the mission, matching Jerec's Force Points, and both Kyle and Jerec get 1 Force Point each time they activate. (Either may gain more Force Points than his stating 5.) However, both Kyle and ‘Jerec must also make a save of 11 each round to avoid taking 5 points of damage from the Valley's enercies. ‘Tangled Ruins: The floor ofthe Valley of the Jed is littered with rubble and bathed in strobing light as the spirits ofthe trapped Jed) and Sit struggle to escape their long confinement. Treat every square as though it were @ low abject (thus requiring double to move into it) Force Cocoon: Each round, instead of making an attack, Kyle can expend 2 Force Points to insulate any other Unit within a range of 6 squares from the energies careening through the Valley. If used against Jerec, tis cuts him off from the dark side of the Force that has eustained him for so long, reducing his total Hit Points by 30. Jorec takes no damage with a save of 11 plus the number of Force Points he has expended in Force attacks ‘uring the mission, minus the number of Force Points Kyle has expended in Force attacks during the mission, 28 detailed below Force Jump: By spending 1 Force Point, either Kyle or Jerec can move up to 6 squares in a straight line, ‘Ignoring movement penalties for terrain (euch as In Tangled Ruins, above.) Doing so replaces the character's move action, Force Pull: By spending 1 Force Point, either Kyle or Jerec can move an opponent 2 squares cocer in a straight line toward the character using this ability. The character using this ality must make a successful attack roll, or the Force Pull has no effect, The target can resist being moved with a save of 12. Use of this power counts as a Force attack for this mission, Force Push: By spending 1 Force Point, either Kyle or Jerec can move his opponent 2 squares away in a straight line from the character using this ability. The character using this ailty must make a successful attack roll, oF the Force Push has no effect. Ifthe attack is successful, the target also suffers 5 points of damage, but can prevent this damage (but not the 2-square push} with a save of 11. Use of this power counts as a Force attack for this mission. Force Throw: By spending 1 Force Point, either Kyle or Jerec can use the Force to pick up @ chunk of rubble and throw itt his opponent. (The Valley has an endless supply of rubble.) This abilty replaces the character's rormal attack, but sil requires an attack rol If the object hits the target, it deals 10 points of damage. Use of this zpower counts as a Force attack for this mission Lightsaber Block: By spending 1 Force Point, either Kyle or Joroc takes no damage when hit by a melee attack Provided a save of 11 Is made. Lightsaber Precision: By spending 1 Force Point, Jerec gets +10 Damage on his next atlack Use of his power Counts as a Force attack for this mission. Lightsaber Riposte; By spending 1 Force Point, Kyle can make an immediate attack against an attacker who Fits him with a melee attack. Use of this power counts as a Force attack for this mission. SSith Lightning: By spending 2 Force Points, Jerec can blast an opponent within a range of 6 squares with Sith energies, doing 30 points of damage to one target enemy. Use ofthis power counts as a Force attack for this mission. Ruusan Planet Type: Terrestia Climate: Varies Terrain: Desert ‘Atmosphere: Breathable Gravity: Standard Diameter: 21,000 km Length of Day: 23 standard hours Length of Year: 321 standard days ‘Sentient Species: Bouncers, Near-Humans (Ruusanians), Humans, Other Languages: Basic Population: 30,000 ‘Species Mix: 60% Bouncers, 25% Ruusanians, 10% Humans, 5% Other Government: None Major Exports: Ore Major Imports: Technology, foodstutts ‘System/Star: Hoth’s Brand (companion star Petja) Planets Type Moons Pernicar Scorching Charny Terestial = 2 Ruusan Terrestial © 3 Turpimie Barren 1 Farfaia's Diamonds Asteroid belt NA. Zor Vian Gasgiant 22 ‘My Viahu Gasgient = 11 Salech Gas giant 13 Gale ice ball 2 ‘thone tee ball ° Petia White dwet = Uke many a world before and since, there was nothing remarkable about Ruusan before it witnessed opoctal ‘events, The planet was settled by the Mining Guild as part of a wave of expansion and colonization that swept the Mid Rim's newborn Teraab sector and its young, motal-rich star systems. However, Ruusan's ore deposits proved underwhelming compared with those of neighbors such as Drogheda, istic, Pesmenben IV, and Tyne's Florky. The planet's location within @ tangle of nebulae and newborn stars in the backwater of the sector seemingly doomed it to obscurity. When the endgame of the Light ang Darknees War came, Ruusan was sparsely settied by miners, farmers, and trappers, wno co-existed with the planet's native "Bouncers," 2 peaceable, mildy telepathic species. Lord Hioth's ‘Aamy of Light pursued the Brotherhood of Darkness to the planet, whose forests and lush hils were blasted and left barren by the ensuing batt. ‘Atter Lord Kean’s Thought Bomb imprisoned nearly all the Jedi and Sith spirits, the Jedi Jothun Othone spent Considerable Senate funds to turn the Valley ofthe Jedi into a mausoleum. He designed ito honor the Jedi's Victory inthe Light and Darkness War and stand as a reminder of nobilty and sacrifice to a Republic that often seemed decidedly ignoble. Othone filed the Valley with statuary and memorials, but his larger dream dled, as the Republic worlds quick’y recumed thoir bickering. Shiting nebulae within the stellar nursery of the Teraab soon erased hyperspace routes to Ruusan. A few centuries after the Battle of Ruusan, the Valley of the Jedi was St remembered, but its location was all but forgotten. Ruusan had disappeared from most charts, remembered ‘mainly by the Jedi and Mining Guild archivists. When Jerec’s minions finally pierced the nebulae that largely veiled Ruusan from the rest ofthe galaxy, they found a desert word inhabited by nomadic Bouncers, Ruusanians (whose genetic stock had drifted slighty away from baseline humanity), and a smattering of offworiders, most of whom had fled trouble on other worlds of the Teraab, ‘Thoughts or comments? Visit the message board thread for this article here.

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