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QUALITY CONTROL The following QC samples should be prepared and analyzed at the same time as
unknown samples. They are to be done on a frequency of one per batch or one per every 20 samples,
whichever is greater. a. Method Blank. Digested blank carried through the entire process with all
reagents but without sample. Deionized water is used for water matrices. b. Laboratory Fortified Blank.
This digested standard is prepared in the same manner as spiked samples except with no sample. For
water, 100 mL of DI water is used. This quality control standard is required with water samples and may
also be used with fish samples. c. Laboratory Control Sample (LCS). This solid sample of known
concentration is digested and analyzed along with the unknown solid samples as a measure of the
analytical performance. d. Matrix Spike (MS). An aliquot of standards added to the sample prior to
digestion. The spiking procedure may be found in Section K or in the appropriate sample preparation
method. e. Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD). A second aliquot of the same sample as d, spiked in the same
way. It must be run at the same time as the matrix spike. I. SAMPLE PREPARATION PROCEDURE 1.
Sample Preparation a. Weigh approximately 2 gm of fish tissue to the nearest 0.01 gm into 100 mL
polypropylene digestion containers. Add 5 mL concentrated HNO3. Heat in the block digester at 40 o C
until tissue is dissolved or at room temperature overnight. Increase temperature to 110 o C and heat
solution until it begins to turn brown – about 1 hour. Cool sample, and then add 2 mL of concentrated
nitric acid and return solution to block digester at 110o C and heat until the solution again begins to turn
brown, about 30 minutes. Cool sample, then add 2 mL of 30% hydrogen peroxide to the sample, return
to the block digester at 110o C and reduce the solution volume to 5-10 mL. Allow sample to cool, then
dilute to 100 mL volume with deionized water. 2. Sample Analysis a. Refer to LOP # 312.3 for ICAP
analysis and LOP # 311.2 for AA analysis. EPA QA/G-6 17 April 2007 LOP #54.0 09/05/06 Page 5 of 5 J.
CALCULATIONS AND DATA REPORTING Refer to LOP #312.3 for ICAP analysis and LOP # 311.2 for AA
analysis. K. REFERENCES 1. EPA Method 200.3, “Sample Preparation Procedure for Spectrochemical
Determination of Total Recoverable Elements in Biological Tissues”, current version. 2. LOP #312.3,
“Analysis of Metals by PE Optima 4300 ICAP”, current version. 3. LOP # 311.2, “Determination of Trace
Elements by Stabilized Temperature Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption”, current revision. 4. LOP #
32.3, “Sample Disposal”, current revision. EPA QA/G-6 18 April 2007 APPENDIX B Environmental Biology
MTF/MPN Jackson State Laboratory SOP: JSL-EB-103 Rev. No. 4 Date: February 2007 Page 1 of 11
Jackson State Environmental Laboratory Environmental Biology JS NELAP Laboratory ID# 59867 NPDES
Laboratory ID# JS 20849H. QUALITY CONTROL The following QC samples should be prepared and
analyzed at the same time as unknown samples. They are to be done on a frequency of one per batch or
one per every 20 samples, whichever is greater. a. Method Blank. Digested blank carried through the
entire process with all reagents but without sample. Deionized water is used for water matrices. b.
Laboratory Fortified Blank. This digested standard is prepared in the same manner as spiked samples
except with no sample. For water, 100 mL of DI water is used. This quality control standard is required
with water samples and may also be used with fish samples. c. Laboratory Control Sample (LCS). This
solid sample of known concentration is digested and analyzed along with the unknown solid samples as
a measure of the analytical performance. d. Matrix Spike (MS). An aliquot of standards added to the
sample prior to digestion. The spiking procedure may be found in Section K or in the appropriate sample
preparation method. e. Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD). A second aliquot of the same sample as d, spiked
in the same way. It must be run at the same time as the matrix spike. I. SAMPLE PREPARATION
PROCEDURE 1. Sample Preparation a. Weigh approximately 2 gm of fish tissue to the nearest 0.01 gm
into 100 mL polypropylene digestion containers. Add 5 mL concentrated HNO3. Heat in the block
digester at 40 o C until tissue is dissolved or at room temperature overnight. Increase temperature to
110 o C and heat solution until it begins to turn brown – about 1 hour. Cool sample, and then add 2 mL
of concentrated nitric acid and return solution to block digester at 110o C and heat until the solution
again begins to turn brown, about 30 minutes. Cool sample, then add 2 mL of 30% hydrogen peroxide to
the sample, return to the block digester at 110o C and reduce the solution volume to 5-10 mL. Allow
sample to cool, then dilute to 100 mL volume with deionized water. 2. Sample Analysis a. Refer to LOP #
312.3 for ICAP analysis and LOP # 311.2 for AA analysis. EPA QA/G-6 17 April 2007 LOP #54.0 09/05/06
Page 5 of 5 J. CALCULATIONS AND DATA REPORTING Refer to LOP #312.3 for ICAP analysis and LOP #
311.2 for AA analysis. K. REFERENCES 1. EPA Method 200.3, “Sample Preparation Procedure for
Spectrochemical Determination of Total Recoverable Elements in Biological Tissues”, current version. 2.
LOP #312.3, “Analysis of Metals by PE Optima 4300 ICAP”, current version. 3. LOP # 311.2,
“Determination of Trace Elements by Stabilized Temperature Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption”,
current revision. 4. LOP # 32.3, “Sample Disposal”, current revision. EPA QA/G-6 18 April 2007 APPENDIX
B Environmental Biology MTF/MPN Jackson State Laboratory SOP: JSL-EB-103 Rev. No. 4 Date: February
2007 Page 1 of 11 Jackson State Environmental Laboratory Environmental Biology JS NELAP Laboratory
ID# 59867 NPDES Laboratory ID# JS 20849H. QUALITY CONTROL The following QC samples should be
prepared and analyzed at the same time as unknown samples. They are to be done on a frequency of
one per batch or one per every 20 samples, whichever is greater. a. Method Blank. Digested blank
carried through the entire process with all reagents but without sample. Deionized water is used for
water matrices. b. Laboratory Fortified Blank. This digested standard is prepared in the same manner as
spiked samples except with no sample. For water, 100 mL of DI water is used. This quality control
standard is required with water samples and may also be used with fish samples. c. Laboratory Control
Sample (LCS). This solid sample of known concentration is digested and analyzed along with the
unknown solid samples as a measure of the analytical performance. d. Matrix Spike (MS). An aliquot of
standards added to the sample prior to digestion. The spiking procedure may be found in Section K or in
the appropriate sample preparation method. e. Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD). A second aliquot of the
same sample as d, spiked in the same way. It must be run at the same time as the matrix spike. I.
SAMPLE PREPARATION PROCEDURE 1. Sample Preparation a. Weigh approximately 2 gm of fish tissue to
the nearest 0.01 gm into 100 mL polypropylene digestion containers. Add 5 mL concentrated HNO3.
Heat in the block digester at 40 o C until tissue is dissolved or at room temperature overnight. Increase
temperature to 110 o C and heat solution until it begins to turn brown – about 1 hour. Cool sample, and
then add 2 mL of concentrated nitric acid and return solution to block digester at 110o C and heat until
the solution again begins to turn brown, about 30 minutes. Cool sample, then add 2 mL of 30%
hydrogen peroxide to the sample, return to the block digester at 110o C and reduce the solution volume
to 5-10 mL. Allow sample to cool, then dilute to 100 mL volume with deionized water. 2. Sample Analysis
a. Refer to LOP # 312.3 for ICAP analysis and LOP # 311.2 for AA analysis. EPA QA/G-6 17 April 2007 LOP
#54.0 09/05/06 Page 5 of 5 J. CALCULATIONS AND DATA REPORTING Refer to LOP #312.3 for ICAP
analysis and LOP # 311.2 for AA analysis. K. REFERENCES 1. EPA Method 200.3, “Sample Preparation
Procedure for Spectrochemical Determination of Total Recoverable Elements in Biological Tissues”,
current version. 2. LOP #312.3, “Analysis of Metals by PE Optima 4300 ICAP”, current version. 3. LOP #
311.2, “Determination of Trace Elements by Stabilized Temperature Graphite Furnace Atomic
Absorption”, current revision. 4. LOP # 32.3, “Sample Disposal”, current revision. EPA QA/G-6 18 April
2007 APPENDIX B Environmental Biology MTF/MPN Jackson State Laboratory SOP: JSL-EB-103 Rev. No. 4
Date: February 2007 Page 1 of 11 Jackson State Environmental Laboratory Environmental Biology JS
NELAP Laboratory ID# 59867 NPDES Laboratory ID# JS 20849H. QUALITY CONTROL The following QC
samples should be prepared and analyzed at the same time as unknown samples. They are to be done
on a frequency of one per batch or one per every 20 samples, whichever is greater. a. Method Blank.
Digested blank carried through the entire process with all reagents but without sample. Deionized water
is used for water matrices. b. Laboratory Fortified Blank. This digested standard is prepared in the same
manner as spiked samples except with no sample. For water, 100 mL of DI water is used. This quality
control standard is required with water samples and may also be used with fish samples. c. Laboratory
Control Sample (LCS). This solid sample of known concentration is digested and analyzed along with the
unknown solid samples as a measure of the analytical performance. d. Matrix Spike (MS). An aliquot of
standards added to the sample prior to digestion. The spiking procedure may be found in Section K or in
the appropriate sample preparation method. e. Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD). A second aliquot of the
same sample as d, spiked in the same way. It must be run at the same time as the matrix spike. I.
SAMPLE PREPARATION PROCEDURE 1. Sample Preparation a. Weigh approximately 2 gm of fish tissue to
the nearest 0.01 gm into 100 mL polypropylene digestion containers. Add 5 mL concentrated HNO3.
Heat in the block digester at 40 o C until tissue is dissolved or at room temperature overnight. Increase
temperature to 110 o C and heat solution until it begins to turn brown – about 1 hour. Cool sample, and
then add 2 mL of concentrated nitric acid and return solution to block digester at 110o C and heat until
the solution again begins to turn brown, about 30 minutes. Cool sample, then add 2 mL of 30%
hydrogen peroxide to the sample, return to the block digester at 110o C and reduce the solution volume
to 5-10 mL. Allow sample to cool, then dilute to 100 mL volume with deionized water. 2. Sample Analysis
a. Refer to LOP # 312.3 for ICAP analysis and LOP # 311.2 for AA analysis. EPA QA/G-6 17 April 2007 LOP
#54.0 09/05/06 Page 5 of 5 J. CALCULATIONS AND DATA REPORTING Refer to LOP #312.3 for ICAP
analysis and LOP # 311.2 for AA analysis. K. REFERENCES 1. EPA Method 200.3, “Sample Preparation
Procedure for Spectrochemical Determination of Total Recoverable Elements in Biological Tissues”,
current version. 2. LOP #312.3, “Analysis of Metals by PE Optima 4300 ICAP”, current version. 3. LOP #
311.2, “Determination of Trace Elements by Stabilized Temperature Graphite Furnace Atomic
Absorption”, current revision. 4. LOP # 32.3, “Sample Disposal”, current revision. EPA QA/G-6 18 April
2007 APPENDIX B Environmental Biology MTF/MPN Jackson State Laboratory SOP: JSL-EB-103 Rev. No. 4
Date: February 2007 Page 1 of 11 Jackson State Environmental Laboratory Environmental Biology JS
NELAP Laboratory ID# 59867 NPDES Laboratory ID# JS 20849H. QUALITY CONTROL The following QC
samples should be prepared and analyzed at the same time as unknown samples. They are to be done
on a frequency of one per batch or one per every 20 samples, whichever is greater. a. Method Blank.
Digested blank carried through the entire process with all reagents but without sample. Deionized water
is used for water matrices. b. Laboratory Fortified Blank. This digested standard is prepared in the same
manner as spiked samples except with no sample. For water, 100 mL of DI water is used. This quality
control standard is required with water samples and may also be used with fish samples. c. Laboratory
Control Sample (LCS). This solid sample of known concentration is digested and analyzed along with the
unknown solid samples as a measure of the analytical performance. d. Matrix Spike (MS). An aliquot of
standards added to the sample prior to digestion. The spiking procedure may be found in Section K or in
the appropriate sample preparation method. e. Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD). A second aliquot of the
same sample as d, spiked in the same way. It must be run at the same time as the matrix spike. I.
SAMPLE PREPARATION PROCEDURE 1. Sample Preparation a. Weigh approximately 2 gm of fish tissue to
the nearest 0.01 gm into 100 mL polypropylene digestion containers. Add 5 mL concentrated HNO3.
Heat in the block digester at 40 o C until tissue is dissolved or at room temperature overnight. Increase
temperature to 110 o C and heat solution until it begins to turn brown – about 1 hour. Cool sample, and
then add 2 mL of concentrated nitric acid and return solution to block digester at 110o C and heat until
the solution again begins to turn brown, about 30 minutes. Cool sample, then add 2 mL of 30%
hydrogen peroxide to the sample, return to the block digester at 110o C and reduce the solution volume
to 5-10 mL. Allow sample to cool, then dilute to 100 mL volume with deionized water. 2. Sample Analysis
a. Refer to LOP # 312.3 for ICAP analysis and LOP # 311.2 for AA analysis. EPA QA/G-6 17 April 2007 LOP
#54.0 09/05/06 Page 5 of 5 J. CALCULATIONS AND DATA REPORTING Refer to LOP #312.3 for ICAP
analysis and LOP # 311.2 for AA analysis. K. REFERENCES 1. EPA Method 200.3, “Sample Preparation
Procedure for Spectrochemical Determination of Total Recoverable Elements in Biological Tissues”,
current version. 2. LOP #312.3, “Analysis of Metals by PE Optima 4300 ICAP”, current version. 3. LOP #
311.2, “Determination of Trace Elements by Stabilized Temperature Graphite Furnace Atomic
Absorption”, current revision. 4. LOP # 32.3, “Sample Disposal”, current revision. EPA QA/G-6 18 April
2007 APPENDIX B Environmental Biology MTF/MPN Jackson State Laboratory SOP: JSL-EB-103 Rev. No. 4
Date: February 2007 Page 1 of 11 Jackson State Environmental Laboratory Environmental Biology JS
NELAP Laboratory ID# 59867 NPDES Laboratory ID# JS 20849

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