TEPC Youth Weekly Prayer Update

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Thank you for raising these to the Father with us! may take advantage of this continued time they have been given with him. Pray for Kohltin and Kurstyn Hoeppner as they and all the Hoeppner kids battled the u and are doing better that they are a comfort to Jodie as she faithfully serves our church to share the amazing gift of Christmas in the upcoming pageant. Pray for the new kids coming out to youth group that our kids and church family will reach out to them and make them feel as comfortable in our church as we all feel. Pray for all our kids that have nished conrmation class that they may grow more in love with the God who loves them immeasurably. Pray for guidance with the upcoming planning of spring retreats/conferences and this summer mission trip opportunities. Pray that we are faithful to listen to the calling from Christ not our desire. Pray for our youth meetings every Sunday night as God presents us with a message that it will deepen the understanding of the love God has for us to our youth. Pray for the local Youth Leader Network as Andy has chosen to step away from it in its current form. May others make sure they have the boldness to do what they are called by Christ to do in that situation. Not to follow me in agreement but to truly seek Gods face and honor him with their actions. Continue to pray for the family Andy mentioned a couple weeks back that is need of a roof replacement. He has come to know that he went to school with the 31 year old mother who is dying of cervical cancer. Andy also knows and went to school with her older sister. He doesnt truly know their relationship Christ but know they are suffering. The family had set everything up for this mothers son to go into the custody of his grandpa. He passed away about 3 months back very unexpectedly. Now this eighth grade boy is living with his grandmother who can't work. Andy was approached by Big Brothers Big Sisters about helping with the roof but funding has become an issue. He knows the house and it is in need of a roof and he does believe it could make it through the winter. Andy has reached out to the older sister and she is overwhelmed with taking care of her mother and her sister so pray for that. Pray for the dying mother. Pray for the grandmother as she is being thrusted back into being a mom. Please also pray for this young man as he claims to be an atheist but desires to tattoo a cross with angel wings on his back with his mothers name below it in tribute to his mother because she is religious. May God reveal the greatness of his kingdom to this young man to show him that God desires for him to know Jesus Christ as well, not just the symbols. Pray also that if we as a church are to help with funding this project that we will be faithful to do it and to love on this family in a way that shines the light of Christ in their lives as they feel all this darkness. Pray Andy and his family as well as he deals with another stone that continues to give him ts. God is faithful to answer!

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Pray for Buddy O'Dell as he recovers from shoulder surgery, Drew O'Dell as he recovers from an injury last night that caused him to need stitches. Pray for Emily Franks and her family as her mother had surgery yesterday that went well but healing time can always be a challenge. May it center their family around the healing power of Jesus Christ. Pray for Jenny and Buddy Allard that they may be a comfort to their mother during her kidney stone surgery this week. Pray also for Carley, Madison and Austin Porter as they continue to make the most of their time with Dean and Vonnie. May they see this time as an extension of eternity not an end. Pray for direction in starting a bus ministry here at Trinity. There are people who desire to come to church but do not have transportation. This prayer is obviously for youth but also for adults as well. Whether its because they are elderly or in work release or just without a vehicle. I pray we will be that tool used by Christ to share the Gospel message to them. Pray for our Student Leaders as they are being stretched outside of their comfort zone. Christ is obviously the center of their focus but they have lost many pillars of leadership within the group and are struggling to become the new pillars building on the strength of the past not recreating it. Pray for Riley and Keaton, as their grandpa is now out of a coma, that they


Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Scripture Focus

Ephesians 4:15-16

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