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The oocyte spindle is preserved by 1,2-propanediol

during slow freezing

Ching-Chien Chang, Ph.D.,a Li-Ying Sung, Ph.D.,b,c Chih-Jen Lin, M.Sc.,b,c Hilton I. Kort, M.D.,a
Xiangzhong Yang, Ph.D.,b,c X. Cindy Tian, Ph.D.,b,c and Zsolt Peter Nagy, M.D., Ph.D.a
Reproductive Biology Associates, Atlanta, Georgia; b Center for Regenerative Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs,
Connecticut; and c Department of Animal Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut

Objective: To investigate the specific changes in oocyte spindle subjected to severe challenges of low temperature,
as well as to examine the effect of cryoprotectants in preserving oocyte spindle during cryopreservation.
Design: In vitro experimental study.
Setting: Academic research laboratory.
Animal(s): B6D2F1 (C57BL/6 X DBA/2) mice.
Intervention(s): Mouse oocytes were cryopreserved using a slow freezing method in a sodium-depleted medium
with 1.5 mol/l 1,2-propanediol (PROH) and 0.3 M sucrose. To examine the spindle, oocytes were fixed before, dur-
ing, and after cryopreservation, and oocytes were analyzed by immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy.
Result(s): The MII spindle was preserved during the slow freezing, because the cryoprotectant PROH was found
to support the organization of MII spindle in resisting the subzero temperature. In contrast, the MII spindle was
disassembled gradually during the thawing process with or without PROH. Most of the oocytes were able to re-
cover the MII spindle after thawing, but a portion of thawed oocytes could not sustain the meiotic spindle because
of parthenogenetic activation.
Conclusion(s): 1,2-Propanediol can support the organization of MII spindle to defy the subphysiologic tempera-
ture; however, the PROH cannot sustain oocyte spindle structure after the subsequent thawing process. (Fertil
Steril 2010;93:1430–9. 2010 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
Key Words: Oocyte cryopreservation, meiotic spindle, 1, 2-propanediol

The meiotic spindle is composed of microtubules consisting Among the permeating cryoprotectants, propylene glycol
of a- and b-tubulin dimmers, which continuously change (1,2 propanediol; PROH) is the most commonly applied in
their state in equilibrium between a free and polymerized slow freezing cryopreservation recently. 1,2-Propanediol
state. Temperature decrease can compel the equilibrium to- can readily permeate cell membrane and establish hydrogen
ward depolymerization. Furthermore, the meiotic spindle is bonds with water molecules to prevent ice crystallization.
extremely susceptible to freezing processes in oocyte cryo- During freezing, as the free water solidifies into ice, the re-
preservation because spindle integrity can be affected not maining solution will contain progressively higher concen-
only by ice crystal formation, but also by the dramatic in- tration of electrolytes. The use of PROH can protect the
crease of salt concentration that occurs during cellular dehy- cell from stringent osmotic stress, in that the total concentra-
dration (‘‘solution effect’’) (1). Low temperature has been tion of both PROH and electrolytes are maintained to be con-
reported to potentially result in significant meiotic spindle stant during the freezing process. In the freezing state, the
disruption (2). Disassembly of the meiotic spindle is highly higher the concentration of PROH causes a lower concentra-
associated with dispersion of metaphase chromosomes and tion of electrolytes, thus confining the toxicity of osmotic
subsequent chromosomal anomalies (3–10). In contrast, sev- stress. Interestingly, it has been reported that low doses of
eral studies also have indicated that the meiotic spindle can PROH (<1.0 M) can cause disassembly of the meiotic spin-
endure freezing–thawing without chromosome dispersal in dle, whereas the structure of the meiotic spindle can be stabi-
the oocyte (11) or no increase of aneuploidies in the resulting lized by higher doses of PROH (1.5–2.0 M) (14). However, it
embryos (12, 13). is reported that PROH can adversely affect oocyte physiology
by inducing intracellular calcium in metaphase II oocytes,
which may cause oocyte activation and render oocytes non-
Received October 24, 2008; revised December 10, 2008; accepted Janu-
ary 9, 2009; published online March 26, 2009.
fertilizable (15–17).
C.-C.C. had nothing to disclose. L.-Y.S. had nothing to disclose. C.-J.L.
During oocyte slow freezing, intracellular ice formation,
has nothing to disclose. H.I.K. has nothing to disclose. X.Y. had nothing
to disclose. X.C.T. had nothing to disclose. Z.P. N. has nothing to dis- cryoprotectant toxicity, osmotic stress, nonphysiologic tem-
close. peratures, and pH instability are factors believed to affect
Presented in part at the annual meeting of American Society for Reproduc- the structure of the meiotic spindle. With more and more
tive Medicine, Washington, DC, October13–17, 2007.
Reprint requests: Zsolt Peter Nagy, M.D., Ph.D., Reproductive Biology As-
human pregnancies derived from oocyte slow freezing
sociates, 1150 Lake Hearn Drive, Suite 600, Atlanta, GA 30342 (FAX: methods using PROH as a cryoprotectant (18–22), it is ex-
404-256-1912; E-mail: tremely important to know whether the meitotic spindle can

1430 Fertility and Sterility Vol. 93, No. 5, March 15, 2010 0015-0282/10/$36.00
Copyright ª2010 American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2009.01.106
be preserved or whether the capability of meiotic spindle re- was performed with a controlled rate freezer CL8000 (Cryo-
assembly can be restored following oocyte cryopreservation logic, Victoria, Australia). Temperature was lowered gradu-
by slow freezing. The aim of this study is to investigate the ally from 18.1 C to 6.9 C at a rate of 2 C/min. Manual
meiotic spindle dynamics before and after slow freezing pro- seeding was induced during the 10 min holding ramp at
cedures using PROH as the cryoprotectant. 6.9 C, and the temperature was controlled to drop to
38 C at a rate of 0.3 C/min. The straws were then directly
plunged into liquid nitrogen and stored for later use.
Chemicals and Culture Media
Unless otherwise indicated, all chemicals purchased were Thawing Procedure
from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). All media were The frozen straws with cryopreserved oocytes were held in
prepared fresh and filter sterilized through a 0.22-mm filter air for 30 seconds and immersed into the 32 C to 35 C water
(Acrodisc; Pall Gelman Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI). bath until all ice crystals had disappeared. The thawed con-
tents of straws were expelled into an empty dish. Oocytes
were then picked up and transferred into 1.0 mL of the first
Animals and Recovery of Metaphase II Oocytes thawing solution (0.5 M sucrose) for 10 minutes at RT. The
The B6D2F1 (C57BL/6 X DBA/2) mice used were from oocytes were subsequently transferred into the second thaw-
Charles River Laboratories (Wilmington, MA). All animal ing solution (0.2 M sucrose) for 10 minutes at RT. Then, oo-
treatments were approved by the Institutional Animal Care cytes were washed in the washing solution (0 M sucrose) for
and Use Committee of the University of Connecticut, Storrs, 10 minutes at RT. Finally, the oocytes were incubated in
CT. KSOM þ AA medium (Specialty Media, Phillipsburg, NJ)
We collected in vivo matured MII-stage oocytes from before oocyte fixation.
B6D2F1 female mice subjected to the following hormone
priming protocol: superovulation was induced with 10 IU Timing of Oocyte Fixation
of eCG followed 48 hours later with 10 IU of human cho-
To thoroughly investigate the meiotic spindle change during
rionic gonadotrophin (hCG). Oocytes at MII stage were har-
freezing and thawing, oocytes were fixed at [1] 0 hours before
vested 14 hours after the hCG treatment and freed of cumulus
exposure to the freezing solution, [2] 20 minutes exposure to
cells by brief exposure to 100 IU/mL of hyaluronidase at
the freezing solution, [3] 1 minutes after the straws were
37 C and gentle pipetting.
immersed into the 32 C to 35 C water bath and expelled oo-
cytes into fixatives, [4] 10 minutes after the first thawing so-
Cryopreservation Solutions lution (0.5 M sucrose), [5] 10 minutes after the second
The sodium (Na)-depleted freezing media (18, 23, 24) were thawing solution (0.2 M sucrose), [6] 10 minutes after wash-
employed for oocyte cryopreservation in this study. The basal ing solution (0 M sucrose), [7] 30 minutes incubation after
medium of cryopreservation solution was prepared using Na- thawing procedures, [8] 1 hour incubation after thawing pro-
depleted system: choline chloride 137 mmol/L, KCl 2.6 cedures, [9] 2 hours incubation after thawing procedures, and
mmol/L, NaH2PO4 8.0 mmol/L, and KH2PO4 1.4 mmol/L. [10] 4 hours incubation after thawing procedures.
All salts were dissolved in the distilled water, and the pH
was adjusted to 7.4 by 5.0 mmol/L KOH. The freezing so-
Immunohistochemistry and Laser-Scanning Confocal
lution consisted of Na-depleted basal medium supplemented
with 20% fetal calf serum (FCS; Hyclone, Logan, UT), 1.5
mol/L PROH, and 0.3 mol/L sucrose. The thawing procedure For examination of microtubules, oocytes were fixed in a mi-
was the step-wise dilution method. The first thawing solution crotubule stabilizing buffer containing 2% formaldehyde,
consisted of Na-depleted basal medium supplemented with 0.5% Triton X-100, 1 mM taxol, 10 units/mL aprotinin, and
20% FCS (Hyclone) and 0.5 mol/L sucrose. The second 50% deuterium oxide at 37 C for at least 30 minutes. They
thawing solution was composed of Na-depleted basal me- were then washed in washing buffer (PBS containing 3 mM
dium supplemented with 20% FCS (Hyclone) and 0.2 mol/ NaN3, 0.01% Triton X-100, 0.2% nonfat dry milk, 2% normal
L sucrose. Finally, the washing solution was composed of goat serum, 0.1 M glycine, and 2% bovine serum albumin)
Na-depleted basal medium supplemented with 20% FCS three times and left in the washing buffer overnight at 4 C
(Hyclone) without addition of sucrose. for blocking and permeabilization (25). Oocytes were then
double stained to visualize microtubules and DNA. Briefly,
samples were incubated in mouse anti-a-tubulin antibody
Freezing Procedure (1:200) for 4 hours at 37 C or overnight at 4 C. After three
Before freezing, the cumulus cells were removed and the oo- washes in washing buffer, the oocytes were incubated in fluo-
cytes were transferred into 1.0-mL freezing solution for 20 rescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated goat antimouse
minutes equilibration at room temperature (RT) (22–25 C), immunoglobulin G (1:200) for 1 hour at 37 C. Finally, the
then loaded into 0.25-mL plastic straws (Paillette s Crystal oocytes were washed, stained for DNA with 7.5 mM propi-
133mm; Cryo Bio System, France). The freezing process dium iodide, mounted in PBS containing 50% glycerol as

Fertility and Sterility 1431

an antifading reagent and 25 mg/mL NaN3, and examined maintained without detectable lessening or damage (Fig.
with a laser-scanning confocal microscope (Leica TCS 1D, Table 1; 31/31). We observed a high degree of resem-
SP2, Exton, PA). blance of MII spindle when comparing before and after freez-
ing (Fig. 1).

Influence of the Freezing Process on the MII Spindle Effect of Cryoprotectants on Preserving MII Spindle
We investigated the organization of the MII spindle during Because the nature of microtubules is temperature sensitive,
the course of oocyte freezing process. To do this, we fixed oo- we next sought to investigate the effect of cryoprotectants
cytes before undergoing the freezing program when oocytes during subphysiologic temperature. Two kinds of cryoprotec-
had been treated with cryopreservation solution for 20 min- tants were supplemented in the cryopreservation solution.
utes at RT. We also fixed the cryopreserved oocytes immedi- One is 1.5 M PROH as a permeating cryoprotectant, and
ately after the ice crystal was melted. The organization of the the other is 0.3 M sucrose as a nonpermeating cryoprotectant.
MII spindle structure was analyzed with respect to microtu- Therefore, four different combinations of cryoprotectants
bule apparatus and chromosome configuration before and af- were used to treat oocytes at 4 C for 30 minutes, and the
ter freezing. As shown in Figure 1, of 35 treated oocytes, all MII spindle configuration was compared (Fig. 2). In the con-
of the MII spindles were well maintained in a barrel-shaped trol group (without PROH and sucrose), none of the oocytes
structure before freezing (Fig. 1A, Table 1; 35/35). In the oo- (0%; 0/27) had bipolar spindles (Fig. 2A), but only a scarce
cytes immediately after thawing, the MII spindle was still residual microtubule structure was found adjacent to the

Influence of the freezing process on the MII spindle. Confocal images of a-tubulin (A,D), chromatin (B,E), and
merge of chromatin and a-tubulin (C,F) of representative oocytes treated with freezing solution for 20 minutes at
RT (n ¼ 35; A–C) and oocytes that have been fixed immediately upon thawing (without removal of
cryoprotectants) (n ¼ 31; D–F). Oocytes have been frozen and thawed display stabilized MII spindle with
chromosomes aligned on the metaphase plate (D–F) resembling oocytes before the freezing process (A–C).

Chang. Oocyte spindle in slow freezing process. Fertil Steril 2010.

1432 Chang et al. Oocyte spindle in slow freezing process Vol. 93, No. 5, March 15, 2010
The dynamics of the meiotic spindle during oocyte cryopreservation.
Completely Anaphase/
Bipolar Disorganized disappeared telophase
spindle spindle spindle spindle
Fresh control MII oocytes 100% (33/33) 0 (0/33) 0 (0/33) 0 (0/33)
Freezing Sol.-Equilibration 20 100% (35/35) 0 (0/35) 0 (0/35) 0 (0/35)
minutes, room temperature
Fixed immediately 100% (31/31) 0 (0/31) 0 (0/31) 0 (0/31)
upon thawinga
Thawing (0.5 M Sucrose) 10 100% (22/22) 0 (0/22) 0 (0/22) 0 (0/22)
minutes, room temperature
Thawing (0.2 M Sucrose) 10 0 (0/19) 100% (19/19) 0 (0/19) 0 (0/19)
minutes, room temperature
Washing (0 M Sucrose) 10 0 (0/23) 100% (23/23) 0 (0/23) 0 (0/23)
minutes, room temperture
30 minutes (37 C) postthawing 0 (0/29) 69.0% (20/29) 31% (9/29) 0 (0/29)
1 hour (37 C) postthawing 76.7% (23/30) 0 (0/30) 16.6% (5/30) 6.7% (2/30)
2 hours (37 C) postthawing 81.2% (26/32) 0 (0/32) 6.3% (2/32) 12.5% (4/32)
4 hours (37 C) postthawing 85.0% (34/40) 0 (0/40) 10.0% (4/40) 5.0 % (2/40)
The frozen straw with cryopreserved oocytes was held in air for 30 seconds and immersed into water bath at 32 C until ice
has fully melted (approximately 15 seconds), and all the liquid contents with oocytes was directly transferred into the
fixative upon the ice crystal has been melted.
Chang. Oocyte spindle in slow freezing process. Fertil Steril 2010.

metaphase chromosomes (Fig. 2C). In the group with only Hence, in place of the serial dilution thawing protocol, we
sucrose added, we observed largely diminished microtubule directly subjected the frozen oocytes to the complete
apparatus with two distinctive spindle poles (100%; 33/33), cryopreservation solution with 1.5 M PROH and 0.3 M su-
and the MII spindle could not be fully stabilized by the non- crose for 30 minutes at RT. We found that the MII spindle still
permeating cryoprotectant (Fig. 2F). In contrast, if the per- disorganized when the oocyte was thawed in the solution with
meating cryoprotectant PROH was present in the solution, cryoprotectants (Fig. 3J–L; 34/34).
the organization of bipolar spindles was not affected by the
After thawing, the thawed oocytes were further examined
subphysiologic temperature with (Fig. 2J–L; 35/35) or with-
at 30 minutes incubation of 37 C. We observed the MII spin-
out (Fig. 2G–I; 37/37) sucrose presence.
dle was totally disassembled in a portion of oocytes (9/29;
Fig. 4A–C, Table 1), and the others had scarce microtubule
apparatus attached to the metaphase chromosomes (20/29;
MII Spindle Organization during the Thawing Process Fig. 4D–F, Table 1).
We examined the MII spindle at 10 minutes in 0.5 M sucrose
thawing solution, and another 10 minutes in 0.2 M sucrose
thawing solution, and, finally, 10 minutes for washing in Recovery of the MII Spindle after the Thawing Process
HEPES buffered solution without any sucrose (Fig. 3, Table
Frozen and thawed oocytes were fixed for examining the be-
1). We found that the MII spindle started to disorganize
havior of the MII spindle 1 hour, 2 hours, and 4 hours post-
when thawed oocytes were transferred into 0.2 M sucrose
thawing to more closely follow the recovery of the MII
thawing solution (Fig. 3D–F, Table 1; 19/19). We also found
spindle. After 1 hour incubation, we observed three situa-
that the microtubule was detached from the metaphase plate
tions: [1] a recovered bipolar spindle was found with com-
after serial dilutions of the thawing process (Fig. 3G–I, Table
plete chromosome alignment (Fig. 5A, Table 1; 23/30). [2]
1; 23/23).
No spindle was reassembled with condensed chromosomes
Because the cryoprotectants in cryopreservation solution (Fig. 5B; 5/30). [3] A spindle was undergoing anaphase/telo-
can preserve the MII spindle during the freezing process, phase with two sets of divided chromosomes (Fig. 5C; 2/30).
we performed control experiments to look into whether By 2 hours, 81.2% of oocytes had recovered their MII spindle
PROH, which has been used in the freezing process, can (Fig. 5A, Table 1; 26/32), 6.3% of oocytes had no spindle re-
also preserve the MII spindle during the thawing process. assembled with condensed chromosomes (Fig. 5B; 2/32), and

Fertility and Sterility 1433

The effect of cryoprotectants on preserving the MII spindle during low-temperature treatment (4 C for 30 minutes). Confocal
images of a-tubulin (A,D,G,J), chromatin (B,E,H,K), and merge of chromatin and a-tubulin (C,F,I,L) of representative oocytes
treated with choline-based freezing solution without PROH and sucrose (A–C), choline-based freezing solution with 0.3 M
sucrose but without PROH (D–F), choline-based freezing solution with 1.5 M PROH but without sucrose (G–I), and complete
freezing solution with both 1.5 M PROH and 0.3 M sucrose (J–L). In the absence of PROH and sucrose, oocytes display
disorganized MII spindle after low-temperature treatment (A–C). The 1.5 M PROH stabilized MII spindle during low-
temperature treatment (G–I and J–L). However, sucrose alone was not able to prevent the spindle disassembly caused by low-
temperature treatment, and those oocytes revealed diminished microtubule apparatus with two distinctive spindle poles (D–F).

Chang. Oocyte spindle in slow freezing process. Fertil Steril 2010.

1434 Chang et al. Oocyte spindle in slow freezing process Vol. 93, No. 5, March 15, 2010
MII spindle organization during the thawing processes. Confocal images of a-tubulin (A,D,G,J), chromatin
(B,E,H,K), and merge of chromatin and a-tubulin (C,F,I,L) of cryopreserved oocytes first thawing in 0.5 M sucrose
solution at RT for 10 minutes (A–C), secondly transferred into 0.2 M sucrose solution at RT for another 10 minutes
(D–F), and finally washed by the HEPES-buffered solution for 10 minutes at RT (G–I). The cryopreserved oocytes
were directly thawed into freezing solution with 1.5 M PROH and 0.3 M sucrose for 30 minutes at RT (without
removal of any cryoprotectants) (J–L). The MII spindle started to disassemble following thawing, and it is
noteworthy that the microtubule apparatus was detached from the metaphase plate when the cryoprotectants
have been completely removed (I). On the other hand, the disorganized MII spindle was not avoidable when the
cryopreserved oocytes were directly thawed into freezing solution with complete cryoprotectants (J–L).

Chang. Oocyte spindle in slow freezing process. Fertil Steril 2010.

Fertility and Sterility 1435

MII spindle underwent disassembling and reassembling during the first hour after thawing. Confocal images of a-
tubulin (A,D), chromatin (B,E), and merge of chromatin and a-tubulin (C,F) of cryopreserved oocytes fixed after
the complete thawing processes (after removal of cryoprotectants) and subsequent incubation for 30 minutes at
37 C. Approximately, one-third of the thawed oocytes (9/29) did not have detectable microtubule structure
surrounding chromosomes (A–C), and the rest of oocytes (20/29) revealed that metaphase chromosomes were
attached with scarce microtubule structure (D–F).

Chang. Oocyte spindle in slow freezing process. Fertil Steril 2010.

12.5% of oocytes had been activated with an anaphase/telo- gradually during the thawing process whether the cryoprotec-
phase spindle (Fig. 5C; 4/32). At 4 hours of postthawing in- tant PROH was present or not. Most of the oocytes were able
cubation, 85% of oocytes had a recovered MII spindle to recover their MII spindles after thawing; however, a portion
(Fig. 5A, Table 1; 34/40), 2.5% of oocytes had no spindle of oocytes could not sustain metaphase arrest because of this
reassembled with condensed chromosomes (Fig. 5B; 1/40), slow freezing and thawing processes.
and 12.5% of oocytes had been activated either with an ana-
Previous studies involving the structure of oocyte spindle
phase/telophase spindle (Fig. 5C; 2/40) or with an early stage
during cryopreservation have been complicated by contradic-
of pronucleus (Fig. 5D; 3/40).
tive observations among different labs and protocols that
have been used. Thus far, the whole picture of the change
DISCUSSION of oocyte spindles during the freezing and thawing protocols
These results describe for the first time the systematic kinet- remains unclear. Unlike what we report here in mouse oocyte
ics of MII spindle during the complete course of a slow freez- cryopreservation, the oocytes in previous studies displayed
ing and thawing process. The results indicate that the MII profound spindle alterations immediately upon thawing
spindle was preserved during the slow freezing process and (26), and only slight recovery was observed upon removal
that the permeating cryoprotectant PROH can support the or- of the cryoprotectants, indicating that the cryoprotectants (di-
ganization of the MII spindle to resist the subphysiologic methyl sulfoxide) and the freezing process caused a huge im-
temperature. Interestingly, the MII spindle was disassembled pact on spindle structure detected by immunocytochemistry.

1436 Chang et al. Oocyte spindle in slow freezing process Vol. 93, No. 5, March 15, 2010
Nuclear and microtubule dynamics of frozen and thawed oocytes after incubation at 37 C. Confocal images
depict microtubules (green) and chromatin (red). (A) A representative oocyte reveals a well-organized bipolar
spindle. (B) A representative oocyte lacks detectable microtubule structure. (C) A representative oocyte exhibits
telophase of meiotic spindle with two sets of separated chromosomes. (D) A representative oocyte reveals an
early stage pronucleus in the cytoplasm. Arrow indicates the pronucleus.

Chang. Oocyte spindle in slow freezing process. Fertil Steril 2010.

In contrast, in human oocyte cryopreservation, the oocyte upon thawing. It suggests that the structure of the MII spindle
spindle can survive through the freezing process (with was not significantly altered during the freezing process and
PROH as a cryoprotectant), in that the spindle was detectable might be sustained by cryoprotectants such as PROH and su-
in approximately 24% to 35% of oocytes immediately after crose in the freezing solution.
thawing (27, 28) with a computer-assisted polarization mi- In fact, the MII spindle is highly susceptible to low temper-
croscopy system (Polscope). Different consequences for oo- atures, and even transient exposure to RT for only 10 minutes
cyte spindles were found under variations in factors such as causes irreversible disruption of the meiotic spindle in human
species (mouse vs. human), detection systems (immunocyto- oocytes (29–31), whereas the MII spindle can be completely
chemistry vs. Polscope), and cryoprotectants (dimethyl sulf- disorganized at 4 C (5, 31, 32). However, in combination
oxide vs. PROH) still exist. Therefore, in our present study, to with PROH and sucrose, our results demonstrated that the
elucidate the potential effects of cryopreservation on oocyte MII spindle can survive through the freezing process. Our ex-
spindles, we employ mouse oocytes treated with PROH in planations of the mechanisms involved in stabilizing the spin-
a slow freezing protocol and analyze oocyte spindles by im- dle during subphysiologic temperatures are because of the
munocytochemistry. Surprisingly, the oocyte spindle was not effects of sucrose and PROH. Therefore, to investigate the ef-
only maintained before the freezing process, but also 100% of fect of cryoprotectant on oocyte spindles during low temper-
oocyte spindles (Fig. 1D; 29/29) remained intact immediately ature, we treated the oocytes at 4 C for 30 minutes and

Fertility and Sterility 1437

compared the spindle structure in the cryopreservation solu- storage; however, we clarified that the disintegration of the
tions with the complete (with 0.3 M sucrose and 1.5 M meiotic spindle was caused by the thawing process per se in-
PROH) and incomplete (without either 0.3 M sucrose or stead of the rehydration steps. Our study has clearly proven
1.5 M PROH, or both) formula. Devoid of any cryoprotectant, for that PROH can support the organization of the MII spindle
it is not surprising to see that the microtubule apparatus can to resist the subphysiologic temperature; however, the PROH
not endure the 4 C harsh conditions (Fig. 2A–C). Similarly, cannot sustain the oocyte spindle structure after the subse-
unable to permeate through the plasma membrane, sucrose quent thawing process. Therefore, future efforts to optimize
alone only partially maintained the spindle structure with di- oocyte cryopreservation should consider how to preserve or
minished microtubule apparatus and two distinctive spindle recover the oocyte spindle efficiently after the freezing and
poles (Fig. 2D–F) because sucrose might only induce water thawing processes. The information provided here is valuable
molecules to move out of the oocyte and raise the concentra- for further improvement of oocyte cryopreservation by the
tion of tubulin molecules in the oocyte. However, the PROH slow freezing method.
plays a critical role in resisting the damage of the low temper-
ature condition by preventing microtubule disassembly. It is
worth noting that the MII spindle can be stabilized by REFERENCES
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