Rinhs Science 9 3rd Quiz 1 Volcanoes

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I MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer and write the CAPITAL LETTER of
your choice on the space provided before each number. FOR STRICT COMPLIANCE, ANY

______1. Which of the following is not one of the warning signs used to predict a volcanic
A. earthquake activity
B. the activity of animals
C. changing chemistry of volcanic gas
D. development and widening of surface cracks on the volcano
______2. Volcanoes are formed in areas where there is a rich source of magma underneath
Earth’s surface. All areas are rich sources of magma except __________.
A. in a fissure C. along the divergent zone
B. within a tectonic plate D. along the convergent zone
______3. Good can come from a volcanic eruption. Which of the following is not a benefit from
an eruption of a volcano?
A. fertile soil C. land destroyed
B. increased tourism D. geothermal energy

______4. Eruptions of volcanoes may be violent or quiet. The broad volcanic feature formed by
quiet eruptions on thin lava flows is called a __________.
A. vent B. rift valley C. cinder cone D. shield volcano
______5. The source of magma underneath a volcano may be depleted. What is formed when a
magma chamber empties and collapses.
A. a caldera B. a cinder cone C. a rift valley D. a stratovolcano
______6. Magma may be viscous or less viscous. Compared to a less viscous magma, viscous
magma with high silica content tends to flow __________.
A. fast C. with the same speed
B. slowly D. through greater distance
______7. A/An __________ is made up of an opening in the surface of the Earth through which
molten rock flows and the material that accumulates around the entrance.
A. trench C. subduction zone
B. volcano D. convergent boundary
______8. In the recent past, humans have been looking for and trying out alternative sources of
renewable energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. How can the energy from
volcanoes be tapped for human use?
A. The lava can be used for cooking.
B. Geothermal energy can be used to generate electricity.
C. The energy from the magma can be used to heat water.
D. Geothermal energy can be tapped to produce steam used for heating showers.
______9. Which of the following descriptions describes a dormant volcano?
A. A volcano that is currently erupting.
B. A volcano that has erupted in recent history.
C. A volcano that scientists believe will never erupt again.
D. A volcano that has not erupted in a long time, but may erupt again.
______10. If geologists detect many small earthquakes in the area near a volcano, what can
they infer about the volcano?
A. It is extinct C. It is probably about to erupt
B. It is dormant D. It is a good source of geothermal energy
______11. When groundwater heated by magma rises to the surface and collects in a natural
pool, it is called a __________.
A. vent B. geyser C. hot spring D. pyroclastic flow
______12. Mt Butay is a volcano that’s located in the Province of Camiguin, Northern Mindanao
which shows no signs of life and exhibits evidence of long-term erosion is classified as a/n
A. active volcano C. dormant volcano
B. extinct volcano D. quiescent volcano
______13. A volcano which is composed of lava flows and pyroclastic material and which is
steep- sided and very tall is known as __________ volcano.
A. shield B. dormant C. composite D. cinder cone
______14. What do we call molten hot liquid rock once it erupts to the Earth's surface?
A. lava B. magma C. cinder D. composite
______15. Countries like Japan, Korea, Indonesia, and New Zealand have common occurrences
of volcanoes because they are located within the __________.
A. Ring of Hotspots C. Pacific Ring of Fire
B. Pacific Fire Band D. All of the above
______16. A city near a volcano experiences heavy ashfall following an eruption. Which of the
following should residents take precautions against?
A. Acid rain C. Respiratory issues
B. Oxygen depletion D. Carbon dioxide poisoning

______17. A volcanic eruption causes widespread disruption to air travel due to ash clouds in
the atmosphere. What hazard does this pose to aircraft?
A. Engine failure C. Structural damage
B. Reduced visibility D. All of the above
______18. A volcanic eruption triggers a rapid flow of mud and debris down the slopes of a
mountain. What is this phenomenon called?
A. Lahar C. Pyroclastic flow
B. Tephra fall D. Lava flow
______19. When the surface of the lava cools and hardens but the lava
underneath still readily flows, this is called a __________.
A. lahar C. lava flow
B. lava tube D. pyroclastic flow
______20. These are volcanoes are volcanoes which has not erupted
within historic times, but has the capacity to become active.
A. Active Volcanoes C. Dormant or inactive volcanoes
B. Extinct volcanoes D. None of the above

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