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Once upon a time there was a little girl who wore a beautiful purple
cape. Since the girl wore it every day, they called her little purple
riding hood.

One day little purple riding hood’s dad called her and told her.

Grandma isn’t feeling very well, she’s baking some cookies and I want
you to bring them to her. Of course, little purple riding hood
answered, putting on her cape and filling her basket with the freshly
baked cookies.

Before leaving, his father told him, listen to me carefully, stay on the
road and never talk to strangers.” I know, mom, “ answered little
purple riding hood and immediately left for grandma’s house .

To get to grandma’s house she has to cross a quiet path full of flowers
and some pretty animals. At that moment she bumped intoa deer that
told her what a pretty girl who brings you here. Little purple riding
hood wasn’t going to answer him but he looked very kind and said
“I’m going to take cookies to my grandma.

The deer saw her a little lost and scared so she offered her help, little
purple riding hood didn’t know what to say because she thought the
deer had bad intentions so she told him better that she didn’t need
help although if she did the deer was going to leave. But little purple
riding hood stopped him and told him that he needed it.

In the end the deer and little purple riding hood went to little purple
riding hood’s grandmother and they brought her the cookies and they
talked and little purple riding hood returned to the house telling her
the story of what had happened to her.


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