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FM213 Principles of Finance

Part 2
Lecture 9

Kim Fe Cramer

LSE Finance
Assistant Professor
What Did We Do?

1. What projects should you invest in?

• Lecture 1: Capital budgeting and the NPV rule
• Lecture 2: Real options

2. How should you distribute the money you made?

• Lecture 3: Payout Policy

3. How should you raise more money for investments?

• Lecture 4: Does debt policy matter?
• Lecture 5+6: How much debt should a firm borrow?
• Lecture 7: The many different types of debt
• Lecture 8: Initial public offerings

4. Should you agree to a merger?

• Lecture 9: Mergers, corporate governance, and control

5. How can you manage risk?

• Lecture 10: Risk management and hedging

What Did We Do?

• Venture capital

• Fund structure

• Capital flows

• Monitoring

• IPOs

• Procedure

• Underpricing

• Seasoned offerings

This Lecture

1. What projects should you invest in?

• Lecture 1: Capital budgeting and the NPV rule
• Lecture 2: Real options

2. How should you distribute the money you made?

• Lecture 3: Payout Policy

3. How should you raise more money for investments?

• Lecture 4: Does debt policy matter?
• Lecture 5+6: How much debt should a firm borrow?
• Lecture 7: The many different types of debt
• Lecture 8: Initial public offerings

4. Should you agree to a merger?

• Lecture 9: Mergers, corporate governance, and control

5. How can you manage risk?

• Lecture 10: Risk management and hedging

The Biggest Bank Fail Since the 2008 Financial Crisis

• In March 2023 Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), providing banking

services to nearly half of U.S. start-ups and 2,500 VCs, became
the largest bank to fail since the 2008 financial crisis

• The following week, stocks of several banks plunged

(e.g., Signature Bank, Credit Suiss)

Why Did Silicon Valley Bank Fail?

• SVB kept few deposits in cash and used the rest to buy
long-term assets like Treasury (=government) bonds

• Fed raised interest rates to combat inflation

(higher rates = less borrowing = less money spent = lower prices)

• SVB’s existing treasury bonds much less attractive as newer

bonds got more interest

• As start-up funding decreased, clients withdrew more money from

their accounts - to fulfil the requests, the bank had to sell some
assets at a steep discount

• SVB tried to finance theses losses through new shares ($1.8b),

worrying investors that they were in trouble

Why Did Silicon Valley Bank Fail?

• The tech industry panicked and rushed to pull out their money
("bank run")

• Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC") took over SVB

after they couldn’t find another buyer

• Costs of the aftermath of these bank failures financed by fees paid

by banks into the FDIC

• In 2008, hundreds of billions of dollars were provided to rescue

the banking industry, largely shouldered by taxpayers

• In 2018, Trump had signed a bill that reduced how often regional
banks had to submit to stress tests

M&A to the Rescue

• Spurred by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, Credit Suisse’s

stock price decreased sharply and people became worried about
its weaknesses

• Credit Suisse (founded 1856) has long been bad news - decades of
scandals, management upheals, and failed attempts to reform
damaged its reputation and attracted lawsuits. E.g., lost $147b
worth of customer deposits in the last three months of 2022

• In March 2023 UBS acquired Credit Suisse in a $3.24b all

stock deal brokered by the government to prevent Credit Suisse
from failing

• Credit Suisse shareholders received 1 UBS share for every 22.48

Credit Suisse shares they held

• UBS also got $9.72b from the government (= taxpayer money)

should certain assets fail, plus a $108b credit line
Course Evaluation

• Please fill out the course evaluation

• It is crucial for my career path at LSE

• And helps me make course corrections if you didn’t like something

• Any private feedback via email is also appreciated

• Thank you!

Please fill out teacher questions twice, once for your class teacher and
once for me as a lecturer (Kim Fe Cramer)

Lecture Overview (Chapter 32)

• Definitions and facts

• Reasons for M&A

• Takeovers

- Types
- Gains and costs (NPV and multiples)
- Why does the target price jump on announcement?

Lecture Overview (Chapter 32)

• Definitions and facts

• Reasons for M&A

• Takeovers

- Types
- Gains and costs (NPV and multiples)
- Why does the target price jump on announcement?


• Mergers and acquisitions ("M&A") are typically the largest

investment decisions a financial manager can make

• These decisions are very consequential; successful M&As can

transform a company, unsuccessful ones can destroy it

• In 2020, U.S. companies were involved in over 17,000 deals

totalling more than $2 trillion

• During periods of intense M&A, managers spend a large amount

of time of either searching for firms to acquire or worrying about
being acquired ("eat or be eaten")


Some important recent M&As



• Several companies consolidated into single new firm

• Mostly friendly merge on an equal basis

• Don’t take place frequently

• Stocks of both companies are surrendered and new stocks issued

• E.g. Continental Airlines and United Airlines

We will mostly focus on more frequent acquisitions




• Larger firm buys shares of smaller target firm

• Can be friendly or hostile

• E.g. US Airways and American Airlines


• A (public) firm (or a division) is bought and then taken private

• Can be friendly or hostile

• E.g. M. Dell bought company he founded to have better control

Types of M&A

Horizontal Vertical Conglomerate

Firms are in the same Firms are in the same Firms are in
industry and the industry but at different different industries
same production stages production stages

M&A Waves

United States
1. 1893-1904: Horizontal M&A to create monopolies

2. 1915-1929: Horizontal M&A resulting in oligopolies

3. 1960s-1970s: Conglomerate M&A to create internal capital markets

4. 1980s: Hostile gigantic M&A to create diversified businesses

5. 1990s: Less hostile big M&A fuelled by globalization

6. 2000s: More buyouts due to growth in private equity

1. 1984-1989: transatlantic acquisitions by U.S.

2. 1993-2001: surge in intra-European transactions, many cross-boarder

due to the Euro and deregulation/privatization

Lecture Overview (Chapter 32)

• Definitions and facts

• Reasons for M&A

• Takeovers

- Types
- Gains and costs (NPV and multiples)
- Why does the target price jump on announcement?

Reasons for M&A

Valid reasons
• Economies of scale (= efficiency by volume)
• Economies of scope (= efficiency by variety)
• Change in corporate control
• Taxes
• Restructuring
• Market power

Dubious reasons
• Diversification
• Reduced borrowing costs
• Increased management prestige or compensation
• Higher earnings per share

Reasons for M&A: Valid

Economies of scale/scope ("synergies/strategic benefit")

• Higher cash flows, e.g. through higher revenue or lower costs

• Scale = small firm gets access to distribution and advertisement

• Scope = big firm gets access to innovative technology of start-ups

Change in corporate control

• Replace bad managers

• Prevent entrenched management or captured board

• Prevent empire building (=expand rather than profit shareholder)

Reasons for M&A: Valid


• Interest tax shields from debt of other firm

• Reorganize into other corporate form

• Other tax tricks


• Restructuring often necessary through regulation/deregulation

(e.g. banking, airlines)

• Other reasons: obsolete product

• Merger often cost effective way to restructure

Reasons for M&A: Valid

Market power

• If you can’t undercut competitors, you can buy them

• Lower competition allows monopoly prices

• Good for companies but bad for society

(e.g., Alphabet, parent of Google)

Reasons for M&A: Dubious


• Combining several industries is diversification on firm level

• But investors simply can hold a diversified portfolio of firms

Reduced borrowing costs

• Combined firms can often get lower interest rates

• But only because they guarantee for each other (which is a cost)

Increased management prestige or compensation

• Managers simply want to show off

• Or derive higher benefits

Reasons for M&A: Dubious

Higher earnings per share (=EPS)

• Some M&As offer no evident economic gains but get higher EPS

• Example: Assume A and B have identical earnings (100m) and

identical number of shares (1m). However, firm A has a stock
price of 4 and B of 2, since B has poor growth perspectives.
Thus, firm A only needs 0.5m shares to buy B’s 1m shares.
Earnings double but the nr of shares increases only by 50%. So
EPS is now 200m/1.5m=133m.

Firm A Firm B After M&A

Earnings 100m 100m 200m
Shares 1m 1m 1.5m
Stock price 4 2 4
Market value 4m 2m 6m
EPS 100 100 133

Lecture Overview (Chapter 32)

• Definitions and facts

• Reasons for M&A

• Takeovers

- Types
- Gains and costs (NPV and multiples)
- Why does the target price jump on announcement?

Takeover Types: Cash vs Stock

1. Cash deals
• Target shareholders receive cash compensation

• E.g. every share of target receives $10

2. Stock deals
• Target shareholders receive acquires’ shares (post-takeover firm)

• E.g. every share of target receives 0.3 shares of acquirer

3. Combination of cash and stock

Does it matter? No in Modigliani-Miller world, yes in reality.

Takeover Types: Friendly vs Hostile


• Board of directors of two firms agree to combine firms

• Seek shareholders approval for combination (generally >50%)


• Raider can make offer to board of directors

• ... or directly to shareholders ("tender offer")

• Often a hostile takeover attempt will result in being sold to a

friendly third party

Defence Against Hostile Takeovers

1. Bribe raider to go away ("greenmail")

2. File antitrust law suit to block acquisition

3. Anti-takeover amendments ("shark repellents")

• Poison pill (more shares to all shareholders but acquirer)

• Staggered terms for board of directors (hard to quickly replace)

• Super majority provisions (require more than 50% of votes)

4. Employee stock ownership plan (=put vote in hands of employees)

5. Look for friendly alternatives

Stock price ↓1.3% at anti-takeover amendment announcement

Lecture Overview (Chapter 32)

• Definitions and facts

• Reasons for M&A

• Takeovers

- Types
- Gains and costs (NPV and multiples)
- Why does the target price jump on announcement?

Takeovers: Gains and Costs Under Cash Deal

• Suppose you are the financial manager of acquirer A and want to

analyse the possible target firm T. There is an economic gain
only if the two firms are worth more together than apart
Gain = PVAT − (PVA + PVT ) = △PVAT

• To buy T, A almost certainly need to pay T’s shareholders more

than it is currently worth ("acquisition premium")

Cost = Cash paid − PVT

• A should go ahead with the takeover if the NPV is positive

N P V = △PVAT − (Cash paid − PVT ) > 0

Takeovers: Gains and Costs Under Stock Deal

• Suppose you are the financial manager of acquirer A and want to

analyse the possible target firm T. There is an economic gain
only if the two firms are worth more together than apart
Gain = PVAT − (PVA + PVT ) = △PVAT

• To buy T under stock deals, A needs to sell N shares at the price

P of the post-takeover firm AT

Cost = N ∗ PAT − PVT

• Optimistic managers prefer to finance takeovers with cash (they

think that price of AT will be high, increasing costs)


• Assume that the market value of the acquirer is $2,000m and the
market value of the target is $1,100m

• The acquirer thinks that the combined companies can cut

operating costs by $40m p.a. in perpetuity

• Assume discount rate is 11%

• The acquirer thinks a successful cash bid will cost $1,400m

• Alternatively, the acquirer could offer target’s shareholders 33%

in post-takeover firm

• What are gains, costs, and NPVs of the two alternatives?


• Cash: 40m/0.11=364m
• Stock: 40m/0.11=364m

• Cash: 1,400m-1,100m=300m
• Stock: 0.33*(2,000m+1,100m+364m)-1,100m=43m

• Cash: 364m-300m=64m
• Stock: 364m-43m=321m

Valuation By NPV: Pros and Cons

• Construct transparent spreadsheet of FCF
• FCF come from specific assumptions and forecasts
• Can see impact of changes in strategies
• Valuation tied to underlying fundamentals

• Calculation only as good as your assumptions and forecasts
• You might forget something
• Need to forecast managerial behaviour (unless you are in control)
• Need to estimate discount rate that may be incorrect

Valuation By Multiples

Assess firm’s value based on publicly traded comparables

1. Cash-flow-based value multiples

Market value of firm divided by earnings, EBITDA, or FCF

2. Cash-flow-based price multiples

Price of firm divided by earnings (P/E ratio), EBITDA, or FCF

3. Asset-based multiples
Market value of firm divided by book value of assets, or
market value of equity divided by book value of equity

Valuation By Multiples

• Step 1: if you want to value firm A, find firm B in same business

• Step 2: calculate a multiple (e.g. P/E) for firm B (or take the
average among multiple comparison firms) to come up with an
estimate of the multiple for firm A

• Step 3: solve for the price of firm A


• Assume Google’s market capitalization (= market value of

equity) is 300b and it has 400m shares. The earnings per share
was 75 last year

• Further assume Facebook is similar to Google and had

earnings per share of 9.5 last year

• Price Facebook shares by the P/E ratio



• Share price = 300b/400m = 750

• P/E = 750/75 = 10


• P/E = 10 (from Google)

• P/9.5 = 10 ⇐⇒ P = 95

Valuation By Multiples: Pros and Cons

• Free-ride on market’s info
• Incorporate a lot of info from other valuations in simple way
• Embodies market consensus about growth and discount rate
• Discipline in valuation by ensuring it is in line with others

• Implicitly assumes all companies equal in growth rates, etc.
• Hard to incorporate firm-specific info
• Accounting differences across firms
• Book value differences across firms based on age
• If everyone uses comparisons, who does fundamental analysis?

Lecture Overview (Chapter 32)

• Definitions and facts

• Reasons for M&A

• Takeovers

- Types
- Gains and costs (NPV and multiples)
- Why does the target price jump on announcement?

Who Benefits? Target Shareholders!

Abnormal performance of takeover target stocks (U.S., 1975-2019)

• This is the premium investors expect acquirer needs to pay

• Acquirer firms do a little better than zero (stock price ↑0.5%)

Why Do Only Target Shareholders Benefit?


1. Buyer is often much larger such that even substantial gains don’t
show up in share price

2. Excessive competition among buyers

3. Free-rider problem (see example)

Free-Rider Problem: Example

• You are a shareholder of Nothing Hill Bookshop, whose stock is

trading for 45. You expect management is not running the shop
well and it could be worth 60

• Ownership is dispersed and convincing all shareholders to vote a

new board is unlikely

• SoullessBooks is known for buying and turning around

under-performing bookshops by replacing and properly
incentivizing management

• They make a bid of X per share, but they need 51% of shares

Question: What must X be for you to sell?

Free-Rider Problem: Example

• If you think SoullessBooks succeeds with the bid, you would not
sell below 60 because that is what your share will be worth

• If all think similarly, SoullessBooks only succeeds if it bits 60

• At 60 however, SoullessBooks makes no profits

• SoullessBooks will receive a firm worth 60 and pay 60 plus

transaction costs

Free-Rider Problem: Logic

• Only buyer can unlock extra value in target firm

• But current shareholders want to free-ride on buyer’s efforts

• This means either buyers overpay or nothing happens

• This explains why target prices jump on takeover announcement

What Did We Do?

1. What projects should you invest in?

• Lecture 1: Capital budgeting and the NPV rule
• Lecture 2: Real options

2. How should you distribute the money you made?

• Lecture 3: Payout Policy

3. How should you raise more money for investments?

• Lecture 4: Does debt policy matter?
• Lecture 5+6: How much debt should a firm borrow?
• Lecture 7: The many different types of debt
• Lecture 8: Initial public offerings

4. Should you agree to a merger?

• Lecture 9: Mergers, corporate governance, and control

5. How can you manage risk?

• Lecture 10: Risk management and hedging

Lecture Overview (Chapter 32)

• Definitions and facts

• Reasons for M&A

• Takeovers

- Types
- Gains and costs (NPV and multiples)
- Why does the target price jump on announcement?

Next Lecture

1. What projects should you invest in?

• Lecture 1: Capital budgeting and the NPV rule
• Lecture 2: Real options

2. How should you distribute the money you made?

• Lecture 3: Payout Policy

3. How should you raise more money for investments?

• Lecture 4: Does debt policy matter?
• Lecture 5+6: How much debt should a firm borrow?
• Lecture 7: The many different types of debt
• Lecture 8: Initial public offerings

4. Should you agree to a merger?

• Lecture 9: Mergers, corporate governance, and control

5. How can you manage risk?

• Lecture 10: Risk management and hedging


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• Class teacher office hours see Moodle (approach first)

• Kim’s office hours Friday after lecture (5-6pm, MAR 7.35)

• Moodle forum

• Email only for sensitive/personal questions


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