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Title page

Company logo and name team member’s name

E-mail contact social media
Table of contents
Executive summary
In this there is a section wise summary for example if the content heading of industrial analysis exists
then in executive summary you must summarize it in three to four lines it's like a section wise summary
of your company idea and every section that exists in the table of content all contents should be explained
in three to four lines
Cover letter
In cover letter what is your company why are you targeting that very investor afterwards make sure that
executive summary should be done at the end off report because it consists of the summary of all contents
Company description
The first thing in end this is company history which includes where did the idea come from what are the
driving forces behind its inspection.
Mission statement
Includes why the company exists and what it aspires to become as for the vision it includes where the
company will be in the next five years.
Product and services
How your product and service is unique unique selling point of the company explain its relative
positioning how you will place yourself against your competitors
Current status of your company
How far along your company is in its development stage by thinking in terms of milestones for example
concept test, feasibility test, achieving a legal status.
Legal status and ownership
It includes who owns the business and how it splits.
Key partnerships
This includes if there is any integral partner for example a consultant who plays a significant role

Industry analysis
It begins by describing the industry in terms of its size, growth and sales projection. You can go to
Pakistan economic survey where all the data about every industry for example its growth rate export
potential is present in digits.
Tell about the promising areas and weak points of that industry true which, weak points the gap is being
Industry structure
This includes if the industry is concentrated or fragmented the industry related to the company.
Highlight 6 to 9 key success factors.
Discuss your industry trends which means competitor analysis.

Market analysis
Divide your market into different segments.
Target segmentations for instance demographic psychographic etcetera
Competitor analysis
Consumer behavior
It includes consumer awareness about the product and what is their behavior demographically
psychographically and area wise.

Market plan: it's the second important key point.

Overall marketing strategy
Positioning like relative positioning and differentiation which includes USP (unique selling point)
Marketing mix which includes 8 p’s

Management team and company structure (most imp)

Includes marketing, financial, distribution (managing the task) board of directors and board of advisors.
Operational plan
It includes how you run your business.
Describe the geographic location of your business for example if it's an app then it should be found on
apple store or play store.
Describing a firm's facilities and equipment, for example capital purchases machinery and most
importantly how you acquired those facilities and equipment.
Product development stage
This includes (innovative and new things/ideas)
Development stages and task: this tells if the idea is in its conceptual, prototype stage.
Risk and challenges: not included.
Intellectual property this includes any type of patents or copyright etc

Financial projections
This should include income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, ratio analysis, add economics
of the business.
How profits are earned in the business by showing how many units our product must be sold to achieve
break-even point then started earning profit it should indicate your major revenue drive for example how
many products you are selling/making (which products are your best selling
The size of your overall gross profit margin (CGS – sale)
Fixed and variable cost
Operating leverage

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