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= squadronysignal publications 2 AIRCRAFT NO. TWO $3.95 Henschel Hs 126B-1 3./(H)21 3. Stoffel Heeres Neh-Authlrer (Army Reconnaissance) Luftwaffe in Action Luftwaffe in Action Created by Uwe Feist Captions Mike Dario — squadron/signal publications IwrRopucTION LUFTWAFFE IN ACTION is @ new concept the covers of this book con be found some ofthe inst {envan wate phctgropie ever taken. There fe no text te speak of, since we fel thee or enough publicetent ralee describing the crt im det, bt locking the photo everage thot the dicrimnatingcellector ond ‘node bilder fe Seeking. ofthe ptosis unig in 1h that only inal acrft are whown. These ere not monsoc ‘publicity shotophe that have been seen time ‘ler tine, but propeporde shots erignaly meen! Yo be published in Gorman mrtine plications” At Teost 90 Percent of the pieres in ths Book have never been Published beter and is su hope thet yo, the reader {illenjoy them for what thy ae Mie Dorie, Une Fiat ‘COPYRIGHT © 1972 BY SQUADRON/SIGNAL PUBLICATIONS Fela inte Used Sen by Seton Sa icotens SSIS East Ten Mile Rood, Worren, Michigan 8091 USA ALL RIGHTS RESERVED NO PART OF THIS BOOK MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHERS. Photocredi Bundetorchiv Koblenz Archiv Mike Dario Halt Reosanbuom Archiv Uwe Feist Squad Signl Archiv Henschel Hs126 Reconnaissance Aircraft Technica Osta HENSCHEL He1266-2, flight... at work Heinkel He115 Seaplane . in flight Heavy Fighter Messerschmitt Me210 ... Airborne 2(F)/122 ... Messerschmitt Me210 on takeoff Focke Wulf FW200 “Condor” ‘Tecnica! Data FOCKE WULF FH 200-3 igh "Cando ls 3./RuF 61.108 Seaplane Heinkel He59B-2 Heinkel He60D Seaplane Data HEINKEL He60C Float Seaplane Arado Ar96B Trainer Trainer Klemm KI106 Gotha Go242 Glider for squadron/signal publications AIRCRAFT - ARMOR LUFTWAFFE IN ACTION LUFTWAFFE BOMBERS IN ACTION PANZER ill N ACTION SCHUTZENPANZERWAGEX IN ACTION ‘GERMAN HALFTRACKS IN ACTION OVER 100 PHOTOS, COLOR DRAWINGS, 48 PAGES. .. $2.95 EACH... TO BE CONTINUED, squadron/signal publications Messerschmitt Me 4103 2.(F)/122 2, Stoffel Femoutklver 122

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