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It is my great pleasure to express my gratitude to all the people who have supported me greatly
during the pursuit of my B. Tech degree. Without their encouragement and useful help, it would
not have been possible for me to complete my project. First of all, I would like to give my special
and sincere thanks to my project advisor, Dr. Tauseef Ahmad, who has been devoted to his
valuable guidance and encouragement, help, and useful suggestions throughout my project work.
His untiring and diligent effort, methodical approach, and individual help made it possible for me
to complete this work on time. I consider myself very lucky to have been associated with a scholar
like him. His guidance, affection, and scientific approach served a valuable incentive for com-
pleting this work.

I would like to extend my appreciation to Prof. B.K. Tripathi, Director, Rajkiya Engineering
College, Azamgarh, and Dr. Tauseef Ahmad, Head of Department of Information Technology,
Rajkiya Engineering College, Azamgarh for motivating me towards “Media files forensics using
blockchain”, from the perspective of research and development by providing his valuable sug-

I shall ever remain obliged to the faculty members and staff of Rajkiya Engineering College,
Azamgarh for their cooperation, kindness extended towards me during the completion of this
project work.

This acknowledgment will remain incomplete, if I fail to express my deep sense of obligation to
my parents for their consistent blessing and encouragement.

Annu Soni (Roll no. 2007360130017)

Amit Dubey (Roll no. 2007360130013)

Abhishek Pal (Roll no. 2007360130004)


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