Shock Nursing Care Plan

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1. Describe physiological changes during pregnancy that may affect the absorption, distribution,
metabolism, and excretion of drugs.
2. Describe the placental transfer of drugs from mother to infant.
3. Classify antimicrobials based on the severity of their action; giving drug examples
4. List the five FDA pregnancy risk categories with their definitions.
5. Identify factors that influence the transfer of drugs into breast milk.
6. Identify techniques that the breastfeeding mother can use to reduce drug exposure to the
7. Explain how differences in pharmacokinetic variables can affect drug response in pediatric
8. Discuss the nursing and pharmacologic implications associated with each pediatric
developmental age group.
9. Describe physiological and biochemical changes that occur in the older adult, and how these
affect pharmacotherapies.
10. Discuss the ABCDTs for the treatment of drug poisonings.
11. What are physiological changes during pregnancy that affect pharmacotherapy
12. Discuss gestational age and drug therapy
13. List some drugs that are harmful during lactation and the reasons.
14. Describe pharmacotherapy in young adults.
15. Classify antimicrobials based on mechanisms of action.
16. Differentiate between drug abuse, dependence, and withdrawal syndrome.
17. List 5 teaching points of the nurse in teaching patients about complementary and alternative
18. Describe the concept of selective toxicity of antimicrobials; giving drug examples
19. Explain the role of complementary and alternative medicine in promoting patient wellness.
20. Analyze reasons why complementary and alternative therapies have increased in popularity.
21. Identify the parts of an herb that may contain active ingredients and the types of formulations
made from these parts.
22. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of legislation regulating herbal and dietary supplements.
23. Describe the pharmacologic actions and safety of herbal and dietary supplements.
24. Identify common specialty supplements taken by patients.
25. Define toxicology, drugs, and poisons.
26. Describe pharmacotherapy in toddlers.
27. Differentiate between forensic and clinical toxicology.
28. Explain the Patterns of exposure to toxicants.
29. Describe the Primary Determinants of Toxicity
30. List the common characteristics of Complementary and alternative medicine
31. List and discuss Factors Affecting Toxicity
32. Describe the Symptoms and Treatment of 5 Poisons and their specific antidotes.
33. Define drug abuse, dependence, tolerance, and addiction.
34. List 10 popular current herbal supplements and their claimed applications
35. Explain withdrawal syndrome.
36. list and discuss drugs with the potential for misuse
37. Classify the controlled drugs with examples
38. List 5 herbal therapies and their application
39. Describe how Selective Toxicity is achieved in chemotherapy.
40. What factors influence the successful chemotherapy of an infection
41. List some dietary supplements and their primary uses.
42. Classify antimicrobials based on susceptible organisms; giving drug examples
43. Describe resistance to antimicrobial drugs
44. Discuss the Prevention of Resistance to Antimicrobials
45. Describe pharmacotherapy in infants.
46. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of combination therapy in chemotherapy
47. Describe the concept of chemoprophylaxis.
48. List the general recommendations regarding pharmacotherapy during lactation.
49. Discuss superinfections in chemotherapy.
50. Discuss the misuse of antibiotics.

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