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challenges of life with success, each activity and sp, into specific fitness ‘oncemed with health orts require a specific set of skills components, which can be tested related physical fitness and skill or nY OF 7 1 / Y ) 18 YEARSICLAS 012 classes 4 to 12, it is most significant for students to have overall physical fitness. The following components to be considered in physical health and fitness profile: 1, Body composition (BMI) 2, Muscular strength and endurance: (a) Abdominal /core strength (Partial curl-up) (b) Muscular endurance (Push-ups for boys), (Modified Push-ups for girls) 3. 50m Dash or 50 m Standing start 4, 600 m Run/walk 5, Sit and Reach Test (Flexibility Test) ‘iption of Tests Body Composition, Body Mass Index test is used which is described below; the Body Mass Index is also known as Quetelet Index because it was invented by Adolphe Quetelet. In fact, 4s a statistical measurement which compares an individual’s weight and height. Although, it does not actually sure the percentage of body fat, yet it is a very useful tool to estimate a healthy body weight based on how an individual is. Indeed, it is the most widely used tool to identify the weight problem. BMI is very easy to easure and evaluate, With the help of BMI one can come to know whether one is underweight, normal weight, eight or in the category of obesity. BMI can be defined as the individual's body weight divided by the of his height. Calculation of BMI BMI of any individual can be calculated with the help of the following formula: Body weight Body Mass Index (BMI) = Height x Height, Here, the weight of an individual is measured in kilograms and the height of that student is taken in metres. Infrastructure/Equipment Required Weighing scale/machine and stadiometre Measurement of Height Children should remove socks, shoes and jackets or any heayy clothing: The floor surface should be hard, If such surface is not available, a hard wooden surface should be kept under the base of height rule. Procedure to Height Measurement 1. The child should be asked to stand with his/her back to the height rule or measuring surface. The feet should be together and flat on the floor. Arms at side and knees and back should be straight. The back of the head, buttocks, calves, heels and shoulder blades should be touching the measuring surface. ‘The eyesight should be forward. 2. After that, the head piece or head board or sliding part of the measuring rod is lowered gently so that the hair is pressed flat. The head board should be horizontal to the measuring tape or height rule. ip raidind postion auing 3. Read the height to the nearest half a centimeter and record it. If the adult is _ height measurement. taller than the measurer, the measurer should stand on a platform or foot stool so that he/she can read the height rule properly. Measurement of Weight The scale should be placed on a hard floor surface. If such a surface is not available, a hard wooden platform should be kept under the scale or weighing machine. Be sure that the surface on which the scale is placed, should be horizontal. For balancing the ‘beam, move both weights left to zero before each use. If the scale does not balance at f the midpoint, adjust the counter weight until it does. Procedure for Weight Measurement 1. The child should remove the jacket, coat, shoes, etc. It means he should wear very light clothes. 2. He should stand in the centre of the platform of the weighing machine and the body weight should be equally distributed on both the feet. Standing on theside of the platform of the weighing machine may affect the measurement. 3. For balancing the beam, move the larger weight to the right until the indicator standing position on the arrow drops below the center. Move the larger weight back to the left side to weighing seale/machine move the indicator arrow slightly above the midpoint. Then move the smaller weight to the right until the indicator arrow balances at the midpoint, After that read the measurement and record it to the nearest 0.1 kg, Scoring ‘Height of students is recorded in meter and cm. Accurate height should recorded to the nearest 0.1 cm. The weight is recorded in kilogram (kg) and grams (gms). The accurate weight should be recorded to the nearest decimal fraction (for example, 20.1 kilograms). STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE jal/core strength (Partial curl-up) : To test the strength and endurance of abdominal muscles. strong abdominal muscles are significant for maintaining posture, hip alignment and in preventing low back pain. cture/Equipment Required: A flat clean and cushioned ce, recording sheet and pen. lure: First of all, the complete test procedure is explained to bject. After that the subject lies in supine position on cushioned Hace. The knees should be flexed and feet should be 12 inches a the buttocks. Both the feet should be slightly apart. The arms ‘extended and are rested on thighs. The head should be in neutral : : This is the starting position. Then, the subject curls up with oc culbup controlled movement, until his/her shoulders come off the ed surface or mat two inches then back down again. One complete curl-up is completed every three conds. These are continued until the subject feels unable to maintain the rhythm. There should not be any pause ‘the up or down position. It should be a continuous process. coring: Record the total number of partial curl ups in 30 seconds. Curl up should not be counted if the shoulders not raised up by 2 inches. cular Endurance Ups (Boys) ose: To test or measure the upper body strength and endurance. Equipment Required: A floor mat and a paper to record // Dp ccinaiier Gach Gs ope gctled afd tol riapber of push ups / After proper warming up, ask the subject to take position. 4 push up position hands and toes should touch the mat/ floor. Hands id be shoulder-width apart. The upper body and legs should be in-a traight line, Elbows should be fully extended keeping the back and the xnees straight, the subject lowers the upper body so that elbows may bend © 90 degrees or chest may touch the mat/floor, then returns back to the Push Ups ig position with the arms extended. This is one repetition. The same on is repeated and the test continues until exhaustion or until the subject can do more in rhythm. Scoring: ord the total number of push ups performed correctly. ified Push Ups (Girls) ‘modified version of the test is used for girls. Purpose: To measure the upper body strength and endurance. Infrastructure/Equipment Required: A mat and paper to record the basic information such as age, gender and a total number of push ups performed. Procedure: After proper warming tp, the subject is asked to take starting position for modified push ups. In a modified push up position, hands and knees should touch the mat/floor. Both the hands should be shoulder- dth apart and elbows fully extended. The body from the knees, to the hips and to the shoulders should be in a straight line. While keeping this position, the subject should lower her upper body, so that elbows may bend {0 90 degrees. Then the subject returns back to the starting position. This ‘is one repetition. The same action is repeated and the test continues until __‘Modiffed Push ups for girs ‘exhaustion or until she can do no more in rhythm. Scoring: Record the total number of push ups performed correctly. 50 m DASH OR 50 m STANDING START Purpose: The purpose of this test is to determine or measure speed and acceleration, Infrastructure/Equipment Required: Measuring tape or marked track, 2 stopwatches, flat and clean surface of 60 meters. ‘An area of 50 m is marked on a track. ‘Two parallel lines are drawn 50 m apart considering one as starting line, The subject takes the starting position behind the starting line. The starter commands, “Are you ready?” and “Go”. The word ‘Go’ is accompanied by a downward sweep of the starter’s arm as a signal to the timer. Two subjects can run at the same time if there are 50m dash two stopwatches. Scoring: The score is recorded in seconds to the nearest 10th of a second. 600 m RUN/WALK «“ Purpose: To measure the cardiovascular endurance. Procedur Equipment Required: 600 m running area in 200 or 400 m track and stop watches. Procedure: The subject takes the position of standing right behind the starting line. At the signal of “Ready” and "Go" the subject starts running 600-yard distance. During Fim 1} the course of running he may walk. In this test, many students can run at the same time, Scoring: Time is recorded in minutes and seconds. SIT AND REACH TEST (Flexibility Test) Teeieesiiseibalseriestso0 m run ‘The sit-and-reach test was first propounded by Wells and Dillon in 1952. This test is widely used as a normal test to assess flexibility. Purp measure the flexibility of hip region including the lower back and hamstring muscles. Generally, it is noted that owing to the lack of flexibility in this region, there is a greater risk of injury. It is also entangled with lumbar lordosis and lower back pain. Infrastructure/Equipment Required: Sit-and-reach box or a makeshift ruler and a box may be used in which the zero mark can be adjusted for each individual according to their sitting reach level because there is a variation of - lengths of individual's arms and legs Sit-and-reach test Procedure: First of all, shoes and socks should be removed. Then sit down on the floor with legs stretched out straight ahead. The soles of the feet should be kept flat against the box. Both the knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor. An assistant may hold the knees down, Palms should be facing downwards. Hands should be on the top of each other or side by side. The individual, whose flexibility is to be measured tries to extend his forward along the measuring line on the box as far as he can extend. His fingertips of both hands remain equal and at the same level. He should not jerk or bounce to reach maximum distance. He should he full reach position for two seconds and the score (distance) should be recorded. Generally, in such test, is not allowed, however, the best results can be attained after suitable warm-up. In case of a sliding ‘a makeshift ruler, the zero mark should be at the fingertips. If it is not available or simple marking is zeto mark should be 9 inches before the feet. : The score is recorded to the nearest centimetre or half inch based on the distance reached by the of both hands. _ BASKETBALL ry. The game of Basketball was invented in United States of America. Dr. James smith of USA invented it in December, 1891 at Spring Field College. The origin is game is very interesting. In the beginning, 40 to 50 players used to be in one ‘This game used to be played ina Gymnasium. A pair of baskets were nailed on ‘walls facing each other. One had to climb up to get the ball out whenever a goal scored. Indeed, it was a difficult task. After that Dr. Smith framed certain rules is game. This game was played first time on 22nd January, 1892. First time, 5 were fixed in a team. From 1895 to 1900 AD a lot of amendments were made ules of the game. First time, American Basketball Training Association made for demonstration of this game in 1928 Amsterdam Olympics but it could get success. After that in 1932 Olympics, efforts were also made to introduce il. At last, in 1936 Olympic games, which were held in Berlin, Basketball was ied. In 1932, International Basketball Federation was constituted. From the very beginning, USA always inated in Basketball. Approximately 85 years ago in India, the game of Basketball was introduced by YMCA ge, Madras. Since then, Basketball became popular in every part of India. The Indian Basketball Federation formed in 1950. MAIN TIPS AT A GLANCE tball : ‘Number of teams =2 10. Circumference of the ball = 75 to Number of court players ina team 11. Weight of ball = 600 gm to 650 gm Number of substitutes in a team 12. Duration of basketball = Four durations of Total players game 10 minute each Size of basketball court 13, Interval between two = [10-2-10-15-10-2-10] Radius of the centre circle durations = Breadth of boundary lines 14. Officials = 5 (1-Referee, 1-Umpire, Thickness of the backboard 1-Scorer, 1~Timekeeper, + Height of lower edge of board from 1-Twenty-four Second the floor Operator) an z 2 eA if HG Scorers tao Basketball Court 0.85 m 04m 0.85m 085m 115m FEES er hoon Board along with supports for Board along with supports for National competitions International competitions ;eExE GENERAL RULES the length and breadth of basketball court is 15m * 28 m. the leather ball is used in basketball competitions. last 2 minutes’ play before the end of the game should be played in real sense and not to pass the ime, three time-outs can be provided during the second half of the game to each team but in first half only ‘time-outs will be given to each team. basket poles should be at least 2m away from the end line. the throw can be given from the end line. ‘seconds rule has been changed to 24 seconds. there are four periods of the game i.e., 10-10-10-10 minutes. . rectangular-shaped restricted area has been introduced. distance of three point line has been extended to 6.75 m, whereas earlier it was 6.25 m. semicircles have been introduced. The radius of the circles shall be 1.25 m from the point on floor beneath the exact centre of the basket to the inner edge of the semi-circle. SKILLS OF BASKETBALL Handling the ball 6. Rebounding Passing 7. Defence (a) Chest or push pass 8. Dodge (b) Baseball pass (a) To dodge with singles (c) Underhand pass (b) By speed (d) Overhead pass (©) By escape (e) Two-handed bounce pass 9. Free throw () Hook pass 10. Offensive strategy (g) Flip pass (@) Faking (h) Tip or Volley pass (b) Screening (c) Triangular attack (i) Back pass (a) High dribble (b) Low dribble 5. Shooting (a) Two hand shot (b) Lay up shot (c) Hook shot (d) Jump shot (a) Zonal attack ‘11. Defensive Attack (@) Blocking (b) Tackling, (©) Zonal Defence (@) Guarding (e) Man to man defence brief description of some of the fundamental skills of Basketball is given below: ing the ball. Holding the ball is very significant for passing, throwing, shooting and dribbling iy basket ‘came, So, the ball should be held in hands with fingers spread and the thumbs tilted inwards, The ba dt not be held between palms while holding the ball, the hands should be telaxed but the grip shoul The ball should be close enough to the body. Pass, For performing a two-handed chest pass accurately, the ball should be held properly in front The arms should be relaxed and elbows also should be close to the body. At this juncture, the kne be slightly bent and the body weight must be on heels of both the feet. The ball should be passed t ing the arms completely. The legs should also be extended at this time. ase, In bounce pass, the holding of the ball, body position and passing action are approximate Tame as in two-handed chest pass. However, in bounce pass, the ball is thrown in such a way that} : Should bounce at a specific place so that it may bounce up to the waist level of the receiver easily. Th ‘of pass can be performed with one hand only. Pass. In this type of pass, the ball should be taken just behind the head on right or left directic a support of upper portion of palm and fingers. One foot should be kept in front of the other and ¢ ‘should be thrown with a swing with fingers. This pass is usually applied for long passes. Basketball ‘81 5. Pivoting, Pivoting means turning the body to either side by using any one leg as a support. In pivot foot must be fixed on the floor and the other foot or leg may be moved in any direction. During this m the ball should be kept close to the chest. The pivoting is very useful for getting rid of an opponent. TERMINOLOGY Held ball: (i) A situation in which opposing players both hold the ball, neither of them can get possessi is resolved by the referee by throwing the ball in the air between them (if) when a player makes no real al to put the ball into play. Jump balk: To toss the ball between opposing players to start or restart a game is called a jump ball. Rebound: This term is used when the ball bounces off the backboard or basket. ‘Throw in:.A method of putting the ball into play from out of bounds. Dodging: Pretending to move or throw the ball in one direction but actually moving or throwing the another direction. Dribbling: It means advancing with the ball. ‘Technical Foul: A non-contact foul by a player, team or coach for unsportsman like behaviour or failure to by rules of the game. Multiple Foul: A foul on an opponent by two or more players at the same time. Personal contact: It is a foul, when a player is impeded, pushed, charged or held by an opponent player. Set shot: An unhindered shot taken from a well-balanced position is called a set shot. Multiple throws: A number of free throws awarded at the same time for a foul by opponent. IMPORTANT TOURNAMENTS 1. European Cup 2. America Cup 3. Asia Cup 4, Services Trophy 5. William Todd Memorial Trophy (National—Men) 6. Prince Vasalat Jha Trophy (National—Women) Z 8. BC Gupta Trophy Federation Cup 9. Bangalore Blues Cup 10. C Munni Swami Cup U1, All India Ramu Memorial Trophy SPORTS AWARDS 1977-78 T Vijayraghavan 1979-80 Om Prakash ARJUNA AWARDEES oe ‘Ajmer Singh 1961 Sarabjit Singh 1983 Radhey Shyam, Suman Sharma 1967 Khushi Ram 1999 Sajjan Singh Cheema 1968 Gurdial Singh 2001 Parmender Singh 1969 Hari Dutt 2014 Geethu Anna Rahul 1970 Abbas Moontasir 2017 Prahsanti Singh 1971 Man Mohan Singh 2020 Vishesh Bhriguvanshi 1973, Surendar Kumar Kataria DHYAN CHAND AWARDEES 1974 Anil Kumar Punj 2002 Aparna Ghosh 1975 Hanuman Singh 2008 Ram Kumar - The history of volleyball is more than 100 years old. In fact, volleyball was invented William G Morgan in 1895. Volleyball Federation of India was established in 1951. Intemational Volleyball Federation S constituted in 1947. The first world championship was held at Prague (Czechoslovakia). The game of olleyball was started first time in 1964 Olympics, which were held in Tokyo (Japan). tn India, the first national championship was held at Chennai in 1952, FREE ZONE oo 3 O's Refree i NIT OVLLY 3NOZ.1NOUS 3NITUSLN30. p69 g 6 g 8 2 Ai Volleyball Court MAIN TIPS AT A GLANCE Volleyball 1, Size of the playfield =18mx9m 8. Weight of the ball = 260 to 280 gm 2. Width of boundary lines =5 cm 9. Number of players in each team 6 3. Size of the net = Length 9.50m, 10. Number of substitutes 6 z breadth1m 11. Size of the marks on Length 15 cm min. 4, Size of net mesh = 10cm chest and back and breadth 10.em min. 5. Height of net fromthe = 2m 43cm 12. Officials (Referee — 1, Umpire—1, = 7 ground (men) Scorer — 1, Linesmen —2 to 4) 6. Height ofnet fromthe = 2m 24cm 13. Length of the antenna 1.80 m ‘ground (women) 14. Colour of the ball Multi-coloured p__Citumference of theball =65t067em "15, Length of service aren om ‘LATEST GENERAL RULES The new rules of volleyball are given below: 1. Now, the breadth of service area is 9m instead of 3m. 2. The attack line has been extended up to 1.75 m ‘outside on both sides in dotted marking. 3. According to the new rule, ‘Libero’ is a special player in a team. He is the player of backline, He allowed to attack from the attacking area. He can play only for defence. He wears coloured T different from other players. Neither he can do service nor block. He is not allowed to smash from attacking area. A libero has a fixed position during the game. He cannot take part in rotat is 4, ‘Libero’ must be printed on the back side of the T-shirt. A libero can be changed any number of ti 5. Each service has a point as in table tennis. 6. A coloured ball is permitted in competitions. 7. Let service is allowed. 8. First four sets consist of 25 points each whereas fifth set consists of 15 points. 9, The first service can be received by any part of body but it should be only a single touch. =o 0.80m] |e—amenna om Cable Eas + 9.50-10 m Sons Pit t }e—Pole u 0.50/1m Axis. : Volleyball Net | FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS 1. Service 3. Spiking or Attack or Smashing, (a) Simple service (a) One man or single spike (b) Tennis service (b) Two men or complex spike (c) Round service 4. Boosting, (d) Side arm floating service (e) Overhead floating service 2. Passing and Placing, (a) Chest pass (b) Underarm pass (©) Overhead pass (a) Low set up (b) Hard set up (c) Diagonal set up 5. Blocking 6. Reverse Net ball (a) One man blocking (b) Two men blocking (©) Three men blocking The brief explanation of the fundamental skills is given below: 1. Tennis Service. For tennis service, the server should stand in service area. One foot should be ahead of the other and body facing towards the net. The ball should be held in left hand. After that the ball should be tossed above the head as in tennis service. When the ball moves up his body should be bent backward. At this time, the right arm should be swung back with a bent elbow and open palm. When the ball comes down, it should be struck to the ball with a forward swing of the arm. The arm should be opened up while striking the ball. 2. Overhead floating service. In this service, the ball is tossed higher and slightly forward than in tennis service. The server takes one or two steps forward and then jumps vertically. Then with a forward swing of his right arm, he smashes the ball with open palm. This type of service is usually performed in international matches and needs a lot of practice to execute. 3. Overhead pass. For performing overhead pass, a player should stand with feet apart, knees bent, body crouched and leaning forward. The hands should be in front of the face with elbows bent and close to the body. The ball should be passed with the tips of the fingers in front of forehead. The knees and the arms should be extended in the direction of the pass. 4, One man blocking. For oneman blocking, the player should come close to the net from where the smash is to be expected. He should take the jump and raise his hands above the net. His face should be towards the net. He should try to intercept the ball at this time. The blocking can be done by two or three players according: to the standard of match. jOLOGY Smash, spiker, rotation, blocking, volley pass, dig pass, switch, overlapping, booster, love, dig, net fault, |, double hit floater, hook service, tennis service, double fault, forearm pass, set up antenna, libero, ving and rolling. The brief explanation of some of the terms is given below: Diving: Trying to play a ball falling on the ground in front is called diving. Boosting: Boosting means to lift the ball up for the smasher to smash. Booster: The player, who lifts the ball for a smasher is called booster. ‘Smasher: The player, who smashes the ball that is lifted by the booster is called smasher. Block: An attempt to check a smash by a player players close to the net by taking jump and raising is called block. Antenna: The two flexible rods, fixed at the outer edge of each side band are called antenna. The pass to the opponents’ court between these antennas. Libero: He is a special player of a team. He can play for defence only. He is not allowed to smash. attacking area. His dress is different from other players. He cannot take part in rotation. Dig: A dig is made by a player who first contacts the ball over the net, Rally: A rally is the exchange of hits between the teams. The team that wins the rally gets the ‘Ace: It is a point scored on an unreturned service. Rotation: It is a change of position of players in clockwise direction after getting a chance to IMPORTANT TOURNAMENTS 1, Federation Cup 2. Grand Champions Cup 3, Asia Cup 4. World Cup 5. .. Poornima Trophy (National Women) 6, India Gold Cup 7. Super Challenge Cup 8. Canada Open 9, Italian Open 10. Hamburg Open 11, New Zealand Open 2007 _ SPORTS AWARDS ARJUNA AWARDEES 1961 A Palanisamy 1962 Nripjit Singh 1972 Balwant Singh alias Ballu 1973 G Mulilini Reddy 1974 MSRao 1975 Ranvir Singh, KC Elamma 1976 Jimmi George 1977-78 A Ramana Rao 1978-79 Kutty Krishnan 1979-80 SK Mishra 1982 GE Shridharan 1983 RK Purohit 1984 Sallly Joseph DRONACHARYA AWARDEES 1990 A Ramana Rao 1995 MShyam Sunder Rao GE Sridharan 1986 1989 1990 1991 1999 2002 2011 2014 Cyril CValior Abdul Bashith Dalel Singh K Uday Kumar Sukhpal Singh PV Ramana Amir Singh Ravi Kant Reddy Kapil Dev KJ Sanjay Kumar Tom Joseph DHYAN CHAND AWARDEES 2003 Om Prakash 2015 TPP Nair naan ‘There are various lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, asthma, hypertension, backpain and arthrit which can be prevented as well as cured with the help of yogic asanas, The details of various asanas which prevent and cure some of the lifestyle diseases are stated below. A. ASANAS FOR PREVENTION AND CURE OF OBESITY Obesity can be prevented as well as cured if the following asanas are performed regularly: 1. Vajrasana Procedure: It s a meditative asana. Kneel down on the ground or floor with your knees, ankles and toes touc! the ground. Your toes should be stretched backwards, Now place your palms of both your hands on the ‘The upper body should be straight. At this time, the breathing should be deep, even and slow. Then expand chest and pull your abdominal portion inwards. Benefits 1. Itis helpful for concentration. It is helpful in curing dysentery, back pain and chest diseases. Itenhances memory power. It cures the problems related to menstruation. It cures mental stress. It strengthens the pelvic muscles. Itremoves postural defects. .Itprevents hernia and gives relief from piles. . It is the best meditation asana for people suffering from sciatica and sacral infections. 10. Ithelps in reducing hip fat. 11. It gives relief from constipation, acidity and increases digestive process. Contraindications 1. Apperson suffering from joint pain should not perform vajrasana. 2. The individuals who have any spinal column problem should not perform ‘vajrasana. 3, The individuals who have some difficulty in movement should practise oajrasana with a lot of care. 2, Pada Hastasana Procedure: Bend forward until the fingers or palms of the hands touch the floor on either side of the feet. Try to touch the knees with the forehead. Do not strain. Keep the knees straight. Exhale while bending forward. Try to contract the abdomen in the final position to expel the maximum amount of air from the lungs. Benefits +L. Pada hastasana makes the body very flexible. It stretches the back and leg muscles. 2. Ithelps to eliminate excess belly fat. 3. It improves digestion and reduces constipation. It eliminates many stomach ailments. PeNareeny Pada Hastasana 4. Itmake the spine flexible and tones the nerves, 5. It improves blood circulation. Contraindications The individuals who have back pain should avoid this asana. At least, they should not bend forward fully. can bend themselves only as far as comfortable. 3. Trikonasana Procedure: First ofall stand with your legs apart. Then raise the arms sideways up to the shoulder level. Bend the trunk sideways and raise the right hand upward. Touch the ground with left hand behind left foot. After some time, do the same asana with opposite arm in the same way. Benefits 1. Itstrengthens the legs, knees, arms and chest. 2. Ithelps in improving digestion and stimulates all the abdominal organs. 3. It increases mental and physical equilibrium. 4. Itreduces stress, anxiety, back pain and sciatica. 5. Ithelps in increasing height. 6. Ithelps in reducing obesity. 7. 8. Tt enhances blood circulation. } Itis also helpful in reducing excess fat around the waistline, Contraindications 1. If you are suffering from diarrhoea, low or high blood pressure, back injury or migraine, avoid the practice of trikonasana, 2. The individual having cervical spondylosis should not perform this asara. 4, Ardhmatseyendrasana Benefits 1. Itkeeps gall bladdler and the prostate gland healthy. . Itenhances the stretchability of back muscles, . It alleviates digestive ailments, . Itregulates the secretion of adrenaline and bile and thus is recommended in yogic management of diabetes. 5. It is also helpful in treating sinusitis, bronchitis, constipation, menstrual ——____~> disorders, urinary tract disorders and cervical spondylitis, ‘Ardhmatseyendrasana Contraindications 1. Women, who are two or three months pregnant should avoid practising this asana, 2 The individuals, who suffer from peptic ulcer, hernia or hypothyroidism should practise this asana on under expert guidance. 3. The individuals who have the problem of sciatica or slipped dise may benefit from this asana but they nee to take great care while doing this asana. B. ASANAS FOR PREVENTION AND CURE OF DIABETES Diabetes can be prevented as well as cured if the follow! 1. Bhujangasana Procedure: In this asana, the shape ofthe body remains like a snake that is why itis called bhujangasana. In orde Perform this asana, lie down on the belly on the ground, Keep your hands near the shoulders. Keep your leg “ose together. Now, straighten up your arms slowly, raise the chest. Yous hard should turn backwards. Keep thi *osition for some time, Then get back to the former position. For goo! results, perform this asana 3 to 5 times, PeER ing asanas are performed regularly. Benefits 1. Italleviates obesity. 2. It provides strength and agility. It cures the disorders of urinary bladder. 4. It cures the diseases of liver. 5. It improves blood circulation. 6 7 e Ttmakes the vertebral column flexible and thin, {cures gas disorders, constipation and indigestion. 8. It strengthens the muscles of hands. Contraindications 1. This asana should be avoid abdominal surgeries. 2. Pregnant women should not perform this asana 2. Paschimottanasana Bhujangasana fed by individuals who suffer from hernia, back injuries, headaches and rece 1, It takes care of gas trouble. It prevents the early ossification of bones. Itis a good remedy for constipation. Tthelps to overcome several menstrual disorders It gives relief in sciatica, backache and asthma, It reduces obesity, tis helpful in treating abdominal diseases, Itis helpful in curing skin diseases, Vertebra becomes flexible and healthy. Contraindications 1. If you are suffering from enlarged 2. Avoid practising this asana if 3. Ifyou have any back or spinal 3. Pawanmuktasana / SENanR oD liver or spleen or acute appendicitis, you should never do this asana, you suffer from asthma or any respiratory diseases: Problem, make sure that you perform this asana only under expert guidance 1. teases the tension in lower back. 2. Itenhances the blood circulatior 3. It stimulates the rep: disorders, it helps in reducing the fats of thighs, buttocks and abdominal area. Itstrengthens the abdominal muscles. It also massages the intestines and organs of the digestive system which helps in releasing the gas and thus improves digestion, 6. Itrelieves constipation. nin pelvic area, roductive organs. It also helps to cure menstrual Contraindications 7. Ifyou ate suffering from heart problems, hyperacidity, high blood pressure, slip dise and hernia you should. avoid practising this asana. 2. Pregnant women should avoid doing this asana. 3. Ifyou have had anabdominal surgery recently you should avoid performing this asana 4. Individuals suffering ftom piles should avoid this asana 4. Ardhmatseyendrasana Procedure: The left hee is kept under the right thigh and right leg is crossed over the left thigh. After that hold the tight toe with left hand and turn your head and back to the ightside. In this position move the trunk sideways.” Then perform the same asana in the reverse position Benefits 1. Itkeeps gall bladder and the prostate gland healthy. Itenhances the stretchability of back muscles, Italleviates digestive ailments. It regulates the secretion of adrenaline and bile and thus is recommended in yogic management of diabetes, {tis also helpful in treating sinusitis, bronchitis, constipation, menstrual disorders, urinary tract disorders and cervical spondylitis, Contraindications Women, who are two or three months pregnant should avoid practising this asana, Serra: see 2. The individuals, who suffer from peptic ulcer, hernia or hypothyroidism | A*#hmatseyendrasana should practise this asana only under expert guidance 3: The individuals who have the problem of sciatica or slip dise may benefit from this asana but they need to take great care while doing this asana, _ C.ASANAS FOR PREVENTION AND CURE OF ASTHMA Asthma can be prevented as well as cured if the following asanas are performed regularly: 1. Sukhasana Bey w Benefits J. Te facilitates mental and physical balance without causing strain or pain, It stretches and lengthens spine. Te calms your mind. Itenhances your condition of peace. Te reduces anxiety, stress and mental fatigue. Ithelps in improving body posture. Tt provides gentle massage to knees, calf muscles and thighs. 8. Itspreads a sense of calmness throughout your body and mind. Nog eon “ontraindications 1. If your knees and hips are injured or inflamed, you should avoid practising this asana. 2. Ifyou havea slip dise problem, you should take proper care while performing this asana. 2, Chakrasana Procedure: In this asana, the figure of the body becomes like a chakra, therefore, this asana is called chakrasana. First of all, ie down on your back. Fix your hands firmly on the ground. Then raise the middle portion of your body upwards. Raise it as high as possible, so that your body is in semi-circle position. Then keep your head downwards between your hands. In the beginning, keep this position for one minute and then after some days of practice, do it for 3 to 5 minutes. Benefits ._ It cures back pain. . It cures any pain in kidneys. . It is helpful in removing obesity. . It prevents the problem of hernia. . It stimulates pituitary and thyroid glands. . It cures infertility, asthma and osteoporosis. . It gives relief from stress and reduces depression. The semi-circular position makes the dorsal side of the body to stretch making the chest to expand. Tht more fresh oxygen is made available. Contraindications If you suffer from headache or high blood pressure you should not perform this asana. Don’t perform this asana in case of shoulder impingement. Do not perform this asana if you have tendonitis in the wrists. Individuals who suffer from serious spinal column ailments such as cervical and lumbar spondylitis shi Bene avoid the practise of this asana. 3. Gomukhasana Procedure: Sit down on the ground with legs stretched forward. Now fold the left leg at the knee and sit on the left foot. Fold the right leg and keep the right thigh on the left thigh with the help of your hands. Now lift your buttocks and bring the heels of both feet together so that they should touch each other. Now fold your left arm behind your back over the shoulder. Fold the right arm behind the back under the right shoulder. After that bend your fingers of both the hands and clasp each other. At this time your head and back should be erect. Then repeat the same in reverse position. Benefits It makes the leg muscles strong and elastic. Ithelps in keeping the shoulder joints healthy, flexible and strong. It improves the function of lungs. ‘The regular practice of this asana helps in the treatment of sciatica. It improves the function of kidneys by stimulating it thus helps the individuals who suffer from diabetes. Italso reduces stress and anxiety. Ithelps in treating sexual ailments. Ithelps in staying tough and strong. Contraindications 1. The individuals who suffer from shoulder, knee or back pain should avoid practising this asana. 2. Avoid this asana in case of any knee injury. 3. Avoid this asana in case of recent or chronic knee or hip injury or inflammation. Pere eID : Sit in padmasana or lotus pose. Stretch your arms sideways and bring them over your head slowly. After that let your palms touch each other. Then stretch your hands well without bending your elbows. Keep your spine erect. enefits: 1. Ithelps in enhancing height. 2. It reduces the extra fat in the back and waist. 3, It tones the abdominal muscles and thus stimulates the organs of abdominal region 4. It is extremely beneficial in case of asthma. 5. Ithelps in reducing back pain. 6. Itimproves the function of spinal cord. 7. It gives relief from tension in shoulder and back. Contraindications 1, Avoid this asana in case of hip or back injury. 2, You should not practise this asana in case of shoulder injury. 5. Bhujangasana Procedure: In this asana, the shape of the body remains like a snake that is why itis called to perform this asana, lie down on the belly on the ground. Keep your hands near the sho close together, Now, straighten up your arms slowly, raise the chest. Your head should b this position for some time. Then come to the former position. For good results, perform this. Benefits 1. Italleviates obesity. 2. Itprovides strength and agility. 3. It gives relief from disorders of the urinary bladder. 4. It cures the diseases of liver. 5. It improves blood circulation. 6. Itmakes the vertebral column flexible and thin. 7. It cures gas disorders, constipation and indigestion. 8. It strengthens the muscles of hands. Contraindications 1. This asana should be avoi abdominal surgeries. 2, Pregnant women should not perform this asana. 6. Paschimottanasana Procedure: Sit on the geound with legs forward. Then hold the toes of your feet with the fingers of B ‘Then breathe out slowly and try to touch the knees with your forehead. After that breathe in slo head upwards and comet the prior position. Perform this asana at least 10 to 12 times. ded by people who suffer from hernia, back injuries, headache Paschimottanasana ‘enlarged liver or spleen or acute appendicitis, you should never do this 2. Avoid pract 2 if you suffer from asthma or any respiratory diseases. | 3. Ifyouhave: inal problem, make sure that you perform this asana only under expert g i 0 Diseases 7. Matsyasana = Procedure: For performing this asana, sit in padamasana. Then lie down in supine position and make an behind. Hold your toes with the fingers of your hands. Stay for some time in this position. |. Itis helpful in curing back pain, knee pain and tonsillitis, .Ttalso cures the defects of eyes. . Skin diseases can be cured, if we practise this asana regularly. This asana is helpful for the treatment of diabetes. . Ithelps in relieving tension in the neck and shoulders. It provides relief from respiratory disorders by encouraging deep breathing. 7. Itimproves posture. 8. It is the best asana to get relief from asthma. Contraindications 1. Avoid doing this asana if you have high or low blood pressure. 2. People suffering from migraine and insomnia should also refrain from performing this asana. 3. The individuals who have neck injury or lower back problems should not practise this asana, 'D. ASANAS FOR PREVENTION AND CURE OF HYPERTENSION Hypertension can be prevented as well as cured if the following asanas are practised regularly: 1, Tadasana Procedure: Stand up in attention position. Lift your arms upwards. Stretch your hands upwards. Raise your heels, and come on your toes. Also pull up your body upwards. After some time breathe out slowly and come to the previous position. Repeat the same exercise 10/15 times. Benefits 1. Itis helpful in developing physical and mental balance. It reduces obesity. It cures constipation. It cures digestive problems. It improves body posture. It alleviates sciatica. Itis an excellent asana for those who want to enhance their height. 8. Itis beneficial in treating hypertension. Contraindications 1. Ifyou have low blood pressure you should not practise this asana. 2. In case of headaches or insomnia you should avoid the practise of this asana. 3. Individuals, who suffer from blood circulation problems such as fauilty valves, should not perform this asana, Matsyasana Nogeen 2. Vajrasana Procedure: It is a meditative asana. Knee! down on the ground or floor with your knees, ankles and toes touching the ground. Your toes should be stretched backwards. Now place your palms, ‘2 of both your hands on the knees. The upper body should be straight. At this time, the breathing ae should be deep, even and slow. Then expand your chest and pull your abdominal portion inwards. Benefits « 1. Itis helpful for concentration, 2. Itis helpful in curing dysentery, back pain and chest diseases. 3. Itenhances memory power. It alleviates the problems related to menstruation. Ttremoves mental stress, It strengthens the pelvic muscles. Tt cures postural defects. It prevents hernia and helps to relieve piles. Itis the best medication asana for people suffering from sciatica and sacral infections. Ithelps in reducing the hip fat. It gives relief from constipation, acidity and increases digestive process. indications A person suffering from joint pain should not perform vajrasana, The individuals who have any spinal column problem should not perform vajrasana, The individuals who have some difficulty in movement should practise ajrasana with a lot of care. Vajrasana anmuktasana fure: Lie down on your back on a plain surface. Keep your feet together and place your arms beside your = Take a deep breath. When you exhale bring your knees towards your chest. At the same time press your ‘on your abdomen. Clasp your hands around your legs. Hold the asana when you breathe normally. Every you inhale, ensure that you loosen the grip. Exhale and release the pose after you rock and roll from side ie about three times. its Tt eases the tension in lower back. Ttenhances the blood circulation in pelvic area. | It stimulates the reproductive organs. It also helps to cure menstrual disorders. Ithelps in reducing the fats of thighs, buttocks and abdominal area. Itstrengthens the abdominal muscles. It also massages the intestines and organs of the digestive system which helps in releasing the gas and thus improves digestion. Relieves constipation. Pawailinikisanta dications If you are suffering from heart problems, hyper acidity, high blood pressure, slip disc and hernia you _ should avoid practising this asana. Pregnant women should avoid the practise of this asana, I you have had an abdominal surgery recently you should avoid performing this asana. Individuals suffering from piles should avoid this asana. tha Chakrasana : Stand straight with both feet together. Hold your hips with your hands, backwards without bending your knees with slow inhalation. Remain in this for some time. Do it two or three times. It helps to make ankles, thigh, shoulders, chest, spine and abdomen. stronger. It relieves stress and tension. Itimproves digestion. ‘It cures menstrual disorders. 5. It cures pain in legs. 6. Itreduces fat in the waist and thigh. 7. Ithelps to alleviate upper back pain. 8. Itrelieves stress in the neck and shoulders. Contraindications 1. Avoid performing this asana if you have migraine, headache, low blood pressure, diarrhoea and i 2. Avoid practising this asana if you have peptic ulcer and hernia. 3. Avoid this asana in case of hip or spinal problems. 4. Pregnant women should avoid doing this asana. 5. Bhujangasana Procedure: In this asana, the body posture remains like a snake and that is why it is called bhujangasana. In order to perform this asana, lie down on the belly on the ground. Keep your hands near the shoulders. Keep your legs close together. Now straighten up your arms slowly, raise the chest. Your head should be backwards. Keep this position for some time. Then get back to the former position. For good results, perform this asana 3 to 5 times, Benefits 1. Italleviates obesity. a It provides strength and agility. It gives relief from the disorders of urinary bladder. Itremoves the diseases of liver. It improves blood circulation. Itmakes the vertebral column flexible and thin. Ttcures gas disorders, constipation and indigestion. 2 8. Itstrengthens the muscles of hands. Contraindications 1. This asana should be avoided by individuals who suffer from hernia, back injuries, headaches and recent abdominal surgeries. 2. Pregnant women should not perform this asana, 6. Shavasana Procedure: Lie down in supine position. Legs should be straight. Keep the arms away from the body. Leave all the limbs loose as well as relaxed. Gradually, breathe in deeply. Close your eyes and think that your whole body is becoming loose. Feel a complete relaxation in your body. Remain in this position for 10 to 12 minutes. Benefits 1, Itstrengthens the nervous system, It controls high blood pressure. Itrelieves mental tension. It gives new vigour to both mind and body simultaneously. Tt regulates blood circulation and gives relief in various aches and pains, It cures many psychosomatic problems. Ithelps to cure many cardiac problems. It relaxes and calms the complete body. It improves concentration and memory. It increases energy levels. The body relaxes and goes into a deep meditative state, which in turn repairs the cells and tissues and releases stress. Nog een Bhujangasana ‘Shavasana PE weexnaaeen E. ASANAS FOR PREVENTION AND CURE OF BACKPAIN AND ARTHRITIS .ckpain and Arthritis can be prevented as well as cured if following asanas are practised larly: |. Tadasana .edure: Stand up in attention position. Lift your arms upwards. Stretch your hands upwards. Raise your heels, and come on your toes. Also pull up your body upwards. After some time breathe out slowly and come to the previous position. Repeat the same exercise ten to fifteen times. Benefits It is helpful in developing physical and mental balance. It reduces obesity. It cures constipation. It cures digestive problems. It improves body posture. Italleviates sciatica, It is an excellent asana for those who want to enhance their height. Itis beneficial in treating hypertension. SNogeene Contraindications 1. If you have low blood pressure you should not practise this asana. 2, In case of headache or insomnia you should avoid the practice of this asana. 3, Individuals, who suffer from blood circulation problems such as faulty valves, should not perform this asana, 2. Ardhmatseyendrasana Tadasana Procedure: The left heel is kept under the right thigh and right leg is crossed over the left thigh.. ‘After that hold the right toe with left hand and turn your head and back to the right side. In this position move the trunk sideways. Then perform the same asana in the reverse position. 3 Benefits 1, Itkeeps gall bladder and the prostate gland healthy. 2. Itenhances the stretchability of back muscles. 3, It alleviates digestive ailments. 4, Itregulates the secretion of adrenaline and bile and thus is recommended in yogic management of diabetes. 5. Itis also helpful in treating sinusitis, bronchitis, constipation, menstrual disorders, urinary tract disorders and cervical spondylitis. Contraindications 1. Women who are two or three months pregnant should avoid practising this asana. 2. The individuals, who suffer from peptic ulcer, hernia or hypothyroidism should practise this asana only under expert guidance. 3. The individuals who have the problem of sciatica or slipped disc may benefit from this asana but they need to take great care while doing this asana. 3. Vakrasana Procedure: Sit down and stretch your legs straight. Fold the right leg and keep the right leg’s heel touching the left leg’s knee. Place your right hand behind your back and left arm over the right knee; hold your right ankle. Push your right knee as far as possible and while exhaling, twist your trunk to the right side. Take sufficient support of left arm, Now repeat the same procedure with the left side. Ardhmatseyendrasana Benefits 1, It improves the function of both spinal cord and nervous system. 2. Itprevents and controls diabetes. 3, Itstrengthens kidneys. : 4. Ithelps in reducing chronic back pain and shoulder pain. 5. It gives relief in stifiness of vertebrae. / 6. Itreduces belly fat. Contraindications 1. Avoid this asana in case of high blood pressure. 2. Individuals who suffer from peptic ulcer should not practise this asana. d 3. This asana should not be performed who suffer from serious back injury. \Vakrasana, 4, Bhadrasana Procedure: Sit on yoga mat and stretch your legs in front you. Now fold both of your legs and bring them close to each other so that soles of the foot touch each other. Then hold the toes of your feet with hands. After that bring your legs toward perinium, touching the mat. Your spine, neck and head should be straight and both the shoulders should be relaxed. Your breath should be normal and thythmic. Try to maintain this pose for as long as you feel comfortable. Benefits 1. Ithelps in improving digestion. Itis helpful in giving relief in acidity, gastritis and constipation. {tig helpful in getting rid of respiratory problems such as asthma. It strengthens backbone, thighs, hips and buttocks. Itis helpful is developing flexibility of legs. Itimproves focus and concentration. Itcalms down the mind and reduces mental activity. tis helpful in arthritis. teases delivery, labour during child birth. It stimulates the spinal nerves, relieves pain in back, sciatica and neck. 10. It activates mooladhara chakra. Sena ken Contraindications 1, Avoid the practice of this asana if you have severe joint or abdominal pain. However, in normal pain, itis helpful in relieving joint or abdominal pain. 2. Pregnant women should practise it under the expert supervision of a yoga teacher instructor. 5, Bhujangasana Procedure: In this asana, the body posture remains like a snake that is why itis called bhiujangasana. In order to perform this asana, ie down on the belly on the ground. Keep your hands neat the shoulders. Keep your legs Elose together. Now straighten up your arms slowly, raise the chest. Your head should be backwards. Keep this position for some time. Then get back to the former position. For good results, perform this asana 3 to 5 times. Benefits ay Italleviates obesity. It provides strength and agility. Tt gives relief from disorders of urinary bladder. It cures the diseases of liver. Itimproves blood circulation. It makes the vertebral column flexible and thin. It cures gas disorders, constipation and indigestion: Itstrengthens the muscles of hands. exusgeepe Bhujangasana Contraindications * 1) Thisasanashouldbeavoided by people whosutffer fromhemia, backinjuries, headachesand recentabdominal surgeries, 2. Pregnant women should not perform this asana.

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