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Evaluation Rubric

Evaluation No Pass-Below No Pass Pass Pass

Criteria Standards Marginally Proficiently Exceeds
(NP-B) Achieves Achieves Standards
Standards Standards (P-E)
(NP-M) (P-A)

Professional Lack of effort, It is hard to follow The speech The speech

Content meaning and clear and understand content is content is highly
indication of skills, the overall relatively engaging,
experience, and message. meaningful and meaningful and
education informative. informative with
proper examples
and evidence

Professional The tone is too The tone is too The tone follows The tone is
Communication: informal and has assertive and the basic rules of respectful, mindful
Nonverbal slang, jargon, filler inappropriate with etiquette with and appropriate
language, speech words, pauses; too many proper pauses, eye without any
flow there are many unsubstantiated contact, and distractions,
grammatical claims about the gestures with grammatical
errors self; it feels minor distractions, mistakes, or
uncomfortable to filler words, and interruptions; the
listen to and grammatical flow of language is
engage in a mistakes engaging in further
dialogue; there are conversation
some grammatical

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