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Science is an incredibly important subject that helps to provide us with an understanding of the world
around us. It encourages the pursuit of knowledge and understanding,and allows us to question our
environment. It also helps to provide us with a clearer understanding of the phenomena that we
observe in our natural world.

My own exposure to science has mainly been through my school studies ,but I have also felt personally
engaged with it through my hobbies .I have always been curious about how things work ,and I enjoy
trying to unravel a scientific question or puzzle. I think this is one of the most rewarding aspects of
science,being able to answer the question that we have abd and discovering new things or facts about
the word that we live in.

Science has opened up so may area's of knowledge and understanding for us .it helps us to gain a better
insight into the world and gives us a better understanding of its complexity .I believe that science should
be seen as a tool that can be used to contribute to the betterment of society. We should strive to use it
to create a better understanding of tha environment around us, and to make sustainable use of its
resources. I look forward to seeing the impact of science in our everyday lives ,and to harvesting its
many benefits.

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