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Key: Main Protagonist(Green) Main Antagonist (red) Other protagonist (Blue)

The first character of my short film will be of the main protagonist who is searching for his
friend as he has been taken away to a remote location.The character is seen throughout the
narrative as a determined person who is egar to find his friend and uncover the mystery of
who is responsible for taking his friend away. The character is seen to have a vary of
different emotions throughout the narrative of the film as during the start of the film he is
seen shocked and scared as he realises his friend is going missing but as the narrative
progresses we see the main protagonists character build more as he becomes more strong
and shows initiative in finding his missing friend.

The character of the main protagonist will be played by Luis Mannion as I have used him as
part of previous projects that I have done in the past during my time at Priestley college and I
know he is someone that I can rely on to help me film. Luis also has previous experience
acting in films as he has previously done work for my other projects so this means he will
have a good set of skills in bringing my narrative of my film to life and creating more tension
for the audience.

The second character of my short film will be the main Antagonist of the film who is the
person responsible for takimng away the main protagonists friend and keeping him hostage.
The character in the narrative does not get introduced to the audience till halfway through
the film but once he first gets shown to the audience he is seen as one of the protagonists’s
friends as he helps him in order to gain his trust and create less suspicion from both the
audience and the main protagonist. As the narrative starts to develop later on during the film
the character of the Antagonist is uncovered as he is seen as untrustworthy and turns his
back on the other characters in the film.

The main Protagonist of the film will be played by Connor Greenall as he has also been
apart of one of my projects before and I know he is also reliable in helping me create my
short film as I will be able to count on him to be in it. I also know that he has previously acted
in my last FMP which also makes it an easier choice when deciding my cast as I want to
make the film as best as I can to create tension and also to create a good narrative for the

The third and final character who will be apart of my short film is the second protagonist who
will be the friend who has been captured at the start of the film. This character will only
feature towards the end of the film as this will be when the main protagonist ends up finding
him in the remote location. In the narrative this character also has a shift in showing
weakness and power as when the audience first gets a glimpse of this character, he is seen
beaten and bruised and also is tired to a chair. Where as during the final parts of the short
film he is seen to be in a more powerful position as he kills the main protagonist of the film
andnsaves his other friend from death which connotes his power gain towards the end of the
This character will be played by Joe Driscoll, who has made a brief appearance in one of my
projects as he was in my A level film studies short film which I recently completed. I have
chosen Mic as I think he is also a reliable person to count on and I know that he will be able
to film during the days in which I will be doing the production for my thriller short film.

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