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5 Grammar

will for predictions: affirmative might

and negative 4 Complete the text with will or might.
1 Complete the predictions with will or won’t
and the verbs in the box. Next year, my dad 1    will  be 50. He
says he 2 definitely celebrate
be clean drive (x2) have (x2) work his birthday, but he doesn’t know how.
He 3 have a big party with
his friends and family, or he 4
What will technology be like in the take us all on a trip to Ireland. I hope we
future? Here’s what some 12–15- go there! My mum 5 be 50
year-olds think … the following year, so they 6
have the party then instead. Let’s see!
1 We will have (+) computers that are
connected to our brain.

2 By 2032, space travel (+)

First conditional
popular. 5 Complete the first conditional
sentences with the correct form of
3 We (+) from our homes, not the verbs in brackets.
in office buildings.
1 If it   
rains   (rain) later, we ’ll watch
4 Cars (+) themselves. People (watch) a film.
(-) them. 2 If we (eat) at home, we
(save) money.
5 We (-) our own houses. We 3 You (miss) the bus if you
(+) robots to do that. (not hurry).
4 My brother (not mind) if we
(use) his VR headset.
will for predictions: questions
5 If mum (be) late tonight, dad
2 Order the words to make questions. (cook) dinner.
1 Will you go (go / you / will) travelling
when you’re older? Zero conditional
2 (your parents / will / move)
6 Complete the zero conditional sentences
to a smaller house in the future?
with a pair of verbs in the box.
3 (will / what / your sister /
do) after she leaves school? be late / worry eat / not feel
4 (your brother / when / pay / clean turn off / save
finish / will) university?
1 If I am late home, my mum
5 (you and your family / will / worries .
live) near each other in the future?
2 If you lights, it
3 Match questions 1–5 in exercise 2 with electricity.
answers a–e. 3 If I too much cheese, I
a He’ll finish next year. well.
b Yes, I will. 1 4 My dad me £5 if I
the car.
c Yes, we will.
d She’ll get a job.
e No, they won’t.

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