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Turma: 9º ano /
Professor: Mary Prado Valor: 4,0
Devolução:18/06/2024 Pontos Obtidos:

O valor desta atividade é de 4 pontos. Leia atentamente cada questão antes de
respondê-la. Marque apenas uma alternativa nas questões objetivas. As respostas das
questões abertas devem ser completas, ou seja, devem fazer sentido sem necessidade de
voltar à pergunta. Os pontos serão reduzidos em questões incompletas. Capricho e
organização também serão avaliados.
Bom trabalho!
Questão 1: (VQ: 0,5 - VA________)
Fill in the blanks with make or do
Let’s _____________ a deal. I’ll _____________ the cooking , but you will ____________ the dishes,
Questão 2: (VQ: 0,5 - VA________)
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate reflexive pronoun: (Função reflexiva)

a) He cut _______________________ with a knife.

b) They enjoyed _________________________ a lot at the party.

c) You should protect _______________________ from the rain, Tom.

d) She saw _____________________ in the mirror.

e) The cat hurt ______________________ while he was running in the garden.

Questão 3: (VQ: 0,5 - VA________)
Complete as frases com as formas corretas do particípio do passado (irregular) em inglês:
The thieves have _______________________! (catch)
We have ______________________ lots of food. (eat)
She have __________________ away the sculptures after her clients left. (put)
Questão 4: (VQ: 0,5 - VA________)
Make sentences in the present perfect with the words below:

a) (They / study / English)


b) (He / eat / French fries)


c) (Their family / go / to Italy)


Questão 5: (VQ: 0,5 - VA________)
Would you like some more whisky?

B: Yes, you ___________ it.

a) have already drunk

b) have already drink

c) already drink

d) has already drunk

e) have already drinking

Questão 6: (VQ: 0,5 - VA________)
Loving Nature
The forest rangers at Glory wood National Park have found some new ways to protect animals from campers
and hikers. They have made special zones for camping that are far away from the areas where most animals
live. They have also put special signs on hiking trails to warn people not to go off the paths.
Chris has been a forest ranger for more than 15 years. As part of his job he has had many interesting
experiences. He has rescued sick animals and he has helped hikers who were lost in the forest. He has even
helped firefighters put out forest fires.
a) Read the text and underline the sentences in the present perfect tense.
b) Choose one sentence and then change it to the interrogative and the negative form.


Questão 7: (VQ: 0,5 - VA________)

Supply the present perfect tense of the given verbs
I have already_________________ the book. (write)

a) He______________________________ here for three months. (work)

b) They ________________________________ to Australia many times. (go)

c) __________________ you ever________________ to Paris? (be)

Questão 8: (VQ: 0,5 - VA________)
Let’s color and write the name of the fruits

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