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Interview Phase 1 (Scout)

The Group Scout Leader’s Role

 Tell us a little about yourself (professional and scouting) so that we can get an idea about how you
came to where we are today?

 What do you think are the key tasks for a GSL and how do you think you are suited to achieving

 What areas will you need help and support with?

 What do you believe your personal challenge will be and how do you envisage overcoming that

The Group

 How would you support your leadership team so they perform at their best and work together as a

 Valuing people can be an important part of managing a team. Showing value in a tangible way can
be an important tool. How do you recognise and value people?

 In providing a sound management structure for the Group, how will you develop the Group
Executive Committee, and ensure that it is effective?

 How will you ensure everyone knows what you are doing and what your plans are?

Development Questions

 What do you see as the biggest opportunity for the Group?

 How do you plan to ensure that the Group fully represents the communities it serves?

 Tell us a little about your plans for the involvement of young people in decision making?

 What initiatives would you encourage to further improve the growth of the sections?

 Describe how you will ensure that a challenging, exciting and balanced programme is offered to
the young people in the Scout Group

1. Why did you join scouts in the first place?
2. How would you describe yourself?
3. What are your main interests in Scouts?
4. What are your strength and weaknesses?
5. What achievements are you most proud of?
6. Why should we give you this post?
7. Give an example of a time you’ve motivated others in a challenging situation
8. Tell me a time you’ve had to work with a person you found difficult/ guailan/tuoshui
9. Give an example of a situation where you’ve used your initiative
10. Have you organized or planned an event?
11. What type of roles have you ever had in Scouts? – PL
12. What are some of the most important qualities you look for in a potential


F1 Passion.

H1 A person that’s passionate for what he’s doing is definitely the primary factor to consider
because when you have genuine interest into something, you’ll feel the enjoyment whenever
you’re involved in it thus allowing the tasks to be completed in the best manner(#high efficiency)

F2 Motivation/Commitment

H2 People who are motivated and willing to put in effort to complete their tasks are people who
have strong dedication towards what they are doing. Besides, they are also the people who will
not look for excuses

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