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Ski's CharGen 3E Revision History

Version 1.28
by Ski Anderson ( Version 1.00
Began work using DC Adventures PDF.
Version 1.01
Added in custom equipment framework. Added in Complications. Complet

Version 1.02
Ski's CharGen 3E is designed for use with the DC Adventures/Mutants & Finished the Power Effects in the Data page.
Masterminds RPG (Third Edition) by Green Ronin Publishing. Ownership
of the appropriate books is required. Green Ronin Publishing can be Finished calculations for Power and Equipment component matrixes.
found on the web at or Created the Macros to clear the work sheets.
Version 1.03
Added Enhanced Dodge, Fortitude, Parry, and Willpower as powers effects.
Added Standard Equipment to Equipment page and Chararacter Sheet 1.
Finished Enhanced Trait calculations for Ability and Defense scores.
Version 1.04
Extended the Advantages list to 34 (Batman has 33!).
Instructions Fixed a bug on the calculations page that didn't take advantages into consid
Fill out the information in the GREEN boxes. Version 1.05
Everything else should auto-populate. Added forums output. Still a work in progress.
Fixed Improved Initiative calculation.
Version 1.06
Changed Expertise to be able to use any Ability, not just INT.
Version 1.07
Special Thanks Converted to Excel 97-2003 version.
Psistrike from the Forums for posting the chart of DCA character stat Version 1.08
Bombaatu for catching the Improved Initiative and Expertise problems. Changed the formatting on the Forums Output.
Suggestions concerning Enhanced Advantages.
Shadowchaser for improvement suggestions for the forums output, Fixed "toughess" type.
volunteering characters for testing, and help with Growth/Shrinking. Added power points to the power output for the Forums Output.
Arknight for catching the Equipment Component mistake. I didn't
populate the pull-downs right. He also caught Enhanced Defenses, Version 1.09
Enhanced Willpower, and Protection Equipment errors for me. He also
spotted the problem with Limited abilities and defenses, and the total Added a "Custom" Power Effect for things like devices or other misc. catego
ability scores not being on the custom output. Version 1.10
scc for catching a mistake in the math logic for custom components.
CelticREI for catching a number of calculation mistakes, typos and a Caught a math error with Effect Base Cost + Extras - Flaws being a negative
suggestion for keeping the macros from scrolling the screen. Keeping
me honest about the Alt: and Dyn: additions from version 1.19. properly so that 0 = 1/2, -1 = 1/3, -2 = 1/4, -3 and lower = 1/5.
Suggestion for making Enhanced Advantages italicized. Fixed Enhanced Strength. Misssed a formula.
demongg for all his work in figuring out how to make the DCA sheet
work. Added basic error checking to the calculations page.
charlieluce for catching the equipment protection error.
Version 1.11
Fixed the negative costs for custom powers issue. I added custom powers t
and then immediately made it impossible to use correctly.
Fixed Equipment page - some had component pull-downs for powers, not e
Added Output Information to the Basics sheet. You can now choose if you w
to show just the Description Modifier or also the Extras/Flaws/Flats.
Version 1.12
Emergency release to fix some terrible lookup error in Power Component co
Version 1.13
Added a calculation to show how many ranks in skills and warn about remai
Fixed a toughness calculation on the main character sheet.
Fixed a math error on the calculations page when determining final attack v
Version 1.14
Added the Ranged Damage power component since they seem to like using
instead of Blast (which is the same thing).
Renamed and colorized the tabs. Got tired of scrolling back and forth betw
Added the DCA style character sheets. Makes this file a LOT bigger. I'll prob
of the sheet for download from now on. Do not try to change the view scal
It will make them look funny and you'll panic! The sheets only work becaus
of Custom Header Images and background images sized just right.
Corrected Enhanced Defenses math, equipment protection, and Enhanced
Version 1.15
While waiting for feedback about the DCA Character sheet, I'm working on
Read the directions above and to the right.
Version 1.16
Finished the XML stuff for Equipment.
Version 1.17
Power Components that have limited in the Description (or Flaws if you hav
turned on) will not add to your ability, defense, or protection values.
Custom Sheet ability scores point towards total value, not the base value.
Removed the DCA sheet for now. Working on it using a different spreadshe
serious issues with the formatting and I don't want to include it for public re
on it in the background.
Fixed typo for Advantages on the Forums Output.
Version 1.18
Fixed a bug in the skill ranks math that was introduced when I added XML im
Version 1.19
Completely re-did the logic for power and equipment output. Tried to mak
powers more apparent. If you use Custom, it will always skip to the next lin
or Dynamic, it will print "Alt" or "Dyn" before the power. If you use None, i
line. If you use Normal, it will look to see if the previous power was Alterna
it was, it will skip a line. If it wasn't, it will print on the same line. Sound con
Added a Reference Sheet you can print. I made it mostly for my playgroup
Version 1.20
Corrected a rounding error for powers that cost less than 1 per rank.
Cut and paste the rest of the Alt: / Dyn: formulas to all the powers. Works b
Version 1.21
Added the Misc. column to the Calculations page for the THIRD time. It disa
Version 1.22
A macro in the Calculations page was eating some math.
Version 1.23
Added "Enh?" column on the Advantages sheet. Use this for Advantages pr
Advantage power effect where you don't want the cost calculated on the A
Added the XML support for that same column (what a pain).
Incorporated Close Combat and Ranged Combat advantages into the Skills c
having them seperated.
Version 1.24
Reworked the formulas that controlled if unranked skills print or not.
Made the forums output for Enhanced Advantages italicized instead of prec
Version 1.25
Fixed a cost for Duplication.
For my own personal use, I've added a Wiki-style output to the Forums pag
but I think it would work with others.
Version 1.26
Added calculations for Permanent Growth and Permanent Shrinking effects
Version 1.27
Protection from Equipment no longer stacks. Thanks charlieluce.
Version 1.28
Macro error on the Abilities sheet. Hitting clear cleared the wrong columns
Feature Request
Finish the Benchmarks (add in the rest of the NPC/animals)
Add checks for alternate powers (ensure they don't exceed points allowance)
Create character sheet similar to the DC Adventures one.
Take Growth into consideration for STR and STA checks.
k. Added in Complications. Completed the baseline character sheet. Take Shrinking into consideration (and check for Normal Strength)
Import / Export functionality (possibly using XML)

uipment component matrixes.

ry, and Willpower as powers effects.

ent page and Chararacter Sheet 1.
Ability and Defense scores.

at didn't take advantages into consideration. XML Imports and Exports

New in version 1.15, I've added the ability to export character data and then import it later (like int
a later version of this spreadsheet. This should cut down on having to re-type characters each time
I make a slight modification to this spreadsheet.

y Ability, not just INT. Here's how it's done:

To export your current character, go to DATA -> XML -> Export
To import, load up a new sheet and go to DATA -> XML -> Import

If you don't see XML options, you may have to enable the Developer ribbon in the Excel 2007 menu
structure. If you're using OpenOffice… I have no idea how to do it. Maybe someone will explain it
ut for the Forums Output. to me and I can give directions here.

ngs like devices or other misc. categories.

ost + Extras - Flaws being a negative number. Added the ratios

/4, -3 and lower = 1/5.

wers issue. I added custom powers to handle negative costs

le to use correctly.
ponent pull-downs for powers, not equipment.
s sheet. You can now choose if you want your output for powers
r also the Extras/Flaws/Flats.

ookup error in Power Component costs.

ranks in skills and warn about remaining points.

ain character sheet.
page when determining final attack value.

ponent since they seem to like using it in the book

red of scrolling back and forth between sheets.

Makes this file a LOT bigger. I'll probably have two versions
. Do not try to change the view scale of the DCA sheets!
panic! The sheets only work because of a goofy combination
und images sized just right.
uipment protection, and Enhanced Will/Willpower.

CA Character sheet, I'm working on XML imports and exports.

n the Description (or Flaws if you have Print Extras/Flaws/Flats

defense, or protection values.
rds total value, not the base value.
king on it using a different spreadsheet. I'm just having some
don't want to include it for public release. I'll keep working

was introduced when I added XML import/export support.

nd equipment output. Tried to make Alternate and Dynamic

om, it will always skip to the next line. If you use Alternate
efore the power. If you use None, it will never skip to the next
ee if the previous power was Alternate, Dynamic, or None. If
will print on the same line. Sound confusing? It is.
I made it mostly for my playgroup so ignore it if you want.

that cost less than 1 per rank.

formulas to all the powers. Works better if it applies everywhere.

tions page for the THIRD time. It disappears. I don't understand.

ating some math.

es sheet. Use this for Advantages provided by the Enhanced

't want the cost calculated on the Advantages sheet itself.
olumn (what a pain).
d Combat advantages into the Skills calculations rather than

if unranked skills print or not.

Advantages italicized instead of preceded with a *
Wiki-style output to the Forums page. I use it with wikispaces

wth and Permanent Shrinking effects.

tacks. Thanks charlieluce.

tting clear cleared the wrong columns.

In Progress
On Hold

data and then import it later (like into

aving to re-type characters each time

eloper ribbon in the Excel 2007 menu

o it. Maybe someone will explain it
Campaign Information

Campaign Power Level 4

Power Points Spent: 60
Recommended Power Points: 60

Power Points Awarded (XP):

Character Details
Alternate Identity: Catch these Hands
Type of Alternate Identity:
Group Affiliation:
Base of Operations:

Output Information
Print Extras, Flaws, Flats? (Default: YES)
If you choose YES, the character sheet will print the contents of
the Extras, Flaws, and Flats for powers and custom equipment. If
you choose NO, it will only print what is in the description
modifier box.
Ability Scores Defenses and Initiative
Enhanced Growth/ Final Base Purchased
Ranks Cost Trait Shrinking Ranks Value Ranks
Strength 4 8 0 0 4 Dodge 2 1
Stamina 3 6 0 0 3 Fortitude 3 1
Agility 2 4 0 2 Parry 4 1
Dexterity 2 4 0 2 Toughness 3
Fighting 4 8 0 4 Will 2 1
Intellect 2 4 0 2 Base
Awareness 2 4 0 2 Value
Presence 2 4 0 2 Initiative 2

Note: If a specific ability is chosen, this will display examples from the DC Adventures book. If no
Ability Benchmarks ability is chosen, it will reference the generic chart.

Chosen Ability
-1 Robot, Zombie
0 Solomon Grundy
1 Government Agent, Police Officer, Crime Lord, Thug
2 Captain Marvel, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Superman, Zatanna, Black Adam, Brainiac, Darkseid
3 The Joker, Dolphin, Ape, Hawk, Lion
4 Aquaman, The Flash, Green Arrow, Black Manta, Gorilla Grodd
5 Black Canary, Plastic Man, Robin, Prometheus
6 Nightwing, Catwoman
7 Batman, Cheetah
10 Wonder Woman
ses and Initiative Power Points Used
Purchased Enhanced Growth/
Ranks Cost Trait Shrinking Ranks Ability Scores 42
1 1 0 +0 3 Defenses 4
1 1 0 4 Skills (18 ranks) 9
1 1 0 +0 5 Advantages 5
3 Powers 0
1 1 0 3
Imp Enhanced
Initiative Trait Ranks
0 0 2 TOTAL 60

he DC Adventures book. If no Note: Final Toughness score is calculated later. Points cannot be used to
chart. increase Toughness or Initiative.
Growth/Shrinking from Permanent effects only.

c, Darkseid
Ability Score Matrix
If the skill is untrained, it will not show a Final Value unless you put at least 1 rank into it (unless you have the Jack-of-all-
Trades advantage).
Skills Close Combat and Ranged Combat Base Values will include any levels of the appropriate Advantage.

Skill Name Ability Untrained? Base Value Ranks Final Type

Acrobatics AGL NO 2
Athletics STR YES 4 2 +6
Close Combat FGT YES 4 4 +8 Sonic Gauntlets
Close Combat FGT YES 4 +4
Close Combat FGT YES 4 +4
Close Combat FGT YES 4 +4
Deception PRE YES 2 +2
Expertise FGT NO 4
Expertise INT NO 2
Expertise INT NO 2
Expertise INT NO 2
Insight AWE YES 2 +2
Intimidation PRE YES 2 2 +4
Investigation INT NO 2
Perception AWE YES 2 +2
Persuasion PRE YES 2 2 +4
Ranged Combat DEX YES 2 4 +6 Sonic Gaunlets
Ranged Combat DEX YES 2 +2
Ranged Combat DEX YES 2 +2
Ranged Combat DEX YES 2 +2
Sleight of Hand DEX NO 2
Stealth AGL YES 2 +2
Technology INT NO 2 4 +6
Treatment INT NO 2
Vehicles DEX NO 2
to it (unless you have the Jack-of-all-
Jack-of-All-Trades: NO
he appropriate Advantage. Power Points Used Combat Specializations List:
--- Close Combat Skills --- Forums Sheet Outp
Ability Scores 42 Sonic Gauntlets 8
Defenses 4 4 Athletics 2 (+6),
untlets Skills (18 ranks) 9 4 Close Combat: Soni
Advantages 5 4
Powers 0 --- Ranged Combat Skills ---
Sonic Gaunlets 6
2 Deception (+2),
TOTAL 60 2

Insight (+2),
Intimidation 2 (+4),

Perception (+2),
Persuasion 2 (+4),
unlets Ranged Combat: So

Ranks Taken
A warning will be displayed if you are Stealth (+2),
using a fraction of a point. Technology 4 (+6),
Ranks 18
Points Used 9

Concatenate and re
Athletics 2 (+6), Clo
Athletics 2 (+6), Clo
Forums Sheet Output

Athletics 2 (+6),
Close Combat: Sonic Gauntlets 4 (+8),

Deception (+2),

Insight (+2),
Intimidation 2 (+4),

Perception (+2),
Persuasion 2 (+4),
Ranged Combat: Sonic Gaunlets 4 (+6),

Stealth (+2),
Technology 4 (+6),

Concatenate and remove the last comma

Athletics 2 (+6), Close Combat: Sonic Gauntlets 4 (+8), Deception (+2), Insight (+2), Intimidation 2 (+4), Perception (+2), Persuasion 2 (+4), Ra
Athletics 2 (+6), Close Combat: Sonic Gauntlets 4 (+8), Deception (+2), Insight (+2), Intimidation 2 (+4), Perception (+2), Persuasion 2 (+4), Ra
on (+2), Persuasion 2 (+4), Ranged Combat: Sonic Gaunlets 4 (+6), Stealth (+2), Technology 4 (+6),
on (+2), Persuasion 2 (+4), Ranged Combat: Sonic Gaunlets 4 (+6), Stealth (+2), Technology 4 (+6)
Note: Use the Additional Description for things like Favored Environment which require more information.
The Enh? column is for Advantages provided by Enhanced Advantages power. The cost does not get added here. It is
Advantages for output purposes only. (Default = NO)

Advantage Ranks Additional Description Effect

Equipment 1 5 points of equipment per rank.
Inventor Use Technology to create temporary devices.
Attractive 3 Circumstance bonus to interaction based on your looks.
uire more information.
oes not get added here. It is Calculations
Power Points Used Jack-of-All-
Enh? Ranked? Trades Defensive Roll
YES Ability Scores 42 0 0
ry devices. NO Defenses 4 0 0
based on your looks. YES Skills (18 ranks) 9 0 0
Advantages 5 0 0
Powers 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
TOTAL 60 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Defensive Roll Cost Calculation Close Attack Ranged Attack Equipment Description
0 1 0 0 1 Equipment 1
0 1 0 0 0 , Inventor
0 3 0 0 0 , Attractive 3
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 5 0 0 1 Standard
Equipment 1, Inventor, Attractive 3
Equipment 1, Inventor, Attractive 3
Improved Forums Wikipages
initiative Description Description
0 Equipment 1 Equipment 1
0 , Inventor , Inventor
0 , Attractive 3 , Attractive 3
0 Forums Description Forums Description
Equipment 1, Inventor, Attractive 3 Equipment 1, Inventor, Attractive 3
Equipment 1, Inventor, Attractive 3 Equipment 1, Inventor, Attractive 3
Power Components
With the third edition of Mutants and Masterminds, powers are grouped together. A group may contain a single
power, be a collection of multiple powers that work together, or can be made up of an array of powers similar to 2E.
I have decided to try to break powers down into two chunks: the components and the group.

This worksheet is for creating components of powers. You will then group those components together on the
Powers sheet. Each Power must contain at least one component. The component does NOT to have the same name
as the Power Effect (because you may the same Effect from muliple powers).

Example: Superman (from DC Hero's Handbook) has the Power "Invulnerability". It has Protection 4, Impervious
Toughness 18, and Immunity 10 as components. On this worksheet you would create those three seperate
components. On the Powers worksheet, you would then combine them into the "Invulnerability" power.

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:
Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:
Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:
ain a single
rs similar to 2E. Note: There is a component called "Custom". You can use that for any other
category of power. It was specifically designed for devices. For a device, the
component name would be something like "Removable", the Power Effect
r on the "Custom", the Base Cost "-5" (or whatever based on the cost of the power), and the
the same name Rank "1". When building the Power on the next page, it is easiest to understand if
the Custom Component is chosen first.
mpervious For Enhanced Ability Scores or Defenses, if the modify applies only to this character,
erate you should choose the specific Enhance XXX power effect. This is for spreadsheet
wer. calculation purposes.

Cost Calcs
Base Cost: B+E-F 0
Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0

Base Cost: B+E-F 0
Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0

Base Cost: B+E-F 0
Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0

Base Cost: B+E-F 0
Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0

Base Cost: B+E-F 0
Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0

Base Cost: B+E-F 0
Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0

Base Cost: B+E-F 0
Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0

Component Ranks Cost Power Effect Description Mod Protection
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 0 0
4 0 0
5 0 0
6 0 0
7 0 0
8 0 0
9 0 0
10 0 0
11 0 0
12 0 0
13 0 0
14 0 0
15 0 0
16 0 0
17 0 0
18 0 0
19 0 0
20 0 0

Power Cost Ratios

0 0.5
-1 0.333333
-2 0.25
-3 0.2
-4 0.2
-5 0.2
-6 0.2
-7 0.2
-8 0.2
Enhanced Enhanced Enhanced Enhanced Enhanced Enhanced Enhanced Enhanced Enhanced
Strength Stamina Agility Dexterity Fighting Intellect Awareness Presence Dodge
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Enhanced Enhanced Enhanced Enhanced Enhanced Permanent Pemanent
Dodge Fortitude Parry Will Initiative Growth Shrinking
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For the purposes of this character builder, Powers are made up of components. Even if you only want a Flight
power, you must first create the Flight component and then add it to a Flight power. It sounds convoluted but
Mutants and Masterminds 3E is all about flexibility and this chargen is trying to implment that level of flexibility.

What can be more confusing is that powers can simply stack (like Superman's Invulnerability granting Protection,
Impervious Toughness, and Immunity) or be an Alternate Effect (like Superman's Flight granting both Flight and
Quickness but only one can be used as an Alter). The costs for each component of Invulnerability would be
combined. The alternate effect in the Flight array would only cost a point.
To represent this, when you add a power to an array, you can choose from: Normal (add the cost to the power),
Alternate Effect (add only 1 point), Dynamic (add 2 points), or None (add 0 points for powers calculated elsewhere).
Note: If the first power component in a power needs to be dynamic, you will need to add a flat +1 modifier to pay for
the costs.

Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:

Power Points Used
t a Flight Ability Scores 42
uted but Defenses 4
Skills (18 ranks) 9
Protection, Advantages 5
Flight and Powers 0
uld be

he power),
ed elsewhere).
difier to pay for TOTAL 60

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod

Total Cost:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod
Total Cost:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod

Total Cost:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod

Total Cost:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod
Total Cost:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod

Total Cost:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod

Total Cost:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod
Total Cost:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod

Total Cost:
Combined Descriptions Character Sheet Output Forums Sheet Output

Combined Descriptions
Combined Descriptions

Combined Descriptions

Combined Descriptions
Combined Descriptions

Combined Descriptions

Combined Descriptions
Combined Descriptions
heet Output Wikispaces Output
Custom Equipment Components
Like Powers, Equipment can be made up of multiple components. Green Arrow's "Bow and Arrows", for example,
contains 6 components: the standard arrow and then the other 5 arrow types as alternate effects.

To build Green Arrow's bow, you would create a Component for the standard arrow (blast 5), a component for the
Cable Arrow (movement: swinging), etc. Then on the Equipment page, you would create "Bow and Arrow", make the
Standard Arrow your first component and the other arrows as Alternates.

The DC Adventures Book contains multiple lists of standard equipment such as guns, armor, vehicles, and gear.
Standard equipment does not need to be created. You can select it from a list.

Component Name: Sonic Boom Type: Attack

Power Effect: Blast Action: Standard
Base Effect Cost: 2 per rank Range: Ranged
Basic Description: Ranged damaging attack. Duration: Instant
Resistance: Toughness

Relevant Extras: -
Relevant Flaws: -
Relevant Flats: -

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Sonic Fist Type: Attack

Power Effect: Strike Action: Standard
Base Effect Cost: 1 per rank Range: Close
Basic Description: You inflict additional damage in close combat. Created Duration: Instant
Power: Damage Resistance: Toughness

Relevant Extras: -
Relevant Flaws: -
Relevant Flats: -

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Fisting to the Sky Type: Movement

Power Effect: Leaping Action: Free
Base Effect Cost: 1 per rank Range: Personal
Basic Description: You can make prodigious leaps, far more than even a Duration: Instant
skilled athlete. Resistance: -

Relevant Extras: Affects Others (+0 or +1)

Relevant Flaws: Acrobatics Check Required (-1)
Relevant Flats: Full Power (-1)

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws: Acrobatics Check Required
Chosen Flats: Full Power

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:
Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:
Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:

Component Name: Type:

Power Effect: Action:
Base Effect Cost: Range:
Basic Description: Duration:

Relevant Extras:
Relevant Flaws:
Relevant Flats:

Description Modifier:
Chosen Extras:
Chosen Flaws:
Chosen Flats:
Component Ranks Cost
1 Sonic Boom 2 4
2 Sonic Fist 1 1
for example, 3 Fisting to the 4 0
4 0
onent for the 5 0
row", make the 6 0
7 0
and gear. 8 0
9 0
10 0
11 0
12 0
13 0
14 0
15 0
16 0
17 0
Attack Base Cost: 2 B+E-F 2 18 0
Standard Extras: Custom? FALSE 19 0
Ranged Flaws: Multiplier 2 20 0
Instant Rank: 2 Rank x M 4
Toughness Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 4 Cost 4


Attack Base Cost: 1 B+E-F 1

Standard Extras: Custom? FALSE
Close Flaws: Multiplier 1
Instant Rank: 1 Rank x M 1
Toughness Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 1 Cost 1

Movement Base Cost: 1 B+E-F 0
Free Extras: Custom? FALSE
Personal Flaws: -1 Multiplier 0.5
Instant Rank: 4 Rank x M 2
- Flat Modifiers: -1 Flats -1

Component Cost: 0 Cost 1

Acrobatics Check
Required; Full

Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0

Base Cost: B+E-F 0
Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0

Base Cost: B+E-F 0
Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0

Base Cost: B+E-F 0
Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0

Base Cost: B+E-F 0
Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0

Base Cost: B+E-F 0
Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0


Base Cost: B+E-F 0

Extras: Custom? FALSE
Flaws: Multiplier
Rank: Rank x M
Flat Modifiers: Flats 0

Component Cost: 0 Cost 0

Cost Power Effect Description Mod Protection
4 Blast 0
1 Strike 0
0 Leaping Acrobatics Check Requ 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0

Eq Protection
does not
Power Cost Ratios stack.
0 0.5
-1 0.333333
-2 0.25
-3 0.2
-4 0.2
-5 0.2
-6 0.2
-7 0.2
-8 0.2
Custom Equipment
Custom equipment is built the same way as custom powers. Name your equipment and then assign it equipment
components. You may choose Normal, Alternate, Dynamic, and None (just as you could with powers).

Standard equipment is from the book and you just need the name and points value.

Eq Name: Sonic Gaunlets Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1: Sonic Boom Normal 4 2 Blast
Component 2: Sonic Fist Normal 1 1 Strike
Component 3: Fisting to the Sky Normal 0 4 Leaping
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:


Power Name: Component Type Cost Ranks Power Effect

Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Component 4:
Component 5:
Component 6:
Component 7:
Component 8:
Component 9:
Component 10:

Equipment Points
equipment Equipment Ranks 1
. Equipment Points 5
Points Used 7
Points Remaining -2

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod Sonic Gaunlets
Blast Sonic Boom: Blast 2
Fisting to the Sky: Leaping 4
Strike Sonic Fist: Strike
[Acrobatics Check1 Required; Fu
Leaping Acrobatics Check Required Standard Equipment Power]
Equipment Cost
Noise Canceling Headphones 1
Motoercycle 1

Total Cost: 5
Standard Equipment:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod

Total Cost:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod
Total Cost:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod

Total Cost:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod

Total Cost:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod
Total Cost:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod

Total Cost:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod

Total Cost:

Individual Descriptions
Power Effect Description Mod
Total Cost:
dividual Descriptions Combined Descriptions Character Sheet Output
onic Gaunlets � Sonic Gaunlets
onic Boom: Blast 2 Sonic Boom:
Sonic Boom: Blast
Blast 22, Sonic Sonic Boom: Blast 2, Sonic Fist: Strike 1, Fisting to the Sky:
sting to the Sky: Leaping 4 Sonic
Fist: Boom:
Strike Blastto
1, Fisting 2,the
Sky: Leaping 4 [Acrobatics Check Required; Full Power]
onic Fist: Strike Sonic Boom: Blast 2, Sonic
Acrobatics Check1 Required; Full Fist: Strike
4 [Acrobatics
Strike 1, Fisting CheckSky:
ower] Sonic
Required; Boom:
Full Blastto
Power] 2,the
Fist: 4
1, Fisting to Check
the Sky:
Sonic Boom:
Required; Blast 2, Sonic
Full Power]
Fist: 4 [Acrobatics
Strike 1, Fisting to Check
the Sky:
Sonic Boom:
Required; Blast 2, Sonic
Full Power]
Fist: 4
1, Fisting Check
Required; Boom: Blastto
Full Power] 2,the Sky:
Fist: 4 [Acrobatics
Strike 1, Fisting to Check
the Sky:
Sonic Boom:
Required; Blast 2, Sonic
Full Power]
Fist: 4 [Acrobatics
Strike 1, Fisting to Check
the Sky:
Sonic Boom:
Required; Blast 2, Sonic
Full Power]
Leaping 4 [Acrobatics Check
Fist: Strike 1, Fisting to the Sky:
Required; Full Power] Check
Leaping 4 [Acrobatics
Required; Full Power]

Standard Equipment: 2

dividual Descriptions Combined Descriptions

dividual Descriptions Combined Descriptions

dividual Descriptions Combined Descriptions

dividual Descriptions Combined Descriptions

dividual Descriptions Combined Descriptions

dividual Descriptions Combined Descriptions

dividual Descriptions Combined Descriptions

dividual Descriptions Combined Descriptions

Standard Equipment Description Forums Output
[b]Sonic Gaunlets[/b]
� Standard Equipment Sonic Boom: Blast 2, Sonic Fist: Strike 1, Fisting to the Sky:
Noise Canceling Headphones (1 ep), Motoercycle (1 ep) Leaping 4 [Acrobatics Check Required; Full Power]
[b]Sonic Gaunlets[/b]
Sonic Boom: Blast 2, Sonic Fist: Strike 1, Fisting to the Sky:
Leaping 4 [Acrobatics Check Required; Full Power]
[b]Standard Equipment[/b]
Noise Canceling Headphones (1 ep), Motoercycle (1 ep)
Standard Equipment (Forums Output) Standard Equipment (Wikispaces Output)

e 1, Fisting to the Sky: [b]Standard Equipment[/b] **Standard Equipment**

Full Power] Noise Canceling Headphones (1 ep), Motoercycle (1 ep) Noise Canceling Headphones (1 ep), Motoercy
e 1, Fisting to the Sky:
Full Power]

Motoercycle (1 ep)
t (Wikispaces Output) Custom Equipment (Wikispaces Output)
**Sonic Gaunlets**
ent** Sonic Boom: Blast 2, Sonic Fist: Strike 1, Fisting to the Sky:
Headphones (1 ep), Motoercycle (1 ep) Leaping 4 [Acrobatics Check Required; Full Power]
**Sonic Gaunlets**
Sonic Boom: Blast 2, Sonic Fist: Strike 1, Fisting to the Sky:
Leaping 4 [Acrobatics Check Required; Full Power]
**Standard Equipment**
Noise Canceling Headphones (1 ep), Motoercycle (1 ep)
The power creation system in Mutants and Masterminds gives you unlimited flexibility in designing your powers.
Sometimes though, that can be a little overwhelming. On this worksheet, you can use the pull-down menu to see
examples of how others have implmented powers.

These are not intended to be "standards" for any types of powers. Each campaign is different and you should feel
free to modify these powers however best suits your game.

Currently there is no way to cut-and-paste from this sheet to the power components or equipment components
pages. That may be a future option. Right now though, you unfortunately just have to keep flipping back and forth
(or have a much better short-term memory than mine).

Sample Power:
ur powers.
menu to see

u should feel

back and forth

Design Notes Note: Used for output for the forums or just notes for yourself.
Character Sheet Output

Offensive Abilities
Close Combat or
Offensive Ability Range Power Ability Value Advantage Ranged Combat Skill
Sonic Gaunlets Close +4 +0 Sonic Gauntlets
Sonic Boom Ranged +2 +0 Sonic Gaunlets

Unarmed Damage is equal to your current Strength (4)
Power refers to Effect Rank.
Advantage refers to either the Close Attack or Ranged Attack advantages.
Close Combat or Ranged Combat Skill refers to the specialization that you choose when you take that skill.
If you do not have a Close Combat or Ranged Combat skill with a particular weapon, leave it blank and the spreadsheet will use eith
The Misc. column can be used for things like Accurate, Inaccuate, or Limited.

Error Checking
Maximum Value
Skill Modifier Pass Ability Rank + Skill Rank + Advantage Modifiers <= PL + 10
Attack and Effect Pass Total of Attack Bonus and Effect Rank <= PL x 2
Dodge and Toughness Pass Total of Dodge and Toughness <= PL x 2
Parry and Toughness Pass Total of Parry and Toughness <= PL x 2
Fortitude and Will Pass Total of Fortitude and Will <= PL x 2
Close Combat or Misc To-Hit Final Value
Ranged Combat Skill Skill Value Modifiers To-Hit Other Notes
Sonic Gauntlets +8 +8
Sonic Gaunlets +6 +6

d the spreadsheet will use either your Dexterity or Fighting score.

Modifiers <= PL + 10
Attack + Effect
Character Sheet Output
Sonic Gaunlets +8, Damage +8
Sonic Boom +6, Damage +6
Sonic Gaunlets +8, Damage
Sonic Boom +6, Damage

Catch these Hands








Sonic Gaunlets +8
Sonic Boom +6 ADVANTAGES
Equipment 1, Inventor, Attractive 3




Athletics +6
Close Combat [Sonic Gauntlets] +8

Deception +2
� Sonic Gaunlets
Sonic Boom: Blast 2, Sonic Fist: Strike 1, Fisting to the Sky: Leaping 4 [Acrobatics Check
Required; Full Power]
� Standard Equipment
Noise Canceling Headphones (1 ep), Motoercycle (1 ep)
Insight +2
Intimidation +4

Perception +2
Persuasion +4
Rng Combat [Sonic Gaunlets] +6

Stealth +2
Technology +6



Note: Depending on your OS, you may end up with some extra quotation marks ("). You may have to manually remove these after you pe

Atomic Think Tank Forums

Begin Cut-and-Paste Here

Strength 4, Stamina 3, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 4, Intellect 2, Awareness 2, Presence 2


[b]Sonic Gaunlets[/b]
Sonic Boom: Blast 2, Sonic Fist: Strike 1, Fisting to the Sky: Leaping 4 [Acrobatics Check Required; Full Power]
[b]Standard Equipment[/b]
Noise Canceling Headphones (1 ep), Motoercycle (1 ep)

Equipment 1, Inventor, Attractive 3

Athletics 2 (+6), Close Combat: Sonic Gauntlets 4 (+8), Deception (+2), Insight (+2), Intimidation 2 (+4), Perception (+2), Persuasion 2 (+4)

Initiative +2
Sonic Gaunlets +8, Damage

Dodge 3, Parry 5
Toughness 3 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 4, Will 3

[b]Power Points[/b]
[b]Abilities 42 + Powers 0 + Advantages 5 + Skills 9 + Defenses 4 = Total 60[/b]


[b]Design Notes[/b]

End Cut-and-Paste Here

Wikispaces Output
Begin Cut-and-Paste Here
Strength 4, Stamina 3, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 4, Intellect 2, Awareness 2, Presence 2

**Sonic Gaunlets**

Equipment 1, Inventor, Attractive 3

Athletics 2 (+6), Close Combat: Sonic Gauntlets 4 (+8), Deception (+2), Insight (+2), Intimidation 2 (+4), Perception (+2), Persuasion 2 (+4)

Initiative +2
Sonic Gaunlets +8, Damage

Dodge 3, Parry 5
Toughness 3 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 4, Will 3

===Power Points===
===Abilities 42 + Powers 0 + Advantages 5 + Skills 9 + Defenses 4 = Total 60===


===Design Notes===

End Cut-and-Paste Here

Conditions Measurements Table Actions
Compelled Limited to a single standard action each turn, chosen by another controlling character. Controlled supercedes compelled. Rank Mass Time Distance Volume Aid (Standard)
Controlled No free will. Actions dictated by another controlling character. -5 1.5 lb. 1/8 second 6 inches 1/32 cft. Aim (Standard)
Dazed Single standard action per round. Stunned supercedes Dazed. -4 3 lbs. 1/4 second 1 foot 1/16 cft. Attack (Standard)
Debilitated The character has one or more abilities lowered below -5. -3 6 lbs. 1/2 second 3 feet 1/8 cft. Charge (Standard)
Defenseless Active Defense bonuses of 0. Attacks can make attacks as routine checks. If the attacker makes a normal attack, any hit is -2 12 lbs. 1 second 6 feet 1/4 cft. Command (Standard)
treated as a critical hit. Defenseless characters are often Prone. -1 25 lbs. 3 seconds 15 feet 1/2 cft. Command (Move)
Disabled -5 circumstance penalty on checks. Debilitated (if it applies to the same traits) supercedes disabled. 0 50 lbs. 6 seconds 30 feet 1 cft. Crawl (Move)
Fatigued Fatigued characters are hindered. Characters recover from Fatigue after an hour of rest. 1 100 lbs. 12 seconds 60 feet 2 cft. Defend (Standard)
Hindered Moves at half normal speed (-1 speed rank). Immobile supercedes hindered. 2 200 lbs. 30 seconds 120 feet 4 cft. Delay (No Action)
Immobile No movement speed and cannot move from the spot they occupy. 3 400 lbs. 1 minute 250 feet 8 cft. Disarm (Standard)
Impaired -2 circumstance penalty on checks. Disabled (if it applies to the same traits) supercedes Impaired. 4 800 lbs. 2 minutes 500 feet 15 cft. Drop an Item (Free)
Normal Unharmed and unaffected by other conditions. 5 1,600 lbs. 4 minutes 900 feet 30 cft. Drop Prone (Free)
Stunned Cannot take any actions. 6 3,200 lbs. 8 minutes 1,800 feet 60 cft. Escape (Move)
Transformed Some or all traits altered. 7 3 tons 15 minutes 1/2 mile 125 cft. Grab (Standard)
Unaware Unable to make interaction or Perception checks or perform any action based on them. Subjects have full concealment 8 6 tons 30 minutes 1 mile 250 cft. Move (Move)
from all of a character's unaware senses. 9 12 tons 1 hour 2 miles 500 cft. Ready (Standard)
Vulnerable Half Active Defenses (rounding up). Defenseless supercedes vulnerable. 10 25 tons 2 hours 4 miles 1,000 cft. Recover (Standard)
Weakened Temporarily lost power points in a trait. Debilitated supercedes Weakened. 11 50 tons 4 hours 8 miles 2,000 cft. Smash (Standard)
Combined Conditions 12 100 tons 8 hours 16 miles 4,000 cft. Stand (Move)
Asleep Defenseless, Stunned, and Unaware. Hearing Perception check with three or more levels of success wakes the character. 13 200 tons 16 hours 30 miles 8,000 cft. Trip (Standard)
Blind Everything has full visual concealment. Hindered, visually Unaware, and Vulnerable. 14 400 tons 1 day 60 miles 15,000 cft. Maneuvers
Bound Defenseless, Immobile, and Impaired. 15 800 tons 2 days 120 miles 32,000 cft. Accurate Attack
Deaf Everything has auditory concealment. Interaction limited to sign-language and lip-reading. 16 1,600 tons 4 days 250 miles 65,000 cft. All-Out Attack
Dying Incapacitated. When a character gained Dying, making a Fortitude check (DC15). If succeeds, nothing happens. If two degrees 17 3.2 ktons 1 week 500 miles 125,000 cft. Defensive Attack
of success, the character stabilizes, removing this condition. If the check fails, the character remains Dying. Three or more total 18 6 ktons 2 weeks 1,000 miles 250,000 cft. Finishing Attack
degrees of failure mean the character dies. Dying characters make a check each round until they stabilize or die. 19 12 ktons 1 month 2,000 miles 500,000 cft. Power Attack
Entranced Stunned. Any obvious threat automatically breaks the trance. Allies can break with interaction skill check (DC10+Effect Rank) 20 25 ktons 2 months 4,000 miles 1 million cft. Slam Attack
Exhausted Impaired and Hindered. Characters recover after an hour of rest in comfortable surroundings. 21 50 ktons 4 months 8,000 miles 2 million cft. Surprise Attack
Incapacitated Defenseless, Stunned, and Unaware. Usually fall prone, unless some outside force keeps them standing. 22 100 ktons 8 months 16,000 miles 4 million cft. Team Attack
Paralyzed Defenseless, Immobile, and physically Stunned, frozen in place and unable to move. Still aware and can take purely mental actions. 23 200 ktons 1.5 years 32,000 miles 8 million cft.
Prone Lying on the ground, receiving a -5 circumstance penalty on close attack checks. Opponents receive a +5 circumstance bonus to 24 400 ktons 3 years 64,000 miles 15 million cft.
close attack checks but a -5 penalty to ranged attacks. Prone characters are Hindered. Standing up is a Move action. 25 800 ktons 6 years 125,000 miles 32 million cft.
Restrained Hindered and Vulnerable. If the restraints are anchored to an immobile object, the character is Immobile instead of Hindered. 26 1,600 ktons 12 years 250,000 miles 65 million cft.
Staggered Dazed and Hindered. 27 3,200 ktons 25 years 500,000 miles 125 million cft.
Surprised Stunned and Vulnerable, caught off-guard and unable to act. 28 6,400 ktons 50 years 1 million miles 250 million cft.
Extra Effort Uses (Free Action, Limited to Once per Turn) 29 12,500 ktons 100 years 2 million miles 500 million cft.
Action Gain an additional standard action during your turn. 30 25,000 ktons 200 years 4 million miles 1 billion cft.
Bonus Perform one check with a +2 circumstance bonus or improve an existing bonus to +5 or negate one level of a penalty. +1 x2 x2 x2 x2
Power Increase one of your power effects by +1 rank until the start of your next turn. Permanent effects cannot be increased this way. Distance Rank = Time Rank + Speed Rank
Power Stunt Temporarily gain and use an Alternate Effect. This lasts until the end of the scene or until it's duration expires. Permanent effects Time Rank = Distance Rank - Speed Rank
cannot be used for power stunts. Throwing Distance Rank = Strength Rank - Mass Rank
Resistance Gain an immediate additional resistance check against an ongoing effect. If the extra effort incapacitates you, you forfeit all Skill Benchmarks Skill Sub-Sets
resistance checks against the effect until you recover. The fatigue conditions do not affect you until you are free of the effect. Difficulty Acrobatics Balancing, Maneuvering, Standing from Prone, Tumbling
Retry Certain effects require extra effort to retry after a certain degree of failure. This permits another attempt to use the effect. Very Easy (0) Athletics Climbing, Jumping, Running, Swimming
Speed Increase the hero's speed rank by +1 until the start of the hero's next turn. Easy (5) Deception Bluffing, Disguise, Feinting, Inneundo, Tricking
Strength Increase the hero's Strength rank by +1 until the start of the hero's next turn. Average (10) Insight Detect Illusion, Detect Influence, Evaluate, Innuendo, Resist Influence
At the start of the turn immediately after using extra effort, the hero becomes fatigued. A fatigued hero who uses extra effort Tough (15) Intimidation Coercing, Demoralizing, Intimindating Minions
becomes exhausted. An exhausted hero would become incapacitated. If you spend a Hero Points at the start of the turn, you Challenging (20) Investigation Search, Gather Evidence, Analyze Evidence, Gather Information, Surveillance
can negate this and suffer no adverse effects. Formidable (25) Perception Hearing, Seeing, Other Senses
Hero Point Uses (Spend as a Reaction, No Limit per Turn) Heroic (30) Sleight of H Concealing, Contorting, Escaping, Legerdemain, Stealing
Edit Scene Edit a scene to grant your hero an advantage. Cannot change events that have happened and the GM has final rule about limits. Super-Heroic (35) Stealth Hiding, Tailing
Heroic Feat Gain benefits of one rank of an advantage you don't already have until the end of your next turn. You must be capable of using the Nigh-Impossible (40) Technology Operating, Building, Repairing, Jury-Rigging, Demolitions, Inventing, Security
advantage and cannot gain the benefits of Fortune advantages. You must have the prerequisites. Treatment Diagnosis, Provide Care, Revive, Stabilize, Treat Disease and Poison
Improve Roll Re-roll any die roll and take the better result. On a 1-10, add 10 to the result. Must be done before the GM announced the outcome.
Inspiration Hint, clue, or a bit of help from the GM.
Instant Counter Attempt to counter an effect used against you as a reaction.
Recover Immediately remove a dazed, fatigued, or stunned condition.
Data Sheet
This page is for data only.
Please do not modify.

Ability Score Benchmarks Note: I'm only listing enough examples to fill out a line on the Abilitie

Value Strength Stamina Agility

-2 Hawk
-1 Robot, Zombie
0 Billy Batson, Zatanna, Circe Solomon Grundy
1 The Flash, Government Agent, MilitanBilly Batson, Robin, Militant, Crime L Government Agent, Police Officer, C
2 Black Canary, Green Arrow, Green LanGreen Arrow, Green Lantern, Zatanna, Captain Marvel, Green Lantern, Mart
3 Nightwing, Prometheus Black Canary, The Flash, Nightwing, The Joker, Dolphin, Ape, Hawk, Lion
4 Batman, Vandal Savage Batman, The Joker, Ape Aquaman, The Flash, Green Arrow, Bl
5 Robot, Lion Plastic Man, Vandal Savage Black Canary, Plastic Man, Robin, P
6 Gorilla Grodd, Ape Cheetah, Gorilla Grodd Nightwing, Catwoman
7 Cheetah Batman, Cheetah
8 Black Manta Aquaman
10 Aquaman Martian Manhunter Wonder Woman
11 Brainiac
12 Whale Whale
13 Brainiac
14 Superman, Wonder Woman
15 Captain Marvel
16 Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman,
Black Adam
18 Darkseid, Solomon Grundy
19 Captain Marvel, Superman, Black A Darkseid
20 Solomon Grundy

Accurate Attack Trade effect DC for attack bonus.
Agile Feint Feint using Acrobatics skill or Speed rank
All-out Attack Trade active defense for attack bonus.
Animal Empathy Use Interaction skills normally with animals.
Artificer Use Expertise (Magic) to create temporary magical devices.
Assessment Use Insight to learn an opponent's combat capabilities.
Attractive Circumstance bonus to interaction based on your looks.
Beginner's Luck Spend a hero point to gain 5 temporary ranks in a skill.
Benefit Gain a significant perquisite or fringe benefit.
Chokehold Suffocate an opponent you have successfully grabbed.
Close Attack +1 bonus to close attack checks per rank.
Connected Call in assistance or favors with a Persuasion check.
Contacts Make an initial Investigation check in one minute.
Daze Use Deception or Intimidation to daze an opponent.
Defensive Attack Trade attack bonus for active defense bonus.
Defensive Roll +1 active defense bonus to Toughness per rank.
Diehard Automatically stablize when dying.
Eidetic Memory Total recall, +5 circumstance bonus to remember things.
Equipment 5 points of equipment per rank.
Evasion Circumstance bonus to avoid area effects.
Extraordinary Effort Gain two benefits when using extra effort.
Fascinate Use an interaction skill to entrance others.
Fast Grab Make a free grab check after an unarmed attack.
Favored Environment Circumstance bonus to attack or defense in an environment.
Favored Foe Circumstance bonus to certain checks against a type of opponent.
Fearless Immune to fear effects.
Grabbing Finesse Substitute DEX for STR when making grab attacks.
Great Endurance +5 checks involving endurance.
Hide in Plain Sight Hide while observed without need for a diversion.
Improved Aim Double circumstance bonuses for aiming.
Improved Critical +1 to critical threat range with an attack per rank.
Improved Defense +2 bonus to active defense when you take the defend action.
Improved Disarm No penalty for the disarm action.
Improved Grab Make grab attacks with one arm. Not vulnerable while grabbing.
Improved Initiative +4 bonus to initiative checks per rank.
Improved Hold -5 circumstance penalty to escape from your holds.
Improved Smash No penalty for the smash action.
Improved Trip No penalty for the trip action.
Improvised Tools No penalty for using skills without tools.
Improvised Weapon Use Close Combat: Unarmed skill with improvised weapons, +1 damage bonus.
Inspire Spend a hero point to grant allies a +1 circumstance bonus per rank.
Instant Up Stand from prone as a free action.
Interpose Take an attack meant for an ally.
Inventor Use Technology to create temporary devices.
Jack-of-All-Trades Use any skill untrained.
Languages Speak and understand additional languages.
Leadership Spend a hero point to remove a condition from an ally.
Luck Re-roll a die once per rank.
Minion Gain a follower or minion with (15xrank) power points.
Move-by Action Move both before and after your standard action.
Power Attack Trade attack bonus for effect bonus.
Precise Attack Ignore attack check penalties for either cover or concealment.
Prone Fighting No penalties for fighting while prone.
Quick Draw Draw a weapon as a free action.
Ranged Attack +1 bonus to ranged attack checks per rank.
Redirect Use Deception to redirect a missed attack at another target.
Ritualist Use Expertise (Magic) to create and perform rituals.
Second Chance Re-roll a failed check against a hazard once.
Seize Initiative Spend a hero point to go first in the initiative order.
Set-up Transfer the benefit of an interaction skill to an ally.
Sidekick Gain a sidekick with (5xrank) power points.
Skill Mastery Make routine checks with one skill under any circumstances.
Startle Use Intimidation to feint during combat.
Takedown Free extra attack when you incapacitate a minion.
Taunt Use Deception to demoralize in combat.
Teamwork +5 bonus to support team checks.
Throwing Mastery +1 damage bonus with thrown weapons per rank.
Tracking Use Perception to follow tracks.
Trance Go into a deathlike trance that slows bodily functions.
Ultimate Effort Spend a hero point to get an effective 20 on a specific check.
Uncanny Dodge Not vulnerable when surprised or caught off-guard.
Weapon Bind Free disarm attempt when you actively defend.
Weapon Break Free smash attack when you actively defend.
Well-Informed Immediate Investigation or Persuasion check to know something.

Power Effects
Name Type Action Range Duration Resistance
Affliction Attack Standard Close Instant Fort or Will
Alternate Form Varies Varies Varies Varies -
Blast Attack Standard Ranged Instant Toughness
Burrow Movement Free Personal Sustained -
Communication Sensory Free Rank Sustained -
Comprehend Sensory None Personal Permanent -
Concealment Sensory Free Personal Sustained -
Create Control Standard Ranged Sustained -
Custom - - - - -
Damage Attack Standard Close Instant Toughness
Dazzle Attack Standard Ranged Instant Fort or Will
Deflect Defense Standard Ranged Instant -
Duplication Control Standard Close Sustained -
Element Control Control Standard Perception Sustained Strength
Elongation General Free Personal Sustained -
Energy Absorption General Free Personal Sustained -
Energy Aura Attack Reaction Close Instant Toughness
Energy Control Attack Standard Ranged Instant Toughness
Enhanced Advantages General Free Personal Sustained -
Enhanced Trait General Free Personal Sustained -
Enhanced Strength General Free Personal Sustained -
Enhanced Stamina General Free Personal Sustained -
Enhanced Agility General Free Personal Sustained -
Enhanced Dexterity General Free Personal Sustained -
Enhanced Fighting General Free Personal Sustained -
Enhanced Intellect General Free Personal Sustained -
Enhanced Awareness General Free Personal Sustained -
Enhanced Presence General Free Personal Sustained -
Enhanced Initiative General Free Personal Sustained -
Enhanced Dodge General Free Personal Sustained -
Enhanced Fortitude General Free Personal Sustained -
Enhanced Parry General Free Personal Sustained -
Enhanced Will General Free Personal Sustained -
Environment Control Standard Rank Sustained -
Extra Limbs General None Personal Permanent -
Feature General None Personal Permanent -
Flight Movement Free Personal Sustained -
Force Field Defense Free Personal Sustained -
Growth General Free Personal Sustained -
Healing General Standard Close Instant -
Illusion Control Standard Perception Sustained Awareness
Immortality Defense None Personal Permanent -
Immunity Defense None Personal Permanent -
Impervious Defense None Personal Permanent -
Impervious Toughness Defense None Personal Permanent -
Insubstantial General Free Personal Sustained -
Invisibility Sensory Free Personal Sustained -
Leaping Movement Free Personal Instant -
Luck Control Control Reaction Perception Instant -
Magic Attack Standard Ranged Instant Toughness
Mental Blast Attack Standard Perception Instant Will
Mimic General Standard Personal Sustained -
Mind Control Attack Standard Perception Sustained Will
Mind Reading Sensory Standard Perception Sustained Will
Morph General Free Personal Sustained -
Move Object Control Standard Ranged Concentration Strength
Movement Movement Free Personal Sustained -
Nullify Attack Standard Ranged Instant Rank/Will
Other Other - - - -
Power-Lifting General Free Personal Sustained -
Protection Defense None Personal Permanent -
Quickness General Free Personal Sustained -
Ranged Affliction Attack Standard Ranged Instant Fort or Will
Ranged Damage Attack Standard Ranged Instant Toughness
Regeneration Defense None Personal Permanent -
Remote Sensing Sensory Free Rank Sustained -
Senses Sensory None Personal Permanent -
Shapeshift General Move Personal Sustained -
Shrinking General Free Personal Sustained -
Sleep Attack Standard Ranged Instant Fortitude
Snare Attack Standard Ranged Instant Dodge
Speed Movement Free Personal Sustained -
Strike Attack Standard Close Instant Toughness
Suffocation Attack Standard Ranged Instant Fortitude
Summon Control Standard Close Sustained -
Super-Speed See desc Free Personal See desc -
Swimming Movement Free Personal Sustained -
Teleport Movement Move Rank Instant -
Transform Control Standard Close Sustained -
Variable General Standard Personal Sustained -
Weaken Attack Standard Close Instant Fort or Will
Power Examples
Power Source Example
Captain America's Shield Taliesin Easily Removable [-1 point per rank, 4 ranks]
Wolverine's Healing Facto Taliesin Enhanced Advantages 2 [Die Hard, Great Endurance]
to fill out a line on the Abilities page. I'm not trying to reference every character or example in the book.

y Dexterity Fighting Intellect Awareness

Solomon Grundy

Solomon Grundy Plastic Man Solomon Grundy

Police Officer, C Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Black A
en Lantern, MartAquaman, Captain Marvel, SupermanZatanna Aquaman, Black Canary, Captain Ma Black Canary, Green Ar
Ape, Hawk, Lion Black Canary, The Flash, Green Lante Circe, Lex Luthor Martian Manhunter, Nightwing, Zata Aquaman, The Flash, G
, Green Arrow, BlGreen Arrow, Nightwing, Zatanna, Bl The Flash, Green Arrow, Brainiac The Flash Martian Manhunter, N
Man, Robin, P Plastic Man, Robin, Prometheus Green Lantern, Plastic Man, Sinestro Robin Cheetah, Darkseid, Gor
an Catwoman Captain Marvel, Black Manta, Gorill The Joker, Prometheus
Batman The Joker Batman
Wonder Woman Martian Manhunter, Robin, Superm Batman, Darkseid, Gorilla Grodd
Nightwing, Black Adam Captain Marvel, Black A
Aquaman, Black Canary Lex Luthor
Darkseid Brainiac

Batman, Wonder Woman


Resistance Base Cost Basic Description Extra

Fort or Will 1 per rank Impose some debilitating condition(s) on a target. Alternate Resistance (+0), Concentration (
- See desc You can transform into something other than mere flesh and blood. (NOT-
Toughness 2 per rank Ranged damaging attack. -
- 1 per rank You can burrow throught the ground, leaving a tunnel behind if you choosPenetrating (+1), Ranged (+1 or +2)
- 4 per rank You can communicate over a distance using a medium other than your no Area (+1), Selective (+1)
- 2 per rank You can comprehend different sorts of communication. -
- 2 per rank You gain total concealment from a particular sense while this effect is acti Affects Others (+1), Area (+1), Attack (+1)
- 2 per rank You can form solid objects essentially out of nowhere. Continuous (+1), Impervious (+1), Movabl
- - Use this Power Effect to represent any other effect you want. The outp -
Toughness 1 per rank You can inflict damage by making a close attack. -
Fort or Will 2 per rank Created Power: Ranged, Cumulative Affliction, Limited to One Sense -
- 1 per rank You can actively defend for characters other than yourself, deflecting or diReflect (+1), Redirect (+1)
- 3 per rank Created Power: Summon Duplicate, Active -
Strength 2 per rank Created Power: Perception Ranged Move Object, Limited to Element -
- 1 per rank You can elongate your body and/or limbs to extend your reach. -
- See desc Created Power: Enhanced Trait, Fades -
Toughness 4 per rank You can surround your bdoy with an aura of damaging energy or similar e -
Toughness 2 per rank You can generate and project a type of energy. Created Power: Ranged -
- 1 per rank Your powers grant you additional Advantages. -
- As base trait You can temporarily improve one of your existing traits. -
- 2 per rank You can temporarily improve your Strength. Note: Use this effect for Person -
- 2 per rank You can temporarily improve your Stamina. Note: Use this effect for Pers -
- 2 per rank You can temporarily improve your Agility. Note: Use this effect for Person -
- 2 per rank You can temporarily improve your Dexterity. Note: Use this effect for Per -
- 2 per rank You can temporarily improve your Fighting. Note: Use this effect for Pers -
- 2 per rank You can temporarily improve your Intellect. Note: Use this effect for Pers -
- 2 per rank You can temporarily improve your Awareness. Note: Use this effect for Pe -
- 2 per rank You can temporarily improve your Presence. Note: Use this effect for Per -
- 1 per rank You can temporarily improve your Initiative. Note: Use this effect for Per -
- 1 per rank You can temporarily improve your Dodge defense. Note: Use this effect fo-
- 1 per rank You can temporarily improve your Fortitude defense. Note: Use this effec -
- 1 per rank You can temporarily improve your Parry defense. Note: Use this effect fo -
- 1 per rank You can temporarily improve your Will defense. Note: Use this effect for -
- 1-2 per rank You can change the environment in an area. Selective (+1)
- 1 per rank You have extra manipulative limbs, such as arms, tentacles, or even prehens Continuous (+1), Projection (+1), Sustaine
- 1 per rank You have one or more minor features, effects granting you an occassional -u
- 2 per rank You can fly through the air, including hovering. Continuous (+1)
- 1 per rank You can surround your body with a protective field. Created Power: Prote-
- 2 per rank You can temporarily increase your size. Permanent (+0)
- 2 per rank You can heal Damage conditions by touching a subject and taking a standaAction (+1), Affects Objects (+1), Area (+1
Awareness 1-4 per rank You can control others' senses to create false impressions or illusions. Independent (+1), Selective (+1)
- 2 per rank You can recover from death! -
- 1 per rank You are immune to certain effects. Affects Others (+1), Sustained (+0), Range
- 1 per rank One trait that you specify becomes Impervious. -
- 1 per rank Your Toughness defense becomes Impervious up to your rank. This does -
- 5 per rank You can assume a less solid form, with each rank becoming progressively leAffects Others (+0 or +1), Attack (+0 or +1
- 4 or 8 You can vanish from sight at will. Created Power: Visual Concealment -
- 1 per rank You can make prodigious leaps, far more than even a skilled athlete. Affects Others (+0 or +1)
- 3 per rank You influence luck in various ways. Area (+1), Selective (+1)
Toughness 2 per rank You are a sorcerer, witch, or wizard able to cast a variety of spells. Your -
Will 4 per rank You can strike targets' minds with "mental force". Created Power: Perce -
- 8 per rank You can duplicate the traits of another character you can perceive. Crea -
Will 4 per rank You can impose your will on others. Created Power: Perception Ranged, Cu -
Will 2 per rank You can read another character's mind. Cumulative (+1), Effortless (+1), Sensory L
- 5 per rank You can alter your appearance. Attack (+0)
Strength 2 per rank You can move objects at a distance without touching them. Continuous (+2), Damaging (+1), Perceptio
- 2 per rank You have a special form of movement. -
Rank/Will 1 per rank Nullify can counter effects of a particular descriptor, such as fire or magic. Alternate Resistance (+0), Area (+1), Broa
- variable Use this for any other powers or effects you need to include. -
- 1 per rank Your lifting and carrying capacity is out of proportion with the rest of yo -
- 1 per rank Protection shields you against damage, giving you +1 Toughness defense p-
- 1 per rank You can perform routine tasks fast. -
Fort or Will 2 per rank Impose some debilitating condition(s) on a target. Alternate Resistance (+0), Concentration (
Toughness 2 per rank Ranged damaging attack. -
- 1 per rank You recover quickly from damage. Persistent (+1)
- 1-5 per rank You can displace one or more of your senses over a distance. No Conduit (+1), Simultaneous (+1)
- 1 per rank One or more of your senses are improved or you have additional sensory aAffects Others (+1), Area (+1), Dimensiona
- 8 per rank You can transform into different forms, gaining physical traits. Created P -
- 1 per rank You can temporarily decrease your size. Normal Strength (+1)
Fortitude 2 per rank You cause the target to feel tremendous weariness. Created Power: Ranged -
Dodge 3 per rank You can restrain a target with bonds. Created Power: Ranged, Cumulative-
- 1 per rank You can move faster than normal. -
Toughness 1 per rank You inflict additional damage in close combat. Created Power: Damage -
Fortitude 4 per rank You render the target unable to breath. Created Power: Ranged, Progressiv -
- 2 per rank You can call upon another creature to aid you. Active (+1), Controlled (+1), Heroic (+2), H
- 3 per rank You are fast! Created Power: Enhanced Initiative, Quickness, Speed. -
- 1 per rank You can swim fast. -
- 2 per rank You can move instantly from place to place. Accurate (+1), Easy (+1), Extended (+1), Po
- 2-5 per rank You can change objects into other objects. -
- 7 per rank You can gain or use potentially any effect of the appropriate type and des Action (+1, +2, or +3), Affects Others (+0 o
Fort or Will 1 per rank You can temporarily lower one of your target's traits. Affects Objects (+1), Broad (+1), Concentr
Awareness Presence Dodge Fortitude
Giant Robot

Solomon Grundy Solomon Grundy

Thug Billy Batson
Black Canary, Green Arrow, Plastic Black Canary, The Flash, Plastic Man Police Officer Criminal, Gang Leader, Hawk
Aquaman, The Flash, Green Lantern, BAquaman, Captain Marvel, Green ArrCrime Lord, Criminal, Ape Government Agent, Crime Lord
Martian Manhunter, Nightwing, Rob Nightwing, Superman, Zatanna, CatwDophin, Shark, SWAT Officer Police Officer, Thug, Wolf
Cheetah, Darkseid, Gorilla Grodd, T The Joker Government Agent, Soldier Soldier, Dolphin, Shark
Wonder Woman Lion Lex Luthor, SWAT Officer, Ape, Lio
Batman Batman, Darkseid Hawk Green Arrow, Robin, Zatanna, The
Solomon Grundy Nightwing, Catwoman
Batman, Black Canary, The Flash
Captain Marvel, Black Adam Superman, Brainiac, Lex Luthor Green Lantern, Black Manta, Prom
Aquaman, Captain Marvel, Plasticma Aquaman, Brainiac, Cheetah, Circe
Black Canary, Green Lantern, Martia Vandal Savage, Whale
Circe, Gorilla Grodd Martian Manhunter
Batman, Green Arrow, Nightwing, Wonder Woman
Cheetah, The Joker Captain Marvel, Superman
The Flash, Wonder Woman Black Adam

sistance (+0), Concentration (+1), Cumulative (+1), Extra CondiInstant Recovery (-1), Limited Degree (-1)
+1), Ranged (+1 or +2) Limited (-1)
lective (+1) Limited (-1), Sense-Dependent (-1)
Type: Broad (-1), Type: Narrow (-2)
rs (+1), Area (+1), Attack (+1) Blending (-1), Limited (-1), Partial (-1), Passive (-1), Resistible (-1)
+1), Impervious (+1), Movable (+1), Selective (+1), Stationary Feedback (-1), Permanent (+0), Proportional (-1)
Redirect (+1) -
Limited (-1), Permanent (+0)
Limited (-1), Permanent (+0)
Limited (-1), Permanent (+0)
Limited (-1), Permanent (+0)
Limited (-1), Permanent (+0)
Limited (-1), Permanent (+0)
Limited (-1), Permanent (+0)
Limited (-1), Permanent (+0)
Limited (-1), Permanent (+0)
Limited (-1), Permanent (+0)
Limited (-1), Permanent (+0)
Limited (-1), Permanent (+0)
Limited (-1), Permanent (+0)
Limited (-1), Permanent (+0)
Limited (-1), Permanent (+0)
) -
+1), Projection (+1), Sustained (+0) Distracting (-1)
+1) Concentration (-1), Distracting (-1), Gliding, (-1), Levitation (-1), Platform (
+0) -
Affects Objects (+1), Area (+1), Energizing (+1), Perception (+1 Empathic (-1), Limited (-1), Temporary (-1)
(+1), Selective (+1) Feedback (-1), Limited to One Subject (-1), Ranged (-1), Resistible (-1)
Limited (-1)
rs (+1), Sustained (+0), Ranged (+1), Reflect (+1), Redirect (+1 Limited to Half Effect (-1)
rs (+0 or +1), Attack (+0 or +1), Continuous (+1), Progressive ( Permanent (+0)
rs (+0 or +1) Acrobatics Check Required (-1)
lective (+1) Action (-1), Ranged (-1), Resistible (-1), Side Effect (-1)
+1), Effortless (+1), Sensory Link (+1) Close (-1), Feedback (-1), Limited by Language (-1), Limited to Emotions (-
Resistible (-1)
+2), Damaging (+1), Perception (+1), Sustained (+1) Close (-1), Limited Direction (-1), Limited Material (-1)
sistance (+0), Area (+1), Broad (+1), Concentration (+1), Simul Side Effect (-1)
Sustained (0)
Limited to One Type (-1), Limited to One Task (-2)
sistance (+0), Concentration (+1), Cumulative (+1), Extra CondiInstant Recovery (-1), Limited Degree (-1)
1) Source (-1)
+1), Simultaneous (+1) Feedback (-1), Medium (-1)
rs (+1), Area (+1), Dimensional (+1), Ranged (+1 or +2) Limited (-1), Unreliable (-1)
ngth (+1) -
Controlled (+1), Heroic (+2), Horde (+1), Multiple Minions (+2) Attitude (-1 or -2), Resistible (-1)
), Easy (+1), Extended (+1), Portal (+2) Limited to Extended (-1), Medium (-1)
2, or +3), Affects Others (+0 or +1), Perception (+1), Ranged ( Limited (-1 or more), Slow (-1)
cts (+1), Broad (+1), Concentration (+1), Progressive (+2), Sele -
Fortitude Parry Will Toughness
Giant Robot


Batson Zombie Soldier Billy Batson, Crime Lord, Criminal, G

nal, Gang Leader, Hawk Thug Reporter, Police Officer, Ape, Hawk, Green Lantern (without ring), Zatanna
rnment Agent, Crime Lord Crime Lord, Criminal, Gang Leader, Billy Batson, Government Agent, SWAT Zombie, Government Agent, Thug
e Officer, Thug, Wolf Police Officer, SWAT Officer, Dolphin Police Chief, Whale Lex Luthor, Dolphin, Shark
er, Dolphin, Shark Government Agent, Soldier Crime Lord Robin, Soldier
uthor, SWAT Officer, Ape, Lion Billy Batson, Lion Black Canary, Green Arrow, Nightwin
n Arrow, Robin, Zatanna, The Jo Hawk Vandal Savage
wing, Catwoman Zatanna, Lex Luthor, Solomon Grund Batman, The Flash, Black Manta
an, Black Canary, The Flash Robin, Black Manta, Solomon Grund Cheetah, Gorilla Grodd
n Lantern, Black Manta, PromethCaptain Marvel, Green Lantern, SuperThe Flash, Green Arrow, Plasticman Prometheus, Robot
man, Brainiac, Cheetah, Circe, GAquaman, Plasticman, Robin, Black Aquaman, Black Canary, Catwoman Aquaman, Plasticman, Circe
al Savage, Whale Green Arrow, Nightwing, Black Mant Nightwing
an Manhunter Martian Manhunter, Gorilla Grodd, Batman, Zatanna, Brainiac, Cheetah, Martian Manhunter, Whale
der Woman Batman, Black Canary, Catwoman Lex Luthor, Vandal Savage Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Sine
ain Marvel, Superman Cheetah Captain Marvel, Martian Manhunter
Adam The Flash, Wonder Woman Wonder Woman, Black Adam, Circe, Brainiac
Green Lantern Superman, Black Adam
eid Captain Marvel, Darkseid
Solomon Grundy, Giant Robot
Dimensional (+1), Subtle (+1 or +2)
Precise (+1)
Innate (+1), Precise (+1), Subtle (+1 or +2), Tether (+1)
Reduced Trait (equal to lowered trait)
Reduced Trait (equal to lowered trait)
Reduced Trait (equal to lowered trait)
Reduced Trait (equal to lowered trait)
Reduced Trait (equal to lowered trait)
Reduced Trait (equal to lowered trait)
Reduced Trait (equal to lowered trait)
Reduced Trait (equal to lowered trait)
Reduced Trait (equal to lowered trait)
Reduced Trait (equal to lowered trait)
Reduced Trait (equal to lowered trait)
Reduced Trait (equal to lowered trait)
Reduced Trait (equal to lowered trait)
Reduced Trait (equal to lowered trait)
Reduced Trait (equal to lowered trait)
Aquatic (+1), Subtle (+1 or +2)
Persistent (+1), Stabilize (+1)
Affects Corporeal (+1), Innate (+1), Precise (+1), Subtle (+1 or +2), Absent
Full Power (-1)
Luck (+1 per rank)
Subtle (+1 or +2)
Metamorph (+1 per rank)
Improvised Weapon or Throwing Mastery (+1 per rank), Precise (+1), Subtl
Precise (+1)
Dimensional (+1 per rank), Subtle (+1 per rank), Noticeable (-1)
Innate (+1), Noticeable (-1)
Atomic (+1)
Mental Link (+1), Sacrifice (+1)
Change Direction (+1), Change Velocity (+1), Increased Mass (+1), Turnabo
Incurable (+1), Precise (+1)

me Lord, Criminal, G
without ring), Zatanna
ment Agent, Thug
hin, Shark

een Arrow, Nightwin

sh, Black Manta

cman, Circe

nter, Whale
Wonder Woman, Sine

y, Giant Robot

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