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Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199



Lesson 1

1. ecological /ˌiːkəˈlɑːdʒɪkl/ (adj) thuộc về sinh thái học

ecology /iˈkɒl.ə.dʒi/ (n) sinh thái

Eg: The oil spill caused terrible damage to the fragile ecology of the coast.
2. ecosystem /ˈiːkoʊˌsɪstəm/ (n) hệ sinh thái
Eg: Tourism is damaging the fragile ecosystem of the reef.
(Du lịch đang hủy hoại hệ sinh thái mong manh của rạn san hô.)
3. foreign species /ˈfɔːrən ˈspiːʃiːz/ (n) loài ngoại lai
4. native /ˈneɪtɪv/ (adj) bản địa
Eg: I am a native of Nha Trang City.
(Tôi là người gốc thành phố Nha Trang.)
5. release /rɪˈliːs/ (v) thả, phóng thích
6. poison /ˈpɔɪzn/ (n) thuốc độc
poisonous /ˈpɔɪ.zən.əs/ (adj)
Eg: Can you tell the difference between poisonous mushrooms and edible varieties?
blood poisoning: sự nhiễm trùng máu
7. seed /siːd/ (n) hạt giống
8. spread /spred/ (v) lan truyền, tản ra
Eg: The smoke soon spread into all the rooms in the house.
( Khói nhanh chóng lan ra tất cả các phòng trong nhà.)
9. threat /θret/ (n) mối đe doạ
threaten /ˈθret.ən/ (v) đe dọa
Eg: A masked robber threatened the bank staff with a gun.
threatening /ˈθret·ən·ɪŋ/ (adj) có tính đe dọa
Eg: Threatening skies meant a storm was coming.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

Lesson 2
10. adventure /ədˈventʃər/ (n) cuộc phiêu lưu
11. coral reef /ˌkɔːrəl 'riːf/ (n) rạn san hô
12. freezing /ˈfriːzɪŋ/ (adj) rất lạnh, băng giá
Eg: It's absolutely freezing in here.
( Ở đây thực sự lạnh cóng.)
13. glacier /ˈɡleɪʃər/ (n) sông băng
14. grassland /ˈɡræslænd/ (n) đồng cỏ
15. hot spring /hɑːt sprɪŋ/(n) suối nước nóng
16. mail /meɪl/ (v) gửi qua bưu điện
17. Northern Lights /ˌnɔːrðərn ˈlaɪts/ (n) Bắc Cực quang
18. shower /ˈʃaʊər/ (n) cơn mưa rào (light rainfall)
19. sunshine /ˈsʌnʃaɪn/ (n) ánh nắng
Eg: Let's sit over there in the sunshine.
(Chúng ta hãy ngồi đằng kia dưới ánh nắng.)
20. volcano /vɑːlˈkeɪnoʊ/ (n) núi lửa
Lesson 3
21. deter /dɪˈtɜːr/ (v) ngăn chặn
22. extinct /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ (adj) tuyệt chủng
extinction (n) Sự tuyệt chủng
Eg: Extinction is the dying out of a species. Extinction plays an important role in the
evolution of life because it opens up opportunities for new species to emerge.
(Sự tuyệt chủng là sự chết dần của một loài. Sự tuyệt chủng đóng vai trò quan
trọng trong quá trình tiến hóa của sự sống vì nó mở ra cơ hội cho các loài mới xuất hiện.)
23. fine /faɪn/ (n) tiền phạt
Eg: The maximum penalty for the offence is a $1,000 fine
24. hunting /ˈhʌntɪŋ/ (n) sự đi săn
25. illegal /ɪˈliːɡl/ (adj) bất hợp pháp
legal (adj) hợp pháp
Eg: It's illegal to buy alcohol until you're 21 in many states.
(Ở nhiều tiểu bang, việc mua rượu khi bạn chưa đủ 21 tuổi là bất hợp pháp.)
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199


EXERCISE 1 Complete the sentences using the given words in the box.
showers illegal deterred hunting fine ecological
glacier released volcano coral reef adventure hot springs

1. The team was penalized for an _______________ play.

2. The deer _______________ plan is just the latest in a long string of attempts to impose some
form of _______________ order on the fragile and beloved island just 22 miles off the coast
of Southern California.
3. I _______________ my hold on my daughter, Khanh Chi, when she saw her grandma.
4. The scuba divers explored the _______________ in Nha Trang Bay.
5. The water in _______________ is warmed by heat coming from the earth's interior.
6. _______________ are expected for Tuesday, but on Wednesday we will have
7. My best friend from An Nhon Town received a _______________ for driving too fast.
8. Mark wanted to go to university, but the fees _______________ him.
9. _______________ is a large body of ice moving slowly down a slope or valley or spreading
outward on a land surface.
10. Many people who climb Mount Everest live for the thrill of _______________.
11. The _______________ last erupted 25 years ago.

EXERCISE 2 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
1. ____ refers to all the populations of organisms living together in an environment.
A. ecosystem B. population C. community D. consumer
2. Orchids have a tropical____.
A. habitat B. environment C. jungle D. Herbivore
3. Things like plastic and air pollution are a____ to the environment.
A.spread B.threaten C.threat D.poison
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

4. Wild tigers are____ to Asia. They have always live there.

A.specific B.native C.similar D.born
5. Steven is studying foreign species in____class.
A.scientific B.scientist D.scientifically
6. ____is the study of the relationships among living organisms, including humans,
and their physical environment.
A. Biology B. Ecology C. Economy D. Economics
7. A/ an ____species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct.
A. dangerous B. endanger C. endangered D. endangerment
8. Cheetah's tail is ____ during fast running, because it balances the animal and allows fast and
sudden turns which happen often when the prey tries to escape.
A. essential B. basic C. adequate D. sufficient
9. You must grab the reader's ____from the investment in conservation.
A. interest B. attention C. care D. treatment
10. Only a few of the many species at risk of extinction actually make it to the lists and obtain
A. protect B. protection C. protective D. protector
11. Probability of extinction depends ____both the population size and fine details of the
population demography.
A. on B. in C. from D. for
12. Many modern medicines are derived____plants and animals.
A. on B. for C. from D. in
13. Toxic chemicals from factories are one of the serious factors that leads wildlife to the____of
A. wall B. fence C. verge D. bridge
14. Older people tend to be very ____.
A. dangerous B. conservative C. endangering D. endangered
15. It is high time we had to ____ some measures to protect endangered animals.
A. take B. bring C. hold D. use
16. In 1967, the U.S. government declared the bald eagle____, but the national bird’s population
recovery since then has been remarkable.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

A. conserve B. conservative C. endangering D. endangered

17. About 15,589 species (7,266 animal species and 8,323 plant species) are now considered
____risk ____extinction.
A. at / of B. on / in C. for / with D. in / at
18. Internationally, 189 countries have signed____accord agreeing to create Biodiversity Action
Plans to protect endangered and other threatened species.
A. а B. an C. the D. few
19. Clearing forests for timber has resulted ____the loss of biodiversity.
A. with B. at C. in D. for
20. The snails have destroyed lots of____, especially rice.
A. crops B. plants C. starvation D. cultivation
21. The council wants to ____ the character of the city while reconstructing the Old Quarter.
A. preserve B. store C. defense D. abandon
22. Poaching ____ the greatest threat to many species.
A. creates B. presents C. poses D. produces
23. In Africa, people's interference in the rhino's ____ leads to habitat loss.
A. sector B. territory C. domain D. country
24. ____ the wild, giant pandas eat bamboo.
A. On B. Into C. Onto D. In
25. This species of African elephants is ____.
A. dying out B. dying of C. dying on D. dying down
26. ____ is a process in which all the trees in a large area are cut down.
A. Forest B. Deforestation C. Forestry D. Vegetation
27. Nowadays, people are searching for more ____ materials to build their houses.
A. environment-friendly B. environmentally-friendly
C. environmental-friendly D. environmental-friend
28. In the ____ agriculture, farmers try to limit the use of chemicals and fertilizers.
A. sustainable B. conserving C. preserving D. supporting
29. We need to act quickly to ____ to climate change, or it will be a disaster for the whole
A. adapt B. go back C. reverse D. transit
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

30. Loss of habitat and increased commercial hunt ____ the number of chimpanzees from 2
million to 300,000 individuals.
A. reduced B. lessened C. weakened D. limited
31. The world's biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate, which makes wildlife ____.
A. prosperous B. prefect C. vulnerable D. remained
32. ____ is the protection of environment and natural resources.
A. Conversation B. Commerce C. Conservation D. Extinction
33. ____is defined as the outright destruction of natural ecosystems, an inevitable consequence
of expanding human populations and human activities.
A. Habitual loss B. Loss of life C. Habitation loss D. Habitat loss
34. Many nations have laws offering protection to these species, such as forbidding hunting,
restricting land development or creating ____.
A. agencies B. reserves C. awareness D. challenges
35. ____ is the existence of a wide variety of plant and animal species living in their natural
A. Biodiversity B. Conservation C. Globalization D. Individualism
36. We have to apply effective measures to save many plant and animal species ____
A. from B. in C. for D. on
37. Almost half of turtles and tortoises are known to be threatened with ____.
A. extinct B. extinction C. extinctive D. extinctly
38. It is reported that humans are the main reason for most species' declines and habitat ____
and degradation are the leading threats.
A. destroy B. destructive C. destructor D. destruction
39. Current extinction rates are at least 100 to 1,000 times higher than ____ rates found in the
fossil record.
A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. naturalness
40. Chimpanzees ____ kisses, hugs, touches in their community and use complicated system of
sounds to communicate.
A. transfer B. transmit C. exchange D. perform
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

EXERCISE 3 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning

to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. The insects spread across the country and can now be found in every city.
A. restrict B. expand C. compress D. shrink
2. I study foreign species, and I have been studying their impact on our environment.
A. domestic B. indigenous C. external D. internal
3. Humans depend on species diversity to provide food, clean air and water, and fertile soil for
A. destruction B. contamination C. fertilizer D. variety
4. Life on Earth is disappearing fast and will continue to do so unless urgent action is taken.
A. vanishing B. damaging C. polluting D. destroying
5. Hunting for meat and burning forests for soil cause destruction to wildlife.
A. organization B. contamination C. protection D. damage
6. Being listed as an endangered species can have negative effect since it could make a species
more desirable for collectors and poachers.
A. awareness B. preservation C. support D. impact
7. They want to do the mission of the preservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of
natural resources, and the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.
A. contamination B. energy C. extinction D. development
8. The Bali Tiger was declared extinct in 1937 due to hunting and habitat loss.
A. reserve B. generation C. diversity D. natural environment
9. It is found that endangered species are often concentrated in areas that are poor and densely
populated, such as much of Asia and Africa.
A. disappeared B. increased C. threatened D. reduced
10. Rooftop gardens prevent buildings from absorbing heat from the sun, which can significantly
reduce cooling bills.
A. trivially B. unparticularly C. remarkably D. meaninglessly
11. Solar radiation can be converted either into thermal energy (heat) or into electrical energy,
though the former is easier to accomplish.
A. transformed B. absorbed C. released D. exchanged
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12. Pollution poses health hazards, endangers wild life and makes the planet unsafe for future
human survival.
A. stems B. triggers off C. results from D. be caused by
13. Any environmental damage must be punishable by law, and polluters should
pay compensation for the damage caused to the environment.
A. rewards B. ransom C. damages D. savings
14. Pollution had also been a major problem, devastating the natural habitats of many animals
and damaging the earth beyond repair.
A. hopeful B. recoverable C. reversible D. past mending
15. Many herbicides and pesticides take a long time to degrade and build up in the soils or
throughout the food chain.
A. dignify B. accumulate C. defrost D. deteriorate
16. There are plenty of potential toxins still being ignored, with less than half of the 5,000 new
chemicals widely dispersed throughout the environment since 1950.
A. harmless compounds B. safe matters
C. poisonous substances D. immortal particles
17. All types of dinosaurs went extinct long time ago.
A. thrived B. boomed C. survived D. died out
18. We need to prepare for our biology assignment about endangered plant species.
A. harmless B. dangerous C. likely to go extinct D. harmful
19. These animals are quite vulnerable when living near the industrial zone.
A. calm B. easily hurt C. safe D. relaxed
20. Every year, in Africa a lot of elephants are poached for tusks.
A. illegally hunted B. gently cooked C. boiled D. stewed
21. These animals are now on the verge of extinction.
A. natural tendency B. no longer existing C. thriving D. developing
22. The main threat to the survival of these creatures comes from their loss of habitat.
A. service B. surprise C. continuing to exist longer existing
23. Darwin's theory of evolution incorporates the principle of natural selection.
A. radical revolution B. gradual development
C. radical resolution D. practical involvement
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24. There are several reasons why we should protect endangered species.
A. argue against B. disapprove
C. guard from harm D.make known
25. We need to take action to help preserve fish stocks.
A. serve B. prepare C. reserve D. conserve
26. At the moment it is difficult to assess the extent of the damage that his company has caused
to the environment.
A. loss B. useful benefits C. advantage D. nuances
27. The rainforest is being systematically destroyed.
A. developed B. exploited C. expanded D. devastated
28. Through the years they have made significant contributions to species conservation.
A. protest B. protection C. production D. induction
29. They are too rare and valuable a bird to be hawked about with the rest of your menagerie.
A. in small numbers B. real C. half-cock D. not done properly
30. He looks after the land as a private reserve for wildlife habitat, running marsupials and their
predators instead of cows.
A. money reserve B. booking reservation
C. a protected area D. an emergency fund
31. Environmentalists dedicate a lot of their time to running campaigns to raise people's
awareness about protecting endangered species.
A. eliminate B. save C. waste D. devote
32. Malaysia local authorities have made efforts to restore the population of sea turtles.
A. pay back B. realize C. relax D. give back
33. Many wildlife reserves have been set up in this country.
A. money reserves B. booking reservations
C. protected areas D. emergency fund
34. We should have better law enforcement to stop poaching.
A. implementation B. enlightenment
C. encouragement D. endorsement
35. Money spent on protecting endangered species should be used for improving me of the local
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A. improvising B. enhancing C. implementing D. enacting

36. Today, the elephants' population is declining.
A. remaining stable B. going up C. decreasing D. developing
37. Fish are still abundant in that lake.
A. scarce B. available C. decreasing D. plentiful
38. Elephants play an important role in maintaining biodiversity.
A. retaining B. stopping C. pausing D. ending
39. Elephants break up thorny bushes to create grasslands for other animals to inhabit.
A. come in B. live in C. like D. prefer
40. Elephants droppings are vital to the environment.
A. controversial B. trivial C. essential D. optional

EXERCISE 4 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning

to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. She stood at the window looking at the town spread out below.
A. circulate B. compress C. spray D. complete
2. If there are mice or insects in your home, you can kill them with poison .
A. bacteria B. toxin C. contamination D. antidote
3. There are no animals that naturally eat the lionfish here.
A. commonly B. unusually C.generally D. casually
4. Until we can find a solution, we must hope that the lionfish do not destroy entire populations
of native fish.
A. result B. explanation C. doubt D. classification
5. Offshore oil drilling has a significant negative impact on fragile marine and coastal ecosystems,
and that the risk of a devastating spill isn't worth taking.
A. durable B. easily broken C. vulnerable D. delicate
6. Without action, the impacts of climate change threaten to catastrophically damage our world.
A. beneficially B. ruinously C. fatally D. terribly
7. Some groups of animals such as amphibians are particularly vulnerable to these chemical
pollutants and suffer greatly as a result of the high levels of herbicides and pesticides in their
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A. in peril B. in jeopardy C. open to attack D. durable

8. What are the impacts on the creatures that exist in the toxic ecosystem we’ve created? What
happens to plastic when it gets throw “away”?
A. venomous B. deadly C. endangered D. harmless
9. By 2020, global surface temperature will be more than 0.5°C (0.9°F) warmer than the 1986-
2005 average, regardless of which carbon dioxide emissions pathway the world follows.
A. irrespective of B. respect to C. in respect to D. disregard for
10. Everyday, the world produces carbon dioxide that is released to the earth's atmosphere and
which will still be there in one hundred years time.
A. trapped B. let off C. discharged D. emitted
11. Global warming is now accelerating the rate of sea level rise, increasing flooding risks to
low-lying communities.
A. decelerating B. accumulating C. picking up speed D. moving on
12. You can work in groups, research, and then generate an ecosystem together. It can be
something as simple as collecting pond water, organisms, and plants.
A. bring out B. form C. produce D. terminate
13. Her only problem is the limited experience because she is too young.
A. narrow B. considerable C. insufficient D . restricted
14. The number of rhinos is in steady decline. There are fewer rhinos than ever before.
A. occasional B. constant C. stable D. Persistent
15. The environmental pollution level in this area has built up a lot over recent years.
A. increased B. decreased C. blocked D. concentrated
16. All visitors are kept out of the conservation area.
A. prevented from entering B. prevented from destroying
C. allowed to enter D. allowed to take photos
17. In order to protect endangered species, it is important that all people join in.
A. participate B. leave C. take part D. enjoy
18. Many people decided to give up eating meat and become vegetarians.
A. cut up B. put up C. continue D. use up
19. Dinosaurs were unable to survive severe ice age weather conditions.
A. remain alive B. persist C. get through D. lose their lives
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20. At the moment it is difficult to assess the extent of the damage that his company has caused
to the environment.
A. benefit B. destruction C. devastation D. extinction
21. Severe weather conditions can also reduce population numbers because animals tend to have
fewer offspring.
A. alarming B. grave C. dreadful D. mild
22. The dunes harbor a number of freshwater lakes abundant in wildlife.
A. plentiful B. lavish C. bountiful D. scarce
23. All visitors are kept out of the conservation area.
A. prevented from entering B. prevented from destroying
C. allowed to enter D. allowed to take photos
24. It is predicted that the natural resources will run out by the end of the century.
A. come in B. run short C. run away D. remain intact
25. It is urgent that these governments work out a solution to the problem that they are all facing.
A. keep secret B. find C. share D. arrive at
26. In order to protect endangered species, it is important that all people join in.
A. participate B. leave C. take part D. enjoy
27. Let's clear up this rubbish and put it in the bin.
A. mess up B. clear away C. tidy D. clean off
28. Dinosaurs were unable to survive severe ice age weather conditions.
A. remain alive B. persist C. get through D. lose their lives
29. At the moment it is difficult to assess the extent of the damage that his company has caused
to the environment.
A. benefit B. destruction C. devastation D. extinction
30. Those children have such dreadful manners.
A. alarming B. grave C. fantastic D. mild

EXERCISE 5 Use the word given in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word
that fits in the blank.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

1. The southeast area of Viet Nam has typical ______________ systems with Cat Tien, Con Dao
National Park, Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, which are characterized by high biological diversity.
2. Bac Lieu Bird Sanctuary Nature Reserve is a coastal rich and ______________ salt forest
floor with the natural salt-marsh ecosystem. DIVERSE
3. The vegetation of Cuc Phuong National Park is ______________ by limestone forest.
4. Núi Chúa National Park, situated on a wide, mountainous promontory between Cam
Ranh and Phan Rang bays, ______________ populations of several mammal species of
conservation importance. SUPPORTIVE
5. A ______________is any natural region where wildlife lives undisturbed, for example,
forests, ponds, marshes or deserts. HABITION
6. Logging, oil and gas drilling, over-grazing and development all result in habitat
______________. DESTROY
7. The more species disappear, the more entire-systems become ______________.
8. ______________are killing rhinos because of their horns. POACHING
9. Although conservation groups are working to ______________wildlife, natural habitats are
still being destroyed. PROTECTION
10. Due to poaching and civil war, the ______________of gorillas drops sharply. POPULAR
11. The dodo very quickly declined in numbers, and it was ______________by 1681.
12. If we continue to ______________our natural resources, our children will pay the price.
13. Do you know the oldest type of ______________energy is the biomass that is derived from
plant matter? SUSTAIN
14. When hiking in the wilderness, it is important to properly ______________of anything you
can't pack out. DISPOSABLE
15. We buy ______________food at the farmers' market. It costs a little bit more, but we think
it's better for our health. ORGAN
16. It is______________to sell cigarettes to anyone under sixteen. LEGAL
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17. ______________is the protection of things found in nature. CONSERVE

18. Due to poaching and civil war, the ______________of gorillas drops sharply. POPULAR
19. If a type of animal is ______________, it does not now exist. EXTINCTION
20. ______________are interested in studying life on Earth, whether it is an individual cell, a
multicellular organism, or a community of interacting populations. BIOLOGICAL
EXERCISE 6 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following
1. During the trip, we can visit some wildlife reserves to see lions and giraffes.
A. That's great. How does it work? B. Oh, I see. No problem.
C. Really? I am so excited. D. That was OK at first.
2. Do you know which animal sleeps the most?
A. Let me see it. B. Let me think. C. Let me try it. D. Let me down.
3. Everyone should learn more about how to treat the environment well.
A. I am sure about that. B. That's not sure. C. I don't think so. D. It's not true.
4. Nam: Would you like to join my wildlife protection team?
Lan: ____
A. Yes, I like working for this organization very much.
B. Thank you. I've always wanted to do something to help.
C. Where is it located?
D. There are so many wildlife protection teams.
5. Lan: Can we meet this Sunday to discuss our plan for the wildlife protection project?
Nam: ____
A. Yes, we did that. B. Sunday is the weekend.
C. Sunday suits me fine. D. Sunday is a great day.
6. Nam: What do you think about killing animals like dogs and cats for food?
Lan: ____
A. It is really cruel. B. I prefer dogs to cats.
C. Both of them are pets. D. Dogs are really faithful.
7. Lan: Do you think I should accept an offer to do voluntary work in the zoo?
Nam: ____
A. Why did they offer you the job? B. Zoos have a lot of animals.
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C. Voluntary work is meaningful. D. I definitely think you should say yes.

8. Nam: I'd like to hear your ideas on how to protect vulnerable species.
Lan: ____
A. I'd say people's awareness is very important. B. You're always asking me for advice.
C. I like your ideas so much. D. These animals are vulnerable.
9. Nam: I'm planning to raise a couple of rabbits at home.
Lan: ____
A. Rabbits are very fast. B. I've never seen rabbits before.
C. I've decided to raise a cat. D. That's a good idea.
10. Nam: Could you find all the information related to Komodo dragons?
Lan: ____
A. Komodo dragons are also vulnerable. B. Are they still living?
C. I've never heard of them. What do they look like? D. I think that'll be very difficult.
11. Lan: Do you enjoy visiting zoos?
Nam: ____
A. Zoos are places where animals are kept. B. I've visited that zoo twice.
C. Yeah, that's really fun. D. I like funny animals.
12. Lan: Have you ever visited a botanical garden or a nature park?
Nam: ____
A. There is a botanical garden in the area.
B. Yes, only once when I was 12.
C. There are a lot of trees and flowers in the botanical garden.
D. Nature parks are expensive to maintain.
13. Lan: Are you concerned about animals becoming extinct?
Nam: ____
A. I'm really worried. Our biodiversity will be broken. B.When will they become extinct?
C. Which animals are endangered? D. I love keeping animals as pets.
14. Nam: What animals in our country are endangered?
Lan: ____
A. Are they endangered animals? B. Endangered animals are dangerous.
C. Endangered animals should be protected. D.Tigers and elephants are nearly extinct.
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15. Anna: “I think we should recycle these bags. It will help protect the environment.” John: “
A. It’s rubbish. We shouldn’t use it. B. I can’t agree with you more
C. Never mind D. You can say that again
16. Linda and Mary are talking about helping the endangered species.
Linda: "I think we should give care and better habitat to them."
Mary: “ ”
A. OK. No problem. B. The same to you. C. Yes, that's a good idea. D.Thank you.
17. Lan: How can we protect endangered species?
Nam: ____
A. It is out of the question.
B. Both the governments and individuals need to help them.
C. Poachers don't care about endangered animals.
D. All endangered animals are extinct.

Thì Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn (Present perfect continuous tense) dùng để chỉ hành động xảy
ra trong quá khứ nhưng vẫn tiếp tục ở hiện tại và có khả năng tiếp diễn trong tương lai.
Thì Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn nhấn mạnh về khoảng thời gian của hành động đã xảy ra
nhưng không có kết quả rõ rệt.
Ví dụ:
+ He’s been running for 2 hours. (Anh ấy chạy liên tục 2 tiếng đồng hồ rồi, và vẫn còn
đang chạy tiếp.)
+ I’ve been trying to fix this computer since yesterday. (Tôi đã và đang cố gắng sửa cái
máy tính này từ hôm qua đến giờ, và vẫn chưa sửa xong.)
+ They’ve been waiting for ages. (Họ đã chờ đợi lâu lắm rồi, nhưng vẫn phải chờ tiếp.)
+ I’ve been thinking about this issue all day long. (Tôi đã và đang suy nghĩ về vấn đề này
cả ngày rồi, nhưng vẫn chưa nghĩ ra.)
1. Thể khẳng định
S + have/has + been + V-ing
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

Lưu ý:
+ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít/ Danh từ không đếm được sử dụng has
+ I/You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều sử dụng have
Ví dụ:
+ I have been studying English for 5 years. – Tôi đã học Tiếng Anh được 5 năm.
+ We have been waiting here for over two hours! – Chúng tôi đã chờ ở đây hơn hai giờ
đồng hồ.
+ She has been playing sports for a month - Cô ấy đã chơi thể thao được một tháng.
+ They have been talking for the last hour. – Họ đã nói chuyện kéo dài cả tiếng đồng hồ.
+ She has been watching too much television lately. – Gần đây, cô ấy đã xem quá nhiều ti
+ He has been swimming for one hour. – Anh ấy đã bơi được một tiếng.
+ It has been raining since last night. – Trời đã mưa cả đêm hôm qua.

2. Thể phủ định

S + have/ has + not + been + V-ing
Ví dụ:
+ I haven’t been studying Chinese for 3 years. – Tôi đã không học tiếng Trung được 3
+ We haven’t been waiting here for over two hours! – Chúng tôi đã không chờ ở đây hơn
hai tiếng đồng hồ!
3. Thể nghi vấn
(WH) + have/ has + S + been + V-ing?
Ví dụ:
+ Have you been waiting here for three hours? Yes, I have .- Bạn đã chờ 3 tiếng đồng hồ?
+ Has he been working at Vietnam Education Solutions Joint Stock Company for four
years? - Yes, he has.
Anh ấy đã làm việc ở công ty cổ phần Education Solutions Việt Nam được 4 năm?
+ What have you been doing for the last 30 minutes?
Bạn đã làm gì 30 phút trước?
- I’ve been doing my homework.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

Tôi đã làm bài tập về nhà.


- Since + mốc thời gian (không rõ ràng)
Ví dụ: I have been playing chess since childhood. (Tôi đã chơi cờ từ khi còn nhỏ.)
- For + thời gian chính xác
Ví dụ: I have been studying English for 3 hours. (Tôi đã học tiếng Anh trong 3 giờ.)
- All + khoảng thời gian
Ví dụ: I have been playing games all morning. (Tôi đã chơi game cả buổi sáng.)
- Từ nhận biết gồm: All day, all week, since, for, for long time, almost every day this week,
recently, lately, in the past week, in recent years, up until now, and so far.
EXERCISE 1 Present Perfect Continuous Tense
1. She (work) ______________ here for five years.
2. I (study) ______________all day.
3. You (eat) ______________a lot recently.
4. We (live) ______________in London for six months.
5. He (play) ______________football, so he's tired.
6. They (learn) ______________English for two years.
7. My mom (cook) ______________ so the kitchen is really hot.
8. She (go) ______________ to the cinema every weekend for years.
9. It (rain) ______________ so the pavement is wet.
10. You (sleep) ______________ for twelve hours.
11. I (not/work) ______________today.
12. You (not/eat) ______________ well recently.
13. We (not/exercise) ______________ enough.
14. She (not/study) ______________.
15. They (not/live) ______________here for very long.
16. It (not/snow) ______________for 3 days.
17. He (not/play) ______________football for five years.
18. We (not/drink) ______________enough water, that's why we feel tired.
19. I (not/sleep) ______________ lately.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

20. They (not/watch) ______________TV much recently.

21. I (study) ______________English for 5 years.
22. They (talk) ______________ talking for the last hour.
23. He (swim) ______________for one hour.
24. It (rain) ______________ since last night.
25. Linda (work) ______________here for six years.
26. We (study) ______________ all day.
27. They (live) ______________ in the USA for 5 months.
28. June (go) ______________ to the supermarket every weekend for years.
29. They (not/exercise) ______________enough.
30. I (not/drink) ______________enough water, that's why I feel tired.
31. I'm bored. It (rain) ______________for hours so I can't go out.
32. (You/use) ______________ my computer again?
33. My neighbour's children (argue) ______________all morning.
34. You (not study) ______________ for the maths exam.
35. Mel looks really tired. (she/work) ______________all night?
36. The kitchen's a mess because we (make) ______________ a birthday cake for Dad.
37. I (read) ______________an interesting book about the history of computers.
38. Jim (not do) ______________ his homework. He's been texting his friends.
EXERCISE 2 Find the mistakes and then correct them.
1. My older brother have been working since noon.
2. My mom have been writing to me since last summer due to her busy schedule.
3. I has been cleaning my house the whole day, so i am very tired now.
4. Everyone have been waiting for them for hours.
5. It’s midnight now, someone next door have been singing since 11pm.
6. I haven’t cutted my hair since last May.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

7. My mother has not working as a teacher for almost 5 years.
8. The lesson haven’t started yet.
9. Has the dog eat yet?
10. I am worried that I still hasn’t finished my housework yet.
11. Olathe police has surrounded a home in the area of West 126th Terrace near Meadowview.
12. Long has been at his computer since seven hours.
13. Thao hasn’t received any good news since a long time.
14. My brother hasn’t played any sport for last year.
15. I’d better have a shower. I hasn’t hadone since Sunday.
EXERCISE 3 Fill in the gaps with suitable words
1. It has ______________ snowing a lot this week.
2. ______________ your brother and sister been getting along?
3. Rick ______________been studying hard this semester.
4. I'm tired because I ______________been working out.
5. Julie ______________living in Italy since May.
6. Did you know he's been teaching German ______________fifteen years?
7. We have been watching TV ______________we had dinner.
8. He has ______________ too hard today.
9. Has it ______________raining since you arrived?
10. My brother has been travelling ______________ two months.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

EXERCISE 4. Complete the following sentences

1. It’s raining. The rain started two hours ago. It‘s been raining for two hours.
2. We are waiting for the bus. We started waiting for 20 minutes. We _____________________
for 20 minutes.
3. I’m learning Spanish. I started classes in December. I _____________________ since
4. Mary is working in London. She started working there on 18 January.
_____________________ since 18 January.
5. Our friends always spend their holidays in Italy. They started going there years ago.
_____________________for years.

EXERCISE 5 Finish the following sentences using the suggested words

1. We/ not/ want/ go/ because/ be/ play/ football
2. My little daughter, Khánh Chi, / be/ sleep/ hours/ so/ house/ quiet.

3. He/ drink/ alcohol/ since/ we/ see/.

4. I/ do/ work/ whole/ day/ now/ be/ tired.
5. She/ not/ see/ parents/ so long/ because/ she/ busy.
6. We/ play /tennis/ 4 years.
7. She/ go/ the library/ today.
8. My brother/ move/ a new house/ near/ his girlfriend’s flat.
9. Her teacher/ not/ explain/ this lesson /yet.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

10. This/ good/ film/ I/ ever/ watch.

11. My cousin / just/ leave/ office/ 3 hours.
12. They/ write/ a report/ since/ last Sunday?
13. you / answer / the question.
14. Tony / lock / the door.


- Điểm giống nhau là chúng ta sử dụng cả thì hiện tại hoàn thành (have hoặc has + quá khứ phân
từ) và hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn (have hoặc has + been+ V-ing) để nói về những hành động
hoặc trạng thái trong quá khứ vẫn còn kết nối với hiện tại.
- Điểm khác nhau nổi bật nhất là Thì hiện tại hoàn thành thường tập trung vào kết quả của hoạt
động, còn hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn thường tập trung vào chính hoạt động đó.

Present perfect simple Present perfect continuous

Nhấn mạnh vào kết quả của hành động Nhấn mạnh vào tính liên tục của hành động
(Focuses on the result) (Focuses on the activity).
You've cleaned the bathroom! It looks lovely! I've been gardening. It's so nice out there.
Says 'how many' 'how long'
She's read ten books this summer. She's been reading that book all day.
Describes a completed action Describes an activity which may continue
I've written you an email. I've been writing emails.
When we can see evidence of recent
The grass looks wet. Has it been raining?
I know, I'm really red. I've been running!
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

Chúng ta thường dùng for, Since và How Chúng ta thường sử dụng for, Since và How
long với thì hiện tại hoàn thành để nói về long với thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn để
những trạng thái đang diễn ra (ongoing nói về những hành động đơn lẻ hoặc lặp đi
states). lặp lại đang diễn ra (ongoing single or
Ví dụ: repeated actions).
How long have you known each Ví dụ:
other? Các bạn quen nhau bao lâu rồi? How long have they been playing
We've known each other since we tennis? Họ đã chơi quần vợt được bao lâu
were at school. Chúng tôi biết nhau từ khi rồi?
còn đi học. They've been playing tennis for an
hour. Họ đã chơi quần vợt được một
giờ rồi.
They've been playing tennis every
Sunday for years. Họ đã chơi quần vợt vào
mỗi Chủ nhật trong nhiều năm.
- Đôi khi thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn có
thể nhấn mạnh rằng một tình huống nào đó
chỉ là tạm thời.
Ví dụ:
I usually go to the gym on the High
Street, but it's closed for repairs at the
moment so I've been going to the one in the
shopping centre.
Tôi thường đến phòng tập thể dục trên
đường High Street, nhưng hiện tại nó đang
đóng cửa để sửa chữa nên tôi đang đến
phòng tập ở trung tâm mua sắm.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

EXERCISE 1: Present perfect simple and continuous. Choose the correct verb forms to
complete the sentences.
1. I ('ve been washing / 've washed) the windows all day without any help! Two more and I can
have a rest.
2. You look nice! Have you (been having/ had) your hair cut?
3. Has someone (been eating / eaten) my special bread? There's only a little bit left.
4. They (have been scoring / have scored) four goals and it's only half-time!
5. I've ( been learning / learned) English for three years and soon I'm going to be using it at work.
6. A: Are you OK? B: Yeah, I'm fine! I'm not crying. I've (been chopping / chopped) onions!
7. Finally! We (have been selling / have sold)our house!
8. Sorry, I'm late! How long (have you been waiting/ have you waited) ?
9. Have you always (been hating / hated) garlic?
10. Thanks for the recipe book! We've (been trying / tried) different recipes so far.
11. I'm worried about Sam. She's (been working / worked) too hard recently.
12. I've (been trying / tried) to call the internet company all morning but I can't get through.
13. She's (been finding/ found) three main ways our company can reduce costs.
14. He's (been preparing/ prepared) for the party for weeks.
15. You've got white dust all over you! What have you (been doing / done) ?
16. Have your parents ( been arriving / arrived) yet?

EXERCISE 2: Put the verbs into the present perfect simple or continuous
1. Look! ____________________ (somebody/ break) that window.
2. “____________________ (you/ ever/ work) in a factory?” “No, ever”
3. This is a very old book. ____________________ (I/ have) it since I was a child
4. My brother is an actor.____________________ (he/ appear) in several films.
5. Are you OK? You look as if ____________________ (you/ cry)
6. The children are tired now. ____________________ (they/ play) in the garden.
7. ____________________ (I/ read) the book you lent me, but ____________________ (I/ not/
finish) it yet. It’s really interesting.
8. Rachel is a teacher. ____________________ (she/ teach) for ten years.
9. Sarah is very tired. ____________________ (she/ work) very hard recently.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

EXERCISE 3: Read the situations and complete the sentences

1. It’s raining. The rain started two hours ago.
It ___________________________________________________ for two hours.
2. Some children at the zoo are looking at a giraffe. They’ve never seen one before
It’s the first time ___________________________________________________ a giraffe.
3. Sue is riding a horse. She doesn’t look very confident and comfortable
She ___________________________________________________ before.
4. I’m learning Japanese. I started working there on 18 January.
___________________________________________________ since 18 January.
5. Our friends always go to Spain for their holidays. The first time was years ago
___________________________________________________for years.
EXERCISE 4: Ask questions using the words in brackets
1. You have a friend who is learning Japanese. You ask:
(how long/ learn/ Japanese?) ________________________________
2. You have just arrived to meet a friend. She is waiting for you. You ask:
(wait/ long?) Have ________________________________
3. You see somebody fishing by the river. You ask:
(catch/ any fish?) ________________________________
4. Some friends of yours are having a party next week. You ask:
(How many people/ invite?) ________________________________
5. A friend of yours is a teacher. You ask:
(How long/ teach?) ________________________________
EXERCISE 5: Complete the following sentences using the verbs in brakets.
1. Tom started reading a book two hours ago. He is still reading it and now he is on page 53.
• He has been reading for two hours. (read)
• He has read 53 pages so far. (read)
2. Rachel is from Australia. She is traveling around Europe at the moment. She began her trip
three months ago.
• She __________________________________ for three months. (travel)
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

• __________________________________ six countries so far. (visit)

3. Patrick is a tennis player. He began playing tennis when he was ten years old. This year he
won the national championship again-for the fourth time.
• __________________________________ the national championship four times. (win)
• __________________________________ since he was ten. (play)
4. When they left college, Lisa and Sue started making films together. They still make films.
• They __________________________________ films since they left college. (make)
• __________________________________ five films since they left college. (make)


Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian thường bắt đầu bằng các trạng từ chỉ thời gian như: when,
while, after, before, since, until, as soon as, ...
Sự phối hợp giữa động từ trong mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian:
Main clause (Mệnh đề chính), Adverbial clause of time (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian)

Trong QUÁ KHỨ:

WHEN + S + V (quá khứ đơn), S + V (quá khứ đơn)
diễn tả hành
Eg: When he saw me, he smiled, at me.
động xảy ra
nối tiếp nhau
WHEN + S + V (hiện tại đơn), S + V (tương lai đơn)
Eg: When I see him, I will remind him to call you.
Trong QUÁ KHỨ:
diễn tả một
WHEN WHEN + S + V (quá khứ đơn), S + V (quá khứ tiếp diễn)
hành động
Eg: When I came to see her, she was cooking dinner.
đang xảy ra
thì có hành
động khác
WHEN + S + V (hiện tại đơn), S + V (tương lai tiếp diễn)
xen vào
Eg: When you come in, your boss will be waiting for you there.
diễn tả một Trong QUÁ KHỨ:
hành động WHEN + S + V (quá khứ đơn), S + V (quá khứ hoàn thành)
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

xảy ra xong Eg: When I arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off
trước một Trong TƯƠNG LAI:
hành động WHEN + S + V (hiện tại đơn), S + V(tương lai hoàn thành)
khác Eg: When you return to the town, they will have finished building
a new bridge.
Trong QUÁ KHỨ:
AS SOON AS + S + V (quá khứ đơn), S + V (quá khứ đơn)
AS diễn tả hành Eg: As soon as she saw a mouse, she shouted and ran away.
SOON động xảy ra Trong TƯƠNG LAI:
AS nối tiếp nhau AS SOON AS + S + V (hiện tại đơn/hiện tại hoàn thành), S +
V (tương lai đơn)
Eg: I will call you as soon as I have finished / finish the work.
diễn tả nghĩa S + V (hiện tại hoàn thành) + SINCE + V (quá khứ đơn)
“từ khi’’ Eg: We have known each other since we were at high school.
Trong QUÁ KHỨ:
diễn tả hành
BY + trạng từ của quá khứ + S + V (quá khứ hoàn thành)
động kết thúc
Eg: By last month, we had worked for the company for 9 years.
BY + tính đến một
TIME điểm nào đó
BY + trạng từ của tương lai + S + V (tương lai hoàn thành)
trong quá
Eg: By next month, we will have worked for the company for 9
khứ/tương lai

diễn tả hành Trong QUÁ KHỨ:

động đang AT THIS/THAT TIME + trạng từ của quá khứ + S + V (quá
xảy ra tại một khứ tiếp diễn)
thời điểm xác Eg: At this time last week, we were preparing for Tet.
định trong Trong TƯƠNG LAI:
quá AT THIS/THAT TIME + trạng từ của tương lai + S + V (tương
khứ/tương lai lai tiếp diễn)
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

Eg: At this time next week, we will be having a big party in the
Trong QUÁ KHỨ:
BY THE TIME + S + V (quá khứ đơn), S + V (quá khứ hoàn
BY THE diễn tả nghĩa Eg: By the time she got home, everyone had gone to bed.
TIME “vào lúc” Trong TƯƠNG LAI:
BY THE TIME + S + V (hiện tại đơn), S + V (tương lai hoàn
Eg: By the time she gets home, everyone will have gone to bed.
Trong QUÁ KHỨ:
diễn tả hành AFTER + S + V (quá khứ hoàn thành), S + V (quá khứ đơn)
động xảy ra Eg: After she had done her homework, she went out for a walk.
AFTER xong rồi mới
tới hành Trong TƯƠNG LAI:
động khác AFTER + S + V (hiện tại hoàn thành), S + V (hiện tại đơn)
Eg: After she has done her homework, she goes out for a walk.
Trong QUÁ KHỨ:
diễn tả hành BEFORE + S + V (quá khứ đơn), S + V (quá khứ hoàn thành)
động xảy ra Eg: Before she went to bed, she had locked all the doors.
BEFORE xong trước Trong TƯƠNG LAI:
khi có hành BEFORE + S + V (hiện tại đơn), S + V (tương lai hoàn thành)
động khác tới Eg: Hurry up or the film will have ended before we go to the
S + V (tương lai đơn)/ V(bare)/DON’T + V(bare) +
UNTIL/ diễn tả nghĩa UNTIL/TILL + S + V (hiện tại đơn/hiện tại hoàn thành)
TILL “cho tới khi” Eg: I will wait for you until it is possible.
Wait here until I come back.

Một số cấu trúc liên quan đến thì hiện tại hoàn thành
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

1 It is ………… “time” +since+ S (last)+ Ved/V2

= S+ have/ has+ not+ Ved/ V3……………for+ “time”
= The last time S+ Ved/V2………………was+”time”+ ago
2 How long+ have/has+ S+ Ved/V3
Trả lời: S+ have/has+ Ved/V3+……………..for+ thời gian
3 S+ have/has+ Ved/V3+…………..since+ Ved/V2
4 S+ began/started+ Ving/ To V+ ……………….”thời gian”+ ago
= S+ have/has+ ved/V3+ …………..for +”thời gian”/ since+ “thời gian”

EXERCISE 1. Choose one sentence that best rewrites the sentence given.
1. They last visited me five years ago.
A.They haven't visited me for a long time. C. I haven't been visited for a long time.
B. They have known me for five years. D. They haven't visited me for five years.
2. Mike turned off the light, then he went to bed.
A. Before Mike went to bed, he had turned off the light.
B. Before Mike turned off the light, he had gone to bed.
C. After Mike had gone to bed, he turned off the light.
D. Mike turned off the light as soon as he had gone to bed.
3. I haven't visited the museum for three months.
A. It is three months since I have visited the museum.
B. I didn't visit the museum three months ago.
C. The last time I had visited the museum was three months ago.
D. It is three months since I visited the museum.
4. "John began playing the piano 10 years ago"
A. John played the piano 10 years ago. C. John has played the piano for 10 years.
B. John used to play the piano 10 years ago. D. John doesn't play the piano anymore
5. The last time I saw her was a week ago. .
A. I haven't seen her for a week. C. I haven't seen her since a week.
B. I have seen her for a week. D. I have seen her since a week.
6. My father hasn’t smoked cigarettes for a month.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

A. It’s a month since my father last smoked cigarettes.

B. It’s a month ago that my father smoked cigarettes.
C. It’s a month that my father hasn’t smoked cigarettes.
D. It’s a cigarette that my father smoked a month ago.
7. Mr. Brown bought this car five years ago.
A. Mr. Brown started to buy this car five years ago.
B. It has been five years when Mr. Brown bought this car
C. Mr. Brown has had this car for five years.
D. It is five years ago since Mr. Brown bought this car.
8. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.
A. It’s years since I enjoyed myself so much.
B. It’s years since I have enjoyed myself so much.
C. It was years since I had enjoyed myself so much.
D. It has been years since I have enjoyed myself so much.
9. It’s a long time since we last went to the cinema.
A. We have been to the cinema for a long time.
B. We haven’t been to the cinema for a long time.
C. We don’t go to the cinema as we used to.
D. We wish we went to the cinema now.
10. The last time I saw Rose was three years ago.
A. I didn’t see Rose for three years.
B. I haven’t seen Rose three years ago.
C. I haven’t seen Rose since three years.
D. I haven’t seen Rose for three years.
EXERCISE 2: Change the following sentences using Present Perfect tense.
1. I traveled to Paris last year.
→ I haven’t__________________________________.
2. She visited her grandparents two years ago.
→ She hasn’tt__________________________________.
3. We started this project last month.
→ We have __________________________________.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

4. He finished reading the book two days ago.

→ He has __________________________________.
5. They sold a new car a week ago.
→ They haven’t __________________________________.
6. We went on a road trip two months ago.
→ We haven’t __________________________________.
7. He received the award last week.
→ He has__________________________________.
8. The last time they played soccer was in April.
→ They haven’t __________________________________.
9. I saw her at the party two days ago.
→ I haven’t__________________________________.
10. They bought a new book last month.
→ They haven’t __________________________________.


1. When I got home I found that water_______down the kitchen walls

A. ran B. was running C. has run D. had been running
2. After he_______his English course, he went to England to continue his study
A. has finish B. had finished C. was finished D. would finish
3. How_______since we_______college?
A. are you- left B. were you- left
C. have you been- have left D. have you been- left
4. I_______much of you lately. We_______three months ago
A. haven’t seen- last meet B. didn’t see- met
C. haven’t seen- have meet D. didn’t see- have met
5. The Chinese_______spaghetti dishes for a long time before Marco Polo_______.back to Italy
A. made- brought B. have made- brought
C. made- had brought D. had been making- brought
6. When I arrived at the meeting the first speaker_______speaking and the audience_______.
A. just finished- were clapping B. had just finished- had clapped
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

C. had just finished- were clapping D. just finished- had clapped

7. He_______his job last month and then he_______out of work
A. lost- was B. was lost- had been
C. has lost- was D. lost- has been
8. In the last hundred years, travelling_______much easier and more comfortable
A. become B. has become C. became D. will became
9. In the 19th century, it_______two or three months to across North America by covered wagon
A. took B. had taken C. had been taken D. was taking
10. In the past, the trip_______very rough and often dangerous, but things_______a great deal
in the last hundred and fifty years
A. was- have changed B. is- change
C. had been- will change D. has been- changed
11. She_______Hanoi last year.
A. went B. go C. goes D. is going
12. Now you _______from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours
A. are flying B. would fly C. will fly D. can fly
13. When Carol_______last night, favorite show on television
A. was calling- watched B. called- have watched
C. called- was watching D. had called- watched
14. By the time next summer, you_______your studies
A. completes B. will complete C. are completing D. will have completed
15. Right now, Jim_______the newspaper and Kathy_______dinner
A. reads- has cooked B. is reading- is cooking
C. has read- was cooking D. read- will be cooking
16. Last night at this time, they_______the same thing. She_______and he_______the
A. are doing- is cooking- is reading B. were doing- was cooking- was reading
C. was doing- has cooked- is reading D. had done- was cooking- read
17. change a light bulb when he_______and_______
A. was trying-slipped- fell B. tried- was slipping- falling
C. had been trying- slipped- was falling D. has tried- slips- falls
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

18. Every day I ______up at 6 o’clock, ____breakfast at seven o’clock and_____for work at 8
A. get- eat- leave B. have got- eating- leaving
C. got- ate- left D. will get- have eaten- left
19. I_____ for this company for more then thirty years, and I intend to stay here until
I_____next year
A. am working- will retire B. am going to work- am retiring
C. work- am going to retire D. have been working- retire
20. My mother is the first_______.up and the last_______to bed
A. getting- going B. to get- going C. getting- to go D. to get- to go
21. I must have a bath. I_______all the afternoon
A. was gardening B. have gardened C. have been gardening D. had been gardening
22. The team_______a single match so far this season
A. doesn’t win B. didn’t win C. hasn’t won D. hadn’t won
23. By the time you receive this letter, I_______for the USA
A. have left B. will leave C. will have left D. am leaving
24. Up to now, the manager _______a lot of information about his secretary.
A. learned B. has learned C. had learned D. learns
25. Where is Mary? _ She_______her homework in her room.
A. is performing B. is making C. is doing D. is learning
26. While I_______along the road, I saw a friend of mine.
A. was cycling B. have cycled C. cycled D. am cycling
27. By the time I _______this report, I will give you a ring.
A. type B. will type C. have typed D. will have typed
28. While my mother ________ a film on TV, my father was cooking dinner. It was March 8th
A. watched B. was watching C. had watched D. watches
29. The plane from Dallas ________ two hours late, so I missed my connecting flight from
Frankfurt to London.
A. took on B. took in C. took over D. took off
30. When we came, a party _________ in the hall.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

A. is being held B. had being held C. will be held D. was being held
31. He _______ in the same house since 1975.
A. has lived B. is living C. lived D. had lived
32. When I came to visit her last night, she ________ a bath.
A. is having B. was having C. has D. had
33.When we arrived at the restaurant, the others __________ .
A. left B. have left C. had left D. are leaving
34. By the end of 2010 we_______ in Ho Chi Minh City for 30 years.
A. work B. will work C. have worked D. will have
35. I learned that the college ________ in 1900
A. found B. was founded C. founded D. had been

36. If I ________ 10 years younger, I _________ the job.

A. am/ will take B. were/ would take C. would be/ took D. had been /
would take
37. By the time he __________ to the meeting, it had begun for 15 minutes.
A. had gone B. has gone C. went D. was going
38. He began to feel ill while __________.
A. he is doing the exam B. he did the exam C. he would do the exam D. he was
doing the exam.
39. Since 1980, scientists the world over _____ a lot of things to fight against AIDS.
A. have done B. are doing C. did D. had done
40. Now my sister _____ a bicycle of her own.
A. is having B. are having C. has D. had
41. Last week, my professor promised that he _____ today.
A. would come B. will come C. comes D. coming
42. My girl friend arrived after I _____ for her about half an hour.
A. was waiting B. had been waiting C. have been waiting D. have
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

43. I _____ in Nha Trang before I moved to An Nhon Town, Binh Dinh Province.
A. have been living B. have lived C. had lived D. had been living
44. There are many ways _____ to Rome.
A. is leading B. are leading C. leading D. led
45. While I _______ T.V last night, a mouse ran across the floor.
A. watch B. watched C. am watching D. was watching
46. I still can’t believe it! My bicycle _________ last night.
A. was stolen B. had been stolen C. stole D. was being stolen
47. While they were ________tables, he was _________ the radio.
A. arranging - listening to B. arranging – hearing
C. laying -listening to D. making- hearing
48. I suddenly remembered that I bring my keys.
A. having forgotten B. have forgotten C. had forgotten D. forgot
49. By the year 2010 many people currently employed ________their jobs.
A. will have lost B. will be losing C. have lost D. are losing
50. By September next year I_______ here for ten years.
A. will be working B. work C. will have been working D. have been working


Question 1: Although they ———————, they did not lose heart.
A. Defeated B. Were defeated C. Had defeated D. Have defeated
Question 2: Our holy books tell us that man ——————- mortal.
A. Is B. Was C. Were D. Has
Question 3: He spoke so fast that I ———————- understand anything.
A. Could B. Could not C. Cannot D. Had not
Question 4: His health has improved since he ——————– from the hills.
A. Return B. Returned C. Would return D. Returning
Question 5: He declared that he ———————- it even if he saw it with his own eyes.
A. Would not believe B. Believe C. Did not believe D. Had not believed
Question 6: The manager ______ the store before I arrived.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

A. closed B. had closed C. has closed D. was closing

Question 7: When the alarm rang, Hai ______ out of bed quickly.
A. was jumping B. has jumped C. had jumped D. jumped
Question 8: When we see Mr. Minh tomorrow, I ____ him of that.
A. will remind B. remind C. have reminded D. reminded
Question 9: When I got home I found that water______ down the kitchen walls
A. ran B. was running C. has run D. had been running
Question 10: After he______ his English course, he went to England to continue his study
A. has finish B. had finished C. was finished D. would finish
Question 11: How______ since we ______ college?
A. are you/left B. were you/left
C. have you been/have left D. have you been/have left
Question 12: The Chinese______ spaghetti dishes for a long time before Marco Polo______ back
to Italy
A. made – brought B. have made – brought
C. made - had brought D. had been making - brought
Question 13: When I arrived at the meeting the first speaker______ speaking and the
A. just finished - were clapping B. had just finished - had clapped
C. had just finished - were clapping D. just finished - had clapped
Question 14: He______ his job last month and then he______ out of work
A. lost - was B. was lost- had been C. has lost - was D. lost - has been
Question 15: In the past, the trip______ very rough and often dangerous, but things______ a
great deal in the last hundred and fifty years
A. was- have changed B. is- change
C. had been- will change D. has been- changed
Question 16: When Carol______ last night, I______ my favorite show on television
A. was calling- watched B. called- have watched
C. called- was watching D. had called- watched
Question 17: Right now, Jim______ the newspaper and Kathy______ dinner
A. reads- has cooked B. is reading- is cooking
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

C. has read- was cooking D. read- will be cooking

Question 18: Sam______ to change a light bulb when he______ and______
A. was trying-slipped- fell B. tried- was slipping- falling
C. had been trying- slipped- was falling D. has tried- slips- falls
Question 19: Every day I _________up at 6 o’clock, _______breakfast at seven o’clock
and_______for work at 8o’clock
A. get- eat- leave B. have got- eating- leaving
C. got- ate- left D. will get- have eaten- left
Question 20: I______ for this company for more then thirty years, and I intend to stay here until
I______ next year
A. am working- will retire B. am going to work- am retiring
C. work- am going to retire D. have been working- retire
Question 21: By the time you receive this letter, I ______ for the USA
A. have left B. will leave C. will have left D. am leaving
Question 22: While I ______ along the road, I saw a friend of mine.
A. was cycling B. have cycled C. cycled D. am cycling
Question 23: By the time I ______ this report, I will give you a ring.
A. type B. will type C. have typed D. will have typed
Question 24: While my mother ________ a film on TV, my father was cooking dinner. It was
March 8th yesterday.
A. watched B. was watching C. had watched D. watches
Question 25: When we came, a party _________ in the hall.
A. is being held B. had being held C. will be held D. was being held
Question 26: When I came to visit her last night, she ________ a bath.
A. is having B. was having C. has D. had
Question 27: When we arrived at the restaurant, the others __________ .
A. left B. have left C. had left D. are leaving
Question 28: I learned that the college ________ in 1900.
A. found B. was founded C. founded D. had been founded
Question 29: He said that he ____ a lot of money on advertising to expand his business.
A. spends B. has spent C. spending D. had spent
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

Question 30: The train _____ when we got to the station.

A. just left B. just leaves C. had just left D. will leave
Question 31: Tom told me he _____ call me at the airport when I ______.
A. would/ arrived B. will/ arrive C. will have/ arriving D. would be/ arriving
Question 32: - ____ before? – Yes, I ____ my holidays here last year.
A. have you ever been / spent B. have you ever been / spend
C. Did you ever be / spending D. were you ever / spend
Question 33: ______ I was working in the garden, John was repairing the washing machine.
A. as soon as B. because of C. while D. until
Question 34: Peter said he _____ a test the following day.
A. had had B. will have C. has had D. would have
Question 35: After she _____ at the hospital for 2 years, she_____ to give up the job yesterday.
A. had been working/ decides B. had been working/ decided
C. working / had decided D. is working/ will decide
Question 36: Tom _____ before we arrive there.
A. has left B. had left C. will leave D. leaves
Question 37: In 1970, the Canadian scientist George Kelly ______ that warm water _____ more
quickly than cold water.
A. prove/freeze B. proves / breezed C. proving / freezing D. proved/freezes
Question 38: After we _____ our work, we ____ for lunch.
A. having finish/ went B. have finished/ went
C. had finished/went D. having finish/ going
Question 39: After he _____ his English course, he went to England to continue his study .
A. will finish B. has finished C. had finished D. will have finished
Question 40: They ____ a lot of preparation before the match started.
A. has made B. had made C. will be made D. are making
Question 41: I____ in the US for one year, but I still find it difficult to communicate with the
A. am B. was C. have been D. had been
Question 42: American women may ____ conversations with men or even ___ them to dance.
A. to start/ to ask B. start/ ask C. starting / asking D. started/ asked
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

Question 43: As soon as she arrived in London, she found that the English people spoke English
differently from what she _____.
A. will learn B. is learning C. has been learning D. had learnt
Question 44: Don’t go anywhere until I _____ back.
A. come B. will come C. have come D. came
Question 45: I _____ the book by the time you come tonight.
A. will be finishing B. finished C. have finishing D. will have finished
Question 46: Who ______ when I came ?
A. were you talking to B. are you talking to
C. you were talking to D. you are talking to
Question 47: Please send us a postcard as soon as you _______in London.
A. will arrive B. is going to arrive C. arrive D. arrived
Question 48: I will give you this book ______ I meet you tomorrow.
A. when B. until C. since D. for
Question 49: Jane _____ her house all the morning before the guest arrived.
A. is cleaning B. was cleaning C. has been cleaning D. had been cleaning
Question 50: We ______ for going home when it began to rain.
A. are preparing B. were preparing C. will be preparing D. have prepared



I. Định nghĩa:
- Trạng từ hội tụ (focusing adverbs) tạo sự chú ý vào một yếu tố thông tin riêng lẻ trong mệnh
đề (they focus attention on an item of information contained in the clause)
Ví dụ:
+ I spoke to John ONLY. (= chỉ John chứ không ai khác)
- Trạng từ hội tụ được dùng để "khoanh vùng phạm vi" của một cái gì đó trong câu. Trạng từ
hội tụ có thể bổ nghĩa cho động từ, tính từ, trạng từ, cụm danh từ, cụm giới từ.
Ví dụ:
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

+ I just want to ask you what you thought. = Tôi chỉ muốn hỏi xem bạn nghĩ gì.
→ Trạng từ just khoanh vùng phạm vi của hành động want
+ Only adults over 22 years old are permitted. = Chỉ người trưởng thành trên 22 tuổi
được cho phép vào.
→ Trạng từ only khoanh vùng phạm vi của cụm danh từ adults over 22 years old
- Trạng từ hội tụ có thể được chia thành nhiều loại tùy thuộc vào chức năng của chúng:
hướng sự chú ý đến thông tin được bổ sung, giới hạn hoặc phủ định, thông tin có tính bất ngờ
hay đưa ra lựa chọn.
II. Một số trạng từ hội tụ thường gặp
just, simply = chỉ là, đơn giản là
only = chỉ
even = thậm chí, ngay cả
particularly, especially = đặc biệt là
mainly = chủ yếu là
generally, largely = nói chung là, tổng quát là
III.Vị trí của trạng từ hội tụ ONLY
Vị trí của trạng từ hội tụ ảnh hưởng đến thông tin được nhấn mạnh và do đó, thay đổi hàm ý của
Xét sự khác biệt giữa 4 câu dưới đây:
1. Only Emma can cook Chinese dishes at the party: Chỉ mỗi Emma chứ không ai khác có
thể nấu các món ăn Trung Quốc ở bữa tiệc.
2. Emma can only cook Chinese dishes at the party: Emma chỉ có thể nấu các món ăn Trung
Quốc chứ không làm việc gì khác ở bữa tiệc.
3. Emma can cook only Chinese dishes at the party: Emma chỉ có thể nấu các món ăn Trung
Quốc chứ không nấu được các loại món khác.
4. Emma can cook Chinese dishes only at the party: Emma chỉ có thể nấu các món ăn Trung
Quốc ở bữa tiệc này chứ không nấu ở các bữa tiệc khác.
Cùng xem xét thêm các ví dụ sau để thấy rõ hơn vị trí của Trạng từ hội tụ ONLY, đứng ở
trước từ hoặc cụm từ mà nó bổ nghĩa:
Ví dụ:
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

1. Only my phone can make calls to family in this area.

→ bổ nghĩa cho my phone: chỉ có điện thoại của tôi, không phải những cái khác
2. My phone can only make calls to family in this area.
→ bổ nghĩa cho make calls: chỉ có mỗi chức năng là gọi điện.
3. My phone can make calls only to family in this area.
→ bổ nghĩa cho to family: chỉ đến gia đình, không đến người khác.
4. My phone can make calls to family only in this area.
→ bổ nghĩa cho in this area: chỉ trong khu vực này, không phải ở khu vực khác.
Như vậy, chúng ta có thể suy ra các vị trí đứng của ONLY
Ví dụ:
+ ONLY the first patient took this medication the next day (có nghĩa là ‘Chỉ bệnh nhân
đầu tiên đã uống thuốc này ngày hôm sau, chứ không có bệnh nhân nào khác.)
Khi bổ nghĩa cho động từ hay cụm động từ, trạng từ Hội tụ phải được đặt ở trước động từ
Ví dụ:
+ We just stayed at home all day long. (Chúng tôi chỉ ở nhà cả ngày.)
+ The staff only have a 30-minute lunch break. (Nhân viên chỉ có một lần nghỉ trưa 30
+ Young people mostly want to wear certain brands to show their style. (Giới trẻ chủ yếu
muốn mang quần áo nhãn hiệu để thể hiện phong cách.)
+ The first patient ONLY took this medication the next day (có nghĩa là ‘bệnh nhân đầu
tiên CHỈ uống thuốc này ngày hôm sau, chứ không làm gì khác.)
Tuy nhiên, Trạng từ Hội tụ đứng sau động từ “be”.
Ví dụ:
+ There is just Thomas in the library. (Chỉ có mỗi Thomas trong thư viện.)
+ The new training room is exclusively for the Human Resources Department. (Phòng đào
tạo mới chỉ độc nhất dành cho Phòng Nhân sự.)
+ Environmentalists are particularly concerned about the air quality in this city. (Những
nhà môi trường học đặc biệt quan tâm đến chất lượng không khí ở thành phố này.)
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199


Ví dụ:
+ The first patient took ONLY this medication the next day (có nghĩa ‘bệnh nhân đầu tiên
uống CHỈ thuốc này chứ không uống các loại thuốc khác.)
Ví dụ:
+ The first patient took this medication ONLY the next day (có nghĩa là ‘bệnh nhân đã
uống thuốc này mãi đến cuối ngày hôm sau.)
Ví dụ:

+ The first patient took this medication the next day ONLY (có nghĩa là bệnh nhân không
uống thuốc này hôm qua, tuần trước, hoặc bất cứ lúc nào ngoại trừ CHỈ ngày hôm qua)
Như vậy, ta lưu ý khi sử dụng trạng từ hội tụ ‘ONLY’ vì mỗi vì trí đứng khác nhau sẽ cho
ra nghĩa khác nhau.


Chúng ta sử dụng Even để đề cập đến điều gì đó đáng ngạc nhiên, bất ngờ, bất thường hoặc
cực đoan ( surprising, unexpected, unusual or extreme).
Ví dụ:
+ Even the Manager cried at the year-end party! (Ngay cả Quản lý cũng khóc ở bữa tiệc
cuối năm!). Giải nghĩa: Nhiều người đã khóc ở bữa tiệc, kể cả Quản lý – điều rất bất ngờ.
+ Even today, many people are unable to understand how gold is made. (Ngay đến tận
ngày nay, nhiều người vẫn không thể hiểu vàng được tạo ra bằng cách nào). Giải nghĩa,
việc không hiểu vàng được tạo ra bằng cách nào đã tồn tại lâu, kể cả đến hiện tại – điều rất
bất ngờ.
+ He didn’t even have enough money to pay the rent.
+ You love me, even after the terrible things I’ve done?
+ I’d never been abroad before, so it was a wonderful gift. I didn’t have to pay for
anything. When we got to the airport at Stansted, she’d even arranged for the captain to
escort me on to the plane. It was a treat I will always remember.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

Vị trí của Trạng từ hội tụ Even

- Khi Even đề cập đến toàn bộ mệnh đề hoặc câu, chúng ta thường đặt nó ở vị trí ở giữa (mid
position), giữa chủ ngữ và động từ chính, sau động từ khiếm khuyết hoặc trợ động từ đầu tiên,
hoặc sau động từ tobe khi tobe đang làm động từ chính (When even refers to a whole clause or
sentence, we usually put it in the normal mid position for adverbs, between the subject and the
main verb, after the modal verb or first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb).

Ví dụ:
+ You can take an online course now and you even do the test online.
+ I haven’t even started making dinner. Tôi thậm chí còn chưa bắt đầu làm bữa tối.
- Chúng ta có thể đặt Even hoặc Not Even trước phần mệnh đề hoặc câu mà chúng ta muốn tập
trung vào:
Ví dụ:

+ Even a five-year-old can see that these figures don’t add up.

+ They came in cars, in lorries, and even an aeroplane.

+ It’s not usually too busy. Not even at weekends.

- Đôi khi chúng ta đặt Even ở cuối một mệnh đề hoặc một câu trong cách nói thân mật (We
sometimes put even at the end of a clause or sentence in informal speaking).

I can’t remember him at all. I’ve even forgotten what he looks like.
 typical position
I can’t remember him at all. I’ve forgotten what he looks like even.
 more informal, used in speaking


Even and also are both adverbs.

We use even to add emphasis or more information to a surprising or unexpected thing:
Human beings, we are told, will live for 150, even 200 years, by the end of the century.
We use also to add a new piece of information, without the suggestion that it is surprising:
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

She was a very beautiful girl. She was also very bright and excelled at everything she did.
Not: She was even very bright …
He gave her a cake with 26 candles on. He even sang ‘Happy Birthday’.
The fact that he sang ‘Happy Birthday’ was unexpected.
He gave her a cake with 26 candles on. He also sang ‘Happy Birthday’.
He did two things: he gave her a cake and he sang.


Even can be used as an adjective or an adverb. In this lesson we look at the adverb side of it,
when it’s mainly used for emphasis. It can emphasize a word, a phrase or a clause beginning
with a word like if, as or though.
Position of even
Even goes in mid position with the verb. If there is no auxiliary verb, it goes before the main
She even called me names. (NOT She called even me names.)
If there is an auxiliary verb, even goes after it.
I don’t even know his name. (NOT I even don’t know his name.)
If the main verb is a form of be (is, am, are, was, were), even goes after it.
China is even larger than India. (NOT China even is larger than India.)
She is even taller than her husband.
Even now
Even now is used for saying that it is surprising that something still continues.
Even now the practice of dowry exists in many parts of Asia.
Even then
This phrase is used for saying that something is surprising because it was supposed to be
Even as
This phrase is used to talk about two actions or events that are happening at the same time.
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Even as they discussed the merits and demerits of the project, people were protesting in the
Even if
This phrase is used for emphasizing that a particular situation will remain the same no matter
what happens.
I’m determined to prove my innocence even if that means going to the highest court in the land.
I’ll go even if you forbid me to.
The structure even though means exactly the same.
I’ll go even though you forbid me to.
Even so
Even so means in spite of that. This expression is used for introducing a statement that might
seem surprising after what you have said before.
The tickets were expensive, but, even so, the match was worth watching.


EXERCISE 1: Where should “even” go in these sentences?

1. I can’t make toast.
2. Water is cold, but ice is colder.
3. She had all the toys; she had a toy car.
4. We should go home; we aren’t supposed to be here.
5. That’s a confusing sentence. What does it mean?
6. My car is expensive, but his is more expensive.
7. Greg really wants to go to the cinema. He offered to pay for me.
8. The family were happy. Their grumpy granddad was laughing.
9. I did well in the test, but next time I will do better.
10. You have written the wrong answer – did you hear what I said?
EXERCISE 2: Choose the right “even” to fill the gaps
For the following sentences, choose between even, even if, even though, even when and even so.
1. _______ it rains, I will go to the park.
2. I can’t go to the party, _______ I like him.
3. I am _______ more confused now that I have read this.
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4. He likes to play football, _______ it is raining.

5. Julie did not pass the most recent exam. _______, she will pass the course.
6. We fed all the dogs, _______ the fat one.
7. He is driving home, _______ he has had no sleep.
8. The group meets every Thursday, _______ only a few of them can come.
9. She did not stop laughing, _______ she tripped over.
10. We brought many types of cheese. _______, there may not be enough.


1.Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn (Adverbs of Place)
- Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn được dùng để chỉ về nơi chốn hoặc phương hướng của một sự việc.
- Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn có thể đứng ở các vị trí sau:
Bổ nghĩa cho động từ: đứng sau động từ, trước chủ ngữ (ít khi dùng trong văn nói)
Bổ nghĩa cho cụm danh từ: đứng sau từ được bổ nghĩa
Một số trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn thường gặp
here = ở đây / đến đây
there = ở đó / đến đó
nearby = ở gần đây
everywhere = mọi nơi
anywhere = bất kỳ đâu
upstairs = trên lầu / lên lầu
downstairs = dưới lầu / xuống dưới lầu
Lưu ý: có một số giới từ chỉ nơi chốn đều có thể đóng vai trò làm trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn. Ví dụ:
in, on, off, around, behind, inside, up, down, over.
Tuy nhiên,chức năng ngữ pháp của giới từ và trạng từ là khác nhau, vì vậy chúng ta cần phân
biệt rõ để không nhầm lẫn cách dùng:
Giới từ: sau giới từ bắt buộc phải có một cụm danh từ, đại từ, hoặc V-ing
Trạng từ: đứng độc lập
Ví dụ:
The man got in his car. → sau in có cụm danh từ his car → in ở đây là giới từ
Please come in. → in đứng độc lập → in ở đây là trạng từ
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2. Trạng từ chỉ thời gian (Adverbs of Time)

- Trạng từ chỉ thời gian được dùng để cho biết một sự việc diễn ra vào lúc nào.
- Trạng từ chỉ thời gian có thể đứng ở các vị trí sau:
Bổ nghĩa cho động từ: sau động từ, trước chủ ngữ (ít khi dùng trong văn nói)
Bổ nghĩa cho cụm danh từ: sau từ được bổ nghĩa
Một số trạng từ chỉ thời gian thường gặp
today = hôm nay
tonight = tối nay
yesterday = hôm qua
tomorrow = ngày mai
now = bây giờ
then = lúc đó
lately, recently = dạo gần đây
before = trước, trước đây
after, later = sau, sau này
meanwhile = trong lúc đó
since = kể từ đó
still = vẫn
yet = vẫn chưa (dùng trong câu phủ định), đã chưa (dùng trong câu nghi vấn)
already = đã rồi
soon = sắp sửa, sớm xảy ra
3.Trạng từ chỉ tần suất (Adverbs of Frequency)
Trạng từ chỉ tần suất được dùng để cho biết mức độ thường xuyên mà một sự việc xảy ra.
Trạng từ chỉ tần suất có thể đứng ở các vị trí sau:
Bổ nghĩa cho động từ: trước động từ, trước chủ ngữ, sau động từ
Bổ nghĩa cho tính từ, trạng từ, cụm danh từ, cụm giới từ: trước từ được bổ nghĩa
Một số trạng từ chỉ tần suất thường gặp
always = luôn luôn
usually, frequently, often, a lot = thường xuyên
occasionally, sometimes = thỉnh thoảng, đôi khi
seldom, rarely = hiếm khi
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never = không bao giờ

4. Trạng từ chỉ mức độ chắc chắn (Adverbs of Certainty)
Trạng từ chỉ mức độ chắc chắn được dùng để thể hiện mức độ chắn chắc của một sự việc.
Trạng từ chỉ mức độ chắc chắn có thể đứng ở các vị trí sau:
Bổ nghĩa cho động từ: trước động từ, trước chủ ngữ
Bổ nghĩa cho tính từ, trạng từ, cụm danh từ, cụm giới từ: trước từ được bổ nghĩa
Một số trạng từ chỉ mức độ chắc chắn thường gặp
certainly = chắc chắn
likely = có nhiều khả năng
probably = chắc là
maybe, perhaps = có thể là
5. Trạng từ đánh giá (Evaluative Adverbs) và Trạng từ chỉ quan điểm (Adverbs of
Trạng từ đánh giá và Trạng từ chỉ quan điểm là những trạng từ được dùng để thể hiện đánh
giá hoặc quan điểm cá nhân.
Trạng từ trạng từ đánh giá và trạng từ chỉ quan điểm bổ nghĩa cho cả câu, và có thể đứng ở các
vị trí sau:
Đầu câu
Trước động từ
Cuối câu
Đầu câu:
Personally, I hate that color. → thể hiện quan điểm
Trước động từ:
She, unfortunately, believed him again. → đưa ra đánh giá
Cuối câu (chỉ dùng trong các tình huống thân mật, không trang trọng):
They missed the bus, apparently. → đưa ra đánh giá
6. Trạng từ liên kết
Là những trạng từ được dùng để thể hiện rằng một câu có liên kết ý nghĩa gì đó với câu đứng
trước đó.
Trạng từ liên kết bổ nghĩa cho cả câu, và có thể đứng ở các vị trí sau:
Đầu câu (thông dụng nhất)
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Trước động từ
Cuối câu
Một số trạng từ liên kết thường gặp
Trạng từ liên kết chỉ kết quả, hệ quả:
(tất cả đều có nghĩa là "vì vậy, vì thế")
7.Trạng từ chỉ sự tương phản, đối lập:
(tất cả đều có nghĩa là "tuy nhiên, dù vậy")
Trạng từ bổ sung:
in addition
(tất cả đều có nghĩa là "thêm vào đó, ngoài ra")
8. Trạng từ chỉ sự so sánh:
(tất cả đều có nghĩa là "tương tự như vậy")
9.Trạng từ chỉ thứ tự sự việc:
first = firstly = đầu tiên
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next = tiếp theo

then = tiếp theo
finally = cuối cùng
Trạng từ thường có thể đứng ở 3 vị trí trong câu:

1. Initial position (Trước chủ từ)

2. Mid position (Giữa chủ từ và động từ, ngay sau động từ chính "to be", hoặc giữa trợ động
từ và động từ chính)

3. End position (Cuối mệnh đề)

Các loại trạng từ có các vị trí khác nhau. Tuy nhiên đôi khi cũng có vài trường hợp ngoại lệ.

1. Initial position (trước chủ từ):

* Các trạng từ liên kết (linking adverbs) như "moreover, however, besides, therefore,
furthermore, otherwise, in addition, consequently, similarly, nevertheless, on the other hand, in
contrast to, in fact, ...", làm nhiệm vụ kết nối một mệnh đề với những gì đã được đề cập đến
trước đó, luôn đứng trước chủ từ (của mệnh đề mới).

* Các trạng từ chỉ thời gian (Time adverbs) như "now, then, today, tomorrow, tonight,
yesterday, ..." có thể được dùng khi chúng ta muốn bày tỏ một sự tương phản về thời gian với
phần giới thiệu trước đó.

* Các trạng từ chỉ sự nhận xét / bình luận và quan điểm (Comment and viewpoint
adverbs) như "luckily, frankly, seriously, luckily, wisely, correctly, wrongly, generously,
officially, presumably, as a result, ...) cũng có thể đứng ở vị trí này khi chúng ta muốn nhấn
mạnh vấn đề mà chúng ta đang nói đến.

Two of the workers were sacked, and, as a result, everybody went on strike.

Hai trong số những công nhân này đã bị sa thải, và, kết quả là, mọi người đình công.

We invited all the family. However, not everyone could come.

Chúng tôi đã mời tất cả các thành viên trong gia đình. Tuy nhiên, không ai đến được.
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The weather will stay fine today, but tomorrow it will rain.

Hôm nay thời tiết sẽ vẫn tốt, nhưng ngày mai trời sẽ mưa.

Initially, his condition remained stable, but over the last few weeks it has deteriorated.

Lúc đầu, tình trạng của ông ấy vẫn ổn định, nhưng vài tuần gần đây tình hình trở nên xấu hơn.

Mark ran the office, although, officially, Dick was the manager.

Mặc dù Mark điều hành văn phòng, nhưng chính thức thì Dick là giám đốc.

I haven't made any plans yet, but presumably you'll want to show her around London.

Tôi chưa lên bất cứ kế hoạch nào cả, nhưng có lẽ anh sẽ muốn giới thiệu Luân đôn với cô ấy.

2. Mid position (Giữa chủ từ và động từ, ngay sau động từ chính "to be", hoặc giữa trợ
động từ và động từ chính):

* Các trạng từ hội tụ (Focusing adverbs) như "also, just, even, only mainly, mostly,
particularly, especially, either or, neither nor, ..." dùng để hướng sự chú ý đến một chi tiết đặc
biệt nào đó trong mệnh đề.

* Các trạng từ chỉ tính thường xuyên không xác định (adverbs of indefinite frequency) như
"often, always, never, usually, normally, frequently, regularly, rarely, seldom, hardly ever..."

* Các trạng từ chỉ mức độ và sự chắc chắn (adverbs of certainty and degree) như "probably,
obviously, clearly, completely, quite, almost, certainly, defintely, probably, maybe, perhaps,

She's been everywhere - she's even been to Tibet and Nepal.

Cô ấy đã đi khắp nơi - thậm chí cô ấy cũng đã đến Tibet và Nepal.

Tom won't be back yet, but I'll just see if Brenda's home. I'll give her a ring.

Lúc này Tom chưa về, nhưng tôi sẽ gặp Breda thôi nếu cô ấy ở nhà. Tôi sẽ gọi điện thoại cho
cô ấy.

My boss often travels to Malaysia and Singapore but I've never been there.

Sếp tôi thường đi du lịch đến Mã lai và Singapore còn tôi chưa bao giờ đến đó cả.

The two situations are quite different.

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Hai tình huống rất khác biệt.

"Have you finished yet?" "I've almost finished."

"Anh xong chưa?" "Tôi sắp xong rồi."

"She's obviously a very bossy woman." "I completely agree!"

"Rõ ràng cô ấy là một phụ nữ hống hách." "Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý!"

* "clearly" có thể đứng ở 3 vị trí:

Clearly, you should tell her the truth.

Dĩ nhiên là anh nên nói sự thật với cô ấy.

Both companies clearly like to do things their own way.

Rõ ràng là cả hai công ty đều thích làm theo cách (riêng) của họ.

When you fill in the form, please write clearly in black ink.

Khi anh điền vào đơn, vui lòng viết bằng mực đen rõ ràng.

3. End position (Cuối mệnh đề)

* Các trạng từ chỉ thời gian và tính thường xuyên xác định (Adverbs of time and definite
frequency) như "tomorrow, yesterday, today, last week, every year, once/twice... a
day/week/month/year, hourly, daily, weekly, quarterly, yearly, annually..."

* Các trạng từ/cụm trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn (adverbs of place) như "here, there, inside, outside,
nearby, indoors, in the countryside, at the window, towards sth/sb (towards the Germany
border, towards me...) ...".

I had a tennis lesson last week, but I'm usually travelling in the middle of the month, so I
don't have a lesson every week.

Tuần vừa rồi tôi có một buổi học quần vợt, nhưng tôi thường đi đây đó vào giữa tháng, cho nên
tôi không có buổi học mỗi tuần.

"How long have you been here?" "Not long. We arrived about five minutes ago."

"Các anh đến đây bao lâu rồi?" "Không lâu. Chúng tôi đến cách đây khoảng 5 phút."
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I chewed the food slowly because it hadn't been cooked very well.

Tôi nhai thức ăn một cách chậm rãi vì nó nấu không được kỹ.

She was standing at her window, looking out at her children who were playing in the garden.

Cô ấy đã đứng ở cửa sổ phòng cô ấy, nhìn ra ngoài xem mấy đứa con đang chơi trong vườn.

Lưu ý:

* Các trạng từ chỉ cách thức (adverbs of manner) như "well, slowly, evenly, easily, fast,
gently, angrily, anxiously, badly, beautifully, generously, honestly, calmly, carefully,
cheerfully, closely, suddenly..." được dùng khi chúng ta muốn tập trung vào ý một sự việc/tình
huống... nào đó được hoàn tất như thế nào - Tùy theo nghĩa, các trạng từ này có cả 3 vị trí trong

Generously, I lent her the book.

Slowly and patiently, she planted the seedlings in a neat row.

Residents are anxiously awaiting a decision.

I don't think she's easily impressed.

As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist.

Could you speak a little more slowly?

She put the glass down carefully.

* Khi có hơn một loại trạng từ được dùng thì thứ tự của chúng trong mệnh đề căn bản
thường là: manner, place, time (MPT)

They played happily together in the garden the whole afternoon.

Chúng chơi vui vẻ với nhau trong vườn suốt buổi trưa.

* Hoặc phức tạp hơn: Manner - Place - Frequency - Time - Purpose (MPFTP)

= Harrison runs dutifully (manner) around the track (place) every

morning (frequency) before breakfast (time) to prepare for the marathon (purpose).

Tuy nhiên để làm nổi bật chi tiết nào bạn cho là quan trọng trong câu nói của mình, bạn có thể
chuyển cụm trạng từ đó lên đầu câu:
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= To prepare for the marathon (purpose), Harrison runs dutifully around the track (place)
every morning (frequency) before breakfast (time).

=> trạng từ chỉ mục đích được đặt đầu câu.


= Every morning (frequency) before breakfast (time), Harrison runs dutifully around the
track (place) to prepare for the marathon (purpose).

=> trạng từ chỉ tính thường xuyên và thời gian được đặt đầu câu.

* Vị trí của trạng từ (đứng sau hoặc trước trợ động từ phủ định) có thể làm thay đổi nghĩa của
câu. VD: really

I don't really know. (= You are not sure about sth.)

Tôi không biết nữa. (Bạn không chắc về việc đó.)

I really don't know. (= Emphasizes that Surely, you do not know.)

Tôi (hoàn toàn) không biết. (Nhấn mạnh rằng bạn chắc chắn không biết.)

I don't really agree with you. (= You are wondering about that.)
Tôi không đồng ý với anh lắm. (Bạn đang phân vân về việc đó.)

I really don't agree with you. (= You don't agree with him completly.)
Tôi hoàn toàn không đồng ý với anh. (Bạn hoàn toàn đồng ý với anh ta.)

He isn't really angry. (= You are not sure about that.)

Thật ra ông ấy không giận. (Bạn không chắc về điều đó.)

He really isn't angry. (= You know that he isn't angry at all.)

Ông hoàn toàn không giận gì cả. (Bạn biết chắc là ông ấy không giận.)


Bổ sung thông tin (adding)

Để nhấn mạnh vào thông tin được bổ sung, các trạng từ “also”, “as well” và “too” có thể được
sử dụng.
Ví dụ:
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

+ Nate is coming to the concert and is also bringing Chris. (Nate sẽ đến buổi hòa nhạc và
còn rủ được Chris). Trong đó, trạng từ “also” nhấn mạnh vế “is bringing Chris”, thể hiện
sự quan trọng của thông tin này đối với người nói.
+ Lindsey will go on a business trip to Shanghai next week, and Amy will accompany
her too. (Lindsey sẽ có một chuyến công tác đến Thượng Hải vào tuần tới, và Amy cũng sẽ
đi cùng). Trong đó, trạng từ “too” giúp bổ sung thông tin về việc Amy sẽ đi cùng Lindsey
và nhấn mạnh sự quan trọng của việc này.

Giới hạn thông tin (limiting)

Để nhấn mạnh vào thông tin ám chỉ có sự giới hạn, các Trạng từ Hội tụ sau được sử dụng:
“alone”, “but”, “exactly”, “exclusively”, “just”, “merely”, “not only”, “only”, “precisely”,
“purely”, “simply”, “solely”.
Ví dụ:
+ Just Lucy is chosen for the play. (Chỉ mỗi Lucy được lựa chọn cho vở kịch). “Just” được
dùng để nhấn mạnh chỉ một mình Lucy, không ai khác được lựa chọn.
+ The plan must be finalized in exactly three days. (Bản kế hoạch phải được hoàn thiện
trong chính xác ba ngày). “Exactly” được dùng để nhấn mạnh thời hạn chỉ trong đúng ba
ngày, không hơn không kém.
+ Simply smiling and being warm to people can help a lot with becoming more
positive. (Việc đơn giản chỉ cười và nồng hậu với mọi người rất có ích trong việc trở nên
tích cực hơn). “Simply” được dùng để nhấn mạnh việc đơn giản chỉ cần làm là cười và
nồng hậu.
Giới hạn thông tin một phần (partially limiting)
Để nhấn mạnh vào thông tin ám chỉ sự giới hạn một phần, có mức độ, các trạng từ Hội tụ sau
đây được sử dụng: “chiefly”, “especially”, “mainly”, “mostly”, “notably”, “particularly”, “in
particular”, “predominantly”, “primarily”, “at least”, “for the most part”, “by and large”.
Ví dụ:
+ I would like to invite everyone to the party, especially Jamie – the newcomer. (Tôi muốn
mời tất cả mọi người đến bữa tiệc, đặc biệt là người mới tới Jamie): Tất cả đều được chào
đón, nhưng đặc biệt nhất là Jamie.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

+ This brand offers mostly natural skincare products. (Nhãn hàng này cung cấp chủ yếu là
sản phẩm dưỡng da tự nhiên):Có nhiều loại sản phẩm khác nhưng phần lớn là loại tự nhiên.
+ Facebook users are predominantly youngsters. (Người dùng Facebook chủ yếu là giới
trẻ): Có nhiều loại người dùng nhưng chiếm số đông vẫn là những người trẻ tuổi.
Phủ định thông tin (negative)
Để nhấn mạnh vào thông tin mang ý phủ định, trạng từ “neither/nor” được sử dụng.
Ví dụ:
+ Neither Laura nor Becky showed up. (Cả Laura lẫn Becky đều không xuất hiện.)
Or: Laura didn’t show up, and neither did Becky. (Laura đã không xuất hiện và Becky
cũng vậy). Nghĩa là, việc cả hai đều không xuất hiện là rất đáng lưu ý.
+ The study pointed out that neither salary nor personal interest is the most important
factor affecting job satisfaction. (Cuộc nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra rằng cả mức lương lẫn sở thích
cá nhân đều không phải là yếu tố quan trọng nhất ảnh hưởng đến sự hài lòng trong công việc.)
+ Or: The study pointed out that salary is not the most important factor affecting job
satisfaction, and neither is personal interest. Nghĩa là, việc cả hai yếu tố đều không quan trọng
nhất là rất đáng lưu ý.
Thông tin đưa ra lựa chọn
Để nhấn mạnh về lựa chọn giữa hai đối tượng, trạng từ “either/or” được sử dụng.
Ví dụ:
+ Customers can receive either shopping vouchers or travel vouchers. (Khách hàng có thể
nhận được hoặc là voucher mua sắm hoặc là voucher du lịch.)
+ Genetic predetermination is contradicted by the widespread observation that children do
not settle on either their right or left hand until they are about two or three years old. (Sự tiền
định di truyền đối nghịch với quan sát thông thường rằng trẻ em không thể hiện thuận hoặc
tay phải hoặc tay trái cho đến khi lên khoảng hai hay ba tuổi.)
Trạng từ phủ định (Negative adverbs)
Trạng từ phủ định bổ nghĩa cho động từ, tính từ hay trạng từ khác theo hướng phủ định. “No”
và “not” là hai Trạng từ Phủ định thông dụng nhất.
1. Trạng từ phủ định “no”: thường được dùng để phủ định tính từ hoặc trạng từ ở dạng
so sánh.
Ví dụ:
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

+ She runs no more quickly than her rival. (Cô ấy không chạy nhanh hơn đối thủ của cô
+ Our new products are no better than the existing ones. (Những sản phẩm mới của chúng
ta không khá hơn những sản phẩm trước đó.)
2. Trạng từ Phủ định “not”: có thể được đặt hoặc sau trợ động từ/động từ khiếm khuyết
và trước động từ chính hoặc sau động từ “be”.
Ví dụ:
+ We may not go to the shopping mall today. (Chúng tôi có thể sẽ không đến trung tâm
thương mại vào ngày hôm nay.)
+ Andy did not prepare for the sales pitch. (Andy đã không chuẩn bị cho bài giới thiệu bán
+ Many people are not aware of the vital importance of mental health. (Nhiều người không
nhận thức được tầm quan trọng to lớn của sức khỏe tinh thần.)
Một số trạng từ phủ định khác
Đặc điểm chung của những trạng từ dưới đây là chúng không đi cùng “not” vì bản thân chúng
đã hàm chứa ý phủ định.
“Hardly”, “barely”, “scarcely”: mang ý nghĩa “hầu như không”.
Ví dụ:
+ We can barely see the mountains from this angle. (Chúng tôi hầu như không thể nhìn
thấy núi từ góc này.)
+ Mark hardly finishes his tasks on time. (Mark hầu như không hoàn thành nhiệm vụ của
mình đúng giờ.)
+ It’s scarcely surprising that a growing number of people are switching from plastic
straws to paper ones. (Việc nhiều người chuyển từ ống hút nhựa sang ống hút giấy hầu như
không có gì bất ngờ.)
“No longer”, “rarely”, “seldom”, “barely ever”, “hardly ever”, “never”: mang ý nghĩa
“không bao giờ” hoặc “không thường xuyên”.
Ví dụ:
+ I no longer eat out. (Tôi không còn ăn ngoài nữa.): Đã từng ăn ngoài trước đó nhưng bây
giờ thì không.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

+The Director has hardly ever/barely ever/seldom/rarely turned up at the office in the past
few weeks. (Giám đốc hiếm khi xuất hiện ở văn phòng trong những tuần vừa qua.)
+It’s never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle. (Không bao giờ là quá muộn để bắt đầu
một lối sống lành mạnh.)
“Under no circumstances”, “in no way”, “on no condition”: mang ý nghĩa phủ định
hoàn toàn.
Ví dụ:
+ We in no way like this design. (Chúng tôi không hề thích thiết kế này.)
+This client will under no circumstances sign the contract. (Khách hàng này chắc chắn sẽ
không ký hợp đồng.)
+Women should on no condition be discriminated against. (Phụ nữ nên không bao giờ bị
đối xử phân biệt.)
Lưu ý:
Trong tiếng Anh, hai yếu tố phủ định không nên cùng được sử dụng trong câu. Nếu đã sử dụng
một trạng từ phủ định, không thể thêm “no”, “not” hay một Trạng từ Phủ định khác để phủ
định lại lần nữa.
Ví dụ:
+ “Students should under no circumstances cheat in a test.” (Học sinh tuyệt đối không nên
gian lận trong thi cử.): Đúng.
+ “Students shouldn’t under no circumstances cheat in a test.”: Sai. Câu này hàm chứa ý
“Có những trường hợp học sinh nên gian lận trong thi cử.”
Tuy nhiên, với mục đích nhấn mạnh, cách nói “phủ định kép” này đôi khi vẫn có thể được sử
dụng nhưng chỉ phù hợp với giao tiếp đời sống hằng ngày, không nên áp dụng vào văn viết
trang trọng.
Ví dụ:
+ You can’t just not do anything all day long! (Bạn không thể chỉ không làm gì cả ngày
dài!). Ý nghĩa hàm chứa và nhấn mạnh ý “Bạn nên làm việc gì đó”.


Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

Khi các trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho các tính từ hoặc các trạng từ khác, chúng được đặt trước các tính
từ hoặc các trạng từ đó.

We had some really interesting news last night. John's been offered a job in Australia. He's
absolutely delighted.

I bought an incredibly expensive dress last week which fits me perfectly. But John says I
shouldn't wear it. He says it's too tight.

The baby crawled very slowly.

'The project was almost completely finished.'

'The load was being moved too rapidly."


Một ngoại lệ đối với nguyên tắc này là trạng từ "enough" được đặt sau tính từ hoặc trạng
từ mà nó bổ nghĩa:

She told me it was brand new and I was stupid enough to believe her.

Would you be good enough to take my suitcase upstairs for me?

I got up quite early but not early enough to eat a good breakfast.

His feet sped up as he ran away, but not fast enough that Harry couldn't hear him start sobbing.


EXERCISE 1 Adjective or Adverb

Choose the correct item:

1. He (correct, correctly) defined the terms. The answer sounded (correctly, correct).
2. She (quickly, quick) adjusted the fees. She adapted (quick, quickly) to any situation.
3. He measured the floor (exact, exactly). They proved to be (perfectly, perfect) (exact, exactly)
4. The stillness of the tomb was (awfully, awful). The tomb was (awfully, awful) still.
5. It was a (dangerously, dangerous) lake to swim in. The man was (dangerous, dangerously)
drunk. The gas smelled (dangerously,dangerous).
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

6. She performed (magnificent, magnificently). It was a (magnificent, magnificently) beautiful

7. Her voice sounds (beautifully, beautiful). She sang the song (exact, exactly) as it was written.
We heard it (perfectly, perfect).
8. He was a very (sensibly, sensible) person. He acted very (sensible, sensibly).
9. Mike wrote too (slow, slowly) on the exam. He always writes (slow, slowly).
10. Talk (softly, soft) or don't talk at all. The music played (softly, soft).
11. Andrea knows the material very (good, well). She always treats us (good, well).
12. You must send payments (regular, regularly). We deal on a (strictly, strict) cash basis.
13. The mechanic's tools were (well, good). The foreman said that his work was (good, well)
14. She worked (careful, carefully) with the sick child. She was a very (careful, carefully)
15. He did not pass the course as (easy, easily) as he thought he would.
16. I find this novel very (interesting, interestingly). It was (interesting, interestingly) written.
EXERCISE 2 In the following sentences, cross out the incorrect words and write in the
correct form in the blanks. If the sentence is correct as it is, write "correct" in the blank.

1. Terrence plays quarterback as well as Brian._______________

2. The game hadn't hardly begun before it started to rain.____________
3. This was sure a mild winter.__________________
4. Jane behaves more pleasant than Joan.________________
5. When you are a parent, you will think different about children.___________
6. I felt badly about not having done good on my final exams._____________
7. Whether you win is not near as important as how you play._____________
8. Asian music often sounds oddly to Western listeners.______________
9. Does your car run well enough to enter the race?_________________
10. I felt safely enough to go out at night on my own._________________
11. You can see the distant mountains clear with these binoculars.______________
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199


EXERCISE 1 Read the text carefully and then fill in the gaps with the words from
the box.

up note diversity difference

whole organisms explanations hand


Ecological systems or ecosystems are very important in regard to their abiotic and biotic
richness, the latter being the so-called biodiversity or (1) ___________of living
beings . Biodiversity and ecosystems, as well as genetic variations, make (2) ___________one
of the fundamental bases of life on our planet.
We start with the definition of an ecological system . An ecological system or ecosystem is
a system formed by living (3) ___________ that belong to several species, which interact with
each other and organize themselves in a certain environment.
We then have, on the one hand, the biotic factors (animals, plants, fungi, protists, bacteria,
etc.), whose grouping we will call biocenosis and, on the other (4) ___________, we have
the abiotic factors (physical and chemical factors of the place where they live, such as the
climate or the type of soil) that constitutes the so-called biotope . Here you can learn more about
the (5) ___________between biotope and biocenosis, their relationship and examples . We also
offer you more detailed (6) ___________ in these other articles about what are abiotic factors,
their characteristics and examples and what are biotic factors, their characteristics and
examples .
It is interesting to (7) ___________here that the discipline that deals with the study of
ecosystems is called systems ecology, although more than a discipline it is an interdisciplinary
field. Systems ecology has a holistic orientation, that is, it studies ecosystems as a (8)
___________ and not just the parts that make them up.
(Adapted from by Diên Khánh)

EXERCISE 2 Read the article and match the headings (1-4) to the paragraphs (A-D). (Đọc
bài viết và nối các tiêu đề (1-4) với các đoạn văn (A-D)
Paragraph A. U Minh Thuong National Park is located in An Bien, An Minh, and Vinh Thuan
districts of Kien Giang Province, about 60 km south of Rach Gia city centre. This place is
considered one of the most important sites for ecosystem conservation in the Mekong River
Delta. It attracts tourists not only with its wild and beautiful scenery, but also with its rare and
rich biodiversity.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

Paragraph B. U Minh Thuong National Park covers a large area of freshwater wetlands,
including mangrove forests. Its central part is surrounded by waterways with a series of gates,
which are used to manage the water level.
Paragraph C. Home to 226 species of plants, U Minh Thuong National Park is the region with
the richest biodiversity in the Mekong River Delta. It used to be one of the largest habitats for
water birds in the area, but their home was badly damaged by forest fires in 2002. Now there
are about two hundred types of birds in the park, including some unique birds like the great
spotted eagle. Thirty-two types of mammals have been found here. Ten of them, including the
fishing cat and Sunda pangolin, are on the list of rare and endangered species, native to Viet
Paragraph D. The ideal time to explore U Minh Thuong National Park is from August to
November, known as the floating water season of the region. Tourists can take a boat to
experience nature and wildlife. Visitors can go to Trang Doi, a place where thousands of bats
gather, hanging on the trees like huge fruits. Another popular place to visit is Trang Chim, a
large area with thousands of colourful birds. So if you love nature, you should definitely go to
explore this amazing natural park.
(Trích dẫn từ Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success)
Paragraph Headings
Paragraph A 1. Flora and fauna
Paragraph B 2. Best time to visit
Paragraph C 3. Location
Paragraph D 4. Geography
Read the article again and complete each sentence with no more than THREE words.
1. U Minh Thuong National Park is famous for its rare and rich ____________.
2. Waterways surround the ____________ of the national park.
3. It has more than two hundred ____________.
4. You can find nearly 200 types of birds and 32 ____________ there.
5. The best time to visit U Minh Thuong National Park is from _____________.

EXERCISE 3 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

What is needed to survive? How do livings things interact? Is there food, water,
comfortable temperature, or shelter? All of the answers to these questions are found in the
ecosystem. An ecosystem is all living things and non-living things and how they interact with
each other. Ecology is the study of how all these things interact with each other in order to
An ecosystem may be very small like a backyard or a pond. Or it can be large like a prairie,
a desert, or a rain forest. There are freshwater ecosystems that cover less space than saltwater
ecosystems. Regardless of where they are located or how small or large they may be; all
ecosystems are made up of the same parts. These parts are either living or non-living parts and
are equally important to the ecosystem.
The non-living parts of the ecosystem are called abiotic factors. All living things need non-
living things in order to survive. Some of these abiotic factors include water, minerals, sunlight,
air, climate, and soil.
All living things need water to survive. Living organisms are made up of between 50 and
95 percent water. The processes that keep living things alive like photosynthesis and respiration
can only take place in the presence of water. Living things also need minerals such as calcium,
iron, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Some living things need sunlight to make food. Animals need
oxygen to produce energy for their bodies. The environment must also have the right
temperature for organisms to survive. Without these non-living things, life would cease to exist.
Abiotic factors are essential to the ecosystem. Just like abiotic factors make it possible for
organisms in an ecosystem to survive; biotic factors are equally important for survival in the
ecosystem. Biotic factors or living parts of the ecosystem include animals, plants, fungi, protists,
and bacteria.
Plants and algae are called producers. They produce oxygen and food that animals need.
Animals are called consumers. They consume or eat the plants and other animals. Animals also
give off carbon dioxide that plants need to make food. Thus the ecosystem is a continuous cycle
of living and non-living things interacting with each other to survive.
What do fungi and bacteria contribute to the ecosystem? They are very important because
they are called decomposers. They decompose, or break down, dead plants and animals and turn
them into useful things like minerals that enrich the soil. Plants need this to grow. Each of these
kinds of organisms helps the other to survive in the ecosystem.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

Each kind of organism whether it is an animal, plant, fungus, or bacteria is a member of a

different species. All the organisms of a species living in the same area make up a population.
And all populations living in a certain areas make up a community.
Scientists study the interactions of different populations in an ecosystem's community.
This helps them to determine how an ecosystem stays healthy and continues to grow. It further
describes how living and non-living organisms work together to provide survival for each other.
Whether large or small, whether abiotic or biotic, the ecosystem depends on the interaction of
each in order to remain healthy.
1) An ecosystem is best described by which of the following?
A. All living things and non-living things and how they interact with each other.
B. How living things survive and remain healthy.
C. All living things and non-living things and how they survive independently.
D. When the sunlight gives life to the non-living things.
2) The non-living parts of the ecosystem are called which of the following?
A. Biotic factors B. Environmental factors
C. Abiotic factors D. Climate factors
3) The living parts of an ecosystem are called which of the following?
A. Abiotic factors B. Environmental factors
C. Climate factors D. Biotic factors
4) Each kind of organism whether it is an animal, plant, fungus, or bacteria is a member of a
A. Family B. Species
C. Culture D. Factor
5) All the organisms of a species living in the same area make up which of the following?
A. An ecosystem B. A producer
C. A population D. A consumer
6) Fungi and bacteria contribute which of the following to the ecosystem?
A. They decompose dead plants and animals and turn them into useful things.
B. They consume dead plants and survive in the community.
C. They provide oxygen to other plants and animals in the ecosystem.
D. They give off carbon dioxide to plants so they can make food.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

EXERCISE 4 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Earth is richly supplied with different types of living organisms which co-exist in their
environments, forming complex, interrelated communities. Living organisms depend on one
another for nutrients, shelter, and other benefits. The extinction of one species can set off a chain
reaction that affects many other species, particularly if the loss occurs near the bottom of the
food chain. For example, the extinction of a particular insect or plant might seem
inconsequential. However, there may be fish or small animals that depend on that resource for
foodstuffs. The loss can threaten the survival of these creatures and larger predators that prey
upon them. Extinction can have a ripple effect that spreads throughout nature.
In addition to its biological consequences, extinction poses a moral dilemma for humans,
the only species capable of saving the others. The presence of humans on the planet has affected
all other life forms, particularly plants and animals. Human lifestyles have proven to be
incompatible with the survival of some other species. Purposeful efforts have been made to
eliminate animals that prey on people, livestock, crops, or pose any threat to human livelihoods.
Some wild animals have been decimated by human desire for meat, hides, fur, or other body
parts with commercial value. Likewise, demand for land, water, and other natural resources has
left many wild plants and animals with little to no suitable habitat. Humans have also affected
nature by introducing non-native species to local areas and producing pollutants having a
negative impact on the environment. The combination of these human-related effects and natural
obstacles such as disease or low birthrates has proven to be too much for some species to
overcome. They have no chance of survival without human help.
As a result, societies have difficult choices to make about the amount of effort and money
they are willing to spend to save imperiled species. Will people accept limits on their property
rights, recreational activities, and means of livelihood to save a plant or an animal? Should
saving such popular species as whales and dolphins take priority over saving obscure, annoying,
or fearful species? Is it the responsibility of humans to save every kind of life form from
disappearing, or is extinction an inevitable part of nature, in which the strong survive and the
weak perish? These are some difficult questions that people face as they ponder the fate of other
species living on this planet.
1.What does the passage mainly discuss?
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

A. Humans and endangered species B. The importance of living organisms

C. Measures to protect endangered species D. Causes of animal extinction
2. The word "inconsequential" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. unimportant B. unavoidable C. unexpected D. unrecognizable
3. Which of the following can result from the loss of one species in a food chain?
A. The connections among the creatures in the food chain become closer.
B. Larger predators will look for other types of prey.
C. There might be a lack of food resources for some other species.
D. Animals will shift to another food chain in the community.
4. The word "They" in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. human-related effects B. some species C. low birthrates D. natural obstacles
5. In paragraph 2, non-native species are mentioned as ______.
A. a kind of harmless animals B. an achievement of human beings
C. a harmful factor to the environment D. a kind of useful plants
6. The word "perish" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. develop B. complete C. remain D. disappear
7. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Humans have difficult choices to make about saving endangered species.
B. The existence of humans is at the expense of some other species.
C. No other species can threaten the survival of humans on Earth.
D. Some animals and plants cannot survive without human help.
8. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Animal and plant species which pose threats to humans will die out soon.
B. Saving popular animal and plant species should be given a high priority.
C. Humans will make changes in their lifestyles to save other species.
D. The dilemma humans face between maintaining their lives and saving other species remains

EXERCISE 5 Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space
in the following passage.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international (1) ____ governmental
organization for the (2) ____, research, and restoration of the environment. The organization
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

was (3) ____ as a charitable trust on September 11, 1961, in Morges, Switzerland, under the
name World Wildlife Fund. It was an initiative of Julian Huxley and Max Nicholson.
It is the world's largest independent conservation organization with over 5 million (4) ____
worldwide, working in more (5) ____ 90 countries, supporting 100 conservation and
environmental projects around the world. It is a charity, with (6) ____ 9% of its funding coming
from voluntary. (7) ____ by private individuals and businesses.
The group says its mission is "to halt and reverse the (8) ____ of our environment".
Currently, much of its work focuses on the conservation of three biomes that contain most of
the world's biodiversity: forests, freshwater ecosystems, and oceans and coasts. Among other
issues, it is also concerned (9) ____ endangered species, pollution, and climate change. The
organization (10) ____ more than 20 field projects worldwide. In the last few years, the
organization set up offices and operations around the world.
1. A. non B. not C. no D. nor
2. A. challenge B. keeping C. conservation D. awareness
3. A. produced B. discovered C. used D. formed
4. A. supporters B. residents C. inhabitants D. citizens
5. A. as B. than C. to D. as to
6. A. generally B. individually C. commercially D. approximately
7. A. deposits B. donations C. refunds D. loans
8. A. destroy B. destructive C. destruction D. destroyed
9. A. on B. by C. with D. upon
10. A. goes B. walks C. reaches D. runs
EXERCISE 6 Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space
in the following passage.
When the word "endangered" is mentioned, people usually think of particular species,
like the panda or whooping crane. However, we would like to encourage you to think about
(1) ____ in a broader context. It is (2) ____, the physical places where species live and interact
with one another. Although the development of special breeding programs, also known as
captive conservation, may help some species in some cases, it is clearly not (3) ____ answer to
the global problem. Indeed, (4) ____ we are able to protect natural areas where endangered
species actually live, they have no future.
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

Species become endangered for a wide (5) ____ of reasons. By analyzing and grouping
many individual cases, however, we find the same broad causes (6) ____ again and again. They
are Habitat Destruction, Exotic Species, and Overexploitation. Among other factors threatening
particular species are limited: distribution, disease, and pollution. Limited distributions are often
a consequence of other threats: populations confined to one or a few small areas because of
habitat (7) ____, for example, may be disastrously affected by random factors. Diseases can
have severe (8) ____ on species lacking natural genetic protections against particular pathogens,
like the rabies and canine distemper viruses that are currently devastating carnivore populations
in East Africa. Domestic animals are usually the reservoirs of these and other diseases affecting
wild (9) ____, showing once again that human activities lie at the root of most causes of
endangerment. Pollution has seriously done harm (10) ____ number of terrestrial species,
although species living in freshwater and marine ecosystems are also suffering.
1. A. development B. endangerment C. pollution D. contamination
2. A. plants B. conservations C. habitats D. organizations
3. A. a B. an C. the D. about
4. A. so B. but C. if D. unless
5. A. variety B. commerce C. extinction D. destruction
6. A. expressing B. showing C. disappearing D. appearing
7. A. benefit B. reserve C. loss D. gone
8. A. impact B. interest C. infection D. absorption
9. A. needs B. populations C. natures D. medicines
10. A. to B. for C. with D. at

EXERCISE 7 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
A people or society which depends for food on what it can gather or hunt is called a hunter-
gathering society. Their activities can include fishing and the gathering of wild berries, other
plants, shellfish and insects. In the early history of man, most people obtained their food supply
in those ways.
An economy based on hunting and gathering must depend on being allowed to rove over
a large piece of land. It is estimated that each person must have from 7-500 square miles
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

available to obtain enough food by these methods. Permanent supplies of food are only available
to those who have a continuous supply of what they need.
For example, the Native Americans who lived in the Pacific Northwest had an abundant
supply of food in the rivers and streams in that area. Fish and acorns were their staples. Salmon
was readily abundant especially. Communities became more permanent. The size of a group
was bigger due to the availability of food in one place.
These conditions are not usually true, so most communities move on a regular basis. They
take with them only what they can carry. Shelters must be put up or taken down easily. The huts
or tents usually are made from plant materials or animal skins. The groups which travel together
are generally small, maybe just an extended family. Sometimes several families form a band.
Too large a group would use up all the resources in one area too quickly. About 30 people
might be in a group which traveled by foot or up to 100 if they had horses or other means of
transportation. The smaller groups in a larger area would know each other because of some
broader relationship. They would get together may be once a year to keep a connection.
When both hunting and gathering are used for finding food, the men hunt the big game.
Women and children gather plants, shellfish and insects. Mothers do not wean their babies until
the age of three or four, so they cannot be as mobile as the men. Children can be helpful in using
their noise to drive animals in certain directions for the hunt.
Many cultures combined the hunting and gathering method with the use of agriculture. For
example, early Native Americans, such as Arctic, American sub-arctic, Northwest Coast and
California Indians used only foraging to sustain life. Plains Indians grew maize in addition to
their foraging activities. In contrast, the Southwest Indians used foraging just as a supplement
to their agricultural production.
By about 1500 B. C., most people groups came to rely on agriculture of some sort in
addition to their hunting and gathering. At times, hunter-gatherers would find their territories
decreased by those who became farmers and took their land. This problem is very well known
with the Native American tribes in the United States. As the settlers moved west and fenced in
the land, the Native Americans who depended on hunting for much of their food were forced
farther west and finally had to give up their former ways of obtaining food.
Although many American and Australian groups at that time still were hunter-gatherers,
groups in most other parts of the world came to rely on growing food and just adding animals
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

and gathered food as a supplement. The hunting and gathering way of life has mostly
disappeared except for random societies. The Okiek of Kenya, some Australian aborigines,
Torres Strait Islanders of Australia and North American Inuit groups still practice this lifestyle.

1) Which of the following statements is true?

A. No hunter-gatherers exist today.
B. Hunter-gatherers exist today in Australia.
C. In a hunter-gatherer society, most groups consist of about 500 people.
D. Native Americans were not a hunter-gatherer society.
2) Which of the following is the amount of land necessary per person to sustain life in a hunter-
gatherer society?
A. 7-500 square miles B. 4-50 square miles
C. 10-100 square miles D. 100-1,000 square miles
3) Which of the following were the staple foods for the Native Americans who lived in the
Pacific Northwest?
A.Fish and acorns B. Berries and fish
C. Acorns and berries D.Nuts and berries
4) Which of the following is a society which still practices hunting and gathering?
A. Australian aborigines B.Native American tribes in the southern United States
C. Natives of Malaysia D.Shetland Island natives
5) By which of the following dates did most people begin to rely on agriculture besides their
hunting and foraging?
A. 250 B. C. B.1200 B. C. C.250 A. D. D. 600 B. C.
6) In which of the following countries do the Okiek people live?
A. France B.Kenya C. Ecuador D. Peru
EXERCISE 8 Do the following statements agree with the information in the reading text?
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199


A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake
and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognised the dog when she saw a TV news
report on the rescue on Friday.
The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the
coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was
found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating
waters of the devastating tsunami.
The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal
care centre where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban
immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. "We'll never let go of
her," said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

1. _______The dog was rescued by helicopter.

2. _______The dog spent three weeks at sea.
3. _______The dog was rescued by the owner.
4. _______The dog was found by soldiers from the army.
5. _______The dog was found floating on a roof.
6. _______The dog showed no emotion when the owner arrived.
7. _______The owner told people her name.
8. _______Ban was too old to have an emotional reunion with its owner

EXERCISE 9 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Every night, almost one billion people go to bed hungry. How can we feed all these (1)
____ people? Farmers all over the world have to content with weather, insects, and natural
disasters, which are capable of (2) ____ crops and ruining years of hard work. And the
population is set to rise to nine billion by 2050. Here are four possible solutions.
GM crops
Proponents of genetically modified crops (GM crops) claim that they will hugely (3) ____
food production. Scientists have developed drought-resistant and disease-resistant crops, more
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

productive crops, and crops with increased vitamins. Anti-GM protesters worry (4) ____ health
risks and damage to other plants that grow near the GM crops.
Vertical farming
Another answer could be to grow food in buildings. (5) ____ of vertical farming are
suggesting we construct multistory, climate-controlled farm buildings in the heart of our cities.
One indoor hectare of land would be (6) ____ to above five hectares outdoors, so we could grow
year-round crops that would easily feed whole cities. Opponents point to the cost, the increased
energy used and the effect on farmers.
Eat less meat Others say the solution lies not (7) ____ new technologies, but in eating less
meat. It takes about seven kilos of corn to produce one kilo of beef. That quality of corn will
keep more people (8) ____ than that quality of beef. But this is a message the world doesn't want
to hear. Meat consumption is rising steeply.
Increase aid
Rich countries have far more food than they need and waste vast amount of it - 6.7 million
tons a year in the UK (9) ____. We can afford to send surplus food to people (10) ____ need it.
We could also simply give more money to developing countries, (11) ____ they can buy food.
(12) ____ say that this makes people dependent on rich countries and is only a short-term
1. A. undernourished B. unhealthy C . unbelievable D. undeniable
2. A. wasting B. destroying C. killing D. harvesting
3. A. strengthen B. rise C. increase D. enlarge
4. A. about B. to C. with D. on
5. A. Promoters B. Advocates C. Champion D. Spokesmen
6. A. same B. parallel C. alike D. equivalent
7. A. on B. to C. in D. over
8. A. alive B. lively C. vital D. active
9. A. lonesome B. lone C. lonely D. alone
10. A. whom B. which C. who D. what
11. A. because B. but C. so D. since
12. A. Reviewers B. Critics C. Analysts D. Judges
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

EXERCISE 10 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Coral reefs are the most diverse of all marine ecosystems. They are full of life, with perhaps
one quarter of all ocean species depending on reefs for food and shelter. This is a remarkable
statistic when you consider that reefs cover just a tiny fraction of the earth's surface and less than
two per cent of the ocean bottom. Because they are so diverse, coral reefs are often called the
rainforests of the ocean. Coral reefs are very important to people. They even provide seventy
per cent of the food demands for some marine species, protection of shorelines, jobs based on
tourism (nine out of twelve activities for tourists in Nha Trang, for example, involve the coral
reefs), and even medicines.
Unfortunately, climate change is the greatest global threat to coral reef ecosystems.
Scientific evidence now clearly indicates that the Earth's atmosphere and ocean are warming,
and that these changes are primarily due to greenhouse gases derived from human activities.
As temperatures rise, mass coral bleaching events and infectious disease outbreaks are
becoming more frequent. Additionally, carbon dioxide absorbed into the ocean from the
atmosphere has already begun to reduce calcification rates in reef-building and reef-associated
organisms by altering seawater chemistry through decreases in pH. This process is called ocean
Climate change will affect coral reef ecosystems, through sea level rise, changes to the
frequency and intensity of tropical storms, and altered ocean circulation patterns. When
combined, all of these impacts dramatically alter ecosystem function, as well as the goods and
services coral reef ecosystems provide to people around the globe.
There are also many things you can do to ensure that you are environmentally conscious
when you visit coral reefs or coastal areas. These include things such as hiring local guides to
support the economy, removing all trash from an area, never touching or harassing wildlife in
reef areas, and avoiding dropping your boat anchor or chain nearby a coral reef.
Finally, stay informed and spread the word! Educate yourself about why healthy coral reefs
are valuable to the people, fish, plants, and animals that depend on them. Your excitement will
help others get involved.
1. Though the coverage of coral reefs on the sea bed is ____, its vital role is undeniable.
A. remarkable B. small C. diverse D. huge
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

2. ____ of all the ocean species find food and home in the coral reefs.
A. Two per cent B. Seventy per cent C. Twenty-five per cent D. Nine per cent
3. Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere directly caused ____.
A. infectious disease outbreaks B. reef-building
C. sea level rise D. ocean acidification
4. Which of the following statement is NOT true?
A. Coral reefs can be compared to rainforests due to its diversity.
B. The effects of global warming are only on the ecosystems themselves.
C. You can help the coral reefs by educating not only yourself but people around you.
D. Human activities which cause greenhouse gases are major reasons for the climate change.
5. The word conscious in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. knowledgeable B. curious C. aware D. acknowledgeable
EXERCISE 11 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
The poaching crisis wiping out Africa's elephants is costing the continent's economies
millions in lost tourism revenue, according to a new study. Researchers looked at visitor and
elephant data across 25 countries, and modeled financial losses from fewer visitors in protected
areas due to the illegal wildlife trade, which has caused elephant numbers to plummet by more
than 100,000 in the last decade. (A)
The study team combined visitor numbers across 164 protected areas in 25 countries in
forest and savannah elephants, and elephant population data from 2009 to 2013, to reach a “per
elephant" value in terms of tourism income.
They concluded that Africa was most likely losing $26m in tourism revenue a year. (B)
Around $9m of that is lost from tourists' direct spending, such as staying at hotels and buying
crafts, with the rest through indirect value in the economy such as farmers and other suppliers
supporting the tourist industry.
The study, published in the journal Nature Communications, found that in most cases the
revenue losses were higher than paying for stronger anti-poaching measures to keep elephant
populations stable. (C) Dr. Robin Naidoo, the paper's lead author and , senior conservation
wildlife scientist at WWF and his team found. In the case of central Africa's forest elephants,
which are harder for tourists to see and therefore attract fewer visitors, the costs of protecting
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

them exceed the benefits from tourism. Demand from south-east Asia has seen the price of ivory
triple since 2009 and it is estimated that one elephant is killed every 15 minutes. (D) Corruption,
a lack of resources, and, most importantly, increasingly sophisticated poachers have hamstrung
African countries' efforts to stem the trade.
Naidoo said that the research was not suggesting economic issues should be the only
consideration when protecting elephants, but framing the poaching crisis as a financial one could
motivate African governments and communities. “It gives an additional reason for some groups
of people, who may not necessarily be motivated by intrinsic reasons for conversation, to engage
with biodiversity conservation. It makes it clear to them that it's not just in the best interests of
the world to conserve this stuff, but tangible reasons for a whole different group," he said.

1. The overall profit that the continent lost a year can be estimated to ____.
A. 25 million USD B. 100,000 USD C. 26 million USD D. 9 million USD
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. To get to the conclusion, scientists compared the changes in number of tourists and number
of elephants in 2009.
B. The only reason why illegal poaching is so difficult to stop is corruption.
C. Protecting elephants is for the both the practical and immaterial reasons.
D. There is an argument over the differences in the balance between the loss and the cost to
protect the elephants.
3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Across the continent, the amount of money spent on protecting the elephant is smaller than
the loss tourist industry is suffering from.
B. The number of tourists reduces because now it is more difficult for them to see the elephants
in the wild.
C. One reason why elephants are killed in mass volume is from the increasing market of ivory
in South East Asia.
D. Relating poaching to financial benefits can be considered as one of the solutions to the
4. Which of the positions marked in the passage does the phrase "but the financial argument did
not stack up in all areas,” best fit?
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

A. (A) B. (B) C. (C) D. (D)

5. The word plummet in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. fall B. fluctuate C. rise D. Stabilize
6. The word sophisticated in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. simple B. outdated C. advanced D. basic
7. The word motivate in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. change B. design C. form D. inspire
8. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. Elephant poaching costs African millions in tourism revenue
B. Elephant poaching does more good than harm
C. Elephant poaching brings an opportunity for Africa to change
D. Elephant poaching reduces the number of elephants in Africa

EXERCISE 12 Read the text. Use the information in the story to answer the questions
below by choosing the best answer A, B, C or D.
Since the world became industrialized, the number of animal species that have either
become extinct or have neared extinction has increased. Bengal tigers, for instance, which once
roamed the jungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300. By the year 2025, it is
estimated that they will become extinct.
What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have been
caused almost entirely by poachers who, according to some sources, are not always interested
in material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is
contributing to the problem of extinction Animals such as the Bengal tiger, as well as other
endangered species, are valuable parts of the world's ecosystem. International laws protecting
these animals must be enacted to ensure their survival - and the survival of our planet.
Countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some
countries, in an effort to circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to
animals reserves. They then charge admission prices to help defray the costs of maintaining the
parks, and they often must also depend on world organizations for support. This money enables
them to invest in equipment and patrols to protect the animals. Another response to the increase
Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Mobile: 0905.384.199

in animal extinction is an international boycott of products made from endangered species. This
has had some effect, but by itself it will not prevent animals from being hunted and killed.
1. The word "callousness" could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. incompetence B. indirectness C. insensitivity D. independence
2. The previous passage is divided into two paragraphs in order to contrast ____.
A. A comparison and a contrast B. A problem and a solution
C. A statement and an illustration D. Specific and general information
3. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. Endangered species B. Problems with industrialization
C. The Bengal tiger D. International boycotts
4. The word "poachers" could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. Concerned scientists B. Enterprising researchers
C. Illegal hunters D. Trained hunters
5. What does the word "this" refer to in the passage?
A. Bengal tiger B. Interest in material gain
C. Killing animals for personal satisfaction D. The decrease in the Bengal tiger population
6. Where in the passage does the author discuss a cause of extinction?
A. Lines 5-7 B. Lines 7-9 C. Lines 10-16 D. Lines 1-3
7. What does the term "international boycott" refer to?
A. A global increase in animal survival
B. A refusal to buy animal products worldwide
C. Defraying the cost of maintaining national parks
D. Buying and selling of animal products overseas
6. Which of the following best describes the author's attitude?
A. indifferent B. forgiving C. concerned D. surprised
9. Which of the following could best replace the word "allocated"?
A. set aside B. combined C. taken D. organized
10. The word "defray" is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. make a payment on B. make an investment toward
C. raise D. lower
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