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Government of Western Australia

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
Resources Safety Safety and Health Snapshot
for the Western Australian minerals sector

Traffic management Issued September 2017

Traffic on mine sites needs to be Injuries by severity Notifiable incidents by area

managed effectively to reduce the
risks associated with vehicle and 86% of the notifiable incidents
pedestrian movement. The focus occurred during surface operations
of effective traffic management is
having safe people, safe vehicle and
implementing safe systems. Sites 42 of the 51 injuries
should have a well-designed traffic
management system, fit-for-purpose identified as traffic management injuries
equipment and competent people were classified as serious
to reduce the risk of accidents and
injuries. This applies at the mine,
around the plant and camp, and 18 of the serious injuries 14% of the notifiable incidents
beyond the gate. were lost time injuries
occurred during underground operations
This snapshot covers traffic
management incidents for the period
Injuries by nature
from 1 June 2016 to 31 May 2017.

For more information about

occupational safety and health, visit
our website
@DMIRS_WA 38 of the 51 injuries
were musculoskeletal Injuries by employment type
Department of Mines,
Industry Regulation and Safety

28 of the musculoskeletal injuries

20 31
Top five notifiable incidents by were classified as strains
contributory factors
Contract Permanent
Notifiable incidents by
28% driver or operator error reporting category

Percentage of notifiable incidents

15% uneven or unstable ground 16%
by description summary
Potentially serious
44% occurrence
Serious or appears 100
13% unsafe vehicle to be serious injury
(including fatality) 90
Incidents affecting
registered plant 80
12% wet surface
Truck or mobile equipment
60 contact with person
5% fatigue Truck or mobile equipment
over edge
Other contributory factors were wildlife 40 Truck or mobile equipment
and pedestrian error. 30
Truck or mobile equipment
For 74 out of 289 incidents, no 20
Light vehicle incident
contributory factors were mentioned. 38% 10
Loss of control, failure of Truck or mobile equipment
Does your site need to re-evaluate its not otherwise classified
braking or steering of 0
reporting system? heavy earth moving equipment

Note: The information in this snapshot has come from a keyword search of incident reports.
Some recent incidents Spotlight on Mines Safety

Loss of control – haul truck

Significant Incident Report
No. 249 Five ways
Drill offsider run over by tracked to reduce the risk
The tray of an articulated dump truck vehicle
tipped onto its side while transporting 11 October 2016
waste material from a stockpile to a pit
for floor maintenance. The tray tipped
after the driver negotiated a corner at
the bottom of the pit ramp. After the
incident the truck was found to have
two flat tyres on the rear right-hand
side of the vehicle – however, the tyre Employees should be trained and
manufacturer confirmed that the flat competent with equipment and
tyres were caused by the rollover. follow site traffic management rules
and procedures.

Fatigue-related incident – Key message:

haul truck 07/06/17 Unauthorised changes to mobile
plant safety features may result in
The driver of an underground haul injuries or fatalities. Any changes
truck experienced a micro sleep while should be addressed by the supplier
tramming the truck along a haulage or manufacturer. Always follow safe
drive. The truck made contact with operating procedures.
the wall of the drive causing minor If circumstances change, have a
damage to the vehicle. The operator process in place to assess and
was on the first shift back at work after reduce risk. Communicate the
a rostered break and was uninjured. changes to all employees.
Uncontrolled movement
of charge-up machine
Are you aware of your
A charge-up machine slid down an workplace hazards?
underground diamond drill drive while
personnel were standing nearby. The Know Your Hazards is a video
Apply safe design principles to the
operator had driven the charge-up series produced by the Department
mine plan and mining equipment.
machine into the drive and positioned for the resources industry. The
it at the face to charge a heading. series targets common workplace
The machine was secured into hazards that have injured or killed.
position with the jacks lowered to the Let's work together to reduce the
ground and the park brake applied risk of these accidents happening.
when the mine foreman approached
the operators. While the operators Videos related to traffic
were having a conversation with the management will be released soon.
Are you separated from heavy
foreman, a rock beneath the front left- Subscribe to our news alerts at
equipment? Minimise the
hand jack displaced and the machine for
interaction risk.
slid forwards down the drill drive. updates.
The machine slid for ~70 cm before
coming to a stop. There were no
injuries to personnel.

Does your site have regular road

maintenance, adequate signage,
View or download our
visible road markings and sufficient
hazard awareness videos at
lighting? Undertake an audit to

For more information see our safety alerts and summaries for industry awareness at
Past issues of monthly safety and health snapshot series can be viewed at

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