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Chakra Guide

Chakra Block Balanced Crystal A rmations

Root Overly emotional, low High energy, Bloodstone, *My body is

self-esteem, fearful healthy overall, Tiger’s Eye, important; I nurture
grounded, Smoky Quartz, it. *I am responsible
con dent Agate for my life; I can
handle any situation.
*I am connected.

Sacral Overly sensitive, hard on In-tune with Citrine, *I am good enough.

self, feels guilty without feelings, Carnelian, *I am worthy of love.
reason expressive, Golden Topaz *Life is as it should
trusting, creative be.

Solar Plexus Insecure, In need of Respects self and Topaz, Yellow *I value myself. *I am
constant reassurance, others, Easy going Citrine, my own person. *I
fearful of being alone attitude, self- Aventurine deserve love,
con dent Quartz, respect, joy, and
Sunstone prosperity.

Heart Feeling of unworthiness, Compassionate, Rose quartz, *My heart is open to

Fearful of rejection, nurturing, loves Aventurine give and receive
loves to much, self-pity unconditionally Quartz, love. *I am a conduit
Moonstone, of love and peace.
Green *My heart is full of
Calcite, Jade, unconditional love
Emerald for all living beings.

Throat Unreliable, Hard time Good Turquoise, *I speak for myself. *I

with self-expression communicator, Aquamarine, listen and
meditates easily, Agate, Celestite, acknowledge the
artistic Sapphire needs of others. *My
voice is heard. *I
speak from the

Third Eye Fear of success, Intuitive, Logical, Amethyst, *I hold the answers.
undisciplined, Connected, No Purple apatite, *I am full of wisdom.
disconnected from need for material Calcite, *I accept myself and
others and nature, sleep things Sapphire, others as we are. *I
imbalances Fluorite, Lapis welcome silence. *I
lazuli am connected

Crown Depression, Confusion, Enlightened, Amethyst, Clear *I am open to new

Focused on material Intuitive, Vivid Quartz, Selenite, ideas. *I am of the
world and not that of Dreams, Loss of Lepidolite, White higher power and
spirit, ego Agate, Fluorite, inner wisdom. *I am
Labradorite a spiritual being in a
human body.

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