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B A R S C I L W EDG M ESS INIT IP Capra, Urban Bravo

5 4 4(6) 4 3 3 2 3 3 5 6 7 (9) 1 (3)

Armor (B/I): 8/6

Condition Monitor Boxes (P/S):


Skills: Athletics skill group 3,

Escape Artist 2, Etiquette (Street)
2 (+ 2),
Hardware (Maglocks) 1 (+ 2),
Perception 3, Infiltration 3(5),
Shadowing 3,
Unarmed Combat (Martial Arts)
6(8) (+2), Pistols 2
Knowledge Skills: Herbalism 3,
Martial Art Trids 4

Languages: English 4, Japanese 4,

Korean N

Qualities: Allergy (Uncommon,

mild), Natural Athlete, Sensitive

Adept Powers: Great Leap 1

[0.25], Improved Ability (Infiltration) 2 [0.5],
Improved Ability (Unarmed Combat) 2 1, Improved Reflexes 2 [2.5], Improved
Sense (Thermal Vision) [0.25], Killing Hands [0.5]

Gear: Armored jacket, certified credstick, DocWagon contract (gold, 1 year),

electronic tool kit, fake SIN (Rating 4), maglock passkey (Rating 4), middle
class lifestyle (4 months paid), 2 x spare clips (20 rounds of standard ammo),
pocket secretary, 4 x tranq patches (Rating 6)

Fixer (Connection 2, Loyalty 2)
Street Urchin (Connection 1, Loyalty 1)

Browning Max-Power [Heavy Pistol, DV 5P, AP –1, SA, RC —, 10 ©, w/ 10
rounds of standard ammo]

Racial skills:

Low-Light Vision, Satyr Legs

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