English Question Paper G9

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Subject English Home Examiner Mrs Mwitha

Date 03 June 2024 Total mark 50 Marks
Term 2 Duration 1 Hour
Grade 5 Moderator Ms Nankya
Instructions 1. Read all instructions carefully
2. All calculations must be shown
on the question paper.
3. Write neatly with a black or
blue pen.
4. The use of a calculator is not

Name: Surname: Class:

Question 1: Comprehension (10 Marks)

Read the story first and answer the questions that follow.
1.1. What is the title of the story? (1)
1.2. What did the people do that made the sky angry? (1)

1.3. What did the sky tell the people? (1)

1.4. Write down what the sky said to the people as indirect speech. (1)

1.5. Who are the characters in the story? (1)

1.6. What does the sky taste like? Use an adjective (1)

1.7. What was the world filled with at the beginning of time? (1)

1.8. Explain what the word enormous means. (1)

1.9. Why were the people worried when the sky said it will go away? (1)

1.10. What lesson in the story teaching us? (1)

Question 2: Prefix and Suffix (10 Marks)

21. Add a prefix to the words below

(a) play (1)

(b) ground (1)

(c) honest (1)

(d) happy (1)

(e) treat (1)

2.2. Add a suffix to the words below

(a) happi (1)

(b) enjoy (1)

(c) care (1)

(d) faith (1)

(e) tooth (1)

Question 3: Nouns (10 Marks)

3.1. Underline common nouns in the follow sentences.

(a) The computer I bought today is expensive. (1)

(b) He broke the plate he was supposed to put on the table. (1)

(c) I washed all the pillows in the room. (1)

(d) I added new books to the library. (1)

(e) My brother was promoted today. (1)

3.2. Underline the abstract nouns in the following sentences.

(a) He is telling the truth. (1)

(b) The entire class laughed at me. (1)

(c) Try to control your emotions. (1)

(d) These ladies always gossip with each other. (1)

(e) Zera is afraid to go out at night. (1)

Question 4: Sentence construction (10 Marks)

4.1. Write down 5 simple sentences, underline the subject and circle the verb.


4.2. Write down 5 complex sentences and circle the conjunction.


Question 5: Adverbs (10 Marks)

4.1. Use the adverbs in the list below to write down 5 sentences.

(5) gracefully neatly busily angrily softly carefully

brightly tightly

4.2. Besides each adverb write, how, when or where to show what it tells us.

(a) tomorrow = (b) sadly= (c) tonight=

(d) outside= (e) greedily= (5)

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