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Name: Pepito, Dean Gates C.

Course & Year: BS PHARM 2

Teacher: Miss Delilah Labajo Date: September 5, 2023


Based on the videos, I realized that we Filipinos have possessed numerous treasures since
ancient times. This has led me to believe that there are many more unrevealing stories behind the
written history than what is actually occurring at that time. This form of content is rarely found in
books. I have always believed that Filipinos used to be captives and lived in primitive conditions.
However, this was not the case. Before the Philippines were colonized, Filipinos had already
established an advanced civilization, and our culture and history were vibrant. All of these were
shown in the video and all of these should be treasured and kept safe.

Through the artifacts on exhibit at the Ayala Museum, the three videos show the
Philippines' rich cultural heritage. The museum displayed a useful resource to learn about the rich
and diverse history and culture of the Philippines. It is a representation of the perseverance and
creativity of the Filipino people, and a source of pride for the entire nation. The video began by
introducing the museum and its collection of antiques from different periods of Philippine history.
It demonstrates how resourceful and resilient Filipinos have always been, as well as how they have
adapted to their environment and the various cultures that have influenced them. Additionally,
there were numerous gold jewelry pieces from the past. Gold was so abundant in the Philippines
that Filipinos used it to create and sell head-to-toe clothing. The video then describes the
collection's most significant antiquities, such as the Golden Tara and the Maitum burial jars.

The ancient Filipinos led a basic yet sophisticated lifestyle. They were accomplished
farmers and fishermen, and they engaged in international trade. As evidenced by the Golden Tara
and other discovered antiquities, they were also known for their artistry and craftsmanship. The
earliest Filipinos enjoyed peace and prosperity. They were governed by a system of local chiefs
rather than a central government. Regardless of its origins, the Golden Tara is a valuable cultural
artifact that sheds light on the lives of the earliest Filipinos. It is a reminder of their rich history
and culture, as well as a symbol of their resilience.

The video has highlighted the significance of the Maitum Burial Jars in Philippine history
and culture. The jars are believed to have been used for burials, and they provide an insight into
the ancient Filipinos' burial practices. The jars are also evidence of the early Filipinos' talent and
artistry. The video explains the difficulties encountered in preserving the Maitum Burial Jars. The
containers are made of fragile materials and are susceptible to external damage. They are being
safeguarded and made accessible to the general public.
There are numerous aspects of our nation that I am unfamiliar with, especially in relation
to its historical context. I've realized that a variety of factors contribute to a higher level of
appreciation of our country. And from that, it has inspired me to delve deeper into the history of
my homeland. There is still a substantial quantity of knowledge to be acquired; therefore, it is
essential to value and protect all discovered artifacts and ancestral heritage. These antiquities serve
as historical evidence and are currently on display in our museums.

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