Appendix D

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Name :..................................... Class :.............................

Fill in the blanks of the following text with the appropriate words in the box given.
(Lengkapilah wacana berikut ini dengan kata-kata yang tepat di dalam kotak yang tersedia)

The Golden Snail

Prince Raden Putra and Dewi Limaran were husband and wife who lived in a palace.
One day, Dewi Limaran was walking around in the palace garden. Suddenly, she saw a
disgusting snail that she threw it away into a river. The snail was actually an old .........
powerful witch. She could transform herself ........... anything. The witch was so angry ...........
Dewi Limaran. The witch put a ........ on her and changed her into ....... golden snail. Then,
the witch threw ........... away into the river.6
The golden ........... got caught into a net of .......... old woman who was fishing
some ...... She took it and brought it ......... The next morning, the old woman ....... surprised
that the house was in ........ good condition and food was served ........ the table. It happened
again and ......... every morning.8
One night, she decided ....... stay up late to find out ......... cooked for her. She could
not ........ what she saw. The golden snail .......... into a beautiful woman and did ...........
“I am Dewi Limaran. A .............. cursed me. I can change back ........ a human only at
night,” said ....... Limaran as the old woman asked .... “The spell can be broken if ...... hear
the melody from the holy ........,” continued Dewi Limaran.
The old woman ......... rushed to the palace and met ....... Raden Putra. Prince Raden
Putra was ....... happy. He had been looking for ....... wife everywhere. He then prayed
and ...... asking from the gods the holy ........ After several days, gods granted his ......... He
immediately played the holy gamelan ......... Amazingly, the golden snail turned into ........
beautiful Dewi Limaran.
The couple was ......... happy that they could be together ......... As a return for the old
woman’s kindness, they asked her to stay in the palace.
A As Gamelan It So To
Again Believe Her Meditated So Turned
All Beautifully His On The Was
Again Dewi Home Prince The Wish
An Fish I Snail Then Witch
And Gamelan Into Spell To Who

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