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Read the following passage and mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to

each of the questions that follow.

1/ Today, millions of people want to learn or improve their English but it is difficult to find the
best method. Is it better to study in Britain or America or to study in your own country?
The advantages of going to Britain seem obvious. Firstly, you will be able to listen to the
language all the time you are in the country. You will be surrounded completely by the language
wherever you go. Another advantage is that you have to speak the language if you are with other
people. In Vietnam, it is always possible, in the class, to speak Vietnamese if you want to and the
learning is slower.
On the other hand, there are also advantages to staying at home to study. You don't have to make
big changes to your life. As well as this, it is also a lot cheaper than going to Britain but it is
never possible to achieve the results of living in the UK. If you have a good teacher in Vietnam, I
think you can learn in a more concentrated way than being in Britain without going to a school.
So, in conclusion, I think that if you have enough time and enough money, the best choice is to
spend some time in the UK. This is simply not possible for most people, so being here in
Vietnam is the only viable option. The most important thing to do in this situation is to maximise
your opportunities: to speak only English in class and to try to use English whenever possible
outside the class.
28. The underlined word "viable" in the passage probably means_____.
A. careful B. important C. possible D. understandable
29. People who don't have a lot of time and money should_____.
A. try to get by in English B. learn English in Britain
C. try to speak English in class more often D. go to America to learn English
30. What is probably the topic of the passage?
A. The advantages of learning English in Britain B.The best way to learn English
C. Learning English in Viet Nam D.English schools in Britain and America
31. The drawback of studying in the UK is ______.
A. It costs much more than staying at home to study B. The teachers aren't very good in Britain
C. You can concentrate on learning English only
D. You have to work too hard to make money in Britain
32. What is one of the advantages of going to the UK to learn English?
A. There are very good teachers of English there
B. The language schools in the UK are always better.
C. There are no Vietnamese people in Britain.
D. You will have to speak English but not your language.
2/ Spending your free time on the Internet can be fun. You can chat, share photos with friends,
and play online games. But some people are addicted to the Internet. They just can’t turn it off.
Being online for many hours at a time does not mean you have a problem. The Internet is
very useful. Online, you can pay your bills, buy clothes, and read the news. There are many good
reasons to spend time online. However, people with an Internet addiction are online too much.
They don’t spend time with their friends and family. Instead, they spend their time chatting with
their Internet friends, people they have never met in real life. Some also play online games all
day or night. Some people with Internet addictions even leave their jobs so they can spend even
more time online! People with Internet addictions don’t just go online to shop, have fun, or do
work. People who have this problem often go online because they want to escape the stress and
problems in their lives. Many internet addicts stop caring about their real lives, and focus only on
their online lives.
One way Internet addicts can get help is by using special software. This software controls
how much time someone can spend online. It tells the computer to turn off the internet after a
certain amount time. This helps people focus on real life. The software’s goal is to teach people
to use the Internet for good reasons and not just as an escape.
28. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Families should use the Internet together. B. The Internet is very good for people.
C. People should not spend time on the Internet. D. Spending too much time online is not good.
29. Which is NOT a problem for people with Internet addiction?
A. They learn to type very fast. B. They stop spending time with their family.
C. They might lose their jobs. D. They stop caring about their real lives.
30.According to the passage, a person is most likely to become an Internet addict if ______.
A. they have a lot of online friends B. their job is boring
C. they enjoy online gaming D. their life is stressful and has problems
31. The underlined word ‘they’ refers to ______.
A. some people are addicted to the Internet B.some people aren’t addicted to the Internet
C. some people never play online games D. some people sometimes play online games
32. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. Internet addiction causes problems in one’s daily life.
B. Paying bills online is a useful way to use the Internet.
C. People with Internet addiction spend most of their free time on the Internet.
D.Using special software is a way of helping people stop their Internet addiction.
3/ Books which give instructions on how to do things are very popular in the United States
today. Thousands of these How-to books are useful. In fact, there are about four thousand books
with titles that begin with the words “How to”. One book may tell you how to earn more money.
Another may tell you how to save or spend it and another may explain how to give your money
Many How-to books give advice on careers. They tell you how to choose a career and now to
succeed in it. If you fail, however, you can buy the book “How to Turn Failure into Success”. If
you would like to become very rich, you can buy the book “How to Make a Millionaire”. If you
never make any money at all, you may need a book called “How to Live on Nothing”.
One of the most popular types of books is one that helps you with personal problems. If you
want to have a better love of life, you can read “How to Succeed in Love every Minute of Your
Life”. If you are tired of books on happiness, you may prefer books which give step-by-step
instructions on how to redecorate or enlarge a house.
Why have How-to books become so popular? Probably because life has become so complex.
Today people have far more free time to use, more choices to make, and more problems to solve.
How-to books help people deal with modern life.
Question 1: The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to _______ .
A. how-to books B. career C. advice D. instruction
Question 2: Which of the following is NOT the type of books giving information on careers?
A. “How to Succeed in Love every Minute of Your Life”. B. “How to Live on Nothing”.
C. “How to Make a Millionaire”. D. “How to Turn Failure into Success”.
Question 3: It can be inferred from the passage that_______ .
A. Modern life is more difficult to deal with. B. Modern life is less difficult to deal with.
C.Today people have fewer choices to make.D. Today people are more bored with the modern
Question 4: The word “step-by-step” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_______ .
A. little and little B. slower and slower C. gradually D. one by one
Question 5: What is the passage mainly about?
A. How to make a millionaire. B. How to turn failure into success.
C. How-to books. D. How to succeed in love every minute of your life.
4/ You can do a few things to make homework less stressful. First, be sure you understand
the assignment. Write it down in your notebook or day planner if you need to, and don't be afraid
to ask questions about what is expected. It is much easier to take a minute to ask the teacher
during or after class than to struggle to remember later that night! If you want, you can also ask
how long the particular homework assignment should take to complete so you can plan your
Second, use any extra time you have in school to work on your homework. Many schools have
libraries that are specifically designed to allow students to study or get homework done. The
more work you can get done in school, the less you will have to do that night.
Third, pace yourself. If you don't finish your homework during school, think about how much
you have left and what else going on that day, and then plan your time. Most middle students
should have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night. If it is a heavy homework day, you will
need to devote more time to homework.
No one is expected to understand everything, and maybe you need some help. The first place to
turn for help is your teacher. But if you don't feel comfortable with your teacher? If you are in a
big enough school, there may be other teachers who teach the same subject. Speak to other
teachers directly and you may be in luck. Sometimes it just helps to have someone explain
something in a different way. Moreover, you might also be able to get some help from another
student. If there is someone you like who is a good student, think about asking that person if you
can study together.
Question 1: The word “devote” in the third paragraph can be best replaced by the word
“______”.A. spend B. waste C. develop D. reduce
Question 2: In order to make homework less stressful, the first thing to do is______.
A. to understand what you have to do in your assignment B. to know who can do it for you
C. to remember the deadline D. use it to make your day planner
Question 3: When a student need some help, the first person to ask for help is______.
A. his teacher B. a member in his family
C. the best student at school D. his friend
Question 4: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Students can follow some advice to avoid worrying about homework
B. Students can do their homework in school libraries.
C. Students might get some help from their friends.
D. Students should ask their teachers for help when they need it.
Question 5: If you have any extra time at school, you should______.
A. study or get your homework done B. to go to the school library as soon as possible
C. spend time with your friends D. use it to understand the assignment
5/ Ho Chi Minh City is a metropolis where life is very busy and hasty. The best way to enjoy
the balance in your mind in such a busy city is to sit on the balcony of one of the numerous
coffee houses scattered throughout the city. In this way, you will be out of the crowd but able to
look down on the street below. You will also be drinking the beverage that must be at least partly
responsible for the kinetic energy that has transformed this city into one of the busiest
commercial centers of Southeast Asia in just 20 years - it is coffee.
The classic Vietnamese coffee served in this city comprises strong coffee, dripped from a small
metal filter into a cup containing a quarter as much sweetened condensed milk, then stirred and
poured over ice in a glass. It was introduced to Vietnam by the French in the late 19th century,
but the country quickly became a big exporter.
At Trung Nguyen Coffee - the Vietnamese equivalent of Starbucks, with a Chain of cafés across
the city - the coffee menu stretched to five pages. The varieties of Vietnamese coffee produced
by Trung Nguyen deserve exploration. They come with different bean combinations and recipes,
and nice names such as “Success”, “Creation”, “Discover” and “Thought”. The “Passion”,
another brand of Trung Nguyen, has been promoted for women with the promise that drinking
this type of coffee would maintain perfect skin and a life of “passion and success”.
7: We can infer that the classic Vietnamese coffee served in Ho Chi Minh City may be
A. light B. sweet C. often hot D. colourless
Question 8: The following sentences are true about Trung Nguyen Coffee EXCEPT that __
A. some types have impressive names. B. it offers several types of coffee for customers to enjoy.
C. it is considered equivalent to Starbucks in Vietnam. D. its recipes stretch to five pages.
Question 9: What does the word “It” refer to?
A. Recipe B. Coffee C. Glass D. Coffee shop
Question 10: When you sit on the balcony of a coffee shop enjoying a cup of coffee, you can
A. relax for a while B. taste all types of classic Vietnamese coffee
C. drink Starbucks coffee D. watch the busiest commercial centres of Southeast Asia.
Question 11: What is the main idea of this article?
A. The best coffee brand – Trung Nguyen Coffee B. The benefits of drinking coffee
C. Ho Chi Minh City’s coffee culture D. The history of coffee
6/ Sometimes people add to what they say even when they don’t talk. Gestures are the “silent
language” of every culture. We point a finger or move another part of the body to show that we
want to say. It is important to know the body language of every country or we may be
misunderstood. In the United States, people greet each other with a handshake in a formal
introduction. The handshake must be firm. If the handshake is weak, it is a sign of weakness or
unfriendliness. Friends may place a hand on the other’s arm or shoulder. Some people, usually
women, greet friends with hugs. Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each
other, they stand two and half feet away at an angel, so they are not facing each other directly.
Americans get uncomfortable when a person stands too close. They will move back to have
space. If Americans touch another person by accident, they say, “Pardon me” or “Excuse me”.
Americans like to look the other person in the eyes when they are talking. If you don’t do so, it
means you are bored, hiding something, or are not interested. But when you stare at someone, it
is not polite. Learning a culture’s body language is sometimes confusing. If you don’t know what
to do, the safest thing to do is to smile.
Question 9: According to the passage, it seems that ________.
A. people shouldn’t talk because their gestures are meaningful.
B. every culture has its own body language.
C. learning a culture’s body languages is always embarrassing.
D. every country has the same “silent language”.
Question 10: In the context of the passage, what does “by accident” mean?
A. unintentionally B. intentionally C. deliberately D. voluntarily
Question 11: According to the passage, in an informal introduction, Americans greet each other
A. by looking the other person in the eyes. B. by placing a hand on each other’s arm or shoulder.
C. with a handshake. D. by facing each other directly.
Question 12: What can be the best title of the passage?
A. Americans’ language. B. Greeting Others in Americans.
C. “Silent language” of American Culture. D. Body language
Question 13: Which of the following is NOT correct?
A. To Americans, if you look the other person in the eyes when you are talking, it means you
are bored, hiding something or are not interested.
B. It is important to know the body language of every country.
C. When Americans talk to each other, they do not face each other directly.
D. Americans feel uncomfortable when a person stands too close.
8/ It is often considered that the schoolyard is where bullies go to make other kids a miserable
school life, but a new study suggests that classrooms are another popular place. The study,
presented recently at the American Public Health Association's yearly meeting in Philadelphia, is
based on the results of the research from more than 10, 000 middle school students who
answered questions online.
Of those researched, 43% said they'd been physically bullied within the last month. A bit more
than half said they had been laughed at in an unfriendly way, and half reported being called
hurtful names. About one third said groups had excluded them to hurt their feelings.28% said
their belongings had been taken or broken; 21% said someone had threatened to hurt them.
According to the results, two-thirds of the students said they had been bullied in more than one
way over the previous month.
The study authors mentioned that 8% of the students who answered said they had missed school
at least once during the school year because of fear of being bullied.25% said they had taken
other actions, such as missing recess, not going to the bathroom or lunch, missing classes, or
staying away from some area of the school to escape from experiencing a bully. Bullies did too
much to the school life.
Câu 29. Bullies can happen in the following places EXCEPT_______.
A. teachers' offices B. classrooms C. bathrooms D. schoolyards
Câu 30. The underlined phrase ‘‘laughed at” in the passage is closest in meaning to_______.
A. made fun of B. smiled nicely C. shouted at D. looked after well
Câu 31. Which of the following might some students do to protect themselves from bullies?
A. They try to hurt others. B. They call their parents for help,
C. They miss school. D. They break others' belongings.
Câu 32. How does the writer feel about bullies at school?
A. Puzzled B. Disappointed C. Excited D. Worried
Câu 33. Which of the following is probably the best title for the passage?
A. Bad School Life B. Bullies at School C. Fear at School D. School Problems
9/ “Women hold up half the sky”. This is a Chinese saying. However, research shows that
perhaps women do more than the share of “holing up the sky”.
Fifty percent of the world’s population is women, but in nearly two-thirds of all working hours,
the work is done by women. They do most of the domestic work, for example, cooking and
washing clothes.
Millions also work outside the home. Women hold forty percent of the world’s jobs. For
this work, they earn only 40 to 60 percent as much as men, and of course they earn nothing for
their domestic work.
In developing countries, where three-fourths of the world’s population lives, women produce
more than half of the food. In Africa, 80 percent of all agricultural work is done by women.
In parts of Africa, this is a typical day for a village woman. At 4.45 a.m she gets up,
washes and eats. It takes her half an hour to walk to the fields, and she works there until 3.00
p.m. She collects firewood until 4.00 pm then comes back home. She spends the next hour and a
half preparing food to cook. After dinner, she spends an hour washing the dishes. She goes to
bed at 9.30 pm.
Câu 28. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The work of women B. The role of women
C. Women work in the field D. Women work outside the home
Câu 29. In Africa, women do _________ of all agricultural work.
A. four - fifths B. two – thirds C. one – fifths D. three – fourths
Câu 30. What is not mentioned as the work of a village woman in Africa?
A. preparing food B. collecting firewood
C. working in the fields D. bringing water home
Câu 31. What is “domestic work”?
A. homework B. firework C. gardening D. housework
Câu 32. The average woman earns __________ the average man.
A. less than B. the most C. more than D. the same as
10/ Fathers used to act as the ‘breadwinner' of their family, and as the teacher of moral and
religious values. Today, however, those roles are gradually changing.
Changes in economic roles
More and more women are going out to work and earn money. This increases the budget of the
family. Apart from that, there are various social welfare programmes which financially assist
mothers in supporting their children. Both these changes have greatly impacted the role of
fathers because they make paternal financial support less essential for many families.
Changes in caregiving roles
With the burden of financial support reduced, and with a changing concept of a father's role,
modern day fathers tend to be more involved in children's caregiving. They are now spending
more time and energy on their children.
Psychological research across families from all ethnic backgrounds suggests that the influence of
a father's love and attention is as great as that of a mother's. Fatherly love helps children develop
a sense of their place in the world, which helps their social and emotional development.
Moreover, children who receive more love from their fathers are less likely to have behavioural
This trend is still increasing and its effects will become clearer and clearer in the future,
especially in traditionally male-dominated societies.
Câu 28. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The changing roles of the modern daughter. B. The changing roles of the modern mother.
C. The changing roles of the modern son. D. The changing roles of the modern father.
Câu 29. Which of these is NOT the traditional role of a father?
A. financial supporter B. caregiver
C. teacher of moral values D. religious educator
Câu 30. Social welfare programmes ___________.
A. educate fathers about their responsibilities B. help mothers with domestic abuse
C. support families financially D. train caregivers
Câu 31. The influence of a mother's love is ___________ that of the father's.
A. as important as B. more important than
C. less important than D. much greater than
Câu 32. The word ‘paternal' in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. motherly B. fatherly C. social D. private
11/ In the old days, Vietnamese roads were seen with bicycles and a few trucks. Now they
are full of a variety of vehicles. The Vietnamese carry a huge load of a variety of goods up to
over one hundred kilograms, especially during the war.
Time has gone by and fewer bikes are visible in the street. In big cities, many people think that
bicycles belong to the inferior classes and seem unfashionable. That is why people often find it
hard - psychologically and physically - to park their bikes when going to a modern cafe or
shopping malls.
Motorbikes are the main mode of transport in Viet Nam, with 24 million of them in a country of
87 million people in 2009, one of the highest ratios in the world. More motorbikes of all brands
have dominated the road. The mobility which motorbikes provide is so crucial to workers in big
cities. Some youths try to show off with expensive motorbikes of famous brands. Almost
anything can be transported on a motorcycle. The loads include baskets of fruits, tree trunks, live
pigs, flocks of live ducks and stacked crates of raw eggs. Two thirds of Viet Nam's population of
85 million are under 30, and the motorcycle has become the center of youth culture.
Câu 28. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Means of transport in the old days in Viet Nam. B. Means of transport in Viet Nam
C. Modern means of transport in Viet Nam. D. Favourite means of transport in Viet Nam.
Câu 29. The most important thing that makes motorbikes become the most popular means
of transport in big cities may be that _______.
A. a large number of young people own motorbikes
B. the Vietnamese often carry a huge load of a variety of goods
C. there are expensive motorbikes with famous brands
D. young people can easily move around in big cities by motorbike
Câu 30. According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT that ______.
A. motorbikes are very popular among young people
B. Viet Nam has one of the highest motorbike densities in the world
C. the density of bicycles is still high
D. bicycle was used as a means of transportation during the war
Câu 31. We can infer from the passage that _____________.
A. cycling has become fashionable recently
B. expensive motorbikes of famous brands are dominating the road
C. there are some regulations about transport by motorbike
D. the majority of Viet Nam’s population is young
Câu 32. The word “dominated” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______________
A. controlled over a place B. blocked a place
C. been the most obvious D. played a role
12/ English is one of the most popular languages in the world. It comes second in the number
of speakers after Chinese. In Vietnam, more and more people are studying English and they
consider it a key to success. However, not everyone knows how to learn English effectively.
The best way to improve the four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing is to practice
regularly. You should make use of every opportunity to speak English with friends in class or at
English speaking clubs or ourselves in front of the mirror. Learning by heart all the words does
not help much if you do not read a lot because you will easily forget what you have learnt.
Reading books, listening to radio and watching films are better ways to memorize words.
Besides, English learners should not be so shy because making mistakes is unavoidable in
learning foreign languages. Practicing speaking a lot is a good way to correct your mistakes.
Question 28. How many skills are mentioned in paragraph 2? A. 3 B. 2 C. 5 D. 4
Question 29. The word “memorize” in paragraph 2 is CLOSEST in meaning to _____.
A. forget B. remember C. communicate D. talk
Question 30. A good way to correct your mistakes is _____.
A. practicing speaking English a lot B. avoiding speaking English
C. stopping learning English D. making friends.
Question 31. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Many Vietnamese people consider English a key to success.
B. You should never speak English with yourselves.
C. English learner should be shy if they make mistakes. D. You should be shy.
Question 32. The passage is mainly about _____.
A. how to read books B. people who study English in Vietnam
C. how to read books, listen to radio and watch films D. how to learn English effectivel
13/ Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become
the dominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged
around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following
the Norman invasion off 1066. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in
England and had not expanded even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the
course of the next two centuries, English began too spread around the globe as a result of
exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small
enclaves of English, speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As
these communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international
business, banking, and diplomacy.
Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in
English. Two thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language
of technology, advertising, media, international airport, and air traffic controllers. Today there
are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are non-native
speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than any other language in the
28. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The number of non-native users of English.
B. The expansion of English as an international language.
C. The French influence on the English language.
D. The use of English for science and technology.
29. In the first paragraph, the word "emerged" is closest in meaning to
A. appeared B.frequented C. hailed D. engaged
30. Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England?
A. In 1600 B. around 1350 C. before 1600 D. after 1066
31. According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the
world EXCEPT:
A. colonization B. the slave trade C. missionaries D. the Norman invasion
32. How many non-native English speakers are there in the world?
A. more than 700 million B. less than 350 million
C. more than 350 million D. less than 700 million
14 / After only 50 minute flying from Ho Chi Minh City, you will set foot on the tropical
paradise of Vietnam and the world: Phu Quoc Island.
The island has a roughly triangular shape with a north-south length of 50km and a west-east
width of 25km. A great part of the terrain is filled with beautiful sandy beaches, but there is a
mountainous region with 99 peaks, among which the Peak of Chua Mountain is the tallest one at
603 meters. Due to Phu Quoc‟s location in the Gulf of Thailand, its climate is sub-equatorial
with a temperate weather all year round, making trips to Phu Quoc possible any time in the year.
However, the best time to travel to this island is during the dry season, from November until
March, when the sky is blue and clear and the rains are away.
Phu Quoc is most famous for its the cuisines and a natural wonderful coastline. The most
famous food of Phu Quoc is fish sauce, which has become quite popular all over Vietnam and the
worlD. Besides, another thing worth trying there is the spicy yet interesting black pepper.
However, the factor that will definitely intrigue you to visit Phu Quoc is its untouched coastline
featuring several heavenly beaches. They have yet to be explored to their full ability, but this fact
might be actually positive as it gives the shores a romantic beauty that you can find in nowhere
else in the world.
28. What can be the title of the passage ?
A. The Pearl of Orient B. Specialities of Phu Quoc
C. Phu Quoc island D. Phu Quoc’s natural beauty
29. According to the passage, Phu Quoc Island _____.
A. has both beaches and mountains B. doesn’t have much tourist attraction
C. has the tallest mountain in Vietnam D. doesn’t have rains all the year round
30. What are Phu Quoc’s specialities?
A. red pepper and soya sauce B. black pepper and dried fish
C. spicy black pepper and fish sauce D. red pepper and fish sauce
31. The word “intrigue” has the closest meaning to _____.
A. promote B. attract C. inspire attention to
32. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The beaches in Phu Quoc Island have been explored to their full potentials.
B. Phu Quoc Island is located in the Gulf of Thailand.
C. Phu Quoc’s dry season begins from November and lasts through March.
D. The island is roughly triangular in shape.
15/ All over the world, all different cultures created interesting processed meat products, and
one of the most popular is undoubtedly sausage.
To begin with, sausage making may be considered disgusting as it deals with using various
animal parts. Since meat is ground up, certain cuts and parts of an animal that wouldn’t be
served in their original forms can be used. Literally, this means animal parts such as noses,
ears, and other less appetizing areas of an animal’s body. Very often, the ground up meat and
flesh is mixed with a certain percentage of fat, along with spices and other fillers. After being
mixed well, this meat mixture is then stuffed into the cleaned intestines of the animal, which
are then sealed at both ends. The result is sausage.
The meats used in sausages come from a variety of animals, although beef and pork are by far
the favourites. In some cultures, sausage made from the meat of horses is considered a delicacy.
When sausages are cooked, the cooking process sometimes adds to the flavour. While boiling is
probably the simplest method, smoking sausages will add a lot of smoky flavour.
Next time you bite into a sausage, it is probably best not to think too much about how it
became the tasty thing you are eating. After all, you don’t want to ruin a good snack.

28. Which is the best title of the passage?

A. Snack B. Culture C.A world of Sausage D. Meat products
29. What won’t be served in their original forms?
A. Certain cuts and parts of animals B. Spices and fillers
C. Sausages of all types D. Intestines of an animal
30. What are by far the favourite meats for making sausages?
A. Beef and pork B. Horse meat C. Cuts of lamb D. Chicken
31. What is the simplest method of cooking sausages?
A. Grilling B. Smoking C. Boiling D. Baking
32. In paragraph 2, the word “it” refers to………………………..
A. sausage B. meat C. animal part D. sausage making
16/ In the earliest times children got their education directly from parents and other adults. They
learned mainly skills for survival. Adults passed down this knowledge through spoken language. Eventually
cultures around the world began inventing writing. As societies developed, they set up schools to teach reading,
writing, Maths and other subjects.
The first schools were usually just for boys. Most of the students came from rich and powerful families. Often the
purpose of their education was religious training. In many cultures the religious leaders formed the highest level of
society. Some schools had other purposes as well. Many schools focused on military training. Sometimes youths
attended special schools to learn the art of public speaking. These skills were meant to help them become future
Most girls received their education at home. They learned cooking, sewing and other useful skills. Over time
education became available to more people, not just the rich and powerful. The governments of some countries set
up public systems of education in the 1800s. More schools opened to girls.
During the 1900s marks, or grades, became a new measure of learning. Testing became a regular part of formal
education. As education became more important to people, teachers’ colleges opened. The requirements for
becoming a teacher became stricter. Teaching became a highly respected profession.
28. In the earliest times, children learned mainly skills so that they could______.
A. invent writing B. make societies develop C. pass this knowledge down D. continue to exist
29. The word “they” in the first paragraph refers to______.
A. cultures B. schools C. subjects D. societies
30. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. The first schools were usually just for boys from rich and powerful families.
B. During the 1900s, testing became a regular part of formal education.
C. In the earliest times, knowledge was passed down through written records.
D. Art of public speaking was one of the skills that help youths become future leaders.
31. What were the skills to help children become future leaders?
A. cooking and sewing skills B. military training and the art of public speaking skills
C. religious training and the art of public speaking skills D. cooking, religious training and sewing skills
32. Which of the following is probably the best title for the passage?
A. Testing – a Regular Part of Education B. Education in Modern Times
C. Education in the Earliest Times D. The Development of Education
17// To preserve and develop traditional craft villages, in recent years, the local authorities
have conducted preservation of four traditional crafts: brocade weaving, silver carving, black
smithing, and carpentry to bring about economic and social efficiency for the development of
provincial tourism.
Currently, Lao Cai province has formed the clear models of traditional villages. Cat Cat
village has gradually built its brand with the forging and casting products, textiles of linens of
Hmong people. The famous alcohol villages have found their footholds in the market such as
Pho village corn wine, Xeo village wine.
The villages in the province have been associated with tourism spots and promote
tourism development in the community, improve living standards of many families through their
home business, selling handicrafts, brocade products.
In the past, in the villages in Sa Pa, people mostly make their living in agriculture,
forestry, but now there have been many households getting involved in tourism activities of the
village. With the aim of preserving and developing traditional village linked to tourism
development, most of the villages have created its own definition for tourists to learn and
explore. In particular, brocade weaving is dominant, serving the needs of families and tourists.
Only in Sa Pa has 11 embroidery and weaving villages, in Ta Phin and San Sa Ho village with
about 1000 households participating and many groups from the district women society, put on
the market each year more than 30,000 metres of fabric. Other districts like Van Ban, Bac Ha
have also formed several embroidery villages, attracting thousands of workers.
28. Cat Cat village is famous for ______
A. silver carving C. corn wine B. blacksmithing D. its textiles of linens
29. The purpose of preservation of traditional craft villages is bringing about ______
A. economic and social development B. the start of tourism
C. the clear models of traditional villages D. weaving 30,000 metres of fabric
30. We can infer from the passage that tourism has______
A. found its footholds in the market B. raised labour income in rural areas
C. prevented forests from being cut down D. made all farmers quit farming
31. All of the following are true EXCEPT that______
A. preservation of traditional crafts can be associated with tourism
B. brocade weaving has become the most important craft in Sa Pa and nearby districts
C. local people can sell brocade handicrafts, products to tourists
D. other districts should start preserving their crafts like Sa Pa
32. The word "definition" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to.
A. quality of being clear B. descriptions of features
C. explanation of the meaning D. what tourism means
Instead of buying costly prepared meals, which often tend to be high in calories, cook
your own at home. Plan out your meals with high-fiber foods like beans and whole grains which
will keep you full and are a cheaper, healthier alternative to rich proteins and more processed
Eat Less
Eating less leads to weight loss, and cost savings, especially if you cut down on the right
things. Start by cutting your portions of pricy meat and poultry. Or swap out meat and poultry for
cheaper vegetarian proteins like beans, lentils, tofu and eggs for some of your meals.
Double Up on Vegetables
Vegetables are great for weight loss, as well as all-around health. They are low in calories
and high in water and fiber - two things that keep you feeling full. Save cash by shopping for
those that are in season. Frozen vegetables can be a great bargain, with just as much nutrition as
fresh, since they are picked and frozen at their peak ripeness.
Get Creative with Your Exercise Options
You don’t need to shell out a monthly gym fee to get moving. Instead, find fun activities
you enjoy for free. If you’re just getting started with a regular exercise routine, try your
beginning with daily walks: start slowly and build up time and speed
28. What are the four paragraphs mainly about?
A. All the advantages and disadvantages of a healthy diet. B. Simple Ways to Lose Weight on a
Budget C. Economical recipes. D. Advisory suggestion for good health
29. The advantage of cooking at home is . enjoy a variety of rich proteins and more processed grains
B. to choose foods that keep you full and is cheaper.
C. to plan out your costly prepared meals. have food that is high in calories.
30. What shouldn’t you do in order to cut down on your daily calories?
A. eat more beans, lentils, tofu and eggs. B. follow vegetarian diets for your meals.
C. eat less meat and poultry. D. cut down on animal proteins for some of your meals.
31. All of the following are true about vegetables EXCEPT that .
A. you feel healthier and save money with fresh vegetables in season.
B. they help you lose weight effectively.
C.vegetables can keep you feeling full. D. frozen vegetables are not good for your health.
32. The phrase “shell out” is closest in meaning to .
A. pay alot of money for something. B. become more interested in something
C. peel something out. D. take someone out of a shell.
19/ We need to eat to meet our nutritional needs, but people often make their food choices
for reasons other than nutrition. The availability of foods and their cost, the taste and appearance
of foods, personal food likes and dislikes, convenience, religious and cultural practices and
traditions, health and medical conditions, etc. are reasons why people eat the foods that they eat.
The foods in people’s diets around the world are very different from each other, but all
good diets must be composed of a variety of different foods that provide all of the food energy
and other nutrients in the amounts needed. For most people, a good meal will be based on a
starchy food, sometimes referred to as a “staple” food, as it forms the basis or main portion of
the meal, and a variety of other foods (side dishes) that provide the additional protein, vitamins
and minerals needed for a good, healthy diet.
Staple foods are usually starchy carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, bread, couscous,
maize (corn), potatoes, and foods made from wheat, rice, rye, barley or oats. The other foods
eaten with the meal should include generous amounts of vegetables and fruits; good amounts of
legumes; smaller amounts of meat, poultry, eggs or fish and milk and milk products, such as
cheese and yoghurt. The greater the variety of side dishes served with the staple food, the greater
the chance that all the needed nutrients are included in the meal.
28. Which is true about a healthy diet?
A. Limit consumption of milk and dairy productsB. Make starchy foods the basic of most meals
C. Eat only a few fruit and vegetables D. Eat a variety of foods in the amounts you want
29. Which is not considered as a starchy carbohydrate ______.
A. breakfast cereals B. spaghetti C. fruit salad D. toast
30. The word “staple “in line 12 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. unimportant B. extra C. minor D. main
31. The text mainly discusses ______.
A. eating habits and dining customs B. the careful food choices we need to make
C. what we should eat to reduce our risk of some dangerous medical conditions
D. the variety of reasons we eat what we eat and a healthy diet
32. What is a staple food?
A. A food that play an important role in a healthy diet.
B. A food that makes up a significant portion of a person’s diet
C A food that provides a large amount of starch.
D. A food that is high in nutrients but low in calories.
20/ We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the
contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many
disadvantages in streaming pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at
different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child.
Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This
is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our
pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social
skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.
In our classroom, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups; this gives
them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also
learn how to cope with the personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make
decisions, to analyze and evaluate, to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other
as well as from the teachers.
Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes the work on individual tasks and
assignments, they can do this at their own speed. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and
we teach them the skills they need in order to do this effectively. We expect our pupils to do
their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.
28. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Group work provides the pupils with the opportunity to learn to be capable organizers
B. Group work gives pupils the opportunity to learn to work together with others
C Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning skill.
D. Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities
29. The phrase “held back” in paragraph 1 means_________.
A. prevented from making progress. B. made to lag behind
C. forced to study in lower classes D. made to remain in the same classes
30. The author’s purpose of writing this passage is to ______.
A. offer advice on the proper use of the school library
B. emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching
C. recommend pair work and group work classroom activities
D. argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class
31. The author thinks that a teacher’s main concern should be the development of the
pupils’______.A. total personality B. learning ability and communicative skills
C. intellectual abilities D. personal and social skills
32. Which of the following statements can best summarize the main idea of the pasage?
A. Various ways of teaching should be encouraged in class.
B. Children, in general develop at different rates.
C. The aim of education is to find out how to teach the bright and not-so- bright pupils
D. Bright children do benefit from mixed- classs teaching.
21/ Litter on Mount Everest
In Nepal, Mount Everest is known as “Sagarmatha,” meaning “forehead in the sky.” Standing
at 8,849 meters (29,032 feet), it is the highest mountain above sea level in the world. Everest is
part of the Himalaya, which spans 2,400 kilometers (1,500 miles) and runs through six countries
in Asia.
It is also the highest trash pile in the world. About 400 people try to reach the top every year.
Having many climbers means a lot of trash. Today, Everest is so overcrowded and full of trash
that it has been called the “world’s highest garbage dump.”
It is very dangerous to climb Mt. Everest. The air is very thin and cold. Most people carry bottles
of oxygen; they could die without it. When the oxygen bottles are empty, people throw them on
the ground. When strong winds rip their tents, people leave them behind. They don’t have the
energy to take the trash away. They only have enough energy to go down the mountain safely.
Trash is a terrible problem. Since people first began to climb Mt. Everest, they have left 50,000
kilos of trash on the mountain. Several groups have climbed the mountain just to pick up the
trash. When people plan to climb the mountain, they have to plan to take away their trash.
Question 28: What is the main topic of the passage?
A. A dangerous mountain B. Wind on the mountain C. A problem with trash D. Climbing safely
Question 29: Where do climbers put their empty oxygen bottles?
A. On the ground B. In trash cans C. On their back D. In their tents
Question 30: Why do climbers leave their trash on the mountain?
A. The wind will blow it away. B. They don’t have the energy to take it away
C. Special groups will pick it up D. Other climbers will use it later..
Question 31: How much trash has been left on the mountain?
A. Four hundred kilos B. Four thousand kilos C. Five thousand kilos D. Fifty thousand kilos
32: In line 6, the sentence: “people leave them behind”, what does the word them refer to?
A. Tents B. Oxygen bottles C. Strong winds D. Other climbers
22/ More than 80% of American high school students work at part-time jobs in the evenings,
on weekends or in summer. These part-time jobs bring teenagers great advantages.
One of the benefits of the work is the students can learn the skills that will be useful for the rest
of their lives. When they work, they have to manage both the job and schoolwork. To be able to
do so, they must be very organized and able to keep a sensible schedule. They also learn to cope
with the job stress apart from the stress of the schoolwork. Some of the most stressful jobs
include teaching, nursing, and police work. These skills help prepare teenagers for their later
careers. High school students who work are more likely to succeed as adults than people who
enter the job market at a later age with no work experience.
Teenagers want a lot of expensive things: clothes, mp3 players, trips with their friends, etc. Not
all parents can afford them. And even if they can, the teens might not really appreciate that
money because they did not earn it. When teenagers make money for themselves, they know it’s
true value and are less likely to spend it foolishly.
28. Which of the following is a good title for the passage?
A. Why teenagers should work B. Part-time jobs cause stress
C. Advantages and disadvantages of part-time jobsD. How to find a part time job in the America
29. According to the passage, what is NOT an effect of part-time jobs?
A. Teenagers become stressed. B. Teenagers become organized.
C. Teenagers are more likely to have successful careers.
D. Teenagers will have more work experience.
30. The word “cope with” in the passage is closest in meaning to ______.
A. deal with B. satisfy with C. fight against D. suffer from
31. According to the passage, when teenagers have jobs, they are more likely to _______.
A. appreciate money B. want expensive things C. spend foolishly D. depend on their parents
32. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A. Part-time jobs are somehow good for teenagers.B. Only some US students do part-time jobs.
C. US students suffer only part-time job stress.
D. It is impossible for students who work part-time to manage both the job and schoolwork.
23// Footprints on the moon
Long ago a lot of people thought the moon was a god. Other people thought it was just a light
in the sky. And other people thought that it was a big ball of cheese. Then telescopes were made.
And men saw that the moon was really another world. They wondered what it was like. They
dreamed of going there. On July 20 th, 1969, that dream came true. Two American men landed on
the moon. Their names were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin.
The first thing the men found was that the moon was covered with dust. The dust was so thick
that the men left footprints where they walked. Those were the first marks a living thing had ever
made on the moon. And they could stay there for years and years. There is no air or wind to
wipe them off. The two men walked on the moon for hours. They picked up rocks to bring back
to earth for study. They dug up dirt to bring back. They set up machines to find out things people
wanted to know. Then they climbed back into their moon landing craft to begin their long trip
back to the earth. Behind them they left the plains and mountains of the moon. They left the
machines they had set up and they left footprints that last forever.
Câu 28: What is the story about?
A. How men discovered the moon. B. The first men walking on the moon.
C. Dirt and rocks on the moon. D. How men flew to the moon.
Câu 29: What is the surface of the moon?
A. dirt B. rocks C. footprints D. machines
Câu 30: What does the word “they” in bold letters mean?
A. The footprints B. The two men C. The telescopes D. The two men’s names
Câu 31: Why is it difficult for the footprints to disappear?
A. Because air and wind don’t exist on the moon. B. Because the air and wind can’t wipe them
off. C. Because air and wind are not strong enough.
D. Because they are very deep on the moon.
Câu 32: What may next people who travel to the moon find?
A. They may find the footprints. B. They may find their moon landing craft.
C. They may find that the machines are nowhere to be seen.
D. They may find things people wanted to know.
24/ Cooking blogs are a great source of information because they are free and there are so
many of them. They are also nice because they give all different kinds of ideas. The problems
with blogs is that because we don’t know who is writing them, we need to use with caution.
When you are looking at a new blog, you don’t know if the writer knows what he or she is
talking about.
We’d like to introduce two popular cooking blogs. The first is called Smitten Kitchen. This
website is run by a family living in New York City. It focuses on food that doesn’t require many
ingredients. If you want to make food that is simple but wonderful, then this is the site for you. It
offers hundreds and hundreds of recipes, divided into categories. You will be amazed at how
many there are.
Wednesday Chef is another great cooking blog. It is run by a writer who lives in Berlin. This
blog also offers many recipes, along with recommendations for great restaurants in Berlin, and
advice for people who want to start their own blogs. Wednesday Chef has great pictures of its
food, as well as interesting pictures of Berlin. The blog got its name because in the past,
newspapers published their food articles on Wednesday.
There are a lot of cooking blogs on the Internet, and most of them are pretty good. Go online
and check some of them out. You might be surprised at how much they can help you improve
your cooking.
Câu 28: How did Wednesday Chef get its name?
A. Newspapers used to publish food articles on Wednesdays.
B. The writer was born on a Wednesday.
C. The writer only cooks on Wednesdays. D. The writer only posts recipes on Wednesdays.
Câu 29: Which of the following is NOT a benefit of cooking blogs?
A. Everyone who writes them is an expert. B. There are many of them.
C. They are free. D. They give a lot of different ideas.
Câu 30: The word “their” in the third paragraph refers to _____.
A. newspapers B. restaurants C. blogs D. chefs
Câu 31: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Two popular cooking blogs B. How cooking blogs got their names
C. How to run a cooking blog D. The benefits of cooking well
Câu 32: Why should we be careful when we are looking at new blogs?
A. We don’t know who the writers are. B. They charge you some fees to get the recipes.
C. Most new blogs are terrible. D. The recipes on new blogs are usually hard to make.
25/ The education system of the 21st century has changed radically with the integration of
the technology in every sector. At the same time, the students are more matured than the
previous time. Now, in the twenty-first century education depends on Thinking Skills,
Interpersonal Skills, Information Media, Technological Skills as well as Life Skills. Especially,
the education of the present time emphasizes on life and career skills. Now there has no value
for rote learning. In general, it needs to meet the industry need. To clarify, the teaching will be
effective when a student can use the lesson outside of the classroom.
For changing the globalizing world, the role of the teachers is essential to improve the
sustainable education. At the same time, inspriring and guiding the students in increasing
employability skills with the digital tools is the prerequisite for a teacher. Thus a teacher in the
twenty- first century will be a digital teacher. Teachers are not the facilitator for learning of the
students only,and now they are responsible for training the students for increasing employability
skills, expanding the mind, growing digital citizenship, crtical thinking, and creativity as well as
sustainable learning. Thus, the winning of the students is the win of the teachers.
With the passage of time and integration of technology in every sector, the teacher’s role has
changed a lot. They need to enrich some skills to develop their students.Otherwise,the students
will not get the lesson, and it will increase the rate of educated unemployed in the digital era.
Câu 28: What is the topic of the passage?
A. The changing role of teachers in 21st century schooling.
B. The role of education in the 21st century.
C. The impact of teachers on student achievement.
D. The decline of traditional educational system.
Câu 29: According to the passage, the teachers of the 21st century __________.
A. must help their students develop employability skills
B. should pay more attention to new digital tools
C. can take their lessons outside of the classroom
D. need to find ways to improve digital citizenship skills
Câu 30: The word “it”in the first paragraph refers to __________.
A. education B. rote learning C. technology D. teaching
Câu 31: The phrase “ critical thinking” in the second paragraph means________.
A. the analysis and evaluation of an issue to form a judgment
B. a thought without actual study of the fact
C. a method of solving problems by using your imagination
D. the ability to think about things that are not actually present
Câu 32: Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. If the students aren’t educated ,they will be unemployed in the digital era.
B. The roles of teachers are evolving due to changes in technology.
C. Teachers no longer function as lecturers but as facilitators of learning.
D. A 21st century education gives students the skills they need to succeed in their careers.
26/ Learning a new language is always an excellent idea. It provides you incredible benefits
that come with the backing of science! One of the most useful languages to learn is English.
Learning a second language is one of the best ways to keep your brain active and challenged.
Studies have shown that the brain undergoes changes in electrical activity and even structure and
size while learning a foreign language that do not occur when learning any other type of task or
skill. Learning another language offers important cognitive benefits at any age, helping to keep
the mind active and even reducing the risk of mental disease and slowing mental decline later in
life. When learning English as a second language, you approach new ways to think and express
yourself through written and spoken words. Learning multiple languages can help you
communicate more clearly in any language as you learn more about how language itself works
and how to use it to promote ideas and reach out to others in a variety of social and work
situations. The world may not have a global language, but English is the default option for
countless forms of communication across the globe. That’s why one of the benefits of learning
English is that it significantly boosts your hiring potential. In addition, it can offer you
educational opportunities. If you desire access to some of the best schools like Harvard,
Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge or MIT, then knowing English provides you an incredible edge.
It’s expected that around 2 billion people around the world will learn English over the next
Câu 28: The passage mainly discusses about ________.
A. the benefits of learning English B. ways to improve your English level
C. how to keep your mind active D. the advantages and disadvantages of language learning
Câu 29: According to the text, learning English as a second language can ________.
A. slow the mental decline due to aging B. have a negative effect on the brain
C. reduce brain function D. lower the risk of heart disease
Câu 30: Learning multiple languages makes you a better communicator because________.
A. you learn more about how to promote your ideas and make contact with others
B. you can improve your writing and speaking skills
C. you know how to get the attention of someone
D. you can communicate more effectively in your mother tongue
Câu 31: The word “cognitive” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ________.
A. intellectual B. mental C. emotional D. subjective
Câu 32: All the following sentences are the benefits of learning English EXCEPT:
A. it’s easy to use in communication. B. it helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s.
C. it provides better employment opportunities. D. it gives you access to the world’s best universities.
27/ Sometimes people add to what they say even when they don’t talk. Gestures are the “silent
language” of every culture. We point a finger or move another part of the body to show that we
want to say. It is important to know the body language of every country or we may be
misunderstood. In the United States, people greet each other with a handshake in a formal
introduction. The handshake must be firm. If the handshake is weak, it is a sign of weakness or
unfriendliness. Friends may place a hand on the other’s arm or shoulder. Some people, usually
women, greet friends with hugs. Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each
other, they stand two and half feet away at an angel, so they are not facing each other directly.
Americans get uncomfortable when a person stands too close. They will move back to have
space. If Americans touch another person by accident, they say, “Pardon me” or “Excuse me”.
Americans like to look the other person in the eyes when they are talking. If you don’t do so, it
means you are bored, hiding something, or are not interested. But when you stare at someone, it
is not polite. Learning a culture’s body language is sometimes confusing. If you don’t know what
to do, the safest thing to do is to smile.
Câu 28: What can be the best title of the passage?
A. Body language B. Americans’ language.
C. Greeting Others in Americans. D. “Silent language” of American Culture.
Câu 29: According to the passage, in an informal introduction, Americans greet each other ____.
A. by placing a hand on each other’s arm or shoulder. B. by facing each other directly.
C. with a handshake. D. by looking the other person in the eyes.
Câu 30: In the context of the passage, what does “by accident” mean?
A. unintentionally B. intentionally C. deliberately D. voluntarily
Câu 31: Which of the following is NOT correct?
A. To Americans, if you look the other person in the eyes when you are talking, it means you
are bored, hiding something or are not interested.
B. It is important to know the body language of every country.
C. When Americans talk to each other, they do not face each other directly.
D. Americans feel uncomfortable when a person stands too close.
Câu 32: According to the passage, it seems that ________.
A. every culture has its own body language.
B. learning a culture’s body languages is always embarrassing.
C. every country has the same “silent language”.
D. people shouldn’t talk because their gestures are meaningful.
28/ Do you ever think about what schools will be like in the future? Many people think that
students will study most regular classes such as math, science and history online.
Students will probably be able to learn these subjects anywhere using a computer. What will
happen if students have problems with a subject? They might connect with a teacher through live
videoconferencing. Expert teachers from learning centers will give students help wherever they
live. Students will still take classes in a school, too. Schools will become places for learning
social skills. Teachers will guide students in learning how to work together in getting along with
each other. They will help students with group projects both in and out of the classroom.
Volunteer work and working at local businesses will teach students important life skills about the
world they live in. This will help students become an important part of their communities.
Some experts say it will take five years for changes to begin in schools. Some say it will take
longer. Most people agree, though, that computers will change education the way TVs and
telephones changed life for people all over the world years before.
Câu 28: What will happen if students meet difficulties with a subject?
A. Teachers from learning centers will give them help through live videoconferencing.
B. They will meet their teachers in person for help with problems with the subject.
C. They will telephone the teachers who are staying at the school to seek their help.
D. Schools will organize a live videoconference for teachers to help students with problems.
Câu 29: Students will still go to school to ________.
A. learn social skills B. play with their friends C. use computers D. learn all subjects
Câu 30: The main role of teachers in the future will be ________.
A. helping students with group projects B. guiding students to learn computers
C. providing students with knowledge D. organising live videoconferences
Câu 31: The word “Some” in the last paragraph refers to ________.
A. experts B. changes C. school D. computers
Câu 32: What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Computers will change education in the future.
B. Kids won’t have to go to school in the future.
C. All classes will be taught online in the future.
D. Teachers will help students from home in the future.
29/ Life in the city is totally different from the rural life. The city- life has both sides good as
well as bad. First comes before the bad side. The evils of the city life begin from its vast
population. There is crowd everywhere. The growing industrial development attracts rural
people. They flock to the city to seek job and enjoy luxuries of city life. But does one really
enjoy a city life as a question. Lot of population creates problems of accommodation. People live
in congested houses in limited space. Colonies of buildings and skyscrapers are raised at random
without any systematic planning. The water- supply falls short. The smoke from the industry and
innumerable verities pollutes the air. People breath only smoke. They work round the clock.
They always are in a hurry and worry. No greenery, no nature, no open air, no tress, no birds, no
time to stand and stare. Can city- life be pleasant?
True, the city offers its citizens many up- to- date modern comforts and facilities. One can get
best education from primary to the university level. One gets verity of books from big libraries.
There are many good education aids like cultural centers, technical schools, museums, art-
galleries etc. For recreation there are parks with many toys. For amusement there are cinemas
and plays. One can get the best medical facilities in a city. There are good means of transports
and big markets.
Câu 28: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The good and bad life in the city. B. The life in the city is better than the rural life
C. The good rural life D. There are good means of transport and big markets.
Câu 29: What does “evils” in the first paragraph mean?
A. negative sides of a thing. B. the development of industries in urban areas.
C. many people living in the city. D. a mysterious force that causes bad things to happen.
Câu 30: Why do people flock to urban areas?
A. There are more job opportunities and modern facilities.
B. There are many kinds of accommodation available.
C. There is a lot of space for people to live and work.
D. There are many buildings and skyscrapers.
Câu 31: Education facilities do NOT include __________ .
A. plays B. schools C. libraries D. museums
Câu 32: What can people in the city do to entertain?
A. go to the cinema. B. stand and stare. C. breathe the air. D. go to the market
30/ Dalat is one of the famous tourist cities of the country. This place has many beautiful poetic
beauty spots with friendly local people. Da Lat lies on Lam Vien plateau, in the Center Highland
province of Lam Dong, 300 kilometers to the north of Ho Chi Minh City. Da Lat is a well-
known city attracting all people who have been there once.
Da Lat is known as a city of pine trees, waterfalls and flowers. Da Lat is described as a
forest of flowers with different colours and various species. Flowers can be found anywhere and
in any season. We can see flowers in Da Lat in the park, in front of the houses, in the gardens,
etc. Da Lat has the widest range of orchild varieties in the country. Da Lat has few rivers and
canals but it has many spectacular waterfalls. It takes tourists several days to visit all the
waterfalls in the area. The famous Cam Ly Falls is only 3 kilometers from the town center. The
Prenn Fall is 10 kilometers in the south of Da Lat. The water pours now like a white shade. Da
Lat people are very proud of it. Besides beautiful scenery, Dalat cuisine is quite famous that
visitors come here to enjoy it. Dalat day or night have delicious food, which is rich flavor and
Dalat is not just a tourism city, it is town to slow down our mind, to escape from the bustling
city life, to enjoy every mintute together with nature.
28.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. There are two spectacular water falls in Dalat.
B. There are many kinds of flowers in Dalat.
C. The distance between Dalat and Ho Chi Minh city is about 300 kilometers.
D. Dalat food is delicious and has reasonable prices.
29.What does the word "it" in paragraph 2 refers to?
A. the fall B. the cuisine C. the food D. the scenery
30.Which of the following can replace the word "spectacular" in paragraph 2?
A. breathtaking B. astounding C. bustling D. poetic
31.How long does it takes to visit all the waterfalls in the area?
A. Some days B. A day and a night C. Some weeks D. One day
32.What is the best title for the text?
A. Dalat - A beautiful destination for tourists B. Pine trees, waterfalls and flowers of Dalat
C. Dalat’s food and drinks D. Dalat - not just a tourism city
7/ The Temple of Literature was constructed in 1070 under Ly Thanh Tong’s dynasty to
honor Confucius at first and celebrate the doctorates and high rank scholars of Vietnam. In 1076,
King Ly Nhan Tong continued the work and built Quoc Tu Giam as the first university of
The temple is divided into five court yards, each with its own significance and history. The
first courtyard stretches from the main gate to Dai Trung gate. The second stands out with Khue
Van Cac pavilion. The third courtyard is where doctors’ names were engraved on stelae above
tortoise backs. There are a total of 82 stelae, with names and origins of 1307 doctors,
corresponding to 82 examination courses from 1442 to 1779. The fourth courtyard is dedicated
for Confucius and his 72 honored students, as well as Chu Van An - a famous teacher known for
his devotion to teaching. This is also where local authorities choose to honor outstanding
students in Hanoi nowadays, like those with top entrance results to university or top graduation
outcomes. The last and also furthest courtyard is Thai Hoc house, which used to be Quoc Tu
Giam - the first university of Vietnam.
After more than 900 years of existence, the Temple of Literature is an example of well-
preserved traditional Vietnamese architecture. Along the pass are 100-year-old trees that have
witnessed the ups and downs of history.
28. When was the Temple of Literature built?
A. It was built in the late tenth century.
B. The construction of the Temple of Literature took place in 1076.
C. The Temple of Literature was constructed in 1070
D. It was erected in the early eleventh century
29. What does the text mainly discuss?
A. The first university of Vietnam. B. The location of the Temple of Literature.
C. The origin of the Temple of Literature. D. The structure of the Temple of Literature.
30. The word “stelae” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to______.
A. tombstones B. trophies C. records D. pillars
31. It can be inferred from the passage that______.
A. Vietnamese people highly appreciate the talent of scholars.
B. the Temple of Literature is an important historic site in Vietnam.
C. Confucius was the first teacher of Quoc Tu Giam.
D. Quoc Tu Giam is located far away from the Temple of Literature.
32. What is NOT true, according to the passage ?
A. The Temple of Literature has now still remained most of its traditional Vietnamese
B. Quoc Tu Giam is considered to be the first university of Vietnam.
C. Chu Van An used to be a teacher at Quoc Tu Giam.
31/ Venice is a beautiful city located in northeast Italy that is famous for its intricate transport
system of interconnected canals. It has been described as the most beautiful city built by man and
one of Europe’s most romantic cities. Venice is also known for its art, architecture and culture. So
you’ll never be short of something to do in the “City of Bridges”.
First, do a bit of sightseeing by taking a romantic sunset gondola ride down the Grand Canal
that will take you through the heart of the city and let you soak up the relaxing atmosphere. You’ll
also see the Rialto Bridge that was the only bridge to cross the canal until the 19th century and was
mentioned in Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice”.
In the evening, immerse yourself in culture by going to Musica a Palazzo, a Venetian Palace
from the 15th century which holds intimate opera performances of various operas such as La
Traviata. As the opera progresses you also get a tour of the house as each act is performed in a
different room.
Treat yourself to dinner in the Trattoria alla Madonna, Michelin starred restaurant in the centre
of the city serving traditional Venetian fair and specializing in seafood. All ingredients are fresh as
they are sourced from the local markets each morning. The restaurant is also decorated with
paintings by contemporary Italian artists and as it’s a family run restaurant, it has a very romantic
1. What is the text about?
A. things to do in Venice B. How romantic the City of Venice is!
C. the love for Venice of the author D. Venice’s history, culture and economy
2. According to the author, what is the city of Venice well known for?
A. its transport system, art, architecture and culture
B. its complicated transport system of interconnected canals and unique culture
C. its intricate transport system of international canals, art, architecture and culture.
D. its intricate transport system of interconnected canals
3. What does “soak up” in paragraph B mean?
A. to waste time B. to breath the fresh air
C. motorbikes are very popular among young people
D. to spend time experiencing, listening to, or feeling something enjoyable
4. Why can people look around Musica a Palazzo as the opera progresses?
A. Because artists perform each act of the opera in a divergent room.
B. Because each act of the opera is performed by a different artist.
C. Because each act of the opera is performed at different time.
D. Because each act of the opera is performed in various places.
5. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
A. Dona Palace Hotel is a very romantic place but its room rates are so high.
B. Venice is a delightful city situated in southeast Italy.
C. The Trattoria alla Madonna Restaurant is decorated with paintings by contemporary Danish
D. The Rialto Bridge was no longer the only bridge to cross the Grand Canal after the 19th
33/ Education in England
Every child in England between the age of five and fifteen must attend schools. There are three
main types of educational institutions, primary (elementary) schools, secondary schools, and
Like most countries in the world, there are two types of schools in England, independent schools
(fee-paying schools) and state schools in which students do not have to pay tuition fees. In both
types, attendance is compulsory. Morning classes begin at nine o dock and last until half past
four in the afternoon. After classes, most English children often stay at school and take part in
extracurricular activities like sports, singing and dancing. Schools are open five days a week. On
Saturdays and Sundays there are no lessons. There are holidays at Christmas, Easter and in
summer. In London as in all cities there are two grades of schools for those who will go to work
at fifteen: primary schools for boys and girls between the ages of five and eleven, and secondary
schools for children from eleven to fifteen.
Besides such compulsory lessons as reading, writing, the English language, English literature,
English history, geography, science, and nature study, children in England can take many
optional subjects like drawing, painting, singing, or woodwork to develop their aptitudes.
Câu 28. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Entertainment for children in England B. Education in England
C. State schools in England D. Compulsory lessons
Câu 29. The writer mentions all of the following types of educational institutions
A. primary schools B. secondary schools C. kindergartens D. high schools
Câu 30. "Sports" is mentioned in the reading passage as
A. a compulsory lesson B. an extracurricular activity
C. an optional subject D. a bad subject
Câu 31. Which types of schools do 14-year-old children often attend?
A. primary schools B. universities C. secondary schools D. high schools
Câu 32. The word "optional" in paragraph 3 is CLOSEST in meaning to
A. not required B. not free C. unintentional D. bad
34/ Today, millions of people want to learn or improve their English but it is difficult to find the
best method. Is it better to study in Britain or America or to study in your own country?
The advantages of going to Britain seem obvious. Firstly, you will be able to listen to the
language all the time. You will be surrounded completely by the language wherever you go.
Another advantage is that you have to speak the language if you are with other people. At home,
it is always possible to speak Vietnamese if you want to and the learning is slower.
On the other hand, there are also advantages to staying at home to study. You don’t have to make
big changes to your life. As well as this, it is also a lot cheaper than going to Britain but it is
never possible to achieve the results of living in the UK. If you have a good teacher, I think you
can learn in a more concentrated way than being in Britain without going to a school.
So, in conclusion, I think that if you have enough time and enough money, the best choice is to
spend some time in the UK. This is simply not possible for most people, so being at home is the
only viable option. The most important thing to do in this situation is to maximise your
opportunities: to speak only English in class and to try to use English whenever possible outside
the class.
28. What is probably the topic of the passage?
A. How many people learn English B. The best way to learn English
C. English schools in England and America D. Learning English in Viet Nam
29. What is one of the advantages of going to the UK to learn English?
A. There are no Vietnamese people in Britain. B. There are very good teachers of English there.
C. You will have to speak English and not your language.
D. The language schools in the UK are always better.
30. What is one of the advantages of staying at home to learn English?
A. The teachers aren’t very good in Britain.
B. You have to work too hard to make money in Britain.
C. You can concentrate on learning English only.
D. Your life can continue more or less as it was before.
31. The underlined word "viable" in the passage probably means ________.
A. possible B. understandable C. important D. careful
32. People who don’t have a lot of time and money should ________.
A. learn English in Britain B. try and speak English in class more often
C. go to America to learn English D. speak English more outside the class
35//////You've probably heard the expression “Laughter is the best medicine”. Well, scientists
and medical doctors now agree that laughter can help people deal with stress and anger.
Research has also shown that people who feel happy and relaxed are healthier and have better
relationships. Laughter yoga is a series of exercises which teaches you to laugh for no reason.
You don't need to have a sense of humour, or understand funny jokes. You just have to laugh.
When you do laughter yoga in a group, you laugh and do yoga breathing, so that you increase the
amount of oxygen in your body. Soon the laughter exercises turn into real laughter. After a
laughter yoga class, you feel calm and relaxed, but also happy and full of energy. Laughter yoga
was developed by a medical doctor from India, Dr. Madan Kataria. He started the first laughter
yoga classes in a park in Mumbai in 1995 with just five people, and now there are over six
thousand laughter clubs in sixty different countries.
Companies who have run laughter yoga workshops find that they have advantages for both
employers and employees. People who are happy at work are more hard working and make more
money for the company. Also, people who can laugh together, communicate more successfully.
In general, people do better at work when they feel happy and relaxed.
28. Which is the main content of the text?
A. To confirm that laughter is the best medicine B. To introduce laughter yoga
C. To investigate the feeling of people D. To advise people not to laugh too much
29. According to research, what does “Laughter is the best medicine” mean?
A. People will feel angry without laughter yoga. B. Laughter makes people look younger.
C. Laughter can improve people's health.
D. People who don't laugh cannot build relationships.
30. What do people do in the laughter yoga class?
A. Laugh and do yoga breathing. B. Tell funny jokes and laugh.
C. Do exercise for strictly medical purpose D. Join outdoor activities for charity
31. According to the text, what are benefits of laughter yoga?
A. Feel happy and full of energy B. Work and communicate more successfully.
C. All are correct D. Feel calm and relaxed
32.Today, laughter yoga ______.
A. has spread to different countries all over the world. B. is still popular only in India.
C. is popular only among young people.
D. has become a favourite pastime of many company directors.
35/ Learning a new language is always an excellent idea. It provides you incredible benefits that
come with the backing of science! One of the most useful languages to learn is English.
Learning a second language is one of the best ways to keep your brain active and
challenged. Learning another language offers important cognitive benefits at any age, helping to
keep the mind active and even reducing the risk of mental disease and slowing mental decline
later in life.
When learning English as a second language, you approach new ways to think and express
yourself through written and spoken words. Learning multiple languages can help you
communicate more clearly in any language as you learn more about how language itself works
and how to use it to promote ideas and reach out to others in a variety of social and work
The world may not have a global language, but English is the default option for countless
forms of communication across the globe. That’s why one of the benefits of learning English is
that it significantly boosts your hiring potential. In addition, it can offer you educational
opportunities. If you desire access to some of the best schools like Harvard, Stanford, Oxford,
Cambridge or MIT, then knowing English provides you an incredible edge. It’s expected that
around 2 billion people around the world will learn English over the next decade.

1. The passage mainly discusses _____.

A. the advantages and disadvantages of language learning B. how to keep your mind active
C. the benefits of learning English D. ways to improve your English level
2. According to the text, learning English as a second language can _____.
A. reduce brain function B. have a negative effect on the brain
C. slow the mental decline due to aging D. lower the risk of heart disease
3. Learning multiple languages makes you a better communicator because _____.
A. you learn more about how to promote your ideas and make contact with others
B. you know how to get the attention of someone
C. you can improve your writing and speaking skills
D. you can communicate more effectively in your mother tongue
4. The word “cognitive” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
A. emotional B. mental C. intellectual D. subjective
5. All the following sentences are the benefits of learning English except:
A. it helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s. B. it provides better employment opportunities.
C. it’s easy to use in communication D. it gives you access to the world’s best universities.
36/ The coronavirus pandemic could cut up to 50 million jobs worldwide in the travel and
tourism industry. This is according to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). The
tourism industry could shrink by up to 25 per cent. Many people are staying at home and not
travelling. Many people cannot travel as more and more countries are taking action to fight
COVID-19. This action includes closing borders, requiring people self-quarantine for 14 days
after arriving in a country, and banning flights from other countries. The head of the WTTC said
the pandemic, "clearly presents a significant threat to the industry as a whole, to those employed
within it, and those wishing to continue travelling".
The tourism industry makes up 10 per cent of the world’s GDP and jobs. It is one of the
industries hardest hit by the COVID-19 virus. Airlines, cruise ships and hotels have suffered big
losses. Korean Air has warned that the coronavirus could threaten its survival. Australia’s Qantas
has reduced its international flights by nearly 25 per cent because of the outbreak. World-famous
sites are deserted. This could cause restaurants and cafes to go out of business as tourists stay
away from crowded places. Tourism is a key industry in Hawaii. Experts there predict that over
half of Hawaii’s hotel rooms will be empty over the next few months. The WTTC said that
tourism would take 10 months to recover after the virus.
1. What does the text mainly discuss?
A. The industries hit by the COVID-19 pandemic
B. Factors contributed to the decline in tourism
C. The global spread of the deadly coronavirus outbreak
D. Coronavirus’s effect on the travel and tourism industry
2. What are countries banning from other countries?
A. people B. borders C. flights D. tourists
3. The word "deserted" in the second paragraph means _____.
A. extremely dry and sunny B. left and no longer used C. empty of people D. full of tourists
4. It can be inferred from the passage that the travel and tourism industry _____.
A. is expected to emerge stronger in the future
B. has been slightly affected by the spread of coronavirus
C. will be recovered in ten months’ time
D. is severely damaged due to coronavirus outbreak
5. All the statements are true EXCEPT _____.
A. Tourism could take 10 months to recover after the virus has gone.
B. The WTTC said the tourism industry could become 25 per cent smaller.
C. Ten per cent of the world’s GDP and jobs comes from tourism.
D. Over 50 million jobs have been lost in the tourism industry
37/ If we look a look at how people in Europe communicated just one hundred years ago, we
would be very surprised to find out that English was hardly used outside the United Kingdom.
The language most commonly used between people of different nationalities was French.
However, that is not the case nowadays. English has replaced French as the international
language of communication. Today, there are more people who speak English as a second
language than people who speak it as a first language.
There are many reasons why English has become the language of international
communication. Britain's colonization of many parts of the world had something to do with it,
but it is mainly due to America’s rise to the position of major world power. This helped spread
popular American culture throughout the world bringing the language with it.
But is it good that English has spread to all parts of the world so quickly? Linguists have
suggested “Esperanto”, an artificially put-together language, as a solution to international
communication problems but without success. So English will continue being the world
language until some other languages, maybe Chinese, which is the most widely- spoken native
language in the world, takes over as the world’s international language instead of English.
1. What does the world “which” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. English B. Esperanto C. Chinese D. a language
2. What is the main reason why English has become the language of international
A. The development of British culture B. Britain’s becoming an international power
C. America’s becoming powerful D. The French losing many colonies
3. What is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Esperanto is difficult to learn. B. Esperanto is not a natural language
C. The linguists don’t like Esperanto. D. Esperanto is becoming more and
more popular
4. What would be a good title for this passage?
A. English in the future B. English language means English culture
C. English - a difficult language to learn D. English as an international language
5. According to the passage, what was the most commonly used language a century ago?
A. Chinese B. French C. English D. Esperanto
38/ Mercury is the smallest member of the sun's family which is only 3,100 miles across. It is
also the sun's swiftest planet. Its yearly journey round the sun is only 85 days.
Mercury always keeps one side towards the sun. On this side it is always day, on the other
side it is always night. We only see the lighted side.
Mercury appears to us like a yellowish orange star. The nearest planet to the sun, it is
always seen near the sun, either just before sunrise or soon after sunset. People sometimes call
Mercury the morning star or evening star. Mercury is half the size of the earth. Because it is
much lighter, it has much less gravity. If you can visit Mercury in a spaceship, you will find it a
strange world. Its low gravity makes you feel very light. If your weight on earth is 100 pounds,
your weight on Mercury is only 27 pounds. Looking at the sun from Mercury, you can see that
it’s much more brilliant than it is seen from the earth. And the yellow centre of the sun appears
three times bigger from Mercury. On the lighted side, Mercury’s temperature is about 300
degrees centigrade. But the dark side is extremely cold, 150 degrees below zero so Mercury is
probably the coldest as well as the hottest of the planets.
1. The word swiftest in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. hottest B. coldest C. fastest D. biggest
2. We cannot see the dark side of Mercury because _____.
A. it is too far for us to see B. it moves very fast
C. it always appears just before sunrise or soon after sunset
D. it always keeps one side towards the sun
3. On the lighted sight, the Mercury’s temperature is _____.
A. 300 degrees centigrade B. zero degree centigrade
C. 85 degrees centigrade D. 100 degrees centigrade
4. The word “it' in paragraph 4 refers to _____.
A. gravity B. the sun C. Mercury D. the earth
5. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Members in Solar system B. Mercury C. Gravity D. Solar system
39/ Step 1: Make your own cleaning products. Doing this will reduce the use of plastics because
you are reusing plastic containers to hold the cleaning products.
Step 2: Use cloth bags at the grocery store and for all your grocery needs. If you don't have
a cloth bag with you when you are shopping, ask yourself if you need a bag at all.
Step 3: Buy energy-saving devices. They may cost more but you will save money because
they use less energy. Replace regular bulbs with energy-efficient bulbs. You pay a little more,
but the life of the bulb is significantly longer.
Step 4: Set up compost bins. Add fewer things to the landfill sites by composting your
kitchen scraps. All plant-derived foods, coffee grounds and tea leaves can be composted. Have
small containers in your home to place them in. Use this rich fertile soil in the garden.
Step 5: Grow an organic garden. If you don't have the space or time to grow a garden, shop
locally and support local farmers.
Step 6: Reduce the use of car travel. Consider using public transportation, walking, and bike
riding to get to where you want to go. If you must travel by car, shop for a fuel-efficient vehicle.
1. What can be the best title for the passage?
A. When to Save the World B. How to Protect the Earth
C. How to Make Your Home Safer D. When to Make Your Life Better
2. According to paragraph 1, why should you create your own cleaning products?
A. Because your own cleaning products are better for the environment.
B. Because making your own cleaning products can save you money.
C. Because this can help decrease the number of plastic containers.
D. Because it will protect your family from harmful cleaning products.
3. What does the word "energy-efficient” in paragraph 3 mean?
A. consuming a lot of energy B. saving almost no energy
C. wasting much energy D. using little energy
4. What does the word "them" in paragraph 4 refer to?
A. Plant-derived foods, coffee grounds and tea leaves B. Compost bins
C. The landfill sites D. Small containers in your home
5. According to paragraph 6, what should you do to reduce the use of car travel?
A. Travel by air. B. Go on foot.
C. Avoid using public transportation. D. Buy a powerful vehicle.
40/ When your mobile phone runs out of battery power, all you have to do to get it working
again is to charge it up. Imagine if you could do the same thing with your car. Researchers at car
companies are developing cars that plug into electric sockets. These vehicles might become the
cars of the future.
The cars are called plug-in hybrids and they get most of their power from electricity, just
like other electrical devices like mobile phones and laptops. This technology would significantly
reduce the amount of petrol that people use. For countries that depend on other oil producing
countries for their petrol supply this could be a great advantage.
Presently, most cars use petrol. Unfortunately, burning fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide
gas, and when a large amount of this gas and other greenhouse gases are trapped in the Earth's
atmosphere, they cause global warming. Hybrid vehicles have already been developed and are
being driven. These cars get their power from both petrol and electricity; they are able to travel
longer distances with less petrol. Plug-in hybrids will be even more advanced as they are
designed to be powered mainly by electricity and use only a small amount of petrol. It might be
some time before the cars will become available to the public but if they do, it will be a major
breakthrough for transport.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. How to reduce gas. B. How to develop hydrid cars.
C. Cars running on petrol. D. Cars of the future.
2. According to the passage, researchers are developing _____.
A. cars that do not need a battery B. electric cars whose battery can be recharged
C. electric car that don't need to be charged D. cars that never run out of battery power
3. According to the passage, this new technology would be a great advantage for _____.
A. people who don't use much petrol B. countries which do not produce oil
C. oil producing countries D. companies which produce cars
4. According to the passage, hybrid cars _____.
A. use a combination of electricity and petrol B. have not been developed
C. use more petrol than cars running on petrol D. get their energy only from electricity
5. The word "they" refers to _____.
A. greenhouse gases B. cars C. fossil fuels D. distances
41/ Nowadays, it is rare to find a language class that does not use some form of technology. In
recent years, technology has been used to both assist and enhance language learning. English
teachers in Vietnam have incorporated various forms of technology to support their teaching.
Some technology tools enable teachers to differentiate instruction and adapt classroom activities
and homework assignments, thus enhancing the language learning experience. Distance learning
programs can enable language educators to expand language-learning opportunities to all
students, regardless of where they live, the human and material resources available to them, or
their language background and needs. Further, English teachers can engage students in the
learning process, provide authentic examples of the target culture, and even connect their
classrooms in Vietnam to classrooms in other countries where English is spoken. The
effectiveness of any technological tool depends on the knowledge and expertise of the qualified
language teachers, so Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam has organized thousands of
IT classrooms throughout the country to enhance technology skills for English teachers.
Technology continues to grow in importance as a tool to assist teachers of foreign languages
in facilitating and mediating language learning for their students and all the teachers are trying to
make sure that students will acquire a second language more effectively with the help of
1. What can be the best title for the passage?
A. Natural disasters in Japan. B. There are no language classes that does not use technology
C. A new form of distance learning programs D. Role of technology in language learning
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. There is no relation between technological tool and the knowledge of the teachers.
B. Technology is becoming more important as a tool to assist teachers of foreign languages.
C. There are thousands of IT classrooms have been organized for English teachers
throughout Vietnam.
D. Students can learn foreign languages from distance with the help of technology.
3. Why has Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam organized IT classrooms
throughout the country?
A. Because they want to expand language-learning opportunities to all students.
B. Because they want to improve technology skills for English teachers.
C. Because they want to engage students in the learning process.
D. Because they want to differentiate instruction and adapt classroom activities.
4. What does the word "they" in paragraph 2 refers to?
A. The teachers B. The students C. The educators D. The technology skills
5. Which of the following can replace the word "enable" in paragraph 2?
A. allow B. prepare C. bring D. enhance
42/ American foods began to affect the rest of the world. American emphasis on convenient
and rapid consumption is best represented in fast foods such as hamburgers, French fries, and
soft drinks. By the 1960s and 1970s fast foods became one of America's strongest exports as
franchises for Me Donald's and Burger King spread through Europe and other parts of the world,
including Russia and China. Traditional meals cooked at home and consumed at a leisurely pace
gave way to quick lunches and dinners eaten on the run as other countries imitated American
cultural patterns.
By the late 20lh century Americans had become more conscious of their diets, eating more
poultry, fish and vegetables, and fewer eggs and less beef. Cooks began to rediscover many
world cuisines in forms closer to their original. In California, chefs combined fresh fruits and
vegetables available with ingredients and spices borrowed from immigrant kitchens to create an
innovative cooking style that was lighter than traditional French, but more interesting and varied
than typical American cuisine. Along with the state's wines, California cuisine took its place
among the acknowledged forms of fine dining.
28. Fast foods such as hamburgers, French fries, and soft drinks_______.
A. are traditional meals of the US people
B. are popular because of their nutritious values
C. became more popular than meals cooked at home in China
D. became popular with other European and Asian countries
29. Which of the following is similar in meaning to the word “cuisine”?
A. style of cooking B. cooking C. cooker D. cook
30. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. America's cuisine used to have an influence on many countries.
B. Fast foods became one of America's strongest exports.
C. Me Donald’s and Burger King are American food suppliers successful in Europe.
D. Traditional meals cooked at home are not common in the US.
31. Which of the following statements is true?
A. By the late 20th century, fast foods had lost their popularity in the US.
B. Americans used to eat more poultry, fish, fruits and vegetables than they do now.
C. Cooking styles of other countries began to affect Americans by the late 20th century.
D. Fewer eggs and less beef in American diet made them fitter.
32. An innovative style of cooking was created in California_______.
A. by combining the local specialties with immigrants spices
B. to attract more immigrants to the state
C. and made the state’s wines well-known D. by borrowing recipes from immigrant kitchens
43/ Education is another area of social life in which infomation technology is changing the
way we communicate. Today’s college students may not simply sit in a lecture or library to learn
about their field. Through their computers and the wonders of virtual reality they can participate
in lifelike simulated experiences and consider the following scenario of the future fo education
made possible through developments in information technology.
For children over the age of 10, daily attendance at schools is not compulsory. Yet, some
of the older children attend school only once or twice weekly to get tutorial support or
instruction from a teacher. For the most part, pupils are encouraged to work online from home.
Students must complete a minimum number of study hours per year; however, they may make
up these hours by studying at home at times that suit their family schedule. They can log on early
or late in the day and even join live classes in other countries. In order to ensure that each student
is learning adequately, computer software will automatically monitor the number of hours a
week each student studies online as well as that students’ learning materials and assessment
activities. Reports will be available for parents and teacher. The software can then identify the
best learning activities and condition for each individual studen and generate similar activities. It
can also identify areas of weak achievement and produce special programs adjusted to the
students’ needs.
28. What is the topic of the passage?
A. Computer software will make sure students learn at home.
B. Students don’t have to go to school any more.
C. The effects of information technology on education.
D. Students can know about their weak aspects to focus.
29. How many times are children who are older than 10 required to go to school weekly?
A. No time. B. Once or twice. C. Three. D. four.
30. Who / what counts the number of hours per week that students spend learning?
A. Virtual reality. B. Teacher. `C. Computer software. D. Parents.
31. What CAN’T the software do?
A. Design materials for the students. B. Monitor the time the students learn.
C. Find out the best activities for the students. D. Identify weaknesses of the students.
32.What is NOT MENTIONED as a benefit of infomation technology to the students?
A. Students can stay at home to learn. B. Students can learn at times that suit their schedule.
C. Students’ weak achievement can be identified.
D. Students’ learning time won’t be monitored.
44/ Men have played a significant role in American society as the main breadwinner, and
protector of the family. But the traditional role of men has slowly been transferred to women.
Society is changing with women going to college, and gaining jobs. It may even happen in
several years' time when women are given sole earning responsibility in American society as the
main breadwinner of the family. That is due in part to women gained working privileges equal to
men in the 1970s.
Up until the 1970s, men were the traditional family breadwinners, while women stayed at home,
raised the kids, made dinner every night, cleaned the house, and ran all of the errands. Men went
to work every day, making enough money to buy a nice home, buy a new car every so often.
Once women were afforded the opportunity to work in the same jobs men once held, men's more
traditional foothold in the workplace was loosened. Women were given bigger jobs with more
responsibility, but women take jobs with major responsibly with less pay than men.
The role of men in American society is changing with more women going to college, and
obtaining careers; men are playing more untraditional roles at home.
Women are still giving birth to the kids, running errands, cleaning, making dinner. Young
children, boys as well as girls, are being raised with dad at home taking care of the kids.
Millions of families are also raising their young with mom and dad sharing all of the
responsibilities. Today's role of men in American society is more of a shared role, with a more
undefined role.
28. The traditional role of men was ______.
A. the foothold in the family B. the supporter of women
C. the main breadwinner of the family D. raising the children when they were at home
29. The word "foothold" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to______.
A. a hole in a rock to support your feet B. achievements at work a strong position
C. a strong position at work achievements D. supporting when climbing
30. Women used to stay at home doing housework because ______.
A. men went to work every day. B. men gained equal working privileges
C. men brought bread home every day D. men offered a good life to the whole family
31. At work, women take ______.
A. the job of delivering bread. B. the same job as men but with less
C. the jobs for college graduates. D. all the jobs once held by men
32. The best title of this passage would be ______.
A. Changing Roles of Men and Women in American Society
B. Sharing Responsibilities with Women at Work C. The Shared Role of Men Nowadays
D. Role of Men in American Society.
45/ From the 20th to the 21st century, there have been significant changes in the majority of
countries around the world. Substantial differences are evident between the way we live today,
and the way we lived a century ago. Vietnam is no exception although there are some aspects of
life in Vietnam that are similar to the way of life of the twentieth century. Living in Vietnam
today differs greatly from the lifestyle of 100 years ago. People in the past mainly worked in
agriculture whereas today there are significantly fewer people working in this sector of the
economy. These days, by comparison, people are more likely to be employed in manufacturing
and tourism than in the rice fields. Moreover, Vietnam, which was traditionally agricultural, is
transforming into an entirely different country. While agriculture is still an important component
of the Vietnamese economy, other enterprises are
accounting for an increasing amount of economic activity.However, along with the differences,
similarities also exist. The Vietnamese have kept many of characteristics of their forefathers. The
Vietnamese people are as friendly today as they were in the past. This is best illustrated in the
way they welcome foreigners. Moreover, the determination of the people of Vietnam has not
changed. The Vietnamese work collectively and happily towards the development of their
country.To conclude, while there are differences in past and present lifestyles, there are
important similarities. Although Vietnam has changed in many ways, there always have been,
and always will be, the friendly welcoming smiles of the Vietnamese people.
28. Nowadays, more people work in ______.
A. foreign enterprises B. agricultural section C. manufacturing and tourism D. the rice fields
29. Vietnam has had significant changes..........................
A. for one hundred years B. from the 20th century C. in the 21st century D. in the 20th century
30. All of the following are traditional features of the Vietnamese EXCEPT............
A. the determination to build the country B. the hospitality to strangers
C. the friendly welcoming smiles D. the entirely different country
31. The word “collectively ’ in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. as a group B. very common C. the same as D. owned by a group
32. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. many people work in accounting B . Lifestyles: Past and present.
C. the majority of population works in manufacturing.D. Viet Nam has kept the same lifestyles.
In the early years of television, educational specialists believed that it would be very useful in
teaching and learning. Many schools have bought television sets, intending to use them
effectively to improve the quality of education; but actually they are rarely used properly in
classroom. Meanwhile, children spend the majority of their out-of-school hours watching TV
and their typical school days proceed as if television did not exist.
There are some explanations for the failure of television to get the interest of the teachers.
Firstly, the school that purchased television sets have not set aside money for equipment repairs
and maintenance, so these television sets are sooner and later out of order. Secondly, these
schools have not found an effective way to train teachers to integrate television into their
ongoing instructional programs. Lastly, most teachers do not regard the quality of television and
its usefulness in the classroom.
Teachers at schools work hard for at least twelve years to train their students to become
good readers. However, according to recent statistics, teenagers seldom spend their free time
reading book and newspaperr but watching television instead.
28. According to the text. TV………………………… .
A. has not attracted students’ interest. B. has not beenused properly in classrooms.
C. has not existed D. has been used effectively in classrooms.
29. The text is about …………….. .
A. educational specialists B. the use of television at school.
C. watching TV outside school D. teaching and learning television.
30. The word “it” in the first sentence is closest in meaning with…………. .
A. early years B. educational specialists
C. television D. quality of education
31. When TV first appeared, what did educational specialists believe?
A. They believed that it would be useful for schooling .
B. They somewhat appreciated it.
C. They believed that it banned children from watching TV.
D. They did not appreciate it
32. What do students spend most of their free time?
A. reading books B. learning foreign languages
C. reading newspapers D. watching TV.

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