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HHF Presents A Homeopathic Book on — mind Beginner Series Part Ill DUE eC TEU) CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2 CARRIED DESIRES TO BE CARRIED CONSTANTLY 1] CINA....the unstoppable 2) CHAMOMILLA...the snappish 3] ARSENIC ALB...the hard to please 4] ANTIM TART....the weak chest. 5] KALI CARB...the orthodox 6) SANICULA....the unquenchable nursing CHAPTER 3 HARD FOR INFERIOR AND KIND FOR SUPERIOR 1] LYCOPODIUM...the cowardice dictatorial 2] LACHESIS...the vivacious 3] VERATRUM ALB....the impressionable prince 4] PLATINUM...the exclusive CHAPTER 4 SENSITIVE BABIES 1] IGNATIA...the moralistic sensitive 2] CARCINOSIN...the nature lover 3] PULSATILLA...the delicate darling 4] STAPHYSAGRIA...... the ambitious and dignified CHAPTER 5 TIMID AND SHY BABIES 1] SILICEA... the obstinate and shy 2] BARYTA CARB...the naive dwarf 3] AMBRAGRESIA...the embarrassed 10 19 24 28 34 38 42 49 55 61 66 72 79 85 91 96 102 108 CONTENTS CHAPTER 6 PLAYFUL CHILDREN || BELLADONA...the frivolous 2] COCCULUS...the dull care taker CHAPTER 7 l'ti1E DESTRUCTIVE AND HYPERACTIVE CHILDREN 1| TUBERCULINUM...the energetic traveler >| TARENTULA.H....the cunning fox CHAPTER 8 tEARFUL BABIES || STRAMONIUM....the pretentious child >| ITYOSCYAMUS...the doubtful + fearful CHAPTER 9 AR OF EXAMINATION || GELSEMIUNM ... the drowsy and dull 2) ARGENTICUM NITRICUM... the unsuccessful lethargic CHAPTER 10 NURSING DESIRE TO NURSE ALL THE TIME 1] SANICULA...the unquenchable nursing | CALC.PHOS..the aversed school child CHAPTER 11 MISCELLANEOUS || KALI PHOS ...the unsupported helpless ?| NUX VOMICA...the perfectionist ‘| PHOSPHOROUS...the hypocrite 4| MOSCHUS...the spoiled brat +) UAMAMELIS...the respected and reverend @ 114 120 126 132 142 147 156 160 166 170 179 183 187 196 192 Chapter I Introduction Jntroduction SIMPLICITY .This is the key word which I would like to explain to you all in this book. I have designed this book,by keeping in mind Dr.{fahnemann’s easily comprehensible principles which have helped me in presenting the portraits of homoeopathic children remedies. The layman is caught in DIS -COMFORT when things go wrong on the I.P.R [Inter-Personal —Relationship] level which gets teflected in his/her disease process. For e.g. A feeling of disappointment lack of love or freedom ,etc. Nuclear family Now a days nuclear family is very common where the father mother and the child stay together and father is out for work and the mother is also mostly working. The child is in the hands of either the maid or the childis in créche.., during sickness as we have to understand the adaptation. i.e. [what does the child do during sickness] remains a mystery. Sometimes in a nuclear family the father and the mother cannot give sufficient time to the child and hence the feeling of the child is very {mportant for prescription . Sometimes there may be constant arguments in the family and as GD) there is no one to interfere then we have to understand the feeling of the child during the quarrels of the parents....whether the child cries during the quarrel, he interferes between them ,or stays aloof in the next room to avoid the scene lastly the child is busy playing although he notices the quarrel, the child may behave that it is very casual to him/her ...this is also helpful to understand the nature of the child. Joint family In a joint family there is a grandfather and /or grandmother with the parents so as we know that it is very common that the grandparents pamper the child. They do whatever the child says.and at any given time if the child wants something then the grandparents will get things done according to child’s demands. If the parents scold the child then the grandparents will not allow the mother or the father to scold. This is very common scene in joint families but to understand the feeling ofa child we have to understand whether the child takes undue advantage of it or not ...or whether the child has become very obstinate. In the book we have dealt with such cases with the remedial understanding and hence I am giving some hints to understand the background of the behavior of a child in different situations. Sometimes the grandparents are over protective ...they go on saying to the child don’t do this don’t do that don’t eat this, such things get impressed in the child and hence the child becomes very cautious, careful & fearful. Sometimes in a joint family there is always some orthodox modes of treatment wherein if you have cough then they give honey and water to drink or turmeric and warm milk which soothes the throat and these things gets impressed on the mind of the child. If the child gets cold or cough he takes the same on his own and accordingly we can jel (he understanding of the child. Long gap in the siblings. Sometimes there is s big gap in the elder and the younger brother or sister and hence the younger one is mostly pampered and most favorite of the whole family. The elder one feels neglected [not always] as we are trying to understand the different adaptations in different situations]. the smaller one is most of the times excused and the elder one has to bear the consequences and this may help us to find the feeling of the elder child.. Sometimes there is a situation where there are two elder sisters and after the gap of some years a baby boy is born in the family. There might be partiality between the siblings as still there are some parents who educate their son in an English medium school and the daughters in the vernacular medium as the fees in the vernacular medium is comparatively less the boy beats his sisters but in the school or outside, the same boy is calm and quiet whereas at home he is very frrogant and dictatorial . The feeling of the boy as well as his sisters can be analyzed and evaluated. Pampered child Now a days the parents have become over caring and protective, hence even if the baby or a child sneezes once or twice still the parents jel them to the doctor Our role as a physician is to explain the parents and convince them that nothing is wrong in the child. Still if they insist you to give medicine, just give placebo if the child is playful and his routine is not disturbed Dominating parents As you will read the book further I have mentioned the hectic schedules of children nowadays ....and every parent want their child to be number one in all aspects hence they force them to big classes ,with extracurricular activities like, dance classes and karate classes. Though the child wants to enjoy his childhood the parents don’t allow them to do so. Ifachild wants to go to play football but as there is no scope in it, he is forced to play cricket without understanding the child’s interest. This may also help us to understand the feeling of the child . Tone and gestures When the child comes in the clinic we should observe him whether he is fearful, timid , shy, introvert or talkative, bold, extrovert. The child is so innocent that all his emotions are clearly expressed, for example the child is making an eye contact or is he hiding behind the mother? Is he sitting at one place like a good boy or he is moving from one place to another? Sometimes the child is charming, smiling and playful and at times he might be sad morose or irritable. He might never look at the physician directly and sometimes he will be cautious at every action of the physician. Dirty or clean We can also observe the child whether the child is clean, tidy or dirty. This shows how much care the parents take, whether the nails are dirty ,the hair are clean. The clothes are washed clean or not. Dress code When a child wears a full pant with belt then we have to ask the parents whether the pant was of his choice or theirs. Ifat all it’s his choice then sometimes we get the answer that the child likes to wear clothes like his father and tries to imitate his father then we can think of some rubrics. Sometimes the child likes to wear clothes of BENTEN or HANUMAN or SPIDERMAN and wear a watch just like BENTEN. As the child is impressed with the character of that particular cartoon he wants just like that character. Sensitive child or a carefree child We come across different types of children. There are instances Where a child is punished by his/her parents, teachers and the reaction of the child is casual or sensitive which may take fever affecting the tdaptation of the child. There are children who do their homework regularly and there are home who are least bothered about it. Some are duty conscious while others are carefree. ‘These are the small things which help us to reach the similimum. Some children fall sick during school exams. The causes differ from hildto child which is explained further in the book. ‘The reason behind giving the above examples is that in this way we oun understand the exact attitude, behavior or character of the child during sickness. ‘There are some instances where the environment is changed. For e.g. If'the father is a government servant, and is transferred from a village (o a city or vice versa. The environment is changed. Here the ‘daptation changes and this should be taken into consideration. ‘The transfer of the father causes the child to miss his old school, teuchers, friends and everything. All of this should be considered for the adaptation of the child. There are some incidences where the father has to go abroad suddenly. Here we have to understand the reaction of the child, as some feel insecure, lonely, while some will boast that their father has gone abroad etc. There are many such incidences where there is sudden change in the environment which may affect the child. Don’t make any rule after reading this book as homoeopathy is an art as well as science and hence this book is just a guideline. Itis interesting at the same time difficult to analyze a case ofa cchildin asimple way. Allow the child to wander all over your clinic which may pass some important information Child when comes for the first time Do not totally accept mother’s information as at times she may havea wrong perception regarding the disease or symptoms of her child. Mostly every mother feels that Her child eats less or drinks less ... Herchild is very obstinate. Her child is very weak. Her child is very thin. Her child doesn’t listen to anybody. Don’t take the above characters as the prescribing rubrics. The most important criteria is the follow up of a child The first thing you have to observe is the energy of the child .Whether his energy is adequately improved or not. ‘The appetite should increase as compared to the appetite during the illness. The discomfort should decrease remarkably. Sometimes fever will come down rapidly or slowly. In cases of asthma before administering the dose we should examine the chest and we should feel the intensity of the wheezing because sometimes after the correct dose the bouts of cough increases but as the parents are very impatient. They say the cough has increased a lot but we as a physician should know whether the wheezing has come down or not. If the cough is increased and the wheezing is decreased then we are on the right track. Unnecessary auxillary medications and Homeopathic doses should be avoided. The ultimate feeling after the administration of dose is the general well being of the patient and that the prescriber can easily make out from sheer observation. Some important guidelines about the book Ali the rubrics are taken from synthesis repertory and complete repertory The content of the book is purely based on my clinical experiences. This book is a guide for the homoeopaths who want to learn more not, just restricting with some prejudiced thoughts The basic purpose of this book is to make the understanding of a child inasimpler way. Chapter I Garried desire to be carried - constantly ‘Garried desire to be carried - constantly . Cina . Chamomilla . Arsenic Alb . Antim Tart . Kali Carb . Sanicula Gina We all know that it is very difficult to prescribe a baby after hearing the complaints from the parents. There are no guiding symptoms in a case where the baby cannot put forth his condition, especially as he cannot speak! [ still remember a case when I was practising homoecopathy by taking physical symptoms, A baby in a neighboring flat was crying continuously. As lama doctor the neighbor came to me for some help. They came to me with full of hopes, thinking that I could help them. I observed the baby but there was nothing that I could take as a symptom for prescription as the baby was doing nothing but crying continuously, everybody was trying to calm her with all the possible resources, the parents took her out but still the condition was the same. Everybody tried their best to (Pacify her) {stop her crying}, butin vain. Just imagine the scene! It was around 12 or 12:30 at night and the baby was crying aloud nonstop, her parents were frustrated and expecting me to do something but [ was totally clueless about the remedy. She was already given gripe water and anticolic-allopathic medicines but with no results! I was just helpless. Fortunately the baby cried and cried and went offto sleep. I was embarrassed and kept thinking the whole night, what is the use of being a homoeopathic doctor? As I could do nothing for the child, as there were no symptoms, modalities and thermals at all. Icouldn’t sleep the whole night. The next day again the child was in the same state of irritability and was crying. In the early hours of the morning they again brought the baby to me. 1 couldn’t resist myself'and called Dr Ashok Mohanty sit and surprisingly he received my call, then I narrated to him the whole story. He listened to me very carefully and advised me to give a dose of Cina 200 stat and asked me to call him after two hours. This is the greatness of our masters. Sir not only received my call but also guided me appropriately and asked him to call back for the results. I was very impressed with his gesture. [ religiously believed in him and administered a dose of Cina 200. @ lo my surprise within 10 minutes the baby stopped crying and asked for milk, and then went to sleep. After waking she passed greenish black stools which were very offensive and the parents again brought her to me to rule out any other problem but the baby was so playful und charming that I was sure the remedy had worked wonderfully. That was the time I noticed homoeopathic elimination for the first time and at the same time was very happy that I got the right path which follows the laws of homoeopathy. I called sir, reported everything and askcd the reason behind the prescription. He replied in the most simple way that it was not possible to pacify the child by doing anything, in spite of doing everything baby was not keeping quiet, but was crying continuously. Rubric taken was: . Quieted, cannot be. (Single remedy: Cina.) | was surprised to realize this, is it really so simple rather this system of finding the similimum is so simple. This was an eye-opener case for me and I was charmed with this system of homoeopathy, This case boosted my confidence regarding homoeopathy as well as my confidence in myselfas a homoeopath, Dear reader, the aim of this book is to imbibe confidence in all you budding homoeopaths to practice homoeopathy with full confidence. It is an attempt to give you an understanding of the most common remedies which you will find in your clinic. Let us try to understand babies in different states and conditions. As my eye-opener was Cina, fetus start with this remedy. @® Let us understand a Cina Child The basic prescribing rubric in Cina is: Quieted, cannot be. But remember that it is the state of the patient in sickness. Suppose a patient (baby/child) comes to you with a history of fever/cough/diarrhea but at that moment he is calm and quiet, it is our responsibility to ask the parents about the condition during sickness, i.e. during the phase of the fever/diarrhea /cough. What is the reaction or adaptation of the child? Ifthe parents say that during that state the baby goes on crying continuously and can not be stopped by any possible means then only this rubric (quieted, cannot be) will be applicable. The parents will say that they didn’t sleep the whole night as the baby was crying continuously. Sometimes a few smart parents may also say that though there were no tears but still the baby was crying continuously. Here also this rubric will be applicable. The confirmation to this is that the patient goes to sleep after getting tired from crying for hours together. (Not necessarily in every case.) A Cina baby is basically an irritable one and the important part is that he himself doesn’t know what he wants. He is not satisfied in any position and is continuously restless and shrieking in an irritating tone. Though all attempts are made by the parents to make him quiet, the child continues crying. Ifthe child is carried it wants to get down and ifhe is put down then he wants to be carried again. And despite his refusal to be lifted or carried, ifhe is forcefully lifted and made to lie down again with some extra force then only there is some chance of making him quiet and puting him to sleep, otherwise he will go on crying and will sleep only after he feels tired. @ ‘There are many rubrics in this remedy but the main rubric of this remedy is quieted cannot be and all other rubrics will revolve around this rubric and hence it is necessary to understand it very carefully. | am focusing on the words, “cannot be quieted”. These words are very important as there are some other similar situations where you sce some slight change in adaptations may change the remedy. So please apply this rubric very carefully as it has only one remedy. Some important rubrics of Cina which are applied commonly are: . Quieted, cannot be petting and caressing are of no use . CARRIED- desire to be carried . CARRIED- aversion to be carried . CAPRICIOUSNESS- rejecting the things for which he has longing; when offered; he is . Shrieking- children; in . Irritability- children; in . Refusing- help . Caressed; being- aversion to . Contemptuous- everything; of . Quieted, cannot be . Capriciousness- rejecting the things for which he has been longing; when offered, he is Chamomilla Let us go to an another remedy, which is very close to Cina and that is Chamomilla. Let us understand it with a case of a child who was suffering from cough and fever and was diagnosed with Pneumonia. The child had taken antibiotics but had no relief. He was then advised hospitalization and as usual the parents came to me as their last option. I just observed the baby who was being carried by the father who seemed to be very tired and frustrated. The baby was dull and quietly put her head on her father’s shoulder. The father said in a very annoyed and frustrated tone ‘’Please, Doctor do something as no medicine is working and we have not slept since the last 4-5 days, as the baby is crying continuously.” She is so irritable that it is very difficult to make her quiet. I asked him “What makes the baby stop crying?” He replied that I or her mother have to carry her continuously and the moment we keep her on the bed she cries so loudly that I suppose the whole building would wake up with the loud sound. You know Doctor, I and my wife are doing the duty of carrying her at night alternately the same way as we do the duty in our company (shift duties). The moment I keep her on the bed she cries loudly in a bad shrilling tone, sometimes I cannot control myself from beating her. She is so irritable and cranky. Dr is it possible to carry her for 24 hours? My hands have started aching. I was just observing the baby ‘nd she was looking very irritable with a frown on her face. | usked the father to keep her on the examination table, till then the baby was quiet. The moment she was kept down she cried in such a loud tone that I asked the father to pick her up again as I couldn’t tolerate her loud and shrieking tone. | wondered how the parents could manage such a baby for the whole day. | tried to fondle with the baby by just putting my hand on her head but again she cried with a loud shrill sound that I took my hand off her head. Analysis of the case: It was very difficult to make the baby quiet as the baby was quiet only when she was being carried by her father or mother otherwise she wouldn’tremain quiet. We have a rubric in our repertory : Quieted cannot be, carried; only by being ...some supporting rubrics are . Shrieking- children; in . Irritability- children; in . Noise- inclination to make noise . Carried- desires to be carried . Frown- disposed to . Anger- touched; when . Snappish Chamomilla 200 single dose Follow up irritability was remarkably reduced and she slept soundly. Her appetite had increased and she started playing on her own. The job was done, and the cough and fever decreased. Let us understand a Chamomilla Child AChamomilla baby during the state of sickness is either in a dull state or in an irritable one just like Cina. She is also difficult to be quieted but the basic difference between Chamomilla and Cina is that Chamomilla can be quieted as soon as she is carried in a comfortable position but in the case of Cina we can’t make her quiet in any way. The child will not stop crying at all. This is the basic difference, in’ Cina the baby will go on shrieking in a similar irritating tone where as in Chamomilla the intensity of the noise will go on increasing as the impatience and irritability of Chamomilla is directly proportionate to the disturbance in her comfortable position. Unless she gets the desired position she will go on screaming. . Carried -desire to be . Carried- aversion to be In both the above rubrics we have Chamomilla. A Chamomilla- baby wants a typical position, to be in a comfortable state and unless she achieves that comfort she goes on crying (carried desires to be carried). If you do not lift the baby according to the way the child wants she will be very irritating and cranky. The person who | handles the baby will be so confused that he will not understand what exactly the child wants. Chamomilla is very sensitive to pain, and cannot handle pain and hence becomes restless in an exaggerated manner or tone. The irritability is because she feels that the pain or distress she is going through is not understood by her parents, guardians or the attendant. Chamomilla does not necessarily frown but may also be seen in a state of dullness. After the irritable state she may also go in a morose state. This is because Chamomilla cannot handle pain and distress us the tolerance level of Chamomilla is very low. When she is in the comfortable position she cannot tolerate anybody; even a slight touch. Her reactions are always in an exaggerated manner. . Exaggerating- symptoms; her . Impatience- pain; from . Anger- interruption; from . Carried- desire to be carried; fast (complete repertory) . Sensitive- pain; to . Morose- pain; during . Dullness- heat; during . Morose- chill; during Chamomilla can come in your clinic in any of the following states: Iullness, morose or irritable. The core rubric is: Quieted, cannot be- carried; only by being; with any of the above states. Picase take a note that this information is not sufficient to understand the in and out of Chamomilla but as we are limiting ourselves to babies we have to cover the maximum number of remedies with Srsenic Alb There is one more baby which is very close to Chamomilla; let us study it with acase. You will get these babies most commonly in your clinic. Hence it is very important to differentiate between them as the remedies are very close to each other. Case A mother came to me with a baby boy in her arms looking very tired and frustrated just like the previous baby’s parents. She started with the same complaint; that the baby was suffering from a bad cough with fever, since many days. At present the baby was very calm and quiet and looking at me and when I looked at him he gave me a smile. He was not having fever as he was given a dose of Paracetamol. I asked her what was his state before giving him the medicine. She said that he was very irritable & restless, never allowing me to sit calmly. Believe me Doctor, the whole night I was carrying him and walking to and fro. I am also a human being so on getting tired I used to stop moving and keep him down. The moment I keep him down he Would start crying in an irritable and pitiful tone. Please doctor give him such a dose so that he will sleep and allow me to sleep calmly too. Doctor he has harassed me a lot as if I am his enemy and he doesn’t care whether I am tired or not. He just goes on crying but stops, only when he is carried. I again tried to fondle the baby on his head and he looked at me and again gave mea smile. Rubrics . Quieted cannot be; carried, only by being; rocking ameliorates . Carried- desires to be carried . Irritability- children, in . Restlessness- children, in . Smiling . Complaining- pitiful . Quieted cannot be; carried, only by being (Ars, Cham) Remedy prescribed was Arsenic Alb. How to differentiate between Arsenic and Chamomilla ? Both are irritable, cranky, restless, complaining, lamenting and always want to be carried. The Chamomilla baby is very sensitive to touch and if you try to touch a Chamomilla baby, it will repel the touch in a very snappish and rude manner, with a big dislike (frown) on his face. Chamomilla is never concerned about society and will cry in a very bad and irritating tone; while arsenic is mostly presentable, calm and smiling. . Touch- aversion to . Anger- touched; when . Weeping- touched; when . Irritability- looked at- spoken to or touched Let us understand an Arsenic Child An Arsenic child is socially alert and keeps smiling, but this gesture may not be present always. Though this child has aversion to be touched, it will not show its dislike. An Arsenic baby is a very presentable child and likes to maintain that presentation in front o everybody as it tries to hide his irritability and will only harass the person who takes utmost care of him. The arsenic baby during sickness is very irritable and restless. He wants everything urgently. Just like Chamomilla he will go on lamenting in a very piteous tone until he gets the desired thing (Carried- desire to be carried- fast) The Arsenic baby is very fastidious. A question will come in your mind that, how can a young baby be fastidious? If an Arsenic baby passes urine in the diaper he will start crying immediately until the diaper is removed, that too as early as possible, as he cannot wait. The tone of Arsenic is pitiful and irritating. These babies are so fastidious that they avoid going to the toilet, where the tiles are wet and dirty. They mostly require absolute dry and clean tiles in the toilet. They like cleanliness and they will get all the cleaning done from other people.

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