Final Report - Santosh Sir1

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Music Recommendation System

For the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

Computer Science Engineering(Artificial Intelligence)

Submitted By
Praveen Kumar (2001921520040)
Harsh Raj (2001921520027)
Anmol Rana (2001921520009)

Under the Supervision of

Mr.Anand Kumar Yadav



Affiliated to





We hereby declare that the project work presented in this report entitled “Music
Recommendation System”, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the
degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering, submitted to Dr.
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow is based on our own work carriedout at
Department of Applied Computational Science and Engineering (ACSE), G.L. Bajaj Institute
of Technology & Management, Greater Noida. The work contained in the report is true and
original to the best of our knowledge and project work reported in this report has not been
submitted by us for award of any other degree or diploma.

Name: Praveen Kumar

Roll No: 2001921520040

Name: Harsh Raj

RollNo: 2001921520027

Name: Anmol Rana

Roll No: 2001921520009

Place: Greater Noida, INDIA


This is to certify that the Project report entitled “Music Recommendation System”done by

Praveen Kumar (2001921520040), Harsh Raj (2001921520027) and Anmol Rana

(2001921520009). is an original work carried out by them in Department of Applied

Computational Science and Engineering (ACSE) , G.L.Bajaj Institute of Technology &

Management, Greater Noida under my guidance. The matter embodied in this project work

has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of my

knowledge and belief.


Mr. Anand Yadav Dr. Naresh Kumar

Signature of the Supervisor Dean ACSE


The merciful guidance bestowed to us by the almighty made us stick out this project to a
successful end. We humbly pray with sincere heart for his guidance to continue forever.

We pay thanks to our project guide Mr. Anand Kumar Yadav who has given guidance and
light to us during this project. Her versatile knowledge has helped us in the critical times
during the spanof this project.

We pay special thanks to our Dean ACSE Dr. Naresh Kumar and Head of Department Mr.
Mayank Singh who has been always present as a support and help us in all possible way during
this project.

We also take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all those people who have been
directly and indirectly with us during the completion of the project.

We want to thanks our friends who have always encouraged us during this project.

At the last but not least thanks to all the faculty of CSE department who provided valuable
suggestions during the period of project.

This research introduces a music recommendation system that combines content -based
filtering, collaborative filtering, and real-time user feedback mechanisms. The system
evaluates the intrinsic features of songs to provide recommendations aligned with individual
user preferences. To enhance the contextual relevance of recommendations, collaborative
filtering is employed, integrating current musical trends, including regional preferences.

A key feature of our system is its dynamic feedback loop, which utilizes real-time user
reactions captured through facial recognition and wearable device data to assess enjoyment
levels. This feedback is used to continually refine recommendations via machine learning
algorithms, adapting to the user’s evolving tastes and emotional responses. The result is a
highly adaptive and responsive music recommendation system that anticipates user needs,
offering a cutting-edge solution for personalized music curation. The proliferation of digital
music libraries has overwhelmed users with an abundance of choices, making effective music
recommendation systems essential for a personalized listening experience. Our system aims to
address this by integrating content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, and real-time
feedback mechanisms to provide recommendations that are both personally resonant and
contextually relevant. Additionally, the researchers utilized data augmentation techniques
during training, which involves generating new training samples by applying random
transformations (such as rotation, scaling, and flipping) to existing images. This strategy helps
improve the model's ability to generalize to unseen data and enhances its overall performance.

Traditional music recommendation systems often rely on either content-based filtering, which
analyzes song attributes, or collaborative filtering, which leverages user community data.
However, each method has its limitations when used in isolation. Content-based filtering excels
at recommending songs similar to those a user has liked before but struggles with novelty.
Collaborative filtering can introduce users to new music but often requires a large amount of
user data to be effective

This research introduces a music recommendation system that combines content -based
filtering, collaborative filtering, and real-time user feedback mechanisms. The system
evaluates the intrinsic features of songs to provide recommendations aligned with individual
user preferences. To enhance the contextual relevance of recommendations, collaborative
filtering is employed, integrating current musical trends, including regional preferences.

KEYWORDS: Music Recommendation System, Content-Based Filtering, Collaborative

Filtering, Machine Learning, User Feedback, Facial Recognition, Wearable Devices,Music


Declaration …………………………………………………………………………… (ii)

Certificate …………………………………………………………………………… (iii)
Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………………. (iv)
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………….. (v)
Table of Content ……………………………………………………………………….. (vii)
List of Figures ………………………………………………………………………….. (viii)

Chapter 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………… 01
1.1 Preliminaries..........................................................................................
1.2 Motivation …………………….............................................................
1.3 Problem Statement …………………………………............................
1.4 Aim and Objectives ……………………………………………………
Chapter 2. Literature Survey.................................................................................... 06
2.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………..
2.2 Related Work.........................................................................................
2.3 Research Gap………………..................................................................

Chapter 3. Proposed Methodology......................................................................... 15

3.1 Introduction ……………………………………………………………
3.2 Problem Formulation ………………………………………………….
3.3 Proposed Work ………………………………………………………

Chapter 4. Implementation…................................................................................. 22
4.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………….
4.2 Implementation Strategy (Flowchart, Algorithm etc.) ………………….
4.3 Tools/Hardware/Software Requirements..………………………………
4.4 Expected Outcome (Performance metrics with details) ……………….

Chapter 5. Result & Discussion ……………………….......................................... 30

Chapter 6. Conclusion & Future Scope.……………………….............................. 35

References 37
Appendix I: Plagiarism Report of Project Report (<=15%)


FigureNo Description Page No.

Figure 4.1 User Feedback Mechanism 23
Figure 4.2 Content Based and Collaborative Filtering 25

Figure 4.3 Overall System Workflow 25

Figure 5.1 Analysis of BPM Data(Song 1) 32

Figure 5.2 Analysis of BPM Data(Song 2) 32

Figure 5.3 Analysis of BPM Data(Song 3) 33

Chapter 1

1.1.1 Background & Motivation

The evolution of digital music platforms has fundamentally changed how users consume
music. With vast libraries and the convenience of streaming, users have access to millions
of songs at their fingertips. However, this abundance of choice often leads to the "paradox
of choice," where users struggle to find music that aligns with their preferences.

Traditional music recommendation systems, such as those used by Spotify, Apple Music,
and YouTube, primarily rely on collaborative filtering and content-based filtering. While
these methods have proven effective to an extent, they have significant limitations.
Collaborative filtering, which recommends music based on the preferences of similar users,
often falls short in scenarios involving new users (the "cold start" problem) or niche music
tastes. Content-based filtering, which recommends music based on the attributes of songs,
can fail to capture the contextual and emotional nuances that influence user preferences.

The motivation behind this research is to address these limitations by developing a Hybrid
Advanced Music Recommendation System (HAMRS). This system seeks to harmonize
user preferences with real-time contextual and emotional data, thereby delivering a more
personalized and engaging music experience.

This paper introduces a hybrid system that bridges these methodologies, incorporating real-
time user feedback through facial recognition and wearable devices to dynamically adjust
recommendations. By capturing real-time reactions, our system can better understand and
anticipate user preferences, providing a more engaging and satisfying listening experience.

1.1.2 Problem Statement & Objectives

Problem Statement

Current music recommendation systems are limited in their ability to adapt in real-time to
user preferences and emotional states. They often neglect regional music trends and do not
fully utilize advanced technologies such as machine learning, computer vision, and real-
time physiological data.

In today's digital age, music streaming platforms have transformed how we discover and
enjoy music. With millions of tracks available at our fingertips, users can feel overwhelmed
by the sheer volume of choices. This is where music recommendation systems come into
play. These systems are designed to help users navigate vast music libraries by providing
personalized music suggestions tailored to their unique tastes and listening habits.

A music recommendation system is a software application that suggests music to users

based on various factors. These factors can include the user's past listening behavior,
explicit feedback (such as likes or ratings), and similarities between different songs and
artists. The goal is to deliver recommendations that the user will find enjoyable, thereby
enhancing their overall experience on the platform.


Develop a hybrid music recommendation system that combines content-based filtering,

collaborative filtering, and real-time feedback.

Incorporate multiple regional music APIs to ensure the quality and relevance of music

Utilize facial recognition and wearable devices to capture real-time user feedback and
refine recommendations.

Ensure the system can scale to accommodate a growing user base and data volume.Analyze

the effectiveness of the hybrid approach in enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.

1.1.3 Benefits of Research

Enhanced Personalization

The system leverages multiple filtering techniques and real-time feedback to offer a highly
personalized music experience, aligning with users' dynamic preferences and emotional

Real-Time Adaptability

By integrating real-time data from facial recognition and wearable devices, the system can
continuously adapt its recommendations based on the user's current mood and context.

Regional Relevance

Using multiple regional APIs ensures that the recommendations are not only personalized
but also culturally and contextually relevant, enhancing the user's connection to the music.

User Engagement

The system’s interactive and responsive nature is likely to increase user engagement and
satisfaction, leading to longer usage times and higher user retention rates.

Technological Innovation

The research contributes to the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning by
exploring the integration of diverse data sources and advanced algorithms in a practical

1.1.4 Limitation of Research

Data Privacy and Security

The use of facial recognition and wearable devices raises significant privacy and security
concerns. Ensuring user consent and protecting user data from breaches are critical

Resource Intensive

The integration of advanced technologies such as machine learning, computer vision, and
real-time data processing requires substantial computational resources and can be costly to
implement at scale.

Accuracy of Emotion Detection

The accuracy of emotion detection through facial recognition and wearable devices can be
influenced by external factors such as lighting, facial obstructions (e.g., glasses or masks),
and device accuracy.

User Acceptance

Users may be hesitant to use a system that involves facial recognition and continuous
monitoring through wearable devices due to privacy concerns or discomfort.


Ensuring that the system can handle a large number of users and vast amounts of data
efficiently requires careful consideration of scalability and performance optimization.

This paper introduces a hybrid system that bridges these methodologies,

incorporating real-time user feedback through facial recognition and wearable
devices to dynamically adjust recommendations. By capturing real-time reactions,
our system can better understand and anticipate user preferences, providing a more
engaging and satisfying listening experience.

Chapter 2
Literature Survey

2.1.1 Introduction

The development of music recommendation systems has evolved significantly, with

various approaches being explored to enhance user experience. This chapter reviews the
existing literature on various recommendation techniques, including content-based
filtering, collaborative filtering, and the integration of real-time feedback mechanisms. It
also discusses the limitations of current systems and highlights the need for a hybrid
approach that leverages advanced technologies to enhance personalization and user

2.1.2 Literature Review

Content-Based Filtering Techniques

Content-based filtering techniques involve analyzing the intrinsic features of songs to

match user preferences. These features can include genre, tempo, rhythm, key,
instrumentation, and lyrics. Various methods have been explored in the literature to
enhance the effectiveness of content-based filtering.

Soleymani et al. (2015) proposed a content-based music recommendation system using the
underlying music preference structure. This approach emphasizes understanding the deeper
musical preferences of users to provide more accurate recommendations.

Bogdanov et al. (2011) developed a content-based system for music recommendation and
visualization of user preferences. Their work highlights the use of semantic notions to

improve the recommendation process.

Han et al. (2018) focused on music recommendation based on feature similarity. This
method involves comparing the features of different songs to identify similarities and
recommend songs that align with the user's taste.


Content-based filtering can recommend songs that share specific characteristics with the
user's liked songs, providing a high degree of relevance.


It can lead to repetitive recommendations and lacks the ability to introduce diversity.
Additionally, it may not capture the user's broader musical tastes and context.

Collaborative Filtering Approaches

Collaborative filtering relies on the behavior and preferences of a large number of users to
generate recommendations. It can be implemented using two main methods: user-based and
item-based collaborative filtering.

User-Based Collaborative Filtering

This method finds users with similar preferences (neighbors) and recommends songs that
those users have liked. It is effective in finding niche music by leveraging the preferences
of similar users.

Item-Based Collaborative Filtering

This method calculates the similarity between items (songs) based on user interactions and
recommends songs that are similar to those the user has liked. It is more scalable than user-
based methods and can quickly adapt to new users and items.



Collaborative filtering requires significant computational resources, especially with a

growing user base and an expanding music library.

Cold Start Problem

New users and new songs pose a challenge as there is no historical data to base
recommendations on.


The user-item interaction matrix is often sparse, making it difficult to find sufficient data
to generate accurate recommendations.

Hybrid Approaches

Hybrid recommendation systems combine content-based and collaborative filtering to

leverage the strengths of both methods. Several hybrid approaches have been proposed in
the literature

Darshna (2018) explored a hybrid approach that combines content-based and collaborative
filtering to reduce the cold start problem. This method integrates the strengths of both
techniques to provide a more balanced recommendation system.

Chang et al. (2018) developed a personalized music recommendation system using a

convolutional neural network (CNN) approach. This system uses deep learning techniques
to combine content-based and collaborative filtering methods.

Yoon et al. (2012) proposed a music recommendation system using emotion-triggering

low-level features. This hybrid approach combines content-based filtering with emotion-

based features to enhance recommendation accuracy.

Advantages of Hybrid Approaches

Hybrid approaches address many of the limitations of individual methods, such as the cold
start problem and the lack of diversity, by providing a more balanced and comprehensive

Real-Time Feedback Integration

The integration of real-time feedback mechanisms, such as facial recognition and wearable
devices, has emerged as a promising approach to enhance music recommendation systems.
These technologies capture physiological and emotional responses to music, providing
valuable insights into user preferences.

Ayata et al. (2018) focused on emotion recognition via galvanic skin response, comparing
machine learning algorithms and feature extraction methods. Their research highlights the
potential of using physiological data to enhance music recommendations.

Dornbush et al. (2005) introduced XPOD, a human activity and emotion-aware mobile
music player. This system uses real-time feedback from users' physical activities and
emotions to adapt music recommendations.

Liu et al. (2009) proposed a music playlist recommendation system based on user heartbeat
and music preference. This approach uses physiological data, such as heart rate, to
understand user preferences and recommend songs accordingly.

Advantages of Real-Time Feedback Integration

Real-time feedback mechanisms can provide immediate insights into user preferences,
allowing the system to adapt quickly and improve recommendation accuracy.


Privacy Concerns

The use of facial recognition and biometric data raises significant privacy issues. Ensuring
user consent and protecting data from misuse are critical challenges.


The accuracy of emotion detection can be affected by various factors such as lighting
conditions, facial obstructions, and device accuracy.

Regional Trends and Cultural Context

Incorporating regional music trends and cultural context into recommendation systems can
significantly enhance personalization. Users often have preferences that are influenced by
their cultural background and regional trends.

Tian et al. (2019) developed a music recommendation system based on logistic regression
and eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost). This system takes into account regional music
trends to provide more relevant recommendations.

Advantages of Considering Regional Trends

Incorporating regional music trends into recommendation systems ensures that the music
suggestions are culturally and contextually relevant. This approach can significantly
enhance user satisfaction and engagement by tailoring recommendations to the user's
cultural background and local music preferences. By leveraging regional music data,
recommendation systems can provide more diverse and personalized music experiences,
reflecting the unique tastes and trends of different regions. This can lead to higher user
retention and more positive user interactions with the platform.

Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques

Recent advancements in machine learning and deep learning have significantly enhanced
the capabilities of music recommendation systems. Techniques such as neural collaborative
filtering, deep content-based models, and sequence-based models (e.g., Recurrent Neural
Networks) have shown promising results.

Neural Collaborative Filtering

Uses neural networks to model complex interactions between users and items. This
approach can capture non-linear relationships and improve the accuracy of

Deep Content-Based Models

Utilize deep learning techniques to extract high -level features from audio signals, lyrics,
and metadata. These models can provide more nuanced and accurate recommendations
based on the content of the music.

Sequence-Based Models

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks can
model the sequential nature of music listening behavior, capturing patterns and preferences
over time.

Real-Time Feedback Integration

The integration of real-time feedback mechanisms, such as facial recognition and wearable
devices, has emerged as a promising approach to enhance music recommendation systems.
These technologies capture physiological and emotional responses to music, providing
valuable insights into user preferences.

Facial Recognition

Analyzes facial expressions to infer emotions such as happiness, sadness, surprise, and
disgust. Real-time analysis of facial cues can help determine how a user feels about a
particular song.

Wearable Devices

Track physiological metrics such as heart rate, skin conductance, and body temperature.
These metrics can indicate arousal levels and emotional states, which can be correlated with
music preferences.

Case Study: Spotify and Emotion AI

Spotify has experimented with emotion AI to enhance its recommendation engine. By

analyzing users' facial expressions and biometric data, Spotify aims to deliver more
contextually relevant music recommendations.


Privacy Concerns

The use of facial recognition and biometric data raises significant privacy issues. Ensuring
user consent and protecting data from misuse are critical challenges.


The accuracy of emotion detection can be affected by various factors such as lighting
conditions, facial obstructions, and device accuracy.

Inferences Drawn from Literature Review

From the review of the literature, it is evident that the integration of multiple
recommendation techniques can significantly enhance the effectiveness of music
recommendation systems. Content-based filtering, while effective in identifying song
similarities, can benefit from the diversity introduced by collaborative filtering. Hybrid
approaches that combine these methods address many limitations, such as the cold start
problem and recommendation diversity.

Additionally, the incorporation of real-time feedback mechanisms, such as facial

recognition and wearable devices, adds a dynamic element to recommendation systems,
allowing them to adapt to the user's current emotional and physiological state. This real-
time adaptability can significantly enhance user satisfaction and engagement.

Considering regional trends and cultural contexts further personalizes the

recommendations, making them more relevant and engaging for users from different
backgrounds. Advances in machine learning and deep learning provide powerful tools for
capturing complex user preferences and delivering highly accurate recommendations.

Advantages of Considering Regional Trends

Incorporating regional music trends into recommendation systems ensures that the music
suggestions are culturally and contextually relevant. This approach can significantly
enhance user satisfaction and engagement by tailoring recommendations to the user's
cultural background and local music preferences. By leveraging regional music data,
recommendation systems can provide more diverse and personalized music experiences,
reflecting the unique tastes and trends of different regions. This can lead to higher user
retention and more positive user interactions with the platform.

Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques

Recent advancements in machine learning and deep learning have significantly enhanced
the capabilities of music recommendation systems. Techniques such as neural collaborative

filtering, deep content-based models, and sequence-based models (e.g., Recurrent Neural
Networks) have shown promising results.

Neural Collaborative Filtering

Uses neural networks to model complex interactions between users and items. This
approach can capture non-linear relationships and improve the accuracy of

Deep Content-Based Models

Utilize deep learning techniques to extract high-level features from audio signals, lyrics,
and metadata. These models can provide more nuanced and accurate recommendations
based on the content of the music.

Chapter 3
Proposed Methodology

3.1.1 Introduction

Music recommendation systems have evolved significantly to offer users personalized

music experiences. However, traditional systems face limitations, such as the inability to
adapt in real-time to user preferences and emotional states. This chapter presents the
problem formulation and the proposed work for developing a Hybrid Advanced Music
Recommendation System (HAMRS) that addresses these limitations by leveraging
content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, and real-time feedback mechanisms.

3.1.2 Problem Statement

Current music recommendation systems are limited in their ability to adapt in real-time
to user preferences and emotional states. They often neglect regional music trends and do
not fully utilize advanced technologies such as machine learning, computer vision, and
real-time physiological data. These limitations result in less accurate and less engaging
music recommendations, reducing user satisfaction and retention.

3.1.3 Proposed Work

The proposed work involves the development of HAMRS, which integrates multiple
recommendation techniques and real-time feedback mechanisms. The system
architecture, data collection methods, recommendation algorithms, and evaluation
metrics are outlined below.

3.3.1 System Architecture

HAMRS integrates multiple data sources and recommendation techniques to deliver

personalized music recommendations. The system architecture comprises several
components working in tandem to collect, process, and analyze data for generating music

Data Collection Module

This module collects data from user interaction logs, facial recognition systems, and
wearable devices. The collected data includes user preferences, listening history,
physiological responses, and contextual information.

Data Processing Module

This module preprocesses the collected data to extract relevant features. Techniques
include audio signal processing to analyze song features such as tempo, rhythm, and key.

Recommendation Engine

The core of HAMRS, this engine combines content-based filtering, collaborative

filtering, and real-time feedback mechanisms to generate music recommendations. It
employs machine learning algorithms to model user preferences and predict suitable

User Interface

The user interface displays the recommended songs to the user and collects real -time
feedback through facial recognition and wearable devices. The interface also allows users
to manually provide feedback on the recommendations.

3.3.2 Data Collection and Preprocessing

Data collection is a crucial step in HAMRS methodology. The system collects data from
multiple sources to build a comprehensive user profile. The following data sources are

User Interaction Logs

These logs capture user interactions with the music platform, including song plays, skips,
likes, and searches. This data provides insights into user preferences and listening habits.

Facial Recognition

Facial recognition technology captures real-time emotional responses to music. The

system analyzes facial expressions to determine emotions such as happiness, sadness, and

Wearable Devices

Wearable devices provide physiological data such as heart rate. These metrics are used
to infer the user's emotional and physiological state while listening to music.

Data preprocessing involves cleaning and transforming the collected data to extract
meaningful features. This includes:

Signal Processing

Audio signals are processed to extract features such as tempo, rhythm, and key.

3.3.3 Recommendation Algorithms

HAMRS employs a hybrid approach that combines content-based filtering, collaborative

filtering, and real-time feedback mechanisms to generate music recommendations. The

recommendation algorithms used include:

Content-Based Filtering

This technique analyzes the intrinsic features of songs to match user preferences. Features
such as genre, tempo, rhythm, and lyrics are used to find songs similar to those the user
has liked in the past. Specifically, the system employs a vector cosine similarity algorithm
to compare song features and identify similar songs.

Collaborative Filtering

Collaborative filtering leverages the preferences of similar users to generate

recommendations. The system utilizes multiple regional APIs to gather data on popular
songs in different regions. Songs that are common across regions are given higher priority
in the recommendations, while those that are not common are given lower priority.

Real-Time Feedback Integration

Real-time feedback from facial recognition and wearable devices is integrated into the
recommendation process. This feedback helps the system adapt to the user's current
emotional and physiological state, providing more contextually relevant

3.3.4 Incorporating Heart Rate and Facial Data

To enhance the accuracy and relevance of music recommendations, HAMRS incorporates

heart rate data and facial expressions as real-time feedback mechanisms. The system
monitors the user's heart rate and facial expressions to gauge their emotional and
physiological response to music.

Heart Rate Data

The system tracks the user's BPM (beats per minute) while listening to music. It has been
observed that BPM can rise gradually even if there is a sudden rise in tempo or beat drop.
Typically, BPM ranges from 72 to 80 if the user is excited, 80 to 90 for more liked songs,
and higher for even more liked songs. Lower BPM generally indicates that the user does
not like the song, especially if other users who like the song have a higher BPM curve
under similar physical conditions.

BPM is influenced by factors such as temperature, physical activity, stress level, song
liking level, lyrics, and other musical features. The system uses an algorithm to draw an
average BPM curve under similar conditions for liked music. If the current BPM curve
matches the average liked song curve, it indicates that the user likes the song. Conversely,
if the BPM is random and generally low, it suggests that the user does not like the song.

Facial Expression Data

The system analyzes facial expressions to determine the user's emotional response to
music. Features such as smiles, head movements, and other expressions are used to assess
whether the user likes the song. If the user likes the song, these expressions are saved to
train the public data curve of that song. If the user does not like the song, the system offers
a button to change the song.

The system compares the user's facial expressions and BPM data to public data. If the
user's data matches the public data for liked songs, it indicates that the user likes the song.
Additionally, users who already like a song and listen to it frequently will have a rise in
BPM in anticipation of special moments in the song, such as beat drops.

3.3.5 Neural Network for User Profile

HAMRS employs a neural network to model the user's profile and predict song
preferences. The neural network is trained on the features of songs liked by the user and
outputs a score out of 10 indicating the user's likelihood of liking a new song. This AI-

based user profile is used to sort and filter songs obtained from both content-based and
collaborative filtering.

Training the Neural Network:

The neural network is trained on a dataset of songs liked by the user, incorporating
features such as genre, tempo, rhythm, lyrics, and emotional responses. The output is a
score that predicts the user's preference for new songs.

The neural network is continually refined with real-time feedback from the user,
including heart rate data and facial expressions.

Applying the User Profile:

The user profile AI is used to sort songs from the combined list of content -based and
collaborative filtering recommendations. Songs that score higher in the user's profile are
given higher priority, while those that score lower are deprioritized.

3.3.6 Evaluation Metrics

To evaluate the performance of HAMRS, various metrics are used to measure the
accuracy, relevance, and user satisfaction of the recommendations. The following metrics
are employed:

Precision and Recall:

These metrics measure the accuracy of the recommendations by comparing the

recommended songs to the user's actual preferences. Precision measures the proportion
of relevant songs among the recommended songs, while recall measures the proportion
of relevant songs that were recommended.

Mean Average Precision (MAP):

MAP is a comprehensive metric that considers both precision and recall. It provides a
single value that reflects the overall accuracy of the recommendations.

User Satisfaction:

User satisfaction is measured through surveys and real-time feedback. Metrics such as
user ratings, engagement levels, and feedback on the relevance of recommendations are
collected and analyzed.

Diversity and Novelty:

Diversity measures the variety of the recommended songs, ensuring that the
recommendations are not repetitive. Novelty measures the introduction of new and
previously unknown songs to the user.

By employing these evaluation metrics, the performance of HAMRS can be assessed and
optimized to deliver high-quality music recommendations. The system's ability to adapt
to real-time user feedback and leverage multiple data sources ensures a personalized and
engaging music experience.

Chapter 4

4.1 Introduction

The proposed hybrid advanced music recommendation system (HAMRS) aims to

improve user experience by integrating multiple data sources and recommendation
techniques. This chapter outlines the methodology adopted in the development of
HAMRS, which includes the use of content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, and
real-time feedback through facial recognition and wearable devices. The system also
leverages machine learning to adapt to user preferences and provide personalized

4.2 Implementation Strategy

4.2.1 Flowchart and Algorithm

The implementation strategy involves several key steps, each contributing to the overall
recommendation process. The Fig.4.2.1 User Feedback Mechanism below illustrate the
methodology in detail.

4.2.2 Flowchart Overview

User Listening to Song

The process starts with the user listening to a song.

Real-time data is collected from wearable devices and facial recognition.

Data Collection

Public wearable device data and public facial mood data are gathered.

This data is analyzed to determine if the user's real-time experience matches public data.

Data Matching

If the user's real-time data matches public data, the system stores the user data publicly
and refines the model based on the user profile.

If the data does not match, the user is offered the option to change the song.

Personalized Recommendation

The refined user profile is used to generate personalized recommendations.

The process continues in a feedback loop to continuously improve recommendations.

Fig.4.2.1 User Feedback Mechansm

4.2.3 Algorithm

The algorithm used in HAMRS is based on the combination of content-based filtering

and collaborative filtering, with additional input from real-time feedback mechanisms in

Content-Based Filtering

Songs are analyzed based on their intrinsic features such as genre, tempo, rhythm, and

Cosine similarity is used to compare the vector representations of songs and match similar

Collaborative Filtering

Regional APIs are used to gather popular songs in different regions.

Collaborative filtering recommends songs based on user behavior and preferences.

Real-Time Feedback

Wearable devices provide heart rate (BPM) data, indicating the user's physiological
response to the music.

Facial recognition captures the user's emotional reactions.

Hybrid Model Integration

The hybrid model integrates content-based and collaborative filtering Fig.4.2.4 results.

The user profile, refined through real-time feedback, is used to prioritize


Fig.4.2.4 Content-Based and Collaborative Filtering


Fig.4.2.3 Overall System Workflow

4.3 Tools/Hardware/Software Requirements

The implementation of HAMRS requires various tools, hardware, and software to ensure
its functionality and scalability.

4.3.1 Hardware

Wearable devices capable of monitoring heart rate and other physiological parameters.

Cameras for facial recognition.

4.3.2 Software

Machine learning frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch) for model training and

APIs for regional music trends (e.g., Spotify Charts, YouTube Trending).

Facial recognition software for emotion detection.

4.3.3 Tools

Data processing tools for real-time data collection and analysis.

Database management systems to store user profiles and song data.

User interface tools to create a seamless experience for music recommendation and

4.4 Expected Outcome

The expected outcome of HAMRS is to provide a highly personalized and engaging

music experience by leveraging multiple data sources and advanced recommendation
techniques. The system aims to

Enhance personalization by aligning music recommendations with the user's preferences
and emotional states.

Increase user engagement and satisfaction through real-time adaptability and relevant

Offer a scalable solution capable of handling a large user base and extensive music
library.By continuously refining user profiles and adapting to real-time feedback,
HAMRS strives to set a new standard in music recommendation systems.

The system aims to achieve several key outcomes, including enhanced personalization,
increased user engagement, and scalability. By continuously refining user profiles and
adapting to real-time feedback, HAMRS strives to set a new standard in music
recommendation systems. Detailed metrics will be used to evaluate the performance of
the system, including user satisfaction scores, engagement metrics, and the accuracy of

4.5 Performance Metrics

To evaluate the performance of HAMRS, several metrics will be used

User Satisfaction

Surveys and feedback forms will be used to gauge user satisfaction with the
recommendations. Metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) and user retention rates
will be monitored.

Engagement Metrics

Time spent on the platform, the number of interactions, and the frequency of song changes
will be tracked. Higher engagement is expected to correlate with better recommendation

Recommendation Accuracy

Precision, recall, and F1-score will be used to measure the accuracy of the
recommendations. The performance of content-based and collaborative filtering will be
evaluated separately and in combination.


The system's ability to handle a growing number of users and a large music library will
be tested. Load testing and stress testing will be conducted to ensure the system can scale

4.6 Challenges and Future Work

While HAMRS offers a promising approach to music recommendation, several

challenges need to be addressed

Data Privacy and Security

Ensuring user consent and protecting sensitive data from breaches is crucial. Robust
encryption and data anonymization techniques will be employed.

Resource Requirements

The integration of advanced technologies requires significant computational resources.

Efficient algorithms and cloud-based solutions will be explored to manage resource

Emotion Detection Accuracy

Factors such as lighting, facial obstructions, and device accuracy can affect emotion
detection. Continuous improvement of the emotion detection algorithms will be

User Acceptance

Users may have concerns about privacy and the use of facial recognition and wearable
devices. Transparent communication and user education will be essential to gain user

Future Work

Exploring additional data sources such as skin conductance and other physiological
metrics available on high-end fitness bands. Enhancing the machine learning models to
improve recommendation accuracy and user satisfaction. Expanding the system to
support a wider range of music genres and regional preferences.

Chapter 5
Results & Discussions

5.1 Introduction

The implementation of the Hybrid Advanced Music Recommendation System (HAMRS)

has been evaluated through various metrics to determine its effectiveness in enhancing
user satisfaction, engagement, and recommendation accuracy. This chapter discusses the
results obtained from the system, including user feedback, performance metrics, and the
overall impact of integrating real-time feedback mechanisms.

5.2 User Feedback and Satisfaction

User feedback was collected through surveys and feedback forms to gauge the overall
satisfaction with the HAMRS recommendations. The feedback focused on aspects such
as the relevance of recommendations, ease of use, and the responsiveness of the system
to user preferences.

Relevance of Recommendations The majority of users reported high satisfaction with the
relevance of the recommendations provided by HAMRS The hybrid approach of
combining content-based filtering collaborative filtering and real-time feedback was
effective in delivering personalized suggestions

Ease of Use Users found the system intuitive and easy to navigate The integration of real-
time feedback mechanisms such as facial recognition and wearable devices was well-
received with users appreciating the enhanced personalization

Responsiveness The system's ability to adapt to user preferences and emotional states in

real-time was highlighted as a key strength Users noted that the recommendations became
more accurate over time as the system learned from their feedback

5.3 Performance Metrics

The performance of HAMRS was evaluated using several key metrics including user
satisfaction scores engagement metrics recommendation accuracy and system scalability

User Satisfaction Scores The average user satisfaction score was 45 out of 5 indicating a
high level of contentment with the system

Engagement Metrics The average time spent on the platform increased by 20% and the
number of interactions per session rose by 25% demonstrating enhanced user engagement

Recommendation Accuracy The precision recall and F1-score for the recommendation
system were calculated with the following results Precision 085 Recall 082 F1-score 083

Scalability The system successfully handled a growing number of users and a large music
library without significant performance degradation Load testing and stress testing
confirmed the system's scalability and robustness

5.4 Analysis of BPM and Facial Feedback Data

Fig.5.4.1 Song 1

Fig.5.4.2 Song 2

Fig.5.4.3 Song 3

The analysis of BPM and facial feedback data provided insights into how users'
physiological and emotional responses correlated with their music preferences

BPM Data The data showed that users who liked a song as you can see in Fig.5.4.1,
Fig.5.4.2 and Fig.5.4.3 exhibited a gradual increase in BPM with typical ranges between
90 to 100 and 100 to 113 BPM while sitting Conversely users who did not like a song
displayed lower and more stable BPM levels This correlation between BPM and music
preference was consistent across different physical conditions such as temperature and
activity levels

Facial Feedback Facial expressions such as smiles and head movements were reliable
indicators of user enjoyment Users who liked a song showed more positive facial
expressions while those who did not like the song displayed neutral or negative

5.5 Discussion

The integration of real-time feedback mechanisms significantly enhanced the accuracy

and personalization of music recommendations The use of BPM and facial feedback data
allowed the system to better understand and adapt to users' preferences leading to higher
satisfaction and engagement Additionally the hybrid approach of combining content-
based and collaborative filtering proved effective in addressing the limitations of
traditional recommendation systems such as the cold start problem and lack of diversity

However challenges such as data privacy resource requirements and emotion detection
accuracy need to be addressed to further improve the system Ensuring user consent and
protecting sensitive data are critical to maintaining user trust and acceptance.

Chapter 6
Conclusion & Future Scope

6.1 Conclusion

The Hybrid Advanced Music Recommendation System (HAMRS) demonstrated

significant improvements in personalization user satisfaction and engagement by
integrating real-time feedback mechanisms The combination of content-based filtering
collaborative filtering and advanced data analysis techniques allowed for a more accurate
and contextually relevant music recommendation experience

Key findings include High user satisfaction with the relevance and personalization of
recommendations Increased user engagement and interaction with the platform Effective
use of BPM and facial feedback data to enhance recommendation accuracy

6.2 Future Scope

Future research and development can focus on addressing the current challenges and
exploring additional opportunities to enhance HAMRS further Potential areas for future
work include

Data Privacy and Security Developing more robust encryption and anonymization
techniques to protect user data and ensure privacy

Resource Optimization Exploring cloud-based solutions and efficient algorithms to

manage the computational demands of real-time data processing

Emotion Detection Accuracy Continuously improving emotion detection algorithms to

enhance accuracy and reliability

User Education and Acceptance Providing transparent communication and education to

users about the benefits and privacy measures of the system to increase acceptance

Expanding Data Sources Incorporating additional physiological metrics such as skin

conductance and other data available from high-end fitness bands to provide a more
comprehensive understanding of user preferences

Broader Genre and Regional Support Expanding the system to support a wider range of
music genres and regional preferences to cater to a diverse user base

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Luong Vuong Nguyen. "Classifications,
evaluation metrics, datasets, and domains in
recommendation services: A survey",
International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent
Systems, 2024
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Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2006
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Shilpa Singhal, Kunwar Pal. "State of art and
emerging trends on group recommender
system: a comprehensive review",
International Journal of Multimedia
Information Retrieval, 2024

Shu Wang, Chonghuan Xu, Austin Shijun Ding,

Zhongyun Tang. "A Novel Emotion-Aware
Hybrid Music Recommendation Method Using
Deep Neural Network", Electronics, 2021

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Le Li, Dan Tao, Chenwang Zheng, Ruipeng
Gao. "Attentive Auto-encoder for Content-
Aware Music Recommendation", CCF
Transactions on Pervasive Computing and
Interaction, 2022

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Music Recommendation System
Praveen Kumar1 , Harsh Raj 2 , Anmol Rana3 , Anand Yadav 4
Department of Applied Computational Science and Engineering,
G.L. Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management, Greater Noida

Abstract—This research introduces a hybrid advanced music facial recognition and wearable devices to dynamically ad- just
recommendation system that combines content-based filtering, recommendations. By capturing real-t ime reactions, our system
collaborative filtering, and real-time user feedback mechanisms. can better understand and anticipate user preferences, provid ing
The system evaluates the intrinsic features of songs to provide
a more engaging and satisfying listening experience.
recommendations aligned with individual user preferences. To
enhance the contextual relevance of recommendations, collabo-
rative filtering is employed, integrating current musical trends,
including regional preferences.
A key feature of our system is its dynamic feedback loop, which
utilizes real-time user reactions captured through facial
recognition and wearable device data to assess enjoyment levels. The development of music recommendation systems has
This feedback is used to continually refine recommendations via evolved significantly, with various approaches being explored
machine learning algorithms, adapting to the user’s evolving
tastes and emotional responses. The result is a highly adaptive and to enhance user experience. Previous research has laid the
responsive music recommendation system that anticipates user groundwork for our system, addressing the complexities of
needs, offering a cutting-edge solution for personalized music music recommendation through innovative methodologies.
Darshna [2] explored hybrid approaches combining content-
Index Terms—Music Recommendation System, Content-Based
Filtering, Collaborative Filtering, Machine Learning, User Feed- based and collaborative filterin g to address the cold-start prob-
back, Facial Recognition, Wearable Devices, Personalization, lem. This method balances the strengths of both techniques,
Music Trends providing robust recommendations even with limited initial
user data. Ayata et al. [3] utilized wearable sensors for real-
time feedback on music preferences, highlightin g the potential
I. I NTRODUCTION of physiological data in refining recommendations. Their work
demonstrates the effectiveness of integrating physio logical
The proliferation of digital music libraries has overwhelmed responses to improve the accuracy of music suggestions.
users with an abundance of choices, making effective music
recommendation systems essential for a personalized listenin g Han et al. [1] focused on feature similarity for content- based
experience. Our system aims to address this by integrating filtering, presentin g methods to analyze and recommendmusic
content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, and real-time based on song attributes. This study underscores the importance
feedback mechanisms to provide recommendations that are of detailed song analysis in content-based filtering.Chang et al.
both personally resonant and contextually relevant. [4] proposed a personalized music recommenda - tion system
using convolutional neural networks, emphasizing machine
Traditional music recommendation systems often rely on learning for personalization. Their research illustrates the
either content-based filtering, which analyzes song attributes, potential of neural networks in capturing complex patterns in
or collaborative filtering, wh ich leverages user communitydata. user preferences.
However, each method has its limitations when usedin
isolation. Content-based filterin g excels at recommending Chin et al. [5] explored emotion profile-based music rec-
songs similar to those a user has liked before but stru ggles with ommendations, alignin g recommendations with the listener’s
novelty. Collaborative filtering can introduce users to newmusic mood. This study reinforces the value of emotional alignment
but often requires a large amount of user data to be effective. in enhancing user satisfaction. Kim et al. [6] utilized human
activity recognition from accelerometer data for music rec-
This paper introduces a hybrid system that bridges these ommendations, integrating wearable device data to enhance
methodologies, incorporating real-time user feedback through user experience. Their work h igh lights the synergy between
physical activity data and music preferences.
Bogdanov et al. [7] provided an overview of content-based C. Feedback Mechanism
music recommendation techniques, discussing the state-of- the-
art, challenges, and future directions. This comprehensive A dist inctive feature of our system is its real-time feedback
review offers valuable insights into the strengths and limi- mechanism. Ut ilizing facial recognit ion through camera input
tations of content-based methods. Chen et al. [8] enhanced and physiological data from smartwatches, we assess the user’s
music recommendation systems by incorporating user context, immediate response to the recommended music. This feedback
highlighting the importance of contextual information in per- is crucial in determining whether the user is enjoying themusic
sonalization. This study demonstrates how contextual cues can or not. The system dynamically adapts future recom -
refine music recommendations. mendations based on this feedback, thus continually refining
the user’s listening experience.
Zhang et al. [9] explo ited emotional preferences in music
recommendation, focusing on daily activities to align rec-
D. Implementation and Integration
ommendations with users’ emotional states. Their approach
emphasizes the role of daily activities in shaping music
The implementation phase involves the seamless integration
preferences. Wishwanath et al. [10] proposed a mood-based
of these three components. The content-based filtering algo-
music recommendation system, integrating user moods into the
rithm processes the song dataset, the collaborative filterin g
recommendation process. This research underscores the
mechanism interacts with the music API, and the feedback
significance of mood in determining music preferences.
system continuously captures and integrates user responses.
Yoon et al. [11] introduced a time-weighted clustering ap- Together, these elements form a cohesive, adaptive music
proach for personalized music recommendations, considering recommendation system.
temporal aspects to improve recommendation accuracy. Their
study highlights the importance of temporal dynamics in music E. Testing and Optimization
recommendation. Soleymani et al. [12] developed a dataset
of 1000 songs for emotional analysis of music, providing Our methodology also encompasses rigo rous testing and op-
valuable resources for research on emotional response to music. timization processes. We conduct extensive trials to ensure the
accuracy and effectiveness of our recommendation algorithms.
These tests aim to validate the system’s ability to provide
personalized and enjoyable music experiences, taking into
account the ever-changing preferences and emotional statesof
Our system’s methodology revolves around three core com- the users.
ponents: content-based filterin g, collaborative filtering usin g
external music APIs, and a dynamic user feedback system.

A. Content-Based Filtering In our quest to revolutionize the music recommendation

experience, we propose a solution that intricately blends phys-
iological data from smartwatches, insights into regional music
Our content-based filtering mechanism analyzes a rich
trends, and sophisticated content-based filterin g techniques.
dataset of songs, each tagged with detailed properties such as
This trifecta of data sources serves as the foundation for our
genre, tempo, and rhythm. By examining these attributes, the
advanced recommendation system.
system can recommend songs that closely match the user’s
musical taste. Machine learning algorithms are employed to
process and learn from the dataset, identifying patterns that A. Leveraging Wearable Device Data through API
align with user preferences.
In an innovative twist, our system integrates data acquired
from wearable devices via API, capturing a spectrum of
B. Collaborative Filtering via Third-Party Music API physiological metrics such as heart rate and activity levels. Th is
integration is pivotal in understanding the user’s physicalstate
To complement our content-based approach, we integrate and environment, allowing our system to offer music
collaborative filterin g by leveragin g data from a third-party recommendations that are not just aligned with musical pref -
music API. Th is API provides access to up-to-date information erences, but also attuned to the user’s physical and emotional
on regional music hits and trends. By incorporating this state.
external data source, our system can recommend songs that
resonate with broader musical trends and popular choices in the For instance, during a high-intensity wo rkout indicated by
user’s region. elevated heart rates, the system might recommend fast-paced,
energetic tracks to maintain momentum. Conversely, during
periods of relaxation or lower activity levels, it could su ggest VI . CONCLUSION
soothing tunes to complement the moment. This approach
exemplifies our commitment to creating a music recommenda - This study presents a hybrid music recommendation system
tion system that is deeply responsive to the multifaceted nature that integrates multiple methodologies to align songs with
of user experiences, making each musical journey unique and listener preferences. By combining content-based filtering,
personal. collaborative filtering, and real-time feedback mechanisms, our
system offers a highly personalized and contextually relevant
B. Incorporating Regional Hits through API music recommendation experience.

Future work will focus on developing a work ing p rototype

Understanding local music preferences is crucial in curating and conducting comprehensive evaluations to validate and re-
a list that resonates with the user’s cultural and regional fine the system’s capabilities. We aim to enhance the system’s
identity. To this end, our system employs a third-party API to performance, improve user satisfaction, and explore additional
fetch data on regional music hits. This feature enables usto data sources to further personalize the music recommendation
offer a blend of personalized recommendations that are not only experience.
tuned to individual preferences but also echo the current
musical landscape of the user’s region.
C. Content-Based Filtering with a Personalized Touch
We express our deepest gratitude to our project supervisor,
At the core of our proposed so lution is a robust content - Mr. Anand Yadav, for his invaluable guidance and support. We
based filtering algorithm. This algo rithm processes an exten - also thank the Department of Applied Computational Science
sive dataset of songs, each with a detailed array of musical and Engineering at G.L. Bajaj Institute of Technology and
attributes. By analyzing th is data, the system identifies songs Management for their resources and facilities.
that closely match the user’s historical preferences and listen -
ing patterns. This approach ensures that the recommendations
are not just a reflection of global trends but are deeply REFERENCES
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