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(AY 2023-24)






Letterhead of the Internship Providing Organization


The Principal,
Dr. D.Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College,
Pimpri, Pune 411018

Subject: Internship Completion Certificate

Dear Sir,

I am happy to inform you that Yash Gajanan Patil student of your college has successfully
completed the 70.80 No. of Hours of Internship Program in our organization.

The student has been provided with adequate exposure and necessary hands- on training
pertaining to their special subject. I am confident that the student will perform effectively in
similar type of organizations.

I wish him/her every success in future endeavors.

Thank you.

Name: Anmol Gosavi

Authorized Signature
Krsnaa Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd,
S.No.243,A-Hissa No.6/6 CTS No.4519,4th Floor,Mahavir Chowk
Old Pune Mumbai Express Way, Chinchwad, Pune- 411019.
Letterhead of Internship Providing Organization


1. Name of the Student: Yash Gajanan Patil

2. Name of the College: T.Y.BBA: Dr. D. Y. Patil arts, commerce and science Pimpri Pune.

3. Division and Roll Number: B/82

4. Address: Krsnaa Diagnostics Ltd, Mahavir Chowk, Chinchwad, Pune-411019.

5. Contact Number: +917620575596

6. Email ID:

7. Special Subject: Finance

8. Internship start date: 22 Jan 2024

9. Internship end date 31 Jan 2024

Total Details Signature Signature

Date Time Hours of of of
Work done Authority Student
From To

1. Conducting a
thorough analysis of the
23/01/2024 01:00 10:00 27 current portfolio to
TO PM PM identify potential risks
25/01/2024 and vulnerabilities.

2. Utilizing various risk

management tools and
techniques such as Value
at Risk (VAR) analysis,
stress testing, and
scenario analysis to
assess the potential
impact of different risk
factors on the portfolio.

3. Working closely with

the portfolio manager to
develop risk mitigation
strategies, such as
diversifying the
26/01/2024 01:00 10:00 43.80 portfolio, using hedging
TO PM PM techniques, or setting
31/01/2024 stop-loss limits.

4. Monitoring the
portfolio on a regular
basis to track risk
exposure and ensure that
risk management
strategies are effectively
Total Hours 70.80

Certified that Yash Gajanan Patil has satisfactorily completed the internship program assigned
to him.


Signature of Authority

Letterhead of Internship Providing Organization


Sr. No. Particulars Details

1. Name of the Supervisor/ Officer Shivakumar Rudrarappu
2. Department Operation
3. Designation Facility Manager
4. Name of the Student Yash Gajanan Patil
5. Name of the College Dr. D. Y. Patil arts, commerce and science
Pimpri Pune.
6. Roll Number 82
7. Special Subject Finance

Part – A – Individual Ranking (Please tick the suitable checkbox)

Parameter for Very Needs

No. Excellent Good Satisfactory
feedback Good improvement
1 Domain
2 Communication
3 Punctuality &
4 Ability to work in
5 Problem solving
6 Quality of work
7 Effectiveness

8 Efficiency
9 Ability to take
10 Positive attitude

11 Appearance

12 Using full
potential at work
13 Work habits

14 Honesty &
15 Creativity
Part B – SWOC analysis of the student (Please mention below the strengths and weaknesses of
the student and the areas for improvement)

1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Part C – Suggestions to make the internship program more productive and effective.

1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Part D – Changes required in the curriculum to improve employability of students.

1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name: Shivakumar Rudrarappu

Designation: Facility Manager

Signature of the Supervisor

Date of Review:
Dr. D.Y. Patil Unitech Society’s


Pimpri, Pune 411018
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (ID NO. PU/PN/ACS/111/1995)
Recognised by Govt of Maharashtra


This is to certify that Yash Gajanan Patil is a bonafide student at our college, pursuing the
course, Bachelor of Business Administration from Savitribai Phule Pune University for the
academic year 2024-25 with specialization in Finance for semester VI.

The Project titled, “Implementing risk management strategies in portfolio management” is

submitted in the partial fulfilment of BBA Course from Savitribai Phule Pune University.This
has been found worthy of acceptance.

Project Guide External Examiner Department Head


Chapter. No Title Page. No










Risk management is a critical aspect of portfolio management as it helps investors protect their
investments from potential losses and uncertainties. By implementing effective risk management
strategies, investors can mitigate risks and ensure the long-term sustainability of their portfolios.

There are various risk management strategies that investors can utilize to manage their portfolios
effectively. These strategies include diversification, hedging, asset allocation, and setting stop-
loss orders.

Diversification is one of the most common risk management strategies used by investors. By
diversifying their investments across different asset classes, industries, and geographical regions,
investors can reduce the overall risk of their portfolios. Diversification helps spread the risk, so
that losses in one investment can be offset by gains in another.

Hedging is another risk management strategy that investors can use to protect their portfolios
from adverse market movements. Hedging involves taking positions in financial instruments that
are negatively correlated with the investor's existing investments. This way, if the value of the
portfolio's assets decreases, the value of the hedging instruments will increase, offsetting some
of the losses.

Asset allocation is another important risk management strategy that investors can use to manage
their portfolios effectively. By allocating assets across different asset classes such as stocks,
bonds, and cash, investors can reduce the overall risk of their portfolios. Asset allocation helps
investors achieve a balance between risk and return, based on their investment objectives and
risk tolerance.

Setting stop-loss orders is another risk management strategy that investors can use to protect their
portfolios from significant losses. Stop-loss orders are predetermined price levels at which
investors will sell their investments to limit their losses. By setting stop-loss orders, investors can
protect their portfolios from excessive losses during market downturns.

In conclusion, implementing risk management strategies is essential for effective portfolio

management. By diversifying their investments, hedging against adverse market movements,
allocating assets strategically, and setting stop-loss orders, investors can protect their portfolios
from potential risks and uncertainties. By effectively managing risks, investors can ensure the
long-term sustainability of their portfolios and achieve their investment objectives.
Implementing risk management strategies in portfolio management is essential for financial
institutions, asset managers, and investors to protect their investments and achieve their financial
goals. By effectively managing risk, investors can minimize potential losses and maximize
returns in a volatile market environment.

Risk management strategies in portfolio management involve identifying, assessing, and

mitigating various risks that may impact investment performance. Some common risks that
investors need to consider include market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk.

There are several approaches and techniques that can be used to implement risk management
strategies in portfolio management. These may include diversification, asset allocation, hedging,
and using risk management tools and models. It is also important to establish risk tolerance levels
and develop a risk management plan that aligns with the investor's investment objectives and

Implementing risk management strategies in portfolio management is crucial for safeguarding

investments and achieving long-term financial goals. Risk management involves identifying
potential risks, analyzing their potential impact, and taking steps to mitigate or manage those
risks. By applying risk management strategies in portfolio management, investors can protect
their assets, reduce the likelihood of significant losses, and potentially improve overall portfolio

Risk management is a crucial aspect of portfolio management in the financial industry.

Implementing effective risk management strategies is essential to protect investments and
maintain stable returns. There are several key strategies that portfolio managers can use to
mitigate risk and optimize the performance of their investment portfolios.

1. Diversification: Diversifying investments across different asset classes, industries, and

geographical regions can help reduce risk and exposure to market fluctuations. This strategy
spreads risk across a range of investments, making it less likely that a downturn in one sector
will significantly impact the overall portfolio.

2. Asset Allocation: Asset allocation involves setting a target allocation for different asset classes
based on the investor's risk tolerance and investment goals. By diversifying investments across
stocks, bonds, and other assets, portfolio managers can reduce risk and potentially enhance
returns over the long term.

3. Risk Assessment: Utilizing risk assessment tools and techniques, such as stress testing and
scenario analysis, can help identify potential risks in the portfolio and develop strategies to
manage them effectively. By understanding the potential risks involved in different investments,
portfolio managers can make informed decisions to protect and optimize the portfolio.

4. Stop-loss orders: Setting stop-loss orders can help minimize losses by automatically selling an
investment if it falls to a predetermined price level. This strategy helps limit potential losses and
protect the portfolio from significant downturns in the market.

5. Hedging: Hedging involves using derivative instruments, such as options and futures contracts,
to protect the portfolio from downside risk. Portfolio managers can use hedging strategies to
offset potential losses and maintain portfolio stability in volatile market conditions.

6. Continuous monitoring and adjustments: It is essential for portfolio managers to regularly

monitor the performance of the portfolio and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it
remains aligned with the investor's goals and risk tolerance. By staying informed about market
trends and economic conditions, portfolio managers can proactively manage risk and optimize
portfolio performance.

1. Diversification: Diversifying your portfolio by investing in a variety of assets, industries, and

geographical regions can help reduce the impact of market fluctuations on your investments. This
strategy spreads risk across different securities, minimizing the overall risk exposure.

2. Asset allocation: Proper asset allocation involves dividing your investments across different
asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and cash, based on your risk tolerance, financial goals, and
time horizon. A well-balanced asset allocation can help mitigate risks and optimize returns.

3. Risk assessment: Conducting a thorough risk assessment of your portfolio is crucial to identify
potential risks and vulnerabilities. Assessing factors such as market volatility, interest rate risk,
geopolitical events, and economic indicators can help you make informed investment decisions.

4. Stop-loss orders: Implementing stop-loss orders can help limit potential losses by
automatically selling a security when its price reaches a predetermined level. This strategy can
protect your investments from significant downturns and mitigate potential losses.

5. Hedging strategies: Using hedging strategies, such as options, futures, and derivatives, can
help protect your portfolio from adverse market movements. These instruments can serve as
insurance against potential risks and provide a level of protection for your investments.

Identify and categorize risks: The first step in implementing risk management strategies in
portfolio management data collection is to identify and categorize the potential risks that could
affect the portfolio. This involves analyzing both internal and external factors that could impact
the performance of the portfolio.

Assess the impact and likelihood of risks: Once the risks have been identified, it is important to
assess the impact and likelihood of each risk occurring. This involves evaluating the potential
consequences of each risk and determining the likelihood of it occurring.

Develop risk mitigation strategies: After assessing the impact and likelihood of each risk, the
next step is to develop risk mitigation strategies to manage and reduce the impact of these risks.
This could include diversifying the portfolio, hedging against certain risks, or implementing stop-
loss orders.

Monitor and review risks regularly: Risk management is an ongoing process, and it is important
to regularly monitor and review the risks that could impact the portfolio. This involves updating
risk assessments, evaluating the effectiveness of risk mitigation strategies, and making
adjustments as needed.

Utilize technology and data analytics: In today's digital age, technology and data analytics can
play a crucial role in managing risks in portfolio management. Utilizing advanced tools and
software can help in collecting, analyzing, and monitoring relevant data to identify potential risks
and make informed decisions.

1) Gender?

a) Male

b) Female

2) Age?

a) 40-60

b) 60+

3) Which of the following is the most effective way to manage market risk in a portfolio?

a) Hedging with options or futures

b) Diversifying the portfolio

c) Investing in low-risk assets

d) Selling all investments during market downturns

4. Which type of risk management strategy aims to reduce risk by spreading investments across
different asset classes?

a) Concentration risk management

b) Asset allocation

c) Market timing

d) Options trading
5. What is the main advantage of using derivatives for risk management in portfolio

a) Higher returns

b) Lower fees

c) Increased liquidity

d) Cost-effective hedging

6. When considering currency risk in a portfolio, which risk management strategy is most
commonly used?

a) Hedging with currency futures

b) Investing only in domestic assets

c) Diversifying currency exposures

d) Ignoring currency risk

7. Which of the following is not a factor to consider when implementing risk management
strategies in portfolio management?

a) Expected returns

b) Time horizon

c) Investment size

d) Tracking error

8. How does using stop-loss orders help manage risk in a portfolio?

a) By automatically selling assets if they reach a predetermined price

b) By increasing diversification

c) By reducing market timing risks

d) By minimizing concentration risk

9. Which risk management strategy focuses on monitoring and adjusting the portfolio to maintain
a desired risk level?

a) Tactical asset allocation

b) Rebalancing

c) Stop-loss orders

d) Strategic asset allocation

10. Which of the following strategies is not effective for managing concentration risk in a

a) Diversifying across industries

b) Investing only in one asset class

c) Spreading investments across different regions

d) Limiting exposure to any single security

11. How does incorporating macroeconomic analysis help in implementing risk management
strategies in portfolio management?

a) By predicting market movements

b) By reducing systematic risk

c) By avoiding market timing mistakes

d) By increasing tracking error

12. When using diversification as a risk management strategy, what is the ideal number of
securities to have in a portfolio?

a) 5-10

b) 15-20

c) 25-30

d) 35-40
13. How does incorporating scenario analysis help in managing risk in a portfolio?

a) By predicting future market movements

b) By identifying potential risks and their impacts

c) By minimizing tracking error

d) By boosting returns

14. Which type of risk management strategy involves adjusting the weightings of assets in a
portfolio to maintain the desired level of risk?

a) Dynamic asset allocation

b) Strategic asset allocation

c) Tactical asset allocation

d) Rebalancing

15. How does using portfolio optimization techniques help in managing risk in a portfolio?

a) By minimizing tracking error

b) By maximizing returns

c) By reducing concentration risk

d) By achieving an optimal balance between risk and return

16. Which risk management strategy involves using historical data to estimate potential losses in
a portfolio?

a) Value at risk (VAR)

b) Sharpe ratio analysis

c) Black-Scholes model

d) Monte Carlo simulation

17. How does incorporating stress testing help in implementing risk management strategies in
portfolio management?

a) By predicting future market movements

b) By identifying potential risks and their impacts under extreme conditions

c) By increasing tracking error

d) By reducing systematic risk

18. Which of the following is not a common method for measuring risk in a portfolio?

a) Standard deviation

b) Beta

c) Alpha

d) Sharpe ratio

1. Gender ?


This chart shown that the 51.9% respondents are Female and 48.1% respondents are Male.
2. Age ?


This chart shown that the 66% of the respondents are 40-60 age group and 34% of the respondents
are belongs to 60+ age group.
3. Which of the following is the most effective way to manage market risk in a portfolio?


This chart shown that the 22% of the respondents are Hedging with options or futures, 24%
respondents are Diversifying the portfolio, 34% respondents are Investing in low risk assets and
20% respondents are Selling all investment during market downturns.
4. Which type of risk management strategy aims to reduce risk by spreading investments across
different asset classes?


This cart shown that the 42% of the respondents are Concentration risk management, 24% of
the respondents are Assets allocation, 14% of the respondents are Market timing and 20% of the
respondent are Option trading.
5. What is the main advantage of using derivatives for risk management in portfolio


This cart shown that the 26% of the respondents are Higher returns, 14% of the respondent are
Lower fees, 30% respondents are Increased liquidity and 30% of the respondents are Cost-
effective hedging.
6. When considering currency risk in a portfolio, which risk management strategy is most
commonly used?


This cart shown as that the 22% of the respondents are Hedging with currency futures, 36% of
the respondents are Investing only in domestic assets, 20% of the respondents are Diversifying
currency exposures and 22% of the respondents are Ignoring currency risk.
7. Which of the following is not a factor to consider when implementing risk management
strategies in portfolio management?


This cart shown as that the 40% of the respondents are the Expected returns, 26% of the
respondents are Time horizon, 24% of the respondents are Investment size and 10% Tracking
8. How does using stop-loss orders help manage risk in a portfolio?


This cart shown that the 14% of the respondents are By automatically selling assets if they reach
a predetermined price, 40% of the respondents are By increasing diversification, 22% of the
respondents are By reducing market timing risk and 24% of the respondents are By minimizing
concentration risk.
9. Which risk management strategy focuses on monitoring and adjusting the portfolio to maintain
a desired risk level?


This cart shown that the 22% of the Tactical assets allocation, 22% of the respondents are
Rebalancing, 22% of the Stop-loss orders and 34% of the respondents are Strategic assets
10. Which of the following strategies is not effective for managing concentration risk in a


This cart shown that the 34% of the respondents are Diversifying across industries, 30% of the
respondents are Investing only in one asset class, 18% of the respondents are Spreading
investments across different regions and 18% of the respondents are Limiting exposure to any
single security.
11. How does incorporating macroeconomic analysis help in implementing risk management
strategies in portfolio management?


This cart shown that the 42% of the respondents are By predicting market movements, 24% of
the respondents are By reducing systematic risk, 20% of the respondents are By avoiding market
timing mistakes and 14% of the respondents are By increasing tracking error.
12. When using diversification as a risk management strategy, what is the ideal number of
securities to have in a portfolio?


This cart shown that the 20% of the respondents are 5-10, 28% of the respondents are

15-20, 28% of the respondents are 25-30 and 24% of the respondents are 35-40.
13. How does incorporating scenario analysis help in managing risk in a portfolio?


This cart shown as that the 20% of the respondents are By predicting future market movements,
32% of the respondents are By identifying potential risks and their impacts, 34% of the
respondents are By minimizing tracking error and 14% of the respondents are By boosting
14. Which type of risk management strategy involves adjusting the weightings of assets in a
portfolio to maintain the desired level of risk?


This cart shown that the 24% of the respondents are Dynamic assets allocation, 18% of the
respondents are Strategic assets allocation, 22% of the respondents are Tactical assets allocation
and 36% of the respondents are Rebalancing.
15. How does using portfolio optimization techniques help in managing risk in a portfolio?


This cart shown that the 36% of the respondents are By minimizing tracking error, 34% of the
respondents are By maximizing returns, 16% of the respondents are By reducing concentration
risk and 14% of the respondents are By achieving an optimal balance between risk and return.
16. Which risk management strategy involves using historical data to estimate potential losses in
a portfolio?


This cart shown that the 22% of the respondents are Value at risk (VAR), 44%of the respondents
are Sharpe ratio analysis, 14% of the respondents are Black-Scholes model and 20% of the
respondents are Monte Carlo simulation.
17. How does incorporating stress testing help in implementing risk management strategies in
portfolio management?


This cart shown that the 26% of the respondents are By predicting future market movements,
26% of the respondents are By identifying potential risk and their impact under extreme
conditions, 22% of the respondents are By increasing tracking error and 26% of the respondents
are By reducing systematic risk.
18. Which of the following is not a common method for measuring risk in a portfolio?


This cart shown that the 30% of the respondents are Standers deviation, 20% of the respondents
are Beta, 20% of the respondents are Alpha and 30% of the respondents are Sharpe ratio.

Diversification: One of the most effective risk management strategies in portfolio management
is diversification. By spreading investments across different asset classes, industries, and
geographic regions, investors can reduce their exposure to any single risk factor. Diversification
helps to protect the portfolio from large losses due to market fluctuations in any one sector or

Asset allocation: Another key risk management strategy is asset allocation. By carefully selecting
the mix of assets in a portfolio, investors can achieve a balance between risk and return. A well-
diversified portfolio will typically include a mix of low-risk, low-return assets (such as bonds)
and higher-risk, higher-return assets (such as stocks).

Risk assessment: It's important for investors to regularly assess and monitor the risk level of their
portfolios. This can be done through various risk assessment techniques, such as calculating value
at risk (VAR) or using risk management software. By understanding the potential risks facing
their investments, investors can make informed decisions to mitigate these risks.

Hedging: Hedging is a risk management strategy that involves using financial instruments, such
as options, futures, or swaps, to offset potential losses in a portfolio. Hedging can help protect
against market downturns or unexpected events that may negatively impact the value of an

Stop-loss orders: Implementing stop-loss orders can also help mitigate risk in a portfolio. A stop-
loss order is a predetermined point at which an investor will sell a security to limit losses. By
setting stop-loss orders at strategic levels, investors can protect their portfolios from significant
losses in volatile market conditions.

Regular rebalancing: Regularly rebalancing a portfolio is another essential risk management

strategy. By periodically adjusting the allocation of assets to maintain the desired risk level,
investors can ensure that their portfolios remain diversified and aligned with their investment

Risk monitoring and control: Regularly monitoring and reviewing the risk profile of your
portfolio is important to ensure that it remains aligned with your risk tolerance and investment
objectives. Implementing risk control measures, such as setting stop-loss orders, using hedging
strategies, and rebalancing your portfolio, can help manage risk effectively.

In conclusion, implementing effective risk management strategies in portfolio management is

essential for achieving long-term financial success and minimizing potential losses. By
incorporating diversification, asset allocation, hedging techniques, and monitoring market
conditions, investors can better protect their investments and navigate through market volatility.
It is important to continually assess and reassess risk levels, adjust strategies as needed, and stay
informed about market trends and external factors that may impact the portfolio. Overall, a
proactive and disciplined approach to risk management is crucial in safeguarding investments
and maximizing returns in the constantly evolving financial markets.

Effective risk management strategies in portfolio management require a proactive and continuous
effort to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks. Diversification is a key component,
spreading investments across different asset classes, industries, and regions to reduce exposure
to any single risk factor. Asset allocation involves determining the proportion of assets to allocate
to each asset class based on risk tolerance and investment goals.

Hedging techniques, such as options or futures contracts, can be used to protect against specific
risks, such as market volatility or currency fluctuations. Monitoring and rebalancing the portfolio
regularly is crucial to ensure that it remains aligned with the investor's risk tolerance and

Moreover, staying informed about market trends, economic indicators, geopolitical events, and
other external factors is essential in adjusting strategies and making informed investment
decisions. By implementing a well-rounded risk management plan, investors can better navigate
through market uncertainties and potential downturns while maximizing long-term returns.

1. Identify and assess risks: Before making any investment decisions, understand the risks
associated with each asset or project in the portfolio. This includes examining market, credit,
operational, and other potential risks.

2. Diversification: Diversifying the portfolio across different asset classes, industries,

geographies, and investment styles can help mitigate risk. This way, any losses incurred in one
part of the portfolio can be offset by gains in another.

3. Setting risk tolerance: Establishing a risk tolerance level helps determine how much risk is
acceptable in the portfolio. This can be based on factors such as investment objectives, time
horizon, and financial goals.

4. Risk monitoring: Regularly monitor the portfolio to identify any changes in risk exposure.
This can involve conducting stress tests, scenario analysis, and sensitivity analysis to assess the
impact of different market conditions on the portfolio.

5. Rebalancing: Periodically rebalance the portfolio to maintain the desired risk-return profile.
This may involve selling overvalued assets and buying undervalued ones to realign the portfolio
with the investment strategy.



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