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KHÓA ÔN VÀO 10 (2022 - 2023)


(Từ ngày 3/4/2023 đến ngày 9/4/2023)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87

Bài tập ngày 3/4/2023 - Phần I - Bảng từ phần câu hỏi trắc nghiệm
I. Từ vựng
1 Move /mu:v/ v đổi chỗ ở, dọn nhà
2 Regularly /'regjʊləli/ adv thường xuyên
Happy /’hæpi/ a hạnh phúc, sung sướng
Happiness /’hæpinis/ n sự hạnh phúc, sự sung sướng
3 Happily /’hæpili/ adv [một cách] hạnh phúc, [một cách]
Unhappy /ʌn’hæpi/ a sung sướngkhông vui
khổ; buồn;
Unhappily /ʌn'hæpili/ adv [một cách] buồn bã
4 Winner /'winə[r]/ n người thắng cuộc
5 Off /ɔ:f/ adv nghỉ làm việc
6 Daughter /'dɔ:tə[r]/ n con gái
Exhausted /ɪɡˈzɑː.stɪd/ a mệt mỏi, đuối sức
The exhausted skiers are looking
forward to a good night’s sleep.
7 Exhaust /ɪɡˈzɑːst/ v vắt kiệt sức
The long journey exhausted the
Exhausting /ig'zɔ:stiɳ/ a làm kiệt sức, làm mệt lử
8 Journey /'dʒɜ:ni/ n cuộc hành trình
9 Increasingly /ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli/ adv ngày càng
10 Concerned /kən'sɜ:nd/ a lo lắng; bận tâm

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
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Anxious /ˈæŋkʃəs/ a lo lắng, băn khoăn

11 worried, nervous,
Polite /pəˈlaɪt/ a lịch sự
Impolite /ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt/ a bất lịch sự, khiếm nhã
13 Delighted /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/ a vui thích
14 Patient /'pei∫nt/ n bệnh nhân, người bệnh
15 Examine /ig'zæmin/ v khám bệnh

16 Voluntary /ˈvɒləntri/ a tình nguyện

Disadvantaged /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒd/ a thiệt thòi, thua thiệt

A new educational program has been
set up for economically
disadvantaged children.
18 Steal /sti:l/ v ăn cắp, ăn trộm
19 Curriculum /kəˈrɪkjələm/ n môn học, chương trình giảng dạy
Invention /ɪnˈvenʃn/ n sự phát minh, sự sáng chế

Invent /ɪnˈvent/ v phát minh, tìm ra

Inventor /ɪnˈventər/ n người phát minh, người sáng chế
Inventive /ɪnˈventɪv/ a có tài phát minh, có tài sáng chế, đầy
imaginative sáng tạo

Inventively /ɪnˈventɪvli/ adv một cách sáng tạo

21 Boring /'bɔriŋ/ a chán
22 Bore /bɔ:[r]/ v làm chán
23 Bored /bɔːrd/ a buồn chán
24 Total /təʊtl a tổng cộng, toàn bộ
25 Radius /'reidiəs/ n bán kính
26 Planet /ˈplænət/ n hành tinh
Combine /kəmˈbaɪn/ v kết hợp
combine sth into sth: Small units,
such as words, can be combined into
larger units, such as clauses.
28 Massive /ˈmæsɪv/ a to, khổng lồ

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

29 Whopping /'wɒpiŋ/ a rất lớn

30 Atmosphere /'ætməsfiə[r]/ n khí quyển
Compose /kəmˈpəʊz/ v cấu thành (hay dùng trong cấu trúc be
composed of: được cấu thành bởi)
32 Include /in'klu:d/ v bao gồm, gồm có
33 Telescope /'teliskəʊp/ n kính viễn vọng
34 Especially /i'spe∫əli/ adv [một cách] đặc biệt
35 Locate /ləʊˈkeɪt/ v đặt ở vị trí
36 Orbit /'ɔ:bit/ v quay theo quỹ đạo
Encompass /ɪnˈkʌmpəs/ v - bao phủ, bao trùm
The fog soon encompassed the whole
- bao gồm, chứa đựng
The job encompasses a wide range of
II. Cấu trúc
1 On time đúng giờ
2 Play sports chơi thể thao
3 Pass the exam vượt qua kỳ thi
Look for sb/sth tìm kiếm
4 Police were looking for clues as to the
woman’s identity.
5 Go fishing đi câu cá
Look after chăm sóc, trông nom
6 Who's going to look after the children while
you're away?
7 Clean up dọn dẹp
Make out sth hiểu rõ
I can't make out what she wants.
9 Participate in tham gia vào
10 Agree with sb đồng ý với ai
11 Decide to do sth quyết định làm gì
12 Interested in hứng thú với cái gì

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

Refer to sb/sth (as sth) đề cập đến

I promised not to refer to the matter again.
14 It takes/ took sb/ sth time to do sth Ai/ cái gì mất bao nhiêu thời gian để làm gì
Bài tập ngày 3/4/2023 - Phần II - Bảng từ phần đọc hiểu
I. Từ vựng
1 Temperature /'temprət∫ə[r]/ n nhiệt độ
2 Kidney /'kidni/ n thận
3 Stomach /'stʌmək/ n dạ dày, bao tử
Digestion /di'dʒest∫n/ n sự tiêu hóa
Digest /dai'dʒest/ v tiêu hóa
5 Intestine /in'testin/ n ruột
6 Nutrient /'nju:triənt/ n chất dinh dưỡng
7 Eliminate /i'limineit/ v loại ra, loại bỏ
8 Dilute /dai'lju:t/ v pha loãng, làm nhạt đi
9 Produce /prə'dju:s/ v sản xuất; tạo ra
10 Normal /'nɔ:ml/ a thường; bình thường; thông thường
11 Remove /ri'mu:v/ v xóa bỏ, loại bỏ
12 Absorb /əb'sɔ:b'/ v hút, hấp thụ
13 Process /'prəʊses/ v chế biến
II. Cấu trúc
1 Similar to sth giống nhau, tương tự cái gì
In one sitting trong một lần, không ngừng nghỉ
2 I enjoyed the book so much that I read it all in
one sitting.
3 Interfere with can thiệp cái gì
Bài tập ngày 3/4/2023 - Phần III - Bảng từ phần tự luận
I. Từ vựng
1 Truth /tru:θ/ n sự thật

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

2 Provide /prə'vaid/ v cung cấp, chu cấp, lo liệu

3 Successful /sək'sesfl/ a thành công
II. Cấu trúc
1 Have to do sth phải làm gì
2 Would you mind doing sth bạn có phiền làm gì
Sb spends/ spent time doing sth ai đó mất bao nhiêu thời gian làm gì
= it takes/ took sb time to do sth
Bài tập ngày 3/4/2023 - Đề thi phần trắc nghiệm
I. PHONETICS (1.0 point) Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose
underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. (1.0 point)
Question 1 [281520]: A. pushed B. wanted C. kissed D. looked
Question 2 [281521]: A. starts B. thanks C. cleans D. helps
Question 3 [281522]: A. fan B. hat C. lake D. catch
Question 4 [281523]: A. open B. lend C. desk D. tent
Question 5 [281524]: A. hill B. hope C. house D. hour
II. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (5.0 points) Part 1. Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the
correct answer to each of the following questions. (3.0 points)
Question 6 [281525]: John __________ TV with his sister last night.
A. watched B. watches C. will watch D. has watched
Question 7 [281526]: He moved to London __________ 2019.
A. at B. on C. in D. from
Question 8 [281527]: She is __________ than her brother.
A. most careful B. as careful as C. careful D. more careful
Question 9 [281528]: It is important to be on time, __________?
A. isn't it B. was it C. is it D. wasn't it
Question 10 [281529]: You __________ play sports regularly to have good health.
A. shouldn't B. should C. needn’t D. ought
Question 11 [281530]: He wishes he __________ the exam next month.
A. would pass B. will pass C. passed D. had passed
Question 12 [281531]: I am __________ to tell you that you are the winner.
A. happiness B. happy C. happily D. unhappily
Question 13 [281532]: Jane is talking to Lora at her birthday party.
- Jane: "Thank you for a lovely evening." - Lora: "__________”
A. You are welcome! B. No, it's not good.
C. Have a good day. D. Yes, let's do that.
✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

Question 14 [281533]: Mary looked for her key in Lan's house, __________ she could not find
A. because of B. although C. despite D. but
Question 15 [281534]: Charlie Chaplin, __________ was from a poor family, became a very
rich man.
A. where B. when C. who D. which
Question 16 [281535]: If he gets the afternoon off, he __________ me at the station.
A. meet B. will meet C. would have met D. would meet
Question 17 [281536]: My daughter is learning to play __________ piano at her school.
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø (no article)
Question 18 [281537]: After a long journey to Lao Cai, she was __________.
A. exhausting B. exhausts C. exhaust D. exhausted
Question 19 [281538]: We like __________ fishing with friends when we have free time.
A. go B. goes C. going D. to going
Question 20 [281539]: Her parents are increasingly concerned about her bad behaviour.
The word "concerned" in the sentence is CLOSEST in meaning to __________.
A. anxious B. polite C. impolite D. delighted
Question 21 [281540]: In our hospital, all patients __________ by doctors every morning.
A. can examine B. have examined C. are examined D. examined
Question 22 [281541]: Peter said he __________ there the day before.
A. was B. had been C. has been D. have been
Question 23 [281542]: My students often __________ voluntary programs to help
disadvantaged children in summer.
A. look after B. clean up C. make out D. participate in
Question 24 [281543]: The car __________ was stolen two weeks ago has just been found.
A. whom B. which C. whose D. who
Question 25 [281544]: Bill Gates is one of __________ people in the world.
A. the richest B. richer C. rich D. richest
Question 26 [281545]: My close friend is travelling in Thailand. I wish he __________ here
A. is B. would be C. has been D. were
Question 27 [281546]: You __________ use your mobile phone during the test. It's against the
A. mightn't B. oughtn't C. mustn't D. needn't
Question 28 [281547]: I want __________ Phu Quoc next week.
A. visit B. to visit C. visited D. visiting

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Question 29 [281548]: Two students are talking about the school curriculum.
- Mary: "Swimming should be made part of the school curriculum."
- Linda: "__________. It's an important life skill."
A. That's a problem B. You can make it
C. Not at all D. I totally agree with you
Question 30 [281549]: Huges was the __________ of the microphone.
A. inventive B. invent C. inventor D. inventively
Question 31 [281550]: Lucy dances __________ Sarah.
A. as beautifully as B. most beautifully
C. more beautifully D. beautifully
Question 32 [281551]: If I __________ you, I would study harder.
A. am B. were C. had been D. are
Question 33 [281552]: Your sister seldom cooks meals, __________?
A. does she B. didn't she C. did she D. doesn't she
Question 34 [281553]: We decided to leave early because the party was __________.
A. bores B. bored C. bore D. boring
Question 35 [281554]: Keep silent! My father __________ to the radio.
A. is listening B. listen C. listened D. listens
Part 3. Chose the answer A, B, C or D that needs correcting. (1.0 point)
Question 36 [281555]: Last year, Manh works as a shipper and he earned twice as much as
his brother.
Question 37 [281556]: She typed her email careful then she sent it to her friend.
Question 38 [281557]: We are interested on going fishing as it is relaxing.
Question 39 [281558]: Despite she was sick, she still walked to school.
Question 40 [281559]: When I arrived, Peter and his friends was playing football.
III. READING (3.0 points) Part 1. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C
or D to complete the passage (2.0 points)
Jupiter is the largest planet within our solar system, which is 41. __________ five planets
from the Sun. Jupiter has a total radius of 42. __________ 70,000 kilometers, 43. __________ is
second only to that of the Sun's 696,000 kilometers radius. Jupiter's overall size 44. __________
318 times greater than that of the Earth. Jupiter is 2.5 times larger than all of the 45.

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

__________ planets in the solar system combined. It 46. __________ this massive planet a
whopping 4,333 days to 47. __________ the Sun one full time! Jupiter’s atmosphere is
composed of about 90% hydrogen and 10% helium gas, including a small rocky core that is
48. __________ by metallic and liquid hydrogen gas. The planet Jupiter has 63 discovered
moons on record. The four largest of these moons, Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, are
commonly referred to as the Galilean Moon. The Galilean Moon was discovered by Galileo
Galilei, and can easily be seen 49. __________ Earth with a weak telescope or even the naked
eye under especially 50. __________ conditions.
(Adapted from page 105, Bồi dưỡng Tiếng Anh lớp 9, NXB Giáo dục Việt Nam)
Question 41 [281560]: A. locating B. to locate C. located D. locates
Question 42 [281561]: A. partly B. near C. most D. nearly
Question 43 [281562]: A. that B. where C. when D. which
Question 44 [281563]: A. is B. have been C. were D. are
Question 45 [281564]: A. every B. other C. others D. each
Question 46 [281565]: A. takes B. costs C. goes D. walks
Question 47 [281566]: A. orbits B. obit C. orbited D. orbiting
Question 48 [281567]: A. encompassed B. encompassing C. encompass D. encompasses
Question 49 [281568]: A. over B. above C. with D. from
Question 50 [281569]: A. hot B. cool C. clear D. warm
Part 2. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question (1.0
Some doctors think that you should drink a glass of water each morning because of its
importance to your body. You should drink the water first before doing anything else. The
temperature of the water should be similar to body temperature; it is neither too hot nor too
Water helps clean out your kidneys. It prepares your stomach for digestion. Water can
also help your intestines work better. After drinking water, the intestines can more easily
take out nutrients from our food. Water also helps us go to the bathroom more easily.
Scientists suggest that people take in 1600 milliliters of water each day. However, don't
drink all of that water in one sitting. If you do, your kidneys will have to work much harder
to eliminate it. It's better to drink some in the morning and some in the afternoon. Some
people think it's better to drink between meals and not during meals. They think water
dilutes the juices produced in our stomachs. This can interfere with normal digestion.
(Adapted from Reading Challenge I by Casey Malarcher and Andrea Janzen)
Question 51 [281570]: The pronoun "its" in paragraph 1 refers to __________.
A. morning's B. body's C. water's D. doctors'
Question 52 [281571]: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2 as the part
of the body that water is good for?
A. kidneys B. stomach C. livers D. intestines
Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Question 53 [281572]: Scientists suggest that people take in __________ of water each day.
A. 16 milliliters B. 16000 milliliters C. 160 milliliters D. 1600 milliliters
Question 54 [281573]: The word "eliminate" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to
A. remove B. absorb C. process D. preserve
Question 55 [281574]: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The best amount of water to drink B. The importance of water
C. How to drink water properly D. The advice of the doctors
Bài tập ngày 3/4/2023 - Đề thi phần tự luận
Part 2. Give the correct form/tense of verbs given to complete the following sentences.
(1.0 point)
Question 1 [281757]: If Nam __________ the truth, he will tell me. KNOW
Question 2 [281758]: If she didn't have to do homework, she __________ out with you. GO
Question 3 [281759]: All the information __________ by Mr. Minh tomorrow. PROVIDE
Question 4 [281760]: We __________ friends since we were young. BE
Question 5 [281761]: I feel cold. Would you mind __________ off the fan? TURN
IV. WRITING (1.0 point) Rewrite the following sentences without changing their
Question 6 [281762]: She said "I am going to Nha Trang tomorrow".
→ She said __________________________________________________________________________________________ .
Question 7 [281763]: Unless they work harder, they won't be successful.
→ If they ____________________________________________________________________________________________ .
Question 8 [281764]: Mai painted this picture last night.
→ This picture __________.
Question 9 [281765]: I have never tried this kind of food before.
→ This is the first time _____________________________________________________________________________ .
Question 10 [281766]: Ha spends an hour a day cleaning the floor.
→ It takes ___________________________________________________________________________________________ .
Bài tập ngày 4/4/2023 - Phần I - Bảng từ phần tự luận
I. Từ vựng
1 Talented /'tæləntid/ a có tài
Nomination /,nɒmi'nei∫n/ n sự đề cử
Nominate /'nɒmineit/ v đề cử
3 Jet lag /ˈdʒet læɡ/ np say máy bay

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

4 Master /'mɑ:stə[r]/ v tinh thông, thành thạo

5 Dump /dʌmp/ v đổ
6 Chemical /'kemikl/ n chất hóa học, hóa chất
7 Improve /im'pru:v/ v cải thiện; trở nên tốt hơn
8 Damage /'dæmidʒ/ v làm thiệt hại, làm tổn hại, làm hỏng
9 Tiny /taini/ a bé tí, tí hon
10 Radioactive /reidiəʊ'æktiv/ a phóng xạ
11 Pollution /pə'lu:∫n/ n sự ô nhiễm
12 Massive /'mæsiv/ a đồ sộ, khổng lồ; rất lớn
13 Homeless /'həʊmlis/ a không nhà cửa, vô gia cư
14 Lie /lai/ v nói dối
15 Preserve /pri'zɜ:v/ v giữ; giữ gìn; bảo tồn
16 Cancer /'kænsə[r]/ n ung thư, bệnh ung thư
17 Cure /kjʊə[r]/ v chữa khỏi; chữa trị, chữa
Perfect /'pə:fikt/ a hoàn hảo; hoàn toàn; tuyệt
Imperfect /im'pə:fikt/ a không hoàn hảo, không đầy đủ
Confident /'kɒnfidənt/ a tin, tin tưởng, tự tin
19 Confidence /'kɒnfidəns/ a (+ in) sự tin, sự tin cậy, sự tin tưởng
Confidently /ˈkɑːnfɪdəntli/ adv một cách tự tin
Surprise /sə'praiz/ n sự ngạc nhiên
Surprising /sə'praiziŋ/ a làm ngạc nhiên, gây kinh ngạc
20 Surprised /sə'praizd/ a ngạc nhiên, kinh ngạc
Surprisingly /sə'praiziŋli/ adv [một cách] đáng ngạc nhiên, ngạc nhiên
21 Diverse /dai'vɜ:s/ a đa dạng
22 Severe /si'viə[r]/ a nặng, dữ dội, ác liệt
23 Disability /,disə'biləti/ n sự tàn tật
24 Will /wil/ n ý chí
25 Provide /prə'vaid/ v cấp, cung cấp, chu cấp, lo liệu
26 Victim /'viktim/ n nạn nhân
27 Foreigner /'fɒrənə[r]/ n người nước ngoài
28 Surround /sə'raʊnd/ v bao quanh; bao vây

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

29 Geography /dʒi'ɒgrəfi/ n địa lý

30 Century /'sent∫əri/ n thế kỷ (100 năm)
31 Decade /'dekeid/ n thập kỷ (10 năm)
32 History /'histri/ n lịch sử
33 Former /'fɔ:mə[r]/ a trước đây, nguyên, cựu
34 Port /pɔ:t/ n cảng
35 Preserve /pri'zɜ:v/ v giữ; giữ gìn; bảo tồn
36 Landmark /'lændmɑ:k/ n địa danh
37 Atmosphere /'ætməsfiə[r]/ n không khí
38 Decorate /'dekəreit/ v trang hoàng, trang trí
39 Lantern /'læntən/ n đèn lồng
40 Sampan /'sæmpæn/ n thuyền ba ván, thuyền tam bản
41 Hunt /hʌnt/ v săn lùng, lùng sục
42 Trace /treis/ n dấu, vết, vết tích
43 Trader /'treidə[r]/ n nhà buôn, thương gia, thương nhân
II. Cấu trúc
1 Suffer from sth chịu, bị điều gì
2 Take place diễn ra
3 Be confident about sth tự tin về cái gì
4 In order to do sth để làm gì
5 Be able to do sth có thể làm gì
6 Participate in tham gia vào
7 Enjoy doing sth thích làm gì
8 Remain + adj vẫn như thế nào
9 Succeed in sth thành công trong việc gì
10 Be fluent in sth thông thạo tiếng gì
11 Be tired of sth mệt mỏi với điều gì
12 Date back to sth có, tồn tại từ thời điểm nào
13 Go by (thời gian) trôi qua

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
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Bài tập ngày 4/4/2023 - Phần II - Bảng từ 2 bài đọc hiểu

I. Từ vựng
Distracting /di'stræktiη/ a gây sao lãng, gây lơ đãng
Distract /di'strækt/ v làm sao lãng, làm lơ đãng
2 Relaxation /rilæk'sei∫n/ n sự thư giãn
3 Spatial /'spei∫l/ a [thuộc] không gian
4 Reasoning /'ri:zniŋ/ n sự lập luận; lý lẽ lập luận
5 Imagine /i'mædʒin/ v tưởng tượng, hình dung
6 Object /ˈɑːbdʒekt/ n đồ vật; vật
7 Direction /dai'rek∫n/ n hướng, phía, ngả
Improve /im'pru:v/ v cải thiện; trở nên tốt hơn
8 Improvement /im'pru:vmənt/ n sự cải tiến; sự được cải tiến, sự trở nên
tốt hơn
9 Memory /'meməri/ n trí nhớ, ký ức
10 Ability /ə'biliti/ n khả năng
11 Training /'treiniŋ/ n sự rèn luyện, sự đào tạo; sự tập dượt
12 Excuse /ik'skju:s/ n cái cớ

13 Concentrate /'kɒnsntreit/ v tập trung

II. Cấu trúc
1 In silence trong im lặng
2 Take part in tham gia
3 Improvement in sth sự cải tiến, cải thiện trong một cái đó
4 Give up từ bỏ
Bài tập ngày 4/4/2023 - Phần đề thi
Part 1: Complete each blank with ONE given word. There are more words than needed.
(1,5 m)
who in more however didn't if
less although on which doesn't unless
Question 1 [281575]: Leonado Dicapro is a talented actor,.............., he only won an Oscar
after six nominations.

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Question 2 [281576]: Travellers.............. cross the Atlantic from New York to London often
suffer from jet lag for a few days.
Question 3 [281577]: It would be easier for us to master English............... there weren't so
many words.
Question 4 [281578]: Eat............... vegetables and fruits. You'll be healthy.
Question 5 [281579]: You studied about the roles of robots in the future last week,...............
Question 6 [281580]: The Sports Festival takes place in the sports centre.............. June 3rd.
Part 2: Match the beginnings to the correct endings. (1,5 m)
Beginnings Endings
1. If we dump all sorts of chemicals into A. by reading magazines and newspapers.
rivers, B. because its leaves are damaged.
2. Have you thought about asking a friend C. who is confident about maths to help you?
3. The tree cannot get enough food energy to D. tiny species may help clean radioactive
stay healthy pollution.
4. Thousands of people lined the streets E. in order to watch the massive colorful
5. You can improve your writing skills parade.
6. According to scientific research, F. we won't be able to swim in them.
Part 3: Give the correct form of the verb or the word in brackets. (2,0 ms)
Question 7 [281581]: They (give) __________warm clothes to homeless people last month.
Question 8 [281582]: She wishes she (visit) __________ the Eiffel Tower in Paris next
Question 9 [281583]: Now she (lie)__________to her mother about her bad marks. I think she
should tell the truth.
Question 10 [281584]: Would you like (participate)__________ in this "Preserving the past”
Question 11 [281585]: My students really enjoy (talk) __________about traditional paintings.
Question 12 [281586]: Our understanding of cancer remains (perfect)__________ though we
can cure many diseases.
Question 13 [281587]: (Confident)__________ can help you succeed in many fields.
Question 14 [281588]: Not (surprise) __________, his favorite poster is one of the strangest
and most colorful fishes.
Part 4: Each sentence has a mistake. Find the mistakes and correct them. (1,0 m)
Question 15 [281589]: Houses used to paint in light yellow only. They were not as diverse
in colour as they are now.
Question 16 [281590]: Although her severe disability, Judy has never lost the will to live.

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

Part 5: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
Question 17 [281591]: Someone has provided the victims with food and clothing.
→ The victims __________with food and clothing
Question 18 [281592]: Mai often talks to foreigners. She is fluent in English.
→ If Mai __________foreigners, she couldn't be fluent in English.
Question 19 [281593]: She asked me," Are you tired of the noise from the street?"
→ She asked me__________ of the noise from the street.
Question 20 [281594]: The teacher speaks French well. You met her yesterday.
→ The teacher __________ speaks French well.
Part 6: Complete each space with one of the words given below. Make changes if
necessary. (1,0 m)
on surround geography century decade history off
Listed as a World Heritage Site in 1999, Hoi An is the former main port of Viet Nam dating
back to the 16th (21) [281595]__________Today, most of its (22) [281596]__________
structures have been preserved as landmarks. There are many things you can do there. For
example, you can walk down the streets, (23) [281597] __________ by the atmosphere of
times gone by. You should visit the town during the full moon when the shop owners turn
(24) [281598]__________ the lights and decorate the streets with candle lanterns. You can
also take a sampan ride down the Song Do River, hunting traces of foreign traders such as
the Japanese, Chinese, and Dutch who made Hoi An a centre of culture in old Viet Nam.
Part 7: Read the following passage and decide if the statements that follow are TRUE or
FALSE. (1,0 m)
Many students listen to music while they are studying, and say that it helps them learn.
Many parents and teachers say that music is just distracting and that students are better at
studying in silence. Who is right?
In a study, some scientists asked three groups of students to listen to a piece of music
by Mozart or a relaxation tape for ten minutes, or just sit in silence for ten minutes. The
students then did a 'spatial reasoning' test (a test about remembering shapes and imagining
looking at objects from different directions), and the ones who had listened to Mozart did
better in the test.
Taking part in musical activities and learning to play an instrument can improve verbal
memory (the ability to remember words). The longer the training lasts, the better the
improvement in memory. So, there's no excuse to give up piano lessons!
Question 25 [281599]: Many students think it's helpful to listen to music when studying.
Question 26 [281600]: Teachers say music helps students to better concentrate.
Question 27 [281601]: The students who had listened to Mozart did better in the spatial
reasoning test.
Question 28 [281602]: Music training helps to improve memory.
Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Bài tập ngày 6/4/2023 - Phần I - Bảng từ phần câu hỏi trắc nghiệm
I. Từ vựng
1 Divide /di'vaid/ v chia, phân ra
2 Parade /pə'reid/ n cuộc diễu hành
3 Charity /'t∫ærəti/ n tổ chức từ thiện
4 Destruction /dis'trʌkʃn/ n sự phá hoại, sự phá huỷ, sự tiêu diệt
5 Sudden /'sʌdn/ a đột ngột
6 Violent /'vaiələnt/ a hung dữ; dữ dội, mãnh liệt
7 Shaking /'∫eikiŋ/ n sự rung lắc
8 Surface /'sɜ:fis/ n mặt ngoài; mặt
9 Earthquake /'ɜ:θkweik/ n động đất
10 Typhoon /,taip'fu:n/ n Bão
11 Volcano /vɒl'keinəʊ/ n núi lửa
12 Snowstorm /'snəʊstɔ:m/ n bão tuyết
13 Pandemic /pæn'demik/ n bệnh dịch
14 Special /'spe∫l/ a đặc biệt
15 Bean /bi:n/ n đậu
16 Fatty /'fæti/ a [có] nhiều mỡ
17 Join /dʒɔin/ v tham gia
18 Fashionable /'fæ∫nəbl/ a đúng mốt, hợp thời trang; thời thượng
19 Outdated /,aʊt'deitid/ a lỗi thời
20 Traditional /trə'di∫ənl/ a theo truyền thống; cổ truyền
21 Behavior /bi'heivjə[r]/ n cách ứng xử
22 Impression /im'preʃn/ n ấn tượng
23 Decoration /dekə'rei∫n/ n sự trang trí
24 Celebration /,seli'brei∫n/ n sự kỷ niệm, lễ kỷ niệm
25 Expression /ik'spre∫n/ n sự bày tỏ, sự biểu lộ
26 Goods /gʊdz/ n hàng hóa, hàng
27 Harmful /'hɑ:mful/ a (+ to) gây tai hại cho, có hại cho
28 Emission /i'mi∫n/ n sự phát ra, sự bốc ra, sự tỏa ra

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

29 Increase /in'kri:s/ v Tăng

30 Reduce /ri'dju:s/ v giảm, hạ
31 Enhance /in'hæns/ v làm tăng, nâng cao, cải thiện
32 Upgrade /,ʌp'greid/ v nâng cấp, thăng chức
33 Protection /prə'tekt∫n/ n sự bảo vệ, sự che chở;
34 Astronaut /'æstrənɔ:t/ n phi hành gia
35 Spaceship /'speis∫ip/ n tàu vũ trụ
36 Effective /i'fektiv/ a hữu hiệu
37 Treatment /'tri:tmənt/ n sự điều trị; cuộc điều trị; thuốc điều trị
38 Strange /streindʒ/ a lạ, xa lạ
39 Disease /di'zi:z/ n bệnh, bệnh tật
Privacy /'praivəsi/ n sự riêng tư, sự không bị người khác nhòm
ngó vào
41 Private /'praivit/ a riêng; tư; cá nhân
42 Available /ə'veiləbl/ a có thể dùng được, có thể có được
43 Relaxed /ri'lækst/ a không lo nghĩ, không căng thẳng; ung dung

44 Corner /'kɔ:nə[r]/ n Góc

45 Storage /'stɔ:ridʒ/ n chỗ cất trữ; kho
46 Tidy /'taidi/ a sạch sẽ, gọn gàng, ngăn nắp
Let /let/ v cho phép, để
47 let somebody/something do something
Let them splash around in the pool for a while.
Prevent /prɪˈvent/ v ngăn ngừa; ngăn
prevent somebody/something from
doing something He is prevented by law
from holding a licence.
Make /meik/ v khiến cho
49 make somebody/something do something
She always makes me laugh.
Allow /ə'laʊ/ v cho phép
allow somebody/something to do
something His parents won't allow him to
stay out late.

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

II. Cấu trúc


1 Decide to do sth quyết định làm gì
2 Take a taxi đi taxi
3 Have to do sth phải làm gì
4 Stay at home ở nhà
5 Suggest doing sth đề xuất, gợi ý làm gì
6 Consist of sth bao gồm cái gì
7 Made an impression on tạo ấn tượng với ai đó
8 So that + clause để mà
9 Share sth with sb chia sẻ cái gì với ai đó
10 Call something your own xem cái gì là của riêng bạn

Bài tập ngày 6/4/2023 - Phần II - Bảng từ phần đọc hiểu

I. Từ vựng
1 Change /t∫eindʒ/ n sự thay đổi, sự đổi khác
2 Consequence /'kɒnsikwəns/ n kết quả
3 Electrical /i'lektrikl/ a [thuộc] điện
4 Appliance /ə'plaiəns/ n thiết bị, dụng cụ
5 Completely /kəm'pli:tli/ adv một cách đầy đủ, hoàn toàn
6 Gadget /'gædʒit/ n dụng cụ, đồ dùng
7 Electricity /i,lek'trisəti/ n điện
8 Charge /t∫ɑ:dʒ/ v nạp điện
9 Disconnect /'diskə'nekt/ v ngắt, cắt
10 Battery /'bætəri/ n bộ pin; bộ ắc quy
11 Danger /'deindʒə[r]/ n sự nguy hiểm, mỗi nguy hiểm
12 Rinse /rins/ v súc, rửa qua
13 Save /seiv/ v tiết kiệm
14 Tap /tæp/ n vòi nước
15 Drip /drip/ v chảy thành giọt

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

16 Waste /weist/ v lãng phí, phung phí

17 Litter /'litə[r]/ n rác rưởi
18 Useful /'ju:sfl/ a có ích, hữu ích

II. Cấu trúc


1 On standby ở trạng thái chờ
2 Switch off tắt
3 Stop doing sth dừng hẳn làm gì
Throw away vứt đi, ném đi (loại bỏ một cái gì đó bạn
không muốn nữa hoặc không dùng nữa)
5 Brush one's teeth đánh răng
6 Turn off tắt
7 Make sure bảo đảm
8 According to theo ai, cái gì

Bài tập ngày 6/4/2023 - Phần III - Bảng từ phần tự luận

I. Từ vựng

Electric /i'lektrik/ n [thuộc] điện, tạo điện, phát điện
1 Electrical /i'lektrikl/ a [thuộc] điện
Electricity /i,lek'trisəti/ n điện
2 Movement /'mu:vmənt/ n sự chuyển động, sự cử động
3 Wave /weiv/ n sóng, làn sóng
4 Tide /taid/ n thuỷ triều
5 Generate /'dʒenəreit/ v tạo ra, phát ra
Wide /waid/ a rộng, rộng lớn
6 Widely /'waidli/ adv rộng rãi, khắp nơi
Widen /'waidn/ v mở rộng, mở mang
7 Pity /'piti/ n điều đáng tiếc!
8 Institute /'institju:t/ n học viện, viện
9 Develop /di'veləp/ v phát triển

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

II. Cấu trúc

1 Want to do sth muốn làm gì
2 It takes/ took sb/ sth time to do sth ai/ cái gì mất bao nhiêu thời gian để làm gì
3 Have a strong desire to do sth có mong muốn mạnh mẽ làm điều gì đó
4 Make mistakes mắc sai lầm
Take time sử dụng thời gian để làm việc gì đó một
cách từ từ, không cần vội vàng

Bài tập ngày 6/4/2023 - Đề thi phần trắc nghiệm

Questions 1 - 2. Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions. (0.5 m)
Question 1 [281767]: A. invited B. completed C. divided D. recycled
Question 2 [281768]: A. climate B. center C. culture D. country
Questions 3 - 4. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions. (0.5 m)
Question 3 [281769]: A. parade B. journey C. garbage D. fashion
Question 4 [281770]: A. energy B. charity C. destruction D. festival
Questions 5 - 16. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the gap in each sentence. (3 ms)
Question 5 [281771]: The final men's football match took place at My Dinh National
Stadium __________ 22nd May, 2022.
A. at B. for C. in D. on
Question 6 [281772]: The students haven't been told about the time of the coming exams,
A. didn't they B. have they C. haven't they D. aren't they
Question 7 [281773]: A(n) __________ is a sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface.
A. earthquake B. typhoon C. volcano D. snowstorm
Question 8 [281774]: My parents decided __________ a taxi because it was late.
A. take B. taking C. took D. to take
Question 9 [281775]: Last year, my brother __________ stay at home during the time of Covid-
19 pandemic.
A. will have to B. had to C. doesn't have to D. has to
Question 10 [281776]: One of Tet's most special foods is Banh Chung, __________ is made
from sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
Question 11 [281777]: Lan suggests __________ an English Speaking Club this summer.
A. joining B. to join C. joined D. join

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

Question 12 [281778]: In Britain, the __________ Sunday lunch consists of roast meat,
potatoes and other vegetables.
A. fashionable B. outdated C. traditional D. progressive
Question 13 [281779]: More and more people are learning English __________ it is very
A. because of B. in spite of C. although D. because
Question 14 [281780]: Her good behaviors made a deep __________ on all the class members.
A. impression B. decoration C. celebration D. expression
Question 15 [281781]: If we all use energy, transport, other goods and services more
carefully, we can __________ harmful emissions to our environment.
A. increase B. reduce C. enhance D. upgrade
Question 16 [281782]: Long and Minh are talking about plant protection.
Long: 'I think we should use less paper so that we can save trees in the forests.
Minh: “__________”
A. It's nice of you to say so. B. Yes, I'd love to.
C. Congratulations! D. That's a good idea!
Questions 17-18. Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following sentences. (0.5 m)
Question 17 [281783]: If I am an astronaut, I would take my camera with me on the
Question 18 [281784]: Scientists have been looking after an effective treatment for this
strange type of disease.
Questions 19 - 22. Read the following passage and choose the word that best fits each of
the numbered blanks. (1 m)
More and more people live in large cities these days and this means that it is becoming
difficult (21) __________ space and time for themselves. But for many people, personal privacy
is very important. In many homes, a few minutes in the bathroom is all the privacy that is
Teenagers need their own personal space at home (22) __________ they can feel relaxed
and private. But, of course, not all teenagers are lucky enough to have a room of their own.
Where space is narrow, they often have to share a bedroom (23) __________ a brother or
sister. In that case, it's a good idea for them to have a special area or corner of the room to
call their own. It's especially important for young people to have somewhere to keep their

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

personal things. There should be enough storage space for them such as shelves, cupboards
and boxes. This will (24) __________ the teenagers to keep their space tidy if they want to.
Question 19 [281785]: A. finding B. to find C. find D. found
Question 20 [281786]: A. who B. whose C. where D. whom
Question 21 [281787]: A. from B. of C. with D. at
Question 22 [281788]: A. let B. prevent C. make D. allow
Bài tập ngày 6/4/2023 - Đề thi phần tự luận
Questions 1-2. Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence. (0.5 m)
Question 1 [281801]: The movement of waves and tides can be used to generate __________.
Question 2 [281802]: If you want to __________ your English vocabulary, you should read
short stories in English. (WIDE)
Questions 3 - 8. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow. (1.5 ms)
SMALL CHANGES, BIG CONSEQUENCES - 6 things you can do to help the environment
1. Don't leave your computer or other electrical appliances on standby. If you switch off
your TV completely when you've stopped watching, it won't use any electricity. People think
that a gadget on standby uses only electricity for that ‘little red light'. Not true!
2. When you charge your mobile, disconnect the charger from the phone when the battery
is fully charged. Otherwise, you will waste energy.
3. If you keep your shopping bags and reuse them when you go to the supermarket, you'll
save money. Don't forget that plastic waste is a danger to the environment. Unless people
stop throwing plastic away, the environment will suffer even more.
4. Don't let the water run while you're brushing your teeth. If you turn it off and use a cup
of water to rinse your mouth, you'll save a lot of water.
5. Make sure none of the taps in your house drip. If a tap drips, it wastes three or more
liters of water a day.
6. Think before you throw things away, and tell your family to do the same. They may not
want to use an old mobile, computer or MP3 player anymore. That doesn't mean that those
things should end up in the litter bin. If they go to a charity, other people might find them
very useful.
Task 1. Decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F). (1 m)
Question 3 [281789]: According to the passage, there are 6 things to do to help the
Question 4 [281790]: You shouldn't disconnect the charger from the phone when the
battery is fully charged.
Question 5 [281791]: You'll save money if you reuse your shopping bags when you go to
the supermarket.
Question 6 [281792]: Leaving the water running while brushing your teeth means that you
will save a lot of water.
✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

Task 2. Answer the questions. (0.5 m)

Question 7 [281793]: Will your TV use any electricity if you switch it off completely?
Question 8 [281794]: How many liters of water does it waste a day if a tap drips?
Questions 9-10. Rearrange the following words or phrases to make complete sentences.
(0.5 m)
Question 9 [281795]: to travel / It took us / last Sunday / an hour / to the camping site/.
Question 10 [281796]: his old age, / my grandfather / to learn and explore the world / has
a strong desire / In spite of/.
Questions 11 - 14. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
almost the same as the original sentence, beginning with the words given. (2 ms)
Question 11 [281797]: It's a pity. I can't swim well.
→ I wish ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 12 [281798]: “I am working in an Institute of Foreign Languages in Ho Chi Minh
City”, said Mr John.
→ Mr John said______________________________________________________________________________________
Question 13 [281799]: In the last 50 years, scientists have developed a lot of new vaccines.
→ In the last 50 years, a lot of new vaccines _____________________________________________________
Question 14 [281800]: Susan will make so many mistakes if she doesn't take more time for
her work.
→ Unless ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Bài tập ngày 8/4/2023 - Phần I - Bảng từ phần câu hỏi trắc nghiệm
I. Từ vựng

1 Distinguish /di'stiηgwi∫/ v phân biệt
2 Admit /ə'mit/ v thừa nhận
3 Overload /,əʊvə'ləʊd/ v chất quá nặng, quá tải
4 Terrible /'terəbl/ a khủng khiếp
Celebrate /'selibreit/ v làm lễ kỷ niệm, tổ chức
Celebration /,seli'brei∫n/ n sự kỷ niệm, lễ kỷ niệm
Fond /fɒnd/ a thích
fond of (doing) somethingWe had
grown fond of the house and didn't want
to leave.

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Keen /kiːn/ a hăng hái, nhiẹ t tình

7 keen on doing something I wasn't too
keen on going to the party
Amazed /əˈmeɪzd/ a kinh ngạc, sửng sốt
amazed at somebody/something We
were all amazed at the number of people
who came.
Interested /ˈɪntrəstɪd/ a quan tâm
9 interested in something/somebody I'm
very interested in history.
Impress /im'pres/ v gây ấn tượng
Impression /im'preʃn/ n ấn tượng
10 Impressed /ɪmˈprest/ a ấn tượng
Impressively /im'presivli/ adv với ấn tượng mạnh mẽ;[một cách] hùng
vĩ;[một cách] bề thế
11 Put /pʊt/ v đặt, để
12 Raise /reiz/ v nâng lên, đưa lên, giơ lên; kéo lên
13 Increase /in'kri:s/ v tăng
14 Improve /im'pru:v/ v cải tiến, cải thiện; trở nên tốt hơn
15 Stop /stɒp/ v ngừng, ngưng; dừng
16 Continue /kən'tinju:/ v tiếp tục
17 Offer /ɔ:fər/ v đề nghị
18 Concentrate /'kɒnsntreit/ v tập trung
19 Effectively /i'fektivli/ adv [một cách] hữu hiệu
20 Distract /di'strækt/ v làm sao lãng, làm lơ đãng
21 Learn /lɜ:n/ v học
22 Ignore /ɪɡˈnɔːr/ v làm ngơ, bỏ qua
23 Focus /'fəʊkəs/ v tập trung
24 Married /'mærid/ a có chồng; có vợ; đã kết hôn
25 Present /'preznt/ n quà
26 Souvenir /,su:və'niə[r]/ n vật kỷ niệm, quà lưu niệm
27 Gift /gift/ n quà tặng
28 Contribution /,kɒntri'bju:∫n/ n sự đóng góp
29 Donation /dəʊ'nei∫n/ n sự biếu, sự tặng, sự quyên góp
✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

30 Property /ˈprɑːpɚti/ n tài sản

31 Wealthy /'welθi/ a giàu có
32 Average /ˈævərɪdʒ/ a trung bình
33 Abundant /ə'bʌndənt/ a phong phú, thừa thãi, nhiều
34 Poor /pɔ:[r]/ a nghèo
35 Rich /rit∫/ a giàu, giàu có
36 Admire /əd'maiə[r]/ v ngưỡng mộ
37 Entrance /'entrəns/ n quyền được vào; sự gia nhập
38 Examination /ig,zæmi'nei∫n/ n sự thi cử; kỳ thi
39 Practise /'præktis/ v luyện tập, tập
Recognise /'rekəgnaiz/ v thừa nhận, công nhận
Recognition /rekəg'ni∫n/ n sự thừa nhận
41 Emerge /i'mɜ:dʒ/ v nhô lên, nổi lên
42 Magnificent /mæg'nifisnt/ a tráng lễ, lộng lẫy
43 Surprise /sə'praiz/ n sự ngạc nhiên
Cruise /kru:z/ n chuyến dạo chơi trên biển, chuyến du
ngọan bằng tàu thuyền
45 Experience /ik'spiəriens/ v trải nghiệm
46 Attraction /ə'træk∫n/ n cái thu hút, cái lôi cuốn, cái hấp dẫn
47 Authentic /ɔ:'θentik/ a đích thực
48 Belong /bi'lɒŋ/ v thuộc về, là của
49 Locate /ləʊ'keit/ v [được] đặt ở vị trí (nào đó)
50 Place /pleis/ v đặt, để; xếp
51 Stay /stei/ v ở lại, ở
Nationality /,næ∫ə'næləti/ n quốc tịch
International /,intə'næ∫nəl/ a quốc tế
Nationally /'næ∫nəli/ adv về mặt dân tộc; về mặt quốc gia
Nation /'nei∫n/ n quốc gia
53 Explore /ik'splɔ:[r]/ v khám phá
54 Last /lɑ:st/ v tồn tại, kéo dài
55 Tourist /'tʊərist/ n khách du lịch, du khách
56 Freshman /ˈfreʃmən/ n sinh viên năm nhất

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

57 Villager /’vilidʒə[r]/ n dân làng

58 Excellent /'eksələnt/ a xuất sắc, tuyệt vời

II. Cấu trúc


1 On foot đi bộ
2 Out of fashion lỗi thời, lỗi mốt
3 Look up tra cứu
4 Look for tìm kiếm
5 Look after chăm sóc
6 Pay a visit to đến thăm
7 Communicate with giao tiếp với ai
8 Enjoy doing sth thích làm gì
9 Get married kết hôn
10 Give up từ bỏ
11 Take part in tham gia
12 Spend time doing sth dành thời gian làm gì
13 Famous for sth nổi tiếng với cái gì
14 Well-known for sth nổi tiếng với cái gì
15 Good at doing sth giỏi làm việc gì

Bài tập ngày 8/4/2023 - Phần I - Bảng từ 2 bài đọc hiểu

I. Từ vựng

1 Publish /'pʌbli∫/ v công bố
2 Altitude /'æltitju:d/ n nơi cao, vùng cao, độ cao
3 Passenger /'pæsindʒə[r]/ n hành khách (đi tàu, xe)
4 Engine /'endʒin/ n máy, động cơ
5 Produce /prə'dju:s/ v sản xuất; tạo ra
6 Pollution /pə'lu:∫n/ n sự ô nhiễm
7 Possible /'pɒsəbl/ a có thể ; có thể được; có khả năng xảy ra
8 Planner /ˈplænər/ n người lập kế hoạch

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

Customary /'kʌstəməri/ a theo thường lệ

Custom /'kʌstəm/ n phong tục, tục lệ
10 Gesture /'dʒest∫ə[r]/ n cử chỉ
11 Goodwill /gʊd'wil/ n thiện ý, thiện chí, lòng tốt
12 Originally /ə'ridʒənəli/ adv lúc đầu; từ đầu
Practice /'præktis/ n thói quen, lệ thường
Practical /'præktikl/ a thực tế; thực dụng; thiết thực
14 Purpose /'pɜ:pəs/ n mục đích; ý định
15 Originate /ə'ridʒineit/ v bắt nguồn từ, khởi đầu từ
16 Medieval /medi'i:vəl/ a (thuộc) thời Trung cổ; kiểu trung cổ
17 Stranger /'streindʒə[r] n người lạ
18 Automatically /,ɔ:tə'mætikli/ adv [một cách] tự động
19 Reach /ri:t∫/ v chìa (tay) ra để với lấy; với lấy; với tới
20 Sword /sɔ:d/ n gươm, kiếm
21 Weapon /'wepən/ n vũ khí
22 Defend /di'fend/ v phòng thủ, bảo vệ
23 Party /'pɑ:ti/ n bên
24 Mutually /'mju:t∫ʊəli/ adv lẫn nhau
25 Extend /ik'stend/ v duỗi thẳng (tay, chân…), đưa ra, giơ ra
26 Clasp /klæsp/ v nắm chặt, siết chặt
27 Universal /ju:ni'vɜ:sl/ a phổ biến; phổ thông
28 Orient /ˈɔːriənt/ n phương đông
29 Cheek /t∫i:k/ n má (bộ phận trên mặt)
30 Native /'neitiv/ a/n (thuộc) bản ngữ, người địa phương
31 Rub /rʌb/ v cọ, cà, chà, xoa
32 Attack /ə'tæk/ v tấn công
33 Relationship /ri'lei∫n∫ip/ n mối quan hệ, mối liên quan
34 Consider /kən'sidə[r]/ v xem như, coi như là
35 Polite /pə'lait/ a lịch sự
36 Replace /ri'pleis/ v thay thế, thay

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

II. Cấu trúc

1 Come on sb tình cờ gặp ai
2 In case phòng khi
3 Have to do sth phải làm gì
4 Out of date lỗi thời
Bài tập ngày 8/4/2023 - Phần đề thi
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation for each of the following questions.
Question 1 [281603]: A. distinguished B. admitted C. overloaded D. talented
Question 2 [281604]: A. decoration B. celebration C. candle D. cake
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
Question 3 [281605]: Jack: "How do you usually go to school?" - Jane: “__________”
A. Fifteen minutes B. Every day C. One kilometer D. On foot
Question 4 [281606]: Mary: "I'm going to have an exam tomorrow." Ann: “__________”
A. Good luck B. See you C. Thank you D. Bye bye
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best answer for each of the following
Question 5 [281607]: People will travel in solar-powered cars in the future, __________?
A. will they B. won't they C. do they D. don't they
Question 6 [281608]: Hoa Lan: My grades are terrible.
Mrs Quyen: If you want to get good grades, you __________study hard.
A. will be B. must C. has to D. ought
Question 7 [281609]: Although there are many throughout __________ the year, Tet or the
Lunar New Year holiday is the most important one for Vietnamese people.
A. celebrate B. to celebrate C. celebrating D. celebrations
Question 8 [281610]: Jeans have never been out of fashion, and today young generation is
still __________of wearing them.
A. fond B. keen C. amazed D. interested
Question 9 [281611]: I think I've lost my new pen. I've__________ it everywhere but I can't
find it.
A. looked at B. looked up C. looked for D. looked after
Question 10 [281612]: He is not a very intelligent boy; __________ he always gets good marks
at school.
A. as B. and C. but D. or

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

Question 11 [281613]: Maryam paid a visit to Hanoi last month. She was really __________ by
the beauty of the city.
A. impress B. impression C. impressed D. impressively
Question 12 [281614]: I only have some old books. I wish I __________ a lot of interesting new
A. have B. had had C. has D. had
Question 13 [281615]: Communicating with foreigners is the best way to__________ your
speaking skill in any language.
A. put B. raise C. increase D. improve
Question 14 [281616]: Mrs Nguyet: Congratulations!
Thien Thao: Thanks. I'm amazed __________I have just won the first prize in the English
speaking contest.
A. where B. why C. which D. that
Question 15 [281617]: Most of the children in my village enjoy __________ football after
A. to play B. play C. playing D. played
Question 16 [281618]: Huyun Bin and Son Ye-jin from the hit Korean drama "Crash landing
on You" got married __________March 31st 2022.
A. about B. on C. at D. in
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined part.
Question 17 [281619]: It was a difficult time, but we never gave up hope.
A. stopped B. continued C. had D. offered
Question 18 [281620]: If women have to do too much housework, they cannot concentrate
or work effectively.
A. distract B. learn C. ignore D. focus
Question 19 [281621]: In some Asian countries like Vietnam or China, money is given to the
newly-married couple as a wedding present.
A. souvenir B. gift C. contribution D. donation
Question 20 [281622]: Oliver's parents are very wealthy. They have lots of money and
A. average B. abundant C. poor D. rich
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction.
Question 21 [281623]: I admire Tom because he is a handsome and friend student in his
Question 22 [281624]: More and more students took part in the entrance examination to
Nguyen Chi Thanh gifted high school every year.

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Question 23 [281625]: I suggest that you should spending more time practising your
speaking skill to improve your English.
Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best answer for each of
the following blanks from 24 to 33.
Ha Long Bay, (24)__________ in Quang Ninh Province, Viet Nam, was recognised as a
World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1994. It is famous (25) __________ its beautiful scenery.
With its thousands of rocks and caves emerging out of the water, Ha Long Bay has won
(26)__________ recognition. As visitors (27) __________ this magnificent place, there are always
new surprises for them.
Cruise tours are very popular in Ha Long Bay. There are different cruise tours (28)
__________tourists can visit (29)__________ different caves, and experience the local culture and
life on the water. Therefore, a tour may (30)__________ from several hours to (31)__________
day, which gives the visitors a great experience.
Ha Long Bay cuisine presents another attraction for (32)__________It is well-known for its
fresh seafood (33)__________ crabs, prawns, and sea clams. A trip to Ha Long Bay is not
complete without tasting the authentic local food served in many restaurants in the area.
Question 24 [281626]: A. belonged B. located C. placed D. stayed
Question 25 [281627]: A. for B. to C. about D. with
Question 26 [281628]: A. nationality B. international C. nationally D. nation
Question 27 [281629]: A. exploring B. to explore C. explore D. explored
Question 28 [281630]: A. so B. although C. but D. unless
Question 29 [281631]: A. a little B. many C. much D. little
Question 30 [281632]: A. dance B. sing C. last D. visit
Question 31 [281633]: A. the B. a C. some D. an
Question 32 [281634]: A. tourists B. students C. freshmen D. villagers
Question 33 [281635]: A. such as B. in addition C. moreover D. example
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best answer for each of the following
questions from 34 to 38.
British engineers and scientists have published plans for a new hypersonic plane called
the A2. It will be very fast. At the moment, a flight from London in the UK to Sydney in
Australia takes about twenty-one hours but with the A2 the same flight will take about four
hours. The flight will fly at 4,500 kilometers per hour and will fly at an altitude of over
10,000 meters. It will carry 300 passengers but it won't have any windows because
scientists haven't found glass that is strong enough. It will be better for the environment
than other planes because the engines won't produce gases that cause pollution.

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

In the future, will people travel from London to Australia for the weekend? It's possible!
But how much will a ticket cost? The planners say that it won't be very expensive -- about
£2,000. The A2 will be ready for its first flight in 2030.
Question 34 [281636]: How long will it take the A2 plane to fly from London to Sydney?
A. about twenty-one hours B. about one hour
C. about four hours D. about six hours
Question 35 [281637]: What will the speed of the A2 plane be?
A. At 4,500 kilometers per hour B. At 10,000 kilometers per hour
C. At 300 kilometers per hour D. At 2000 kilometers per hour
Question 36 [281638]: According to the text, which statement is TRUE about the A2 plane?
A. It will be environmentally unfriendly.
B. It will be ready for its first flight in 2300.
C. It can fly at an altitude of 10,000 kilometers.
D. We won't find any windows in the plane.
Question 37 [281639]: How many passengers can a new hypersonic plane carry?
A. 4,500 B. 2,000 C. 300 D. 2030
Question 38 [281640]: How much will a ticket for the A2 flight from London to Sydney
A. about £2,000 B. very expensive C. very cheap D. about £3,000
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct
answer for each of the questions 39 to 43.
Today, in many parts of the world, it is customary for people to shake hands upon
meeting as a gesture of goodwill. Originally, however, the practice of shaking hands had
more practical purposes.
Shaking hands originated in medieval times. In those days, when a man came on a
stranger, he would often automatically reach for his sword with his right hand, in case he
had to use the weapon to defend himself. Sometimes, both parties found themselves circling
around each other, weapons in hand, until it was mutually agreed that the weapons could be
laid aside. Then me two parties extended their right hands to show they had no weapons
and clasped them. I was beginning the handshake.
The custom of shaking hands is not a universal one. In the orient, people have for
centuries, clasped their own in front of them upon meeting to show that they held no
weapons. In France, a custom developed in which people who met would kiss each other on
both cheeks. The natives of some South Seas islands greet by rubbing noses.
Note: clasp (v): nắm chặt, siết chặt.
Question 39 [281641]: The word "came on" in the second paragraph can be best replaced
by __________
A. visited B. met C. attacked D. waited

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Question 40 [281642]: In medieval times, the purpose of shaking hands was __________
A. to show that both parties were ready for a fight.
B. to show that there were no weapons in the hands.
C. to show a gesture of goodwill.
D. to show a good relationship with each other.
Question 41 [281643]: The word "they" in paragraph 2 refers to __________
A. strangers B. weapons
C. hands D. parties
Question 42 [281644]: According to the passage, the practice of shaking hands
A. used to be popular, but now it is out of date
B. was used to extend greetings
C. is considered not to be polite
D. is replaced by other customs in some countries
Question 43 [281645]: Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the handshake?
A. It is one of the social customs.
B. It is a gesture of goodwill.
C. It is very popular in all countries in the world.
D. It happened for the first time a very long time ago.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the
original one.
Question 44 [281646]: The new hospital is bigger than the old one.
A. The old hospital is more smaller than the new one.
B. The new hospital is not as big as the old one.
C. The new hospital is not as small as the old one.
D. The old hospital is smaller than the new one.
Question 45 [281647]: She was so busy that she couldn't answer the phone.
A. Because she was very busy, she could answer the phone.
B. Although she was very busy, she could answer the phone.
C. Because she was very busy, she couldn't answer the phone.
D. Although she was very busy, she couldn't answer the phone.
Question 46 [281648]: "I'm going back to work next week," said Harry.
A. Harry said that he was going back to work the following week.
B. Harry said that he was going back to work next week.
C. Harry said that I am going back to work the following week.
D. Harry said that I was going back to work the following week.

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best sentence built from the words given.
Question 47 [281649]: How/hours/week/yow spend/ watch television?
A. How many hours a week you spend watching television?
B. How many hours a week do you spend watching television?
C. How many hours week do you spend watching television?
D. How much hours a week do you spend watching television?
Question 48 [281650]: When I/come/she/ learn Math/this time/ last Friday.
A. When I come, she was learnt Math at this time last Friday.
B. When I came, she were learning Math at this time last Friday.
C. When I came, she was learning Math at this time last Friday.
D. When I come, she was learning Math at this time last Friday.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each of the
following pairs of sentences.
Question 49 [281651]: Peter is very good at drawing. He is an excellent student.
A. Peter, who is an excellent student, is very good at drawing.
B. Peter, that an excellent student, is very good at drawing.
C. That's Peter who he's an excellent student, is very good at drawing.
D. Peter, whom is an excellent student, is very good at drawing.
Question 50 [281652]: I can't understand him because he speaks so quickly.
A. If he speaks slowly, I can't understand him.
B. He speaks unclearly so I don't understand him.
C. If he didn't speak so quickly, I can understand him.
D. If he didn't speak so quickly, I would be able to understand him.

Bài tập làm thêm tuần 26 - Phần trắc nghiêm

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
Question 1 [281660]: A. lodging B. contract C. enroll D. logic
Question 2 [281661]: A. manager B. mechanic C. career D. standard
Question 3 [281662]: A. bundle B. customer C. cultivation D. occupation
Question 4 [281663]: A. receive B. efficient C. physicist D. process
Question 5 [281664]: A. chef B. mechanic C. architect D. chemist
Choose the word that has the stress different from the rest.
Question 6 [281665]: A. career B. apply C. approach D. progress
Question 7 [281666]: A. overtime B. architect C. ongoing D. dynamic
Question 8 [281667]: A. flextime B. designer C. housekeeper D. physicist
Question 9 [281668]: A. occupation B. priority C. adaptable D. professional
Question 10 [281669]: A. certificate B. receptionist C. alternative D. academic
Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence.

Question 11 [281670]: Graduates are well equipped __________ careers in environmental
A. with B. about C. for D. to
Question 12 [281671]: Most students see their time at university __________ the first step in
their career path.
A. over B. off C. on D. as
Question 13 [281672]: Brian __________ by buying, fixing, and reselling phones while he was
still in college.
A. took into account B. made a bundle
C. burned the midnight oil D. made a difference
Question 14 [281673]: Every business has a(n) __________ who prepares financial statements
on a regular basis.
A. secretary B. sale manager C. event planner D. accountant
Question 15 [281674]: __________ prepare students for the world of work, schools should
focus on soft skills such as critical thinking, innovation and adaptability.
A. Although B. In spite of C. In order to D. Before
Question 16 [281675]: So many students have difficulty __________ a good job after
A. find B. to find C. finding D. on finding
Question 17 [281676]: The medical profession requires doctors to be __________ towards
their patients.
A. empathetic B. dynamic C. professional D. patient
Question 18 [281677]: __________ applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.
A. Due to B. Despite C. Though D. Provided that
Question 19 [281678]: She really loves teaching. She can’t __________ working in any other
field but education.
A. stand B. imagine C. wait D. help
Question 20 [281679]: "My dream is to become a doctor because I want to save people’s
A. That’s terrible! B. It’s not what I want to hear.
C. That’s a very good point. D. Maybe you find it boring.
Bài tập làm thêm tuần 26 - Phần tự luận
Write the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.
Question 1 [281803]: Jennifer __________ (work) professionally on the problem of missing
children since graduating in 2000.

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 26 (từ ngày 3/4/2023 – 9/4/2023)
Học để khẳng định mình

Question 2 [281804]: While I __________ (talk) to my friend on the phone, my manager

__________ (enter) the room without knocking.
Question 3 [281805]: A projected 58 million students __________ (enrol) in U.S. public schools
by the year 2022.
Question 4 [281806]: If I __________ (pass) my exams successfully, I __________ (start) an
apprenticeship in September.
Question 5 [281807]: When I __________ (ring) the office this morning, Tom __________ (already
go) out.
Question 6 [281808]: If there __________ (not be) any money, __________ (the world/ be) a
better place?
Question 7 [281809]: The policy __________ (change) several times in the last few months.
Question 8 [281810]: The school won’t let you __________ (do) Physics unless you have at
least a B in Maths.
Question 9 [281811]: As a graduate she decided __________ (not pursue) a career based on
her degree of engineering.
Question 10 [281812]: Did I really tell you I was unhappy? I don’t remember __________ (say)


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