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KHÓA ÔN VÀO 10 (2022 - 2023)


(Từ ngày 17/4/2023 đến ngày 23/4/2023)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87

Bài tập ngày 17/4/2023 - Bảng từ vựng phần trắc nghiệm

I. Từ vựng
1 Chance /tʃæns/ n Cơ hội
2 Scholarship /ˈskɒləʃɪp/ n Học bổng
3 Necessity /nəˈsesəti/ n Sự cần thiết
4 Argue /ˈɑːɡjuː/ v Tranh luận, tranh cãi
5 Increase /ɪnˈkriːs/ v Tăng lên, gia tăng
Popularization /ˌpɒpjʊləraɪˈzeɪʃən/ n Sự phổ biến hóa
Popular /ˈpɒpjʊlə(r)/ a Phổ biến, được yêu thích
6 Popularity /ˌpɒpjʊˈlærəti/ n Sự phổ biến, độ phổ biến
Popularize /ˈpɒpjʊləraɪz/ v Phổ biến hóa, làm cho được yêu
7 Abrupt /əˈbrʌpt/ a Bất ngờ, đột ngột
8 Shift /ʃɪft/ n Sự thay đổi, sự chuyển đổi
9 Compliment /ˈkɒmplɪmənt/ n Lời khen, lời tán dương
10 Movement /ˈmuːvmənt/ n Sự chuyển động, sự di chuyển
11 Temperature /ˈtemp(ə)rətjʊə(r)/ n Nhiệt độ
12 Disaster /dɪˈzɑːstə(r)/ n Thảm họa, tai họa
13 Fluently /ˈfluːəntli/ adv Lưu loát, trôi chảy
14 Smoke /sməʊk/ v Hút thuốc
15 Reason /ˈriːzn/ n Lý do, cớ
16 Result /rɪˈzʌlt/ n Kết quả, hậu quả
17 Process /ˈprəʊses/ n Quá trình, tiến trình
✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 28 (từ ngày 17/4/2023 – 23/4/2023) Moon.vn
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18 Purpose /ˈpɜːpəs/ n Mục đích, ý định

19 Delay /dɪˈleɪ/ n Sự trì hoãn, sự chậm trễ
20 Delighted /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/ a Hài lòng, vui mừng
21 Handicraft /ˈhændikrɑːft/ n Đồ thủ công, đồ làm bằng tay
22 Authenticity /ɔːˌθentɪˈkɪti/ n Tính xác thực, tính chân thật
23 Luxury /ˈlʌkʃəri/ n Sự xa xỉ, sự sang trọng
24 Artisan /ˈɑːtɪzn/ n Thợ thủ công, thợ làm đồ thủ công
25 Invention /ɪnˈvenʃn/ n Sự phát minh, sáng chế
26 Artifact /ˈɑːtɪfækt/ n Đồ cổ, đồ khảo cổ
27 Slit /slɪt/ v Rách, xé, tách
28 Traditional /trəˈdɪʃənl/ a Truyền thống, theo truyền thống
29 Modern /ˈmɒdən/ a Hiện đại, đương đại
30 Classic /ˈklæsɪk/ a Cổ điển, có giá trị kinh điển
31 Common /ˈkɒmən/ a Thông thường, phổ biến
Customary /ˈkʌstəməri/ a Thông thường, theo phong tục, tập
33 Deforestation /diːˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃən/ n Sự phá rừng, sự tàn phá rừng
34 Material /məˈtɪəriəl/ n Tư liệu
35 Professor /prəˈfesə(r)/ n Giáo sư
36 Management /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ n Quản lý, sự điều hành
37 Attend /əˈtend/ v Tham dự, có mặt
38 Afford /əˈfɔːd/ v Đủ khả năng tài chính, có thể chi trả
39 Income /ˈɪnkʌm/ n Thu nhập, lợi tức, tiền kiếm được
40 Event /ɪˈvent/ n Sự kiện, sự việc, sự cố
41 Invention /ɪnˈvenʃn/ n Sự phát minh, sáng chế
42 Borrow /ˈbɒrəʊ/ v Mượn, vay
43 Loan /ləʊn/ n Sự cho vay, khoản vay
44 Currency /ˈkʌrənsi/ n Tiền tệ, đơn vị tiền tệ
Recognized /ˈrekəɡnaɪzd/ a Được công nhận, được thừa nhận
Recognition /ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/ n Sự công nhận, sự thừa nhận
45 Recognizable /ˈrekəɡnaɪzəbl/ a Có thể nhận ra, có thể nhận dạng
Recognizably /ˈrekəɡnaɪzəbli/ adv Một cách rõ ràng, một cách có thể
nhận ra
46 Oratorical /ˌɒrəˈtɒrɪkl/ a (Thuộc) hùng biện, diễn thuyết
47 Contest /ˈkɒntest/ n Cuộc thi, sự tranh tài, sự cạnh tranh

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

II. Cấu trúc

1 Enjoy doing sth Thích làm điều gì đó
2 Take part in Tham gia
3 Decide to do sth Quyết định làm điều gì đó
4 Increase in sth Tăng về số lượng hoặc mức độ của một thứ gì đó
5 Earn money Kiếm tiền
6 Break out Bùng phát, bùng nổ
7 Find out Tìm ra, phát hiện ra điều gì đó
8 Put out Dập tắt (đám cháy), tắt (đèn, máy móc...)
9 Run out Hết (đồ, thời gian, nhiên liệu...)
10 Sink into deep despair Rơi vào tuyệt vọng sâu sắc
11 Burst into tears Bật khóc, đổ lệ
12 Snowed under with sth Bận rộn với điều gì đó, quá tải với công việc,...
13 Interested in sth Quan tâm đến điều gì đó
14 Consist of Gồm có, bao gồm
15 Try one’s best Cố gắng hết sức để làm việc gì đó
16 Turn sth into sth Chuyển đổi cái gì thành cái gì đó
17 Expect sb to do sth Mong đợi ai đó làm điều gì đó
18 Start doing sth Bắt đầu làm điều gì đó
19 Be willing to do sth Sẵn sàng làm điều gì đó
20 Encourage sb to do sth Khuyến khích ai đó làm điều gì đó
21 On sale Đang được bán
Nhận được sự công nhận, đánh giá của công
Gain public recognition chúng
23 Come a long way Đạt được rất nhiều tiến bộ, thành quả
24 Must have PII Hẳn là đã
25 Remember to do sth Nhớ phải làm việc gì đó
26 Remember doing sth Nhớ về một việc gì đó đã xảy ra
27 Major in sth Chuyên về cái gì
28 Participate in sth Tham gia vào cái gì
✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 28 (từ ngày 17/4/2023 – 23/4/2023) Moon.vn
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Bài tập ngày 17/4/2023 - Bảng từ vựng phần đọc hiểu

I. Từ vựng
1 Awareness /əˈwɛr.nəs/ n Sự nhận thức, sự hiểu biết
2 Audience /ˈɔː.di.əns/ n Khán giả
3 Customer /ˈkʌs.tə.mə/ n Khách hàng
4 Advertise /ˈæd.və.taɪz/ v Quảng cáo
5 Target /ˈtɑːr.ɡɪt/ v Nhắm vào
6 Specific /spəˈsɪf.ɪk/ a Cụ thể, riêng biệt
7 Transparency /trænsˈpeə.rən.si/ n Tính minh bạch, sự trong suốt
8 Ongoing /ˈɑːn.ɡəʊ.ɪŋ/ a Đang tiếp diễn, liên tục
9 Influencer /ˈɪn.flu.ən.sər/ n Người có ảnh hưởng
10 Determine /dɪˈtɜː.mɪn/ v Xác định, quyết định
11 Enormous /ɪˈnɔːr.məs/ a To lớn, khổng lồ
12 Certain /ˈsɜː.tən/ a Chắc chắn, nhất định
13 Definite /ˈdef.ə.nət/ a Xác định, rõ ràng
14 Various /ˈveə.ri.əs/ a Nhiều loại, đa dạng
15 Clarity /ˈklær.ə.ti/ n Tính rõ ràng, sự minh bạch
16 Territory /ˈter.ɪ.tər.i/ n Lãnh thổ, vùng đất
17 Scenery /ˈsiː.nər.i/ n Phong cảnh, cảnh quan
18 Rivalry /ˈraɪ.vəl.ri/ n Sự ganh đua, cạnh tranh
19 Damage /ˈdæm.ɪdʒ/ v Gây hại
20 Minimize /ˈmɪn.ɪ.maɪz/ v Giảm thiểu, làm giảm nhẹ
21 Ecotourism /ˌiː.kəʊ.ˈtʊə.rɪ.zəm/ n Du lịch sinh thái
22 Litter /ˈlɪt.ər/ n Rác thải
23 Respect /rɪˈspekt/ v Tôn trọng, kính trọng
24 Custom /ˈkʌs.təm/ n Phong tục, lễ nghi
25 Contradiction /ˌkɒn.trəˈdɪk.ʃən/ n Sự mâu thuẫn, trái ngược
26 Infrastructure /ˈɪn.frəˌstrʌk.tʃər/ n Cơ sở hạ tầng
27 Consult /kənˈsʌlt/ v Tư vấn, hội ý, tham khảo ý kiến
Represent /ˌrep.rɪˈzent/ v Đại diện cho, tượng trưng cho, miêu

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Significant /sɪɡˈnɪf.ɪ.kənt/ a Quan trọng, đáng kể, có ý nghĩa quan

30 Proportion /prəˈpɔː.ʃən/ n Tỷ lệ, phần trăm
31 Prohibit /prəˈhɪb.ɪt/ v Cấm, ngăn cấm, cản trở
32 Aim /eɪm/ v Nhắm mục đích, nhắm vào
33 Value /ˈvæljuː/ v Coi trọng
34 Label /ˈleɪ.bəl/ v Gán nhãn
35 Reduce /rɪˈdjuːs/ v Giảm, thu nhỏ, làm cho giảm
36 Deny /dɪˈnaɪ/ v Từ chối, phủ nhận, bác bỏ
37 Brief /briːf/ a Ngắn, tóm tắt, súc tích
38 Drawback /ˈdrɔː.bæk/ n Hạn chế, bất lợi, điểm yếu
II. Cấu trúc
1 Due to + N/ V-ing Bởi vì
2 Interact with Tương tác với, giao tiếp với
3 Place an advert on sth Đặt quảng cáo trên cái gì
4 Allow sb to do sth Cho phép ai đó làm gì đó
5 Keep up with Đuổi kịp, theo kịp
6 Draw one’s attention Thu hút sự chú ý của ai đó
7 Have an impact on sth Có tác động đến cái gì đó
8 Interfere with sth Can thiệp, gây trở ngại cho cái gì đó
9 Avoid doing sth Tránh làm gì đó
10 Benefit from sth Được lợi từ cái gì đó, hưởng lợi từ cái gì đó
Bài tập ngày 17/4/2023 - Bảng từ vựng phần tự luận
I. Từ vựng
1 Submit /səbˈmɪt/ v Nộp, gửi, đệ trình
2 Assignment /əˈsaɪnmənt/ n Bài tập, nhiệm vụ, sự phân công công việc
II. Cấu trúc
1 Forget to do sth Quên làm điều gì đó
2 Remind sb to do sth Nhắc nhở ai làm gì
3 Spend time doing sth Dành thời gian để làm điều gì đó
4 It takes/ took time sb to do sth Ai mất thời gian để làm điều gì đó

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 28 (từ ngày 17/4/2023 – 23/4/2023) Moon.vn
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BÀI TẬP NGÀY 17/4/2023

Trường THPT Chuyên Huỳnh Mẫn Đạt THPT NĂM HỌC 2022-2023
ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề


Choose the word A, B, C or D whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that
of the others.
Question 1 [163989]: A. explored B. practiced C. examined D. combined
Question 2 [164390]: A. change B. chance C. scholarship D. charity
Choose the word A, B, C or D whose stressed pattern is different from that of the others.
Question 3 [164391]: A. festival B. business C. memory D. prediction
Question 4 [164392]: A. necessity B. temperature C. emergency D. development
Question 5 [164393]: A. argue B. compare C. succeed D. delay
Choose the word A, B, C or D that best completes each of the following sentences.
Question 6 [164394]: My children enjoy__________ part in social activities in their town.
A. to take B. taking C. took D. take
Question 7 [164395]: Tom rarely comes to party, __________?
A. doesn’t Tom B. doesn’t he C. does Tom D. does he
Question 8 [164396]: We decided to spend __________ summer in __________ seaside town.
A. a - a B. the - a C. the – no article D. no article - the
Question 9 [164397]: The next exam will be held __________ 28th of this month.
A. at B. on C. of D. in
Question 10 [164398]: He __________ here an hour ago.
A. has left B. left C. is leaving D. was leaving
Question 11 [164399]: Last night, we __________ television when the power __________.
A. watched - failed B. were watching - failed
C. was watching - failed D. watched – was failing
Question 12 [164400]: Thomas doesn’t drink beer and __________does his brother.
A. too B. either C. so D. neither
Question 13 [164401]: Recently healthy foods have increased in __________.
A. popularization B. popular C. popularity D. popularize
Question 14 [164402]: Jane may leave Vietnam either today __________ tomorrow.
A. nor B. but C. and D. or
Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Question 15 [164403]: These exercises __________ by my students.

A. must to be done B. have to be done
C. should to be done D. were to be done
Question 16 [164404]: Tidal waves are the result of an abrupt shift in the underwater
__________ of the earth.
A. compliment B. movement C. temperature D. disaster
Question 17 [164405]: Tim wishes he __________able to earn money to help his family.
A. can be B. will be C. has been D. were
Question 18 [164406]: The teacher with __________we studied last year no longer teaches in
our school.
A. whose B. who C. that D. whom
Question 19 [164407]: She speaks English __________ as her friend does.
A. the most fluently B. as fluently
C. so fluently D. more fluently
Question 20 [164408]: Don’t smoke in the forest. Fires __________ easily at this time of the
A. break out B. find out C. put out D. run out
Question 21 [164409]: The train was late, but no one knows the __________ for the delay.
A. reason B. result C. process D. purpose
Choose the word A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSET in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22 [164410]: He sank into deep despair when he lost his job.
A. become very unhappy B. became very enjoyable
C. burst into tears D. was delighted
Question 23 [164411]: These handicrafts may face the challenges of losing their
A. luxuries B. artisans C. inventions D. artifacts
Choose the word A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 24 [164412]: Sorry, I can’t come to your party. I’m snowed under with work at
the moment.
A. relaxed about B. interested in C. free from D. busy with
Question 25 [164413]: The Ao Dai, the traditional dress of Vietnamese women, consists of
a long tunic that is slit on the sides and worn over loose pants.
A. modern B. classic C. common D. customary
✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 28 (từ ngày 17/4/2023 – 23/4/2023) Moon.vn
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PART III: SPEAKING (0.4) mark)

Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes each of the
following exchanges.
Question 26 [164414]: Hoa and Lan are talking about the environmental problem.
- Hoa: “What are the main threats to the environment today?”
- Lan: “__________”
A. We need a clean environment to live in.
B. Threats are possible dangers to the environment.
C. Environmental pollution is a big issue for our planet.
D. Probably deforestation and global warming.
Question 27 [164415]: Mary is talking to her professor in his office.
- Mary: “Can you tell me how to find material for my science report, professor?”
- Professor: “__________”
A. I like that you understand.
B. Try your best, Mary.
C. You can borrow books from the library.
D. You mean the podcasts from other students?
PART IV: READING (3 marks)
Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each question. (1
Social media marketing has increased due to the growing number of active users on
social media sites. For example, Facebook currently has 2.2 billion users, Twitter has 330
million active users and Instagram has 800 million users.
One of the main uses is to interact with audiences to create awareness of the brand or
service, with the main idea of creating a two-way communication system where the
audience and/or customers can interact back; providing feedback is just one example. Social
media can be used to advertise; placing an advert on Facebook's Newsfeed, for example, can
allow a vast number of people to see it or target specific audiences from their usage to
encourage awareness of the product or brand. Users of social media are then able to like,
share and comment on the advert, becoming message senders as they can keep passing the
advert's message on to their friends and onwards. The use of new media put consumers in
the position of spreading opinions, and sharing experiences, and has shifted power from
organization to consumers for it allows transparency and different opinions to be heard.
Media marketing has to keep up with all the different platforms. They also have to keep
up with the ongoing trends that are set by big influencers and draw many people’s attention.
The type of audience a business is going for will determine the social media site they use.
(Retrieved fromhttps://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?tille=Social_media&oldid=927272773)
Question 28 [164416]: According to the second paragraph, users can do the followings with
the adverts on social media EXCEPT __________.
A. share B. like C. adjust D. pass

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Question 29 [164417]: The word “vast” in the second paragraph is CLOSEST in meaning to
A. enormous B. certain C. definite D. small
Question 30 [164418]: According to the last paragraph, what does media marketing have to
keep up with?
A. The type of audience B. The new trends set by every normal user
C. All the various platforms D. Other types of media
Question 31 [164419]: The word “transparency” in the second paragraph is CLOSEST in
meaning to __________.
A. clarity B. territory C. scenery D. rivalry
Question 32 [164420]: Which best severs as the title of the passage?
A. New types of marketing B. Two-way communication
C. Let’s listen to our customers D. Advertisements are on social media
Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question. (1 mark)
Tourism will always have an impact on the places visited. Sometimes the impact is
good, but often it is negative. For example, if lots of people visit one place, then this can
damage the environment. The question is - how can we minimize the problems without
preventing people from travelling and visiting places?
The main aim of ecotourism is to reduce the negative impact that tourism has on the
environment and local people. The idea is to encourage tourists to think about what they do
when they visit a place.
It's great to talk about protecting the environment, but how do you actually do this?
There are a number of key points. Tourists shouldn't drop litter, they should stay on the
paths, they shouldn't interfere with wildlife and they should respect local customs and
Some people see ecotourism as a contradiction. They say that any tourism needs
infrastructure - roads, airports and hotels. The more tourists that visit a place, the more of
these are needed and, by building more of these, you can't avoid damaging the environment.
But, of course, things aren't so black and white. Living in a place of natural beauty
doesn't mean that you shouldn't benefit from things like better roads. As long as the
improvements benefit the local people and not just the tourists, and the local communities
are consulted on plans and changes, then is there really a problem?
In 2002 the United Nations celebrated the "International Year of Ecotourism". Over the
past twenty years, more and more people have started taking eco-holidays. In countries
such as Ecuador, Nepal, Costa Rica and Kenya, ecotourism represents a significant
proportion of the tourist industry.
Question 33 [164421]: In paragraph 1, the word "it" refers to __________
A. damage B. tourism C. environment D. impact

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 28 (từ ngày 17/4/2023 – 23/4/2023) Moon.vn
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Question 34 [164422]: Which of the following is TRUE about the author's opinion?
A. Tourists are consulted about the plans to build new infrastructure.
B. Governments are consulted about the plans to build new infrastructure.
C. New infrastructure could be accepted as long as it also helps local people.
D. Building extra infrastructure in ecotourism areas must be prohibited.
Question 35 [164423]: According to the passage, what does ecotourism aim at?
A. Finding a new form of tourism B. Reducing the tourism problems
C. preventing tourists from travelling D. stopping ecotourism altogether
Question 36 [164424]: In paragraph 3, the word "respect" is CLOSEST in meaning to
A. value B. label C. reduce D. deny
Question 37 [164425]: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. A brief introduction about ecotourism B. Some Dos for ecotourists
C. Some Don'ts for Ecotourists D. Benefits and Drawbacks of Ecotourism
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits each space in the following
Kal Kaur Rai has always been interested in fashion and has just won the ticket of Young
Achiever of the Year at the Asian Business Award. Ever since she was a child, she has drawn
clothes and designed patterns. She never told her hard-working parents, (38) __________ own
a supermarket, that she wanted to turn her hobby into a career. She thought they expected
her to go into a more established business, (39) __________ she went to university to do a
management degree.
After university, she moved to London and worked in an advertising agency. She had to
attend industry (40) __________ but couldn't afford the designer clothes she liked. She started
making skirts and tops for herself. When her friends saw her clothes, they asked her to make
things for them. She then found a small shop in London willing to take her designs on a sale-
or-return basis. They were very popular and nothing came back. This encouraged her to
leave her advertising job, take out a £20,000 (41) __________ and begin her own womenswear
Kal's parents were not angry about her career change and said they would support her,
which really pleased her. Her clothes are now on sale in over 70 stores and her business has
an income of over £500,000. Her clothes appear in fashion magazines, she designs for pop
stars and she has just gained public (42) __________ by winning this award. Her business has
come a long way and she knows she is extremely lucky. 'What I do is my hobby - and I get
paid for it! But remember, I've worked hard for this.'
Question 38 [164426]: A. whose B. that C. who D. whom
Question 39 [164427]: A. so B. but C. or D. because
Question 40 [164428]: A. events B. inventions C. works D. shops
Question 41 [164429]: A. borrow B. money C. loan D. currency
Question 42 [164430]: A. recognized B. recognition C. recognizable D. recognizably

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

PART V: WRITING (1.6 marks)

Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting. (0.6 mark)
Question 43 [164431]: Someone must have taken my bag. I clearly remember to leave it by
the window and now it has gone.
Question 44 [164432]: Every student who majors in English are ready to participate in the
oratorical contest.
Question 45 [164433]: I asked him how far was it from my school to the post office if I went
by taxi.
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. (1 mark).
Question 1 [164577]: “Don’t forget to submit your assignments next Saturday.” Said the
teacher to the students. (reminded)
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
Question 2 [164578]: Nobody has cleaned this room for a long time. (been)
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
Question 3 [164579]: It takes Hoa 2 hours to do her homework every day. (spends)
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
Question 4 [164580]: I’ve never tasted a more delicious tart than this one. (most)
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
Question 5 [164581]: Study hard or you will fail the exam. (unless)
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
Bài tập ngày 18/4/2023 - Bảng từ vựng phần trắc nghiệm
I. Từ vựng
1 Innovate /ˈɪnəveɪt/ v Đổi mới, sáng tạo
2 Mend /mend/ v Vá, sửa chữa
3 Destruction /dɪˈstrʌkʃn/ n Sự phá hủy, tàn phá
4 Measure /ˈmeʒə(r)/ n Đơn vị đo lường, biện pháp
5 Achievement /əˈtʃiːvmənt/ n Thành tựu, thành tích
6 Rural /ˈrʊrəl/ a Thuộc vùng nông thôn
✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 28 (từ ngày 17/4/2023 – 23/4/2023) Moon.vn
Học để khẳng định mình

7 Scheme /skiːm/ n Kế hoạch, đề án

8 Fertilize /ˈfɜːtəlaɪz/ v Bón phân, làm cho màu mỡ
9 Develop /dɪˈveləp/ v Phát triển, mở rộng
10 Reduce /rɪˈdjuːs/ v Giảm, thu nhỏ
11 Score /skɔː(r)/ v Ghi bàn thắng
12 Superb /suːˈpɜː(r)b/ a Tuyệt vời, xuất sắc
13 Effort /ˈefə(r)t/ n Nỗ lực, sự cố gắng
14 Extinguish /ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ v Dập tắt, dập lửa
15 Punish /ˈpʌnɪʃ/ v Trừng phạt, xử phạt
16 Violence /ˈvaɪələns/ n Bạo lực, sự ác liệt
17 Obey /oʊˈbeɪ/ v Tuân thủ, vâng lời
18 Monitor /ˈmɑːnɪtə(r)/ n Lớp trưởng
Suddenly /ˈsʌdənli/ adv Đột nhiên, bất ngờ
Sudden /ˈsʌdən/ a Bất ngờ, đột ngột
20 Clap of thunder /klæp əv ˈθʌndə(r)/ np Tiếng sấm, tiếng ầm vang của sấm
21 Startle /ˈstɑːtl/ v Làm cho sợ, làm giật mình
22 Crashing /ˈkræʃɪŋ/ a Vang dội, ầm ĩ
23 Scared /skerd/ a Sợ, hoảng sợ
24 Basement /ˈbeɪsmənt/ n Tầng hầm
25 Damage /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ n Sự tổn hại, thiệt hại
26 Bush /bʊʃ/ n Bụi cây, bụi rậm
27 Garage /ɡəˈrɑːʒ/ n Nhà để xe, gara
28 Attic /ˈætɪk/ n Gác mái, phòng trên gác mái
Immediate /ɪˈmiːdiət/ a Ngay lập tức, không chậm trễ
Immediately /ɪˈmiːdiətli/ adv Ngay lập tức, không chậm trễ
30 Tired /taɪrd/ a Mệt mỏi, mệt nhọc
31 Satisfied /ˈsætɪsfaɪd/ a Hài lòng, thoả mãn
32 Horrible /ˈhɔːrəbl/ a Kinh khủng, khủng khiếp
33 Worried /ˈwʌrid/ a Lo lắng, lo âu
34 Search /sɜːrtʃ/ v Tìm kiếm, điều tra

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

II. Cấu trúc

1 Congratulate sb on sth/ doing sth Chúc mừng ai đó về điều gì/ làm điều gì
2 Have a chance to do sth Có cơ hội làm gì
Get access to sth Có được quyền truy cập vào/ tiếp cận với
điều gì đó
4 Suggest doing sth Gợi ý, đề xuất làm gì
Run out Hết, cạn kiệt (thời gian, nguyên liệu, tiền bạc,
6 Eat out Ăn tiệm, ăn ở ngoài
Carry out Thực hiện, tiến hành (kế hoạch, nhiệm vụ,
8 Fill out Điền thông tin vào mẫu, phiếu, v.v.
9 Pay attention Chú ý, lưu ý
10 In the event of Trong trường hợp xảy ra (tình huống gì đó)
11 Keep calm Giữ bình tĩnh
12 Calm somebody down Làm cho ai đó bình tĩnh lại
Make one's way Đi tới, tiến lên (một nơi hoặc trong một
hướng nào đó)
14 All of a sudden Đột nhiên, bất ngờ

Bài tập ngày 18/4/2023 - Bảng từ vựng phần đọc hiểu

I. Từ vựng
1 Dinosaur /ˈdaɪnəsɔːr/ n Khủng long
2 Wheel /wiːl/ n Bánh xe, đĩa xoay
3 Evaporate /ɪˈvæpəreɪt/ v Bốc hơi, bay hơi
4 Eventually /ɪˈventʃuəli/ adv Cuối cùng, rồi thì, sau cùng
5 Form /fɔːm/ v Hình thành, tạo ra, định hình
6 Stream /striːm/ n Dòng suối, dòng chảy, luồng
II. Cấu trúc
1 In the form of sth Trong hình thức của, dưới dạng của cái gì
2 Compared to sth So với, đối với cái gì

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Bài tập ngày 18/4/2023 - Bảng từ vựng phần tự luận

I. Từ vựng
Advertisement /ˌædvərˈtaɪzmənt/ n Quảng cáo, sự quảng bá
Advertiser /ˈædvərtaɪzə(r)/ n Người quảng cáo, người đăng tin
quảng cáo
Advertise /'ædvətaiz/ v Quảng cáo
Benefit /'benifit/ n Lợi ích
Beneficial /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl/ a Có lợi, có ích
Examination /ɪgˌzæmɪˈneɪʃn/ n Kỳ thi, cuộc thi, sự kiểm tra, khám
Oral /ɔ:rəl/ a Bằng lời nói; nói miệng
Orally /ˈɔːrəli/ adv Bằng miệng, truyền đạt bằng miệng
Publish /'pʌbli∫/ v Xuất bản
5 Publisher /ˈpʌblɪʃə(r)/ n Nhà xuất bản, người xuất bản
Publication /ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃn/ n Sự xuất bản, sự công bố thông tin
Disaster /dɪˈzæstə(r)/ n Tai họa, thảm hoạ
Disastrous /dɪˈzæstrəs/ a Tai hại, thảm khốc
Inform /in'fɔ:m/ v Thông báo, báo cho biết
7 Informative /ɪnˈfɔːmətɪv/ a Mang tính chất thông tin, cung cấp
thông tin
Global /ˌɡləʊbl ˈwɔːrmɪŋ/ np Sự nóng lên toàn cầu
9 Mechanic /məˈkænɪk/ n Thợ máy, kỹ thuật viên, người thợ
10 Fix /fɪks/ v Sửa chữa, vá, khắc phục, giải quyết
Emergency /ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi/ n Tình trạng khẩn cấp, tình huống
khẩn cấp
II. Cấu trúc
1 Cause damage to sth Gây thiệt hại cho cái gì
2 Try to do sth Cố gắng làm điều gì đó
3 Concentrate on doing sth Tập trung làm điều gì đó
4 Spend time doing sth Dành thời gian để làm điều gì đó

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

5 It takes/ took time sb to do sth Ai mất thời gian để làm điều gì đó

6 Wait for sth Chờ đợi điều gì đó
Have sth done (by sb) (Cấu trúc bị động thể truyền khiến) có điều
gì đó được làm … (bởi ai)
8 Cope with sth Đương đầu với, đối mặt với điều gì đó
Suggest that somebody (should) Đề xuất rằng ai đó nên làm điều gì đó
do sth

BÀI TẬP NGÀY 18/4/2023

THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH KHÓA NGÀY 11 tháng 6 năm 2022
Ngày thi: 11 tháng 6 năm 2022
(Đề gồm 07 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)


Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?
Question 1 [164434]: A. national B. natural C. carry D. plane
Question 2 [164435]: A. innovated B. mended C. received D. celebrated
Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others?
Question 3 [164436]: A. destruction B. mechanic C. interview D. environment
Question 4 [164437]: A. littering B. measure C. rubbish D. prevent
Choose the word/ phrase/ sentence (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each
sentence or best answers the question.
Question 5 [164438]: "Let's congratulate Nam __________ his excellent academic
achievement," said the teacher.
A. to B. of C. on D. in
Question 6 [164439]: Our school celebrated Children's Day __________ June 1st two weeks
A. on B. in C. at D. to
Question 7 [164440]: -Nam: "Have you ever enjoyed Tet, Maryam?"
- Maryam: "You mean the Lunar New Year? I once had a chance to be in Vietnam then,
__________ I really liked it."
A. or B. and C. so D. although
Question 8 [164441]: Bao: "Did you follow SEA GAMES 31, __________ held in Vietnam from
May 12th to 23rd, 2022?"
- Minh: "Of course. Viet Nam won over 200 gold medals."
A. who is B. which was C. that is D. when was

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 28 (từ ngày 17/4/2023 – 23/4/2023) Moon.vn
Học để khẳng định mình

Question 9 [164442]: -Mark: "Viewers from rural areas can get access to cable television,
can't they?"
- An: " Yes, there is __________ local and international programs on different TV channels."
A. lots of B. plenty of C. a variety of D. a number of
Question 10 [164443]: Our teacher suggests __________ waste paper for the school's recycling
A. collecting B. to collect C. being collected D. to be collecting
Question 11 [164444]: - Daisy: 'What is your favorite place to __________?”
- Lucy: "Lemongrass Restaurant."
A. run out B. eat out C. carry out D. fill out
Question 12 [164445]: Farmers use animal dung to __________ their fields.
A. make B. fertilize C. run D. develop
Question 13 [164446]: - Thanh: "Why don't you reduce the amount of water your family
- Nga: “__________”
A. Nice idea! B. Yes, please. C. No, thanks. D. You're welcome!
Question 14 [164447]: - Chinh: "Congratulations! You scored a superb goal for our team."
- Tung: “__________”
A. Everybody does the same.
B. It was the whole team's effort. Thanks.
C. Yes, let's. The crowd was fantastic.
D. Thank you. Everybody can solve this problem.
Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 15 and 16.
Question 15 [164448]: What does the sign tell you to do?
A. Pay attention when being on fire here.
B. Extinguish fire inside.
C. Don't play with fire here.
D. Exit in the event of a fire.
Question 16 [164449]: What does the sign mean?
A. Bad students will be punished at school.
B. Violence is not allowed at school.
C. Classmates should not talk too much to each other.
D. Younger students mustn't obey their monitors at school.

Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
My sister Susan and I were in the yard (17) __________ with our neighbors' dog last
Saturday afternoon when suddenly the sky turned dark gray. Minutes later, it began to rain
heavily, so we ran quickly into the house.

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Mom asked us to close all the windows. Just as I shut the window in the kitchen, we
heard a loud clap of thunder. Dad took us to the (18) __________ and asked us to keep calm.
From there, we could hear the strong wind outside. All of (19) __________, my sister was
startled by a loud crashing noise and started to cry. We tried to calm her down but she was
very scared.
After a few minutes, the wind stopped and everything was quiet. We slowly made our
way up from the basement. The house was full of glass (20) __________ the broken windows.
The real damage was outside though. There were trees on the streets and there were
damaged cars all over. Our neighbors were very (21) __________ because they couldn't find
their dog. We (22) __________ everywhere and finally found him behind some bushes. He got
wet all over but luckily was unhurt.
Question 17 [164450]: A. play B. played C. playing D. to be played
Question 18 [164451]: A. garage B. basement C. attic D. kitchen
Question 19 [164452]: A. a sudden B. suddenly C. an immediate D. immediately
Question 20 [164453]: A. on B. up C. to D. from
Question 21 [164454]: A. tired B. satisfied C. horrible D. worried
Question 22 [164455]: A. searched B. phoned C. cried D. watched
Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 1 to 4 are True or False, and
choose the correct answers (A, B, C or D) for questions 5 and 6.
Where did your water come from before it arrived in your kitchen? Is your glass of
water as new as this morning or as old as the dinosaurs? Is it even older than the dinosaurs?
Water on Earth is always moving round and round, like a wheel turning. This is called "the
water cycle," and it has no beginning or end. But to talk about it, we must choose a place to
begin. We will start with the oceans, the largest bodies of water on Earth.
In this part of the cycle, the sun heats the water in the oceans, and then the warm water
evaporates into the air. The water in the air eventually comes together to form very large
clouds. Wind then moves the clouds over the land. When clouds finally meet cold air, the
water comes down in the form of rain or snow.
Some of this rainwater will stay on the land, but most of the water goes down into
rivers and streams. Finally, it goes back to the oceans, where the cycle begins again.
The water cycle is billions of years old. So, think again about how old that water in your
cup is! It's much, much older than you thought.
Question 1 [164456]: The oceans are the largest bodies of water on Earth.
Question 2 [164457]: The water cycle is compared to a wheel turning.
Question 3 [164458]: When you look at clouds, you are seeing the beginning part of the
water cycle.
Question 4 [164459]: Water is made new every day.

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 28 (từ ngày 17/4/2023 – 23/4/2023) Moon.vn
Học để khẳng định mình

Question 5 [164460]: Which of the following may be the best title for the reading passage?
A. The beginning of the water B. Water on Earth
C. The water cycle D. The age of water
Question 6 [164461]: In the reading passage, all of the following are mentioned EXCEPT
A. The sun makes water hot. B. Water beautifies human life.
C. Water is used in the kitchen. D. Clouds and cold air create rain.
Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.
Question 7 [164462]: Her father learned that the house was for sale through an __________.
Question 8 [164463]: Physical exercise is __________ to our health. (benefit)
Question 9 [164464]: In the speaking examination, answers are presented __________on tape.
Question 10 [164465]: She's just had an article __________ in the Tuoi Tre. (publish)
Question 11 [164466]: Tsunami is a natural __________ that can cause great damage.
Question 12 [164467]: I like watching the news on TV every day because it's very __________.
Rearrange the groups of words in the correct order to make complete sentences.
Question 13 [164468]: Most students tried/ Entrance exam/ to concentrate/ for the
coming/ on studying/.
→ Most students tried ______________________________________________________________________________
Question 14 [164469]: Global warming/ that happens/ over many, many years/ is a slow
→ Global warming __________________________________________________________________________________
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means almost the same as
the sentence printed before it.
Question 15 [164470]: How long have you been learning English?
→ When did _________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 16 [164471]: The students spent ten minutes waiting for their bus.
→ It took ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 17 [164472]: My uncle will send for a mechanic to fix his car tomorrow.
→ My uncle will have his __________________________________________________________________________
Question 18 [164473]: "What about teaching the children how to cope with an
emergency?" said Mrs Thu.
→ Mrs Thu suggested that the children ___________________________________________________________

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Bài tập ngày 20/4/2023 - Bảng từ vựng phần trắc nghiệm

I. Từ vựng
1 Compose /kəmˈpəʊz/ n Sáng tác
2 Unexpectedly /ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪdli/ adv Một cách bất ngờ
3 Eruption /ɪˈrʌpʃn/ n Sự phun (núi lửa), sự nổ ra
4 Cyclone /ˈsaɪkləʊn/ n Gió, lốc xoáy
5 Shift /ʃɪft/ n Sự thay đổi, chuyển sang
6 Disaster /dɪˈzæstər/ n (= catastrophe) Tai họa, thảm họa
Appliance /əˈplaɪəns/ n Dụng cụ, đồ dùng
electrical/household appliances
8 Consume /kənˈsuːm/ v Tiêu thụ, tiêu dùng
Resource /ˈriːsɔːrs/ n Tài nguyên (thiên nhiên, khoáng sản)
9 They promote the use of renewable
resources like soybean oil.
10 Solar /ˈsəʊlər/ a Thuộc mặt trời
Self- interested /ˌself ˈɪntrəstɪd/ a Tư lợi
11 Interested /ˈɪntrəstɪd/ a Quan tâm, hứng thú
Interesting /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ a Thú vị
Invention /ɪnˈvenʃn/ n Sự phát minh
Inventive /ɪnˈventɪv/ a (= imaginative) Có tài phát minh, có óc
sáng tạo (người)
Inventor /ɪnˈventər/ n Người phát minh, người sáng tạo
Widely /ˈwaɪdli/ adv Rộng rãi, khắp nơi
Widen /ˈwaɪdn/ v Mở rộng, làm rộng ra
Porter /ˈpɔːrtər/ n Người khuân vác hành lý; người gác
cổng, bảo vệ
15 Attend /əˈtend/ v Tham dự (sự kiện)
16 Happen /ˈhæpən/ v Xảy ra, diễn ra
17 Offer /ˈɔːfər/ v Đưa ra, chào mời
18 Almost /ˈɔːlməʊst/ adv (= nearly) Gần như, hầu hết
19 Improvement /ɪmˈpruːvmənt/ n Sự cải thiện, tiến bộ
20 Steam /stiːm/ n Hơi nước

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21 Engine /ˈendʒɪn/ n Động cơ

22 Flat /flæt/ a Phẳng, bẹt, bằng phẳng
Battle /ˈbætl/ n Cuộc đấu tranh (với những tình huống
khó khăn)
24 Encourage /ɪnˈkɜːrɪdʒ/ v Khuyến khích, động viên
25 Cash /kæʃ/ n Tiền mặt
26 Straightaway /ˌstreɪtəˈweɪ/ adv Một cách tức thì, ngay lập tức
II. Cấu trúc
1 Turn on Bật máy, thiết bị
Turn off Tắt máy, thiết bị; rời khỏi đường; làm cho
ai thấy buồn chán, không hứng thú
3 Turn over Đổi chiều, lật lại; đạt chỉ tiêu về doanh thu
4 Turn down Từ chối; giảm (âm thanh, nhiệt độ,...)
5 If + S + V (s/es), S + will + V Câu điều kiện loại 1
6 Suggest + Ving Đề xuất, gợi ý làm gì
7 In time Vừa kịp, xảy ra trước khi quá muộn
8 On time Đúng giờ
Despite + N/ Ving, clause Mặc dù
Although + clause, clause
10 Have difficulty in doing sth Gặp khó khăn khi làm gì
11 Take part in Tham gia vào
12 Look at Nhìn vào
13 Look up Cải thiện; tra cứu (tài liệu, máy tính,...)
14 Look after Chăm sóc
15 Look for Tìm kiếm
S + một số động từ chỉ tri giác + so + Quá … đến nỗi mà
adj + that + S + V
17 Shut down Tắt nguồn; đóng cửa, ngừng hoạt động
18 Go through Trải qua, đi qua (sự việc gì)
19 Should be Vpp Nên được làm gì
20 S + wish(es) + (that) + S + V-ed Câu ước ở hiện tại
Were S + to V/ Were S, S + Đảo ngữ điều kiện loại 2
would/could/might + V
22 Pass an exam Vượt qua kì thi
Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Bài tập ngày 20/4/2023

Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)


A. PRONUNCIATION (0.8 points)
Part 1. Choose a word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
(0.4 points)
Question 1 [164474]: A. polluted B. composed C. provided D. prevented
Question 2 [164475]: A. books B. stops C. points D. joins
Part 2. Choose a word whose main stress position is different from the others. (0.4
Question 3 [164476]: A. reduce B. pollute C. suggest D. gather
Question 4 [164477]: A. expensive B. important C. popular D. exciting
Part 1. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
(4.2 points)
Question 5 [164478]: John didn't go to the cinema yesterday, __________?
A. did he B. does he C. didn't he D. doesn’t he
Question 6 [164479]: This car __________ by my father last year.
A. is bought B. was bought C. will be bought D. has been bought
Question 7 [164480]: He used to __________ in a bank, but now he is working as a designer.
A. working B. work C. be working D. worked
Question 8 [164481]: My brother was born __________ 2000.
A. on B. in C. at D. between
Question 9 [164482]: John is the __________ boy in my class.
A. tall B. taller C. more taller D. tallest
Question 10 [164483]: Can you __________ the television? I'd like to watch the news.
A. turn off B. turn over C. turn on D. turn down
Question 11 [164484]: My mother enjoys __________ a sandwich for her breakfast.
A. having B. to have C. have D. has
Question 12 [164485]: Last week, I unexpectedly __________ Lan in the supermarket.
A. met B. have met C. meet D. am meeting
Question 13 [164486]: My father __________ for this company since last year.
A. is working B. works C. has worked D. worked
✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 28 (từ ngày 17/4/2023 – 23/4/2023) Moon.vn
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Question 14 [164487]: Nam asked me if I __________ my grandparents the following day.

A. visit B. will visit C. have visited D. would visit
Question 15 [164488]: My parents like sports. They love swimming __________ playing table
A. nor B. but C. or D. and
Question 16 [164489]: The shops were closed. __________, I didn't get any food.
A. However B. So C. But D. Therefore
Question 17 [164490]: My teacher suggested __________ face masks in public.
A. wearing B. wear C. to wear D. to wearing
Question 18 [164491]: If it __________ tomorrow, we will not go to the cinema.
A. rained B. was raining C. rains D. will rain
Question 19 [164492]: The boy __________ asked for your help yesterday is my cousin.
A. who B. which C. where D. whom
Question 20 [164493]: The __________ of the volcano was a terrible disaster.
A. prediction B. eruption C. cyclone D. shift
Question 21 [164494]: How __________ sugar do you want?
A. many B. much C. far D. often
Question 22 [164495]: My uncle is living with my grandparents __________ the countryside.
A. at B. in C. from D. on
Question 23 [164496]: Televisions, kitchen appliances, and other plugged-in appliances can
consume __________ even when they're turned off.
A. electricity B. resource C. solar D. bill
Question 24 [164497]: Lan: "Why don't we go to Nha Trang this summer?"
- Tam: "__________”
A. It's nice of you to say so. B. You're welcome.
C. Well done. D. That's a good idea.
Question 25 [164498]: Tam: "What a beautiful dress!" - Lan: "__________”
A. You're welcome. B. Thank you.
C. Yes, please. D. Yes, I'd love to.
Part 2. Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions. (0.6 points)
Question 26 [164499]: Despite it rained heavily, we went to school on time.
Question 27 [164500]: Let's not go to the park if it will rain tomorrow.
Question 28 [164501]: My sisters like getting up late in Sunday mornings.

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

C. READING (2.0 points)

Part 1. Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits
each of the numbered blanks from 29 to 33. (1.0 point)
Tom Cruise is one of the most successful actors in cinema history. (29) __________ life
hasn't always been easy for him. As a young boy, Tom was shy and had difficulty in finding
friends, although he really enjoyed (30) __________ part in school plays. After he had finished
High School, Tom went to New York to look (31) __________ work. He found employment as a
porter, and at the same time he (32) __________ drama classes. In 1980, the film director
Franco Zeffirelli offered Tom his first part in a film. Ten years later, he had become (33)
__________ successful that he was one of the highest-paid actors in Hollywood, earning
millions of dollars for each film. Today, Tom still appears in films and is as popular as ever
with his thousands of fans from all around the world.
(Source: Cambridge Preliminary English Test)
Question 29 [164502]: A. However B. Moreover C. Because D. Although
Question 30 [164503]: A. making B. taking C. holding D. finding
Question 31 [164504]: A. at B. up C. after D. for
Question 32 [164505]: A. prepared B. waited C. attended D. happened
Question 33 [164506]: A. so B. such C. too D. very
Part 2. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete each sentence. (0.6
Question 1 [164507]: They are very __________ (INTEREST) in caves and mountains in Quang
Question 2 [164508]: The Internet is one of the most important __________ (INVENT) of our
Question 3 [164509]: YouTube is __________ (WIDE) used by both teenagers and adults.
C. READING (2.0 points)
Part 2. Read the following passage and answer the questions from 4 to 8 with NO MORE
THAN SEVEN WORDS for each. (1.0 point)
The nineteenth-century inventor Margaret Knight was born in the USA in 1838. As a
young girl, she was made to work in a cotton factory by her parents. While she was working
there, there was an accident and somebody was almost killed by a machine. Margaret was
only 12 at the time, but she invented a way to fix the machine so that if there was the same
fault again, straight away the machine would shut down completely.
She had more than eighty inventions, from the machine for cutting shoes to
improvements for the steam engine. But her most important invention - the machine that
produced paper bags with flat bottoms - never made her much money. In fact, the idea for
the original invention was stolen by the person who made the model for the machine. She
had to go through a long legal battle to be finally recognized as the owner of the idea.

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 28 (từ ngày 17/4/2023 – 23/4/2023) Moon.vn
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In those days, women were not encouraged to be businesspeople any more than they
were encouraged to be inventors. Once Margaret Knight had produced an invention, she
would usually sell it to somebody for not much cash, and when she died in 1914. all she left
was 275 dollars.
Question 4 [164510]: What did Margaret Knight do?
 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 5 [164511]: Where was she forced to work when she was a child?
 __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 6 [164512]: Could Margaret Knight's first invention save people's lives?
 __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 7 [164513]: What was considered her most important invention?
 __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 8 [164514]: When did Margaret Knight die?
 __________________________________________________________________________________________________
D. WRITING (1.8 points)
Part 1. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that the second sentence has the
same meaning as the first one. (1.0 point)
Question 9 [164582]: Lan last wrote to Maryam two years ago.
→ Lan has ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 10 [164583]: You should water these flowers every morning.
→ These flowers ____________________________________________________________________________________
Question 11 [164584]: I can't speak Korean fluently.
→ I wish _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 12 [164585]: "I like this job," said Lan.
→ Lan said __________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 13 [164586]: Peter doesn't have enough money. He can't buy a new house.
→ Were Peter ______________________________________________________________________________________
Part 2 Rewrite the following sentences, using the word given in brackets. (0.4 points)
Question 14 [164587]: My parents were very happy because I passed my exam. (SO)
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 15 [164588]: I live in a city. It is in the south of Vietnam. (WHICH)
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Part 3. Rearrange the jumped words or phrases to make complete sentences. (0.4
Question 16 [164589]: lovely/I/ kitten/ have/ a/./
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 17 [164590]: the/ across/at/ Walk/ the zebra/ street/ crossing/./
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Bài tập ngày 22/4/2023 - Bảng từ vựng phần trắc nghiệm

I. Từ vựng
1 Parade /pəˈreɪd/ n (= procession) Cuộc diễu hành
2 Reuse /ˌriːˈjuːz/ v Tái sử dụng
3 Ancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/ a Cổ xưa, cũ
4 Modern /ˈmɑːdərn/ a Tối tân, hiện đại nhất
5 Local /ˈləʊkl/ a Địa phương
Department store /dɪˈpɑːrtmənt stɔːr/ n Cửa hàng tạp hóa; trung tâm
thương mại
7 Roof /ruːf/ n Mái nhà, nóc
8 Break /breɪk/ n Khoảng nghỉ, nghỉ giải lao
9 Fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/ a Tuyệt vời, cực kỳ to lớn, kỳ lạ
10 Brilliant /ˈbrɪliənt/ a Xuất sắc, tài giỏi
Amaze /əˈmeɪz/ v Khiến ai đó ngạc nhiên
What amazes me is how long she
managed to hide it from us.
Amazement /əˈmeɪzmənt/ n Sự ngạc nhiên, kinh ngạc
11 To my amazement, he
remembered me.
Amazing /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ a (= astonishing, astounding,
incredible) Tuyệt vời, đáng kinh
Elementary /ˌelɪˈmentri skuːl/ n Trường tiểu học
13 Probably /ˈprɑːbəbli/ adv Có lẽ, có thể
14 Blackboard /ˈblækbɔːrd/ n Bảng đen
15 Sign /saɪn/ n Biển báo
16 Somewhere /ˈsʌmwer/ adv Ở đâu đó
17 Notice /ˈnəʊtɪs/ n Thông báo nhắc nhở
18 Hide-and-seek /ˌhaɪd ən ˈsiːk/ n Trò trốn tìm

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 28 (từ ngày 17/4/2023 – 23/4/2023) Moon.vn
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II. Cấu trúc

1 If + S + V (s/es), S + will + V Câu điều kiện loại 1
2 Set up Thành lập
3 S + wish(es) + (that) + S + V-ed Câu ước ở hiện tại
4 Look up Cải thiện; tra cứu (tài liệu, máy tính,...)
5 Look after Chăm sóc, lo lắng
6 Turn out Sản xuất; hóa ra; tắt hết ánh sáng ; tham gia
7 Make change Thay đổi, đổi mới cái gì đó
8 Get married Kết hôn
9 Used to V Đã từng làm gì trong quá khứ
10 Suggest Ving Chăm sóc, lo lắng
Be keen on doing sth Thể hiện thái độ yêu thích của bản thân về
một sự vật, sực việc nào đó

Bài tập ngày 22/4/2023 - Phần Đề thi (Trắc nghiệm)

Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
(Đề thi này gồm 04 trang, có 37 câu)

I. PHONETICS (1.0 point)
Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1 [164565]: A. close B. know C. cold D. lost
Question 2 [164566]: A. looked B. handed C. watched D. brushed
Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3 [164567]: A. humor B. parade C. describe D. prefer
Question 4 [164568]: A. benefit B. energy C. effective D. tropical
Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 5 [164569]: Lan is always late for school, __________?
A. was it B. isn't she C. isn't it D. was she

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Question 6 [164570]: If people__________ old items, they will save the environment.
A. reuse B. reused C. reusing D. to reuse
Question 7 [164571]: She came on Sunday morning and stayed here __________ 8.00 a.m. and
10.30 a.m.
A. on B. in C. between D. from
Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word in the following question.
Question 8 [164572]: Hoi An is an ancient town in Central Vietnam. It was set up a long
time ago.
A. comfortable B. boring C. modern D. local
Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each
of the following questions.
Question 9 [164573]: It's a pity I don't have anyone to share my troubles with.
A. I wish I have someone to share my troubles with.
B. I wish I have no one to share my troubles with.
C. I wish I had someone to share my troubles with.
D. I wish I had no one to share my troubles with.
Question 10 [164574]: Charlie said, "I don't know what Fred is doing".
A. Charlie said that he doesn't know what Fred is doing.
B. Charlie said that he didn't know what Fred is doing.
C. Charlie said that he doesn't know what Fred was doing.
D. Charlie said that he didn't know what Fred was doing.
Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 11 [164575]: Thank you for looking up my little cat while I was away.
Question 12 [164576]: The car who he has just bought is very expensive.
III. READING (3.25 points)
Read the following passage. Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) to indicate the correct word
that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Department Stores
People who enjoy shopping like to find everything under one roof. Do you need some
new clothes? Do you want (13) __________the latest video game or just have a coffee? The
department store in Festival Place has got everything including a restaurant if you need a
break at lunchtime or after school. The store is open seven days (14) __________week. The car
park is free but it's only a five-minute walk from the city center. During the week you can go
to the cinema and the fantastic sports center which are (15) __________the first floor. I asked
my sister what she thought of the place. She said, "I never liked shopping before (16)

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 28 (từ ngày 17/4/2023 – 23/4/2023) Moon.vn
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__________ now I come here every weekend. It's brilliant and the milkshakes in the café are
(17) __________!"
Question 13 [164591]: A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. bought
Question 14 [164592]: A. a B. an C. the D. some
Question 15 [164593]: A. at B. on C. in D. for
Question 16 [164594]: A. if B. so C. or D. but
Question 17 [164595]: A. amaze B. amazing C. amazement D. amazingly
Read the following article and choose the letter (A, B, C or D) to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
School life is not easy for some Maasai people in Kenya. In some schools, there are 70
students in one classroom. These schools don't always have books. Sometimes there aren't
enough teachers, or there isn't enough money.
This is especially true for Maasai girls. Not many Maasai girls in Kenya finish
elementary school. Many Maasai girls have to leave school early to get married. Kakenya
Ntaiya has a dream. She has a school for girls because she wants to help Maasai schoolgirls
in her village.
Today, 200 girls go to Kakenya's school, and they love it. They study English and Swahili
(an African language). They also study maths, science, geography, history, art, and P.E.
Kakenya wants her students to have better lives.
Question 18 [164596]: Which of the following is TRUE about some schools in paragraph 1?
A. There are 70 students in one classroom. B. Schools always have books.
C. There are always enough teachers. D. There is always enough money.
Question 19 [164597]: The phrase "especially true" in paragraph 2 means __________
A. not true B. probably true
C. only true D. even more true
Question 20 [164598]: Why do some Maasai girls not finish school?
A. They hate school. B. They leave Kenya.
C. They get married. D. They move to another house.
Question 21 [164599]: What can we learn about Kakenya from the article?
A. Only two subjects are taught at her school.
B. She's from Kenya.
C. Her students have good grades.
D. Her school is free for girls.
Question 22 [164600]: What's the best title for this article?
A. Life after School B. Kakenya's Dream
C. Living in Kenya D. Kakenya's Life

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Read the texts and choose the letter (A, B, C or D) to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.
Question 23 [164601]: Where is this text mostly seen?

A. on the screen of a computer B. on a blackboard

C. on a road sign D. on the desk in a computer classroom
Question 24 [164602]: Tom is asking Lisa __________

A. to go into town with Clara. B. to come to Clara's birthday party.

C. to help choose a gift for Clara. D. to give him a birthday gift.
Question 25 [164603]: What does this notice say?

A. There won't be a dance class next week.

B. The dance class will be somewhere different this week.
C. The dance class will only last for half an hour this week.
D. There will be a dance class in room 102 at 6.30 p.m this week.
Complete the conversation between two friends. What does Henry say to Alice? Choose
the correct letter (A - F). There is ONE extra letter you do not need to use.
Alice: Have you ever made a film using your smartphone?
Henry: (1) __________
Alice: What have you filmed before?
Henry: (2) __________
✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 28 (từ ngày 17/4/2023 – 23/4/2023) Moon.vn
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Alice: Did it turn out well?

Henry: (3)__________
Alice: How did you do that?
Henry: (4)__________
Alice: Can you show me how to use it?
Henry: (5) __________
Alice: Great! I want to make my own film!
A. I used a program for filmmaking. It's great fun, actually.
B. Yes, I've made one or two films for fun.
C. No, I've never been in a film before.
D. Of course! I'd love to do that.
E. I filmed my family's beach holiday last year.
F. Yes, it did. I used my computer to make changes.
IV. WRITING (2.5 points)
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the original one,
beginning with the given words.
Question 1 [164604]: His sister usually played hide and seek when she was a child.
→ His sister used to ________________________________________________________________________________
Question 2 [164605]: They started listening to music 15 minutes ago.
→ They have ________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 3 [164606]: I think we should take the train.
→ I suggest _________________________________________________________________________________________
Order the words to make complete sentences.
Question 4 [164607]: got / this / late / up / I / morning.
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 5 [164608]: learning / Tim / is/ on / English. / keen
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 6 [164609]: that/is/Nam Cat Tien National Park/fascinating/of/most/ destinations
/can/be/in/the/Dong Nai./one/experienced
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Write a paragraph.
In about 100 words, write a paragraph about a place you would like to visit. Use the
question cues below or create your own ideas.
- Which place would you like to visit?
- Where is it?
- Why would you like to go there?
- What would you like to do there?
- What is special about it?
- ________________________________
Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

[LT10]_Bài tập làm thêm tuần 28 (Tự luận)

I. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase from the box.

Question 1 [164610]: On the ISS, astronauts do not shower but rather use liquid soap,
water, and __________ shampoo.
Question 2 [164611]: The effects of microgravity can be seen when astronauts and objects
__________ in space.
Question 3 [164612]: Unlike space shuttle crews of the past, the newest astronauts won’t
be wearing orange __________
Question 4 [164613]: The crew are planning a four-hour __________ to carry out necessary
repair work on the shuttle.
Question 5 [164614]: The United States’ Apollo 11 was the first crewed mission to __________
on the Moon, on 20 July 1969.
Question 6 [164615]: A human __________ to Mars has been the subject of science fiction,
aerospace engineering and scientific proposals since the 20th century.
Question 7 [164616]: When a spacecraft is launched into __________ , it should end up
spinning around the Earth quickly enough not to be pulled back in by the Earth’s gravity.
Question 8 [164617]: __________ reproduce gravity-free conditions in an aircraft by
alternating upward and downward arcs.
Question 9 [164618]: Axiom Space says it plans to __________ multiple commercial modules
to the International Space Station.
Question 10 [164619]: The space shuttle has carried out numerous important missions,
such as the repair and __________ of the Hubble Space Telescope.
II. Write the correct form of the word in brackets.
Question 11 [164620]: Scientists have cataloged almost 700 million __________ objects in the
dark sky. (astronomy)
Question 12 [164621]: The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more
about how the body adapts to __________. (weightless)
Question 13 [164622]: The design of the spaceship is __________ integrated into the Star
Wars film world. (harmony)
Question 14 [164623]: The Museum of __________ in Moscow collects, stores and displays
items of space exploration. (Cosmonaut)
Question 15 [164624]: A __________ sight, commonly called a scope, is an optical sighting
device based on a redfracting telescope, (telescope)
Question 16 [164625]: NASA’s __________ mission to Mars could be delayed as experts warn
of radiation, health scares and food shortages. (man)
Question 17 [164626]: American millionaire Dennis Tito became the first space tourist in
2001 after 900 hours of __________. (train)

✮ BÀI TẬP TUẦN 28 (từ ngày 17/4/2023 – 23/4/2023) Moon.vn
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Question 18 [164627]: The ISS, an __________ laboratory above the Earth, provides a unique
perspective for Earth observation and monitoring. (orbit)
Question 19 [164628]: The measurement of the Earth’s __________ temperature over the past
few decades indicates that global warming is continually increasing. (atmosphere)
Question 20 [164629]: The job of an astronaut is to operate spacecraft and space stations,
launch and recapture satellites, and conduct __________ experiments in space. (science)
[LT10]_Bài tập làm thêm tuần 28 (Trắc nghiệm)
I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
Question 1 [164630]: We know that everything __________ in space because things become
weightless in outer space.
A. floats B. flies C. walks D. travels
Question 2 [164631]: The astronauts must have an oxygen tank because they can’t breathe
normally in space, which is a(n) __________ vacuum.
A. weightless B. airless C. groundless D. flightless
Question 3 [164632]: __________ is a chemist and technologist who became the first British
astronaut in space.
A. Neil Armstrong B. Helen Sharman
C. Christer Fuglesang D. Yuri Gagarin
Question 4 [164633]: The Perseverance rover has a(n) __________ arm designed to collect
rock and soil samples from beneath Mars’ surface.
A. manned B. unmanned C. crewed D. robotic
Question 5 [164634]: Kepler-452b, whose discovery was announced in 2015, is the most
__________ planet found so far.
A. earthlings B. earthing C. earthly D. earth-like
Question 6 [164635]: Have you ever pretended to be an astronaut __________ microgravity
for the first time?
A. exploring B. discovering C. experiencing D. carrying out
Question 7 [164636]: When meteoroids enter the atmosphere, they become meteors or
shooting __________.
A. stars B. comets C. meteorites D. asteroids
Question 8 [164637]: - Joe: Calvin said he was __________. Is he going to be an astronaut?
- Sue: No! It just means he’s extremely pleased and happy.
A. over the moon B. once in a blue moon
C. out of this world . the sky’s the limit
Question 9 [164638]: The measure of brightness for an __________ object, such as a planet or
star, is called magnitude.
A. astronomy B. astronomer C. astronomically D. astronomical
Question 10 [164639]: The night sky is so clear, and you don’t even need a __________ to view
the constellations.
A. space station B. spacecraft C. telescope D. satellite
Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

II. Read the passage and choose the best answers.

The Universe is everything we can touch, feel, sense, measure or detect. It includes
living things, planets, stars, galaxies, dust clouds, light, and even time. Before the birth of the
Universe, time, space and matter did not exist.
The Universe contains billions of galaxies, each containing millions or billions of stars.
The space between the stars and galaxies is largely empty. However, even places far from
stars and planets contain scattered particles of dust or a few hydrogen atoms per cubic
centimeter. Space is also filled with radiation (e.g. light and heat), magnetic fields and high-
energy particles (e.g. cosmic rays).
The Universe is incredibly huge. It would take a modern jet fighter more than a million
years to reach the nearest star to the Sun. Travelling at the speed of light (300,000 km per
second), it would take 100,000 years to cross our Milky Way galaxy alone.
No one knows the exact size of the Universe, because we cannot see the edge - if there is
one. All we do know is that the visible Universe is at least 93 billion light-years across. (A
light year is the distance light travels in one year - about 9 trillion km.)
The Universe has not always been the same size. Scientists believe it began in a Big
Bang, which took place nearly 14 billion years ago. Since then, the Universe has been
expanding outward at a very high speed. So the area of space we now see is billions of times
bigger than it was when the Universe was very young. The galaxies are also moving further
apart as the space between them expands.
Question 11 [164640]: The word “matter” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. substance B. problem C. issue D. affair
Question 12 [164641]: Which of the following did not exist before the birth of the Universe
according to the passage?
A. time B. space C. matter D. all of the above
Question 13 [164642]: The Universe is incredibly huge, but scientists believe that __________.
A. its size can be measured by using the speed of light
B. it becomes bigger and bigger
C. it was even bigger at the time it began
D. we can reach its edge with a modern spaceship
Question 14 [164643]: Which of the following is the longest distance according to the
A. the distance that a modern jet fighter travels in a year
B. the distance that light travels in a year
C. the distance that light crosses our Milky Way galaxy alone
D. the distance of 900,000 billion km
Question 15 [164644]: As we can learn from the passage, which of the following is the
smallest system?
A. the Universe B. our Milky Way C. the Solar System D. none of the above


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