Score ND 226 A "The Average Between 225 Ans:B

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1) If Dr. Nour had 450 students in her class. She sorted their marks from smallest to
largest score. What would be the median?

A. The 225th student score

B. The average between the 225th and the 226th score
C. 225.5
D. The 226th student score
E. The average between the 224th and the 226th score
Ans:B”the average between 225th and 226th score
2) What is the median of this data set (9, 8, 7, 3, 3, 2)?
A. 7
B. 5
C. 6
D. 4
E. 3
3) If the mean of 500 students was 80 out of 100. Two students did not attend the
exam and had a makeup exam. Their scores were 90 and 70. What would be the
mean for all 502 students?
A. 85
B. 75
C. 80.32
D. It will stay 80
4)You measured the pulse for 30 patients and calculated the mean to be 80 beats per
minute (80bpm) and Standard deviation to be 5 bpm. However you discovered that the
scale used decreases pulse measure for any measurement by 10 bpm. What happens to the
measures you calculated? I.The mean should be 70 pm instead of 80 bpm. II. The mean
shold be 90 pm instead of 80 bpm.III. The mean should stay 80 bpm. IV. The standard
deviation should stay at 5 bpm. V. The standard deviation should change:
A. II and IV are correct
B. Iand V are correct
C. I and IV are correct
D. II and IV are correct
E. III and V are correct
5)A schoolteacher took the attendance of his class: What is the type of this variable?
A. Continuous
B. Ordinal
C. Discrete
D. Nominal
6)there is a class with 200 students .10students didn’t attend the class or study for the
exam and had very low scores.the overall distribution of the data will be ?
A. Symmetrical
B. Positively Skewed
C. Skewed to the right
D. Negatively Skewed

7) A dentist asked his patient to describe his pain by giving a number from 1 to 10. Where
10 is "intolerable" and 1 "'I cannot feel it at all. What type of variable is this?
A. Continuous
B. Ordinal
C. Discrete
D. Nominal
8) Doctor Majd separated her patients into five clinics. She then randomly selected 5
patients from each clinic. This is which type of sampling?
A. Simple
B. Stratified
C. Cluster
D. Systematic
9) If a person has a disease the screening test returns positive 90% of the time . If a
person is free of the disease the test returns POSITIVE 5% of the time. The disease
prevalence is 20%. What would be the NPV (approximately?
A. 95%
B. 90%
C. 81.8%
D. 97.4%
10) In 2023, 1% of the Jordanian population had pneumonia. In 2019, the percentage of
Jordanians with pneumonia was 5%. If pneumonia can be screened by an X-Ray. This means:
A. The negative predictive value of the X-Ray has decreased
B. The sensitivity of X-Ray has decreased
C. The positive predictive value of the X-Ray has decreased
D. The specificity of x-ray has decreased
1)The overall average in biostatistics in JUST is 78. Last year Awn scored an average of
82 out of 100.
A. 78 is a parameter
B. 82 is a parameter
C. 82 and 78 are qualitiative variables
D. 82 and 72 are statistics
2) The probability of screening positive given that you have the disease is called?
A. Specificity
D. Sensitivity
3) The most appropriate data collection technique for "sensitive" questions is:
A. Secondary data analysis
B. Observing
C. Interviewing
D. Questionnaire

4) The probability of not having the disease given your screening test is negative?
C. Specificity
D. Sensitivity
5) Dr. Ali samples his class by finally selecting 5 girls ahd 7 boys separately. This type of
sampling is called
A. Cluster sampling
B. Simple sampling
C. Systematic sampling
D. Stratified sampling
6) Dr. Nour samples her class by selecting every third person on her class list. Which type
of sampling method is this?
A. Cluster sampling
B. Simple sampling
C. Systematic sampling
D. Stratified sampling
7) or Nour samples her class by selecting all students sitting at Group 1 and group 5 in her
classroom . This sampling technique is called?
A. Cluster sampling
B. Simple sampling
C. Systematic sampling
D. Stratified sampling
8) Dr. Nour samples her class by picking 10 numbers from her hat and each number is
assigned to a student. This is____________ random sampling.
A. Cluster
B. Simple
C. Systematic
D. Stratified
9) In order to use samples to estimate something from the population, the sample should
be________ the population.
A. exactly the same as
B. nothing like
C. representative of
D. larger than

10) The principal asks 5 randomly selected students from8 out of 10 English classes at the
school if they
want to keep having a long summer vacation or if they want several shorter breaks during
the year.
Which is the sample and population in this situation? Use this format: sample/population
A. 40 students/All English students
B. 8 English classes/All English students
C. 40 students/8 English classes
D. 10 English classes/All English students

1) If the range for Biostatistics Grade was 70. What would likely be the IQR? No need to
calculate just think logically
A. 80
B. 60
C. 90
D. 95
E. 76
2) For this data (12, 3, 4, 6, 9, 7 ,8). which of the following is TRUE?
A. 7 is the mean
B. 7 is the median
C. 7 is the 50th percentile
D. All of the options are correct
E. 7 is the 2nd Quartile
3) The difference between s and sigma is that:
A. s is for a population and sigma is for a sample
B. s is for a sample and sigma is for a population
C. s is a parameter and sigma is not
D. In calculation of "s" you have to divide by "N"
4) A survey will be given to 100 students randomly selected from the Imprint class at
JUST. What is the sample?
A. All Imprint at JUST
B. The 100 selected students
C. All students at JUST
5) A study aimed to see the effect of diet (high salt vs low salt) on blood pressure. Which
of the following statements are true? I. The dependent variable is blood pressure II. The
independent variable is the blood pressure III. Diet is a discrete variable IV. Diet is a
categorical variable:
A. I and IV are correct
B. I and III are correct
C. Il and III are correct
D. Il and IV are correct
6) What would be the variance if the Coefficient ofvariation = 10% and the mean is 60?
A. 6
B. 4
C. 25
D. 36
7) Which of the following is TRUE regarding variable type?
A. Continuous variables are categorical variables
B. Qualitative variables can be converted to Quantitative variables
C. Ordinal variables are Quantitative variables
D. Quantitative variables can be classified or converted to Qualitative variables
8) Given the table about flourosis, What is the Specificity?

A. 57.1%
B. 33.3%
C. 60%
D. 66.7%
E. 50%
9) Given the table about flourosis, What is the Sensitivity?

A. 57.1%
B. 33.3%
C. 60%
D. 66.7%
E. 50%
10) Given the table about flourosis, What is the PPV?

A. 57.1%
B. 33.3%
C. 60%
D. 66.7%
E. 50%

1) Given the table about flourosis, What is the prevalence?

A. 57.1%
B. 33.3%
C. 60%
D. 66.7%
E. 50%
2) The probabilty of otitis is a what kind of probability?

A. Conditional
B. Marginal
C. Joint
3) You collected data on otitis as the table shows What is the probability of Flying and

A. 40%
B. 10.5%
C. 52.6%
D. 20%
4) The prevalence of otitis is:
A. 87.9%
B. 10.5%
C. 52.6%
D. 40%
E. 26.3%
5) What is the probability of flying or otitis?

A. 87.9%
B. 10.5%
C. 52.6%
D. 40%
E. 68.4%
6) If the probability of joint events A and B =0%, p(A)=50%, p(B)=50%. What is the
probability of having A or B:
A. 100%
B. 50%
C. 0%
D. 25%
7) Which of the following is TRUE regarding quartiles/quantiles and percentiles?
A. The 75th percentile is smaller than the 25th percentile
B. The 25th percentile is the median
C. The 50th percentile is the second quantile
D. The 80th percentile is larger than the third quartile
E. This question was given as BONUS. Key answer was "D"
8) What would be the variance if the Coefficient of variation=10% and the mean is 40?
A. 3.56
B. 16
C. 4
D. 2.24
E. 2.58
9) Five hundred values are normally distributed with a mean of 125 and a standard
deviation of 10. What percent of the values lies in the interval 115 to 135?
A. 95%
B. 99%
C. 60%
D. 68%
E. Hint: Solve this question using the empirical rule
10) The measure that can have more than one values is the:
A. Standard deviation
B. Mode
C. Range
D. Median
E. Mean
Ans: B

1) A study to investigate the hypothesis that HIV infected women who are also
infected with HPV are more likely to have cervical problems than woman with only
one or neither virus. The data reported by investigators are in the following table.
The probability that a women selected at random will be HPV positive is?

A. 0.62
B. 0.39
C. 0.61
D. 0.54
2) A study to investigate the hypothesis that HIV infected women who are also infected
with HPV are more likely to have cervical problems than woman with only one or neither
virus. The data reported by investigators are in the following table. The probability that a
women selecied at random wil be HPV negative is?

A. 0.62
B. 0.39
C. 0.61
D. 0.54
4) The probability that a women selected at random from those women having moderate
HIV infection will be HPV negative is?

A. 0.18
B. 0.23
C. 0.46
D. 0.78
E. 1.29
4) A New study the diagnose prostate cancer is being evaluated . the sensitivity of the
test is 70% and specificity is 90%. in the study there are 100 patients who truly have
UTI'S and 200 who truly do not . how many false- negative are in this study?
A. 20
B. 25
C. 30
D. 75
E. 120
5) What is the PPV:

A. 5%
B. 20%
C. 66.6%
D. 75%
E. 90%
6) Consider the standard normal distribution with mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1
What value of z cuts off the upper 30% of the standard normal distribution?
A. 1.52
B. 0.85
C. 0.52
D. -0.52
Ans:c “0.52”
7) Battery lifetime (for hand device) is normally distributed for large samples. The mean
lifetime is 500 days and the standard deviation is 61 days. To the nearest percent, what
percent of batteries have lifetimes longer than 561 days? Hint: Use the z-table
A. 99%
B. 16%
C. 84%
D. 30%
8) Assuming the normal heart rate (H.R) in normal healthy individuals is normally
distributed with Mean = 65 and Standard Deviation =5 beats/min. What is he probablity
that someone will have a heart rate above 80 beats/min?
A. 0.0013
B. 0.9990
C. 0.8560
D. 0.0023
9) Dr. Nour has 184 students in her toxicology lecture class. The scores on the midterm
exam are normally distributed with a mean of 72.3 and a standard deviation of 8.9. How
many students in the class can be expected to receive a score between 82 and 90?
Express answer to the nearest student.
Hint: Use Z table
A. 15 students
B. 21 students
C. 30 students
D. 25 students
Ans:B”21 students “
10) A group of 625 students has a mean age of 15.8 years with a standard deviation of 0.6
years. The age are normaly distributed. How many student are younger than 16.2 years?
Express answer to the nearest student? Use the Z table.
A. 320
B. 468
C. 460
D. 501
E. 512

1) In a one-sided hypothesis testing with null and alternative as the following Null>=30
Alternative H<30 You calculated the z-value and found the probability of that z-value to
be 0.03. What do you conclude? (you might need extra steps on calculating the
probability). Test at alpha=0.01
A. Fail to reject the null
B. Reject the null
2)In a one-sided hypothesis testing with null and alternative as the following: Null<=30
Alternatives> 30 You calculated the z value and lourg the probability of that z value to be
0.999. What do You conclude? (you might need extra steps on calculating the probability).
Test at a=0.01.
A. Fail to reject the null
B. Reject the null
3)You conducted a proper hypothesis and found t-test to be t= 1.9, the df=22. What do
you conclude?
Alpha a=0.05. Null hypothesis mu= 25, Alternative hypothesis mu ≠25
A. Fail to reject the null
B. Reject the null
4) Majd carried out testing the following hypothesis: H null:M1>=20 alternative: M1<20 He
went to the z-table and found the p-value to be 0.03. What should he conclude? (Hint: you
might or might not need extra steps)
A. Fail to reject the null
B. Reject the null
C. Majd cannot tell from this p-value anything, he needs more information.
5) Mohammad carried out testing the following hypothesis: H null: H <=50 .H alternative:u
>50. He went to the z-table and found the p-value to be 0.97 What should he conclude?
(Hint you might or might not need extra steps)
A. Fail to reject the null
B. Reject the null
C. Mohammad cannot tell from this p-value anything, he needs more information
6) In a two-sided hypothesis testing with null and alternative as the following: Null M=30
Alternative. M≠30 You calculated the z-value and found the probability of that z-value to
be 0.03. What conclude? (you might need extra steps on calculating the probability). Test
at do you alpha=0.05.
A. Fail to reject the null
B. Reject the null
7) You conducted a proper hypothesis and found t-test to be t= 1.9, the df-22. What do
you conclude?
Alpha a=0.05. Null hypothesis u=<25. Alternalive hypothesis M>25
A. Fail to reject the null
B. Reject the null
8) In (two-sided) hypothesis testing with one sample z-test, we found that the test
statistic z =2. if alpha =0.05, the decision would be to:
A. Fail to reject the null hypothesis
B. Reject the null hypothesis
C. Reject the alternative hypothesis
D. Cannot be determined
Ans:B”reject the null”
9) In a study of the risk factors (smoking) for invasive cervical cancer. The expected
frequency count for smokers who does not have cancer is:

A. 92.9
B. 132.1
C. 178.1
D. 252.9
10) If the chi-square was calculated in the following table as 0.589. What should be the

A. Reject the null (there is no association between marital status and disease)
B. Reject the null (there is an association between marital status and disease)
C. Fail to reject the null (there is an association between marital status and disease)
D. Fail to reject the null (there is no association between marital status and disease)


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