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The Great Mother, Prajñāpāramitā

The Verses of the Eight Noble Auspicious Ones

It is very important to recite this through once before starting on any activity; whatever the project, it will
work out exactly as you wish.

om nangsi nam dak rang shyin lhun drub pe

OM Homage to the Buddha, Dharma and Noble Sangha
唵 囊夕南答让欣轮竹贝 唵 现有自性清净任运成

tashi chokchu shying na shyuk pa yi

all who dwell in the auspicious realms of the ten directions,
札西措居欣那祝趴依 安住十方吉祥刹土中

sangye chodang gen dun pak pe tsok

Where appearance and existence is completely pure, its nature
spontaneously perfect,
桑杰措当给敦帕贝措 诸佛正法僧伽圣者众

kunla chaktsal dak chak tashi shok

May everything be auspicious for us all!
坤拉恰擦达佳札西秀 顶礼一切愿我等吉祥

dronme gyal po tsal ten den drup gong

Think of us, Savour King and Enduring Power Wish-fulfiller,
敦美佳波札殿敦竹贡 灯王佛贤勇义成就佛

jampe gyen pal ge drak pal dam pa

Sublime Glorious Ornament of Love and Excellence of Fame and
将贝见吧给扎巴当趴 慈严德佛善名胜德佛

kunla gong pa gya cher drak pa chen
Widely Renowned Who Cares For All,
坤拉贡趴佳切札趴见 一切义持广大名称佛

lhunpo tarpak tsal drak pal dang ni

Glorious Power Exulted as Mount Meru,
轮波大帕渣札趴当尼 如须弥山胜力名德佛

semchen tamche lagong drakpe pal

Splendour of Fame Who Cares for All Beings,
森见堂借拉贡札贝趴 垂念一切众生名德佛

yitsim dzepa tsal rab drak pal te

and Legendary Skill Satisfying All Desires –
依秤則趴扎拉紮趴爹 威力吉祥名称遂愿佛

tsen tsam tope tashi pal pel wa

Homage to you, the Eight Sugatas,
称赞推贝塔西趴贝哇 仅闻圣名增德增吉祥

dewar shekpa gyela chaktsal lo

merely hearing your names increases auspiciousness and
爹哇些趴给拉恰差洛 吉祥八大善逝敬顶礼

jampal shyon nu palden dorje dzin

Youthful Manjusri, glorious Vajrapani,
将趴兄努巴殿多杰正 文殊童子具德金刚手

chenrezik wang gon po jam pe pal

Lord Avalokiteśvara, protector Maitreya,
见列夕旺贡波将贝趴 圣观自在怙主慈氏尊

sayi nying po drib pa nam par sel
Essence of Earth, Dispeller of Obscurations,
萨伊宁波迪趴南趴些 地藏菩萨并与除盖障

nam khe nying po pak chok kun tu zang

Essence of Space, and most noble of All
南客宁波帕秋坤杜桑 圣尊普贤菩萨虚空藏

ut pal dor je pe kar lu shing dang

You who gracefully hold as emblems the Utpala flower, vajra,
white lotus, naga-tree,
邬趴多杰贝嘎魯欣当 青莲金刚白莲那伽树

nor bu da wa ral dri nyi ma yi

诺布达娃拉狄尼玛依 如意摩尼宝剑日月轮

chak tsen lek nam ta shi pal gyi chok

Gracefully holding your emblems, and supreme in granting
auspiciousness and success,
恰称勒南塔西趴以措 持善手帜吉祥殊胜德

chang chub sem pa gye la chak tsal lo

Homage to you, the Eight Bodhisattvas!
強秋深趴给拉恰萨洛 八大菩萨勇士敬顶礼

rin chen duk chok ta shi ser gyi nya

The most precious umbrella, the auspicious golden fishes,
仁千都凑塔西些记娘 殊胜宝伞吉祥黄金鱼

do jung bum zang yi ong kama la

The wish-fulfilling vase of goodness, the exquisite kamala flower,
得窘布张依嗡嘎玛拉 如意宝瓶悦意妙莲花

nyen drak dung dang pen sok pal be wu
The conch of fame and glory, the glorious knot of prosperity,
念搭敦当喷措趴贝邬 胜名法螺圆满吉祥结

mi nub gyal tsen wang gyur khor lo te

The eternal banner of victory and the all-powerful wheel:
米努佳称汪就扣洛特 不朽胜幢自在金轮宝

rin chen tak chok gye kyi chak tsen chen

Holding these eight most precious emblems
仁千达凑给記恰称見 殊胜手帜八圣吉祥宝

chok du gyal wa cho ching gye kye ma

Are the creators of delight, making offerings to the buddhas of all
directions and times.
凑都加哇措紧给客玛 供养十方三世一切佛

gek sok ngo wo dren pe pal pel we

Homage to you, the Eight Auspicious Goddesses: Beauty,
Garlands, Song, Dance, Flowers, Incense, Light and Perfume –
给梭哦喔令贝趴贝威 仅念喜女圣众即增长

ta shi lha mo gye la chak tsal lo

your essential qualities makes success grow more and more!
塔西拉末给拉恰差洛 八大吉祥天女敬顶礼

tsang pa chen po de jung se me bu

Mighty Brahmā, Śiva and Viṣṇu,
桑趴千波爹窘些美布 大梵天大自在遍入天

mik tong den dang gyal po yul khor sung

Indra the thousand-eyed, the kings Dhṛtarāṣṭra, protector of land
and retinue,
密冬殿当佳波优扣松 千目帝释与持国天王
pak kye po dang lu wang mik mi zang
Virūdhaka, Virūpakṣa the lord of nāgas,
帕依波当噜汪蜜米张 增长天王龙王广目天

namto se te lhad ze khor lo dang

And Vaiśravaṇa—each one holding your divine emblem:
南托些特拉借扣洛当 多闻天王各持天宝物

tri shu la dang dung tung dor je chen

Wheel, trident, lance, vajra,
悌秀拉当懂吞多杰臣 轮三叉戟短枪金刚杵

pi wam ral dri cho ten gyal tsen dzin

vina, sword, stupa and banner of victory
批汪啦底措腾佳称正 琵琶长剑宝塔胜宝幢

sa sum ne su ge lek tashi pel

Homage to you, the Eight Guardians of the World,
沙颂涅酥给烈塔西佩 三界增上善妙与吉祥

jik ten kyong wa gye la chak tsal lo

who make auspiciousness and positivity grow in the three realms!
记殿窘娃给拉恰差洛 世间八大护法敬顶礼

dak chak deng dir ja wa tsom pa la
May the work we are now about to begin
达恰殿得佳哇仲趴拉 我等如今所作诸事业

gek dang nye war tse wa kun shyi ne

be free from all obstacles and imminent dangers,
给当涅哇侧哇坤西涅 一切障难恼害悉消除

dui dun pal pel sam don yi shyin drub
And, meeting with ever-growing fulfillment and success,
丢敦趴佩三敦依欣都 顺缘增长所愿如意成

tashi delek pun sum tsok par shok

bring good fortune, prosperity, happiness, and peace!
塔西爹列喷孙措趴秀 祈愿吉祥如意悉圆满
( *Repeat 3 times 复诵三遍 )

If you recite this prayer upon waking, all your daily tasks will be accomplished. If you recite it when going
to sleep, you will have good dreams. If you recite it when entering battle, it will bring total victory. If you
recite it when beginning a project, all aims and wishes will be fulfilled. If you recite it continually, you will
enjoy long life, glory, renown, prosperity, auspiciousness, abundant happiness and positivity, and the
fulfillment of all wishes; all your misdeeds and obscurations will be purified, and you will achieve the
higher realms and liberation. This was declare by the sublime Victorious One himself.

晨起念诵此日诸愿成 临睡念诵能见善梦境
战时念诵制胜于诸方 事前念诵倍满诸所求
恒时念诵寿得名财祥 妙善圆满所欲如意成
净障与增上生决定胜 诸义成就胜佛所宣说

This arose from the lake of the mind of Jampal Gyepe Dorje on the third day of the third month of the Five
Monkey year (1896), an auspicious time according to the configuration of planets, sun and constellations.


Seven Line Prayer of Padmasambhave

hung ugyen yul gyi nup jang sham
Hung on the northwest border of the country of Oddiyana
吽 邬金尤纪努江参 吽 邬金净土西北隅

padma gesar dong pola

In the pollen heart of a lotus
呗玛给萨东波拉 胜妙莲茎花蕊上

ya tshen chog gi ngon drup nye

Endowed with the most marvelous attainment
雅倩措记硪足涅 无上殊胜成就者

padma jung ne zhe su drag

Renowned as the lotus born
贝玛尊涅哲苏达 莲师圣号十方闻

khor du kha dro mang pei kor

Surrounded by a retinue of many Dakinis
扣杜卡多芒呗果 空行眷属恒围绕

khye kyi je su dar druo kyi

Following you, I will practice
客基杰苏达逗纪 我愿如尊而修持

chin gyi lob chir sheg su sol

I pray that you will come to confer your blessings
钦吉拉契些苏索 祈请降临赐加持

guru padma sidhi hung

( Repeat 3 times 复诵三遍 )

Refuge and Bodhicitta

sang-gye cho-dang tshog-kyi chog nam la

In the Buddha, Dharma and the most excellent Sangha,
桑给措当唆吉措南腊 诸佛正法圣僧众

jyang chub bar-du dag-ni kyab su chi

I take refuge until enlightenment is reached.
将出巴笃达尼加苏契 直至菩提我皈依

dag-gi jin-sog gyi-pai sonam kyi

By the merit of generosity and other good deeds,
达吉津唆吉陪唆南依 以我布施等功德

dro-la phen-chir sang-gye drub par shog

May I attain Buddhahood for the sake of all sentient begins.
多啦奔契桑给笃趴唆 为利众生愿成佛

( Repeat 3 times 复诵三遍 )

The Four Immeasurables

semchen tamche dewa dang dewe gyu dang denpar gyur chir
May all sentient beings enjoy happiness and the causes of

dukngal dang dukngal gyi gyu dang drawar gyur chik

May they be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

dukngal mepe dewa dang mindralwar gyur chik

May they never be separated from the sacred happiness devoid
of suffering!

nyering chakdang nyi dang dralwe tang nyom tsempa la

nepar gyur chik
And may they dwell in boundless equanimity that is free from
attachment and aversion!

( Repeat 3 times 复诵三遍 )

The Thirty-Seven Heaps Mandala Offering

om vajra bhumi ah hung zhi yong su dakpa wang chen ser

gyi sa zhi
唵 班杂布美阿吽 夕永素 达巴 汪钦塞既萨夕
唵 金刚地基阿吽 本基清净大自在金地

om vajra rekhe ah hung chi chak ri khor yuk gi korwé ü su

hung - riyi gyalpo ri rab
唵 班杂瑞客阿吽 契查热扣由给 果威 邬素 吽 热嘉波日蜡
唵 金刚护轮阿吽 外铁围山 中央吽化須弥山王

shar lüpakpo lho dzambu ling

夏 律帕波 洛 赞布林
东胜身洲 南贍部洲

nub balang chö chang dra mi nyen

努 巴浪挫 江 达密岩
西牛贺洲 北俱芦洲

lüdang lüpak nga yab dang nga yab zhen

律荡 律帕 纳雅荡 纳雅赠
身洲及胜身洲 拂洲及別拂洲

yo den dang lam chok dro dra mi nyen dang

dra mi nyen gyi da
犹灯荡 浪秋卓 札密岩荡 札密岩基达
行洲及胜道行洲 恶音洲及恶音对洲

rinpoche riwo pak sam gyi shing
仁波切热沃 巴桑既形
珍宝山 如意树

döjö ba ma möpélo tok

多就巴 玛幕佩 洛拖
如意牛 自然稻

khorlo rinpoche norbu rinpoche

扣洛仁波切 诺布仁波切
金轮宝 如意宝

tsunmo rinpoche lönpo rinpoche

尊嫫仁波切 轮波仁波切
玉女宝 大臣宝

langpo rinpoche tachok rinpoche

浪波仁波切 达秋仁波切
大象宝 紺马宝

makpön rinpoche ter chenpö bumpa

玛奔仁波切 迭千波 奔巴
将军宝 宝藏瓶

gekpa ma trengwa ma
给巴玛 称哇玛
嬉女 鬘女

lu ma gar ma
錄玛 嘎玛
歌女 舞女
metok ma dukpöma
美多玛 杜坡玛
花女 香女

nang sel ma dri chap ma

囊萨玛 哲恰玛
灯女 塗香女

nyima dawa
尼玛 达哇
日 月

rinpoche-i duk

chok lé nam par gyal wé gyal tsen

秋利南巴 嘉威嘉篡

lha dang mi-i paljor punsum tsokpa ma tsang wa mépa di

拉荡 密依 巴佐 彭孙 措巴 玛 桑哇 美巴 德尼
将此等 无不圆滿之人天用 供养

tsa wa dang gyupar chepe pelden lama dampa nam dang

yidam khyil khor kyi lha tsok sangye dang chang chup
sampe tsok dang chepa nam la, bul war gyio
杂哇荡 玖巴 车毕巴丹 喇嘛旦巴南当 意当金矿及 拉措 桑吉当
江秋森比措当具巴南拉 布瓦吉喔
具德 诸根本 及 传承殊胜上師 本尊坛城之佛会 以及菩萨众

tukjé dro wé dön du zhésu sol
大悲利生 而祈受

zhéné chin gyi lab tu sol

接受后 祈赐加持

sa zhi po kyi juk shing mey tok tram


ri rab ling zhi nyi dey gyen pa di


sang gyey zhing du mik tey bul wa yi


dro kun nam dak zhing la cho par shok


idam guru ratna mandala kam nir ya taya mi

依當 咕噜 然那 曼札拉 嵌 尼雅 达雅弥

Seven-Limb Prayer

chag tsal wa dang chod ching shag pa dang

Through prostrations, offerings, confession,
擦萨哇当措清谢趴当 顶礼以及供养忏悔与

je su yid rang kul shing sol wa yi

Rejoicing, requesting and praying.
杰苏意让酷欣唆哇依 随喜功德敦请祈d住世

ge wa chung zad dag gye chi sag pa

Whatever little merit that I have gathered,
给哇村扎搭给契萨趴 凡者微许善业我积聚

tham chad dzog pay chang chub chir ngo wo

All this I dedicate for the sake of the Enlightenment of all sentient
谭擦作陪长出契硪窝 为证圆满菩提而回向

The Eight Offerings

1. Om Benjar Argam ( Drinking Water) Pratitsha Ah Hung

唵 班扎 阿甘(饮用水) 帕迪萨 阿 吽

2. Om Benjar Padyam (Bathing Water) Pratitsha Ah Hung

唵 班扎 趴典 (沐浴水)帕迪萨 阿 吽

3. Om Benjar Pu Pe (Flowers) Pratitsha Ah Hung

唵 班扎 布呗(鲜花) 帕迪萨 阿 吽

4. Om Benjar Dhu Pe (Incense) Pratitsha Ah Hung

唵 班扎 度呗 (熏香)帕迪萨 阿 吽

5. Om Benjar Aloke (Lamp) Pratitsha Ah Hung

唵 班扎 阿罗给 (灯)帕迪萨 阿 吽

6. Om Benjar Gandhe (Scented Water) Pratitsha Ah Hung

唵 班扎 甘爹(塗香)帕迪萨 阿 吽

7. Om Benjar Neivide (Celestial Food) Pratitsha Ah Hung

唵 班扎 捏威爹(妙食) 帕迪萨 阿 吽

8. Om Benjar Shabda (Sound) Pratitsha Ah Hung

唵 班扎 夏达(音乐)帕迪萨 阿 吽

Requesting the Turning of the Dharma Wheel

sem chen nam gyi sam pa dang

Please turn the Wheel of the Dharma
森称南以三趴当 依据各别众生愿

lo wei ji dag ji ta wa
Of the greater, lesser and ordinary vehicles
罗威吉达及他瓦 不同根机与希求

che chung thun mong thig pa wei

In accordance with the understanding
车村同蒙提趴威 祈请上师慈悲悯

choe kyi khor lo kor du sol

And different mental capacities of sentient beings.
措吉克罗可笃梭 转动三乘之法轮

The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra
《佛 说 圣 佛 母 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 经》
西天译经三藏朝奉大夫试光禄卿传法大师赐紫臣施护 奉诏译

ma sam jö mé sherab parol chin

Beyond words, beyond thought, beyond description,
南三左美些喇趴若亲 不可言思智慧到彼岸,

makyé mingak namkhé ngowo nyi

Unborn, unceasing, the very essence of space
玛克明噶南科硪窝尼 不生不灭体性如虚空,

soso rangrig yeshe chöyulwa

Yet it can be experienced as the wisdom of our own rigpa:
梭梭让力耶些措又瓦 各别自证智慧之行境,

dü sum gyalwé yum la chaktsal lo

Homage to the mother of the buddhas of past, present
and future!
笃孙嘉威匀啦查砂罗 顶礼三世诸佛般若母。

gyagar jé du
In the language of India:
嘉噶皆笃 印度语

bhagavati prajnaparamita hridaya

Bhagavatī prajñāpāramitā hṛdaya
巴噶瓦谛 般若波喇密他 喜达呀

böké du
憋科 度
In the language of Tibet 藏语

chomden dema sherab kyi parol tu chinpé nyingpo

从等 得玛 色喇 依 趴若 吐 清陪 宁坡
In the English language: The Blessed Mother, the Heart of the
Transcendent Perfection of Wisdom

bampo chik go
帮坡 契 郭
In a single segment.

diké dak gi töpa dü chik na

地可 大 机 托趴 笃 去 娜
Thus did I hear at one time.

chomdendé gyalpö khab jagö pungpö ri la

从殿爹 嘉坡 假 嘉锅 喷坡 利 喇
The Bhagavan was dwelling on Mass of Vultures Mountain

gelong gi gendün chenpo dang

给龙 吉 给敦 称坡 当
in Rajagriha together with a great community of monks

changchub sempé gendün chenpo dang tab chik tu shyuk té
仓楚 森呸 给敦 称坡 当 塔 器 曲 图 竹 特
and a great community of bodhisattvas.

dé tsé chomdendé zabmo nangwa shyejawa chö kyi

namdrang kyi ting ngé dzin la nyompar shyuk so
爹 谢 从殿爹 扎摩 囊哇 些嘉哇 措 吉
南党 吉 听 涅 欣 喇 涌趴 祖 唆
At that time, the Bhagavan was absorbed in the concentration
on the categories of phenomena called “Profound Perception.”
尔 时 世 尊 即 入 甚 深 光 明 宣 说 正 法 三 摩 地。

yang dé tsé changchub sempa sempa chenpo pakpa

chenrezik wangchuk
仰 爹 谢 仓楚 森趴 森趴 称坡 趴怕 称惹几 旺楚
Also, at that time, the bodhisattva mahasattva arya

sherab kyi parol tu chinpa zabmo chöpa nyi la nampar ta

谢喇机 趴柔 图 亲趴 砸末 措趴 依 喇 南趴 塔 欣
looked upon the very practice of the profound perfection of

pungpo ngapo dedak la yang rangshyin gyi tongpar nampar

ta o
喷坡 娜坡 德大 喇 仰 让新吉 同趴 南趴 塔 哦
and beheld those five aggregates also as empty of inherent
dené sangye kyi tü tsé dang denpa sharibü changchub
sempa sempa chenpo pakpa chenrezik wangchuk la
diké ché mé so
德涅 桑给 吉 图 谢 当 等趴 萨利不 江楚
森趴 森趴 称坡 怕趴 称惹几 旺楚 喇 第可 车 美 唆
Then, through the power of Buddha, the venerable Shariputra
said this to the bodhisattva mahasattva arya Avalokiteshvara:
尔 时 尊 者 舍 利 子 承 佛 威 神 ,前 白 观 自 在 菩 萨 摩 诃 萨

rik kyi bu / gang lala sherab kyi parol tu chinpa zabmo

chöpa chepar döpa dé jitar labpar ja / deké ché mepa dang
力 依 步 刚 啦啦 些腊 依 趴柔 图 亲趴 扎摩
措趴 撤趴 都趴 德 吉他 腊趴 嘉 德可 切 玛趴 当
“How should any son of the lineage train who wishes to practice
the activity of the profound perfection of wisdom?”
「若 善 男 子、善 女 人 于 此 甚 深 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 法 门 乐
欲 修 学 者 ,当 云 何 学 ? 」

changchub sempa sempa chenpo pakpa chenrezik wangchuk

gi tsé dang denpa shara datibu la diké ché mé so
仓楚 森趴 森趴 称坡 怕趴 称惹几 旺楚
吉 谢 当 单趴 沙喇 大第不 喇 第可 切 玛 唆
He said that, and the bodhisattva mahasattva arya
Avalokiteshvara said this to the venerable Sharadvatiputra.

sharibu / rik kyi bu am rik kyi bumo gang lala sherab kyi parol
tu chinpa zabmo chöpa chepar döpa dé
萨利不 利吉不 安 利 吉 不摩 刚 啦啦 谢腊 吉 趴柔
图 亲趴 砸末 措趴 撤趴 都趴 德
“Shariputra, any son of the lineage or daughter of the lineage who
wishes to practice the activity of the profound perfection of
汝 今 谛 听 ,为 汝 宣 说 !若 善 男 子 、善 女 人 乐 欲 修 学

ditar nampar tawar ja té / pungpo ngapo dedak kyang

第他 南趴 他哇 嘉 特 喷坡 娜坡 德大 仰
should look upon it like this, correctly and repeatedly beholding

rangshyin gyi tongpar nampar yangdakpar jesu ta o

让欣 吉 同趴 南趴 仰大趴 杰苏 他 哦
those five aggregates also as empty of inherent nature.

zuk tongpa o | tongpanyi kyang zuk so

竹 同趴 哦 同趴你 养 竹 唆
Form is empty. Emptiness is form.
所 谓 :即 色 是 空 ,即 空 是 色 ;

zuk lé tongpanyi shyen mayin no / tongpanyi lé kyang zuk

shyen mayin no
竹 勒 同趴你 赞 玛音 诺 同趴你 勒 仰 竹 詹 玛音 诺
Emptiness is not other than form; form is also not other than
色 无 异 于 空 ,空 无 异 于 色 ;

deshyindu tsorwa dang | dushé dang dujé dang | nampar

shepa nam tongpa o
德新笃 唆哇 当 笃谢 当 笃杰 当 南趴 谢趴 南 同趴 哦
In the same way, feeling, discrimination, compositional factors,
and consciousness are empty.
受、想、行、识 亦 复 如 是 。

sharibu detawé na chö tamché tongpanyi dé tsennyi mepa |
萨利不 德他威 纳措 谭撤 同趴你 德 善你 美趴
“Shariputra, likewise, all phenomena are emptiness; without
舍 利 子 !此 一 切 法 如 是 空 相 ,

makyepa / magakpa / drima mepa / drima dang dralwa mepa

driwa mepa / gangwa mepa o
玛可趴 玛嘎趴 滴玛 美趴 滴玛 当 大哇 美趴
滴哇 美趴 刚哇 美趴 我
unproduced, unceased; stainless, not without stain; not deficient,
not fulfilled.
无 所 生 ,无 所 灭 ,无 垢 染 ,无 清 净 ,无 增 长 ,无 损 减

sharibu / detawé na tongpanyi la zukmé / tsorwa mé / dushé

mé / dujé nam mé / nampar shepa mé
萨利不 德他哇 娜 同趴你 喇 竹美 唆哇美 笃谢 美
都杰 南 美 南趴 谢趴 美
“Shariputra, therefore, in emptiness there is no form, no feeling,
no discrimination, no compositional factors, no consciousness;
舍 利 子 !是 故 空 中 无 色,无 受、想、行、识;

mik mé / nawa mé / na mé / che mé / lü mé / yi mé

米美 娜哇 美 南美 车美 绿美 义美
no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind;
无 眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意;

zuk mé / dra mé / dri mé / ro mé / rekja mé / chö mé do

竹美 达美 滴美 罗美 瑞嘉 美 措美都
no visual form, no sound, no odor, no taste, no object of touch,
and no phenomenon.
无 色、声、香、味、触、法;
mik gi kham mepa né yi kyi kham mé
yi kyi nampar shepé kham kyi bardu yang mé do
米 吉 堪 美趴 涅 依 吉 看 美
依 吉 南趴 谢佩 堪 吉 巴都 养 美 都
There is no eye element and so on up to and including no mind
element and no mental consciousness element.
无 眼 界,无 眼 识 界,乃 至 无 意 界,无 意 识 界;

marikpa mé / marikpa zepa mepa né

玛利趴 美 玛利趴 扎趴 美趴 涅
There is no ignorance, no extinction of ignorance, and so on
无 无 明,无 无 明 尽,

gashi mé / gashi zepé bardu yang mé do

噶许 美 噶许 则佩 巴都 养 美 都
up to and including no aging and death and no extinction of aging
and death.
乃 至 无 老 死,亦 无 老 死 尽;

dezhin du dukngalwa dang / künjungwa dang / gokpa dang /

lam mé  
德新 笃 渡纳哇 当 坤尊哇 当 锅趴 当 南 美
Similarly, there is no suffering, origination, cessation, and path;
无 苦、集、灭、道;

yeshe mé / tobpa mé / matobpa yang mé do

耶谢 美 托趴 美 玛托趴 养 美 都
there is no exalted wisdom, no attainment, and also no
无 智,无 所 得,亦 无 无 得。

sharibu detawé na changchub sempa nam tobpa mepé chir
sherab kyi parol tu chinpa la ten ching né té /
sem la dribpa mepé trakpa mé dé
萨利不 德他哇 娜 仓楚 森趴 南 托趴 美佩 去
谢喇 吉 趴弱 图 亲趴 喇 天 清涅特
森 喇 第趴 美陪 他趴 美 德
“Shariputra, therefore, because there is no attainment,
bodhisattvas rely on and dwell in the perfection of wisdom, the
mind without obscuration and without fear.
舍 利 子 !由 是 无 得 故,菩 萨 摩 诃 萨 依 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多
相 应 行 故,心 无 所 著,亦 无 挂 碍。以 无 著、无 碍 故,无
有 恐 怖,

chin chi lok lé shintu dé né nya ngen lé depé tarchin to

清 器 落 喇 欣图 得 涅 娜 间 勒 达佩 他亲托
Having completely passed beyond error, they reach the endpoint
of nirvana.  
远 离 一 切 颠 倒 妄 想,究 竟 圆 寂。

dü sum du nampar shyukpé sangye tamché kyang sherab kyi

parol tu chinpa la ten né / lana mepa yangdakpar dzokpé
changchub tu ngönpar dzokpar sangye so
都 孙 笃 南趴 竹佩 桑给 谭切 养 舍喇 吉
趴落 图 亲趴 喇 天 涅 喇娜 美趴 养达趴 作佩
仓楚 图 工趴 作趴 桑给 唆
All the buddhas who dwell in the three times also manifestly,
completely awaken to unsurpassable, perfect, complete
in reliance on the perfection of wisdom.
所 有 三 世 诸 佛 依 此 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 故,得 阿 耨 多 罗 三

detawé na / sherab kyi parol tu chinpé ngak / rigpa chenpö
ngak /
德他威 娜 舍 喇 吉 趴落 图 亲佩 娜 利趴 称坡 娜
Therefore, the mantra of the perfection of wisdom, the mantra of
great knowledge,  
是 故 应 知 :般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 是 广 大 明 ,

lana mepé ngak / minyampa dang nyampé ngak /

喇娜 美佩 娜 敏养趴 当 养佩 娜
the unsurpassed mantra, the mantra equal to the unequaled,
是 无 上 明 ,是 无 等 等 明 ,

dukngal tamché rabtu shyiwar jepé ngak / midzünpé na

denpar shepar ja té
都娜 谭撤 喇图 许哇 杰佩 娜 米尊陪 娜 等趴 谢趴 嘉 特
the mantra that thoroughly pacifies all suffering, should be known
as truth since it is not false.
而 能 息 除 一 切 苦 恼 ,是 即 真 实 无 虚 妄 法 。诸 修 学 者

sherab kyi parol tu chinpé ngak mepa

舍喇 吉 趴落 图 亲佩 娜 玛趴
The mantra of the perfection of wisdom is declared:

tadyatha (om) gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha

爹雅他 (唵) 嘎得 嘎得 趴啦嘎得 趴啦三嘎得 菩提 梭哈

sharibu changchub sempa sempa chenpö detar sherab kyi
parol tu chinpa zabmo la labpar ja o
萨利不 仓楚 森趴 森趴 称坡 德他 谢喇 吉
趴落 图 亲趴 扎摩 喇 腊趴 嘉 哦
“Shariputra, the bodhisattva mahasattva should train in the
profound perfection of wisdom like that.”
舍 利 子 !诸 菩 萨 摩 诃 萨 若 能 诵 是 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 明 句 ,

dené chomdendé ting ngé dzin dé lé shyeng té

changchub sempa sempa chenpo pakpa chenrezik wangchuk
la lek so shyejawa jin né
德涅 从殿爹 听 涅 今 德 喇 沈 特
仓楚 森趴 森趴 称坡 趴怕 称惹几 旺楚
喇 勒 唆 谢嘉哇 今 涅
Then the Bhagavan arose from that concentration and
commended the bodhisattva mahasattva arya Avalokiteshvara
而 时 世 尊 从 三 摩 地 安 详 而 起 ,赞 观 自 在 菩 萨 摩 诃 萨

lek so lek so / rik kyi bu de deshyin no /

勒 唆 勒 唆 利 吉 不 德 德欣 诺
“Well said, well said, son of the lineage, it is like that.
「 善 哉 !善 哉 !善 男 子 !如 汝 所 说 ,如 是 ,如 是 。

rik kyi bu de deshyin té / jitar khyö kyi tenpa deshyindu /

sherab kyi parol tu chinpa zabmo la chepar ja té /
deshyin shekpa nam kyang jesu yi rang ngo
利吉不 德欣特 吉他 有吉 谭趴 德欣笃
舍喇 吉 趴落 图 亲趴 扎摩 喇 撤趴 嘉 特
德欣 谢趴 南 养 杰苏 依 让 硪
It is like that; one should practice the profound perfection of
wisdom just as you have indicated; even the tathagatas rejoice.”
般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 当 如 是 学 !是 即 真 实 、最 上 、究 竟 ,一

chomdendé kyi deké ché katsal né / tsé dang denpa sharibu

从殿得 吉 德可 却 咔萨 涅 谢当 填趴 舍力不 当
The Bhagavan having thus spoken, the venerable Sharadvati

changchub sempa sempa chenpo pakpa chenrezik wangchuk

dang tamché dang denpé khor dedak dang
仓楚 森趴 森趴 称坡 趴怕 称惹几 旺楚
当 谭撤 当 等佩 可 德达 当
the bodhisattva mahasattva arya Avalokiteshvara, and those
surrounding in their entirety

lha dang / mi dang lha mayin dang / drizar chepé jikten yi

rang té chomdendé kyi sungpa la ngönpar tö do
喇 当 米当 喇 玛因 当 第扎 撤佩 吉天 依
让 特 从殿爹 吉 孙趴 喇 工趴 托 都
along with the world of gods, humans, asuras, and gandharvas
were overjoyed and highly praised that spoken by the Bhagavan.
乃 至 世 间 天、人、阿 修 罗、乾 达 婆 等 一 切 大 众 闻 佛 所
说,皆大 欢 喜,信 受 奉 行。

(This completes the Ärya-bhagavatï-prajñäpäramitä-höidaya-sütra.)
Translated from the Tibetan, consulting the Indian and Tibetan commentaries and
previous good translations, by Gelong Thubten Tsultrim (George Churinoff ), the first
day of Saka Dawa, 1999, at Tushita Meditation Centre, Dharamsala, India.
Amended March 8, 2001, in the New Mexico desert.

Dokpa—Averting Obstacles through the Heart Sūtra

tadyatha (om) gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha

爹雅他 (唵) 嘎得 嘎得 趴啦嘎得 趴啦三嘎得 菩提 梭哈

namo, lama la chaktsal l

南摩 喇嘛啦 查萨罗
Namo! Homage to the Guru!

sangye la chaktsal lo
桑给啦 查萨罗
Homage to the Buddha!

chö la chaktsal lo
措啦 查萨罗
Homage to the Dharma!

gendün la chaktsal lo
根敦啦 查萨罗
Homage to the Saṅgha!

yum chenmo sherab kyi parol tu chinpa la chaktsal lo

Homage to the Great Mother, Prajñāpāramitā!

khyé nam la chaktsalwé tu dang nüpa la ten né
Through the power and strength of paying homage to you,

dakchak gi tsik di drubpar gyur chik

May these words of ours come true!

jitar ngön lhé wangpo gyajin gyi yum chenmo sherab kyi
parol tu chinpé dön zabmo yi
la sam shying tsik khatön du jepé tu dang nüpa la ten né
Just as, long ago, the king of the gods Indra, by the power and
strength of contemplating the profound meaning of the perfection
of wisdom, the Great Mother, and reciting its words,

dü dikchen lasokpa chir dokpa deshyindu dak gi kyang yum

chenmo sherab kyi parol tu chinpé dön zabmo yi la sam
shying tsik khatön du jepé tu dang nüpa la ten né
Was able to avert the demonic forces of negativity, so in the very
same way, may we too,through the power and strength of
contemplating the profound meaning of the Perfection of Wisdom,
the Great Mother, and reciting its words,

dak khor dang chepé dampa chö drubpé pangja mitünpé
chok tamché chir dokpar gyur chik (Clap)
Avert all the negative influences which prevent us and those
around us from accomplishing the Noble Dharma!

mepar gyur chik (Clap)

May they be annihilated!
得以消除 (击掌)

shyiwar gyur chik (Clap)

May they be rendered harmless!
得以摧毁 (击掌)

rabtu shyiwar gyur chik (Clap)

May they be completely pacified!
得以消灭 (击掌)

完全消灭 (击掌)

( Repeat 3 times 复诵三遍 )

gang gi ten ching drelwar jung
Everything that arises interdependently

gakpa mepa kyé mepa

Is unceasing and unborn,

chepa mepa tak mepa

Neither non-existent nor everlasting,

ongwa mepa dro mepa

Neither coming nor going,

tadé dön min dön chik min

Neither multiple nor single.

tröpa nyershyi shyi tönpa

To this teaching that pacifies all concepts and duality,

dzokpé sangye ma nam kyi
The most sacred speech of the fully enlightened Buddha,
我稽首礼佛 诸说中第一。

dampa dé la chaktsal lo
We pay homage!

dzokpé changchub drubpa la

May all obstacles,

chi dang nang gi tsewa yi

Outer and inner,

bardu chöpa tamché kün

To our attaining complete enlightenment,

nye war shyi war dzé du sol

Be totally pacified!

shyen yang kye wa dinn nyi du
Also, in this very life,

mitun chok shyiwa dang

May everything inharmonious be pacified, and

tsering neme punsum tsok

May we always enjoy peace and happiness, long life,

taktu de dangden gyur chik

Good health, prosperity and success!





谛揭谛 波罗揭谛 波罗僧揭谛 菩提萨婆诃。( 复诵 3 遍 )

爹雅他 (唵) 嘎得 嘎得 趴啦嘎得 趴啦三嘎得 菩提 梭哈

( 复诵 21遍 或 更多遍 )

* 南无敬礼上师,敬礼佛,敬礼法,敬礼僧,敬礼圆满智慧般若佛


愿一切于我及眷属之一切不幸因缘,得以消除 (击掌),得以摧
毁 (击掌),得以消灭 (击掌) 完全消灭 ! (击掌)
( * 复诵 3 遍 )

不生亦不灭 不常亦不断 不来亦不去 不一亦不异

能说是因缘 善灭诸戏论 我稽首礼佛 诸说中第一

Verses of Homage to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
Together with their Mantras Arranged for
Recitation by Practitioners of All Levels
by H.H. 31st Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche

尊胜的第31世楚玺贾杰仁波切 撰写

Our Compassionate Teacher, Sakyamuni

nying jé chen pö tsö den nyik mé shying
With your great compassion, you embraced this turbulent
and degenerate world,
盈杰称坡崇店依美欣 大悲摄受具诤浊世刹

zung né mön lam chen po nga gya tab

And made five hundred mighty aspirations.
尊涅梦蓝称坡那甲塔 尔后发下五百广大愿

pe kar tar ngak tsen tö chir min dok

You are as exalted as the white lotus; whoever hears your
name shall never return to samsāra—
佩卡他纳称特契敏朵 赞如白莲闻名不退转

tön pa tuk jé chen la chak tsal lo

Most compassionate teacher, to you I pay homage!
通趴图杰称啦恰萨罗 具大悲心导师敬顶礼

lama tönpa chom den dé deshyin shekpa drachompa

yang dakpar dzokpé sangye pal gyalwa
shakya tubpa la chak tsal lo chö do kyab su chi o
Supreme teacher, bhagavān, tathāgata, arhat, complete and
perfect buddha, glorious conqueror, Śākyamuni, to you I
bow! To you I pay homage! In you I take refuge!
无上导师薄伽梵 世间善逝 应供正等正觉 圆满天人师 佛陀释迦能

teyata om muné muné maha muna yé soha

塔雅他 唵 牟尼 牟尼 玛哈 牟那耶 梭哈

Glorious Vajrasattva

mi tok dorjé tap kyi ye she ni
You are the primordial awareness of skilful means—the
indestructible state beyond all concepts,
米托垛杰塔依耶谢尼 无妄金刚方便之本智

mik mé she rab yum gyi ngang du tok

Realized in the nature of the Great Mother, transcendental
wisdom free from any reference,
密美谢喇仰依囊杜托 无缘胜慧佛母性中悟

tuk jéi che drak na tsok chir yang tön

Displaying your compassion, in all its variety, in every kind of way
图计撤喇那唆契扬疼 种种悲心分別随任现

dor jé sem pa ché la chak tsal lo

O Great Vajrasattva, to you I pay homage!
多杰森趴撤喇差叉罗 大金刚萨垛尊敬顶礼

om benza sato ah
嗡 班杂 萨垛 阿

Amitāyus, Buddha of Limitless Life and Wisdom

jik ten dren pé tsowo tsepak mé
Buddha of Infinite Life, foremost guide for beings in this
计腾仁佩唆窝切帕美 世间导师至尊无量寿

dü min chiwa malü jom pé pal

Your glory overcomes all untimely death,
笃敏契瓦玛绿窘陪趴 催灭一切横死化吉祥

gön mé duk ngal gyur pa nam kyi kyab

You are a refuge for those of us who suffer without protection -
恭美杜噶久趴南依甲 所有无依苦众依怙主

sangye tse pak mé la chak tsal lo

To you, Buddha Amitāyus, I pay homage!
桑给切怕美啦差叉罗 无量寿佛尊前敬顶礼

om ama rani dzi wen ti ye soha

嗡 阿玛 喇尼 吉文 体耶 梭哈

Amitābha, Buddha of Limitless Light

de chen shying du chö kyi khorlo kor
In the realm of Sukhāvatī, you turn the wheel of Dharma
爹称欣笃措依科罗可 极乐净土之中转法轮

sem chen nam la taktu tukjé zik

Gazing on living beings with all your compassion,
森称南喇塔图土杰计 于诸有情恒常悲悯视

dam cha ji shyin drowé tön dzepa

And acting for their benefit, just as you vowed -
但差计欣多威通则趴 依照誓愿利益众生者

nang ta nyam shyak dze la chak tsal lo

To you, Amitābha resting in meditation, I pay homage!
囊他扬杀则啦差叉罗 等持无边光佛敬顶礼

om ami dhewa hrih

嗡 阿弥 爹哇 舍

Buddha Ratnaśikhin

chom den dé de shin shek pa drachom pa yang
dak par dzok pé sangye rin chen tsuk tor chen
la chak tsal lo
Bhagavān, tathāgata, arhat, complete and perfect buddha,
Ratnaśikhin, to you I bow! To you I pay homage!
薄伽梵 世间善逝 应供 正等正觉 圆满世尊 宝髻如来敬顶礼,

chö do kyab su chi o

In you I take refuge!
措多甲苏契噢 皈依诚供养

teyata ratné ratné ratna shikhene soha

塔雅他 喇涅 喇涅 喇娜 需给涅 梭哈

Blessed Bhaikhajya Guru, Buddha of Medicine

tuk jé kün la nyom pé chom den dé
Blessed one, whose compassion for all is equal,
图杰坤啦涌陪崇等爹 等视众生大悲薄伽梵

tsen tsam töpé ngen dro duk ngal sel

Simply hearing your name dispels the suffering of lower realms,
森三头陪根垛杜噶色 消灾延寿药师光如来

duk sum ne sel sangye men gyi la

Buddha of Medicine, you who heal the sickness of the three
poisons -
杜孙涅色桑给门依啦 闻名即脱三毒病恶苦

ben dur ya yi ö la chak tsal lo

Light of Lapis Lazuli, to you I pay homage!
般杜雅依噢啦差萨罗 药师如来佛前敬顶礼

chom den dé de shyin shek pa dra chompa yang - dak par

dzok pé sangye men gyi la bendur ya ö kyi gyal po la chak
tsal lo chö do kyap su chi o
Bhagavān, tathāgata, arhat, complete and perfect buddha,
Buddha of Medicine, Radiant Light of Lapis Lazuli King, to you I
bow! To you I pay homage! In you I take refuge!
崇等爹得仰欣谢趴达崇趴仰 达趴左陪桑给门依啦本杜雅噢
薄伽梵 世间善逝 正等正觉 应供 圆满世尊 天人师 药师琉璃光王如

teyata | om bhekan dze bhekan dze maha

bekhan dze bhekan dze | radza samud gate soha
塔雅他 嗡 呗干杰 呗干杰 玛哈 呗干杰 呗干杰 喇嘉 萨姆噶爹 梭哈

Buddha’s Regent, the Protector Maitreya

cham chen mé yi shye dang bü shying sek
The fire of your great love burns up the dry wood of hate,
将千密伊谢当布欣协 大慈大悲智慧弥勒佛

ye she ö kyi marik münpa sel

The light of your wisdom dispels the darkness of ignorance,
耶谢噢依玛利亩趴些 尽除贪嗔无明诸愚钝

chö kyi gyal tsap dro wé gön gyur pé

Dharma regent, protector of all living beings,
措依甲萨垛威恭久陪 众生怙主一生补处佛

gan den shyuk pa de la chak tsal lo

甘Who dwells in the Tushita heaven—to you I pay homage!
甘等书趴得啦差叉罗 当来下生弥勒敬顶礼

om mati mati smriti soha

嗡 玛谛 玛谛 欣里谛 梭哈

Noble  Avalokiteśvara  

chak tong kor lö gyur pé gyal po tong
Your thousand arms are the thousand universal monarchs,
差通阔罗久陪嘉坡通 千手妙如千尊转轮王

chen tong kalpa sang pei sangye tong

Your thousand eyes the thousand buddhas of this fortunate age,
陈同卡趴桑陪桑给通 千眼皆为贤劫千尊佛

gang la gang dul dela der tön péi

You who teach each and every one of us according to our needs,
刚啦刚笃爹啦得通陪 随缘应化阎浮天人师

tsün pa chenre zik la chak tsal lo

Lord Avalokiteśvara, to you I pay homage!
存趴虔蕊锡啦差叉罗 至尊大悲观音敬顶礼

om mani pemé hung hrih

唵 玛尼 呗米 吽 舍

Noble Lord Mañjuśrī

she jé kha ying zap ching yang pa la
Across the skies of all that can be known, profound and infinite,
舍杰卡音扎清仰趴啦 深奧广大所知空界中

lo drö kyil khor gye péi özer gyi

Shine vast rays of light from the sun of your intelligence,
罗多伊阔给陪噢则义 以启宽广智慧坛城光

kye güi ma rik mün péi tsok sel wa

Dispelling the darkness of ignorance in all beings’ minds—
给轨玛里猛陪措些哇 消除众生无明黑暗聚

je tsün jam pal yang la chak tsal lo

Lord Mañjughosha, to you I pay homage!
杰尊将趴仰啦差叉罗 至尊妙音文殊敬顶礼

om ara patsa na dhih

唵 阿喇 巴扎 娜 滴


de shin shek pa tam ché kyi
All the buddhas’ power and strength
得欣谢趴坛借义 一切所有诸如来

tu top chik tu duï péi dak

Is condensed within you alone,
图脱契涂对陪达 力量集于一主尊

dor jé tro wöi kur tön pa

Who manifest as the enlightened form of vajra wrath—
垛借脱窝古钝趴 示现金刚忿怒身

nam par jom la chak tsal lo

Vajravidārana, to you I pay homage!
南趴窘啦差叉罗 尽摧破尊敬顶礼

na mash chanda benza kro dhaya | hulu hulu

| tish tha tish tha | bhen dha bhen dha | hana
hana | amri té hung pét
那玛 詹达 班扎 卓大雅 呼噜 呼噜 滴刹 滴刹 边大 边大 哈娜 哈娜
阿米爹 吽 呸

Noble Vijayā, Goddess of Victory

pal den lhamo tön ké da wé dok
Glorious goddess, your colour that of the autumn moon,
趴殿喇摩敦给达威垛 吉祥天女秋月光皎洁

shyal sum chak gye rab dzé shyi wé ku

With three faces and eight arms, your form ravishing andserene,
刹孙差给喇杰息威枯 三面八臂胜美寂静尊

ye she pak yé tsé yi chok tsol ma

You grant the supreme gifts of longevity and boundless
耶谢帕耶切义措唆玛 祈赐无量智慧殊胜寿

nam par gyal mé shyap la chak tsal lo

Noble Vijayā, to you I pay homage!
南趴嘉美夏喇差叉罗 尊胜佛母圣众敬顶礼

om amrita ayur dadé soha

唵 阿密里他 阿幼达爹 梭哈

Noble Saviouress Tārā

dak gi tse rap ngön né drup péi lha
Deity on whom I meditated in lives gone by,
达吉切喇永涅竹陪啦 往昔世代圆满本尊身

dü sum sangye kün gyi trin lé ma

You are the enlightened activity of all buddhas, past, present, and
笃孙桑给坤伊听列玛 三世诸佛一切事业母

rap kar shyal chik chak nyi chen dün ma

Brilliant white, with your one face, two hands, and seven eyes,
啦卡夏契恰伊千敦玛 一面二臂七眼白度母

yum gyur utpal nam la chak tsal lo

Mother of the buddhas, holder of the utpala flower, to you I pay
仰久邬帕南啦差叉罗 持莲神变度母敬顶礼

om taré tuttaré turé soha

唵 塔蕊 渡塔蕊 渡蕊 梭哈

Prayer to the Guru, the Embodiment of All Buddhas

rul péi guru tsen gyé dang
To the eight manifestations of Guru Rinpoche,
如陪咕噜森给当 神变上师八瑞相

drup péi rigzin chen po gyé

The eight great accomplished vidyādharas,
竹陪利今称坡给 持明成就八本尊

chang sem nye wé sé gye dang

The eight great bodhisattvas, the ‘close sons’,
长森耶威协给当 上善佛子八菩萨

drup chen ka gyé lha tsok la

The eight mandalas of Kagyé with all their deities:
竹千卡给啦措啦 究竟成就本尊众

solwa depso chin gyi lop

To you I pray—inspire me with your blessings!
梭哇爹梭津吉洛 至心祈请赐加持

chi nang sang wéi bar ché sol

Dispel all obstacles outer, inner and secret!
契囊桑威巴确梭 外内密障悉消除

sampa yi shyin drup pa dang

Fulfill all my aspirations!
三趴伊欣竹趴当 祈赐随心俱满愿

chok dang tün mong ngö drup tsol

Grant us attainments, ordinary and supreme!
措当吞蒙哦笃抽 祈赐共不共成就

om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung

唵阿吽 班扎 咕噜 呗玛 悉地 吽

Finally, the Wrathful Union of Hayagrīva,
Vajrapāni and Garuda

chok chüi gyal wa kün gyi ku sung tuk
You are the wisdom body, speech and mind of all the buddhas
of the ten directions,
措悴嘉哇坤伊苦宋突 十方三世诸佛身语意

ja khyung gyal po tam din sang wé dak

The kingly Garuda, Hayagrīva and the Lord of Secrets
嘉琼嘉坡唐定桑威达 二十密咒库主金刚手

rang shyin chik tu nyer ten tro wöi quo

Manifesting as one deity, foremost among the wrathful.
让欣契突耶天脱卧措 大力马头明王金翅鸟

dren péi gek pung jom la chak tsal tö

The very thought of you crushes obstructing forces—and to
you I offer homage and praise!
典陪给崩窘啦差叉特 降魔智慧三尊敬顶礼

om vajra pani haya griva garuda hung pét

唵 瓦扎 趴尼 嘿雅 就哇 噶噜达 吽 呸


gewa di yi nyur du dak

Through this merit, may I swiftly accomplish the realization
给哇第意纽度达 愿以此善速证悟

se ché gyal wa drup gyur né

Of the buddhas and their bodhisattva heirs
些切嘉哇度久涅 成就诸佛菩萨尊

dro wa chik kyang ma lü pa

And may I bring each and every single living being
朵哇契姜马铝巴 一切众生尽无余

de yi sa la gö par shok
To that perfect state as well.
爹意萨啦谷趴梭 悉皆安置佛国境

chang chup sem chok rinpoche

Bodhicitta, precious and sublime:
姜楚森措仁波切 菩提心为至妙宝

ma kye pa nam kyepa dang

May it arise in those in whom it has not arisen;
玛客趴南客趴当 若未发心愿发起

kye pa nyam pa mepa yang

May it never decline where it has arisen;
客趴仰趴美趴扬 已发心者莫退失

gong né gong du pel war shok
May it go on increasing, further and further!
共涅共度佩哇梭 愿此菩提转增胜

tong nyi tawa rinpoche

The precious view of śūnyatā,
通依他哇仁波切 殊胜空性般若性

ma tok pa nam tok pa dang

May it be realized by those who have not realized it;
玛陀趴南托趴当 若未证悟愿证悟

tok pa nyam pa mepa yang

May it never decline where it has been realized;
托趴扬趴美趴扬 已证悟者莫退失

gong né gong du pel war shok

May it go on increasing, further and further!
共涅共度佩哇梭 愿此菩提转增胜

For all of you who have received teachings from me and have a Dharma connection
with me, it would be best to recite all these prayers and mantras every day. Otherwise,
recite whichever you wish, especially on the 8th, 15th and 30th days of the lunar month,
and on the four great anniversaries of our Teacher Śākyamuni. Whenever you do so,
the benefit will be immeasurable. I, the Zhadeupa Ngawang Chökyi Lodrö, an ignorant
monk of Śākyamuni, entreat you with folded hands.

Śubham. Sarva Mangalam.

月 、缺月、初八等,以及导师佛陀四大圣日等,修持任何课诵,能生无量功德利益。


Praise of the Goddess Parnashavari and Mantra

gyal wa kun gyi yeshe gyuma yi
Miraculous manifestaion arising from
嘉瓦坤以耶些就玛以 诸佛智慧所幻化

chotrul nampar trulpa le jungwe

The magical wisdom of all the victorious ones,
挫土南趴图怕雷俊为 神变变化之化身

lhamo gang gi druppo nedon gek

Goddess who pacifies all disease, harmful influences, and
拉摩刚记露波呢洞给 佛母之力病魔障

kuntu shyidze ma la chaltsal lo

of practitioners, to you I offer homage!
坤突依遮玛拉查沙罗 遍息尊母敬顶礼

om pishatsi parnashawari sarva zora prashama naye soha

唵 毗杀斯 巴那 沙瓦里 萨哇 佐拉 巴沙玛 那耶 梭哈

gewa di yi nyurdu dak
Through this merit, may I swiftly
给瓦第以纽笃达 愿以此善我速成

loma gyonma drub gyur ne

attain the realisation of Parnasavari, and thereby
罗马用马露久呢 叶衣佛母之成就

drowa chik kyang malupa

Every single being without exception
多哇契仰马绿巴 一切众生皆无余

de yi sa la gopar shok
reach that state of perfection too.
爹依沙拉郭趴唆 咸皆安置彼刹土

Hundred-Syllable Confession Mantra

om ben dza sato samaya manu palaya

Om! The most excellent exclamation of praise ! Vajrasattva’s
唵 边扎 萨埵 萨玛呀 玛奴 巴拉呀

ben dza sato tenopa tishtra drido me bhawa

Oh Vajrasattva, protect the samaya. May you remain firm in me.
边扎 萨埵 爹诺巴 地叉 则卓 美巴哇

suto khayo me bhawa supo khayo ma bhawa

Grant me complete satisfaction. Grow within me (Increase the
positive within me).
酥多 卡优 美巴哇 酥波 卡优 美巴哇

anu rakto me bhawa sarwa siddhi me pra yatsha

Be loving towards me. Grant me all the Siddhis.
阿奴 拉多 美巴哇 萨哇 悉地 美巴 呀嚓

sawa karma su ca me cittam sriya kuru hum

Show me all the karma (activities). Make my mind good, virtuous
and auspicious.
The heart essence seed syllable of Vajrasattva
萨哇 卡玛 素扎美 集荡 悉里呀 咕如 吽

ha ha ha ha ho
symbolizes the Four Immeasurables, the Four Empowerments,
the Four Joys, and the Four Kayas. The exclamation of joy at this
表四无量心,四灌顶,四喜及四身。 火-喜乐成就之颂句,
哈哈哈哈 逅

bhagawan sarve tathagata

Oh! All the blessed tathagatas.
拔噶万 萨哇 达他噶达

vajar mah me munca vajra bhava

May I be fully liberated in the Vajra, Grant the realization of the
Vajra Nature.
愿吾金刚愿中得解脱,赐我得证金刚自性不坏身啊 !
边扎 玛美 木扎 边扎 巴哇

maha samya sattva ah

Oh great samaya sattva, Ah !
多么伟大的三昧耶萨垛, 阿 !
玛哈 萨玛呀 萨埵啊

Supplication Prayer to the Guides of
the Pure Dimensions of Buddhas

hri 舍

kun zang cho ku nang tha la

Primordial Buddha Dharmakaya beyond phenomenal universe,
衮桑却咕囊他啦 普贤法身无边光

rig tong ngang ne sol wa deb

I pray to you in the state of inseparability of presence and
力东昂涅梭哇迭 明觉空性中祈请

dag dang dag la drel thog kun

May I and all those who are connected to me,
达当达啦借托衮 我及与我结缘众

de wa chen du drang du sol

pray to you so that you may guide us to Dewachen.
爹哇称度荡度梭 祈请引至极乐国

long ku thung je chen po la

Samboghakaya, Great Compassionate One (Avalokiteshvara),
隆咕秃借千波啦 报身大悲观音前

sa thong ngang ne sol wa deb

I pray to you in the state of inseparability of clarity and emptiness.
洒东昂涅梭哇迭 清明空性中祈请

dag dang dag la drel thog kun
May I and all those who are connected to me,
达当达啦借托衮 我及与我结缘众

ri wo ta lar drang du sol

pray to you so that you may guide us to Mount Potala,
哩波咑啦荡度梭 祈请引至普陀山

trul ku pema jung ne la

Nirmanakaya, Guru Padmasambhava.
突咕贝玛炯涅啦 化身莲花生师前

nang tong ngang ne sol wa deb

I pray to you in the state of inseparability of vision and emptiness,
囊东昂涅梭哇迭 显相空性中祈请

dag dang dag la del thog kun

May I and all those who are connected to me,
达当达啦借托衮 我及与我结缘众

zang dog pel rir drang du sol

Pray to you so that you may guide us to the glorious Copper-
Coloured Mountain,
桑铎巴哩荡度梭 祈引铜色吉祥山

ma chig ye she tsho gyal la

Unique Mother, Yeshe Tsogyal,
嘛即耶些挫嘉啦 唯一佛母智海前

de tong ngang ne sol wa deb

I pray to you in the state of inseparability of bliss and emptiness,
爹东昂涅梭哇迭 乐空体性中祈请
dag dang dag la drel thog kun
May I and all those who are connected to me,
达当达啦叠托坤 我及与我结缘众

kha cho zhing du drang du sol

pray to you so that you may guide us to the realm of Khechara,
卡错星度荡度梭 祈请引至空行土

kun du drin chen la ma la

Embodiment of all (Enlightened Beings), kind Guru,
衮度津千啦嘛啦 遍集具恩上师前

nyi mei ngang ne sol wa deb

I pray to you in the non-dual state.
尼咩昂涅梭哇迭 无二体性中祈请

dag dang dag la drel thog kun

May I and all those who are connected to me,
达当达啦借托衮 我及与我结缘众

kun zang gyal si thob par sho

reach the dimension of the Primordial Buddha.
衮桑嘉息托巴索 普贤圣位愿获证

This is the prayer to the guides of the sacred dimensions. Written by Shri Gyalse
Trulshik Kunzang Thongdrol Dorje endowed with the blessing energy.

A Brief Prayer For Rebirth In Dewa Chen
The Blissful Pure Land of Amitabha

How extraordinary!
奇妙哉 耶玛霍

ngotsar sangye nangwa taye dang

Amitābha, magnificent Buddha of Boundless Light,
硪察桑给囊瓦他耶当 稀有难得无量光

yesu jowo tukje chenpo dang

With the great compassionate Lord Avalokiteśvara to his right,
耶苏珠窝图杰千坡当 右有大悲观世音

yendu sempa tuchen tob nam la

and Vajrapāni-Mahāsthāmaprāpta on his left.
眼笃森趴图千托南拉 左为大力大势至

sangye changsem pakmei khorgyi kor

Surrounded by an assembly of countless Buddhas and
桑给枪森趴美阔机扩 无量佛菩萨围绕

dekyi ngo tsar paktu mepa yi

in the place of wonder and boundless joy and happiness.
得伊硪察趴笃咩趴依 但有无量之妙乐

dewa chenshye jawe shyingkham der

That is the heavenly realm of Sukhāvatī, the Blissful Paradise.
得瓦千谢茶为欣堪得 此即清净极乐国

dagni dine tsepo gyurma tak
When the time comes for me to leave this present life,
达尼滴涅谢坡就玛塔 愿我命终随即能

kyewa shyengyi barma chopa ru

may I go there directly, without any other birth upon the way.
给瓦津机巴玛搓趴如 不为他生所阻断

deru kyene nagte shyal tong shok

And being reborn there, may I see Amitābha face to face!
得如给涅囊特谢同梭 生彼亲见弥陀佛

deke dakgi monlam tabpa di

May this, my fervent prayer of aspiration,
得给达机梦南塔趴滴 我今如是发愿已

chokchu sangye changsem tamche kyi

be blessed by all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the ten
错触桑给脏森堂折基 十方诸佛及菩萨

gekmei drubpar jingyi lab tu sol

So that it is accomplished, without the slightest hindrance!
给咩都趴津机喇笃梭 加持令无碍成就

tayatha pentsa driya awa bodhanaye soha

爹呀他 边杂 知呀 阿哇 波他那耶 梭哈

Long Life Prayer to His Holiness the 32nd Kyabje Trulshik
Yangsi Rinpoche Ngawang Jigme Trinley Kunkhyab
om svasti

si sum zil nön jig mé chö kyi trir

Outshining the three worlds, Fearless (Jigmé) upon the throne of
悉孙季农计美措机替 座上无畏胜三界
zab sang ka ter trin lé pa tar dal
Spreading completely the Grace (Trinlé) of the subtle secrets of
the teachings and treasures
萨桑卡特厅烈帕塔达 传扬奥义教岩法
dul jar pen dé kün khyab gönpo gang
The protector Encompassing (Künkhyab) disciples with benefits &
well being
笃察朋得坤贾功波岗 怙主恩泽利徒众

shyab pé kalg yé bardu ten gyur chik

May he, who embodies this, ever remain for hundreds of eons.
扎呸咔伊啪图腾就曲 莲足永固恒住世

第四世朵竹千  于公元2018年5月5日  撰于锡金道场确殿贡  
Together with the offering of this stanza of name bestowing and prayer of long life, I make the wish as
good as possible that this recognition may become the sustenance of benefits for all beings and disciples
and that it will bring about the propagation and flourishing of the doctrine of the Buddha and in particular
the precious doctrine of the Early Translations (Nyingma). Written by 4th Dodrupchen, Chorten Gonpa
Sikkim on 16th May, 2018.

The Refuge Lord Dzarong Trulshig Yangsi Rinpoche
Longevity Prayer
Dispelling longing by recollection

依估主嘉隆楚玺再世仁波切长寿祈请文 . 忆即解忧


In the past-Vairochana, Lord of the Secrets (Vajradharma),
1 2
嗡梭帝! 恩且南囊桑达宝袞噶窩 嗡梭帝! 昔时遍照 密主 普


In the futura-Sugata Buddhanadhi Mukta Nanti,
嘛甕爹些哞巴他耶霎 未来善逝信解无边 足


Now-the regent of Padmasambhava, the Vairochana himself,
达咑别炯嘉插别曜哦 现在莲师补处毗卢 体


The Incarnation of Dogar Trulshig Dharmamatil (Choki Lodro)-
爹噶初西咑嘛嘛地伊 遊舞破惑法慧 之尊者


Jigme Trinle Kunkhyab,
扬朱即咩厅列袞恰错 再化无畏事业周遍尊


I pray, may his indestructible lotus feet be perfectly stable in
hundreds of eons,
霎别咪息噶嘉啦殿涅 足莲不坏坚固百劫已

May he bring to completion his hearing and contemplating
and all the wishes of his enlightened mind
先三他亲秃叽些敦袞 闻思圆满心愿一切事


Be quickly accomplished.
给咩纽度竹巴梭叠那 祈请无碍迅速得成就


May by power and blessing of the ocean of longevity deities
of the three roots
杂孙且啦嘉却津吐当 三根长寿尊海加持力


By the power of the inevitable law of the cause and effect,
滚得噜哇咩别殿别铎 因果无欺无诈谛实力


By the power of my and others pure motivation,
达索啦三南巴达别图 我等增上意乐净力故


All [this] virtuous aspirations be spontaneously accomplished
without obstacle.
门别丢袞给咩伦竹索 所愿诸义无碍祈自成


Just before on the auspicious occasion the 6th birthday of Kyabje Dzarong Trulshik
Yangsi Rinpoche Ngawang Jigme Trinley Kunkhyab, this prayer was written by the
request of the Singapore Maratika Chimey Rigdzen Dharma Centre, in this
pandemic situation of Corona Virus (COVID-19) and the world, it is difficult to
request the high masters and his heart sons to compose a long life prayer.

Merely as an auspicious connection, I Wagindra Abhaya the most ignorant and last
raw disciple of Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche written this prayer according with the
Prophesy in the 11"month on the 25th Dakini day of the Iron Ox year, (8th January
2021) before the Kudung (sacred remains of the 31st His Holiness Kyabje Trulshik
Rinpoche). By this merit may Yangsi Rinpoche Iive long and spread his
activities in ten directions. May all Buddha Boddhisattva bless to accomplish this.
上述与经典证据相顺之长寿祈请文如此具三宝数者 ,依怙主嘉隆楚西金刚持之再世
,语 自在无畏事业周遍仁波切尊者六岁生辰临近之际,回应大海彼岸新加坡玛惹谛
语自在离畏」 名者, 于铁牛年十一月廿五日,公历2021年1月8日空行圣节,在彼



Long Life Prayer to Ven. Maratika Dhungdzin Rinpoche
Ngawang Jigdral Chokyi Wangchuk

om svasti
chimé dorjé kunyé pema jung
The holder of Vajra body, immortal Padmasambhava
契咩多杰库捏趴玛窘 无死金刚之身莲花生

tséyum mendara sok chimé lhé

Together with mother deities of Long Life, Mandarava
薛尤曼达拉梭契咩雷 曼达拉哇长寿天尊力
ngawang jikdral chökyi wangchuk nyi
May Ngawang Jigdral Chokyi Wangchuk
阿旺吉达挫依旺楚尼 阿旺晋扎曲吉旺秀尊

chimé takten drubpar jingyi lob
Be blessed with firm everlasting immortality
契咩达填珠趴晋伊落 无死永固成就祈加持
drub rikdzin ching shejé ngakla wang
Lineage holder of the accomplished master, empowered with the
speech of Dharma
珠力晋钦些擦噶拉旺 持有圣传所知语自在

düshyi jikdral chökyi shenyen chen

Separated from the four Maras, intimate friend of Dharma
笃须吉达措基森烟称 远离四怖说法善知识

wangchuk gyeden tséla wangtob né

Obtaining the power of life with eight qualities
旺楚给登些拉旺托尼 愿获具八自在寿自在

tendrö dönchen gekmé lhündrub shok

May he spontaneously accomplish, without obstacles, the great
works of Dharma.  
田落动称给咩轮鹿梭 弘法利生无碍任运成

Composed by the His Holiness Trulshik Rinpoche.

尊胜法王楚玺仁波切 撰写


General Long-Life Prayer for All Lamas


pal den lamé ku.tsé ten pa dang

May the lives of the glorious spiritual teachers be steadfast and
趴登喇嘛库谢填趴当 祈愿尊胜上师寿坚固
kha nyam yong la de kyid jung wa dang
May all sentient beings, numbering as vast as space be well and
卡捻永拉得机炯瓦当 祈愿虚空有情乐且健
dak shyen ma lü tsok sak drib jang né
By accumulating merit and cleansing our obscurations,
达真玛鹿梭煞滴将涅 净障积粮自他悉圆满
nyur du sangye sala gö par shok
May I and others be quickly placed in the stage of Buddhahood.
扭笃桑给沙拉锅趴梭 祈愿我等速达佛境地

回 向

so nam diyi tham che zik pa nyi

By this merit, may we attain omniscience,
索南德以湯皆瑟巴涅 此福已得一切智

thop ne nge pi dra nam pham che shing

And overcome the evil enemies.
托內逆比劄南潘協辛 摧伏一切过患敌

ke ga na chi ba long truk pa yi

May beings, buffered by the waves of birth, old age, sickness and
傑嘎納齊瓦隆徹巴以 生老病死犹波涛

si pi tso le dro wa drol war shok

Be liberated from the ocean of existence.
斯比措利卓瓦卓瓦效 愿度苦海诸有情

Merit Multiplying Mantra

om dare dare bendare bendare soha

唵 达哩 达哩 般达哩 般达哩 梭哈

jaya jaya siddhi siddhi phala phala

嘉呀 嘉呀 悉地 悉地 啪啦 啪啦

a ah ha sha sa ma mama koling samanta

阿 阿 哈 萨 沙 玛 玛玛 可零 三满塔



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