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Hanianism: Bianca Junio

Name: Hanianism from the Native American word for

Followers: Hanians
It developed in Philippines,Caraballo Mountains and is still located there.
Founder: Alexa Mendoza is. She had a family, a husband and a little boy. Her husband was
very abusive and would come home from work drunk everyday. He would beat not only her,
but her son as well. One day, she came home to her son in a puddle of blood and was
devastated. She then started having dreams of different people getting abused and was able to
speak all the languages in the world perfectly. She gathered some women who were in the
same position as her and trained really hard to hunt down abusive significant others. They
took over tribes and eliminated those who had bad reputations and wished to start a
respectable, healthy community with no abuse whatsoever. Any sign of abuse will
automatically result in punishment.

It’s only practiced within that group, currently growing, of 7,500 people.

They don’t believe God is in heaven or above us, they believe that God is on earth and helps
those who are in deep need for help. Some say that while they were being abused, right
before becoming unconscious, they saw the spirit and described it as a bright light reaching
out to them. They also believe in a heaven but not a hell. They believe that those whohave
done extreme wrongs only stay on earth, by themselves forever.

Dalisaya: acts as a minister. Very few are chosen. In order to be chosen, you must have lived
your whole life without shredding a single shed of blood.

Cleansing ritual: draw the blood of the killer and a dalisaya (who gives their blood willingly,
unforced), mix it together inside a bowl of water, while chanting the prayer of forgiveness,
and they wash themselves of their sin.

Sacrificial Ritual: usually is taken when a member of the society has upset the spirit. When
the spirit it upset, it refuses to let it rain. The sacrifice happens in a circle of mud, in order to
become one with the earth. The sacrifice is usually a person or a pig, which is said to be one
of the dirtiest animals. The sacrifice is set to flames and burn up to be taken by Holy Spirit.

Creed: their statement that they live by is ‘An Eye for an Eye’ They teach this to kids at a
young age so that they know the way of the Holy Spirit. The children are taught to hunt and
fight at a young age, as long as they fight for the right reasons. They attend school in order to
learn morality and respect. They were taught to only fight for battle reasons or to stand up to
their beliefs..

Their Holy Book isn’t so much a book, but instead a person. There is one person that is
prayed to very often and is seen as one of the highest, if not the highest, influential roles.
He/she is called the Karo and speaks on behalf of God. The Karo is the one person able to
speak all the languages in the world naturally, with no special training. The Karo, to some, is
the human form of the Holy Spirit. When the human form dies, the Holy Spirit will only
inhabit another body. This usually takes up to 10 years to find the new Karo.

Code: They have a script that contains their rules and guidelines.
1. God is one with us
2. Trust in family
3. Do not harm those who have not done harm

Their rules reflect of the 3 most important things in life, God, Family, and way of life.

Community: being part of this community, you feel whole with everyone. You feel like you
have some duty within the small community. The society focuses on people who are being
abused and tries their best to help them. It doesn’t matter whether the abuser is men or
women, the abuser will taste justice. There are rites of passages that all members go through.

Birth ceremony: Usually days after the child is conceived, the birth ceremony starts. It’s a
ceremony to welcome the child into the religion. In order for the Birth Ceremony to take
place, the child must be fully unclothed. The child is then blessed by the dalisaya by placing
his/her index finger on the baby and chanting the prayer of good luck while submerging the
child into water.

Hunting ceremony: The ceremony that celebrates a Hanians first blood shed. Whether it be an
animal or a human. The Hanian places the blood of its victim on their face and is blessed by
the Dalisaya for officially becoming a warrior.

Death ceremony: after the death of someone, their body is taken to the lake. The body is
buried near the lake because since the purpose of the birth ceremony is to welcome the child
into the religion, burial near the water is the rebirth of someone as a cleansed soul in heaven.

They believe that at midnight at the start of every month, everyone should gather, bring some
food, and burn it as a sacrifice to the Holy Spirit. Everyone will then start praying and talking
to the Holy Spirit about their own personal needs. The Dalisaya leads the prayer and the
preach. Occasionally, the Karo will preach at the large gathering.

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