Class X-A.i-Worksheet-Introduction and Applications of A.I

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Class X

Artificial Intelligence
Worksheet-Introduction to A.I
1. What is artificial intelligence (AI)?
a) The study of natural intelligence exhibited by humans and animals
b) The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines
c) The study of plants and their growth patterns
d) The study of computer hardware and software systems
2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of artificial intelligence?
a) Learning from experience
b) Solving problems like a human
c) Understanding emotions
d) Performing tasks autonomously
3. What is the primary goal of AI?
a) To replace humans with machines
b) To understand the human brain
c) To create intelligent systems that can perform tasks that typically require human
d) To develop robots capable of ruling the world
4. Which branch of AI involves creating systems that can understand, interpret, and
generate human-like language?
a) Machine learning
b) Natural language processing (NLP)
c) Robotics
d) Expert systems
5. Which of the following is an example of a real-world application of AI?
a) Virtual reality gaming
b) Self-driving cars
c) Social media platforms
d) All of the above
6. What is machine learning?
a) A branch of AI that focuses on building machines capable of logical reasoning
b) A technique that enables computers to learn from data and improve over time
c) A method for programming robots to perform physical tasks
d) A method for encoding human emotions into machines

7. Which of the following is an example of narrow AI?
a) A self-driving car
b) A robot with human-like intelligence
c) A chatbot that can answer questions about weather
d) A computer system that can understand and respond to natural language
8. What is the Turing Test?
a) A test to evaluate a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to,
or indistinguishable from, that of a human
b) A test to evaluate a machine's processing speed
c) A test to evaluate a machine's ability to perform physical tasks
d) A test to evaluate a machine's ability to learn from experience
9. What is the main difference between strong A.I and weak A.I?
a) Strong A.I can outperform humans in all tasks, while weak A.I can only perform
specific tasks
b) Weak A.I can outperform humans in all tasks, while strong A.I can only
perform specific tasks
c) Strong A.I can experience emotions, while weak A.I cannot
d) Weak A.I can understand human language, while strong A.I cannot
10. What ethical consideration is associated with the development of A.I?
a. Ensuring privacy and data protection
b. Preventing unemployment due to automation
c. Avoiding biased decision-making
d. All the above

11. What is the technology that helps machines understand and interpret a text sentence to
provide relevant response
a. NLP
b. IoT
c. Blockchain
d. Augmented reality

12. Chatbots use __________ domain of AI

a. CV
b. NLP
c. Data Science
d. Voice Processing
e. All of the above

Attempt MCQs given on Page 54 (to be attempted in the textbook) and Case Study – given on
Page 55 (to be attempted in Practical File

Subjective questions

1. What do you think Artificial Intelligence is?

2. Who is father of A.I?
3. What is Turing Test?
4. What is Deep Blue and IBM Watson famous for?
5. What is IoT?
6. What are the Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence?
7. How do Machines become artificially intelligent?
8. Give two examples of “what is A.I and “what is not A.I”.
9. Explain the various challenges of AI.
10. Differentiate between Weak and Strong A.I.(tabular differences)
11. Why do you think most A.I. applications fall under the category of weak A.I?
12. What is the relation between A.I, Machine Learning and Deep Learning?
13. Differentiate between Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement learning.
14. What are the three major domains of AI?
15. Give 3 examples each of applications of Computer Vision, NLP and Data.
16. Why is it necessary for A.I systems to be fed with enormous data to learn its task?
17. Give an example of realistic user experience during online shopping.
Applications of A.I

Page 70 and 71(MCQs to be attempted in textbook and Case Studies in Practical file

1. What are the key application areas of A.I in education? Mention 4 points.
2. What are the diverse applications of A.I across e-Commerce?
3. Explain the various A.I applications used in Education.
4. Explain the various A.I applications used in Digital Marketing.
5. How is A.I useful in online games?
6. What is the role of A.I in email services?
7. List 4 features of a smart city.
8. How you would like to visualize your home in 2035? Give a plan.
9. How you would like to visualize a school in 2035? Design your thoughts.
10. Write any 5 areas where AI can make a smart city.

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