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1. Infectious (fungal, viral and bacterial) diseases of the female genital organs.

Etiology, pathogenesis. Diagnosis and treatment/

2. Sexually transmitted diseases. Etiology, pathogenesis. Diagnosis and
3. Non-infectious inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. Etiology,
pathogenesis. Diagnosis and treatment
4. Particulars of examination, clinical, laboratory and instrumental diagnosis of
infectious genital diseases. Methods of diagnosis of STDs.
5. The basic principles of medical and non-medical treatment genital diseases.
Prevention and rehabilitation.
6. Neuro-endocrine syndromes in gynecology (menopause, premenstrual,
climacteric virilism, ovarian sclerosis).
7. Gonadal dysgenesia. Testicular feminization. The value of genetic
disorders in the origin of primary amenorrhea.
8. Climacteric bleeding. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis,
9. Post-hysterectomy syndrome. Changes in the ovaries after the removal
of the uterus. Clinic, Diagnostics.
10.Congenital adreno-genital syndrome. Clinic, Diagnostics and therapy.
11.Post-castration syndrome.
12.Ovarian depletion syndrome. Resistant ovarian syndrome.
13.Hyper androgyny. Ovarian and adrenal form. Principles of diagnosis and
14.Principles of treatment of patients with Neuro-endocrine syndromes
with menstrual function disorders and uterine bleeding.
15.Positional anomalies of female genital organs. Classification and
characterization. Causes. Diagnosis and treatment (conservative and
16.Myoma, Fibroma, Lipoma, kraurosis of the vulva, leukoplakia of vulva.
Clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
17.Cancer of the vulva and vagina. Diagnosis and treatment.
18.Pre-cancerous cervical disease (pseudoerosion, ectomia,
endocervicosis, polyp, leukoplakia, erythroplasia, papilloma).
Colposcopic image. The concept of dysplasia. Classification, clinical
picture, diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer.
19.Diagnostic value of colposcopy, cytological, histological methods.
20.Endometrial hyperplasia (glandular hyperplasia, atypical hyperplasia,
polyposis). Methods of treatment in the age aspect. Endometrial
cancer, classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
21.Ovarian cancer (primary, secondary, metastatic), stage of distribution,
Diagnostics, prevention.
22.Myoma, Fibroma, Papilloma, carcinoma of the fallopian tubes.
Diagnosis, treatment. Trophoblastic disease. Hydatiform mole,
chorioadenoma destruens, horionepitelioma. Manifestations. Methods
of diagnosis and treatment (chemotherapy, surgical treatment).
23.Emergency, palliative care and plastic surgery in Gynecology.
Supravaginal amputation of uterus. Extirpation of uterus. Surgical
treatment of malformations and anomalies of genitals and urinary
system, reconstructive plastic surgery for pelvic floor dysfunction.
24.Endoscopic techniques of diagnosis and treatment in Gynecology.
Diagnostic and operative laparoscopy. Hysteroscopy,
25.Premature ovarian failure. Etiology. Clinics. Diagnosis. Treatment.
26.. Gynecological peritonitis. Pathogenesis. Clinics. Diagnosis. Management.
27. Hyperprolactinemia. Etiology. Clinics. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
28. Endometritis. Etiology. Classification. Clinics. Diagnosis.
29.. Hypothalamic amenorrhea. Etiology. Clinics. Diagnosis, treatment.
30. Ovarian apoplexy. Pathogenesis. Clinical signs. Diagnosis.
31.. Amenorrhea. Uterine forms. Pathogenesis. Clinics. Treatment.
32.. Bartolinitis. Etiology. Clinics. Diagnosis. Treatment.
33.. Septic shock. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinics.
34.. Polycystic ovary disease. Etiology. Clinical signs. Treatment.
35.. Sheehans syndrome. Etiology. Clinical signs. Diagnosis. Treatment.
36.. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Classification. Clinics. Diagnosis.
37.. Uterine myoma. Classification. Clinics. Diagnosis.
38.. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in postmenopause. Etiology. Clinical signs.
39.. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in adolescents. Etiology. Clinical signs.
40.. Vaginitis. Etiology. Clinical signs. Diagnosis. Treatment.
41. Ectopic pregnancy. Classification. Clinics. Diagnosis.
42.. Mullerian agenesis. Etiology. Clinical signs. Treatment.
43.. Vaginal agenesis. Etiology. Clinical signs. Treatment.
44.. Turner syndrome. Etiology. Clinical signs. Treatment.
45.. Pituitary amenorrhea. Etiology. Clinical signs. Diagnosis. Treatment
46.. Hirsutism. CAH. Etiology. Clinical signs. Treatment.
47.. Gynecological examination. Bimanual vaginal examination. Methods of
functional diagnostics.
48.. Instrumental methods of diagnosis in gynecology. Ultrasound,
hysteroscopy, hysterosalpingography.
49.. Trichomoniasis. Etiology. Clinical signs. Diagnosis. Treatment.
50. Tests of functional diagnostics.
51. Laboratory diagnostic methods. Hormonal research, microbiological research. Molecular
genetic research methods. Cytological method for diagnosing diseases of the cervix.
52. Instrumental diagnostic methods.
53. . Surgical methods of treatment.
54. Regulation of the menstrual cycle. Structure and functions of the reproductive system.
55. Levels of regulation of the reproductive system.
56. . What changes occur in the endometrium during the menstrual cycle. 4 phases in the
57. . Violation of the development of the reproductive system. Precocious sexual
58. Isosexual dangerous sexual development. Etiology. Clinic
59. . Isosexual dangerous sexual development. Diagnostics. Treatment.
60. . Heterosexual dangerous puberty. adrenogenital syndrome.
61. . Adrenogenital syndrome. Diagnosis, treatment.
62. . Lack of sexual development. facilities.
63. . Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome. Etiology, clinic.
64. Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome. Diagnostics. Treatment.
65. . Erased form of gonadal dysgenesis. Etiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
66. . Pure form of gonadal dysgenesis. Etiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
67. . Mixed form of gonadal dysgenesis. Etiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
68. . Malformations of the female genital organs. Anomalies of the hymen and vulva.
Anomalies in the development of the vagina.
69. Malformations of the female genital organs. Anomalies in the development of the
70. . Anomalies in the development of the fallopian tubes, ovaries.
71. . Klinefelter's syndrome. Etiology. Clinical and laboratory signs in childhood.
72. . Klinefelter's syndrome. Clinical and laboratory signs during puberty.
73. Gynecological examination (bivalve vaginal speculum, bimanual, rectal,
75.To collect a specific gynecological anamnesis, to evaluate the findings of
laboratory tests
76.(complete blood count and blood biochemical test, urinalysis, blood
coagulation system, etc.).
77.Collection of material from the vagina, urethra and cervical canal.
78. To evaluate the findings of colposcopocytological examination.
79. To evaluate the findings of colposcopy.
80. To evaluate the findings of testing of the functional state of the ovaries.
81. To evaluate the findings of cytological, histological, bacteriological studies.
82. To evaluate the radiological findings of female genital organs.
83. To evaluate the ultrasonography findings.
84.To make a plan of examination of a patient in different types of
gynecological pathology.
85.11. Planning of treatment regimen and prophylaxis in different types of
87. Uterine sounding (on a phantom).
88.Puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal arch (on the
90.Preoperative and postoperative management of gynecological patients
91.Congenital abnormalities of the genital organs, infantilism, gonad
dysgenesis (clinical manifestations, diagnosis, correction methods).
92.Inflammatory diseases of genitals in girls.
93.Hygienic and sexual education.
94.Contraception for adolescents.
95.Pregnancy and childbirth among teenagers
96.Diagnostic value of colposcopy, cytological, histological methods.
97.Endometrial hyperplasia (glandular hyperplasia, atypical hyperplasia,
polyposis). Methods of treatment in the age aspect. Endometrial cancer,
classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
98.The basic principles of medical and non-medical treatment genital diseases.
Prevention and rehabilitation.
99.Neuro-endocrine syndromes in gynecology (menopause, premenstrual,
climacteric virilism, ovarian sclerosis).
100. Gonadal dysgenesia. Testicular feminization. The value of genetic
disorders in the origin of primary amenorrhea

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