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End-of- the-Year Reading Test 7th Grade

Name ______________________________________________ Total _____/24

Date _______________________ Class __________ Mark _____

Task 1.
Read the texts. Match the sentences 1-5 with the correct text (A or B).


We are a large four-star hotel in the city centre. We are looking for a young
person (age 16–20) to work part-time in reception, eight hours a day from Friday
until Monday. Experience is not necessary because you will work with
professional receptionists. Some computer skills are necessary for emails and
Internet searches, but you will also learn how to use the hotel's own software. The
most important thing is foreign languages. You should speak two European
languages, and another language (e.g. Chinese or Arabic) will be an advantage.
Hotel workers have special prices for the use of the gymnasium and swimming
pool. Please apply in writing before 5th April.


We are looking for an instructor for all activities in our new swimming pools. This
is a full-time job, five days a week (Monday to Friday), plus two weekends per
month. You should have a sports-related degree, preferably including first aid, and
at least one year's experience. If your ambition is a career in this kind of work, this
is a good place to start, with the chance to work at one of 30 clubs in cities across
Europe! If you work with us, you also get free use of the swimming pools on
weekends when you are not working. You can work with experienced people, so
you can learn a lot of useful new skills. Closing date for applications is 15th April.

1 You sometimes have to work on Saturday and Sunday. ___

2 You don't need to have any work experience before you start. ___

3 You must have the right training before you can apply. ___

4 You can travel to different countries with this job ___

5 You have to pay to use the swimming pool. ___

Task 2. Read the texts below. Write the correct names (Iliana, Magda or
Petra) in the blanks.

An Internet forum
© TCM, Lesia Diachenko, Kyiv, KLB, 2023
Adopted from © Oxford Solutions 2nd, Elementary, Progress Test 5A, 9A;
© Oxford Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Placement Test;
© Smith, P., & Cole, A. (2016). Test Generator: Review Test Higher 1. In Gateway (2nd Ed., Level: A2). Macmillan Education Macmillan Gateway 2ND edition A2
End-of- the-Year Reading Test 7th Grade

Iliana 14th April 4.30 p.m.

My parents always tell me my lifestyle is unhealthy. Mum says I eat too much
fast food, but how much is too much? I go out with my friends twice a week, and
we have pizzas, burgers and a coke. Where's the problem? That's what young
people normally do! I have lots of fruit at home, I eat normal home cooking – I'm
not a fussy eater like a vegan or anything! My dad says I should get more
exercise, but he sits on the sofa all day watching TV!

Magda 14th April 4.50 p.m.

You shouldn't worry about what your parents think! My parents are never happy
with what I do, but you learn not to listen! Have you got any brothers or sisters
with a food problem? I have a sister who doesn't like vegetables, fish or cheese.
She only likes sausages, pasta and fruit! I think she should see a doctor! But my
parents don't worry very much – they say it's just part of growing up!

Petra 15th April 11.20 a.m.

You two are lucky! Your parents know how to cook! They should send my
parents to a cookery school! We get cabbage four times a week, and take-away
meals the other days. When I want some fruit, I have to buy it myself. My father's
like Homer Simpson – he eats everything and anything, and then he wants some
more! It's painful to watch him and I get a headache from listening to him! Maybe I
should go and live with my grandparents – they always have good food!

6. _________ sometimes has fast food.

7. _________ doesn't listen to her parents.

8. _________ prefers her grandparents' cooking.

9. _________'s father doesn't do any exercise.

10. _________'s parents don't give her any fruit.

Task 3. Read two comments about a website. Then decide if the statements
are true (T) or false (F).

We live in a new house and my mum is using a great website,,
to plan all the rooms. It’s lots of fun. You can move the sofa and the armchairs or
put the beds in a different place. Or put a desk in the living room and a mirror in
the hall. You draw a plan of your house. Then you can move your furniture to
© TCM, Lesia Diachenko, Kyiv, KLB, 2023
Adopted from © Oxford Solutions 2nd, Elementary, Progress Test 5A, 9A;
© Oxford Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Placement Test;
© Smith, P., & Cole, A. (2016). Test Generator: Review Test Higher 1. In Gateway (2nd Ed., Level: A2). Macmillan Education Macmillan Gateway 2ND edition A2
End-of- the-Year Reading Test 7th Grade

different rooms. Perhaps it looks good, perhaps it doesn’t. OK – try again. You
can change your plan again and again until you get it right! And you can see the
results in 3D – it’s very real. You don’t have to work hard and you can still have
the perfect house! We have a lot of furniture from our old house and with this
website we can try lots of different ways before we have to move anything. It’s
easy to use and the 3D is great.

My dad has got and he lets me play with it. I don’t usually surf
the Internet much or play games, but this website is great! My bedroom is quite
small and my dad says I can have some new furniture, but first I have to decide
where I want to put my things. I’m using the website, and it’s helping a lot. I want a
new bed with a desk under it and some more cupboards. It’s looking good now
and my dad likes the plan so I can get my new furniture soon.

Statement True False

11. is for people who want to buy a new
12. You need a plan of your house to use
13. You can only change your rooms once.
14. Anna’s mum is using the website because the family has
moved to a new house.
15. Damian is using to plan his room for
the future.

Read the comments again and choose the best answers, A, B, C or D.

16. Using A.move to a new house. hard work B.sell their old furniture online.
B.doesn't really work. new furniture.
C.saves you from hard work. D.arrange their old furniture.
D.isn't a lot of fun.

17. Anna and her mum want to 18. Damian

© TCM, Lesia Diachenko, Kyiv, KLB, 2023
Adopted from © Oxford Solutions 2nd, Elementary, Progress Test 5A, 9A;
© Oxford Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Placement Test;
© Smith, P., & Cole, A. (2016). Test Generator: Review Test Higher 1. In Gateway (2nd Ed., Level: A2). Macmillan Education Macmillan Gateway 2ND edition A2
End-of- the-Year Reading Test 7th Grade

A.often plays games online. A.doesn’t want to buy new furniture

B.wants to change bedrooms. happy with Damian’s ideas for his
C.enjoys using room
D.doesn’t want a new desk. C.wants to plan Damian’s room
19. Damian’s dad D.wants furniture for his room.

Task 4. Read the text. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

An unusual job!
Have you seen a football match recently? If you have, I’m sure that you heard
lots of comments about the referee as well as about the players! Referees have a
very difficult job. They have to make quick and important decisions in the middle
of a fast-moving game. And, of course, there are thousands of people shouting at
them too. The crowd is never happy when the ref sends off their favourite player.
Also, in football today there still isn’t the same technology as there is in other
sports, like tennis. The job can get even more difficult when you’re a woman who
is refereeing a men’s match!
There is no reason why there should not be the same number of male and
female referees in the sport today. However, the number of female refs is still very
low – particularly at the highest levels of professional football. This is something
that one woman, Pat Dunn, who died in 1999, would have been very sad about.
Pat was the first woman in the UK to referee a men’s football match but she
wasn’t allowed to do this for a long time. Pat was a strong supporter of women’s
rights in sport and became President of the Ladies’ Football Association in 1969.
Then she decided to train to be a referee. For a long time the Football Association
refused to give her a certificate although she had passed the exams. But Pat
continued fighting and she finally got permission in 1976. The next month she
became famous when she refereed her first official FA game. Pat became a very
good and successful referee and even saved a footballer’s life. She helped him
when he was injured during a match!
Today there are some famous female referees, like Bibiana Steinhaus from
Germany who has just refereed the final of the Women’s Football World Cup.
Bibiana decided to become a referee at the age of 16 and later was the first
female referee in the German men’s professional league. But there are only a few
like her.

© TCM, Lesia Diachenko, Kyiv, KLB, 2023

Adopted from © Oxford Solutions 2nd, Elementary, Progress Test 5A, 9A;
© Oxford Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Placement Test;
© Smith, P., & Cole, A. (2016). Test Generator: Review Test Higher 1. In Gateway (2nd Ed., Level: A2). Macmillan Education Macmillan Gateway 2ND edition A2
End-of- the-Year Reading Test 7th Grade

Football is still mainly a men’s game – both for players and referees. But for how
long? Will we see more women referees in the future? We’d like to know what
YOU think. So, please go online and leave a comment on our website.

20. Referees have a difficult job because…

A.they need to run fast.
B.the players shout at them.
C.they have to think quickly.

21. In the sport of tennis…

A.they use more technology.
B.there are more women players.
C there are bigger crowds.

22. Who was Pat Dunn?

A.A woman football player.
B.A nurse at football matches.
C.An important member of the Ladies’ Football Association.

23. When was the first female referee in the UK appointed?

A. 1969

24. Bibiana Steinhaus…

A.wanted to be a referee when she was a teenager.
B.recently refereed a men’s football final.
C.plays in the top women’s league.

© TCM, Lesia Diachenko, Kyiv, KLB, 2023

Adopted from © Oxford Solutions 2nd, Elementary, Progress Test 5A, 9A;
© Oxford Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Placement Test;
© Smith, P., & Cole, A. (2016). Test Generator: Review Test Higher 1. In Gateway (2nd Ed., Level: A2). Macmillan Education Macmillan Gateway 2ND edition A2

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