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JUN, 2022

I, Yonas Chaaka, hereby declare that the study entitled “assessement of women entrepreneur
decision making practice in case of Arba Minch town is the outcome of my own effort with the
support of my advisor. This study has not been submitted for any degree or diploma in other
university or institution. All the necessary sources of materials used for the study have been duly

Name of the Student Signature Date

________________________ _________________ _______________

Name of Advisor Signature Date

________________________ _________________ _______________

Name of Examiner Signature Date

________________________ _________________ _______________

________________________ _________________ _______________

I would like to express my deep gratitude from the core of my heart to God, who has given me the
strength to carry on in my hard times and for his invaluable gift being with me throughout in my
study as the research comes to end with his will. I feel the deepest sense of gratitude to my Advisor
Aster Seifu (MBA), a man with true respect for learning, for his proper guidance and encouragement
for this study upon the completion of this study. I would also like to acknowledge to participants and
contributors of the study who forwards their idea, believes, agreements and disagreements through
questionnaire, interview and discussion. Finally, my special thanks go to all my friends and relatives
for the generous support and contribution of by letting the researcher to discuss and sharing idea.

Contents page
CHAPTER ONE.....................................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................1
1.1. Back Ground Of The Study..........................................................................................................1
1.2 statement of the problem................................................................................................................2
1.3 Research questions.........................................................................................................................3
1.4 Objective of the study....................................................................................................................3
1.4.1 General Objective....................................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Specific Objectives..................................................................................................................3
1.5 Significance of the study................................................................................................................3
1.6 Scope of the study..........................................................................................................................4
1.7 limitation of the study....................................................................................................................4
1.8 organization of the study................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.....................................................................................................................................5
2. RELATED REVIEW LITERATURE................................................................................................5
2.1 Women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia.................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Historical overview..................................................................................................................5
2.2 The difference between women and men entrepreneurs decision making practice.......................6
2.3 Profiles of women entrepreneurs...................................................................................................7
2.4 The Role of Women Entrepreneur in the Economy.......................................................................7
2.4.1 Creation of job opportunity.....................................................................................................7
2.4.2 Increase in per capital output and income...............................................................................7
2.4.3 Better utilization of resource...................................................................................................8
2.4.4 Better production method and better products........................................................................8
2.4.5 Identification business opportunity.........................................................................................8
2.4.6 Conservation of natural resources...........................................................................................8
2.4.7 Business opportunity for women suppliers.............................................................................8
2.5 Challenging Factors for Women Entrepreneur Decision Making.................................................8
2.5.1 Cultural norms and attitudes of society...................................................................................8
2.5.2 Financial factors......................................................................................................................9

2.5.3 Legal aspect.............................................................................................................................9
2.5.4 Socio-economic and political conditions...............................................................................10
2.5.5 Work/home role conflict........................................................................................................10
2.5.6 Changing preparation............................................................................................................10
2.6 Decision making..........................................................................................................................11
2.6.1 Features of decision making..................................................................................................11
CHAPTER THREE...............................................................................................................................12
3. Research Methodology......................................................................................................................12
3.1 Research Design...........................................................................................................................12
3.2 Source of data..............................................................................................................................12
3.2.1 Primary source.......................................................................................................................12
3.2.2 Secondary source...................................................................................................................13
3.3 Method of data collection............................................................................................................13
3.3.1 Sampling techniques..............................................................................................................13
3.3.2 Target population of the study...............................................................................................13
3.3.3 Sample size............................................................................................................................13
3.4 Method of data analysis...............................................................................................................14
CHAPTER FOUR.................................................................................................................................15
DATA ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION......................................................................................15
4.1 background information of the respondents................................................................................15
4.2 Inspiration of Entrepreneur..........................................................................................................17
4.3 Role of women entrepreneur decision making in economic development..................................19
4.4 challenging factor of women entrepreneur decision making.......................................................25
CHAPTER FIVE...................................................................................................................................28
5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.........................................................28
5.1 Summary Of Finding...................................................................................................................29
5.2 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................29
5.3 Recommendation.........................................................................................................................30

List of table’s page
Table 4.1 personal information.............................................................................................................18
Table 4.2 how did inspired in business.................................................................................................20
Table 4.3: knowledge of respondents about decision making.............................................................21
Table 4.4: The role women...................................................................................................................22
Table 4.5 participation of women entrepreneur decision making.........................................................23
Table 4.6 Reasons for low participation in decision making................................................................23
Table 4.7 the difference between men and women entrepreneur decision making..............................24
Table 4.8 government policy encouraging women entrepreneur decision making...............................24
Table 4.9 their participation in decision making and house hold..........................................................25
Table 4.0 the society attitude towards women entrepreneur decision making......................................26
Table 4.11 the society negative attitude................................................................................................26
Table 4.12 factors that influence the participation of women entrepreneur decision making..............27
Table 4.12 factors that limit women entrepreneur participation in decision making............................28
Table 4.13 how can reduce these factors...............................................................................................29


This study was tries to assess the women entrepreneur decision making in Arbaminch town.
The main objective of this study was to investigate the women entrepreneur decision making
practice in Arbaminch town. In collecting the data, the researcher was used both primary and
secondary source of data and investigated in detail. The study is used sampling techniques for
taking planned samples from sampling frame through simple random and proportionate
stratified sampling techniques. The researcher took 93 women entrepreneurs from a total of
1372 women entrepreneur in five sectors (manufacturing, construction, service, urban
agriculture and trade). The method of data analysis would be descriptive analysis which, the
gatherings data from the respondents are carefully arranged and categorized in to suitable
form and merged in to similar ground and data was covered in to percentage and accurate
show by table in detail. The results would be described women entrepreneur decision making
practice and challenges for women entrepreneur decision making practice. some of the
problems faced by women entrepreneur decision making practice are lack of education and
training, lack of awareness about decision making and attitude of the society towards women
entrepreneur decision making practice and also the negative attitude of the society towards
women entrepreneur decision making practice is the major problem which pointed out from
the study. Women entrepreneur decision making are influenced by several problems and in
order to solve these problems government and concerned bodies should have provide
different facilities such as education, training and awareness creation etc.
Key words
 Entrepreneurship
 Entrepreneur



1.1. Back Ground of the Study

The women business ownership act to establish programs and initiate efforts to assist the
development of women owned business. This low has brought greater recognition to women
interpreter through there remark table growth in entrepreneurship as evidence by the aggregate
statistics (R.Reagan, 1988).

To suggest that women are key players in entrepreneurial activities and make significant contribution
in the economic development of many nations around the world (Mintti and Ireland, 2010).

A women entrepreneur has been recognized as an important source of economic growth in many
countries their potential note yet been realized in an optimal fashion in many countries on the Africa
continent (Obbe, 1980 and Adersual, 2004).

As a result of rising problems of poverty and unemployment in various countries around the world
there is now growing interest in fostering entrepreneurial activates the interests’ rests on the belief
that entrepreneurship stimulates economic growth and development (Naude, 2011).

Entrepreneurship is the process of creating something different with value by devoting the necessary
time and effort. Assuming accompanying financial, physical, social risks and receiving the resulting
rewards of monetary and personal satisfaction (Robert D.Hisrich, 1989).

Entrepreneurship role is one of gathering and using resources but they added that resource to produce
results must be allocated to opportunities rather than problems (David H.Holl, 2005).

Most women entrepreneur of the 1980 had little formal preparation for a business carrier many
worked at jobs fact they were under paid and called do the work better than their employer and broke
away to start their own enterprise other pondered a business of own, saved their moral and finally
decided to take the plunge for most the new venture was a learning experience (D.F.Kuratko, 1998).

But Ethiopia such an economic with become democracy in 1994 after several years of socialist
regime. Ethiopia adopted its micro and small enterprise development strategy in 1997. But before this

the women enterprise associations were established in early 1990. Ethiopian women entrepreneur
association for the first time managed to flag role that woman entrepreneur played in on the economy
(Hailey Gebrtinsae, 2003).

Decision making in a study of identifying and choosing an alternative based on the value and
performance of decision maker. Making decision implies that are alternative choose to be considered
and in such case, we went note only identifying many of alternative as possible, but chose the one that
best fit with our goals, objectives, desires and values (Harris, 1998).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Obviously, women’s have different important roles in house hold business, political and social issues
women owned or managed business have significant economic power as well as being a major
economic instrument for sustainable development. In most developing countries women entrepreneur
activity faces a wide range of constraints (Fiorito, 1998).

The major constraints include the legal and regulatory environment, financial business information,
business premises, the acquisition of skills and managerial expertise, accesses to appropriate
technology and in some case discriminatory regulatory practice. Gender equality a pre request for the
promotion of women opportunities and participated in business activates all sector (C.Vonderwee,

Decision making has an inevitable component of any business organization. Decision making as a
process that can help us, reach an appropriate solution for a given problem also entrepreneur can play
noticeable role in business decision making process and has significant impact on success and frailer
of the organization (Simon,1996).

Decision making is subjective or it may differ from individual to individual. There for the researcher
was interested to study the assessment of women entrepreneur decision making practice in Arba
Minch town.

Therefore, the researcher of this particular study was conducted it in the assessment of women
entrepreneur decision making practice in Arba Minch town micro and small-scale enterprise. It
focused on how women’s entrepreneurs are perceived about decision making. The researcher is
attempted to explore different facts regarding with women entrepreneur decision making practice and

will address it from the wealth of existing literature in order to reach a sound conclusion and to
provide an accurate finding for the purpose of providing a scientific contribution for the institution in
general. To sum up the researcher believes that conducting this study was beneficial to solve the
practical problems of women entrepreneur decision making practice.

1.3 Research Questions

The factor that imitates the researcher to conduct this investigation is to assess women entrepreneur
decision making of Arba Minch small and micro enterprise and the challenges that affect the decision
making of women entrepreneur by addressing the following guiding question: -

RQ1: -What are the challenges of women entrepreneur decision making in Arba Minch town?

RQ2: -What are the roles of women entrepreneur decision making practice in economic

RQ3: -What is the difference between women and men entrepreneur decision making in terms of
participation in Arba Minch town?

1.4 Objective of the Study

1.4.1 General Objective

The general objective of this study was to assess women entrepreneur decision making practice in
case of Arba Minch town.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

In addition to the above general objective the study would have the following specific objectives.

To determine challenges of women entrepreneur decision making.

To describe the role of women entrepreneur decision making in economic development.

To show the difference between women and men entrepreneur decision making in terms of

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study contributes the following significance for both the researcher and women entrepreneur. It
serves as the base line for other researcher who wants to conduct study on similar area. From this
study women’s can understand the importance of decision and identify their weak side and can avoid
this weak side and increase their participation in business activities and it also helps how to run the
business. In general after this study was completed, the study would have the following significance.

Provide detail information about women entrepreneur decision making.

The finding of the researcher gives ways for other researcher how wants to take further investigation
on the problem.

1.6 Scope of the Study

Due to lack of enough time and high cost this study are conducted on women entrepreneur decision
making practice only in Arba Minch town. Methodologically all literature review will not be
reviewed, because of lack of sufficient data like reference books in library and the time and budget
allowance for data collection are not sufficient to gathered all the relevant data at required level.
Given the time and resource limitation and specific scope, this is intending to neither exhaustive nor
comprehensive, but a modest step in the direction pin pointing the contribution of micro and small-
scale enterprise sector to women decision making and limitations facing the sector in the study area
briefly. In general, the researcher faces different limitations; scope limitation and theoretical
limitation are the major constraints. But the researcher tried to manage them and conducted the

1.7 Limitation of the Study

The study has faced various limitations with respect to time since the time allocated was academic
year which not enough. The other is the financial constraints to cover the various costs the study
required. Unavailability of organized and timely data was another problem of the study.

1.8 Organization of the Study

The study has five main chapters. The first chapter included introductory parts which contain the
background, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope of the
study and limitation of the study. The second chapter includes related review of literature from
different books. The third chapter included methodology of the study parts which contain research
design, source of data, and method of data collection, sample size determination and method of data
presentation. The fourth chapter consists of data analysis and presentation and the last chapter
includes summery, recommendation and conclusion of the study.



The word entrepreneur originated in 17th century from French word entrepreneur which means, to
undertake the entrepreneur is one who undertakes to organize, manage and assume the risk of the
business. In recent years entrepreneur have been doing so many things that is necessary to broaden
this definition. Today an entrepreneur is an innovation or developer who recognize and site
opportunities converts in to workable or marketable idea, adds value through time, effort, money and
skills assumes the risks of competitive market place to implement these idea and realties the rewards
from these efforts. (Richard, 1998)

Entrepreneurship is the process of creating something new with value by devoting the necessary time
and effort, assuming the accompanying financial, psychic and social risks, and receiving resulting
rewards of monetary personal satisfaction and independence. (Edward de bono, 1999).

2.1 Women Entrepreneurs in Ethiopia

2.1.1 Historical Overview

In Ethiopia, the role of women in economic development has been tremendous through united nation
accounted for agricultural sector the numbered believed to reach 50% the biggest share of the activity
in the sector is the responsibility of women. They are engaged in crop production, food processing,
and preservation, buying and selling crops and other general works that are considered as the main
function of women. Recounting the role played by women had been developed over the year.
Shouldering heavy responsibility women cannot participate in activates that would promote their
entrepreneurial capacity lack of access to land ownership, early marriage and illiteracy are some of
the factors that have the crippled the development and explanation of women entrepreneurship in the
country. Many women business owners quit leadership position in larger organizations at home
supporting the possibility of systematic organizational power imbalance perhaps gender corporate
cultures. (Sharp, 1999)

Business starts of women must be assessed in terms of particular contexts and conditions their
motives and approaches must be examined carefully against their own goals and standards. Although,
there are continuing calls for further studies comparing women to men business owner (Fasci and
Valdz, 1998).

As (More and Buttner, 1997) asserts research still tends to measure women according to the
traditional models of business ownership created by the men how react to the environment and do
whatever it takes to bringing the venture fruition. More recent study of networking has concluded that
women are as active as men entrepreneur in networking to obtain assistance and as successesful as
men in obtain high quality assistance including resources (Aldrich and Dubini, 1997).

Women business development certain characteristics according to the circumstance of business

challenges they experience women startup motives and enterprise goals are unique. There reason for
interring a business appear to depend partly on “pull” factor such as seeking greater fulfillment
accomplishment and control in their work and partly on “push” factor such as gender discrimination
they in counter in jobs. This entire dimension appears to vary according to different women’s
possession in terms of socio-economic condition, race, geographic location, former education, and
experience and community network (Sexton and Bowman, 1990)

2.2 The Difference between Women and Men Entrepreneurs Decision Making

Research shows women entrepreneur are not different from men entrepreneur decision making. For
example, both are motivated by the desire to achieve and to attain personal independence. In many
cases both are been influenced by frustration or dissatisfaction with their former occupation and by
desire to change their personal circumstance. Both rely heavily on personal assist and saving to start
their firm. Both are goal oriented in decision making and they are enthusiastic, energetic and find
strong support for their effort from their secure and close friends (Wendell L.1997).

The value of both groups is also similar with the desire for power and economic pay offending to
head the list much of the existing literature takes greater pain in pointing out the correction between
the roses and status or women in specifics society and problems that faces as female business and

other entrepreneur activates. Women are no different than men entrepreneur decision making to
derive and their desire for economic independence and personal self-fulfillment that a business
ownership brings. However, there is a catch it tends to be more difficult to women’s than means to
make the decision (Tyler, 1980).

It suggested that women entrepreneur face certain obstacles that are common women entrepreneur. In
general challenges such as lack of capital, sufficient entrepreneur activates, managerial skill, technical
training, best experience, other economical and lack of technological advancement. However, this
problem may back up by additional factors which have an impact on women more. The major
constraint faced by women entrepreneur decision making are the cumulative men station various
characteristics in terms of economic, social, cultural, and political environment of the country as well
as in the town women entrepreneur (ibid).

2.3 Profiles of women entrepreneurs

Ethiopian women played a traditional role of mother and house wife activates in both rural and urban
area of the country. However, their work has never been limited to the household and family only
(Mulume-betmitiku, 1995).

Women have a second-class status within the family as well as in the society to have unlimited access
to economic resource and not much emphasis has been given for their productivities. The economic
capacity of an entity is restated the access control and ability to exploit production inputs which are
land, personal, property, infrastructure property education opportunity including knowledge and
information for women who are engage in different types of entrepreneurial activities. These women
entrepreneur have various contribution and hence face different obstacles based on the two criteria are
attachment to entrepreneurial idea (business growth oriented and limited growth) and acceptance of
converted roles (traditional and non-traditional) www// enter…pdf

2.4 The Role of Women Entrepreneur in the Economy

The women entrepreneur is the catalyst that plays a crucial role in the developing country economy.
The following are some of the contributions the women entrepreneur: -

2.4.1 Creation of job opportunity

The hard work of the women entrepreneur often results in the formation of small business that opens
job opportunity to many others in addition to the entrepreneur itself.

2.4.2 Increase in per capital output and income

Entrepreneurial business activities result in increasing income for the entrepreneur, hire employs and
other related business the supply of goods and services in the economy will also be increased
eventually leads to an increase in perceptual output and income in the economy.

2.4.3 Better utilization of resource

Some entrepreneur become the successful by inventing method and process that enables the
production of goods out of the resource that been ignore and labeled as “useless” such initiative leads
to improved use of neglecting resource and conversation of the one or ready in use.

2.4.4 Better production method and better products

Women entrepreneur often introduce better production methods in terms of processing speed, quality
of output energy consumption etc. improved production method in turn results in better goods and
services improvement may be in terms of price, quality, location, case of use packaging effectiveness
of the product.

2.4.5 Identification business opportunity

Markets entrepreneur always map eyes open to identify and exploit market opportunity ones they
devote them service to satisfy the market gap. However, the reality is that entrepreneur hardly
succeeds in meeting all the market demand and meet the rest of the market needs.

2.4.6 Conservation of natural resources

Some women become successful entrepreneur because they managed to invent production methods
that consumed less energy and raw materials such as technology results conservation of natural

2.4.7 Business opportunity for women suppliers

Entrepreneurs needs to acquire inputs such as employee, raw materials to produce goods and service
in most cases the entrepreneur will not able to supply inputs here own. Therefore, these resources are
supplied by other suppliers.

2.5 Challenging Factors for Women Entrepreneur Decision Making

2.5.1 Cultural norms and attitudes of society

The society attitudes hinder directly or indirectly women entrepreneurial activity in business sector
and other sectors. The society holds a low esteem for women business and other entrepreneurial
activity they perceive that she is attributed low value not only by men but also is attributed
themselves. This perception of women’s tasks in the society and community as up productive and in
discrediting their effort and works is critical factor in undertaking the female labor force. In fact, in a
very long period of time women’s have been involved in business sector and other sector. However,
these women have been hidden role in business or up paid or operate small enterprise of out of home.
One of the most various barriers to the women’s is that value abilities and role of women at work are
often kept in side. Moreover, not always according to business person the same stem and competence.
According to the H.pongen (1987). Male and female domination in country greater constraints duty
resistance, discrimination, and other related cases.

2.5.2 Financial factors

Women are usually found in very small enterprise and small loans which are viewed as up profitable
by the bank and financial institutions, since high administrative costs are associated. Women have the
difficulty in acquiring the major and critical resources. Most frequently women entrepreneurs do not
have easy accesses to credit or obtaining bank loan is not to several factors. The financial institution
is not responsive to women owned business due to size and nature of business organization.
Generally, the assumption is that financial institution do not give credit business persons who are not
involved in high level capital in order for business to sort and grow gradually there must be the
availability of substation amount of investment since the investment will usually lead to small
revenue (C.Vonderwees and H.ronili,1987).

2.5.3 Legal aspect

Some law hinders women access and ownership of key resources. Consequently, women do not hold
property in their own name immovable property usually registered in the fathers, brothers or
husbands. The decision is also decided by fathers, brothers or husbands. This limits the participation
of women entrepreneurs in decision making because of lack of ownership right over the business.
Many laws do not provide women with legal status of their own there by react them to depend on
their husband etc. generally women do not have a property which is used a pelage security required to
set business and this affects the decision-making practice of women entrepreneurs.

2.5.4 Socio-economic and political conditions

In order to set up a business is necessary to have an infrastructure development measure that is study
of available capital, roads transportation, electricity, standard of health, education, communication,
sufficient technical and information supports. In order to set up a business the above requirements
should be fulfilled. Lack of education is the major factors for women entrepreneur decision making
because most of women entrepreneurs have not the idea and importance of decision making. Unstable
political condition is also another factor for women entrepreneurs’ decision-making practice. In order
to set up a business should be the necessary infrastructure available which consists the empowered
the local potential to get though strong development these factor have remains impact on long term
perspectives of entrepreneurial potential in the country women which are more affected due to
women status in the social community (H.pongen, 1987).

2.5.5 Work/home role conflict

The growth of women-owned business is reflection of the change’s society. The concepts of dual
income families and professional women in the work place are expanding notions. However, this
societal change also poses a critical problem for women entrepreneurs a tension exists in the form of
inter role conflict, in which the pressure from the entrepreneurial role and the home maker become
incompatible. A number of variables have been identified that affect the role conflict for time
pressures of entrepreneurial venture bear heavily on the level of conflicts. In additions family’s size
can affects the tension due to the demand of younger children the degree of family support for the
women in her venture also may affect the tension level her thus the role conflicts.

2.5.6 Changing preparation

Most women entrepreneurs of the 1980’s had little formal preparations. For business career money
worked at a job felt they were under paid and could do work better than their employer and broke
away of star their won enterprise. Other pondered business of own, save their money and finally
decide to take the plunge. For most the new venture was learning experience dealing with bankers
drawing up business plans, hiring & firing personal and expansion decision were all matters learned
through firsthand experience. Today major changes in women entrepreneurs prepare to start their own
venture are occurring. More formal training greater economic opportunities and changing social
mores are influences the entrepreneurial environment. The women entrepreneurs of this decade are
quite different from their counterparts of one or two decades earlier.

2.6 Decision making

Different writers write as define decision making from their different viewpoints. Stoner Freeman and
Gilbert (2002) states that decision making is the process of identifying selecting course of action to
value specific problems.

Frank and Harrison (1995) defined as decision making refers to either a specific act or general
process. It is alternative the person making decision must recognize and defining the nature of
situations identifying alternative choosing the best alternative and putting in to practice. Mesert and
Yigremew (2006) defined as it is a rational choice among alternative. There have to be option choice
from if there are not there are no choice possible and no decision. Decision making a process not
lighting blot occurrence in making decision. A manager making judgment reaching a conclusion from
a list known alternative.

2.6.1 Features of decision making

According to Gupta, Sharma and Bhava (2002) there are different features of decision making these
are: -

Decision making are a goal-oriented process. It aims achieving certain specified goal of the

Decision making is selecting in which best alternative course of action chosen from amongst
alternative course of action.

It considered both science and art.

It can be both positive and negative. I.e., means it may be positive to perform certain activity or
negative not to perform certain activity.

Decision making involves deep and careful thinking and hence it is a mental process.

Decision is made for future course of action based on past experience and present condition.


3. Research Methodology

3.1 Research Design

The type of study used for the purpose of study is descriptive study. It has been used because it is a
fact-finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of the finding. It describes what the
reality is. It describes what actually exists within a situation, such as current practices, situations, etc.
of different aspects of the research. Since the present study is concerned with assessing women
entrepreneur decision making practice of Arba Minch town, the researcher has assumed that the
descriptive type of research was the most appropriate method to be used.

3.2 Source of data

Building needs different materials for successful construction so, the only possible way of achieving
the objective of the study is through gathering relevant data to do this the researcher was used both
primary and secondary source of data.

3.2.1 Primary source

Primary source of data are original materials that have not been altered or distorted in any way and
are the raw material of original document and objects which were created at the time. Primary data
are original observation collected by the researcher.

3.2.2 Secondary source

A document or recording that relates or discusses information presented. Are document written after
an event are happened occurred provided second hand accounts of event.

3.3 Method of data collection

Source of primary data was collected through questionnaire proposed tools for the primary data
collection method that is close ended and open-ended type questions prepared to women entrepreneur

to express their feeling and provided alternative to choose. Source of secondary data were gathered
from different published documents are source of date such as books, reports and internet websites
and also previously done researches on different aspects of women entrepreneur are source of
secondary data.

3.3.1 Sampling techniques

Samples are made up of some of the members of women entrepreneurs. Selecting a sample is a
fundamental element for the study. Sampling design is the basic concept which is used to structure of
data that benefits to the researcher either used without complexity. The researcher was used
proportionate stratified sampling and simple random sampling techniques.

3.3.2 Target population of the study

The study focused on Arba Minch town micro and small-scale enterprise and the total population that
means the number of women entrepreneurs are 1372 from these 265 entrepreneurs in manufacturing,
363 entrepreneurs in construction, 440 entrepreneurs in service, 121 entrepreneurs in urban
agriculture and 183 entrepreneurs in trade sector. This data is obtained from Arba Minch micro and
small-scale enterprise office.

3.3.3 Sample size

The researcher took 93 women entrepreneurs as a sample to select the sample size by using stratified
sampling techniques. The researcher was indicated the sample selection process in the following table
based on TayroYamane (1967) sample size determination.

n= Where, n=sample size
1+ N ¿ ¿

N=total population


1+ 1372¿ ¿


Table 3.1sample size determination method.

Strata Number of women Proportional Sample from each

allocation formula sector
Manufacturing 265 265 18
93( )
Construction 363 363 25
93( )
Service sector 440 440 30
93( )
Urban agriculture 121 121 8
93( )
Trade sector 183 183 12
93( )
Total 1372 1372 93
93( )

So, the total sample size of the study was 93 individuals. The researcher used simple random
sampling techniques in order to distribute questionnaire for each stratum and collect the data. Because
it gives for equal chance for each respondent of stratum being select.

3.4 Method of data analysis

After the data collected the analysis of the data began in the study descriptive method of data analysis
is finding to be important for transforming of the raw data in to a form that makes easy to understand
and interpret. Primary descriptive techniques are used with simple statically analysis such as
percentage and some other relevant tools are used. In addition, categorical method such as tabular
presentation was used to the study briefly.



In this chapter the data gathered through questionnaire presented with the help of tables and
percentages. The primary data collected from questions of 93 women’s and distribute to the selected
sample to fill by women who are participated in business activity in Arbaminch town. Among this
questioner were distributed for 93, 81(87%) of there were return and provide full response and the
rest 12(13%) women failed to provide the response.

4.1 background information of the respondents

Respondents were requested to mention their back ground information or information i.e marital
status, age, education level.

Table 4.1 personal information

No Item description Response item No of respondents Percentage (%)

1 Marital status Married 42 52%
Unmarried 28 35%
Divorced 11 13%
Total 81 100%
2 Age Below 20 9 11%
From 20-29 31 38%
From 30-39 19 23%
From 40-49 15 19%
Above 50 7 9%
Total 81 100%
3 Educational Primary school 14 17%
level Secondary school 34 42%
Certificate 16 20%
Diploma 12 15%
Degree 5 6%
Others - -
Total 81 100%
Source: -researcher survey 2016

In the above table the marital status of the respondents shows that 42(52%) of the total respondents
are married, 28(35%) of the total respondents are single or unmarried and the remaining 11(13%) of
them are divorced.

This shows that the majority of women entrepreneur in Arba Minch town are married.

Under item 2, the age of the respondents shows that 9(11%) of the total respondents are founded
below the age of 20, 31(38%) of the total respondents between 20-29 age, 19(23%) of the total
respondents are between 30-39 age, 15(19%) of them are found between 40-49 age, while the
remaining 7(9%) of the total respondents are found above the age of 50. This tells as that women
entrepreneur found between the ages of 20-29 groups are participated in entrepreneurs’ activity than
the other age groups.

Under item 3, the education level of the respondents shows that 14(17%) of the total respondents are
primary school learned, 34(42%) of the total respondents are secondary school learned, 16(920%) of
them are certificate, 12(15%) of them are diploma owners, and the rest of 5(6%) of the respondents
are degree holders. This indicates that the majority of women entrepreneurs are secondary school

business classification of the respondentes

urban agricurture; Sales;
0.0900000000000001; 9% manufaturing; Sales;
0.19; 19%

trade; Sales; 0.12; 12%

urban agricurture
Sales; 0.23; 23%
service; Sales;
0.37; 37%

Source: -researcher survey 2016

Fig 4.1.1 business classification of the respondents

From the above table, the type of business that respondents participated shows that 15(19%) of the
respondents are participated in manufacturing sector, 19(23%) of the total respondents are
participated in construction sector, 30(37%) of the total respondents are participated in service sector,
10(12%) of the total respondents are in trade sector and the remaining 7(9%) of the respondents are
participated in urban agriculture sector. This indicates that the majority of women entrepreneur in
Arba Minch town participated in service sector.

4.2 Inspiration of Entrepreneur

Table 4.2 how did inspire in business

no Question item Response item No of Percentage

1. How did you get inspired to be Lack of job 43 53%
an entrepreneur? By looking 8 10%
For additional 13 16%
By government 14 17%
Others 3 4%
Total 81 100%
Source: -researcher survey 2016

As indicated in the above table, 43(53%) of the total respondents are inspired to be entrepreneur due
to lack of job, 8(10%) of the total respondents are to be inspired by looking others, 13(16%) of the
total respondents are inspired to get additional income,14(17%) of them is to be inspired by
government support and the remaining 3(4%) of the total respondents are to be inspired by others
such as engagement and family support. This indicated that most of women inspired to be
entrepreneur are due to lack of job because according to the economist view of entrepreneur peoples
are more creative when there is unfavorable situations.

Table 4.3: knowledge of respondents about decision making

N Question item Response item No of Respondents’

o respondents frequency
1. Do you believe that you Yes 28 35%
have been necessary No 53 65%
enough knowledge about
Total 81 100%

decision making?
Source:-researcher survey 2016

In the above table, 28(35%) of the total respondents have the necessary knowledge to make decision
and the remaining 53(65%) of them have no necessary knowledge about decision making. This
indicated that most of women entrepreneur have no necessary knowledge about decision making
practice in arba Minch town. According to Frank and Harrison (1995) decision making requires
managerial and technical skill. It is alternative the person making decision must recognize and
defining the nature of situations identifying alternative choosing the best alternative and putting in to
practice. So, before making decision everyone should have a necessary knowledge about decision

4.3 Role of women entrepreneur decision making in economic development

Table 4.4: The role women

No Question item Roles respondents’ Respondents’

frequency percentage
1. What are the roles of Better utilization of 18 22%
women entrepreneur resource
decision making in Improving business 9 11%
economic development? polices and provides
Minimization of 12 15%
business risk
Creation of job 32 40%
Others 10 12%
Total 81 100%
Source: -researcher survey 2016

In the above table 4.5, regarding the role of women entrepreneur decision making in economic
development the respondents shows that 18(22%) of the total respondents responded better utilization
of resource, 9(11%) of the total respondents responded improving business polices and provides,
12(15%) of them are responded on minimization of business risk, 32(40%) of the total respondents
are responded creation of job opportunity and the remaining 10(12%) of the respondents are
responded others such as managing resources and solving of problems. This Implies that women
entrepreneur decision making plays a great role for the creation of job opportunity and better
utilization of resource. The hard work of the women entrepreneur often results in the formation of
small business that opens job opportunity to many others in addition to the entrepreneur itself. Some
entrepreneur become the successful by inventing method and process that enables the production of

goods out of the resource that been ignore and labeled as “useless” such initiative leads to improved
use of neglecting resource and conversation of the one or ready in use.

Table 4.5 participation of women entrepreneur decision making

No Question item Response item Respondent Respondents’

frequency percentage
1. What is the participation of High 21 26%
women entrepreneur decision Medium 18 22%
making in business activity? Low 42 52%
Total 81 100%
Source: -researcher survey 2016

In the above table 4.6, regarding the participation of women entrepreneur decision making in business
activity of the respondents shows that 21(26%) of the total respondents are responded high
participation, 18(22%) of the respondents are responded medium participation and the remaining
42(52%) of the respondents are responded low participation. This tells us the participation women
entrepreneur in decision making is low and it needs more encouragement because women are
considered as the second class of the society in the past and these limits the participation of women in
business activities as well as in decision making.

Table 4.6 Reasons for low participation in decision making

No Question item Response item Respondent Respondents’

frequency percentage
1. If your answer is low what Lack of time 3 7%
is your reason? Lack of experience 5 12%
House family 15 36%
Lack of awareness 19 45%
about decision
Total 42 100%
Source: -researcher survey 2016

In the above table 4.7, 3(7%) of the total respondents suggested the reason is lack of time, 5(12%) of
the respondents suggested the reason is lack of experience, 15(36%) of the respondents suggested that
the reason is house family pressure and the rest 19(45%) of them suggested lack of awareness about
decision making.

From this we can understand that the main reason why their participation became low in decision
making are lack of awareness about decision making and house family pressure.

Table 4.7 the difference between men and women entrepreneur decision making

No Question item Response item Respondent Respondent

frequency percentage
1. Are women entrepreneur Yes 51 63%
decision making different from
No 30 37%
men entrepreneur decision
making in terms of Total 81 100%
Source: -researcher survey 2016

In the above table 4.8, 51(63%) of the total respondents suggested the participation of women
entrepreneur decision making is different from that of men entrepreneur decision making in terms of
participation and the rest 30(37%) of the total respondents are suggested there is no difference.

From the above table we can understand the majority of the respondents respond the participation of
women and men entrepreneur decision making are not similar due to different reasons. According to
the H.pongen (1987). Male and female domination in country greater constraints duty resistance,
discrimination, and other related cases

Table 4.8 government policy encouraging women entrepreneur decision making

No Question item Response item Respondents’ Respondents’

frequency percentage
1. How do you evaluate the Very good 49 60%
government policy in Good 18 22%
encouraging women Moderate 6 7%
entrepreneur decision making? Poor 9 11%
Total 81 100%
Source: -researcher survey 2016

In the above table 4.9, 49(60%) of the total respondents suggested the government policy encourage
women entrepreneur decision making is very good, 18(22%) of the total respondents suggested good,
6(7%) of the respondents suggested moderate and the remaining 9(11%) of the respondents suggested
poor. This tells us the government policies is very good in encouraging women entrepreneur decision
making practice by providing financial assistance, education and training and create awareness about
the importance and significance of decision making.

Table 4.9 their participation in decision making and house hold

No Question item Response item Respondents’ Respondents’
frequency percentage
1. Does your responsibility in your Yes 53 65%
house significantly affect your No 28 35%
decision? Total 81 100%
Source: -researcher survey 2016

In this table 53(65%) of the respondents suggested that the responsibility in their house significantly
affects their decision making and the remaining 28(35%) of the respondents suggested that the
responsibility in their house is not significantly affect the decision making of women entrepreneur in
Arba Minch town. This implies that women’s responsibility in the house hold significantly affects the
decision-making practices. Ethiopian women played a traditional role of mother and house wife
activates in both rural and urban area of the country. However, their work has never been limited to
the household and family only (Mulume-betmitiku, 1995).

Table 4.10 the society attitude towards women entrepreneur decision making

No Question item Response item Respondents’ Respondents’

frequency percentage
1. How do you evaluate the Very good 13 16%
society attitude towards women Good 17 21%
entrepreneur decision making? Moderate 34 42%
Low 17 21%
Total 81 100%
Source: -researcher survey 2016

In the above table 13(16%) of the respondents suggested that society attitude towards women
entrepreneur decision making is very good, 17(21%) of the respondents suggested that the society
attitude towards women entrepreneur decision making is good, 34(42%) of the respondents responded
that the society attitude towards women entrepreneur decision making is moderate and the rest
17(21%) of the respondents suggested that the society attitude towards women entrepreneur decision
making is low. This tells us the society attitude towards women entrepreneur decision making is
moderate in Arba Minch town. In fact, in a very long period of time women’s have been involved in
business sector and other sector. However, these women have been hidden role in business or up paid
or operate small enterprise of out of home.

Table 4.11 the society negative attitude

No Question item Response item Respondents’ Respondents’

frequency percentage
1. Do you think that the society Yes 49 60%
negative attitude over women
No 32 40%
entrepreneur decision making
practice causes an obstacle for Total 81 100%
their success?
Source: -researcher survey 2016

In the above table regarding to the society negative attitude over women entrepreneur decision
making cause an obstacle for their success, the respondents shows that 49(60%) of the respondents
suggested that it is obstacle and the remaining 32(40%) of the respondents suggested it is not

This evidenced that the society negative attitude over women entrepreneur decision making causes an
obstacle for their success. The society attitudes hinder directly or indirectly women entrepreneurial
activity in business sector and other sectors. The society holds a low esteem for women business and
other entrepreneurial activity they perceive that she is attributed low value not only by men but also is
attributed themselves. This perception of women’s tasks in the society and community as up
productive and in discrediting their effort and works is critical factor in undertaking the female labor

Table 4.12 factors that influence the participation of women entrepreneur decision making

No Response item Respondents’ frequency Respondents’ percentage

1. Family pressure 25 31%
2. Lack of communication 17 21%
3. Lack of awareness about 39 48%
decision making
4. Other - -
Total 81 100%
Source: -researcher survey 2016

In the above table4.13, shows that 25(31%) of the respondents respond family pressure influence our
participation in decision, 17(21%) of the total respondents respond lack of communication affects our
participation in decision and the remaining 39(48%) of respondents respond our participation
indecision making influenced due to lack of awareness about decision making. this tells us lack of
awareness about decision making and family pressure is highly influencing the participation of
women entrepreneur. A number of variables have been identified that affect the role conflict for time
pressures of entrepreneurial venture bear heavily on the level of conflicts. In additions family’s size

can affects the tension due to the demand of younger children the degree of family support for the
women in her venture also may affect the tension level her thus the role conflicts.

4.4 challenging factor of women entrepreneur decision making

Table 4.12 factors that limit women entrepreneur participation in decision making

No Question item Response item Respondents’ Respondents’

frequency percentage
1. Lack of finance Strongly agree 25 31%
Agree 11 14%
Neutral 17 21%
Disagree 13 16%
Strongly disagree 15 18%
Total 81 100%
2. Lack of education and training Strongly agree 37 46%
Agree 15 18%
Neutral 6 7%
Disagree 13 16%
Strongly disagree 10 13%
Total 81 100%
3. Legal aspect Strongly agree 13 16%
Agree 7 9%
Neutral 5 6%
Disagree 33 41%
Strongly disagree 23 28%
Total 81 100%
4. Cultural and attitude of the Strongly agree 27 33%
society Agree 29 36%
Neutral 7 9%
Disagree 12 15%
Strongly disagree 6 7%
Total 81 100%
Source: -researcher survey 2016

In the above table item 1, shows factors that affect women entrepreneur decision making and
25(31%) of respondents were strongly agree, 11(14%) were agree, 17(21%) of respondents were
neutral, 13(16%) of respondents were disagree and 15(18%) of respondents were strongly disagree.

This implies that lack of finance is the major significant factor on women entrepreneur decision
making practice.

In the above table item 2, shows factors that affect women entrepreneur decision making practice.
From the respondents 37(46%) of respondents were strongly agree, 15(18%) of respondents were
agree, 6(7%) of respondents were neutral, 13(16%) of respondents were disagree and the remaining
10(13%) of respondents were strongly disagree. This tells us lack of education and training
significantly affects women entrepreneur decision making practice.

In the above table item 3, shows factors that affect women entrepreneur decision making practice.
From the respondents 13(16%) were strongly agree, 7(9%) were agree, 5(6%) were neutral, 33(41%)
were disagree and the rest 23(28%) were strongly disagree. This tells us legal aspect is not significant
influence on women entrepreneur decision making practice.

In the above table item 4, shows factors that related to cultural and attitude of the society. From the
respondents 27(33%) were strongly agree, 29(36%) were agree, 7(9%) were neutral, 12(15%) were
disagree and the remaining 6(7%) were strongly disagree.

From this we can understand that lack of finance, lack of education and training and cultural and
attitude of the society are the major challenging factors of women entrepreneur decision making
practice. According to C.Vonderwees and H.ronili, (1987) the financial institution is not responsive to
women owned business due to size and nature of business organization. Generally, the assumption is
that financial institution does not give credit business persons who are not involved in high level
capital in order for business to sort and grow gradually there must be the availability of substation
amount of investment since the investment will usually lead to small revenue.

Table 4.13 how can reduce these factors

No Question item Response item Respondents’ Respondents’

frequency percentage
1. Providing financial assistance Strongly agree 27 33%
Agree 10 12%
Neutral 16 20%
Disagree 13 16%
Strongly disagree 15 18%
Total 81 100%
2. Providing education and Strongly agree 32 40%
training Agree 19 23%
Neutral 14 17%
Disagree 7 9%
Strongly disagree 9 11%

Total 81 100%
3. Awareness creation about Strongly agree 31 38%
decision making Agree 26 32%
Neutral 8 10%
Disagree 10 12%
Strongly disagree 6 8%
Total 81 100%
Source: -researcher survey 2016

In the above table item 1, shows that respondents were strongly agreed, agreed, neutral, disagreed,
strongly disagreed on providing financial assistance. From the respondents 27(33%) were strongly
agree, 10(12%) were agree, 16(20%) were neutral, 13(16%) were disagree and the rest 15(18%) were
strongly disagree. This tells us providing financial assistance is the major contribution to reduce
challenges of women entrepreneur decision making practice.

In the above table item 2, from the respondents 32(40%) were strongly agree, 19(23%) were agree,
14(17%) were neutral, 7(9%) were disagree and the remaining 9(11%) were strongly disagree. This
tells us awareness creation is the most important method to reduce the challenging factor of women
entrepreneur decision making practice.

In the above table item 3, shows that the respondents were strongly agreed, agreed neutral, disagreed
and strongly disagreed. From the respondents 31(38%) were strongly agreed, 26(32%) were agreed,
8(10%) were neutral, 10(12%) were disagreed and the rest of 6(8%) were strongly disagreed.

From this we can understand that providing education and training, finance and creation of awareness
about decision making is the most important method to reduce the challenging factor of women
entrepreneur decision making practice. Women are usually found in very small enterprise and small
loans which are viewed as up profitable by the bank and financial institutions, since high
administrative costs are associated. Women have the difficulty in acquiring the major and critical



5.1 Summary of Finding

The study puts some pointes as summary and these pointes are listed below

Most of the respondents respond that the majority of women entrepreneur are who lies with the age of
20 – 29 intervals.

Most of the women who are participated in business activity are secondary school completed.

Most of respondents respond which accounts 52% are married and highly influenced by house hold
pressure to make their decision.

Most of the women who are participated in service sector.

Most of women inspired to be an entrepreneur are due to lack of jobs.

52% of them are agreed to that the participation of women entrepreneur decision making practice are
low and needs more encouraging.

42% of them are agreed that the society attitude towards women entrepreneur decision making
practice is moderate in their area.

According to the finding some of the problems faced by women entrepreneur decision making
practice are lack of education and training, lack of awareness about decision making and attitude of
the society towards women entrepreneur decision making practice.

The negative attitude of the society towards women entrepreneur decision making practice is also
major problem which pointed out from the study.

5.2 Conclusion

This study tried to check and assess women entrepreneur decision making practice in Arba Minch
town. The researcher puts the following conclusion.

42% of them are agreed that the society attitude towards women entrepreneur decision making
practice is moderate in their area.

According to the finding some of the problems faced by women entrepreneur decision making
practice are lack of education and training, lack of awareness about decision making and attitude of
the society towards women entrepreneur decision making practice.

The negative attitude of the society towards women entrepreneur decision making practice is also
major problem which pointed out from the study.

Women business activates and their decision making facing several problems such as economic,
political and social problems.

Due to the current effort by government and the improving society awareness women entrepreneur
decision making practice have a better future protect in Arba Minch town.

Due to the low participation of women decision-making practice in business activity the role of
women entrepreneur decision making in economic development are low.

The participation of women entrepreneur decision making plays an important role in economic
development of once country.

The finding shows that household pressure and lack of awareness about decision making is the main
reason for the low participation of women entrepreneur in decision making process.

5.3 Recommendation

Based on the finding of the study the researcher suggested the following solutions for the women
entrepreneur decision making practice in Arba Minch town. Women entrepreneur decision making
are influenced by several problems and to solve these problems government and concerned bodies
should have provide different facilities such as education, training and awareness creation etc.

Concerning institutions and government should create awareness to the society regarding the
necessity of women participation in decision making and facilitate the favorable conditions. The
micro and small enterprise agencies should link the women entrepreneur and encourage them to make
decision and competent in the market.

Other concerning parties such as parents, and family members or neighbor should support and
encourage women decision making by sharing household duties. The government and society should
avoid or reduce bad beliefs, attitudes and cultures that may discourage women entrepreneur decision
making practice.


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Questionnaires filled by respondents: -

Dear respondents I would like to say thank you for giving your valuable time and for your
cooperation in filling questionnaires. The following questions are to be asks during data collection on
assessment of women entrepreneur decision making. In filling the questionnaires, please put “X” to
the item in the space provided. The information provides is kept confidentially.

Personal information

1. Marital status: - Single Married Divorced

2. Age: - A. <20

B. 20-29 C.30-39 D.40-49 E. above 50

3. What is your level of education?

Primary school

Secondary school




Main questions

4. What type of business activities are you involved?

Manufacturing B. construction

C. service D. urban agriculture

E. trade F. other…………………

5. How do you get inspired to be an entrepreneur?

A. lack of job

B. by looking others

C. to get additional income

D. by governmental supply

F. if other specify………….

6. Do you believe that you have been necessary enough knowledge about decision making?

A. yes B. no

7. What are the major roles of women entrepreneur decision making in economic development?

A. butter utilization of resource

B. improving of business polices and providing

C. minimization of risk

D. creation of job opportunities

F. if there is other specify…………………………

8. What is the participation of women entrepreneur decision making in business activities in your

A. high B. medium C. low

9. If your answer is “low” what is the reason………………………………………………....


10. Are women entrepreneur decision making are different from man entrepreneur decision making
in terms of participation?

A. yes B. no

11. How do you evaluate the government policy in encouraging women entrepreneur decision
making practice?

A. very good B. good C. moderate

D. poor

12. Does your responsibility in your household significantly affect your business operation and
decision making?

A. yes B. no

13. How do you evaluate the society attitude towards women entrepreneur decision making practice?

A. very good B. good C. moderate

D. low

14. Do you think that the society negative attitude over women entrepreneur decision making is an

A. yes B. no

15. Which factor highly influences your participation in making decision?

A. family pressure

B. lack of communication

C. lack of awareness about decision making

D. if other specify…………….

In this section below indicate the extent to which most closely matches your opinion. Please put “X”
in the space provided.

16. Challenging factor for women entrepreneur decision making

No Item Strong Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree disagree

Lack of finance
Lack of education and training
Legal aspect
Cultural and attitude of the
17. How can reduce or avoid those challenging factor?

No Item Strong Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree disagree

Providing financial
Providing education and
Providing resource and


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