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Subject Specific Knowledge :-

Lab Attendant Syllabus :

1. Introduction to Laboratory Work:

Overview of laboratory safety protocols, including handling of hazardous

materials, emergency procedures, and personal protective equipment (PPE)
Understanding the importance of cleanliness, organization, and proper
waste disposal in a laboratory setting.
2. Laboratory Safety and Practices:

Safety Regulations: Understanding and following laboratory safety

protocols like handling hazardous materials, proper disposal of waste, and
using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Emergency Procedures: Knowing how to respond to accidents and
emergencies like spills, fires, or chemical exposure.
Aseptic Techniques: Maintaining a sterile environment to prevent
contamination in labs like Biology.
Record Keeping: Importance of accurate and detailed record-keeping of
experiments, observations, and data.
3. Laboratory Equipment and Instrumentation:

Basic Laboratory Glassware: Familiarity with beakers, flasks, pipettes, test

tubes, their functions, and proper handling techniques.
Balances and Scales: Understanding different types of balances, their uses,
and calibration procedures.
Microscopes: Basic operation principles and care of microscopes (especially
important for Biology labs).
Meters and Sensors: Knowledge of commonly used meters like pH meters,
thermometers, and their applications in various labs.
Basic laboratory instruments: Depending on the specific lab, you might
need knowledge of instruments like centrifuges, spectrophotometers, etc.
4. Chemical and Biological Material Handling:

Safe Handling of Chemicals: Understanding hazard symbols,

classifications, and proper storage of chemicals.
Preparation of Solutions: Knowledge of preparing solutions of different
Aseptic techniques for handling biological materials: Following sterile
techniques for handling microorganisms and tissues (important in Biology
Proper Waste Disposal: Knowing how to dispose of chemical wastes and
biological materials safely.
5. Basic Scientific Concepts:

Physics: Depending on the lab, understanding might be required in areas

like mechanics, optics, or basic electricity.
Chemistry: Familiarity with fundamental concepts like atomic structure,
chemical reactions, solutions, and basic laboratory calculations.
Biology: Knowledge of cell structure, biological processes, and basic
microscopy principles (especially important for Biology labs).
6. Laboratory Quality Assurance:

Introduction to quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) principles

in a laboratory setting.
Understanding of standard operating procedures (SOPs) and adherence to
regulatory requirements.
Participation in proficiency testing and inter-laboratory comparison

7. Laboratory Documentation and Record Keeping:

Importance of accurate record-keeping in a laboratory environment.

Introduction to laboratory notebooks, data sheets, and electronic data
recording systems.
Guidelines for documenting experimental procedures, observations, and
8. Specialized Techniques (Optional, Depending on Laboratory

Additional training on specific techniques relevant to the laboratory's field,

such as PCR, gel electrophoresis, cell culture, microscopy, or molecular
biology techniques.
Hands-on practice and proficiency assessment for specialized techniques.

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