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janitor: ( zelador)

1 - What is the role of a janitor in a typical workplace? A janitor is

responsible for cleaning and maintaining the cleanliness of the premises. (
pré misses: instalações, local)

2 - What are some common tasks performed by a janitor? Some common

tasks performed by a janitor include mopping floors, vacuuming carpets,
emptying trash bins, cleaning restrooms, and dusting surfaces. ( mopping
floors: esfregar o chão, limpar o chão)

3 - How does a janitor contribute to the overall environment of a

workplace? A janitor ensures that the workplace is clean, hygienic, and
organized, which creates a pleasant and comfortable environment for
employees and visitors.

arrogant: ( é)

1 - What behaviors are commonly associated with someone who is

arrogant? Arrogant individuals often display an attitude of superiority,
dismissiveness towards others and so on .( dismissiveness: desprezo)

2 - What motivates someone to behave arrogantly towards others?

Arrogant behavior can stem from feelings of insecurity, a desire for


ridicule – ridiculed – ridiculed : ( ridicularizar)

1 - How does ridicule differ from constructive criticism? While

constructive criticism aims to provide feedback for improvement in a
respectful manner, ridicule seeks to belittle or humiliate without offering
any constructive value. ( belittle: menosprezar)

2 - What psychological effects can prolonged exposure to ridicule have on

individuals? Prolonged exposure to ridicule can lead to feelings of
inadequacy, anxiety, and depression and so on.

lackey: ( lé kii): ( pau mandado, puxa-saco)

1 - What is the definition of a lackey? A lackey is a person who obediently

serves someone else, often without questioning their orders or actions.

2 - What are some characteristics commonly associated with a lackey?

Characteristics commonly associated with a lackey include subservience,
blind loyalty, and a willingness to carry out tasks without questioning.

unfunny: ( sem graça)

1 - How do people typically react to jokes or attempts at humor that are

unfunny? People may react to unfunny jokes with silence.

2 - Can cultural differences impact what is considered funny or unfunny?

remarks: ( comentários)

1 - Can remarks be both positive and negative in nature?

Yes, remarks can vary in tone and content, ranging from positive
affirmations or compliments to negative criticisms or complaints.

2 - What impact can insensitive or offensive remarks have on interpersonal

relationships? Insensitive or offensive remarks can damage interpersonal
relationships by causing hurt feelings, resentment, or conflict, and eroding
trust and respect between individuals. ( resentment: ( ri zént ment:)

Japanese descent: ( disén t) ( descendencia japonesa)

towards: ( em relação a)

1 - Can you provide an example of showing kindness towards animals?

Yes, showing kindness towards animals can involve actions like feeding
stray cats or dogs, providing shelter for injured wildlife, or volunteering at
an animal shelter.
2 - How can someone demonstrate support towards a friend who is going
through a difficult time? Someone can demonstrate support towards a
friend who is going through a difficult time by listening empathetically,
offering practical help, and providing emotional reassurance and
encouragement. ( reassurance; segurança)

spill – spilled -spilled: ( derramar)

1 - What should you do if you accidentally spill a drink on someone's

laptop? If you accidentally spill a drink on someone's laptop, quickly turn
it off, disconnect the power source, remove the battery if possible, and dry
it thoroughly with a towel. Then, seek professional assistance to assess and
repair any damage, or only cry.

2 - How can you prevent spills while pouring liquids from one container to
the car? To prevent spills while pouring oil to the car, pour slowly and
steadily, maintaining control of the flow, and use a funnel if necessary for
accuracy or a screwdriver. Pay attention to the level of the liquid to avoid

What the heck, man?

aim for – aimed for – aimed for:

1 - How can someone aim for excellence in their professional endeavors? (

empreendimentos profissionais)

Someone can aim for excellence in their professional endeavors by

continuously seeking opportunities for growth and improvement, setting
high standards for themselves, and striving to deliver high-quality work.
( strive: esforçar-se)

trash can: ( lata do lixo)

1 - What items are commonly disposed of in a trash can? Common items

disposed of in a trash can include food scraps, packaging materials, paper
waste, plastic containers, and other non-recyclable or non-compostable
2 - Hazardous materials should never be disposed of in a regular trash can.

shout – shouted – shouted: ( gritar)

1 - Don't shout at me like that, it's not necessary.

2 - I could hear him shouting from across the street.

3 - She shouted with joy when she saw the surprise party.

gotta : ( tem que)

high five:

lower – lowered – lowered: ( abaixar)

1 - The government plans to lower taxes to stimulate economic growth.

2 - She gently lowered the baby into the crib, careful not to wake him.

3 - The pilot slowly lowered the plane's landing gear as they approached
the runway.

regret: ( arrependimento)

1 - I regret not traveling more when I was younger.

2 - She deeply regrets her decision to quit school.

3 - They regretted not saving money for emergencies.

bend down – bent down – bent down: ( abaixar-se, curvar-se)

1 - Bend down to tie your shoelaces before you trip.

2 - I had to bend down to pick up the fallen book.

3 - Bend down and look under the bed for your missing sock.
grab – grabbed – grabbed: ( agarrar, pegar)

1 - Grab the opportunity while you can.

2 - I need to grab a coffee before the meeting.

3 - Don't forget to grab your keys on the way out.

wipe up – wiped up – wiped up: ( enxugar)

1 - Please wipe up the spilled milk before it stains the carpet.

2 - She used a cloth to wipe up the crumbs from the table.

3 - He grabbed a sponge to wipe up the spilled juice.


Alex, the janitor, is cleaning the office, and in the office, there are 3 people
who work together. One is called Jack, an arrogant person who enjoys
ridiculing others. The other is called Gerald, Jack's lackey, who does
everything he's told, and always laughs at Jack's unfunny jokes and
offensive remarks. The other is called Geronimo, a Japanese descent who
disapproves Jack and Gerald's behavior towards the janitor. At this
moment, the janitor is working and Jack is throwing paper, spilling coffee
on the floor just to make Alex clean it up, as he considers himself superior
to the janitor.

Jack: Hey Alex, Kobe! (Bryant) ( jogador de basket)

Alex: What the heck, man?

Jack: Oops, sorry. I thought I was aiming for the trash can. Guess I got
confused. ( Gerald laughs)

Gerald: He looks like one too. It's OK.

Jack; Hey, watch this! At this moment, Jack approaches Alex, shouts in his
ears, intentionally spills coffee on the floor, and says: Woops!

Gerald starts to laugh and says: Poor little janitor, gotta clean it all up.

Gerald and Jack high five and leave the room laughing. Then Geronimo
approaches Alex and says: I'm sorry about them.

Alex: Then why didn't you do anything?

Geronimo lowers his head in a sign of regret after Alex asks him why he
didn't do anything to help him.

Then Alex, the janitor, bends down, grabs a cloth, and starts wiping up the
coffee spilled by Jack. Meanwhile, Geronimo leaves the room.



1 - Who is Alex in the story? Alex is the janitor.

2 - What is Alex doing now?

3 - How does Jack behave towards Alex? Jack behaves arrogantly

towards Alex, enjoying ridiculing him and making him clean up messes
4 - What is Gerald's role in relation to Jack? Gerald is Jack's lackey,
doing everything Jack tells him to do and supporting Jack's behavior by
laughing at his jokes and remarks.

5 - How does Geronimo feel about Jack and Gerald's behavior towards
Alex? Geronimo disapproves of Jack and Gerald's behavior towards

6 - What does Jack do to intentionally inconvenience Alex? ( incomodar)

Jack throws paper and spills coffee on the floor just to make Alex clean it
up, considering himself superior to the janitor.

7 - How does Gerald react to Jack's actions towards Alex? Gerald laughs
and makes derogatory comments, supporting Jack's actions towards Alex. (
deró getory: depreciativo)

8 - What does Geronimo say to Alex after Jack and Gerald leave?
Geronimo apologizes to Alex for Jack and Gerald's behavior.

9 - How does Alex confront Geronimo about his inaction? ( inação)

Alex asks Geronimo why he didn't do anything to help him. ( confrón t:


10 - How does Geronimo react when confronted by Alex? Geronimo

lowers his head in a sign of regret after being questioned by Alex.

11 - What does Alex do after Geronimo leaves the room? Alex bends down,
grabs a cloth, and starts wiping up the coffee spilled by Jack.

tear – tore – torn: ( rasgar)

1 - Please don't tear the wrapping paper; we can reuse it.

2 - Be careful not to tear your shirt on that nail sticking out of the wall.
( nail : prego)

3 - The rough surface of the table can easily tear delicate materials.

fetch: ( buscar)

1 - Could you please fetch me a glass of water from the kitchen?

2 - Could you please fetch me a glass of water from the kitchen?

3 - Can you fetch the mail from the mailbox on your way back?

throw – threw – thrown: ( arremessar, jogar)

1 - He likes to throw the ball for his dog to fetch.

2 - Don't throw your trash on the ground; use the bin.

3 - She can throw a javelin farther than anyone else on the team. ( dardo)

mess: ( bagunça)

1 - The kids made a mess in the living room with their toys.

2 - I'll clean up the mess in the kitchen after dinner.

3 - Don't leave your clothes all over the floor; it creates a mess.

seemingly: ( aparentemente)

1 - The situation is seemingly under control, but we must remain vigilant.

2 - She is seemingly confident, but I sense some doubt in her voice.

3 - Seemingly out of nowhere, a solution to the problem emerged.

treat one poorly: ( tartar mau)

1 - It's never acceptable to treat someone poorly just because they're

different from you.

2 -He was always kind to others, but unfortunately, he was treated poorly in
return. ( em troca)

3 - No one deserves to be treated poorly, regardless of their background or


get away with – got away with: ( sair-se bem com, sair impune)

1 - He thought he could get away with cheating on the test, but the teacher
caught him.

2 - The CEO was involved in a scandal but managed to get away with it
due to his connections.

3 - It's not right that wealthy individuals often get away with crimes that
others would be punished for.

walk all over someone: ( pisar em alguém)

1 - She's too kind-hearted; people often walk all over her.

2 - I can't believe he lets his boss walk all over him like that.

3 - He's tired of being walked all over by his so-called friends.

stand by – stood by: ( ficar parado)

1 - He chose to stand by and watch rather than intervene in the argument.

2 - The lifeguards cannot simply stand by while someone is drowning; they

must act quickly.

3 - It's frustrating to see injustice happening and feel like you can only
stand by and do nothing.
back there: (lá trás)

loser : ( perdedor)

stand – stood: ( tolerar, suportar)

1 - I can't stand his constant complaining anymore.

2 - She can't stand to be in the same room as him after what he did.

3 - He can't stand for people to be late; it drives him crazy.

no longer: ( não mais)

1 - She's no longer interested in pursuing a career in medicine; she's

decided to study engineering instead.

2 - 'm sorry, but I can no longer tolerate your disrespectful behavior.

3 - He used to smoke, but he's no longer a smoker; he quit two years ago.

mess with: ( mexer com)

1 - Don't mess with her; she's in a bad mood today.

2 - He learned the hard way not to mess with the school bully. ( valentão)

3 - I wouldn't mess with that machine if I were you; it's very delicate.

crap: ( merda,porcaria, bosta)

1 - This movie is crap; I can't believe we wasted money on tickets.

2 - I accidentally stepped in dog crap on the sidewalk.

3 - Don't listen to him; he's just talking crap.

deserve – deserved : ( merecer)

1 - He doesn't deserve to be treated like that after all he's done for the

2 - They deserve all the success they've achieved through their dedication
and talent.

filth: ( sujeira, imundice)

1 - The kitchen was covered in filth; it hadn't been cleaned in weeks.

2 - He couldn't stand the filth of the city streets; he longed for the clean air
of the countryside. ( longed ; ansiava)

3 - She felt disgusted by the filthiness of the public restroom.

intervene – intervened: ( intervir)

1 - The teacher had to intervene when the students started arguing in class.

2 - The police intervened to break up the fight before it got out of control.

3 - It's important for parents to intervene early if they notice their child
struggling in school. ( ter dificuldade)

whatever: ( seja lá o que for)


apologize – apologized: ( desculpar-se, pedir desculpas)

1 - She apologized for arriving late to the meeting.

2 - He realized he was wrong and apologized to his friend.

3 - I need to apologize for what I said earlier; it was insensitive.

stand up for: ( defender )

1 - She always stands up for her beliefs, even when it's difficult.

2 - It's important to stand up for what is right, even if it means going

against the majority.
3 - He stood up for his friend when others were trying to blame him

it took so long:

harass – harassed: ( haréss) ( incomodar, assediar, molestar)

1 - She filed a complaint against her coworker for harassing her in the

2 - The organization has a zero-tolerance policy for harassing behavior.

yell at – yelled at: ( gritar com)

1 - He yelled at his employees when they made a mistake.

2 - She felt upset when her boss yelled at her in front of everyone.
( chateado)

3 - The coach yelled at the players for not following the game plan.

threaten – threatened: ( ameaçar)

1 - He threatened to quit his job if he didn't get a raise.

2 - She felt scared when he threatened to harm her if she didn't comply.

3 - He threatened to expose their secret if they didn't do what he wanted.

Jack and Gerald return to the office and start tearing papers, throwing them
on the floor. They are causing a perfect mess in the office. Geronimo,
seemingly irritated, says nothing, simply observes. And Alex continues to
clean their mess.

When Gerald and Alex leave the office, Geronimo turns to Alex and says:
Hey, Alex.

Alex : You know they treat me poorly, so why do you let them get away
with it?

Geronimo: Well, why do let them walk all over you?

Alex: I don't. They just do.

Geronimo: You know my dad, used to be a janitor.

Alex: Really? And that makes you standing by even worse. I gotta get back
to work.

In another room, Gerald and Jack are talking about the mess they made.

Jack: Did you see that back there? He just bent over and picked it up for
me, like that. God, what a loser!

Gerald: What a loser!

Geronimo, who could no longer stand those insults against the janitor,
enters the room and says: Hey, stop messing with Alex. That's not nice of
you at all.

Jack : Why? He's the janitor, he helps celan up, and he helps me have
someone to make fun of. Isn't that right , Gerald?

Gerald: Yeah, absolutely. ( jack and Gerald laugh)

Jack : Why do you care so much?

Geronimo: Just because he's the janitor doesn't mean you can treat himlike
crap, OK? Everyone here deserves to be respected.

Jack: Respect. Why would I respect the guy who picks up my trash?

Geronimo: Because he gives you space to leave more of your filth around

Jack: Why are you defending him?

Geronimo: Because, because he's ............ In this moment Alex enters the
room and Geronimo stops speaking.

Jakc turns to Alex and says: Hey, you come here. What did you do to him?

Alex: Hum, what?

Jack: What do you think you are, the same level as me or something? Well,
What is it?

Geronimo then decides to intervene and put an end to Jack's humiliation of

Alex saying: Yes, he is.

Jack: Whatever.

Geronimo turns to Jack and says : Hey, apologize to him , right now.

Then Jack grabs an empty plastic bottle, which was on top of a desk,
throws it to the ground, turns to Alex, and says: I'm so sorry.

After apologizing, Jack leaves the room and calls Gerald loudly, who
follows Jack quietly.

Alex: Ok. Thanks for standing up for me.

Geronimo: Sorry, it took so long.

Alex: Yeah, it's no problem.

From that day on, Jack and Gerald started to harass Geronimo, tearing
papers and throwing them on his desk, yelling at Geronimo, and
threatening and provoking him several times.



1 - Why did Jack and Gerald start tearing papers and throwing them on the

They started tearing papers and throwing them on the floor, causing a mess
in the office.

2 - What was Geronimo's reaction to Jack and Gerald's behavior?

Geronimo seemed irritated but said nothing, simply observing the situation.

3 - What did Geronimo reveal about his father's occupation?

Answer: Geronimo revealed that his father used to be a janitor.

4 - How did Jack and Gerald react when Geronimo intervened to defend

Answer: Jack and Gerald laughed and continued to mock Alex.

5 - Why did Geronimo defend Alex against Jack and Gerald's insults?

Answer: Geronimo defended Alex because he believed that everyone in the

office deserved respect, regardless of their job title.

6 - How did Jack react when Geronimo asked him to apologize to Alex?

Answer: Jack reluctantly apologized to Alex.

7 - What was Alex's response when Geronimo apologized for taking so

long to intervene?

Answer: Alex responded by saying it was no problem and thanked

Geronimo for standing up for him.
8 - What did Jack and Gerald start doing to Geronimo after the incident?

Answer: Jack and Gerald started harassing Geronimo by tearing papers,

throwing them on his desk, yelling at him, and threatening him.




The next morning, Geronimo arrives while Jack is on his phone, talking to

Jack: Gosh, how could someone be so moron? So rude.

When Geronimo passes in front of Jack's desk, he turns to Geronimo and

says: Hey, janitor lover. So, the supervisor's coming in today...

Geronimo: Yup, I saw the email.

Jack pointing his finger to Geronimo says: Yeah, so my advice is don't let
her know anything about you and the janitor's little love affair.

Geronimo: Don't touch me.

When Geronimo says, "Don't touch me," Jack grabs him by the tie, pulls
him close, and says: If you say anything to her, you're dead. Do you
understand me?
Geronimo: nods.

Jack: Good boy. Well, go on. See you later, janitor lover.

Later, the supervisor Erica arrives at the office, and when Jack sees her, he
stands up and says: Oh, Erica, nice to see you.

Erica: Jack. So, what's the lowdown?

Jack: Follow me! Before we begin, I'd like to introduce you to the team.
Ah, this is Gerald. He does amazing work here. Over there is Geronimo,
he's OK. That's the janitor, Alex.

Erica: So, you are who I have to thank for keeping the office so clean and

Alex: Thank you. Ah......Ah....

Erica: Erica. I'm the supervisor.

Alex: Erica.

At that moment, Jack interrupts the conversation between the janitor and
the supervisor by shouting: Alex, There's a huge mess in the bathroom
over there. You gotta deal with that , right now. Come on faster, go, go, for

As he passes by Jack, he purposely puts his foot in front of Alex, trying to

trip him, but the supervisor didn't see what Jack was trying to do.

Alex stumbles, nearly falling to the ground, but turns to Jack and says:
Sorry about that, I'll get right on it.

Jack turns to the supervisor and says: It's hard to get good help these
days, you know?

Geronimo, unable to bear it any longer, says: That's enough. Erica, I have
something I wish to tell you.

Erika: What is it?

Jack speaks sharply and says: Geronimo!

Geronimo: Jack here, has been treating Alex like garbage. He's been
throwing trash at him and making a mess to make his life harder. This man
is a bully, and he doesn't even do his work all day.

Erica: Jack, is this true?

Jack: What ? No, no, of course not, it's crazy.

Erica: I take this stuff very seriously. Doesn't matter what their job is.
Everyone deserves the same level of respect. Everyone is as equally
important on this team.

Jack: Totally, wholeheartedly, understandably. 100% agree with you

sentiment. I mean, we're like a family here. Like Alex, the janitor, he's like
a less successful little brother to me, I mean.

Geronimo: No, he is lying.

Erica: Where's Alex? I'll ask him myself.

Geronimo: Bathroom.

Jack: How would you know that?

Geronimo: Well, you sent him there yourself, right? To clean up your little

Erica: Great, let's go then.

Gerald starts muttering to himself when he sees what's about to happen:

Oh, no mister Bubles, what are we gonna do?
Erica accompanies Geronimo to talk to Alex about what was happening in
the office, and Jack runs after them to see what Alex was going to say.

In the bathroom, Alex looks visibly tired, gazing at the mess in the
bathroom, when suddenly Erica , Geronimo e Jack arrive.

Erica: Wow.

Erica : Wow. What the........? How di this .....? Alex is it true that Jack's
been bullying you this whole time?

Alex: Yeah. It's true.

Jack: Sabotage, they're trying to sabotage me.

Erica: I don't know, Jack, seems like two against one.

Jack: Wait, I have a witness. Gerald, Gerald get in here. He'll have

When Gerald arrive, Jacks turns to him and says: Could you tell them I
was not bullyin Alex?

Erica turns to Gerald and says: Gerald, be honest.

Gerald gets desperate and says: I can't take it anymore. Yes, it's true. He's
bullying Alex for the past few days. I'm so sorry guys, please forgive me.

Erica: And I'm assuming you made this mess too, Jack.

Jack: What?

Gerald: Yes, he did.

Erica turns to Jack, with a smile in her face says: Jack, congratulations,
you're fired.

Jack: What?

Erica: Just because you think Alex is lesser than you, does not give you the
right to treat him like agarbage. Everyone deserves respect, no matter who
they are and what they do.

Erica turns to Geronimo and Gerald and says: Good on you guys, for
standing for Alex. And Alex, Keep up the good work. I'm sorry you had to
deal with all this.

Alex: Thank you so much Erica.

Erica: You know what? Take two week , paid vacation on me.
Alex: Wow, really?

Erica: yes. Spend sometime with family, rest, relax, whatever, you deserve
it. And Jack, clean this up.

Jack: That's his job. You can't do this to me.



Alex, the janitor, is cleaning the office, and in the office, there are 3 people
who work together. One is called Jack, an arrogant person who enjoys
ridiculing others. The other is called Gerald, Jack's lackey, who does
everything he's told, and always laughs at Jack's unfunny jokes and
offensive remarks. The other is called Geronimo, a Japanese descent who
disapproves Jack and Gerald's behavior towards the janitor. At this
moment, the janitor is working and Jack is throwing paper, spilling coffee
on the floor just to make Alex clean it up, as he considers himself superior
to the janitor.
Jack: Hey Alex, Kobe!

Alex: What the heck, man?

Jack: Oops, sorry. I thought I was aiming for the trash can. Guess I got
confused. ( Gerald laughs)

Gerald: He looks like one too. It's OK.

Jack; Hey, watch this! At this moment, Jack approaches Alex, shouts in his
ears, intentionally spills coffee on the floor, and says: Woops!

Gerald starts to laugh and says: Poor little janitor, gotta clean it all up.

Gerald and Jack high five and leave the room laughing. Then Geronimo
approaches Alex and says: I'm sorry about them.

Alex: Then why didn't you do anything?

Geronimo lowers his head in a sign of regret after Alex asks him why he
didn't do anything to help him.

Then Alex, the janitor, bends down, grabs a cloth, and starts wiping up the
coffee spilled by Jack. Meanwhile, Geronimo leaves the room.

Jack and Gerald return to the office and start tearing papers, throwing them
on the floor. They are causing a perfect mess in the office. Geronimo,
seemingly irritated, says nothing, simply observes. And Alex continues to
clean their mess.
When Gerald and Alex leave the office, Geronimo turns to Alex and says:
Hey, Alex.

Alex : You know they treat me poorly, so why do you let them get away
with it?

Geronimo: Well, why do let them walk all over you?

Alex: I don't. They just do.

Geronimo: You know my dad, used to be a janitor.

Alex: Really? And that makes you standing by even worse. I gotta get back
to work.

In another room, Gerald and Jack are talking about the mess they made.

Jack: Did you see that back there? He just bent over and picked it up for
me, like that. God, what a loser!

Gerald: What a loser!

Geronimo, who could no longer stand those insults against the janitor,
enters the room and says: Hey, stop messing with Alex. That's not nice of
you at all.
Jack : Why? He's the janitor, he helps celan up, and he helps me have
someone to make fun of. Isn't that right , Gerald?

Gerald: Yeah, absolutely. ( jack and Gerald laugh)

Jack : Why do you care so much?

Geronimo: Just because he's the janitor doesn't mean you can treat himlike
crap, OK? Everyone here deserves to be respected.

Jack: Respect. Why would I respect the guy who picks up my trash?

Geronimo: Because he gives you space to leave more of your filth around

Jack: Why are you defending him?

Geronimo: Because, because he's ............ In this moment Alex enters the
room and Geronimo stops speaking.

Jakc turns to Alex and says: Hey, you come here. What did you do to him?

Alex: Hum, what?

Jack: What do you think you are, the same level as me or something? Well,
What is it?
Geronimo then decides to intervene and put an end to Jack's humiliation of
Alex saying: Yes, he is.

Jack: Whatever.

Geronimo turns to Jack and says : Hey, apologize to him , right now.

Then Jack grabs an empty plastic bottle, which was on top of a desk,
throws it to the ground, turns to Alex, and says: I'm so sorry.

After apologizing, Jack leaves the room and calls Gerald loudly, who
follows Jack quietly.

Alex: Ok. Thanks for standing up for me.

Geronimo: Sorry, it took so long.

Alex: Yeah, it's no problem.

From that day on, Jack and Gerald started to harass Geronimo, tearing
papers and throwing them on his desk, yelling at Geronimo, and
threatening and provoking him several times.

The next morning, Geronimo arrives while Jack is on his phone, talking to

Jack: Gosh, how could someone be so moron? So rude.

When Geronimo passes in front of Jack's desk, he turns to Geronimo and
says: Hey, janitor lover. So, the supervisor's coming in today...

Geronimo: Yup, I saw the email.

Jack pointing his finger to Geronimo says: Yeah, so my advice is don't let
her know anything about you and the janitor's little love affair.

Geronimo: Don't touch me.

When Geronimo says, "Don't touch me," Jack grabs him by the tie, pulls
him close, and says: If you say anything to her, you're dead. Do you
understand me?

Geronimo: nods.

Jack: Good boy. Well, go on. See you later, janitor lover.

Later, the supervisor Erica arrives at the office, and when Jack sees her, he
stands up and says: Oh, Erica, nice to see you.

Erica: Jack. So, what's the lowdown?

Jack: Follow me! Before we begin, I'd like to introduce you to the team.
Ah, this is Gerald. He does amazing work here. Over there is Geronimo,
he's OK. That's the janitor, Alex.
Erica: So, you are who I have to thank for keeping thie office so clean and

Alex: Thank you. Ah......Ah....

Erica: Erica. I'm the supervisor.

Alex: Erica.

At that moment, Jack interrupts the conversation between the janitor and
the supervisor by shouting: Alex, There's a huge mess in the bathroom
over there. You gotta deal with that , right now. Come on faster, go, go, for

As he passes by Jack, he purposely puts his foot in front of Alex, trying to

trip him, but the supervisor didn't see what Jack was trying to do.

Alex stumbles, nearly falling to the ground, but turns to Jack and says:
Sorry about that, I'll get right on it.

Jack turns to the supervisor and says: It's hard to get good help these
days, you know?
Geronimo, unable to bear it any longer, says: That's enough. Erica, I have
something I wish to tell you.

Erika: What is it?

Jack speaks sharply and says: Geronimo!

Geronimo: Jack here, has been treating Alex like garbage. He's been
throwing trash at him and making a mess to make his life harder. This man
is a bully, and he doesn't even do his work all day.

Erica: Jack, is this true?

Jack: What ? No, no, of course not, it's crazy.

Erica: I take this stuff very seriously. Doesn't matter what their job is.
Everyone deserves the same level of respect. Everyone is as equally
important on this team.

Jack: Totally, wholeheartedly, understandably. 100% agree with you

sentiment. I mean, we're like a family here. Like Alex, the janitor, he's like
a less successful little brother to me, I mean.

Geronimo: No, he is lying.

Erica: Where's Alex? I'll ask him myself.

Geronimo: Bathroom.

Jack: How would you know that?

Geronimo: Well, you sent him there yourself, right? To clean up your little

Erica: Great, let's go then.

Gerald starts muttering to himself when he sees what's about to happen:

Oh, no mister Bubles, what are we gonna do?

Erica accompanies Geronimo to talk to Alex about what was happening in

the office, and Jack runs after them to see what Alex was going to say.

In the bathroom, Alex looks visibly tired, gazing at the mess in the
bathroom, when suddenly Erica , Geronimo e Jack arrive.

Erica: Wow.
Erica : Wow. What the........? How di this .....? Alex is it true that Jack's
been bullying you this whole time?

Alex: Yeah. It's true.

Jack: Sabotage, they're trying to sabotage me.

Erica: I don't know, Jack, seems like two against one.

Jack: Wait, I have a witness. Gerald, Gerald get in here. He'll have

When Gerald arrive, Jacks turns to him and says: Could you tell them I
was not bullyin Alex?

Erica turns to Gerald and says: Gerald, be honest.

Gerald gets desperate and says: I can't take it anymore. Yes, it's true. He's
bullying Alex for the past few days. I'm so sorry guys, please forgive me.

Erica: And I'm assuming you made this mess too, Jack.

Jack: What?

Gerald: Yes, he did.

Erica turns to Jack, with a smile in her face says: Jack, congratulations,
you're fired.

Jack: What?

Erica: Just because you think Alex is lesser than you, does not give you the
right to treat him like agarbage. Everyone deserves respect, no matter who
they are and what they do.

Erica turns to Geronimo and Gerald and says: Good on you guys, for
standing for Alex. And Alex, Keep up the good work. I'm sorry you had to
deal with all this.

Alex: Thank you so much Erica.

Erica: You know what? Take two week , paid vacation on me.

Alex: Wow, really?

Erica: yes. Spend sometime with family, rest, relax, whatever, you deserve
it. And Jack, clean this up.

Jack: That's his job. You can't do this to me.

1 – How would you describe yourself? ( Could you tell us a little bit about

Voce pode falar sobre voce mesma ou sobre os teus intereses

I love work with others.

I’ve always loved chemestry, and I can’t wait to have a job where I can use
what I learned at the college.

I’ve always loved teaching other people and receive teaching from more
experienced people.)

2 – Why do you want the job?( Why do you want to work for us?, Why are
you applying for this job?)
I’ve always admired the work that is performed here, with your customers,
and the relationship among workers.

(I was impressed how well you …………………….. the company works (

the company treat the workers, the opportunity you give to those who
wants to grow in the company))

3 – Why should we hire you?

I’m always on time.

I’m an efficient and organized person.

I like solving problems.

I love getting done things on time.

I love learning new things.

( ou qualquer outro talento que voce tenha, este é o momento de dizer a


4 – Where do you see yourself in five years?

If I get the position I’m applying for , I still see me doing that in five years
and doing it well

(I want to work my way up in the company.)

5 – What motivates you? ( o que faz voce trabalhar duro)

I am self motivated .

I usually enjoy my work and I work hard regardless whether someone is

telling me what to do or not.
I am motivated by having a good manager who tells me what to do all the

6 - Describe you last job?

I was an intern in this company.

I worked in ETE colecting and analizing samples.

7 – What led you to this career?

I’ve always loved ………….ing

8 – What is your greatest strength?

I never give up.

I work well with others . I enjoy working on teams.

9 – What is your greatest weakness? ( What are your weaknesses?)

10 – What is your biggest profesional achievement? (

(Algo que voce fez e deu certo no ultimo trabalho ou na faculdade)

11 - Have you ever had a big problema at work and how did you overcome
12 - What do you like to do outside of work?

( mesmo algo que não tenha nada a ver com a empresa)

( fale sobre os seus hobbys)

13 – Do you work well with others?

14 – Do you have any questions for us?

15 -

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