PT Station Equal To PC + LC and Not PI + Tangent

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WP # 2001-3

Creating Three Dimensional Environments from As-Built Plans

James P. Sneddon
Associate Director, Accident Investigation Division
Northwestern University Traffic Institute

Kenneth S. Baker
Director, Accident Investigation Division
Northwestern University Traffic Institute

Copyright  2001 Engineering Dynamics Corporation, James P. Sneddon & Associates and Ken Baker & Company.

Introduction similar to what occurs when the actual

roadway is built. That is, first the
To create a three-dimensional roadway is staked, then cut to grade, and
environment requires significantly more finally the surfaces are poured.
point data than an orthographic two-
dimensional diagram. Ideally, this point
data is acquired through a total station Survey Line
survey of the site. However,
circumstances occur when a survey is The survey line establishes the traverse
not possible. The roadway of the roadway construction project.
improvements may have changed since Often this line is the centerline of the
the date of the accident, or regulatory roadway and may be labeled as such.
and safety issues prevent you from Divided and controlled access highways
performing a survey. may have two survey lines, one for each
direction of travel. The path of the
Construction plans exist for the majority survey line is well described, and
of paved streets and highways in the precisely located when the roadway is
United States. Changes made during constructed. Typically the right-of-way
construction are often recorded on a set lines run parallel to the survey line.
of revised plans called As-Built plans.
Three-dimensional environments can be As when the roadway was constructed,
generated from these plans in lieu of a the survey line acts as the spine from
site survey. This paper describes a step- which the environment will be created.
by-step guide to building an The initial step is to plot the survey line
environment from an As-Built plan. through the area covered by the
environment. To accomplish this, the
The user constructs a “virtual” roadway user must be knowledgeable of the
in a computer environment. A robust methods used to describe its path.
computer aided drafting or 3-D
modeling program is necessary to create
the environment, which can then be
imported into HVE. The process is

Stations common point and is given in the
format: 10+00 AHEAD = 7+00 BACK.
The survey line of a roadway project In this example there is a 300’ gap in the
may have many curves and angles. For stationing. The station of the point is
this reason, a rectangular coordinate 7+00 based upon the stations preceding
system is not practical for establishing the point; and 10+00 based upon the
points along the survey line. Instead, stations following the point.
stations are used where horizontal
distances are measured along the survey
line. Distances are given in the format Horizontal Curves
5+91.88, where the value to the left of
the plus (+) sign represents one hundred Changes in direction to the survey line
foot intervals. Therefore, the station are accomplished by a horizontal curve.
5+91.88 is located 591.88’ from the Horizontal curves are tangent to a
origin. straight section of the survey line, or
another curve. The beginning of the
The origin (0+00) is typically located at curve is labeled the point of curvature, or
the beginning of the construction project, P.C. The end is called the point of
or may be the continuation of a tangency, or P.T. These points are
contiguous project. Specifying a marked on the survey line, and their
direction from the origin is unnecessary, stations labeled. Additionally, the
as the stations run in only one direction tangents of the curve are shown, and the
from the origin. Perpendicular distances station of the point of intersection, or
from the survey line are specified left or P.I., is labeled.
right as viewed forward from the origin.
The P.C. and P.T. stations follow the
Even numbered stations are typically curved path of the survey line.
denoted by a hash mark on the survey However, the P.I. station is based upon
line, and dimensioned at 200’ or 500’ the tangent length from the P.C. to the
intervals. A match line is used to orient P.I. Since the P.T. station is based upon
the continuation of the survey line on the arc length, the difference between
subsequent sheets. The match line is the P.I. and P.T. stations will not equal
drawn perpendicular to the survey line, to the tangent length.
typically at an even numbered station.
Horizontal curve data is usually listed on
In some instances, two construction the same sheet on which the curve
projects meet where the stations do not appears, and is frequently referenced by
match. A station equation establishes curve numbers. Typical curve data
the gap (or overlap) in the stations. The appears in the Figure 1. Curve formulae
station equation is specified at a are defined and depicted in Figure 2.

1 ∆= 30 00' 00"
D= 19 05' 55"
R= 300.00' P.T
. ST
T= 173.21' A .9
L= 314.16' 4

E= 46.41'

P.C. STA. 5+91.88

P.I. STA. 7+65.09

Figure 1: Curve data reference by number appears in the above format.

Where ∆ is the delta angle of the curve; dividing 5729.58 (the radius of a 1°
D is the degree of curve; R is the radius; curve) by the degree of curve.
T is the tangent length; L is the arc
length; and E is the external. Often the radius is listed in addition to,
or in lieu of the degree of curve.
The delta angle, or central angle, is the
angular distance between radial lines The tangent length is the distance from
drawn to the beginning and end of the either the point of curvature or tangency
curve. The delta angle is congruent to to the point of intersection. The tangent
the deflection angle, or the angular lengths are equal for a circular curve.
distance between the tangents.
The arc length is the distance between
The degree of curve is an alternate the point of curvature and tangency
method of specifying the radius of the measured along the arc.
curve. It represents the central angle that
forms an arc length of 100’. The radius The external is the radial distance from
of the curve can be calculated by the point of intersection to a point along
the arc.


P.I. ∆

P.C. P.T.




P.C. = Point of Curvature

P.I. = Point of Intersection

P.T. = Point of Tangency
∆ = Central Angle
R = Radius
T = Tangent Length
L = Arc Length
E = External

Degree of Curve D=
Radius R=

Tangent Length T = R tan
Π R∆
Arc Length L=
E= −R
External ∆

Figure 2: Horizontal curve formulae are given in the above table.

Profiles longitudinal distance. The grade is the
tangent of the vertical angle of the
A profile view of the survey line survey line. The angle can be calculated
typically appears below the plan view. by:
The horizontal scale matches the
corresponding plan view. However, the ∆ Elev
vertical scale is often larger, typically 1” tanθ =
= 5’. The grade and elevation of the
survey line is depicted in this view. Where θ is the vertical angle of the
Roadway grades are specified as a ratio
of the longitudinal distance to the change Changes in grade create sags and crests.
in elevation. Generally it is expressed as The transition between two grades is
a percent of grade, which is vertical rise accomplished by a vertical curve. The
(or fall) in a 100’ run. Negative grades start of the vertical curve is labeled the
indicate a downgrade. The grade can be vertical point of curvature, or V.P.C.
expressed: The end is called the vertical point of
tangency, or V.P.T. The intersection of
∆ Elev. the tangents is called the vertical point of
d intersection, or V.P.I.

Where G is the grade; ∆Εlev is the

change in elevation; and d is the

A=G2 - G 1
E G2



Figure 3: A vertical curve is specified by its horizontal length (L). The curve is centered over the
vertical point of intersection. The parabolic curve is established by drawing a curve through the
vertical point of curvature, tangency, and external, where the external and middle ordinate are

The vertical curve is established by its The elevation of the mid-point can be
longitudinal length. The station and calculated by adding or subtracting the
elevation of the vertical point of external from the point of intersection
intersection is labeled. The vertical elevation. The external is given by the
curve is centered over the vertical point equation:
of intersection. The curve is parabolic
with the external and middle ordinate of AL
a vertical curve equal. The mid-point E=
can be determined by establishing the
middle of a vertical line that intersects Where E is the external; A is the
the chord of the vertical curve. difference in the intersecting grades
expressed in percent, (A=G2-G1); and L
is the length of the vertical curve.




V.P.I. STA. 91+00.00

ELEV. 700.00
V.P.T. STA. 91+50.00
ELEV. 694.50

G = -1.0%

V.P.C. STA. 90+50.00

ELEV. 695.00
G = 10

100' Vertical Curve

90+00 91+00 92+00

Figure 4 A typical profile appears below the corresponding plan view. Elevations are labeled along the vertical axis, and stations along the
horizontal axis. Grades are given in percent with positive grades indicating rise, and negative grades indicating a fall. The elevation and
station of the point of intersection of vertical curves are given. The length of the vertical is dimensioned and centered over the point of
intersection. The vertical points of curvature and tangency may also be given.
Cross Sections edge, centerline of ditch, top and toe of
berm, curb and gutter, median, sidewalk,
Cross sections depict vertical and lateral fence line, and right-of-way.
features. Details of the roadway width,
cross slope, super-elevation, shoulder, The cross slope of the pavement is
curb and gutter, and roadside are typically labeled in feet per feet instead
specified. Cross sections typically of percent grade. When present, the
appear on a sheet (or sheets) separate shoulder often has a different cross slope
from the plan and profile views. Ensure than the adjacent pavement. Curb and
that these detail sheets are included gutter details are given elsewhere, but
when obtaining as-built plans. are referenced in the cross section.
Multiple cross sections are needed where
Unless otherwise specified, the changes in the roadway width, or cross
centerline of the pavement is aligned slope occur. Divided highways may
with the survey line. Lateral distances to have a cross section for the pavement in
the pavement edge are dimensioned. each direction of travel. Ramps and
Depending upon what features border frontage roads will have their own cross
the pavement, additional dimensions are sections. The corresponding stations are
needed. These may include shoulder listed below each cross section.

5' 26' 5'

13' 13'

Crown Point

STA. 0+00 TO STA. 5+91

Figure 5: A typical cross section showing roadway and shoulder widths, and cross slope in ft/ft.
This cross section applies to stations 0+00 to 5+91.

Straight sections of the pavement are Intersections

typically crowned. However, through
curve sections, the pavement will be Intersection details are included in the
super-elevated, or banked. The plan view. Typically these details are
elevation of the outer edge of the limited to the area of the intersection
pavement will be higher than the inside only. If the environment is to include
edge. The station at which the super- the approach of the intersecting street,
elevated cross section begins will be construction plans for this roadway are
labeled, as will the station at which the also required. The survey line of the
crowned cross section ends. The gap intersecting roadway is depicted on the
between these stations serves as a plans. Its station is labeled, as is the
transition between the cross sections. angle of intersection. Return (small
radius arcs which connect intersecting
roadways) radii are dimensioned.

Roadside Detail However, if a curve is present, the
process becomes more complex.
Construction plans typically include only
the area immediately adjacent to the If a curve is present, draw the first line
roadway. Roadside objects within the segment from the beginning station to
right-of-way are illustrated in the plan the point of curvature. Next draw the
view. Seldom are any features outside tangent from the point of curvature to
the right-of-way shown. These features the point of intersection. These lines
may include, but are not limited to, will be on the x axis. Draw the tangent
drives, turnouts, sidewalks, ditches, from the point of intersection to the
hydrants, and trees. point of tangency. Use relative polar
coordinates to draw this line, where the
Objects not affected by the construction length is equal to the tangent length, and
project are seldom dimensioned. The the angle is the congruent to the central
instruction to match the existing grade is angle of the curve. This angle is positive
given at the limits of excavation. The if the curve deflects to the left, and
vertical alignment of these features is not negative if it deflects to the right. Then
well defined. Spot elevations may be draw an arc at the specified radius,
listed on the plan view, or topo lines of beginning at the point of curvature, and
the existing grade are shown. If roadside ending at the point of tangency.
features are critical to the simulation, the
construction plans may not provide The survey line continues from the point
sufficient precision to serve this purpose. of tangency, however it is no longer on
the x axis. Instead of calculating the
coordinates of subsequent points, rotate
Plotting The Survey Line the survey line about the point of
intersection so that it remains on the x
The survey line will serve as the spine axis. Alternately, many CAD programs
for the environment. Begin by plotting permit user coordinate systems, which
the survey line in the horizontal plane. permit the user to specify temporary or
Regardless of the roadway orientation, local coordinate systems with a different
align the survey line with the x axis (it origin and axes.
can rotated upon completion). Match
the x coordinate to the stationing. This Rotate the survey line an angular
will expedite the drawing process, and distance equal to the central angle of the
eliminate the need to perform numerous curve. The direction of rotation will
calculations. depend upon whether the survey line
deflects toward the left or right. The
Decide upon the area to be included in tangent from the point of intersection to
the environment. Choose an even the point of tangency is now parallel
station to begin drawing the survey line, with the x axis. However, since the
but avoid starting within a curve. Draw stations follow the arc length, the point
in the straight section of the survey line. of tangency will not be at the appropriate
If the survey line is straight throughout x coordinate. Move the survey line so
the environment, this is a quick step. that the point of tangency is on the x
axis, and its x coordinate is equal to the

P.T. station. Continue with the next horizontal curve is planar. Unless the
straight section of the survey line. curve is level, the arc will have to be
replaced with a spline. Snap the new
Not all curves have contiguous straight entity to the point of curvature, midpoint
sections. A compound curve is used of the arc, and point of tangency. Adjust
when two or more curves with the same the elevation of these points to match the
direction of deflection but different radii profile.
are adjoined. The point of common
tangency establishes the end of the first Complete the plotting of the survey line
curve, and the beginning of the second. by inserting the vertical curves. Extend
The process to plot the survey line is the the tangents of the vertical curve to
same, except that multiple points of establish the vertical point of
intersections and tangency are required. intersection. Calculate the external
Similarly, reverse curves are used when distance, and add (or subtract) it from
two curves with different deflections are the point of intersection elevation to
adjoined. The point of reverse curvature establish the elevation of the vertical
establishes the end of the first curve and curve at that point.
the beginning of the second.
Alternately, the external can be solved
graphically. This will also provide an
Adjust Elevations entity to which the user can snap when
plotting the vertical curve. Draw the
Finish plotting the survey line through chord of the vertical curve from the
the area included in the environment. At vertical point of curvature to the vertical
this point the z coordinate of all points is point of tangency. Next, draw a vertical
zero. The next step is to adjust the z line from the vertical point of
coordinate to match the elevation of the intersection to where it intersects the
survey line. chord. This line is the sum of the
external and middle ordinate. Since
Break or trim the survey line at points these lengths are equal in vertical curves,
where a change in grade occurs, and at use the midpoint of the line to plot the
the beginning and end of vertical curves vertical curve. Use a spline to connect
(vertical points of curvature and the vertical point of curvature, the
tangency). First, adjust the elevation of midpoint of the external/middle ordinate
the endpoints of the survey line along line, and the vertical point of tangency.
sections with a uniform grade. Most
CAD programs have a stretch command
that permits moving an end point of an Plotting Cross Sections
entity a specified direction parallel to
each axis. The next step in constructing the
skeleton is to create the cross sections.
The elevation of horizontal curves will Determine which cross sections are used
have to be adjusted. The elevation of the through the area covered by the
points of curvature and tangency will environment. Construct each cross
have to be calculated when not section using a separate line for every
dimensioned. The arc used to plot the change in surface or cross slope.

Alternate the colors of each line so that Creating Edges and Surfaces
they can be distinguished. Add curb and
gutter details, and roadside features such The survey line and cross sections
as ditches, berms, and sidewalks. provide a skeleton from which the
surface edges are constructed. By
Move a copy of the starting cross section connecting corresponding points on each
to the beginning of the survey line. Snap cross section, entities can be created
the centerline of the cross section to the from which the surfaces will be
survey line, ensuring that it is constructed.
perpendicular. Subsequent cross
sections are needed at every horizontal Surface tools vary among computer
point of curvature and tangency. aided drafting and 3-D modeling
Additionally, one cross section is software. Specific entities are not
required at the midpoint of the curve. discussed due to the differing
These cross sections must be requirements and limitations of the
perpendicular to the survey line, and software. Not withstanding their
radial to the curve. When present, cross differences, most provide a means by
sections are needed at points of common which a surface can be created between
tangency, and reverse curvature. lines and curves. Familiarity with your
CAD or modeling software is necessary
Note where changes in the cross sections for selection of drawing entities. The
occur, and copy the appropriate cross number of segments will also depend
section to transitional stations along the upon the capabilities of your software.
survey line. This will include transitions
between crowned and super-elevated Drawing entities must correspond with
cross sections, and changes in the the entities used to construct the survey
pavement width, or other lateral features. line. Lines can be used on straight
The transition to a super-elevated curve grades. However, on vertical and
typically straddles the horizontal point of horizontal curves, splines are required.
curvature and tangency. The cross Ensure that a separate drawing entity
section at the point of curvature or exists for every entity used to construct
tangency may not be specified in the the survey line.
construction plans. Use linear
interpolation to create the intermediate At intersections, a cross section is
cross sections at the point of curvature needed at the limits of the intersection.
and tangency. Draw returns at the appropriate radius.
Since the arc entity is planar, a spline
Finally, cross sections are needed at will be required to form the return.
vertical points of curvature and Adjust the spline to match the
tangency, and the midpoint of vertical appropriate elevation. Draw the return
curves. Ensure that the centerline of the tangents, and adjust the elevation of the
cross section snaps to the desired point point of intersection.
on the survey line. The elevation of
these points must be common. Every feature depicted in the
environment will require an entity that
establishes the edge between surfaces.

For instance, assume the environment D modeling programs use varying forms
consists of the pavement, unmountable of a polygon mesh to define a surface. It
curb, and sidewalk. Five entities are is critical that no gaps between adjacent
needed to create the surfaces on one side surfaces exist. The vertices of adjacent
of the survey line. The first entity polygon meshes must be common.
establishes the edge of the pavement and Some programs permit “welding”
bottom face of the curb. The second and surfaces together, while others require
third entities define the top of the curb, that the user specify the number of
and the fourth and fifth entities are the equidistant vertices used to form the
front and back of the sidewalk mesh. The spacing can be altered so that
respectively. a vertex may be snapped to the vertex of
an adjacent surface to ensure a tight
Construct surfaces between these joint.
entities. Computer aided drafting and 3-

6 .04

1 ∆= 30 00' 00"
D= 19 05' 55"
R= 300.00'

T= 173.21'
L= 314.16'
E= 46.41'

P.C. STA. 5+91.88

P.I. STA. 7+65.09


G = 1.0%


5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00

Figure 6: Typical plan and profile of horizontal curve on a grade.

Figure 7: Survey line and cross sections Figure 8: Surfaces created between entities.
plotted. Surface edges connected.

Some CAD programs use line segments present to establish the drive elevation
between vertices to form a surface. This beyond the pavement.
requires special consideration when
creating curved surfaces. The number of Unmountable curbs are “cut” at drives
vertices must be set sufficiently high to and ramped sidewalks. These curb cuts
give a smooth appearance to the curve. are usually tapered where they meet the
drive or sidewalk. Additional entities
Begin by creating the pavement surfaces. are required to show a curb cut. The
Before creating the adjacent surfaces, entities used to establish the top of curb
determine what roadside details are to be must follow the tapered section. When
included. Drives, turnouts, or other the surface is created, ensure that a
roadway features will require additional vertex is located at the beginning of the
entities before any surfaces can be taper.
created. These features typically appear
in the plan view of the construction Medians are typically dimensioned on a
plans with only limited data. Often, only separate detail sheet. Additional
the centerline station and width of a information may appear on the cross
drive is dimensioned. Check for a section. Horizontal data for medians can
typical drive and approach detail in the be obtained from the plan view. Use the
plans, which may provide additional median details to establish the vertical
information. dimensions of the median, and then
match the pavement elevations.
Draw entities to establish the edges of Similarly, islands are treated in the same
drives and approaches. The end of the manner.
drive or approach where it intersects the
pavement edge must be at the same Lane striping seldom appears on
elevation as the pavement. Often the construction plans. Separate striping
elevation of the drive is not specified. plans and signage plans are drawn.
The instruction, “Match to existing Determine if pavement striping is
grade,” appears on existing drives. Use present, and will be included in the
spot elevations, or topo lines when environment. The striping must be

created from surfaces, else it will not be striping, and trim the pavement surface
visible in the environment. in these areas. Create or break out the
surface for the lane striping and change
Lane stripes can be created by several the color as desired.
means. The desired method will depend
upon the software used to create the When this modeling tool is not available,
environment. The striping can be placed establish the location of the striping
above the pavement, or be a part of the edges when creating the cross sections.
pavement surface. The first method Connect these points as if it were a
requires that the striping be placed separate surface. Use these entities to
slightly above the surface so that the create the striping surfaces.
pavement color does not “bleed” into the
striping. However, if it is placed too
high, it will be noticeably above the Conclusion
pavement. Additionally, if tiremarks
cross the striping, its object attribute This paper has presented a method for
type must be set to road or friction zone, building a three-dimensional virtual
else the tiremarks will not appear over environment for use within HVE
the striping. utilizing As-Built roadway plans. The
paper illustrates that an accurate
Lane stripes can be made part of the environment can be constructed when it
pavement surface. Some modeling is impractical or impossible to have a
software permits the user to trim or total station survey made of a collision
break out a surface. Create the entities site.
necessary to define the edges of the


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